HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-11, Page 12Ih
Provincial _Board of • Health Qiitarid'
ddletou will lie glad to answer titkt�oPl3-'
re through teals column. Address him 46' 7
'coedit, 're/Tato.
1110 ilei}11
he Circuit Rider'and the
aim ,oitifftlie _l;ount in—
driz'slfug, marrow chilling rain
that Made the Methodist cirmtit rider
E7.5 Ire urged his old horse to greater.
speed hutton his shabby old Coat up
/miler his chin and pull his hal down.
over his eyes. The constant drip, drip,
l:, ti drip, an the dead' leaves of the forts
^�J i made him thinll with eager antitipa-
1 onto was recently found dead in his of 1 >xarage.10 feet, by y
garage, with the .engine of his, oto- feet to the danger point in about logs a softly shaded lamp on the read -
1 tobile still running.On investigat- three. minutes. ing stand beside: his chair, and Sally,
11g',the case, the conclusion arrived at) �It is not so very long ago that the plump, rosy-eheeked, cheerful Sally,
was that the man's death was; due to newspapers` contair.ed an account of a .;the hest wife a man ever had!
carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon,' young girl who, while taking a bath, He had a . urpi'1ee for. Sally. sate,
monoxide has become one of the corn- was n;nhyxlated through having a 'in the old wallet buttoned up snug in
t E P poisoning. In the grnall heating stove -tri the bathroom.' the inside. breast peeper of the old
non of his little home There Would
A pielninent business nmii -.of `ia pet t.tinute ivou;d cont lmivate the le be a h Blit eraelting iiia 01 l.ieleo y
1p feet b > .. F
he hest
manes forms o gas Olso �•+
cities it is now foie that the deaths These accidents occur so unexpectedly coat were .two live -doll r bills, an l �1 A,JY' TRICKS
d ti f ,that it is }yell for the publicto I.naw
Sally. "Vf soy
•b n the danger of hot wa en g him
that he'1011. that the
Lord had made him the custodian of 11
as a direct gifttohis wife,' Be was
boyishly thrusting, his hand into his
pocket just to feel the'troasure when
1301110 one close beside the'road cried,
The preacher realized that was in a
"moonshlners' -country." Peering
through he misty gloom, he found to
bis consternation that he was` close to
old Nance's cabin, the notorious haven
of all the - evil -doers of three towu'-
ships. Ten doll was a fine sum in
that Country a time; it le not at
all strange tha re rider 'wondered
whether he Were about to be robbed.
"Parson," -said the stranger; "old
Nance wants that you should comp in
and pray for her, She's tools that sick,
an' Jack was tobir off yestiddy-to jail
on account of the still. Me a'n' my 01'
,Woman's lookin' after hee the best we
kin. ,'We heard tell that you was 'cone,
in' back home this -way, an' I been
standin' here fur the last hour, watch-
in' fur ye."
Needless to say the preacher grant -
from this -;gas exceed
nose Torn any ' a both
of them were for .. o
other oisen But deaths frotn'caro t asheatersNo•`844.
P -
monoxide tan h. en" anywhere. This beco,nn-g an innpaitant s ,u f
1c las yl
gas calx be Inst as fatal in 5111511 cot- ',carbon t on moaioxicle• in 'houset, especially
tagos out in the country through in -i where they are not roporly con1nected'
complete combustion in the coal fur- to an active flue. Soot gradually colt
mace or stove. It can produce fatal', leets in these devices, and may become
results in a garage, as has been seen incandescent, thusfurnishing ideal
when the. engine is left running and conditions' for the production of car-
net sufficient ventilation provided. bon monoxide, which, unless removed
The danger involved'' in running ''a through the flue, relay.result in seri
"ou rce o :that .Sally needed had come to him 50 Cross .: 11CI1 Out
%ggasoline engine in a small closed space Cus 'accidents.
fon. an length of Hine should be
recognized. by all automobile ;owners, -
In recent 'tests on the exhaust of a
small automobile engine; it was found
that it discharged- approxirinately
twenty-five y- nve cu is feet
- the
ut" samples e which gave an average 'and sense of fatigue. Because
e, P f
The danger of e'arbon monoxide' -is
that it is.oderless'and the victim has
thus little warning of its `presence
until symptoms appeal•. The indi-
vidual feels dizzy and"complains of
t t f b f t of gas per mm headache with a' feeling of sleepiness
great loss of motor power which the
gas causes to the muscles of the body,
the victim may be unable to escape
even though he is aware of the dant
ger. It is thus well to know souse
thing of the dangers of carbon Mon-
oxide and'where,it is liable to app
for to be forewarned is to be fore-
armed. Proper ventilation isessen-
tial wherever
sser-tial-wherever there is danger from
this poison.
of :six per cent. carbon monoxide or
one and one-half cubic feet of deadly
carbon monoxide gas every minute.
Larger engines will naturally give off
inose. A ratio of fifteen parts of car-
bon monoxide to ten thousand' parts
ofair 'is considered -.a dangerous con-
centration to be exposed to for any
considerable item, and a small engine
in "warming up" and giving off only
one cubic foot of carbon monoxide
My Work.. '
Let me but do my work from day to
day ,
In field or forest, it desk or loom,
In.' roaring anarketplace or tranquil
SUFFERING V OMEN ed the old woman's request; he read a
cllaptior from the Bible that he always
carried in his saddle bag and then ex-
pounded' it. Nor was that all. Find-
ing that the old crone needed material
aid• also, he left one of the precious
bills in her withered hand.
A good deed, you say, and worthy,of
the man. Yes, no doubt, but let the
preacher tell what followed:
"When I mounted my horse to ride
on the Devilgot up behind me, and his
voice whispered, 'Now INhat are you
going to say to Sally? i•Iu11y huh! That
was an evil place. And what are you
going to tell Sally?'
"In vain did T argue the case with
his Evil Majesty; he always came
back with, 'Yes, yes! But what are
you going to tell Sally?'
"At last I just turned my` horse
round and said, 'Look here, Devil! I'm
going to go back" and give the old we.
man the other, five, and then we'll see
what I'll tell Sally!' And my old horse
turned round of hie own a000rd, and
when I'd got rid of the money we jog-
ged on home in peace,"
til VFr4• '
Let me but find it 1n my heart to say, Obtained Through Enriching the
When vagrant .wishes beckon me
This Is my work, my blessing, not Huy'
Of all who live I am the one by whom
This work can best be done: in my own
To suit my spirit and to prove my
Then shall I cheerfully greet the
laboring Hours "
And- cheerful turn 'when the long
shadows fall"
At eventide to play, and love and refit,
Because I know for', me, my work As
best. -
—Miry Van Dyke.
Was It You?
An old man limped along life's way,
His grief -bowed head was crowned
with gray;
Somebody cheered Ms dreary day.
1 wonder—Was it you?
A lonely child, devoid of guile,' -
Looked: up,, and tears beditnmed its
smile; .
Somebody stopped to play awhile.
I wonderWasityou?
There's always someone .needing aid,
Some trembling heart alone, afraid,.
Bou1e load that could be lighter made.
Can they depend on you?
-Pearl ktallowlly.
Blood Supply.
Many woneen endure With silent pa-
tience suffering that casts' a shadow
over half her lifei But an aching back,
tired limbs, sideaehes, attacks of faint-
ness and splitting headaches need not
be. a part of a woman's life. " Such
Wale Indicate plainly thatcher blood
le thin and Impure; ,that to drive away
these troubles her system requires the
new, rich blood'guppliod .by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pike. These pills are
valued by suffering women,' who have
peed them, above all other medicines''
because they wake the rich,, red blood
that makes Women feel well and at
their best. -Proof of these statements
is given' by hire, Begone Deslauriers,
Ricllot,' Mane who nays;—"A. few
Years ago my health compietplyfailed,
I was subject to those troubles that
afflict so many, of my sex. 'Added to
these I suffered from constipation,
joss of appetite, dizziness; a ringing in
my head and nervous' prostration. I
consulted .several doctors, but their
medicines failed; to give me relief.
After much persuasion I began to take
Dr..Williams' Pink Pills, but without
much slope as I believed that no. medi-
cine would help lie. To xey great joy,
however, I found these pills wore jntit
what I needed, and I can honestly say
they have Made me a well woman, I
tan now do with ease all my own liouse-
Wor1r,"and I strongly targe other weak,
ailing twomen togive this medicine a
'fair trial, feeling that what it has done
for me it will do for others."
You can get these pills from your
druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a boot
from The Dr. 'Milian -le' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
The Pace That Kills.:
It may bd'taken for granted that we
don't wish to die young.,• Also that, if
we live to'u good old age, we should
like to have sufficient vigor left to en-
joy ourselves in moderate measure
and not to be merely half -alive bur-
dens to ourselves and others.
Web, the recipe for a vigorous old
age is to use the test contained In the
question: "Is it worth while?"
A well-known eeientist says that pre-
mature death, ,or decrepit old age, is
due to the too lavish expenditure of
energy—the "life forces"—pbysical
and mental.
We have no reserve at the time we
want it. We'Ve'spent so freely that
there's nothing in the Balik of Vitality.
Se his advice is -that we should .re-
strainthis expenditure .thy the test:
"18 it worth while?"
' That not only applies to strenuous
mental and physical expenditure, but
to much else, For instance, it is not
Werth while to be very angry. :Anger That is where the dividends are r,
makes a huge draft On our "life. force," earned—in the "difference made in "DIAMOND AYE IT
The ei haustion which follows an out- tris lives of thousands. of, children
Emulation looks out for merits, that
she may; exalt herself by a victory;
envy spies out blemishes, that she
may lower another by defeat.—Colton.
.Mlnerd'S LI'niment Heals, Cuts.
SS. Patric' SS.Provldcace
Feb. 17. Mar. 21
Feb. 24 Mar. 28
Feb, Ma
Mor. 26 2 Apra 30. 3
Maar, 4 Apr- 6
Mar.. 8 ..App 9.:.
Mar. 10 Apr. tl.
Mar. 13 Apr. 14
Mar. 14/l5 Apr, 15/16
Mar. 16/18 Apr. 17/19
Mar. 31 Apr. 22 ,
Mnr. 24. Apr. 25
35days. 35 days
SS, Patric
MAayr. 28 ,
May' 7
May 11
may 13
May 14
May 17
May 19
May 22
May 23/24
Mil3' 25/27.
May 31'
• Sadao
ig shoe excursions and Hotel at' Egypt. Clean, "
kola es,ecially built for the Mcditer anene Trade.
Stop -Cuero. permitted. Concerts lee urea, dances,
edditioa to. the social plcnsures of ocean travel. Un-
t class service threushont. Orchestra Movies Pic-
rther infornello1 and: desiiipli re literature apply:—
pply—Axed Steamship Agent, or
'ELL & CO., INC., Gen. Agents
Street, New York City.
The ,
ristocra't: of Radio.
e set is the highest developinellt.
y�a product of the"People who
tilset which was installed on
ales' -.ranch at 'High River.
sit, wonderful tone, anti volume.
it The rermementof mechanism
Cop : and appearance make it an
instillment 11 Is a distinction
115s to pose, 851).
ithl ra
Lan. descrilajapg'this. set to
MC CO fl
liquifies for catalogue and discounts,
- Vegetable Ivory's 'Uses.
Vegetable ivory taken. from, the
tagua nut is widely used In making
buttons. The 'tupelo or sour gum tree
is being considered .aa a possible
[murce of paper pulp- . in the south.
Salt Gift taP,aod.
Among the Greeks it was customary
to present salt ' to the gods • as a thank
offering at the beginning of every
Hospital for Sick .Children
Dear Mr. Editor:—
Your readers have probably had
their appetite for statistics satiated
during the past few months. Still
they will, no doubt, want to know
something of the Work accomplished
by the hospital to which they have
so generously oontrlbuted in the,
past. They are shareholders In a
Mission of Mercy. Tliofr dividends
are not paid in coin of the realm.
May I trespass upon your spade to
outline what those dividends aro?
Firstly, the daily average of chil-
dren occupying cote In the Hospital
for Sick Children, was 256. The
total cared for as in -patients was
6,397. That is equivalent to the
population of a good sized Ontario
town. -
And secondly, the out-patient de -
pertinent, Thie Is a wing of offices
given over to consultation and minor
operations.' On an average there
were 190 young callers a day.
Isere is a,tantalizing little prob-
lem to present; to the friend who
prides himself upon his, skill in
mental mathematics. Write the
sum given on the left.. Your friend
is to ;Cross out nine of. the digits
and add, the sum then being to the
same digit four times repeated.
Even 11 you tell him what the am
swer 7e to be; lie will find the task
anything but - simple. You can,
however, easily remember which
digits are to. be 'struck out. On
the -right themethod. of striking
out is ehowam
(Oltp cuts out and paste it, with
other Of the `series, in a scrapbook,)
A '.
Ind Cure for _Malaria.
The Ostrich. Nest.
Nest building is done by the male
A cure for malaria has been found ostrich,
by Dr, Geo. II. Hooper, member of the
staff of the William 0, Gorgas'Hospi' �_g
tal of Tampico, Flo. Classified tdldyertisements
As a 'result malaria, the -white
plague of the tropics, has been con- AGENTS W! NTED
euered by the experiments of Dr, ANYPRSON 'h ' wgnts EARN
Hooper,. who' first conceived the idea MONEY in SPA11P1 TIMi7, write
of 'using mercurochrone, a practically Immediately, Sales Manager, Dept.
nova. drug. W., 1225 Bay St., Toronto.
A specialist of Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity, 'Dr. Hugh Young, is said to, AGBNTS: TO MAKE $5.00 TQ
have been tho first to use mercuro $25,00 a week handling snappy
chrone in any capacity. The drug it- Xmas Quick Sellers y `for women and..
self is a red opaline dye and has been children. Don'trdelay. Write o -day
employed' successfully in the treat." Buckley's,; Box 267, London,
meat of infectious of the kidney and IG CHRISTMAS CATALOG_
in certain cases of blood poisoning. Household Goods, Christmas'
Mercurochrone injections for. the Goods. Saves Dollars. Free upon re-
treatment of malaria wore adminis- quest. Martha Company, Station E8,
tared last September by Dr. Hooper Toronto. ,
for-tbe first;timo, and witha•emarkablo
Mrs. Georges Lefebvre, St. Zenon,
Que., writes "I do not think there Is
any other medicine to equal Baby's
Own Tablets for little ones. I .have
used them for my baby and would use
nothing else." What Mrs. Lefebvre
says thousandsof other mothers say.
They have found by trial that the Tab-
lets alwaysdo just what is Claimed
for them.' The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which reztt',te the "'"---"-41--
Within forty-eight ' hours chronic rhOMINION WIDE ORGANIZA-
cases of more than a year's duration time : wants reliable' men to dis-
showed narked improvement. Mie- tribute samples in small cities and
rosaopio examinations of the blood re- towns., Splendid pay. Canadian Dis-
turned negative results and the pa- tributory' Association, Sevenoaks, Vic_
tient% remained free from the malady, toria, B.C. - ,
against which' quinine is powerless to
afford more than a temporary relief.
Money We Seldom See. •
Apart from issuing, the ordinary
coinage Of the realm, the British Mint
reakesa various coins that are never
handled in the United Kingdom.
Among `these are aluminum coins
made for use in Africa, including the
ten -a -penny piece circulated in Nigeria
and the half -cent used mainly in- the
Uganda. Protectorate. Both are per-
forated, to Tionferm to the native habit
of carrying money on a string.
For Ceylon there is issued a quaint
little square coin, Worth five cents.
Another' oddity is the Maltese "gran,"
which has the distinction of being: our
smallest coin. It is worth one -twelfth
of a'penny:
bowels and 'sweeten the stomach and
thus banish indigestion, constipation,
colds, collo, etc. They are sold by,
medicine dealers or by mail at , 25
cents a box from The Dr. .Williams'
Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
China's Mystery Creatures.
Strange 'creatures, said to have been
Round in the South of. China, are caus-
His Hearing Restored.
The invisible oar drum invented by
A. 0. Leopard, which, Is a miniature
megaphone, fitting inside -the ear -en-
tirely put of sight, is restoring the.
nearing if hundreds of people In New
York city. Mr. Leonard invented this
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises,' and it does this so
successfully that no one could tell he
is a deaf man. It is effective when
Ing a great deal of scientific curiosity. deafness is caused . by catarrh or by
The most amazing of these "discover- perforated or wholly destroyed natural,
les deals with a race of "dog -faced" drums. A request • for information
People. This tribe is said to live far to A,• 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70. Fifth
in the interior. They have think hair avenue, .New York city, will be' given
all their bodies, live intrees, and a prompt reply. advt
are entirely savage. _
There have been reports also of a
blue tiger, "a creature which is
against all known laws of, zoology. space, while '182,000 ions of fish were
This beast is not striped like the or- p
denary tiger, but has a bluish fur re- handled there last year.
n the color of coarse dungaree.
!' ii [
Clear., 8 Bre Tit and Beautiful
W8LeMddae Co,.Chle,50.EarEye CareBoo1
HOUSE cstablithed 13 7eara.
Please write for our price iist Cit
Poultry, Rutter, and Eggs
We a0AlAlrren them Inc a week shawl.
83.09 nornocourt Eland.
Toleohone nide 2107
Billingsgate, London's great fish
market, covers 30,000 feet of floor
sembli g
During one month, a scientist report- Min rd's Liniment Retrieves Pain.'
ed, this specimen killed and ate sixty The fastest flowing river
people. The same explorer, Dr. Caid.the
world is the Sutie ; in Iver in in -which
well, also discovered a banger as big rises 15,200 feet above the sen and
an a. bear, and shot a screw, a very rare fills 12,000 feet in' 180 miles.
animal which is a 01888 between a
goat ,And an antelope. - a
All these reports lend color to the
theory held by realty scientific mei
that in -southern China•there are many
strai,ge primitive men and animals" to
be discovered. Life in this region to-
day is supposed to be 'very like that in
prehistoric tunes, and many "prehis-
toric" animals may be still existing.
The men, too, 11a'6'3xprobably remained
almost unchanged, ,
For sears the Chinese themselves
have believed that dragons and flying
serpents exist in their country. They
have been scoffed at as having vivid
imagi.natiofis, but may 11 not bea fact
that theta creatures still lurk in tho
hinterland where white men have
rarely penetrated?
RHEUMATISM orturefro-
rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago?
to ruse-aF ear4c'0IRON
ihea00'es5 -1140 Pteet—sure to 11Peep
results,'' Full particolars free.
DePt. J,
1200 Queen St. -W., Toronto, Ont.
break of rt' anger is nothing les% th ugh the voluntary eoiitrihutions A BEAUTIFUL. COLOR
than ah exllahauustiou of "life,"
It is not -worth while to flog our
Lain an institution where pallid
which render it possible to main -
Maine to complete a task. An ovoi
driven Tiorle, -an over -forced machine, cheeks become rosy and twisted
is never quite the same afterwards, limbs are matte straight,
Similarly with the delicate Inman ma- If that were not dividend enough,
chine. it is not worth while "hating," 'one might try to estimate the
or scheming revenge. The Con'segnent ehormous salvage of 'okild-life .fn
draft on the "life force" an 111 is very Ontario wbielt has taken place since
Even pleasures should not escape "Sick Kids" doctors"and "Sick Kids"
the test. Late hours may apparently nurses have been going out through,
hold no harin, but drat "washed-out" this province equipped with a
feeling is a sign that we have parted knowledge of children's dlsoaeos,
With ranch of 8111 vitality. wh c ey
' The toll has been taken, and because 'some such highly specialized and
the ordinary replacement -of used vi- pre-eminently efficient institution
tality: takes all bur time, the special as the Hospital for Slek Chaldron,
ss 10 never ,really Made up. w 1 On this year's service the Hospi
The law tali touch us Here and there, tal';oxpended 31145,126 and finds
now and then, bu{; manners are of itself in the hole to the extent of
more ;importance than the -laws, Man- $134,254. Wliat comae in around
nets are what vex or 'soothe; corrupt Christmas -thine keeps the Hospital
or purity, exalt or debase, barbarize, going. So long as the word "Christ -
refine by a constant, steady, lmi-' mos" retains its original significance
form, insensible operation like that of could any charity possibly enlist
the air we breathe, -Edmund Burke. mo1c of the sympathy at your
'file human heart'is dike a millstone reactors or entitle itself to more of;
i 1 0 mill; wl1Aii you pint wheat uinder their support?
1i., it, turns and grinds and bruises .:Faithfully yours, -'
the 1511ea3 to flour; if yo1i put' no 1, D. ROBERTSON,..
-heat, it still grinds 011, but then ,'tis Chairman Appoal Committee
it grinds and weirs away,--
5linard 5 I !IIO Cflt f
or Rheumatism.
Perfect home dye•
ing and tinting is
with Dia
mond Dyes; Just dip
in cold water to 'tint
soft,' delicate Shades;
or boll to dye rich
permanent colors.
Each 15 -cent pack -
have bought their far,713 lu 71d31drn
Canada from the Canadian Pacific, A
remarkable' Fact. Think! There is a
reason.. The large area of ollr hold-
ings affording choice of location and' of
land to suit every ' farming need. Fair
price, fair contract, and fair dealing
combined with abundant fertility of:
sell, good climate and soeiat condi-
tions make farm_ `life there, desirable
and attractive. Thousands more will
. select their farm from our virgin lands,
front our improved farms, and with
some capital and
Work, can make a home and pay for
it. Write for our booklet, "The Prairie
Provinces of Canada,", and leaflet,
"Western Canada Forges Ahead.' C. L.
Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific
Railway, Desk W.,' Windsor Station,
Mon'tre'al, Que. s
ago contains dlrec-
lions so simple any' AP'
Woman ' .can dye br.
tint lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts,
waists, dresses, coats, stockings,
sweaters,drat/oriel, coverings, hang -
nags, everything new.
Buy "Diamond Dyes"—no other kind
-and tell your drug5ist whether tate.
material you wish to ,color is 10001 or
silk, or whether It is linen, cotton, or,
mixed goods.
In /rainy parts of China, ' ina, the women
attribute magical properties s fee the
cure of certain -diseases to water
drawn after midnight of the seventh
day of ,the seventh'. month.
A roll of -Egyptian papyrus fifteen
feet long is being translated by an ex-
pert. It deals with surgery and medi-'
sal treatment as practiced three thou -
013 3e511 ago by quack doctors.
A hard eases -0 suit of armor.
Cr Sore Feel—Minard's Liniment,
Be Prepared
for colds. Chock 1110111 at
the start with
We have spent
millions that, yog
may go to
-steel equipment
—double track
—rock ballast
—powerful locomotives
—4 daily California trains,
including: the exclusively
first-class California
—)red Harvey meals
Through Pullmans
via Grand Canyon
National, Park
-open ail the year
ie. T. Hendry, sen.' Agent
a06- 7,00 Prose Snta Fldge Tr., Dotrolt, Ailoh.
Phone: - 25131341 084e
Itched All the Time. Caused
-Blisters. Cuticura Healed.
02 was bothered with scalp trouble
for a year, Nay scalp itched all the
time causing me to scratch. This
caused blisters, arid my head was
so sore that I could hardly comb my.
hair. My hair fell out in handfuls
and I was nearly bald.
"I read an advertisement for Cuti-
aura-Soap and Ointment, and 'pur-
chased some. I was completely
healed after using three- cakes of
'Cuticura, Soap and three .boxes of
Cuticura Ointment.'; (Signed) Miss
Bertha Holderby, Mold, Wash,,
June 9, 1923.
Cuticura Soap to cleanse and pu-
rify, Cuticura Ointment to soothe
and: Beal and Cuticura Talcum • to
powder and sweeten are ideal for
daily toilet purposes.
oamp76. Boal rroe by Mall. 11031'44Caned
Depot: Cutirnrn; P 0 Box 1110; Hie creel,"
n.14,1 00551 0intrnl n1,25 and G0a.Talcum 25c,
'eus17". Tir our new Shavers Stielt.
ISSUE No. 49—'24.
P -*%, , i,t.,ti@