HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-01-08, Page 1ii011 ai{'fie C'Cedl ` Tec " a 9a6 are not too late to got one a, those spee'al vt2•ist watches They -„ ue7 5 c e watches w l � � encs ai z th n. . d e ease are e IOuv' yl g •esti geld filled; lanc3r stylish cases for ".�'1i �D 01 }'1100 Psicker' Watches a' -e special valve also. Call and See Theist Tinie 1 ?Honey Yeti can sleep in coy, at the desired tinie". Save) Lilrle 11)3 getting one o.3 0115' Alarm. ClocitS. 1,10rt when you: have one for at will awalcen'you Priced from ";[;2.00 to' 314.50• hf,n1 Ur dere Filed'' any of t110 -'1 }ave S3 _case you, cannot call for it. Phone 174w JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST ; Residence 174j Your e 's Success MO one starting out l . i.' In life ever expects tofail, Youth is always 1; ha eful but hope alone h�4 % p e I3 • cannot brie '�uceess. "▪ � • If our hope pe is to.see your boy a success in the world, securingindependence p ce anal comfort -=the vision of so many, y, yet the attainment of so fe�ly--adopt a regular savingsplan 'for 1}iln now, and teach him in his tender.. ears the value f y a savin'g,soruething out of every dollar. THAT WAY LIES ITIS SUCCESS. Clinton T3raucl R. E. Marrnirlg, Manager The Ontario E axhhab a 1,.ife WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG IS 113I:E TINE !-1 INIiE �TO INSURE PARENTS -What _about' our Students policyfor on LET ITS TALK IT 01313. T y r boy or £lily, v �vI Ir You M. T: COR1.ESS General. Agent , Clinton Ontario Our otto For Every 'Man ST TAKING SALE Twenty per 'cent. off. STOCK TAKING is the next thing on the progiani here and that -means 'that it is again time for our regular STOCKTAKING SALE, ' Everybody; that is . acquainted with this store . knows what :that means and appreciates the fact 'thatwhen we have a STOCK -TAK- ING SALE, it etards Sore something. sSeip fere as the .Story " ommencing Saturday, Jan..10th- We are selling you anything and everything you may want in our store --Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Overalls, flats; Caps and Haberdashery, at.auniforindiscount of 20 per cent Nothing reserved, ever.thinp toes, It is 0110 annual :Stock -tak- ing. Sale. the' trine wheel Son can get. inors for your money "than at any ::otho1' -Season af,, the year. . 'fake e an i1, en1ory of your wardrobe and buy every .article of; outfitting you an "e1 1, use. It will pay you to do so., Sale 0 Menem th' `to Jan.- 24th' Terms of � ale ---Cash o Gods ahcn on Approval ULOTHINC co. -feat $f•50 tor 5G: Oats, 50c t0 52q Barley, 85e, h'g's,.,Ole to lite. Butter, 30c to 33e. Live 1Io i} *s. $10.00. IOSPITA1,' BIRTHDAY GIFTS. Of 4,1'ua y th • 22nd and 23rd, l' 1224, the coni ttnnity ':11ospitai was opened, The hospital 1)oard wish to ' .0lark these . dates with a special: of-, fort, 'to obtai;n small. contribution:, for hospital.' work, and snake the fel,. lowing suggestion to tire' citizens the town and,, the country, On Jai Clary 22nd and 23rd, or sone do during the week of January 10th :'t 03rd, plan to give some form of cute i tainment in your home, your` chui•el school' club 0t: fraternal `w 1 socie�. th proceeds to e bgiven ana.nit'v b is ser ''•t o the hospital. 1 Y gift SORRY.TO SE111.III14C,G0, , resignation N W T h' as manager the Gunn La DLATII OF MRS, C.E. ER�rx Mrs, C El: Ter v s, an old re9zdg}t of Clinton, passed allay on 'I't}e0•Tay 1,i lit alter a somerwhaL prolo'igr0(1111 eSs, .Phe unerL tiYlll take:-p1'itge this afternoon 461-,L.her -}ate rest. •dencee Huron ;> t d st the ' e s r Ice to commence sit i � . wo: b �' a c. "' 01 � s1' fuller to r obituary notice n �e r 1.,,.; e .1 d -b t1a , do n week. et A i,.., 111 RECERSIO".. On Tuesday a 3 1,d dhesc lay.ai'c•- n10onS o1 lat. week ^$q' ie rot . or fifty 2oiTmer -pupils of , Diss ,T-(oug.1.1 called upon }lel ab the homo of M_•, and tiles W D F '^ as ss rt er en S, da afternoon would be set apart -to' y r receive ithem and all, were welcome to ee call upon p n their. old ;teacher. So well, • did the •-:word, get; about that on 1 Wednesday between thirty and forty, girls and,.'boys called- iMiss .MacDou- e gall: was dilighted.to see- thein again, calling each by without hesita- etion, and many pleasant 'recollectiolrs weee recalled. Mrs. ; Fair ` served reffreshments during -,"the afternoon. Other's• who did ,not came the first day called • Iater. ' Miss MacDoug'a11's interest in her pupils "was very mush appreciated_ and her name is. often •.O`er their lips. OLD CLINTON BOY'S SUCCESS. Announcement has, been made. by J. E: Dalrymple "' Vice -President charge . of Traffic and Express, Can- adian National Railways; of the _ap- paintn1ent of W. C. Muir as General Manager of the 1;xpr•ess De'par'tment of the System,'. The appointment is' effective • as from :,Deceniber 15th, 1924. Mr. Muir was born in Clinton re- ceiving his first training 01 express work under Mr. John Cuninghaaiic, Ile entered the service of the Atierr ican Express Company ai:' Toronto in. 1884 and was'later agent of the Dom- inion Express Company at Winnipeg and ,joined the Canadian Northern Ex press in 1902, being successively step- ezintemlent, auditor; general supeeins tendent'and• general manager at"Win- nipeg. Upon the amalgaiarat}on•irto one company of the Canadian North- ernit Express anti the. ,Canadian Ex- press in 1921,• lIi. 1113312 became Vice President and Geiiertll Tanager- of the Canadian National Express Com- pany with headquarters 'at Nfontroal. In 1922, when the arnaigainatien of the Canadian, National Railway and the Grand Trunk Railways took place, Mr. Muir Was appointed Assistant General Manager of the express De- partment and on May 1, ;1,924, -upon the retirement of the General. Man- ager, Mr. C. A. Hayes, Mi'. Muir• was appointed Acting General: Manager. He ,now succeeds to the permanent position. '40. Muir visited Clinton hist fall, accompanying the remain§ of. his mother',- which ;were buried here, when .: he met alany. old friends.. They warmly, congratulate hien on his success, Li1TL]3 LOCALS. Miss J. Freeman has purchased -tile residence of the late Mrs,. George Nett in Ontario street. a Dr'. W. R Ninnnto of Seaferth, for- Ca merry of Clinton; is ill at hie home ii .th'. Toronto with appendlertis. On The Colleg}ate; Public: Scheel . and Co School of Goimnerce opened on Mon- th day for the late winter term, . pl 1925's' council' will be. sworn in on to ' Monday forenoons and will mcet,again ter, in the evening for , the appointment Wing; of committees,- etc. • The January sales. are on. Do not eo, fail - to read , the advertisements in s1, this issue of. The News -.Record. ' They rec contaiti.n lot, of very interesting dews. pro Mrs. N[. Snyde0 received word ;on sm Tuesday ,of the death of a sister -in- eTe dew, Mrs. Ilagey of Preston. Her via husband, Mr. J. $: I-Iagey, died :just pl•i, about -three neentbs ago. ado Umter (11;b, .. 004014th township, 0 vrnll 'meet at' the : home .of Mrs. W. Connell, the Base Line, ori Tuesday •coin aftei,•11oon next, Jan. 13th. An. inter- esting paper will.. be liven: coli Traffic was heavy' on .all railway, <e• c lines during the . holiday season. ,On Christmas Eve. _forty passengers Pay dhanged iron • the 1olidon to the A. 0,01-1e1; train at Clinton. G. I i3ullet; 13istrict L.'O::L.� meets hi 3Vlurlihv ImIge rooms on Tuesday, Jan. loth. After the ,business .0f the meeting lunch tyi11 be served. • Ment- hers are asked to provide. D1;' Janes Livermore has been soma fined to the Neuse the ,post, week ow- ing to •a;, attack of grippe` the firs};. ,t1111e%i1' seventeen years that he; -has. had to knock off work for -illness. PSE ON JAN. 24th, t :The total eclipse, of the sun, occurs on Jan, 24th; is the anus great deal' of interest and nzan3 p�iratrons are being', made for 0 lug it, to the best advantage.- G n stir scientific tilt t obsei ca tnon�, w tirade at a poiltl a Sew miles' sou lilimaton, 'which is . considers best point` of vantage, It is hops d, should the anoz'ni fine, that 'the ,.sight here' will be of 1 ai.,^where she w tc a guest. o It became 1,110wn }n town that 0111 u- MacDougall.; intended -;spending•:pa of the• 1 11 mid -winter - vacation CdtI Ot t In Ch e ton and many were the inqun ics fro Cornier ier pupils. as to when and ho long she was to be here that h hostess told a few of such inquirer a,o1.1ng'tllem to tell others, that Tue The news of the •o i of.'M rewart a' of th • local branch of hglol A. Co., was received with regret by th local staff,'with" whom lie .has a ways enjoyed the greatest Popularity As a little torten of esteem on th severenee of the ties, on -the. eve o the New Year" Mr, Trewartha wa presented by the members of th staff with a very handsome Masonic ring, accompanied. by an address set- ting forth this regret. The address was read by Miss Mary' Arge'Ilt and the presentation, tirade by NIr. D. W. L. Cantelon. AB0UT OLD-I-LOME WEEI(, During the past week forms have been iistributed to the homes. in town, asking' people- to -furnish the names and addresses of friends at a distance: These will be called for next Saturday and they would lilz0 the householders to have' them ready to band, in with as little delay as pos- sible, '?This is a very: essential fea- ture in securing -all up -to, -date 1,1511- ing list. Forms have also been distributed to the schools of the siri7•ounding dis- trict. The committee is asking the to -operation of the teachers, ;pupils and parents ire this respect anti would ase: theist to return these forms as completely filled'' out and as soon as possible. Letters are beginning to 'conte in, inggiring 'with reference to the Old Home Week. Old boys and girls, everywhere are anxious to a1•range 111e3r holidays a() heat' they Cali 'conte I1013e and. ;celebrate' with us and the, citizens of the -town can..keep the pro- positidn before their friends: as well as keep 1t•:iiv mind themselves.. -The committee is Very anxious to have every person, who has an idea, to hand the satire into the Committee.. They 'will need all, the help possible 10 make this function a success. Tr -TILT; CHURCHES. The annual union week of prayer is. being observed in -the churches of Lown this week, meeting, being h1, the Baptist ehtirc}r Monday' evening, Wesley, .ehuroh Tuesday evening, hi Willis yesterday evening and will be in Ontario street :church this even- ings , On account of illness an !the part of the. rector the meeting. m St. Paul's -church for Friday evening has been withdrawn. . o Wallis Chnxch Tho i�nilzi,stp,'s subjects on Sunday wi11 be: Morning: "Jesus, The Med- iator,". Evening "The Suppliant Saviour," • - The annual business nieottng , of the Huron Presbyterial Society Will be heist in;V3511is' church 01) Tueschly, Jan. 13th at tenthirty a,1n.'• • The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. will be'theI1 ori'' Thurssay.evening, Jan. 15t1Y, - at eight `b'clook at the lllanse. Wesley Claire11 The I3roiherhood meets `ort "Sunday. at : ten' o'clock. The subject, "Out- standing Events in. .1924," wiII he taken by .Mr. R. E. Marinning. The pastor's- morning subject will be "Tire Unavoidable Christ.' Ev- ening: "Tho: Glory, of Self -Sacrifice.''. The Young• . People's League will meet on Monday evening at -eight: o'clock. An address will be given by I)r: P. Ilea•n, on some of his exper- iences during the war. Bright nrusie, and an interesting meeting, '' Ontario Street Church Morning classes at ten o'clock, 'The pastor's subjects Orf Sunday Will . be: Morning:.' "Result of a Real Praver.f, Livening; "The Doing of Love." The Juniors meet at seven o'clock Friday evening, The Rev. D. G. ' Ridout' of Taranto preached twice on Sunday, Mr. Wont is, -.a pleasing. spealzer and Wes'•listene13 to 'with pleasure ,' and profit. His theme was. `: missions and he gave spec}al attention to the needs }n the hoine field. Salvation Ai•luu {Change of time far meetings:, Srinday,' 10 a,m,, Directory, seting; x1 ant. -holiness meeting, subject, "Christian's bargain," lit. Bradley. p.m.. Sunday .school, 7 p.m., Salvation' meeting, . subject: "Riolunan'si Bart gain; Capt. Glance • • Wednesday ,`al• 4:30," Band of, Love: •Wednesday at 7.30 Y. I'., Legion. a put night of music by, -Lt. Kingdom, a walking musician', who plays': any- thing freni a horseshoe to. a piano.,. p0r We ,have started this month a to s'a-in-ane Cainnaign.n• }lea prom Jan. Stir to 15th • Iloli,ness' sup of -meetings fora deepening .of i spiritual `'tier life. Come and save your, `filet, ytlept ahoi ing.-ver; night • • ,s '.O Il OtiFp ,'C1a, which On '' -1day, lair. 5th, :GJinton ,,-- e of a -, worth junior Q 111 A; hochey regurg '. ' pre- Opened the hockey season 1' Clinton bserv= for .192.. th. Clanton boys,runningg overn- up the score oP v-,, The play through„ ill e eat' b at t° as not very fast but 1t tirites' th of both team, dished up some good d the hockey. the local lads :had it over,, their- opponents in combination play n - ee which had a great deal to do with" well winning- the game. time in the first mc_ tst period the: play, was The about ere ly divided cog';:the first tell minutes w;th Clinton scoring first; for the ,,remailiiler the-[0'eatls were _ . getting their stride and ;bentbardeti the Seafnrth 3balie.continually, They: rat n :missed several good chalices to. score through ere_ g lei^ inability to Loll ' ow it 1 for o rebounds, and did not put forth Rogers the real punch which is needed to' score when going'in on the nets. The period closed -with 3131101, leading In the; ,second• ' period the e locals MAYOR FRED T still pressed •0n'the Seafor li JACKSON t goal sand who heads town managed • to. score twice' while: Sea -' 1925 bait' council for forth secured one. ing been given a second term by aaciamation: Clinton was ' The the-;j'perio, proditced the- best saved an election 11115 year, hoclzey;;both teams making fast end- cit of; 1924 being returned b y cairn. to- n e d rushes. ClintonChntscored twice oration, y eda while Seaforth got one 013-L1'10/1g shot from right boards. The Clinton 'de- Mui: N. W. TREW.ARTR Tense played ;fairly good 'hockey but n' T'p'P'+ would be more successful: in their ef- 1. START I3EW BUSINESS forts if 'they would use their weight IN CI INTUPI . mare freely in 'stopping ; oppos%ng tile• N. W. Trewartha, SI.P.P,,, who players. has been local manager of the Gunn, The forwards tiled hard but were Langlois Conrpauy for .the post careless in passing• , the puck, fre- fourteen years and under whose man- quently flippingthe ,puck to their agement the business has grown enor- team=mates instad;of'making agood; mously, has resigned,his,position, his snappy pass. When : they learn 3ioev tesignatian Making effect,at the be - to pass the puck' they will be a good ginning. of the year. He is 1(0091ng folward brie and will give any de- an oversight for the, present, or until fense a anergy tune. a new'manager is appointed. ,k w x 1 Mr. Trewartha's . resignation- did The juniors. who suffered; defeat at not come as a complete sur itis e to the hands of the Mitchell team in the the Company, as the matter` had beer Perth town last week, .defeated the talked over with them some time ago, sane team, on home ice last evening, but it was nevertheless 'nest unwel- in a fast, clean game, the score be- conj.e. On receipt of his resignation ing 4,tfi. 1. We are tenable to give a. at head office, 'Montreal, a wire was detailed report, ''but 'twas a good immediately dispatched asking Mr. game. , Trewartha: to come down. I -Ie had The local lineup was as follows: o_ fully oracle ii 'his mind, P however, and Goal, McNeil; def.,'. Ilovey,' Necker; did not: think it necessary to go. I -le centre,, Rorke, .wings, Murch, Ruben-. las t-hon,aslzed'to attend a meeting tone subs,, Rigging, MCEwan.. of the directors r1, Toronto but after MitchelI 0oa1,,, 1VIcclocklin; 'de- two or ;three telephone conversations fence, .Rannenberg, Moor, -e; wings, the„'Company decided- that the resig-. Stoneman,. Merryfield; subs„ j nation would have to bo accepted, Moore; Thiel. Mr., Trewartha has purchased the Referee: 13, H. Chase, Godeeicll; 'old New 'Era building amid is prepare Ing to' go into the high grade egg and poultry business on his own account, �e He, believes there is room in the - pie on "11 OW county for 'another' such enterprise 1VIir, ,7: L. Kerr ''o1 Brussels was In and it is his intention to Dater to the tOtxni on Saturday, high Blass trade; "I am 'starting Miss Elizabeth Ford left Saturday . °or'" where I left off at Iiolmesville see,. her school at bsliawa, y oral years ago when I entered the Miss Clete Ford returned Saturday to' employ of .the Gunn, Langlois Anna College, St. Thomas. 003113iany, .•` Mr. Trewartha said to •Miss'Isobel Beattie of the 'Vogue left The News -Record in <liscussiul;. the for St, Tlloinas on IVIonday. ntattor of has new huainess: worth seeing. Better •et g up'in `o, talcs in all that's ;possible. big show. is about:ei ht' o'c cloak, lock, PIPTY Y> AR5 IN DIINISTRY. Rev. David Rogers, .retired lt'0tl s th1 h t b dist minister, on -Monday eeteb the fiftieth_anniveisary of hi trance a ca into the ministry, iftivas u half centum z ago ''that Mr; R left his home mar•. Bowmanvrlie , tor. the Village of Arthur, 'Ontario, ,1'01: his fust'- circuit..: IJe conducted hie first service there on. Sunday," "Jan. 10, 11875 St. Thomas people, where he now resides,' did 'notpermit the event to pass unnoticed, and the, jubilee with be celebrated next Sunday- morning` in First Methodist Church, which will be. largely a. g y ,repxoductiou of Mr- Rog-, Br's first service at Afthul•. Mr, Rogers' five .years of=:proba- tion work were spent in Arthur, Lis- towel Gorrie, Drayton and Brussels. Among, his later'fields were Ailsa' Craig,• Seaforth, Central 1Vlethodist St," Thomas' and First Church, Lon- don. - 'Mr. Rogers has been a life-Iong leader in temperance work,::and in 1884 published a volume .'entitled "Shot and Shell for .the Temperance. Work," and • in 1895,' "The Gatling, With Ammunition' for the Temper- ance Warfare," 'Mr. Rogers is very well-lcuown ^ In Clinton, having often visited his 01d friend, Rev. 'T..J.' Snowdon, and otn- ers. here. •COLCLOUG1I-MARpIN. A quiet but , pretty Wedding was solemnized .tit 'the home of Mrs, Jas. M. -Martin :v11 Nev Year's, Day at high noon,' when her elder danghter, Annie McWilliam, wa$ united in-mai.•- r•iage to Mi'.' G"eorge' Colclongh, son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph ,Colelough of Goderich township, The ceremony was performed by Rev, J, E. Hogg. Miss Jean Mur- dock of Brucefielcl played.„ -the wed- ding march. and during he signing of the . register sang, "Because" very sweetly. Tl1eb ride, who was g11413 •11, mar- riage by- her mother, wore a hand- some wedding gowti- of brown sill. canton, crepe and donned for travel- ling a brown coat, with fur triin- rungs, the gift of the groom. :After a dainty luncheon, served: - by' the. bride's cousin, Miss -Mason, 'andMiss Murdock, the happy couple left on a -trill -to Toronto; ,Shakespeare and Stratford. They' will reside 21 the (room's fine fared in .H1111ett. T bride received many useful' gifts, t. Girls' Club of Willis'clluroh presen ing her with table linen and the 13ib class with a silver mounted Casser' ole. 'A bouquet of flowers was r coved front her aunt in Californ} The young couple have the good evil_ es of their -friends for a happy futur THE TOWN COUNCIL, The last nice101g of the old con. cil was held on Monday evening•, who 11,1188 Gladys Chowen was home 'front ..Trevv,ertha, 'who is a native Toronto during the holiday time. he,. MiEssseRxi.'ith Evans returned t;o aa, Miss Ward hae returned from Rock- ], been visiting reiatiVea ill Aylmer. 'to the MeDenald Institute, Guelph. ford Normal on Illonday mornings. Mo. and Mrs. E. 'Wendorf -spent New 11 ronto to reetnue heir studies at Year's with the latter'e parents at eommunication 'was eead from the nada Oil Companies' Lendon, e building of a branch in Clinto motion, of Reeve Middleton tin uncillon Paisley it was decided, tle zionC°0n;PtahneY'bsliiii0IduilndglxprAopsioc'2aecicl ,f ()I' Chairman aficidleton of the stree eivplowing in December, Ile als canmended that the two eilo we in use be sent to the bltrelt ith's for repaire and that th rk be requested to write tile Ron hairman Paisley of the finance our Finance Committee beg to re Street Acct. -licks, street engineer 10 00 , Electric Light &cot et. lighting, Dec. 157 00 Property A.cet. IT. Com., lightine; hell, bulbs 15,53 Seeley, work" on bell „ 1 00 E. Closet Cemeteiy Acct. limiter, salary for Dec, .. 60.00 Ford & Son, seed 5.60 Iawkins repairing pruner .50 et 11. Varna Miss Nora Woodley is spending the holidaYs with her parents at Grimsby, Misses Rena Johneton and Phebe Colelough ha-ve returned to the C.C.T. trace spending their -holidays at their homes here. ' ple,spent New Year's, Day, skating on the -river at Mr. A. Iseote's. days friends lit London. . ; Miss. Ernma Connell of Toronto' spent ,Christmas with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. Geo'. Connell. Miss Roxann Colelougli of Detroit, - !Mich., spent Cin•istmas with the late ter's parents, Mr. and IVIrs. 'Will Ca. holidayrs with her parents here, Miss ,Kato Webster of Gunton spent New Year's Day at the home of her brother at Varna. ' Master Ellwood Epps has returned to the C. C. Is after spending his 1101-3I Miss -Alma Rothwell has: returned I ter` spending her holidays at home. I t Quite a inunber of the vow) aeo- pie in this vicinity attended the / FranIc Yeigli, noted lecturer', will be in Clinton tonlerrOW, ' giving two lectureS in tile itrirn hall, one at four o'clock, another 3 at eight. Ire comes -under the auspices of the Heine and' School' Club. , The Mill office ,was beolien inin P by a VviiitiOW, 'another'. window being, - • Money_ taken. Entriuice was made p, tised a's an exit, Two Persons -were seen runriiiig -from the building but p, ,-,o far ' the ctili)rits 3have "not been Po •tileSe Wile do not Isnow hoW II' s. R. AV the twenty-six' or eo bas P. P. A. R. A. S T. 'Salaries Acct. L Stoirg . salary' for, Dec, . /0,8, ,collecting taxes ... 50.00 Grants A..ect. 131ltitty,,la.74-lanoir the:, rent, , elsh„. Div. Court fees r:3:41;11:::.'7- 0,06 atainnS 10.00 to etich township, started his career as a teacher and it \Vila 'While he was teaching at Helinesville that he bought nut the Dominion Poultry Sta. tient, set up there by lift. P. C. Elfmelt now Dominion Poultry Husbandman, and went into the poultry business as a side litre. Mr. Elford later breng-ht Mr. .1. I. Brown,epoutry manager of the Gunn, Langlois Co. up -to show hirn the sort of poultry produced hi Huron county and he was so pleaSecl with it that he immediately offered Mr. Trewartha eontract for all Ilia ' poultry for a year, At the end of that tithe the Conmany offered Mr. cepted, and for several yeast the bus. /nese was carried on there. Eight Years 'ago a branch eves started lit Chilton and for a thne both branches were operated but gearlually the bus - Mess was centrallized in Clinton, Mr. Trewartha managing it from Holinee- ville until about two yeats ago, when he came into Clinton. This ,nouitry business ilea grown dining these years from a 27e-tonras year business to one ol 200 tons, awl egge pronortienately, and -most of this is Huron county trade. Dining the year the Company distributes throughout the county for egga, paul- try arid 3 ri wages the gum of *200,000. Surely thie branch, of agriculture hail made tremendous strides since the ame, not so far in the past, -when, the farmers' wirieS used the egg and poultry money for their own personal neede, Now it is an importent part of the farm income. And ivrt. Tre- Wartha thinks it is eaPahlo of innshi• larger development. ,,, "People will use mans' moseeeggs and much more poultry if they Can be eure of get- ting the high grade stuff," Mr. Tie- wartho says. -3 Mr. Trelvartha's reason for resign - ng as local manager foe the aunt, Langlois Co., is that the business hart Town to auch dimensions that it Gotterich township, his parliaments ry mums. etc., and ,felt that he le win, therefore, establish his own usiness, "where he left it off in Aubitra [this Nveelt. Services at 8 p ell l., ine• a car of honey MeGaw last Miss eittusen \vile has bee el visiting her Siete-a eeturned to sl her Irvine here. /-1 Miss Ethel Waallipaiterr left On fi• Bdaryaectboridtgalate'. ehari;e of a School at w;;,14' 10c1 vealr3l6' 111 -the stelee,tfiel,l eltureir oil 1, co Holanesville," and bolles-ee lie cal onduct a 1110e, profitable little Masi - nese, eateeingsto the high class tee- auratne, greeeterias, eta., in bolls o'fr5 and Milk -fed poultry. Ile ins :0in his establishment will be candied for, We have no deulu. at 1 but that through Ti -m"'11111'3, "forts Clinton v111 become well - ;own . as the rehire from whiell ows mit a :toady Stream of fine. Onlen all Over the Dominion. We sh for Mr. Treivarthit the best of eceits in Ms new business end ntieuation Of success to, the Gutuip