HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-18, Page 7ASY TI ICI
No, ;i 1 ri...
tt+} liid T-hc. Ate
12.oy.Nuout Hero.
routs'ase keening up their records
for blips deeds. ',A- recent award vire
Unit of the gilt cross of the Boy Semite
A,,;ociation to'Scont LeRoy Bonnet of
the '1st Fort•William ''(St. Duke's)
Troop.' 'Scout Bonnet and his chum,.
Thos,"Oldsle, were out, looking for rab-
bits whid'h they had snared whenthey
came upon a wolf. The latter. fives
about to, spring.et Tom.Oldale hien This trick -,bas the appearance. of
LeRoy took cool aim with his .22. rifle -being a famous feat `of sleight of
Lind finished the brute. .: Chief Coin-
niissioner Dr: flames W. Robertson in
w'1tir g: a congratulatory note to Stoat
Bonnet seta
I congratulate you upon: the plucky
ability which you- ,showed and also up-
on the ;suecessful ending of the adven-
tan e, seeing that- no one Mit the wolf
Was injured,
A Crippled ,Scout's Perseverance.
TIG. 2,,.
How many boys could come -up i.0
this record?
"Despite the loss of hie right, foot
in -an accident :several years ago, Geo.
S. Conley, Jr.,' aged 17; is the wearer
of an Eagle Scout Badge, the highest
award which an American Boy Scout
can earn, .
win the award Conway attained
twenty-eight proficiency badges, some
of then calling .for considerable ath'-
letic skill.
"With the aid.of,a crutch he ran 50
yards 1n,71/5 seconds, -leaped 3 feet 9
inches in the running high jump and
performed required swimming strokes
and life saving feats!'
Boy Scouts and Christmas.
Christmas,' is the time -above' all
others for.tbe doing, of a Scout Good
Turn. Do you remember how old,
miserly, crabby Scrooge began to feel
a real Christmas 'happiness when he
started to try to ^'make :Bob Cratchit
and Tiny Tim and all the others; hap -
Here are some suggestions for
Christmas Good. Turns by Scouts:
Provide Christmas Trees for fatal -
lies not ali1e to purchase or procure
them, '
Visit and entertain sick people, es
pecially those in hospitals and sani-
tariums. '
Help decorate churches and Sunday
schools for Christmas services..
An Eastern Ontario. Troop last year
collected eighty boys',' storybooks
and took them to the children's• ward
of sanitarium, They also'niade up
a. bundle of outgrown, but good
clothes and shoes,:aud took them to a
needy family so. the children 'could go
to school. •
In: a' number of places a community
Christmas tree has become one of the
'big annual events and Is something
to which Scouting is particularly fitted
to give leadership. Briefly the usual
community Christmas tree programme
'includes the erection of a large
Christmas tree at some central point;.
its decoration; a children's service of
carol singing, and the presentation of
gifts in the afternoon, and' a service
of grown-ups led by a composite choir
early in the evening (when the tree is
first lighted) : following which the
various choir groups separate and sing
carols in different sections of the com-
Are You Holding One This Winter?
• Ottawa District Scouts will- this win-
ter compete in'Lird house building for
prizes offered by Her Excellency Lady.
Byng. The winning houses will be
placed in trees In the: Rideau Hail
grounds, which are, so tar as possible,
being made a bird sanctuary.'
There is no more Scouty winter a
tivity than the building of bird houses:
If your troop has not already tried it,
pian a bird house competition for your.
Oh', holly branch and mistletoe,
And Christmas chimes wher'er we go,
Aud, stockings pinned up in a. row,
These. are thy gifts, December!
And if the,year has made thee o15,
And silvered all they locks with gold,
Thy heart has never been a -cold,
Or known -a fading ember.'
The whole world is a Christmas tree,
And stars its many candles be,
Ohl sing a carol joyfully,
The year's great feast in keepingl
For once, on a December night,
An angel- lield`a candle bright,
.And led' three wise men by 'RS light
To where a child was, sleeping.
Harriet F. Blodgett,
hand but actually it demands, no
skill. The ace, the two spol. and ,
the three spot of any sett are
shown and are placed 'face doors on .;
the table, the spectators being,
+asked' to keep track of the ace.
The magician mixes the cardsa
little with the result: that the most
astute spectator is unable to .die:.:
cover which of the' cards is the
The cards are prepared. The
figure 3, cut from, another card
from the same'-suit,'Is very neatly
pasted -over the A onn one corner of.
the ace. The,part pastes on should
be shaved' down very thin and
colorless paste should be used. In
a like manner an A Is pasted over
the 3 on one end of the three spot.
When the herds are first dis
played, show them as in 'Figure 1
the false pips being_ hidden, Next,
diose the cards` .and turn them
around, opening again, this time
showing the false pips, but not the
faces of two of the cards (Figure
2). As you turn the cards 'face
downward,:: draw the, three out and
put it on the table. As the specta-
tors saw the index of the ace, they',
take it for granted;that this+is the
see. The 'more, el0a5ly they folio*
'this card, the more they contribute`
to their own deception. When You r
pick up then cards, pink them, up
so that your finger tip hides, the
false index.
(Clip, this out 'and paste it. With
ether of the series: i- a seraph ick.)
Need .New, Rich Blood to Re-
store Health and Strength.
Itisan unfortunate fact that nine
women out o'f'every:ten are victims of
blbodleasness''in one form or another.
Tito girl 1`n her teens, the wife and
mother, the matron of middle age—all
know. its .miseries.,, To be anaemic
means ,;that you. are 'breathless after
slight exertion.. You feel "worn out
and depressed, You turn against food
and often cannot' digest what .you do
eat. Sleep does not .refresh you, and'
when you get up you feel exhausted
and unfit for the day's duties. If neg-
lected. anaemia may .lead to cgnsump-
You should act promptly. Make
good, the fault in your blood by tak-
ing sir, Pink.Pllls, the most
reliable blood enricher ever diacover-
ed. These pills purify, bad,bleod,
strengthen weak. blood, and they make
good blood, and as the condition of
your, blood. improves you, will"''regain.
proper etrengtll, and enjoy Ilee.fuily as
every girl and woman should do. .The
deice of . Mrs. Mary Trainor, Perth,
Ontario, shows the value of Dr. Wil-
liams'. Pink Pills in cases, of this kind.
She says:—"I had not been feeling
well for some time and: had been grad-
ually growing weaker, 1 found it very
hard to do, my housework; hail severe
headaches and was very pale. I took
doctor's medicine for some time, but
they did me no good. I was:growing
weaker and, used: to faint and take
dizzy spells. In this condition. I began
the use of Dr. Williams—Pink. Pills,
and after; a time : found they were
helping' me.. I continued their use un-
ntil I sound tile troubles that afflicted
me had gone and I am once' more en-.
joying good health and strength,"
You can get Dr. Williams, Pink Pills
through any dealer in' medicine, or by Avoid lees when sending money by
mall at 50o a box from. The,- Dr. Wil mail..--iTe.e Dominion Express .Money
Hams' Medicine -Co,, -Brockville, Ont. Orders—tile safe, convenient; inexpen-
sive way.
II1IItIII l 1I Iultill:
,lied .t
y% II�
pe.�l aL.dSd��,
also it%21.1
�• rima®
A Garden of Rubber Flowers, (x
i What, many autom0ail-
With Britain s COMFillilnellts. .The art of incorporating color into not four-wheel braltes, but
9.shorttheeago the British Gov- rubber has `resulted in the English is• I ed drivers, .
nment' presented to ,the. Regent, of vention of indestructible flowers, a die
Abyssinia the crown captured in war
with that Country fifty years ago.. The
incident recalls that on many prexious
oecasions the British nation has been
the recipient or giverpf a token of re-
gard, in the form of a special present,
for some other Power, .
Probably the -best-known gift ever
received by Britain from the Govern-
meat of another country is the good
ship Resolute, of Arctic exploration
fame, which the'United States; at Q. -
cost •sof
cost;•sof $200,000 voted by Congress;
restored' it . Britain after the 'vessel
had been abandoned in the icesome
time --previously. 'Twenty years after -
Chocolate Covered Figs.
This toothsome. .and wholesome
Christmas time confection comes from
New Orleans, and is especially to be
recommended for children, because it
satisfies the craving for sweetswith a
food that is digestible, nutritious and
Balza tonic effect on the system.
"The figs should first be steamed nn -
til 'they are very tender. This may be
done conveniently 131 an enalneledware
steanler'with -a removable rack. When
the figs have cooled remove the soft
centres and' chop this portion fine with
a few nuts) and candied fruits. Fill
the figs with this mixture and dip' 2
then in unsweetened chocolate. which
play of which,wes made at the Wemb-
ley Exposition. The exh'bit cansisted
of a small garden plot 'u which the i
floral display is sort
Mlnard's Liniment Rerilovi
handed with a bit i Royal Onterio M
of lawn. Grass, blooms and foliage 251 Blear St West, Hear Avanhe
were an
all, of rubber 'composition, with `emeeet zlaUufon rn. climax.
an occasional worm and bug to lend 0003055. anew I p1' 8olaee cot a-.
5065 10 b,m t 5 p:m.; Saari
realism to the scene. The flowers 210er, Bar, ',ma-caattia Lira.
have the advantage over other thigs{
of the sante character ..which have
been made of fabric , in the respect
that a dose of water restores their
,brilliant color after they have been ex-
posed to,dust, -
Mlnard's Litilmeht•He ata, Cuts.
wards Queen Victoria had a table , War—what is it after all ,the people
made of the .ship's timbers and pre -1, get? Whyl taxes, widows, woodep
stinted it to' the White House, Wash-, lege and debt)
ington, where it stilt does duty as the
The Statue of Liberty, which marks 1
President's writing desk.
the entrance to New York harbor, was.
a gift to the 'United States from'
Trance. Over two hundred feet in
height, ? it is the world's greatest
statue; anti CostAearly $500,000..
France had also Shown her esteem
for. Britain by giving the British Mus-,
eilm a magnificent specimen of a;
Sevres vase, while more recentlyshe
announced her intention of malting a.
present of certain parts of the battle -1
'fields, as a.permanentmemorlal,to Br1-
Min's dead soldiers.: • w
-Spain has given England a rold
model of -the ship to which Columbus
voyaged to, America. Another unusual
gift was the ancient cannon given to
the British people by the Dutch. This
brings to mind the two very old pieces '
of ordnance given by Britain to the
United States as a memento of the
fort built by the' Pilgrim Fathers at'
Plymouth, Mass.
Another relic, an old mortar found,
in one of the .American Army stores,
was presented by Congress to the
'United . Kingdom, it having belonged
formerly to the 50th Royal Americas
Corps, which afterwards became the
King's ; Royal Rifles.
s --
Making It Right,
"Two 'caws in thefield," said a
teacher to a classof small, boys, in-
dicating the writing on thea black-
board, "Now, that sentence is wrong.
Can any boy tell me why?"
,Che youngdter sougtgt to help' her
Out, of the difficulty. "D`r'ape one of
them are a tale, miss!" he suggested.
Minard'a Liniment for Rheumatism.
A portable camera, weighing" only
thirty pounds, will detect hidden trea-
sure or snuggled goods in bride walls
or inside trunks.
For, Sore Feet—Mlnard'o Linirtient.
Tis -Crowded Life.
How sordid is this crowded life, its
And envy.the unkindness brought to
It makes me think of those great mod-
est hearts ,
That spend,"their quiet lives in lonely
In deserts,hills or 'woods; and pass
Judged by a few, or none, from day to.
And 0 that I were free enough to
dwell .
In their great spaces for a while; until
The dream -lute life of such a solitude
Has forced mytongue to cry "Hallo!''
'To make an echo froni'the silence give.
My voice back with the knowledge
that I live. '
—W. H. Davies:
has melted au. an enameledwate double 13eautiful home -50e -
boiler. The chocolate coating will lug and tinting is
keep the figs soft and moist for a con-
siderable time -
Winter Bird.
ply bird, my darling, , elmanent tee 1 o T s
acll 10 C(s21t
mond Dyes, Just dip
in coldwater to tint
soft, delicate shades,;
er boil t0 dye richa
Calling through the Gold afternoon; package,.
T t222lound-bright notes, contains directions
Bach one' so perfect so simplo:any woman
Shaken from the other and yet .'cau dye or tint iia-'
%Ranging together in flashing clusters! gerie, siilis, ribbons • skirts waists;
The sm iii cost flowers and the ripe dres?,,,;, coats, stg011inge, _;owcators,
tllapories,; coverings, hangings, eve(y..
Alia e gaeliered.
i1, Is the ,eecfiufl news of huts and her- Buy "Diamond Dyes" --no other kind
—and tell: your druggist whether the
\nil round r bri hi flashing drops material you wish to color is woof or
011 55e frozen grass. milli, or whether it is linen, cotton, or
• Katherine '1ianshe}d,. ini5ed goods,
There has never yet ,been 'a man in
our history . who led a life' of ease,.
whose •name is worth 'remembering.
`We are interested in obtaining
particulars to, the Wilson .Publishing
Company, 73 West Adelaide Street,.
Toronto, Ontario.
We offer steadyemploym
f weekly to sell our coinplet
sive,llnes'of guaranteed g
root,, fresh -dug -to -order
plants. Attractive, Musts.
and lull co-operation, a in
opportunity. LUKE`
For every purpose In the
orchard, cutting limbs up
to 11 inches.- Handles
4,. 6, II, 10 and 12 feet,
Yter Darin/ars Desist blows du 4n414y
Our descriptive -circular sent
to any address on request.,:
r. eon name cyt von 0001,.'etUM11
nousa ulsns.hea as
Pteace write for our
-Poultry, Butter,
We OIIAULN1426 than for
P. POULIN et CO.,.
5441 etareec,ue 3d
Tn.phpsa halt r
That haggard, care -w
look will dfaappear and
people wilt ,gain in
strength when Bitral
taken for a short time.
Pkge.' Arrow Chemical
St East, Toronto, Ont.
Santa Claus all
the Year Round
The dear old rtian
hasn't a finer gift in
his pack than a
radio receiver because
it is the one gift that . ,
carries the happy .
spirit of Christmas
all through the; year.
Every Mareoniphone'is:a
Santa Clansin itself be
Stowing on the family
circle elherg night the
choicest gifts ofthe. world's
best entertainers,
Every Marconi, dealer"
has several models and,
will gladly install the
s set you select.'' ,
• Write any address
ttlow for" Rlaslra- -
led Booklet PD
53.74. -��_•
Getting Ba
Savo your hair b
the scalp three tiro
with Mlnsrd'e:
Don't Get
Cuticura ''10
To Preve
Dandruff, itchinga
tation point td an u
ditton of the scrip W
falling hair and pre
nese. Frequent sham
ticura . Soap do 'mu
such a condition, exp
ceded by a gentle
Cuticula Ointment
aims. Eme 100 by Man.
'Deppot a twara; P. o.1, e
rrice lII1 et
Try oaurpuevwt9
'have bought.their 'farms in. We3.erti
Canada from the Canadian•Faciiioa A
remarkable Fact. Think!, There is e
reason. Tho large area of 'our hold-
ings affording choice of location and of
land to snit every farmindaieed. Fair
pr!re_ I:Or,-contractl and fair dealing
I'�oinbinecf *lilt abundant Seniity oil
sgll, good mimato and social condi-
tibns 'make farm life there. desirable
and attractive. Thousands more will
select their farm from our virgin lands,
from our unproved farms, and with ,
:some capital and deterrnfati tl'ba' le
world, ..an snake to ho'aie "anal pay, for
it 1 r1te fbr'our booklet, "The Prairie
Prey heels of • Canada,7 and leaflet,
!'Westoroi'Canada Forges Ahead;' G. L,
o 'Iand AAgent, thallwaY,DeskcWWirdsor Station,
Montreal, Quo.
ISSUE No. 60---'24,
Tite':, [a 'k lie
Minima 101e end Conoiona Tessele es etshe a Sully built for 11fons and 'Rotel5011
Shore' n
lam at Ports rt In Stopp o era penodal d.pl teuren 0
,-. and parties', euel c of alt o to in 1 vl S on t the: throughout.
hoot. r rc 0
"tures: fireless N w lino au,l firsfu her aorvix on and
l3ay. s
turas. Wireless News nstl , For further mforhotion ace l desoriptivC 1
Any authorized dte.,msbiJ 'Agent, er
JAMES W. ELWGL.t- & CO,, INC. 0014. •
17 State Street; New York City,.
SS. Pettis
Feb. 17
Feb. 24
Feb. 26Mar.
Mgr.. 2
Mat.. 4
Mara 5
robe 10
Mat. 13
Mar.; 14/15
Mar. 16/19
Vier. 24
35 days
Frons: New York .
To: Ponta Delgada 12 bis,
Madeira 10 his,
- Algiers...243rs:
Palermo, . 12 hrs.
'.. Naples.. r 12 hrs,
Piraeus -Athena 241ae,
onstanjtiaople 241,1nn.
Heyrontll,:.. , . , 4 hrs.
t.(Ypt ., 2d420
essina. a hes,
Monaco.. 10 hrs'
Length of the Cruise
an. 10' '
an. 17
an. 19
an. 23
an. 25
an, 20
an. 20
+eb, 3
Feb. 4/5
Fob. 6/f
Feb. 11
i,eb, 1b. 0
35 dopa.
Mar, 21^
Mar. 25
Ayr. 3
Apr. 1
Apr. S
- Apr. 11
Apr.. 14
Apr. g /
'Apr. 17
Apr. 22..
Apr. 25
25 doYit
Minima 101e end Conoiona Tessele es etshe a Sully built for 11fons and 'Rotel5011
Shore' n
lam at Ports rt In Stopp o era penodal d.pl teuren 0
,-. and parties', euel c of alt o to in 1 vl S on t the: throughout.
hoot. r rc 0
"tures: fireless N w lino au,l firsfu her aorvix on and
l3ay. s
turas. Wireless News nstl , For further mforhotion ace l desoriptivC 1
Any authorized dte.,msbiJ 'Agent, er
JAMES W. ELWGL.t- & CO,, INC. 0014. •
17 State Street; New York City,.