HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-25, Page 1WHICH l vy 9.mf Y. aI WI`�"'N,, NV rza la Friends and Patrons y Merry Christmas a"EeUgar and, OPTOMETRIST Residence 174j ristnias Q3in Peak A Gift •that Increases in'Value YOU ' a V YOU GIVE LAST CHRISTMAS ? . . he kiddies—most of them broken by ing useful" for the, grown-ups—now orgotten. Cash to your employees soon spent. Other presents—rhurriedly ps ill -chosen. Are they remembered year you give them each'a Bank Book itial deposit, and urge them to add to Id anything be more suitable? oyat Bank Pass Books" to year list . of Christmas Gifts, Bank Ahdeti.� R. E. Manning, Manage. as Equitable Life The Season Greetings ral Agent, Clinton Ontario ForEvery. L IVI an ads and' Patrons y Christmas LOTHlN6 00' lT D !NWT"! " l Wit SEOA ET, tEt CLIFIISTMJ `And Suddenly ; T hera� i s W it h he God, and Sabin a l Glory to Go ` Toward Men Aligel a u MARKETS WEEK OF PRAYER PROGRAM. Wheat, 51.30. The following program' 'for the $1.50. weep of prayer has been arranged at Barley 85c. on Ministerial Association, Buckwheat, 850. Jan. 5: Baptist church, Rev. E. Butter, 35c to 36c. Parker in charge, address by Rev. A. Eggs, 46c to 60c. A:' I3olmes, subject, `Christ's Claim Live Hogs, $9.00 "on Childhood" and Youth." Peas, .5 . oats,. 4ac. a special meeting of the. Centre. to AMONG THE CHURCHES. Jam 6th: Wesley Church, Rev. A. A. Holmes in char g •e> ` address by Rev. Salvation Army C. LL Bilkey, subject, "Christ's Su - 10:00 a.tn. Sunday school; .11:00 premacy in Social and Industrial Re- aan.,, Lieut. Bradley will speak, 3 latronshlp s p.m., praise meeting;` 7:30 Capt 11 Clarke will :speak: Come and bring - your friend. Willis Church Next Sunday will be observed as Christmas .Sunday, In -the morning the minister's sub- ject will be: "The Child Jesus,, and in the '• evening: "The Story of Beth- lehem." Special music will be rendered by the, choir both morning and evening. The annual Christmas tree and- en- FUNERAL OF MRS. G. NOTT. Jan. 7th: Willis church, Rev. J. E. Hogg•in charge, address by Rey. o. any interest in their election to the J. 'Moorhouse, subject, "Christ's Several positions. There' is altogeth-, Claim to 'Universal Dominion." er too little interest taken in muni-, Jan. 8th: , Ontario' etreet'church, cipal affairs by the; great majority of otherwise good citizens..' Rev, C. J. Moorhouse. in charge, au dress by' Rev. J. E. Hogg, subject, A SUCCESSFUL YEAR. "Christ's Leadership of His ' Forces." Jan. 9th: St. Paul's church: Rev. •The Doherty Pianos, Limited, re - C. Belle in - charge, ad -port 1924 the busiest year- in its his - d ss by Y dress by :Rev, E. "Parker, subject,' tory.` The plant has operated stead - "Christ's claim, on the'•Individual :ply throughout the year, with an Life." put of 2,000 •pianos, 600 of thein players. On his regular visit to the faetol'y on Tuesday Mr. W. N. Manning, gen- eral -manager of the Sherlock -Man- ning industries, left a cheque for 5500 to be distributed among the em- ployees. iltz E5 the Highest de o f the ieayeti and onEarth Peace, Good Will BE ' GOOD CITIZENS. le. and two ,sons,, Janes of Goderich and Charles' of Ottawa; survive hint. Monday;, eveante;' seven -thirty to 4Ir. Clifford Clark of .Che Lgndoi it, Donaldson formerly 'farmed in cove thirty, nomnoattons . will be re- I NOlaaal school is home for the hoii-'Stanley on the Bronson line but 1 t f 1 ed into Bayfield some thirty 0 coved for the, post tons a mayor, moved f c a s' years •ago, when he engaged in the reeve; councillors; public =utilities corns �I• Iessie L Metcalf of Detroit missioner and s « and Mr, William Meta A ur bor Mich., are spot cling the henna re on m square. ,heel trustees for Miss saw mill Lt:siness in the old drill sheat. Metcalf of Sir Ar Clinton town in tl e year of ' OtP quare Lord 1925. Coine out and _nominate ;yvith their parents;:Dr, and Mrs.. Wm. 9YIr., and Mrs. Donaldson left Bay:' the than you want to fill afly one .Of Metcalf field' -six years ago to reside in nd- these positions, it is your right as- Miss Nr rg t et Peek -of the Walker- emelt with.then son, citizen of this municipality, vine public school staff the spending It is hardly fair to expect men to the -holidays with her mother ,take on the responsibilities of public Miss Alma McKay of the Wester - service if citizens are too' careless velt School of Commerce, London, is and too lazy to -come -out and take home for the holidays. ' Miss Izetta merrier, principal.. of the Continuation. school, New Dun- dee, is home for the holidays. Mr. P. J. Bigiow left on Saturday to spend the holiday at his home in Orono. The ice storm on Thursday night has made it very dangerous out for both man and beast. Many have fal- len -and had very narrow escapes, bus as yet we are very'glad to report that no limbs have been broken, Since the weather refused to relieve'the situation the council thought that it was their duty to do so and have had .the very slippery places sanded, which has been very much appr'eciat t ed. • Mr. William Parker returned on Saturday after spending a. year at Naicam Sask. Miss Louise Parker of St. Thomas canoe home on Thursday to spend'the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker. Miss Ethel --Jowett of London Nor- mal school is spending the holidays with her parents. Miss Jean Woods of Stratford Nor- mal school is :home for the holidays. Misses Elva and Annie Dewar of the Toronto teacher's occasional staff are. spending. the holidays with their parents. Emily'visited vela- Miss Osmond. tives in London for a few days. Mist Gladys Davison and Miss Ruth Higgins, who are attending the School of Commerce, Clinton, are home for the holidays. David Dewar, jr., is home from Clinton for the holidays. The Young People's Society will meet on Friday, ,Dec, 26th, in the basement of St. Andrew's church. at is hoped that all Members will come and bring their friends. The; public school concert given in. the town hall on Friday night was quite a success. 'A good crowd turned 1516.00, also a lot of -presents by the out despite the very slippery and) smaller classes for the Hospital for dangerous condition of the roads. The children acquitted themselves very well and showed their excellent train- ing. The boys were faiaged in seats on one side of. the hall and the. girls on the 'other and marched up for their and cele again tot e + ses a b their choruses g chairs in very good order. The choruses by' the school were very much enjoyed and also the num- erous recitations by the juniors and a few by seniors. A very pretty drill was given by twelve girls dressed in, white with silver hands, topped.. with a star. Dur- ing the drill- they sang `.`Star of the East," Miss Thelma Rita snlging the Solo part very nicely. ` A dialogue entitleclee Jennie's Christmas Party," had an excellent morals The part of Jennie, who was very much discontented because she couldn't wear. her mother's jewels, was well played by Grace Jowett'ancl the two waifs 'singings carols, by Thelma Ritz and Lottie Higgins. Jen- nie tools pity on the waifs and gave them her ono five dollar gold, piece. A very comical feature was the four "rag dolls' managed • by Miss Marion Davison. The dolls were Ger- aldine Castle, Louise McLeod, Carson Johns and Keith Geininhardt, and they were so wobbly and hard to manage that they looked exactly like real rag dolls. Last on the:program, brit not the least, was the short play by the son- Adams, .Leiper. The Marvelous �' tertainment was held on Tuesday ev- ening, a good, attendance being 'pres- ent ip spite_ of the stormy weather. The program was an interesting one and later the distribution of the gifts The funeral of the late Mrs: George Nott took place Friday afternoon from the Ontario .street church, of which deceased was a devoted mem- ber. the tree held the attention of her. from The service:was' conducted by the everyone, old and;young', for, the time Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, assisted by the being; /- Rev. 'Dr, Larkin of Seaforth. The Ontario Street Church' ,Classes will meet at 10:00 a.m. Morning subject, "Let the Dead: Bury Their Dead." The, evening ser- vice will be a . musical service, when the choir will present a cantata. A1T music lovers will be welcome.': The cantata is called "The`Messiah's Ad - seat," and, is composed of choruses, quartettes,. duets and solos., Mye ev Church Wesley' The Brotherhood meets at ten Stratford; Messrs. J. and G. Bechler, o'clock. The subject: "How to Make ilii. and Nliis. Haacke, Mr. and Mrs. pallbearers were: Messrs. L.Tyn•: dall, H. Peacock, W. Vodden, A. Whit-- tingham, 0. W.' Potter and R. Tip - lady. Amongst those who were here from a' distance for the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. 'Gledhill, Toronto; Mrs, H. E. Elder, Tillsonburg; Mrs. Anton' Fisher: Goderich; Messrs. ,II., E. and J. Fisher and V. Cuningliam, Gar- low; Messrs. W. A. and Harold Gun- Is' Mr. J . Chesney, y inghain, Brussels; -, the New Year a Happy One, will be introduced bb,Mr•. A. 3..Tyndalt The pastor's subjects on Sunday will be:•Morningt "A Back}yard-Look but,a Forward' March." Evening: "A Remembered Journey',' 'The Sunday school.„Christinas tree. and entertaininent..was held on Fri- day evening last, a Very interesting little; program ' being' put on by the pupils. At the .conclusion of this Santa Claus and Mrs. Santa CIaus ap- peared and distributed the gifts from the tree. The young people 'greatly used as a business stand., enjoyed this part of .theprogram. On^ Fiiddi „evening the Sunday.„ The old Cole property ;on Huron school will pay a visit to the, Huron street has been purchased- by Ivzr. D. Rogers and Mr.' R. Rogers, God- ericli. Interment was, made in Clinton cem- etery., LITTLE LOCALS. The Pastime Club will hold their usual New Year's dance in their'club rooms New Year's night, Mr. N. W,' .Trewartha. has pur- chased from Mr. G. E. hall the old NeW Era building, which^" will be repeat County Home, when they will x p the program :given at the Christmas entertainment,,, end will also distri- bute goodies to the inmates. St.. Paul's Church On Christmas -Day there will be Celebration of the Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m• and also at 10,30 a,nl.' The rector's: subject"will be" +Christ our Emmanuel." The musical pro-. gram • will be as follows: ' Organ prelude: Selected. Hymn 74, . Christians, awake, salute the happy morn. Nyrie: Maunder Gloria and gratias:- Maunder. Hymn 72, r`0, come all ye faithful't Anthem: `"Shoat the glad tidings' -Wooler. ' e Hymn 73: "Hark the:herald angels sing." Sanctus: Maunder. -• Bcnedictlo1s: Maunder. Agnus Dei:. Mairnder' Gloria in Excelsis, 132—Zeturer. On Sunday next the special Christ- mas music will be repeated. There will be theusualcarol service in the evening:. Musical program, morning:" Organ prelude: Selected. Carols 737 and 748. -Hymn. 74: "Christians awake, sa- lute the happy morn" Venite 10: Sir Jghn • Goss. To Deem 32, ` 33, Randal Langdon. Benedictus, 40, Gibbon. Hymn 712, `'Once in Royal David's City." Anthem: "Behold, I bring you good !tidings," Goss." ' Hymn 72, "0 Come all ye faithful" Hymn 75: "While Shepherd's Watched their fiocics by night." 'Evening: Orgsn prelude: Selected. the From "Angels P Hymn 79 g Yi Realms of Glory,"' Carol 750: "We Three Ding 01 Orient Ar•e." Carol 514: "It came upon the Mid..� night Clear." Gloria,' 63. Carol 741: `illarkl what mean those Holy Voices." Carol 749: "When Christ was Born of Mary,'Frce." Carol 742: "holy Night! Peaco- at. night! Hymn 73: "Harl:,i the Herald the Herald Angels Sing, ' iithein: "Shout the Glad Tidings" Hymn 77: "God From on High, 1 i card. °til H I The Doherty plant is Clinton's larg- est and oldest industry and we heart- ily " congratulate its management upon its success and wish for it even a better year in 1925. The success gf 'Clintons industries means much to Clinton. HOTEL CHANGES HANDS. Mr. David Crawford of Dublin has bought the Graham House from Mr. J. Dorsey and took possession on Thursday last. Mr. Dorsey will re- move to Stratford, where he has been the T;nt- in conducting time for some tl pire Hotel, and will be able to give rs. his whole attention to it. Mr. llo ey has }tad charge of the Graham Tlouse for Some: years, coming here, from Seaforth, and has given general,,,8at- isf-aciion. , Ma. Crawford : is no stranger in Clinton, having at one time conducted the Commercial Hotel. He is a e'en of 3d's. Susan Crawford formerly of the 13311 concession of Hallett towli- ship, and now of Clinton.' His friends will bid him welcome baclt'to Clinton and wish him success in his new en- terprise, • right lies As this. John Cuninghame, Johi along side Mr. Cuninghame it will Make a valuable addition to his al- ready handsomeproperty. read Y. Mrs. S. J. Mclllveen has moved -into the property •.recently purchased in Albert street, next door to 14IcI11 veen's bakery. Mrs. Mclllveen con- templates opening up a little business here bot in-the'neaiitime, will con- tinue her sewing. Word has been receivedia Clinton of the . very serious illness of Mr. John Malloy of Detroit, a former cit- izen of --town. and brother of Mrs. James Twitchell, now of Windsor,. We are ,glad to state that his condi- tion is now improving. The Home and School Club is and s bringing Mr, Frank Yiegh,to Clinton fora couple, of lectures on, Jan, 9th, He speaks et four . o'clock in the af- ternoon and again in the evening at eight. Those who •have heard Mr. Yeigh will 'want to tear him again and those who have . not .:should not liziss doing 50. - CREDITABLE WORK. The Clinton- School of GJonuz ecce est he p t during 1 h pleased much was rn 1 weep. to be able to present diplomas, issued by the Educational. Dept. of the Remington Typewriter Co., to:: Miss ,jean Fisher, Clinton, 29 words per minute; ', Mr. Hector Tigert, 32 words;' Miss Mary McCowan, Sea - forth, 30, words; Miss Olive Schoen- hals, Clinton, 29 words.u s the Til trying for these diplomas, pupils type for, ten minutes on a tes; sent` by the Company, -which they are not alloi4ecl even to read, much less practice, before the test. Any pap- er having more. than fine errors is disqualified. COME ALONG WITIL NAMES, One evening last Week ` Mr. A..D " Sutherland of Seaforth .sante hp and gave the members of the "Old Heine Week" :executive •an outline of the work as it affected their. town last year', when they ;had a most success- ful celebration, giving them many ex- cellent suggestions. It is the wish of • the committee that every -citizen take a' pe sonel in- terest in Clinton's Send -Centennial Celebration in August,' 1925,t it .ie only in this way that a really success- fal celebration can be -brought about. 'The committee wish to be informed at the earliest possible moment as to the names and, addresses of „ferinei citizens as the' list should' be under- way at once. S. B. Stothers,th, 100 su • osis that Christmas , •ctary suggests g •n hand i :ek, d . we t his Boas, town t , ems when m, t i, any ' � Samos and addresses of former' citizens who might be inter- ested. Above all the secretal37 wish- es to impress upon the people that "right now is` th time to get these names in." Hand in to the secretary at the office of the District Rep 41- ,entative, to Dr.' Shaw or any member of the committee. On another page of this iissue is a form to; be ftllediii• with names^ and addresses.,rear it out, fill in carefully, and return` to any one of •the above-nai,zed• mem- The work of 1Vtiss McCowan and People You; Know Miss Elizabeth Ford- of Oshawa is nome for 'Christmas. Mr. Robert Hunter of 'Varsity Is home for the Christmas vacation: Miss Elinor Kemp • of Brae ittinet;' Is', spending the holidays at her' home in town. 'Mr. Harry Arabia and Mn. James. Walters' of Pontiac, Mich., are visit. iting relatives and friends in town. Miss Mary Mair of Maple Lake tis spending 'Christmastide at her hone in town, that of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mair. Mn. Stewart Scott of Toronto Is spending the holidays at his home in town and i5 assisting.: in. the postoffice during the holiday rush. /qrs. W. E. Floody and Master Wal- lace and Miss Katherine of Toronto are spending the holiday period as the guests of the lady's parents; Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Chant. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Hanley of Toronto are spending the Christmastide with their parents, Mn. and •, Mrs. T. H. Cook of town and Reeve and Mrs. G. B. Hanley of Stanley, Miss Schoenhals is especially cred- itable as they have been studying typewriting only sinew Septenihet, 1924, .A little. less than three months, when they took this test.. H. 0. B. TO ASISST HOSPITALS. Theannual'At-Home of the I-Iurou Old Boys' Association of Toronto, will' be held in Sovereign Hall, Door- ereoui't Road, on Thursday -evening, January 15, 1925. In order to make this reunion pop- ular with every man, woman and child from . the county of Huron,: the executive have decided to place the tickets at the low price of 75 ,onto, acid dancing, euchre and bridge will• be the order of the evening. The objects will be more or lees of a charitable nature, as the net .pro- ceeds will be devoted towards mak- ing grants to the four Huron ho, - " cefui Vesper: Holy Night, I ea Nts.h.. , 'Hymn 80: "0 Little ' lelieni." ' Mrs, l''hee, Frenili' Own of Beth - an LOrildlesboret The white gift service in connec- tion with the Methodist Sunday school Was held on Sunday morning. Ow- ing to the severe cold and storm the so large as wasnot Site attendance ance g • tt ndq it generally is. Quite a ,number of the scholars' took part in,the service. Mrs. W. 13:' Osborne "told $he Christ- mas story, which was greatly apprec- iated by all. There was quite a num- ber of good gifts, which goes to show that the children have caught the spirit; that it is move blessed to give than to, receive. Following• are some of the ,gifts: three boys classes, 510.35 to Children's Shelter, Godere ich; Armenian relief fund, .$12.26, Deaconness Hoare, Montreal, 52.26 and a bale of . clothing valued al bers of'the committee. - make a sue- s i ittc e to r the committee IIel li na tion next on cele] cess of Clint summer by getting right to work loll ow. A strong Campaign "Budget" Com- mittee, has been appointed, with Mt Bert McCreath' as convener, and whirlwind - canvass will be made of every Huronite in the city, ifi possible, for the nurnose of raising e fund, front which to make substantial grants to the hospitals at Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Winghain. The the ea ii- eoaniiittee ;ail]. commence peigatimmediately after the begin- ning; of the new year. • Varna 1035 held thleir annual ineating and the election of officers are as'follows• W. M.: Carl Diehl. D. til.: Fred McClyn;ont. Chaplain: Geo. Clar'ke. Ree. Secretary: Chaa.C. Pilgt I fir. Secretary: Lorne Eppr. Goa , Johnston. iilClark '1 vi ei n 00 "Percy Iohnstor l imer. Webster: Sick Children, Toronto. Tuesday was Santa: Claus day at Jim MoCool's store. There was a and for every boy girl. ren treat 1 Miss Anna Hamilton, who is teaching at IIaliburton, is spending her holidays with her parents here. Rev. W. R. Osborne and family are spending Christmas with the formers. mother at Cottam. , Miss Olvetta Brigham is spending the Christmas holidays with her pare ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brigham.," Mn. and Mrs, James Watt and son of Toronto aro spending the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund. Crawford and Miss, Louisa have gone to Niag- ara to spend Christmas and New Year's with • their daughter, Mrs, Funicle. The library books, toward which the Women's ,Institute have contri- buted so liberally, have arrived and aro about ready for circulation. They are In Mrs 3. Browns store, and he will be pleased to hand thein out as they are `called for. We trust this library will be appreciated by our Po- ' w A large truck passed through here oil .Sunday lnoruiiig from Ashtabula, Ohio. 'tlrhere will they conte from next? A special meeting of Council was held on Thursday last, present, Reeve Armstrong, Councillors 'Mogridge, Toeasur•e' cit lot Ice 2nd Lecti 0, -of m tor. boys, entitled, Doctor." ' Fred heard , played the peat of the marvelous doctor, .Zephan- iah Bel Boodle, and Douglas Gemin- hardt acted as his assistant. He per- formed wonderful- cures with his. "Golden Magic Ointment" ' and his "all healing•, pills" and was selling, these rapidly until e man -appeared who had wished for a black mous- tache but instead a red one was growing, very rapidly. While he was pouring out his •tales of woe Dr. Bil' Boodle and his assistant made good their escape. •z s the Mrs. FergusonY ASOn pianist and assisted Mi. Bigelow behind the. nOlnTBesarllle Mrs. D. Calbick of Winona is spending a few days with Iter sister, Miss S. Acheson. S. S. No. 3 had a Christmas tree e and entertainment on Thursday nig in the school house. The program, consisted of solos, duets, quartette, dialogue, duets, orchestra: and band. music, also speeches from trustees and the 'Rev. Mr; Walden.' Mr. N. W. Trewartha, M.L.A. acted as chair- man. old Santa •theprogram Afte r l an. appeared on the scene with a basket loaded with good things for the children. After the basket was emp- tied and the tree unloaded the child- ren gave three cheers for old Salita Claus and three cheers' for Miss Gaizor, the teacher, to whom the credit is due for having such an ex- cellent program. Mr. Harvey McCartney of Sas- katchewan is visiting friends in the: community. It is about eighteen years since he left and no doubt he Miss Anna Woods was sick with the flu" and thus unable to attend the night of the conceal,• A great deal of :credit is due to both tlie teachers and the pupils. ATi old .and • very-. much respected resideait of Bayfield in the person of Mr. James Donaldson, sr., passel to-: rest at the 'home,_ ofhis son, Mr. James Donaldson, Goderich, on Thursday fast- at the age of eighty - five. The Panel—al' took place'on Sat- nig than -period. uv'day from the.,residence ;of his solnI. Sutter and Perdue of Clinton Izai=, 'in Goderich to the Presbyterian, jnstalled a furnace fn;llolnresvill h h Bayfield incl thence o B Y - 1'I 1 sees great changes in the people ditr. curs c pool. for interment. ie t sex field cemetery yd a.ve'r pallbearers were nlemborsr of `the-�'• Mr,.Wesley'ifanderburgh. Canadian Order " of Foresters Ills=; successful auction sale last week,