The Clinton News Record, 1925-01-08, Page 6.(1 fte ELVE MI N,. ..-DD WRICTT AN;i? .9 ed 1 ti1ihr down into thiel4a Witletrldie obleet of et,41, Gap vri,,drincitilttli eal:tp,au: tenzli;eIei.:;.'Ir nci:., r A len Po19. 0 , giaitnle:eesrl't6atb's:Itticet tho taiilt would oc. cupy about' Afty years and -would. in- volVe an expenditure mil approximate- ' ' engineers are inclined to re- . 7'itlea as imPracticable,. but ex- gliepplifitito meatie by Profosior I', D. stiinit`gy nt ste0ill tniversity,,,i\lontroal liaVg: shown fttli:ty- `conchisirely that in limestone 'a.. deptie of ,fifteen mileS. is not beyond the r'esourcecii of enociern engineering, -while in granite a. depth of thirty ' Miles' might" be .reachea, 1 , ., . Tr,* woriwe Reefelest MIne. SO fse Ate gleatest depth t t has ......,44.,;....,p_ACt.itft'af'4..ra , been. attained by boring is.lust 'over '..'..,"`' '.- -. -.', ; a mile, while the' deepest mine, that PART I. "You•said ou had a tliten,10,,cl from lc -ward s coaxed. St table, his handl "Oh, yes—I know now hew I hap. .i'aphin, and two pened to go otT the hooks the last tines. ,p,14ee iy,..tween his I was im—in a train—and we were dile wit's look of crossing a river—and there was a dGtyn the, ceash and we fell down.---down--- 'WhYand gulps downl" I -le sprang to his feet, ieviy Then: the past. "I can't get away!" he --4,Che said, yelled. dsd y rewletin again to it .ew year "an:tryeU premised the the chair. "Thitt was how you were chiidren—"hetke ..d ' .know, I know," ho `.1tut o yea, and it knocked everYthing s' what it means to' be superin- mleren out of my Imacl. I don't re -men -i- • t of the Charities 11-Orean o,E bee attether thing till just,now." ork. The man I enga'ged to "When did it happen?" asked the he shop °Pon to -do -Y -sends word setPerihtendent quickly. 11 remember there had been fire- niek,- and so I've g,cet to sit al 'les—it was the Fourth. of July," desk for all day Wrille other p And the val.?" e are enjoying themselves." ."Couldn't you make SOMA: of' the "Why—why, this year, of course— Other emoloy,s do it for you?" 1900'.His moving eye sought the window. "And /IOW there's snow!" he Duwards face em,tme . "No," he said: ,,"you see, it's New' added. • Year's Day for them, too. It wouldn't , Edwards hesitated a minute, but be faite-; I know there'll be yirtually tool, e plunge nothing for nee to do when I get tha.re, "'This," said he slowly, "is 1909". but -we MUSE keep open every day in The men's head sank forward to his • the year, and...I've got to be on the job." "Nearly eight years!" lee whispered. Ile had alteDdy,starts,I for the door, "Why, Jennie, may be—what tovvn's but he fuelled -back to leiss her. this?" , "Don't -worry." he added, forcing a ",New York?' smile; and leo called back to her: -"/ used to do business in New York; . "Perhaps Pa be of more nes.cloivn I know -I did. Perhaps Jennie—but there than I think now!" . Perhaps—hut once he had settled Edwards gripped the man's shoul,- himself in the office a mile from his dere hard. "Try—try—try to remem- own home, then, indeed, indications ber what your job was when .you were for any unusual usefulness were on that train. Think, think!" scarcely enlivening. Two hbboes call: There Was a long silence—so long ea and were referred to the city lodg- that Edwards began to despair, his , ing house. A chnd entered ;with, a 1SD- eyes roving the room as if for help. ing request for "me -tiler's NeW Yearth At last, however, the man's hand ba+,1fleet," and left, you may be sure, flashed to ^ his pocket, and brought ollt as soon as she had volunteennd'the in- a letter which be eagerly read. ' formation that "mother had„already "I guess that accounts for most of disposed of two other. baikets. Then the time," he said, with a ,glearn of there came a,man who wanted to con- griM Munor in his eye. sult the city directory, and a worlian Edwards; took the letter. It was who had mistaken -his building for from the,warden of tlee Northern Pen - another. Ltentiary of Pentsy,,xnnia and was ad - A shuffimg ni the doorway aroused dressed to a man in New York. , him, and he looked up with languid," "The bearer of this," it ran, is interest to greet a 'new applicant. 'James Flynn. He has just 'completed The man was, id_ all 'appearnces, in this prison a ;sentence Of seven _ only a typical "dewnsand-outer." He years for burglary which has bean might havc,been thirty years old, or , lessened by good conduct and foriarav- he might have been fifty; •forty-five,I ery when a.fire threatened to enable a thought the superintendent, was a group of conxiets to escape. I hope good guess. A week's groWth of black you can find him work, and I am sure bristles cevored hie -pallid, sunken/lace; you will And him worthy." The date his clothes, though scot shabby, were was December 21. „ marred by the wrinkles that rnade it (To be continued) e , YOU,' h'ilVe alitlidge Other tem'sTafi.e, produced the EE SAMPLE Of GREEN TEl OPO N NE4 • 25,31 Indian eiloirir and child are slioWn resting -fo-i'Ai',4n,e.r74#1.° rmite at Morro-II-M.110c in Brazil, is a mile with pack leorec;S _.41.0t.;11.0.1.,p,art.01 the. country. .ThiS,Pliotogralth Was taken No-rthern Alberta: by - FIRST the Topographical Survey of Canada, 'I A m111°D. mr. JerlaIngs brofigi_lt Libel rabbits from England to asiceLL-cite- , ' wan three -Yeareeago, the only ques- FAitmDon was hoW these little animals would stand the Western clima,te. 'Any , speedily settled and the aniiiials RABI.X11 apprehensions -.on this score were and. at ipmrter down. In thls. wonder.. ful; the problem of augmenting pressure la solved, by tb.c•insfallation„ of a s'erles of air„loelcs, hp means 'Of . which the miners are enabled to " breathe In comfort, 'Sir Charles Parsons proposes to adopt- a similar system 11. his System of boring materializes: A second proh- lemathat of heat, Presents greater but GEO. JENNINGS OF. SCOR- throve. Running at liberty -they Wi• t insurmountable &filen t es. plan only feeding as little hay or green the internal heat, could be um ed to O 11 A • - stand the severest eold, and require has been edevised by means oR which' -TONAANCH, SASK. Clear they had been ;worn all. night , as woll's bY'dPY, long, nOrV''' Wat-Eadges,A,Wait Claimants. A total Of 166,080 war badges fon, service in the World War are still'begf ging In this Dominion, according to infortnation from ethe Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment. Of ous fingers twisted about a faded derby hat. • " • "Sit down," said Edwards, "What can I do for you?" - The rnan's eyes Were raised directly to those of his interrogator, and then these 85,801 are 13eltish wa'r medalt ana, 00,503 are Victory medals, and they the superintendent observed the first , point of difference between the man :erre to be head by their rightful oWners and the general type of petitioners theasklng. "The delay in distributing these awards," soya an official of the depart- ment, "Is- due entirely to the fact that the addresses of qt.° recipients are"not available at National Defense head. - P P sheaves in the winter monthe. the surface , and there' harnessed, as Novel Additions to Canada's Tile elizettity experienced in the it were; by spedial machinery, while three Years liaa,,heen to secure enough with the aid of refrigerating aPParat-' Vairiefl Fur Farlus Offers spear, to supply the demand; and for us the workers Would be enabled to JeLlUillgS has 'been: carry on In al even ‘tempera,ture at' Eit.Oellertie Prospects. bovoeolrread syveitahr oNirdnere tor two or three the greatest depths. Canada continues to assert . the months ahead., Nearly all demands ----s--- -------s-----,- Diamonds In the Depths? , priority et her position l as the real have come from the United States, The temperature rises about one de - snood: :though 'in the past twelve months. or - gree for every thirty yards we go be - home of' the domestic fur-farnfing in dustry, which she initiated ders were received from other parts Death the sttrface, at which rate water from her first: ranches, spreski over of the Dominion. The price received through foundation •, etockee sapplied the _world through many oonntries for plts has been from $3.50 to $5 ac- wmild boll -at two Miles '6W11', iron hardest known substande would. dis- and .$24 a would melt at seven miles; and the which :ere inshing .progrewi in ibis cording to, the quality, solve at just under thirtY miles. airedtton. The Domiiiion is proving dozen has been offered for baba', pelts Another' diriculty would be the fro. taken from five weeks' old rabbiter herself adaptable to the, domestic rear- Jennings belieVes that -this In - Vent 'inrushes of water, 'while the mai and branchipg out contivallY la '-- duMstrr.Y, 'followed as' a side line, Will give Canadian farmers excellent re. hag. of every kind-ot fur -bearing anis question of. keeping the sides of the Shaft intact presents eertain definite novel and hitherto-unthought-ot lines, t s and may eipecially he profitably obStacles, althongh.the Use ef speeial steel 'plates would probably. obitiate Most of -these, ' It Is Strange that an expedition into the earth's. interior Ilea. never been seriously attempted. 1.1 we could. sink a shaft only twelve miles into the Who frequented the office. There.were many WT10 were sad, many who were sullen; many who were cunning—but 'the new visitor was sheerly bewilder- ed: 'He was so much bewildered that •he did not seem to 'heed the superin- quarters. Since the beginning of the thndent's question. issuance of the awards fel' war ser - "What can do for you?" Edwards vise the D.S,C.R., to date, line Ms - repeated. "Do You want a meal?" tributed 964,535 medals, decerations "No," he said, "I just had one. 1— and commemorative' scrolls." I Want-help—quicki I'm seared."' There remain on hand In the same "Of course," thought the superin- department 791 estates ef deceased tendent; "alcoholism, heart diseaSe, Or members at the Canadian Eipedition- • delueions of persecution," But What are percea-in. which. the total funds he said was onlY: 'Pell me about it" amount to. $144,169.79; The distrIbu., The man eat down utieasilY and Put tion of dire -majority of these eitates 21 his hand -to the back of his head as if delayed .mainly through the fact that in pain. the beneficiaries reside -in countries "Honest," he replied, "I ain't a bum. where communication is limited, or I've just had a bad fall and I -don't where it has linen impossible to locate know who I am." them the eiddresses it file itt Na - Edwards went straight to the point. ,tional Defense headquarters. Thetas - "How, long," he asked, "have you also remain 228 truet shares, ana&na been drinking?" • leg to $25,917.74. These funds are be- • But the man pouted like a querulous Ing held in trust for minor beneflciar- ' les. 'Won't you please find oat who I a. total of 51,673' deaths have been am?" he asked. • "I saw the sign here recortled In the theatre of war. Of and I. said this was a charitY Place. this number 47,07 graves, definitely • /77 osz tfe 7, CANDY roll ciiiLDREN. . over the centre a t c, crepe - Miss LYdia Roberts says in "Hy- paper designs. Separate the eetals so gieia" should p(Thipone as long as that you• have four. Gine a flarrer," possible the day when the child -is strip of the green yapar to the base of given its fnast piece of candy. Grand- the flower and wind the were wivh this. parents: parents, older brothers and Iiold the compieted flower by the sisters and nurses—all take notice'. tstem, and dip the pe,tals irteited Both tile facial exprdsSion- and the paraffin. behgviom: of a baby tasting candy for the first time are peculiar and inter - pe setir fnogr.,;a_Anteteem el aLeitics lilocettleor Watetlle perform- ances, the act is paid for. The baby pays. So does the family. The last return et the fur farming i_ne followed in cOnjunction 'with fox ranch- dustry. by the Donainion Government. ing, as most fox rancherii keep ra- in addition to showing a considerable bits to provide meat for their feateta expaasion along established lines, re- The time the animals require fon at - corded, for the firit time, a Canadian tention is comparatiVelY negligible, coyote ranch and a Chinehilla rabbit alla the Chinehilla rabbit 'fur is cern- farm. ' . ' Ing into greatet faVor every de,y. This 'ground we might etrike all the coal . George Jennings, a Yorlishireman, kinddee a netable as and all that/wonid be needed, in nail - of the Seartore Ranch, Fort fauSAppelle, rirat ranch at' ila Well as a novel addition to 'Canada's, Saskatchewan, has the distinction Of varied 101. raethees lions of YearS. In all likelihood we • aa-6.--saa,—;- e RhOlila find radium., gold, silver, dia- monds, .ana other gene et unteld The hard candies are coraposed of sugar and flavors. Some of them con- tain harmless in 'character, au a rule. The -wit candies contain sugar, flavors, milk and, some instances, butter or other grease, fillers exarmuts or fruite. Most of the 'elements con- tained in candies are rich in calm:les. Sugar is. So are milk arid butter. Theis calories are of a kind that can be readily conveeted into energy. - Ba- bies are eiseeedingly energetic. They .need energy foods. As sweets are a source a energy, why net feed candy? The reason, is that the disadvan- tages more than offset the advantages, so far . as children are concerned. isasniodny caanndbe.cocmmharigwedonwifhwstialeof• itorais- ,SIM • ,P,s1_,-mtALOLU TIIIRTL,,F, OR A being ;the first indavidual ana to take UP the breeding ne the ChM - ciliate: rabbit, recognized as a perfect substitute for, the rare Chifichilla squirrel and to nave made a euceess of It -lis a few years. It has opened up new and profitable possibilities in the who died dueing the war is ebe ng fur-farriiing industry of Canada and erected in one of. the niehes OE -the haStedeled in no small way to the Imes- main corridor of the centre block of Lige the Industry enjoys. the Parliament Buildinge, plows to- the The 0hinchilla Squirrel is a native door of thei,Parilamentary. library. The of the mountains of Poeu and 73 -envies memovialr wile& ie the wOrk Of G. W. and it hag always been diftictilt to ob- of Montreal, portraye a groan of tain, on account' 01 its Itabite. et deep ten figures 'Of. about two-thirds life burrowing. There, was, neverthelesS, Size he relief., The group includes - a voluminous export Of 'skins to -Etne wounded soldiers and tursiag 'sisters ope, where they were math prized, end in Uniform. The naemorial was select - to offset possibilities of extinction the 'eel /rota many designs gabmitted in a Peruvian ,and Bolivian GoVernments connietition carried on by Canadian Menarial to Nurses Who wealth, as well as wonderfal new Fell in War. Metals and freeth 'sources be et ergy. temporery piaster east of a pro- . How Old le the Earth?' `posed memorlat to Canadian nurses quite apart ow theee tomantic nes-, sibilities, the scientific yekults of such an enterprise Would,probablY be epoch. malting. rem example, geologlits would have at tlieir dtsposal facts that would eclipse most oe those alreatlY ln then' possession.' In 'all probabilitlY we should be able to • as.cortala de- finitely the age of the earth, a sublect on widen there is at present a great diversity of opinion, Estimates vary from few thousand years to 600,000,- 000 years, the last-named figure being tledaced by the Abbe IVioreau, one of the most Ramon of living French scientists, Another point that might well be cleared up Is Just how long there has been life on this planet, a. question which is constantly exercising the minds of leaaned mem These and many other problems of vital interest would, at any rate, stand a good chanee of being settled finally by this fascinating twelyeenile Jourhey be- neath' our feet. You won't, believe me, but it's gospel haVe beeta'-regi.stered to date. Title, a -truth; I've had a fall. I don!t 'know latter 'figure, though, Is subject to al. what town this is, I don't know my mast daily revision, because graves „ name, arid I don't, know' where I came are constantly being ,,located by pal- from—though t think it was 'a jail." dais of the Imperial War Graves Com - Edwards began to grow interested- mission inthe various .aver theatres. . The tone rang true. It le estlinated, however,that it avill "Go On," he said. .neceshary to lescribe the names of "Well," --the man's veice breilte—. about, 1.4,000 menforiale to the "that's all. I'm lost midi want to go "missing" "which' are being' erected at. borne." , „ Menin Gate and Vimy ridge. 'In addi-• "Where's that'?". ' tion' to the .above, there are .3,461 "I don't know. But I knew .I've, got one; I'm euro of that: I have a wife —her name's Jennie—and I've got 'a little girl named Dorothy," • He put his' face in Iris hands to hide - his tearS, and' EdWatds • the, thin shoulders. had ceased .their heaving., • 41 haven't been drinking," he eon - tinned at last, "When rpieked myself up .in- that alleyway -1 kn.ew 1 had China and Japan for centuries. Orig- knocIted back a lot of memory into- My Mally obtained froneguna deposits ec- hoed: Straight! Listen: Did You ever casfonallY found in. old Caltinhor treep, -- hear of a' Man having two sets' nf-- as now extracted from the memories, or two, brains, or soine- self, whica; after being tawn_through thing?" lerigthwiee, is -reduced to chips and The Superintendent nodded- :heated in a still. sWell," pursued the visitor, vapor given off in this waY‘Dass- ---ig!Jess „Ilui7.'s the trouble witis inc.es tiro' g a cam oo pipes n o.a co - When I was is boy in Oh where s was a bey? He groped for the name. can't get it." "Milwetilsee?" euggested Edwards. , "1 don't know.. Perhaps. Anyliew, When I was a boy I had what a doctor called double personality,' you under- stand? Only, when I was the other • fellow zmil forgot, myfamily aild.natno 4MA all' that, somehew they got me have put a ban on the exportation of the animal er the pelt. A New Breed of Rabbits. The high regard for these pelts and the relatively snail supply available has resulted itt a good deal of re- search for a aubstitute, and after ex- periments exteading over a number et itoorble,s244Wwaattio6tch,leop.:767 apcail.of 18,01:0c:0o rtsis. nurses. The temporary model will be inspected by a •committee of unliSeS and a committee of the' Cabinet be- fore ally, flea decision is made , Areas Under Principal Field Crops, The total area of. Canada's estimated years French rabbit breeders were euccessfal in, producing a breed of rabbits whose fur is such a close imi- tation of the Chinchilla squirrel that it defies deteetion by an expert. Not only is the fur of the Chinchilla rab bit beautiful; but the.hide is 'remark- ably thick, thicker, it is stated, than any other anime.1 of Re size, Chin chilla rabbit pelts were first put oa the London market as recently as 1919 and caused something of sen pared, With 51,310,092 acres in 1923. Wheat ACCaPieft 22,504,658 acres; fall wheet a harvested area of 773,945 acres; and spring Wheat 21,730,713 acres. The area sowneto', oats was 14;480,568 acres; to rye 890;652 acres; and to flaxseed 1,27e,314 acres. ror Binder Twine. Ordinary binder twine is manufac. tared front lienequen, a fibre which comes from Yucatan. ' THE WORLD FROM ABOVI- Someone has saki that the most precious thing in the einlverse is "Time," dor God measures it out sec- ond by second and no two seconds oc- cur simultaneoualy, • Throughout all the ages men have been posaossed with a certain divine 'discontent with their means of annihilating space and time, they have striven to lengthen graves et Canadiana in the United their clays, to devise methods by which Kingdom. In Canada alone 11,523, they may transport theinsenies and deaths have been reported. Of this their possessions more quickly from number 5,942 have been accepted de- place te place, Walking and ranning finitely as ,attributable to war servioe. proved too slow and irksome so pre- '• * historic rnan harnessea the reindeer , ^ and the horse; with oars and sails How Camphor is Made. his boats Pro pe.led over the water; Al perfutne, camphor has, been known and valued by the people of railroad trains, steamships', and, latea the autonaohile; catered to hie desire for more and more speed.. Those 'of us whose memories are long enough to span Only a score of years can easily latest attempt to achieve Inc conquest nen thesWorld f rote- Aboae, whether ring unqial -now a emao 't handkerchief and turn the peticil until ' e 1 sr 'levelS But reineniber "the beginning of man s look down upon the world' from above oe'from, the top oS the busiaeas ladder, em lo ment 'for a »roxims el n tr' t of Nova Scotia • in the waste rich in chlorie.s, it is poor in Pea -Seine, 4948. This set of garments com- vitami/s, and minerals. Babies fed prises a neatldeess; a sineale 'petticoat on can les suffer from lack of the ia "slip" style. and comfortable one- ifrOteins needed for repair, lack- of -the piece drawers. 'The dress may be.m.a.de lime and phoephereus needed by the of voile, batiste or 'crepe. It is 0290 by the blood; of the vitmnines needed p r gingham and.wool rep. Tim . bones and teeth, lack of iron -needed g to , protect age:mat scurvy and those s Cambric.. and drawers may be of nein- .. . . . needed for .growth, Miss Roberts The Pattern- Zs cat in 5 Sizesi. 0 says; "It is better' to ' allow the body months, 1 year, 2, 3, and 4 years.. Fox to. makes its own. sugar. 'Continued a 2 -year size , will require 1% yards walldng on crutches is bad fox. the for the 'dress, % yard for the /settle legs." This should be added to the coat,. and "Ya yard for the draviere, of list lof sins of orniasion. '86 -inch Material. . The 'sins of eenuaissioa,are.quite, est Pattern mailed to' any address on harmful. Candy is- to ba -classed with receipt of 15c in siPset,bY thelrilson the eondiments: It contain e aromatie Publishing' Co., 73 West Adelaide $t., . . eile, just as , picIdes 'Mustard, horse- Toronto. . _ - ' . ' i radish, and salad 'dressing,: „gager • Berid 15c in silver for our up -to - itself ts a .0andiment. The child who date Fall, and Winter 1021-1925 Book eats'. candY thereafter finds . milk, of Fashions._ -water.,• bread and cereals .. fiat -and tasteless: Eating caredy,is one cause DEMOUNTABLE CLOTHESI,INF,S,, of finitisY appetite., Its use is to be To lave time end trouble in hanain,e7 condemned ineause it takes away the out small laundered articles' during . . child's appetite for plain, simples' cold or Windy -weather. I employ a wholesonie, nouriahing foods supplied short length'of clothesline upon which from the tabit'at regular meal hours. a'nureicer of apring-fastening clothes - The eating Of ceridy between meats pins' have been tied, aPecing the pins by children destroys wholeSome aPPea about sir inches apart. ' tite for wholesome aood at wholesollusi ' A,t each 'end of the -line is attached houra—Dr. W. A. Hamm, ' a harnese man, and When the stock - 1 - --.e- ' ings, handkerchiefs and ether articles WOUND; have been attached to the pins the line . DitESSIIIG A ' is carried out a doors and finest -tad Before attenipting to dresS a wound betweeri two posts by merely snapping you slaradd carefully Scrub your hands the hooks onto projecting stasilcs, with hot water aitd soap, using a wall ' Such an arrangement' is also ton. brush. '' . yanient in taking down the clothes ,swTalbtbeedoratnottnreye wwitohusidodinsehoulit. vbere hUrriedly during a sudden shower, as. the hooks may be unfaStenee1. in an 'm- use unboiled water on a wound. If as a ...I 44, 4 otailt,,Atsu usle entre string of small the Skin around the wound is dirty, pieces :el -tanned date; the haaket to be O piece of Sterilized :tame and hold carried indoors. ' This ii a isime,,saving carefully covet° the wound itself with convenience that Will he much amsre. 'that in place, while cleaning the anr".ciated when tried.--1VIre. G. E. H. rounding area. Scrub 1 rom the wound,' ./, s__ _ --.\ not towards it; otherwise, you wiii he' . Arsenical Concentrate Revolt. surd to introduce dirt into the won't& . Recently a steamer left , laidifax, After having sweabbedsthe wound, withl iodine, place on it several layers of . Natnoava tSocuciatitt,ovrt igthoiad lacialciteztoinegattuns: dry sterilized gauze' and bamitage it .- 't i Mates, the first shipment of this. gr- in place. bleed. In that case we call them" Wounds, however, may continne to der of any volume lo be made from Canada. ' The •consignment, aurchased Clark Gold' ivlinee Corpora. "heniorrhages," These. may be livid- from tho ous, and arterial ' capillary; yens tion by a private English mammal for ed. into three groups: 1 the liritish Government, was bound A ' capillary hemorrhage is cluinte, for Antw ern, Belgium, and is to be la as. used in Connection -evith a tow Ping- terised by ening of the bleed. manufatture of pctreawrcitihii eze ear edl I ydaraelv;ves aiirtyl gs 1 scnonni criitirosurn:1104 by on nuad a‘diyieli : inidlyeehensiPlilf7sr 0 se li,re ,8181itfeenhd tathhetiptaat at that r .c i lit nriush Govern, see a etcaay tow of dark rod blood.. si: This- signals the birth et a .new 111: age, press with the tirtimb on the Side' ijaed_ dustrY, for- l`le'cia Scotia -of tome Poten . dal magnitude, The material wh;c11 this.is net controlled by'a Snug to ,malio -up this first eonsign. ef the -wound fthat. 'froilial the heart,' went since the wed an . the 'veins is flews ment wae gathered tram the Monte gl.l Waveridy, and other mines of the pro ing. towards. the heart. ,t, , ----TheT 'nest madam's' hemorrhage. is vine% and the...81111)1110M is exPeeted to be. the forrtInner of a large emouni that resulting from a cut artery.. In . of gold arsenical 'emleentrates to be this case, you see; regular . jets of ,, e..., es a. wbroitignhdt. redbloodasppubrystiniegialfireatmohtchee: e"-Pl'en out et aspra Scotia. The.aYndi• cate responsible . for re -opening the In the meantime, raise the pert and M011taglie 'mine litn,leary export prePoses to take over and making tthiS pre. .apply pressure on the side Of the wound nearer the heart. If the wound. ane work a nnInber rrE ether old ,goni ' - mitring' properties it the territory ' aircraft flying heave, -or by the num- ber of miles flown,' is markedly less than it was even three years ago. That air travel be Made 1.4050 and mote Safe as tine goes on there seems to be no reason to doubt In fact it is believed conclusive evi- dence alreadY exists' that air travel under proper conditions can be con- ducted. with a (leave° of regalarit'y, eafety and 'dispatch sufficient to es- tablish it as a signillnant additiohal ehannel of commerce in the transpor- tation xesources eof a ,,, nation. Air transportation ha:s pssecl tlie experl, tnental stage, The knowledge gained during the past six years in the opera- tion of regular. air tratspertatjon sea, Vices, maticularty in „Europe,' has ,demonstrated. Moon estably that air- craft as agents ef_commeyee have "ar- rived. As one goes higher, and looks own "There's no sadder sight than a. man withbut. a country," "Hew 'about a country without a man?" "I was advised if I -wished to be lucky," remarked ' the Seel:small, "to throw a penny, over „the ge bios first time the train crossed running is in an arm or legs tie a large hand- dustry it is officially hoped, will be a lengthwise between the armrand the Pr'fitable one and In athiltign provlsll and in anciait can suipase birds in the ail' is rarer and lett fat behind are u thouS'and men, 't the b d ' water. I did it, but the string nearly kerchied or piece of aetton around the served by the Dominion Atlantic Rail. way in Nova Scotia, ,and the new . ot entangled wlmn I wa,s pullin4 it 'limb between the wound an the trunlc , • a tip again. - of the body. Insert a lead • hut in everyday use when. watches Itightensal.11 6156. 8uffie'enY to I Arsenic Is fonnd:in all the gold slis stop the bleeding.. o not leavethe Of the air, And- to -day he Can litetally from .a' SeaCI1e11,-in' Mr airplane flight-, can .travel faSters thaii_in any 1- 1, Int chamber. where, It eondenses, In ' other vehicle w-lii.ch he has' hivented. lothere. aro :comPensations. . The view: .crystal form,, knetvn as. "dowers." allat there 'aro 'eomparatively few ii.s broader and the, mInk is MOVE '."1.1, 711ese crYetals 'are' polleoted' and' ex- casualties Buffeted. by the .Air Mail is :tuned to grasp ita mea/fiiig. ,. .-.„ - ' Ported to Europe, ' 'where the f" marked eviden'ce of tl ' Rat with i With better' means of tranel o t Go' tiler Purified by being . ed ith n wi telt a w il-de.Signated' air route, ono I comes --- better rinfilorstanding . among . , mix w esio 1 e and charcoahand refined in special re- along . which there are ,enough land- !men and among nations,: 'Aircsafts ter - torte. The oil thusobtained' should ing, fields, may he traversed. Those i rifle engines ,o2 war, may do mitich to not 'be Oonfused with: caMplierated oil, Air ,Mail pilots flew over tw,o million I Promote the eeetee er the worlds Again, which consists of camphor diss,olyea in miled witimut a: eingle fatality, .:,,,On,I iniproved, methods of ' C011111111111,0460.11 - ' olive the British and Dutch nir lines during bridge the Omen between ,iirsSen, on arid gene1ed usage: Airerafts are thus back, right. after a few hours. The doctor said it would wear oil'. And WHEN BAKING APPLES. when Doctor Willson—put that name I have learned that if I remove down! Wil.s0A--that's the doetol;'s the cores from apples before I replace name, all right. That's the first name them in the oven they retain thei.:t remeniber this time!" - shape perfectly. IS you haven't 4.4 Tim superintendent was caught in apple sorer, it is claimed that a (tam., the ctirrent. Sepibbled the„ name mon. clothespin will act coolly wIId 6 . "What then?" he asked. but hy all means remove the core,f, sea—let's see." The stranger yen do not want the apples to httr guu-agalm in eeoiting,-- L. 0. the,aast 'three years the average num , ber .or Passenger air inItee per.paseens at the SOM. time a,caikeeeanti sin et:: .ger fatality ',Was.: ,2;6(13,000.: Prier to l'feet,'. 'Th6 •ral-dd. de:Kel': 02 1913 1913 iroi. a. nuitibdr ot. years. there was., snautics, stimulatdei ' iilic., - iriatien; ..i'',',P..a.v6rag& 'et`4e-'4,0f114,?1g0.'.,e4}.31,1,04,Y.... 1,1.97.9, .. 1 . - ,..,.g. b9.t .1,As !on efir riiroads .or.:,a.k'.9.1±tg0.,41,,i01114.11" "r.61,14,.44in.' ' The. . , ,Passeaa0aM1-/OWSMAIPine,'O'.1..4.-.40.1*.$0-e1.1>: haS imaglX.t_ 'OOM'e,OifitOfe,*4'.!4YitLet,Wr.:110' :Mitlinary.ealW' '49'.e 'PSactical..tlft. 'hits .if.of ,. '4-0h.ltelferdtif'IP',WbItit 4l yet it iw: .4-.::,,iiie:gt.ii.at 0:ii.3.4.iY. . e• lieir to sitates..-'.h.g(SsfApiOthi itt Mys levy 10 a 'lag al y e 1110 n . the Air sfei.ireeiMieaeMed by 'b . , . - NVOte owned on 1 y . , pended by an eyelet at the top, so that bandage °II 1°ngel than ''' ne'e''''sarY dumps a miese The tonnage a these to stop the bleeding • I ' • the sun sholle through & bele in one. ' ' dumpa in the territory served by the After the bandage has been on for 20 minutes release it gradually and Dominion Atlantic Railway alone is side, and indicated the time' on the order that it may again opposite inner ourface or the estimaled at 110,000 tone, distributed ' ring' leave it loosely around the limb dn' ' a du a d a silents in Canada in 1928 -an increase ------- Clark Gold Mines Darlaeration, easnere be tightened' ever foui een 'differenttaps, e. The pac'king indostry slaughtered if bleeding commenceS again. . possible produci,ion of f.roin. thr ee to 2,256-394 hogs 010 inspeeted establish- four teas per day i& forecasted.' 'the 52e,112 ever 1922. The num,bers of Irc).MEMADE FLOWERS. . of -the Canadian -rights., of a neve co0. cattle and 'sheep i;laughtered, were Abefiouot of artificial sweet peas contrating process, has made an et al2,1.42 and 499,745 respdctively, placed inthecentre of the dining table Scent, commencement upon treating will bring cheer during the flowerless these dumps and tailings With the pro. ZidnoldnetlBglia7endaaldiviteninni?fat ''assinEgatibx°- p'dne:ain•kthlesc,:)dloT31:19s'n—'depip7unrrkc'PlPea,liat7nled.nildglett•lel'elen swtwillseeslthute.: ne101o belles 55 now thought to pase right papea• for the s teroll oranges Puzzled Him, Affable Stranger --"If yen, hadiweivo through into rzance. Tests by means Cut tbe ciepo paper into petals by oranges, and I gave yo11 one mesre, how or elyos or an 'identifiable chemical Sol:lowing the outline of the sole of a many ora.og02 vsouid you have haveebeen sugge'trea pe a 'Ilea" °I. doll's slipper. Cut It piece of fine wire 13oy—"l„slon't knew, sir; we alwaYs diSttheatisbing 021 outlet, about siX inches long and fold this do our sums in apples.” fltable,result noted.