HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-18, Page 8Or
ON's li",y1AJ¢i+1G JE,
tore for
CLl3Y ,TORZ3]'
lr is
indeed v ll bc''I ii lady who ]iiiiiti w chest of shining,
Over under rile, tree on 'Girls t me moi area,- or the lady
ces some o those important individual pieces—the bt ler
<.a• shell' or gravy ladle, preserves "or berry , spoon, lemon'
tfe Uring the latest patterns, in Connnunity Pate, Ad ra,is
I'lxailisc and in Tudor Plate, Baronet pattern, we fea”
lece eho t a1 6;1.6.50 (6 linrvcs, 6 �loiks, 6 spoons, Sugar
(titer knife).
a" good stock o;£ `Ro e in 1867 `ants 1881 in a nice range
dices, ranging in price from 61.00 and upwvairds.
)ugh. the Holly 1. ether
The Gift Endures
and Optician
Y's.Drug Stere
' tD d'".
9',ic'old joke "- 'nboat <tho chicken
clic dbecau,e the cbiel:en'got wise, ,In
this auto nob is at -,:e they Lound blot
.0107 1;0; killed if they tried it, hen
$'h,. dlee97 n.cl that there really was
n� retiSon or , going 'across s at all.
Some' of Our cuea omers .h Eve Lound
in our varied stock just what stats+
their, deanrnds for old and young
the practical ind'the plaything, the
useful' and the ornamental, high
priced as well as low priced. We in-
vite your inspeetjon , and pa.trcina;e
and perchance you will conveniently,
find what you require.;
Tire VIJI Fair Co
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
were not for ,_the, Kiddies .....
and Christmas and Toys
lull place this world would•be! At this season. many par
bringing .their children to the studio -for gift portraits.,
happy thought for fond parents and loving friends—a cap-
photograph of son and daughter.
p 9dainty Photographs mounted {r°7 @is[p
1 in elegant Pinta Easel Solders ep d s9➢98
hs Taken up to Dec. 23rd Will. be Delivered for Christntsa
6 Photographer
I. VENNER, Electrician
Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Faris and other
Repairs. Phone, I5Iw
old feather Nees
n goods this year are exceptional value, being _manatee
raw materials bought at the lowest prices, while at the
e prices of the same raw materials ate steadily advane
ig for higher prices in the future.
ve Malley, by Supplying Your Needs. Right Now
ve the best range of Overcoats we have shown for a long
ur prices are right. Heavy Overcoats, Ulsters, and 3 -piece
8,00 to $80.00. 4,
ool Sweaters from $2.50 to $6.00
ool Ribbed Underwear, $1.50" ,and up.
dots, rubbers or Goloshes and a complete range of 'warm
t lowest prices.
lurnsteel, Bros.
The Point of View
i(frs.: B. J. Gibbings -has been visiting
in Toronto this week. .
Mrs. Sinclair` of Goderich visited last
Week with Mrs. Harrison Wiltse.:
Mr:. and Mrs. C, S. Hawke. expect 60
spend the' Christmastide. in- Toron-
Mrs. Melvin. Clark and Mrs. S. Chaff
of Goderich were in Clinton yester-
1V'frs. Joseph Carling of St Coluneban
1. is visiting her aunt, Mrs,, J. P. 'Mat-
Intosh of town.
Mr. F. 1--I. Bishop df. Owen, Sot}nd. is as
temporary member of the local
staff of the Molsons Bank.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas Jennison and
daughter of Swift Current are vis-
iting at the former's .home.
Miss Margaret Watts of Carroll,
Manitoba, is visiting her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs., R, Jennison.
Miss* Freda Wallis of the Maedohald
Institute, Guelph, comes -home to-
-. morrow for.the Christmas vacation.
Mr. Mid Mrs. John Wisemen intend
spending Christmas with then
daughter, Mrs: Prowse of Windsor:
Mrs, James Connolly of Goderich'vis-
ited last week with Nils, A. J. ltior-
rish and Mrs. W. C. Brown; of town.
Mr. and Mrs.` D. A, I{ay returned on
Fridayfrom, their honeymoon trip
and are nicely settled inetheir cosy
home in Fulton street,
Mr. Janes Walls tof Tottenham has
been visiting during the past week
with his .sister, Miss Mary Walls,
and his, uncle, Rev. T. J. Snowdon.
Mrs. James Nott of the London' Road.
Hiss come into Clinton for the win-
ter and will stay with her daugh-
ters, Mrs. H. Peacock and 'Mrs. W.
Miss Ethel Doherty, who has been
spending the past ,slx or seven
months travelling in England and
the Continent, has - returned to
Mr. and Mrs. D. Shanahan -of Sea-
forth, who frequently visit, in Olin
Ion, having a number of relatives".
here, will spend the wing n.
Florida. "
Mrs. T. J.Watt left yesterday morn--
ing'for , To3•onto . on, her Way to
• Brandon, Mali„ where she expects to
spend some months withher. sis-
ter, Mrs. S. Booth.
Mr. T. R, Shepherd is spending a hol-
iday at the; home of,his mother,
.Mrs. James . Shepherd, Townsend
street. Mir,, Shepherd,- who
specter for 'Hie Royal Bank in the
west, has his headquarters in Win-
nipeg. He has been visiting hi -Ot-
tawa and will he here for Christ-
mas ' Mr., Shepherd began his
banking career in the Clinton
branch and is the second inspector,',
. to receive his initial training in''
banking under the present local
manager, Mt. R. E. Manning.
Mrs. J. L. Kerr and Miss Mary left
yesterday afternoon for Toronto,,
where they will spend the Christ-
mastide with the former's relax".
tives. Mr. Kerr left' for Brussels
yesterday evening but will go to
Toronto later. Ontheir return they
will take uptheir residence In
Brussels, where Mr. Kerr will be
connected with The Post, of which.
his father' has been editor and pub-
lisher for forty odd years. Mr.
and Mrs. Kerr and their winsome
little daughter will be mussed in
Clinton but their friends wish thein
all gond .fortune in their new home.
which is also their old one. Mr.
and Mrs. Kerr, sr., will probably
spend the winter in the South.
is this—If you are oncesuited
with a Suit or Overcoat
at this establishment, my ad-
vice to you is to continue com-
ing here and ;tell your friends
about then.
You'will find that this house
carries the very latest . and
best : materiels for men and
young then that you can find
The guarantee that goes with
each suit is "that They are `
made by experts." Let us take
your rneasuretoday.
Pull Range From $25.00 .to $55,00 -s"
avis Sc lierman
Why Not a
Practical Gift
This Christmas
guy a Coleman-
Quik -Lite'
of he Night"' ' The (zluiclt-Lite Lantern is a, '
regular helper—always ready
Laieip is just , for any outdoor job in any
lading, sewing,- weather. It is unrivalled lore
ery home task its safety ,in a barn or, its use-
beautiful, pine fulness on a camping trip.' In
e power 'cad 'fact, it can't be beat in any way
nes ,abundant where a light is needed outside
contentment at ;night, and fully justifies -_its'.
rcle. naasee
"`rhe light or a thousand uses"
_ home
Of > a
a ta C'aney'a.
Do not' nisss this op
Special Chocolates and Creams, per lb.. , .. ,
Special Chocolates and Creams, per 18.
Fruit Jellies,, Nut Loaf,; assorted' creams, per lb.
'Christ as Tree Decorations and S
Candy Dolls,
Christmas Cracker, very attractive, at reasonable
yeX Raisins,
Per 1b... ..
Per lb.. ,,
Mince Meat,
Fancy Baskets of
Oranges, Grap
We have still a
Florida Oranges, Iarge and juicy, per dozen 29c
Tangerines, per dozen .. .. , ... , . 30c
California Oranges, f
Agents for Apex' Canned Goods
Santa will be here on Dec. 23 and 24 Tuesday and
Be sureand c
Cash & Carrg
2 Deliveries var
We expect, if the weather isfav-
orable, to have ice ready ;for. use in
Clinton rink this week and there will
bo skating- ,
Exenings, Dec. • 19th and 20th
Band out Friday this week and* on
Tuesday evening and •Christmas ev-
ening next week,
12. G. SMITH
London Bond
A' quiet wedding took place' at the
home of Mrs. McKnight, sr., on Wed
nes'day evening of last week when
her daughter, Mos. Tasker, 'was unit-
ed in marriage to Mr. Luke Lawson,
of Clinton. Only members of the
mediate families were present. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev,
0, J. Moorhouse of Ontario street
church, Clinton.. Mr, and Mrs. Law-
son have the good wishes. of their
friends for a happy and prosperous
Mr. G. W. Layton is in Toronto this
week attending the Convention of the
United Verniers of Ontario.
Mr. and l4:rs.Wilber Nott are get-
ting, settled in their new' abode, the
farm recently purchased from Mr. D.
L. Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson, who
inteitd going to Hyde Park in the.
spring, -will spend ` the winter with
Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, sr., in Clin-
The second edition of the I-Iockey
Pictorial is' on the market, more com-
plete and up-to-date than the original
edition, which was received with such
acclaim by followers of the great wins
ter sport. Most favorable 'comment`
have been passed upon the publica
tion by sport writers the continent,
over; and the general opinion as ex-
pressed by players and scribes Is
that no more comprehensive or hand-
some book in the sporting line was
ever printed. A feature that, should
possess a marked appeal not -only to
puck -chasers of the present, but to
old timers, are the many group pic-
tures of champion teams, dating back
to the early' history of hockey. The
new edition not,only consains the
history of hockey iCanada, but core
ers'the history ,of the 101n1e in the
United States also, n.vith 300 hand.
some engravings o(` Cans than and
American teams and is right un to
the: minute in every respect, Any rim
the), information enrtaining, to ine
book can be obtained by writing to
the, Ifoeleey Pictorial, 84 Victoria St.,
T t Ord. (Advt.)
The U. F..W. O. met Last Thurs-
day at the home of Mrs. Walter
Swrp'banl. Mrs. R. Plumsteel gave.
an 'interesting paper on "Christmas.,
Etc." The
Janbarriateeting will be held at the.
Janiiaxy g ,
home of Mrs, Cecil Oak.
on the evening of
Goderich; It is expected that
twenty-three. freighters will winter in
this harbor, the largest number ever
to winter .here. Last, winter nineteen
boats tied up, in Goderich,
and Cut -Flowers
. Chops; you; gifts from our Christ-
mas stock of fancy baskets, of plants
Azaleas, Cyclamen, . Cherries, Be-
gonias, Primulas, Primroses, Terns,
See our Memorial 'Wreaths, also
Christmas 'wreaths
Holly and Mistletoe for decorations
" • In Cut Flowers for Christmas we
will have. Roses, Carnationsi Nar-
cissus and a limnted number of
J. Cuzianghame,, Florist,
Store, 31 Greenhouses, 1'i6w
Christmas Dance
The annual Christmas Dance, under
the auspices of the Pastime Club,
will be held in the
IUA9ci#t' Towns'' a3
Last, week ono of. llullett's pioneers
passed' away in the person of M{.
George Mann o:C the fourth conces.
Mr. Maim, who was in' his°eighty
seventh' year, was bern in England
and canis to Canada with. his parents
when thirteen years of age. He was
a son of. the late Robert Mann and
the family was among the early pion-
eer families in Hullett. He is sur-
vived by four sons and four daugh-
ters: Jaynes Mann of Brussels•
George of IInallett; John; James and
Miss Jennie at hone, Mrs. Wm, Hun-
ter of Mullett and Mrs. John Hart' of
McKillop. Another, son, Moses, was
killed by a- fall from a wagon a
couple of months ago. One brother,
James Mann of Constance, also' sur-
vives. Mrs. Mann, who was Miss
Ennnrw Riley, died thirteen years, ago.
Mr. Mann was of a quiet disposition
and a good neighbor.
The funeral took place from the
family home. on Friday afternoon to
Constance cemetery. The Rev. C. J.
Moorhouse of Clinton conducted the.
services at,house and graveside.
Mr. as D. Ansley spent' the past
week with her mother, Mrs. Ellis,
near• .I;lyth.
1llr.'and Mrs, Harry Moon gave a
fowl supper to a number of their
friends last friday evening,
Councillors Mogridge, Sloan and E.
Adams and Reeve Armstrong attend-
ed the statutory meeting of the nun -
oil in the community hall last Mon-
day. -
Mr, Driver and Mo Farnham, old
bankers, when motoringfrom Ba uce-
Field, Monday morning gc t stuck in 'a
snow hank three mules from Londes-
bore. They borrowed a horse and
cutter from a. farmer and were here
in time to conrmentie their duties,
oron o, n'. . . .
Thursday, Dec, 25th.
(Christmas Day)
Dancing front ;1 to.2
Clinton Orpheus Orchestra
will.furnisit music
Gentlemen, $1.50
Ladies Please , Provide
Just o`<le Week more
until Christmas
DOUBLE ROASTERS .in Granite or
Black, Round or Oblong
Drop in and see what ' we have to
offer; yen will not be
... 0