HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-25, Page 5ONSISTIINT low prices, ser
tress, to do a little bit more tl
necessary have won us air
additional friends during the pas
Seventy new stores were "Opc
ever increasing demand for the e,
our stores; and sales will show a si
in millions at the end; of the yea
Dominion Stores have played no
ducting the cost of living in 1924.
Ever effort will be made to.`
Y ...:...i in
because it -is our 'sincere 'belief tial
not only aid our patrons to enj
Christmas, but also assist them in
and hi a very practical way to hr
Prosperous NewYear--andthis is
evish 'each one of you.
TTE President)irectors
Officers extend to he
Castor icrs . and Friends of the
Barilc their I3esr Wishes for a
Happy Christmas and a Pros-
ros-perous New Year.
-.typal Eau
f in terest to Th ti
Christmas Day,
One week :from today is Ne
"God rest you, •,d err.ie • gentleme
et, nothing you dismay."
The 'Vow's -Record .wishes- all i
readers, everybody, in' fact, a `'herr
Hope old Santa. Claus was good t
:you this morning. Was your stock
ing. full-?
I that,position. Mr. Whitely' has given
complete satisfaction, ,doing his - work
with infinite care and precision, and
his friends congratulate him
attainment' of nearly a third of a:.
century in the.public service:
1I' ..The council met on Monday, the
15th, to conclude the year's' business,
which consisted' for the angst part al.
n, gravel accounts and refunds of statue
labor, owing largely to pathmasters
not returning their lists in time. Mr.
S. R. McMath presented a claim for
y damages to engine but no action was
The Clerk was instrrcted'to write
o Messrs. Campbell and Spackman re-
- garding damage to culverts fi•om:no't
being planked by : them before run-
ning their engines over,.. The follow-
o tag accounts -were ordered paid: S..I?
in Stothers,_school fair deficit, $14.62; S.
J. Andrews, culvert tile, $48.16; R. G.
Thompson, postage, :$4.65; W. J. Y -=,o,
d, use of church shed, $5.00; J. B.:Mus-
h Lard, cement, $38.70; S. Emmerson,
supt,, salary,.$24.00; D. Glidden,
truant officer, $5.00;' Jas. McMillan,
winter road, $2,00; Howard Sturdy,
collector, salary, $100.00;' J. R.
Holmes, hall rent, ,$45.00; Del. Gard-
ner, damage to motor car, $8.48 Sam
Emmerson, to plaw, $10. The
n`- following gravel accounts were paid:
Con. Bissett, $60,90; G. "Newton,
$5.60; E. J. Trewartha, $17..80; Rob-
, err E. Colclough, $2.50; Rich; Bond,
$17.00; Ben Rathweil, $9.00; -Hy.
Sweet, $16:45; Jas.'MToMilien $21.50;
Albert Townshend, . -$21.75; Mrs, W.
Weston, $10:90; Jas. Forbes, $36.90;
Hy: Hibbs,. $18.60; Win. Stewart,
534.80'; E. Johnston, $17,50; Robt.
Pearson, $20.70; John Mair, $10,80;.
P. V. Elliott, $18.50; Thos. TSettlee,
$3.10; Gee-'. Hudie, $13.50; Chas. Wise,
' $4.20.
'Tlefunds of statute labor: Wes.
Stevens, P.M., $34.50; Mrs, T. Church-
ill. $1.00;
hurch-ill..$1.00; N. Holland, $4:50. Aiwa.
Elliott, $3:00; Jas. Harrison, $1,50;
Donald McKenzie, $3.00; John Mair,
P.M., $25.50; 'Churchill est,, :53.00.
Nomination posters are out for
noinination at 12 o'clock, noon, Des.
29th, in Hohnesv ille. ,
—R. G, Thompson,
Sunday was the shortest day.; T
most of us Monday morning did see
to come too soon.
This is certainly an; old-fas,hionne
white, Canadian Christmas, wit
plenty of sleighing` and skating.
The Bible, continues to be the
world's best seller;' over '7,000,000
were sold last year. -Carleton Place
1Vhatevei' may be said of the stun
mer of 1924 winter arrived in good
time,' even a little ahead of time
Hope spring •comes along early, too
* * 5' *
Too bad the 5h -in -test days should
cone , just around Christmas, when
the longest days would be all too
short for what most people have to
Whit hair, •they say, is now, the
style. We never were much for run
ping after new fads but, bad cess to
it, if this fad stays in a bit longer
we'll be in style for once. •
ret, ,
"Christmas; comes' but once' a year
ut when it does it brings good
cheer."' Have you tried to assist
Santa Claus in his mission of bring -
frig :`.good cheer" this season?
* a *
"Daly three weeks" of leap year
left, girls," remarked the Goderich
Signal a couple of weeks ago. Soond-
ed like a challenge from that eligible
bachelor who occupies the editorial
chair; in the Signal office. There is
still a week left, who will call hid
bluff ?-
Durham has found the meanest
ari: r 'While Mr. David- Snaith Was
being taken :to the hospital. follow-
ing a collision math a troth, his ear
ivae lefb.,at the scene of the accident
and some one stole the ,spare tire, a
•couple of spark plugs, and the dash
lamp."—Exchange. •
'But what's' the use of "finding"
fan; 'when he hasn't been appy:oienti-
er and taught better. If'he's left in
possession of his booty he niay ao
the swine thing again.
Mrs. W. Britton is , 'spending the
holidays with her mother and, other
friends at Forest,
Miss Josephine Beswick of Goder
nth is visiting icer grandfather, Mrs.
Jas. Mann.
MMliss Phebe Wakefield is visiting in
The Sunday school had its Christ-
mas tree and entertainment on Tues-
day evening.
Your correspondent wishes jhe edi-
tor and readers a Merry Christman
and Happy New Year.
Mr. T3. B, Stephenson shipped ' on
Saturday quite a number, of dressed
turkeys to W. McCully of, Stratford.
The Border Cities Star, comment-
ing; upon the punishment of a .man'
who had killed his wife and then had
pleaded that She had nagged hila le
it says:
"Nagging ris an old fault—odd be-
• carise- it springsfrom a virtue, That
urge for improvement which ani-
mates all womenlies behind it. They
are never satisfied, it ie said, A com-
fortable home, perhaps, with all they
apparently could want both in'inater-
ial and vocational things, and yet
they have that recurrent craving for
something better. It is always some-
thing else; and: that is why we aro
not still living in eaves. The insist-
ent demand of women has literally
goaded tile human lace in its unend-
ing progress. only one of
the litany ways they have of reveal-
ing that instinctive desire for im,
pr ovement."
Goicaerich Township
Misses Vesta Snyder, who is teach=
np at South Porcupine, Marie, who is
unaching at Sudbury, and Gertrude,
who is attending London Normal, all
arrived home last week to spend the
Christmastide with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Snyder.
M`• Alvin .Leonard of the Coiling-
wood Collegiate staff' is spending the
holiday period at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard.
Misses..lUIuriel and Frieda Stirling
who have been, teaching'-. near Amers-
burg, are home dor their Christmas
Major` R. R. and' "Mrs. Sloan were
.at Blyth on Tuesday attending the
funeral of the former's mother, Mrs.
Andrew Sloan.
Miss Kate McDougall had the mis-
fortune to fall down cellar and break
-one of her ribs;;
. Mrs.Joe Carling of Seaforth is vis.
iting her, old home, that of Mr. A.
Mr. I'ordet McClure had a narrow
esdape; en Saturday .while coining
from Gederich.. At Mr. < Harmer's
hill tji0 e staafted to slide and he
went a'76r iiiej kill. PIe; got a had
shalcing'up but with the aid of ; -a
couple, of teams they bot the cur back
on the :road not so much the wor5e.
,T. E. Whitely, the efficient
1451euxer of this township is thisi,
11cKillop Township
Another pioneer passed away an
the: person of Mr, Robert Grieve of
the North Road, near Seaforth, on
Saturday at noon, after •a ,lingering
illness. Re was bedfast off and on
for over a year, suarering severely
the last month or,so. "Mr. Grieve.wsis
well known- in McKillop, living an the
North Road, a stretch of which he
was caretaker winter and winner
for a good number,. of years, Mr.
Grievewas'unexcelled in his position,
as many -tourists say they never
travelled a Better pieee of road any-
where, except the newly paved high-
way. He .as a man will be Innen
missed especially in the winter` time,
as he was the one most people as
pencled upon to tell them the come -
tion of the roads after .a storm. Ifs'
spent allhis time the past few years
working; for the township 1,12: Grieve'
was getting up in years, being around
seventy, I-Iis funeral took place-Ilton-
day<afternoon, interment in Maitland
Bank Cemetery.
Mr. Joseph lLeet, jr., is wearing the
smile that won't cone off on the ar-
rival of a baby boy Thursday Iasi,
Both mother and babe are doing fine.
Judge Snider has found that the
charges brought by Clarence Settell
against Sir' Adam Beck, and the Hy-
dro -Electric system ;generally are,
largely groundless, ' The most aston-
ishing thing about the' whole ipvesti
gation is that a man of the calibre o_
Settell should have held so re5porl0_-.
'ble a position. Ilis actions and l an,g-
uago in connection with his charges
'clearly show that he was a man, 111
whom no confidence could be placed,
and it is. remarkable that his was
noir discovered till he had made
lic exhibition of himself. That one
Who was' familiar with all the inner
workings of the hydro should be able
to' ,bring forward no charges-. against
,Sir Adana Recti 'other than the 'Lily,
ial matters which ho had carefully- e -
corded, when it was his: 'dtlty to -have
rectified them itt the time, ,is perhaps'
the best evidence that could be fan
niched of the integrity of the Chair
man of Ontario s big;;eleetrieal,sys
CAMPIIELL -__..AI/COCK — he the
home of the brides mother,
Holnnesville, on, Dec 24th by Rep.
T.O. Snowdon,, Marion Kennedy
only'dtugh daughter Mrs. J. R 4lcocii,
to ThomaCampbell of Brussels:
'WIGLB' Tn , Gone rich, on December.
18th, to Ebon R, Wigle,;M.L.A, and.
Mrs. Wigle,. a son.
RYAN --In McTIiliap, on Dec, loth, to
Mfr. aiid Mrs. Thos.,Ryan, a dauer-
FLANNAGAb -In Meliillop, on Dec.
11th; to ,Mr. and .11rs. William"flan-
n agan, a daughter,
II JIT-Tn Mgl�illop, on Dec 18th, to
Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph Hart, 1r., a
REYNOLDS—In'Godsrich, on Decent-
. ber 17th Maria Caroline Reynolds,
mother of Sheriff R. G., Reynolds, in
her 89th year.
SLOAN—At .Blyth, on Dec. 21st,
Janet Richie.. McMichael, widow of
the late Andrew•W', Sloan, in her,
78th year.
(The folowing is not a very cheer-
ful poem, especially for Christmas
time, -but it was --handed in as a
"Christmas contribution" and, as at
l:his season it is hard to -refuse :any-
body anything, -here goes. Don't let
it spoil your Christmas dinner. Prob-
ably it, happened a long time ago.
Dougal MacDougal from Dundee dict
That no man in Scotland could
meet him 'in fight; '
But when Donald MacDonald -from
Dingwallgot there,
Then Dougal MacDougal was soon
'put to 'Bight.
But Dougal , MacDougal scarce ran.
half a mile,
IIe turned. on MacDonld and flour-
'jelled a knife;,
Then Donald MacDonald turned
-round in dispair,
And with- Dougal pursuing, he fled
for his life.
As Donald from Dougal in terror
did ren,
He thought of his pocket that car-
ried a gun; •
He fired the pistol, the bullett went
wide, '
But Dougal, in terror, fell over
and died.
The result of the duel, we grieve to
That'Dougal and Donald shared
similar fate;:.
Froin the noise of the pistol,„ the
terror and dread, .
Poor `Donald is crazy, and Dougal
is dead.
The gross earnings of the Canadian
National Railways for the week elid-
ing December 14, 1924 were $4,649,-
764.00, being a . decrease of $697,-
184.73 over the corresponding period
of 1923.
The gross earnings of the Canadian
National Railways' from Jan, 1 to De-
ceber '14, 1924' have been $225,712,-
818.00, being a decrease of $15,545,-
264,98 over the corresponding period
of 1923.
Wanted to Purchase for Cash
Good hemlock, basswood, maple
and soft elm logs, delivered in our
mill yard at Bayfield. , 86-tf
Auction Sale of Choice Cattle
On Thursday, Jan.` Gth, 1925, at
Connell's Sale Bards, Clinton, con-
sisting of Durham, grade flerdfotd
and Polled Angus' steers, averaging
from 750. to 1,000 lbs, Tei'ilis: 4'
months Aredit given on furnishing,
bankabi paper or a disepunt of G'
per cent.^per annum allowed for cash.
Wilfred„ Thompson, proprietor. "Geo.
H. Elliott, auctioneer. 8G-2
- For Sale
Choice cedar posts and end posts.
-12 inch wood, all body ,maple, ,also
some wheat with a• slight mixture of
barley, would make good hen feed.
Ben. Rathwell, R. R. No, 3,` Clinton.
Phone 006 r 16 84-8
Auction Salo
0± 'House and Household Effects,
at the ''`-ppo vises - o;t the late 'Mee.
George Nott, Qnenio street, on Sat-
urdaye Dec. 27t1i, , Yt 1:30' p.m, List
ipcludes.r 3 bedroom suites large
huieau, 3 toilet sets, solid oak eaten
sign dining table, sideboard', couch,
several small tables, rocking chairs,
dining chairs, kitchen chairs,' also
table and cupboard, 2 pieces of lin-.
oleunn, 4 ' stoves, Iteatei', happy
Thought range, Perfection coal ori
stove, nearly new, coal oil heate.e,
washing machine, nearly new, Beatty
pump, almost new, with 38 --feet pip-
ing and sand joint, number of, sealers,_
dishes, lamps and other' articles.
The house and lot will be of: ren
at the same time and place, also the
vacant lot.two Tots_ east, consisting of
oiie.aero.. The house is a'comfortabtp
frame one and there is a nice garden,-
arden;with fruit and flowers, It is an ex-,;
eeptionally nice, little home.
Terms: Oa household effect•, cash.,
Qin real ;estate, 10 per cent of pur-
chase money on day of s tlo. balance,
to be arrangedfdr.., G. W. Nott, Mrs:
Townshend, Executors G. IT. Elliott,
Auctioneer., Norinaii Ilolloral, Clerk
Heifer Strayed
From the premises of the under:
signed, on. or abotint Nov. 17th, aged
heifer, nearly 2 year old. • finds
please communicate Vida David
Deeves, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Re-:
ward. 84=3-p
For Sale,
3 piece mahogany .parlor suite,,up-•
holstered air silk tapestry;; in 'first
class condition," r2-1.1se gold medal,
graniophope and ;;2 •xe erds;: all i
Christmas, Christmas :'., __
uit G enfebit
i elr l l&T : Lia :
e Trave TT hat You Need_Wholesonie and Dainty
Make this Christmas thi' best and brightest of alt.
Choice assortment of-Chr.ieimas Confectionary at popular prices.
Our special Creams and Chocolates mixed at '28e per ilt.
New, Mixed Nuts and New Navel Oranges at Popular Price-
A nice order of Christmas, Dainties and Groceries makes a• splen-
did Christmas gilt, )vra3pod P1 our special Christmas' paper.
BY Dr. Ross`Savauge
Explain the Optometrist's Services
An error of vision is usually
caused by a defect in the sire
or shape of the eye It is in -
possible to alter the eve i'tse1f,
so by the use of lenses ground
especially for each case the op-
tonnetrist corrects the error: '
Does the Optometrist make a spec-
ialtyof comfortable vision?
Yes. The Optometrist strives
in every case to give his pat-
ient the most comfortable vis-
ion possible.
(Continued Next 'Week)
'1 Auction Sale
Mp, Leonard Weir will hold an auc-
tion sale of farm • stock and imple-
ments at his -farm, Lot 27, Con, 4,
Hullett, • on Thursday, Jan. 8, ,1925.'
.Look for detailed list next week.: 86-1
Raw Furs -
Raw Furs are higher in price than
in November. I ani now paying
higher prices. for mink, coon, fox,
weasel, etc. H. A. Hovey, Clinton.
86 -ti
For Sale
Large Toulose geese, both sexes,
bred from prize 'winners. F. Weeks,
Varna. Phone 31-522. 85-2
Washing Machine for Sale
Hand power. Red Star washing ma-
chine, for sale. Apply to H. D. Cam-
eron, Huroii street. 85-1-p
Auction Sale
Of fresh milk sows and young
cattle will 'be held at Lannon's barns,
Goderich, on Saturday, Dec. 27th, at
1:30 p.m., sharp, as follows: 5 choice
cows with calves at foot, cow with
calf two months old, milking, '5 cows
due in Jan,, 3 cows due in Reb.,' 3
cows due in Mar,, 4 bows due in May,
4 fat heifers, 4 manner calves, 2
choice Polled. Augur bulls, 8 anonths
old, 23 yearling steersand heifers.
Arrangements will be made to feed
cattle until Monday for purchasers
coming --from a distnee. Terms: 8
months • credit on approved joints
notes, or .a discount of 4 per cent,,
straight, for cash. W. A. Town-
shend, proprietor. T. Gundry, atm -
dormer. 85-2
Cockerels, For Sale
A: number of S.C. Rhode Island
fled cockerels. Apply to 'Melvin
Crisb R. R. No, 3,, Se#dforth. Phone.
21 on 615 Clinton central. 84=4-p
For Sale or Rent
House and lot' in the village of
Brncefield, two-thirds .acre of land,
good cellar, hard and soft water,
good stable and hien house. Posses-
sion given immediately. Apply to
John V. Diehl, Clinton, Ont.. 83-tf
For Sale
The fernier Joyner property. Five -
roomed ebttage with large sun -room,
Electric light and town water in
house. 3 acres of good land and all
kinds of fruit trees. Will be sold
reasonably. Apply to Mrs. McCal-
lum, Commercial Sam, Clinton. 63 -ti'.
For' Sale
The administrators of the estate of
Williara Doherty, deceased, offer for
sale his late residence and the ad-
joining lands, (25 acres mere or less),
on which axe evected substantial and
well-equipped buildings. •Apply to
J. E. Doherty on the premises, or to
W..Brydone, solicitor for the estate,
lfoitey Found
In Brucefield, a roll of bin* nabs -
01;61Q1' asked to inquire of Brown
Stewart, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 5 on
606. 84-3
For Sale Or hent
Frame House, `-electric light, town
water, good, cement basement, on i/
acre lot, fruit. Apply to M. T, Cor-
less. 80-tf
Radio Sets and Supplies
At lowest prices. Everything -I sell`
is guaranteed satisfactory or 're-
placed free'of charge. 'Ia. A. Hovey,
Clinton. t.' 31•-tf
House' For Sale
Residence of the late Arthur Cook,
corner Albert and MI'ill street", Cliu
ton, Key at Mr. Walter Ring's.
Range, For' Sale
Imperial Oxford' range, with high
shelfand copper reservoir: Call af-
teraons on Mrs, C, E. Jervis, Huror,
street, 72-ff.
16 It. beech plank, -sized 2 "inches by
Farm For Saie
Tarts of lots 37 and 38, concession'
10, Goderich township, containing 105
acres, are offered for sale, - On the
premises are a 11-1, storey brick dwel-
ling, a commodious bank barn with
stone stabling, pig and poultry pens
and driving shed. Water: In stable,
There are -5 acres of bush and 5 acres
of good young bearing orchard. The
remainder of the land -is all arable
2nd is mostly seeded. Is in good
state of cultivation.' Situated half a
mile from school and church and con-
veniently near market, The rami is
a very desirable one. For furthei
particulars apply to Geo. IT. Elliott;
Executor 'William H. Cole Estate,
IIonor Graduate Carey Jones' Na-
tional School of Auctioneering, Chi-
cago. Special course taken in Pure
Bred Live Stock, Real'. Estate, Mer
chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in
keeping with prevailing market. Sat-
isfaction assured. Write or wire,
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18 -
With every Machine one Electric
Sew Light . or Button hole
These aatachmepts work on
Singer Machines only
Local Singer Representative
Will pay the highest market' price
for Horse. Hides and Beef Hides,
Scrap'Motal, Geese and Duck Feath-
ers, etc.
Deliver to my residence, opposite
Cameron's Carriage Shop or phone
137 and I will call.
To One and All
Having erected new coal. sheds will
have op hand full stock of coal for
immediate delivery. Prices' reason-
Orders taken at residence, phone 119
Highest ' price paid for: Wheat,
Barley, Oats, Peas and Buckwheat.
Storehouse will be open.from 7 atm,
to 5 p.m.;'
Feeds are advancing in price. A
car just arrived of Low Grade ,Flour,
Bran, Shorts and High Grade Screen-
ings. Better lay in a stock before
a' -further , advance,
ll""° L.LOU
A full line of High Patent Flours.
always, on hand, Snowflake, Purity,
Five Roses, etc,, at small margin over
cost price.
Carry a eolnplete line of Toronto
Asphalt Roofing. The quality` Roof-
ing with a guarantee against curling,
flapping or turning up. In over four
years agency for this roofing have
had no dissatisfied customers.
One car of Oats Immediately
Also issuers of Ilunters & Trappers
J. A. 'FOR® & SON -
Phone 123
Flour and Teed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
---The''deririni6- for "anr':butter's,-in ,.
To supply this denna.nd 'tee regiiire'
more cream.
We request .ryou-.tc ship us 'you'r
We guarantee yen the Highest
Market 1?riecs, accurate tests' and
prompt service.
8 inches,and 2 innchesi by'10 inches, al- 0t rcfirnn is ltnown to you and needs
so somehcmlookkunber,' W, H, no further recommend.'''
Middieten, R. 1 : No. 3, Clintotr, We pay 'all°express charges, Bun
Phone 10 on 606, 7°tf isii cream cans .and pay twioe .each
ltinriIDyethe for cans or funher intfoirma-
Clothes Cleaned And_Pressed
Clothes cleaierl , pressed and re•
Roc -viand's Old
se our windows:
suitiabie for all 'li mbet
the 'windows ii e carry in stock€, ' Como
you.: All at popular prices, Just ai
Q r Christi nas:1
of the family:
Razor Strops
•Razor Blade Sharpeners
Knives, Pocket amid Jacic
Scissors and Sets
Stainless Steel Knives
Dinner, Desert,' Carvers
Carving Sets
Rogers and Old Colony ,
Manicure Sets
Hair Clippers
Acre's the Overs
That Solves the
The question bf tailor made appea
The question of edjustability to a
The question of protecting spirts
The question of`buelcles opened b
The question of perfect fit, evident
The question of concealed fastiners
The new "ADJUSTO" Overshoes,
only answers all these questions, but it
so' far outdistances other overshoes tha
There is no substitute for them
The Big Shoe Store
To all our Friends and
A Very Merry Chrl,
Office Phone 199
1(fn`et1UGrcegov wnbve`"nF,ao.