HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-11, Page 10e TLYENS ON -ROE' IRTS ON - In r orgrto, on Dec. 2rd,. by -Me Rev, A, Stewael, D.D , formerly of CAM - 1,011; Jane ALM:ton,Jane Elizabeth, (Jennie) only daughter of Me. and Mr's. Wm. Robertson, Clinton, to W J Stev- enson of Clinton. LAWSON TASKERL-,At the homier o'' the baide's mother;- Mrs. Mc- Knight, the London road, on Dec. 1Oi,11, by the Rn C.-3. Moo house, MVlrs. Elizabeth Tasker, to Lttike Lawson, both of Clinton, Births CLEMENT -In -Clinton,' on Dec: 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Clement ,a son. H1;DIE-In Goderich township, on Dec. 7th, to ,Me. and Mrs. Fred Ruche, a daughter. R.0ZELL•_ In Clinton, Public Ilospit-, al on Dec, '6th to Mr=. and -Mrs.: Elton Bozell; a daughter. PIIILLIP3-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Dec. 5th, to Ido. and Nies. Orval Phillips 'or. IIullett, a daugh- ter.- IIelen Jos ee. BEATON In •Chengtu,: China, on Oct. 7th, to Rev. . Kenneth J. and Mrs. Beaton, a :daughter.-IVIary. Ruth. - BRUMLEY In •IIullett, on Nov. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Bruin - ley, a son. , Deaths MANN -In xlullett 'township, on Dec. 10th, George Mann, in his eighty- seventh year:' YOUNG -At 'Londesboro, on Dec. 7th,: Elizabeth- Lyon Pipe, wife of Mr. Robt.... Young, aged 54 years. CLARK In "•Morris to(vnship, on November 26t11, Pearl E. Stewart, wife of James Clark, aged 38 years, 9 months and 27• days. KNIGHT -In Goderich;' on Novem. her 30th, Elizabeth Jane' Elliott, • wife of Mr. William Martin Knight, aged 64 years and 1 month. Cockerels For Sale A number ,of S.C. Rhode Island. Red cockerels.' Apply- to' Melvin Crich, R R No. 3, Seaforth. Phone 21 'on 615 Clinton central. 84-4-p Wood for Sale A quantity - of •hard • maple and beech,•wood, 12'inohes long. T. Tighe, It. R. No. 1, Clinton, Phone 33 on 637. ' 84-2-p Heifer Strayed From the premises the under. p s s of signed, on or about Nov. 17th, a red heifer, nearly, 2 year old. Finder 'please communicate with David Deeves, It: R. No. 3, . Clinton: Re- ward. • 84-3-p Progressive Euchre:Party and Old Time Daiiee In Knitting Factory ; Club Rooms on Tuesday evening, Dec, SOth at 8 o'clock; Under the auspices of Gliu- tou'Hockoy Club. Everybody wel- cmne.•. Adniis'sion 35c. 84-2 For Sale 3 -,piece mahogany parlor,suite, up- holstered in .till; tapestry, in 'first'. class condition. Also gold' medal gramophone .. 'time 25 `records, all in rood shape. C. W. Williams, Rotten - bury street, east. : 84-tf ... Christmas, Entertainment In Salvation Army Hall on Wed- ne,,edey, Dec. 17th. Program com- posed of scarf drills, children 'sing- ing, dialogues, recitations, tableaux, "Rock of Ages", Caner) fire scene by girls, • `finishing with Santa `Clausand the'Christinas tree. ' Silver eolltetion, 84-1 Auction; Sale Of Farm Stock Wand .Implements. The'• undersigned •auctioneer has .re - calved instructiops to,, sell by public auction at Lot '79, Maitland, Con., Goderich 'township, one mile from. Holmesville, on Wednesday, Dee. 17, commencing at 1:30 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -,Bay mare, 6 years 1 -old, black general purpose mare, 8 yoars old, driviap 1l frac; xis- •ing ; 8 , years, curet_ and reliable. Cattle-i'Iolstein cow, '7 years old,; die in Feb., redcow,4 yearss old, duo in Jan.; red cow, 8 years old, due iv March; roan cows 6 years old, due in April; roan cow, 5 years old; grey cow, 7 years ;old, due on Jan. 23; white cote, 6 years old, due 03; cow, 6 years old, clue in .Tan,; black cow, milking well; Polled Angus heifer,2 Y ears old, d> freshened 1 month roan cow, due in two weeks; cow, 6 years old, milling; pure bred, white Durham cow, 6 years old,' due in April; grade Durham cow, e years, to freshen time of sale; part •Jersey cow, 10 years: old, calf at ,Coot; 'part Jersey cow, 4 years, due to freshen en Jan,; •holstein cow, 7 years, due' to „freshen year old Aber, 2 in Tvlcit deen 13,ngns heifer; . Durham' grade heifer, 4 years, farrow; 4 Durham' steers, rising' 2 1 ears; • 3 Aberdeen Angus' steers, ming 2 years; about 100 year-old hens, riiostly Barred RocksBite w Pare bred L Pekin, 4 ducks, and 1 drake. Implements- cr • M. -II d Implements - Mower, iVI II binder Eft tt Mow -rake, 10 ft.; set 3 -section harrows, throw in d .:c harrows; throw out disc harrows; Bain wagon, box shelving andspring seat, farm'. wagon, hay racy, 14 ft With ladders; 10 hoe rl ill; Cutter.; with 'pole and shafts; Bain sloop sleigh, almost new; Ver- ity walking plow No. 21, almost new; sot heavy team 'harness with breech- ing, new; nice running sleigh, re- built; double light sleigh; 6 wagon tongues, white ash; nay fork, car with pulley and stop block;, 20 bran sacks,' 20 shorts sacks; -'100 bushels Banner seed oats; 100 bushels Barley, fit for . seed, and,; other articles. Terms of sale: All sums of ,31.0 and under, cash; over that amount 12 nonths credit allowed on approved joint; notes, or a discount of '.6 per cent, allowed for cash. Wesley Van- derhurgh, Proprietor. G. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. 84-1 ?EN you'sel_,.t a box Eu. ,f` Lowney's Gold , SttipcChoeolatesfcom eec large ss„ orime;n , you. are< Guying high g ade'i,chocolates, but you a,:e paying only for a simple, Me ip n iia box. That's why"the price .s 10`iow. If you wish fancier hoses you'll find many styles to pick from and an excellent variety of other high-grade chocolates and hard candies.. Special Assort:?ent oC Christmas Boxes from ]LQWrs COLD STRIPE C IOCOLATES Donne -made Candy and Chocolates E. WENDORF Confectionery and ice Cream Auction Sale Of 15 choice daily, cows, fresh:milk- ers, springersand others to freshen in March and April at Lot 57, Bay- field road, Goderich township, on Thursday, Dec. 18, connnencing at 1;:30 pan. Terms: 6 months credit given on approved joint notes, or a discount of ,6 per cent. per annum for cash. Sale conducted indoors. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer:' W. H. LOBB,' Proprietor. Money Found In Brucefield, a roll of bank notes. Owner asked to inquire de Brown Stewart," Bayfield, Ont,,," Phone 5 on 606. ' S4e3 • Hens its aIe 30 single' comb 0 hite- Leghorn hens, one year old, Barroees English. strain, also inannnoth Pekin ducks and African geese. A. C. Levy, Clin top, phone 12 on:639. 84-1-1r For Sale; Choice cedar posts and, end posts. 12 inch wood, all body maple, also genie wheat with a slight mixture of barley, would make good hen feed. Ben. Rathwell, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 6061'16 84-3 Bonus for..Members of Egg Pool. Ten cents perdozen bonus is being paid for all eggs liooled. Members of the Clinton pool kindly call at my stdre onor:. after Dec. 12th and re- ceive bonus. E. L. Mittell, manager; RI STM, RIGI1T ori t4gair' and ii'le questions is:' Are you ready? Our ,suits 1r ve been carefully selected, for that Clttistmas Cale or Pudding that the busy house - ;Ire prides her•sel'nr rralcirig. ,Our, prices ale right and a visit to olir ::tore will convince you. Secclecd or Seedless IIarsrrry, Currants, 3lincennea6, Peels, etc.. _Highest Prices foe Butter and Eggs SIAItF. 3111 STOKE YOUR JO NSC I'1 6',: as 'ter : n ' 'ht s Ii al FACTS ABOUT OPTOMETRY, ByDr. Ross Savange � Op coiuetrist Seaforth Ontario' 7 - Combination Sale Of 20 Shorthorns, consisting of cows, heifers and young bulls, eo be sold at theCentral Sale Stables, Brussels, on >iriday, Dec. 19th, com- mencing at 1 o'clock. , The greater number of these ani- mals nimals are of Scotch breeding, some of the cows will have calves at foot. Terms: Cash, or 12 months' credit will be given on approved joint note with, interest at 6% per annum. R. T. Amos, Auctioneer. Waite Thee, Pierce, Brussels, for catalogue.: 84-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Doherty, Deceased. lMw May a Parsee; Learn Beyond Questiom if be has in Error of Vision .or 'Not? The Optometrist `could in a few minutes give him the facts regarding his Would This Information be Valuable? Yes, If he has' an error of vis- •ion its correction would inti prove the patient's mental and: physical vigor. What ie the Greatest Handicap Optometrists have: to Overcome'? The lack of knowledge on the part of the public as to the value of Optometry. (Continued Next Week). Notice'is hereby given'"that all persons having claims against the es- tate of William Doherty of Huron, Retired Mt., factueer, deceased, who flied on' or about the ninth day 6f. February, A.D.; 1934, ar.e,eec'juixed to deliver to James D.Doherty and Samuel ' . i er ' me the adminis- trators Savin 1 P { apt io cin. trator's of the said estate or their sol- icitor on cm befoe the twentieth day of December A.D., 1024, a fell state - met oftogether state - ;nett their claims to ell e r w it Ir. partictalars thereof, and Otto nature of, the securities, if . any; held by theist all duly verified by affidavit. r'And take o nitree that after the said last mentioned date the said admin- istrators 'will proceed to distribute. the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitlied thereto having regard only to such claims as they shall have received. duo' notice and in accordance therewith. • Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 2nd day of December, A.D., 1.924, W.,131MYDONE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said' Achninistrators 83-3. For Sale or Rent an lot in the village of House d g Brucefield, two-thirds ac"re of land, good cella'', , .hard • and, solt water, good stable e:and hen house, Posses- sion sion given immediately. Apply to John V. Diehl, Clinton` Ont., 83-tf Land For Sale About 10 acres :of land on the west side of. the Bayfield -road, ad-, joining the town of Clinton. A good bendng, now used as 0 slaughter house. Apply to 'Mrs. R. Tunncy or at Butler's Butcher Shop, Clinton.' -83-tf Christmas Sale of Sewing Machines Will sell a fete machines at cot to Reduce Stock This is a chance to secure a good* machine at a low price. .A lifetime guaranteewith each machine. For Sale The administrators of theestate of William Doherty, deceased, offer for sale his late residence and the ad- joining lands, (25 acres more or less),. on which are erected substantial and v..11 -equipped (buildings. Apply to J. E. Doherty'on the premises, or to W. Brydone, solicitor for the estate. •.�, I _ - , .. 7043. Repairs and Needles for all machines E. L. MITTELL Piano. For tale Ye Olde Heintzman piano, in good condition. Apply'to Miss M, Evans, Huron street. 83-2 Rooms to Rent Cheerful furnished rooms, heated, including all conveniences, with or without' board, nquire at °News -Re- cord. 80-4 For Sale Or Kent hlight, Frame house, electa c town water,, good cement basement, on ee acre lots fruit. Apply to M. T. Cor- less: 80-0£ P epi For Salo Parts' of lots 37- and 311,' concession 10, Goderich township contarnm 1055 acres, gee offered for sale., On the r irises are a 1' 1 sL re '.brick dwel- ling, premises r/ 9 Y Wel_ ling, a con•Inlodious bank barn :with stone stabling, pig and 'poultry pens and striving shed. Water in stable. There are 5 acres'.of bush and 5 acres of goad: yo, nig bearing orchard. The remainder of 'the land is all arable and is mostly seeded. Is in good .state of cultivation. Situated half "a axile £rom'sehool and church and con iteniently near market. The farm' is a very desirable: one. For farther- particulars apply to Geo• H, Elliott, Executor William H. Cole Estate. 76-tf . For Salo The former Joyner property. fives roomed cottage -with large sin-roorn. Electric; light and town water in house, 8 acres of good laird and all kinds of fruit trees, Will be sold reasonably. Apply to Mrs McCal- lam, Co nmercial 'Inn, Clinton. 63-tf. Cast Iron: Wanted By the Huron Specialty 'Casting. Company, Clinton. Will pay .$15.00 per ton, delivered at Clinton. '(4-tf For Sale France house on Albert, Street,. Clinton, in good repair; 9 rooms and summer kitchen; good cellar with. celneht floor, 'wood shed, veiandahe iaard and soft water. 14aere of gar- den With fruit trees and small fruits: Apply to Samuel Merrill, 1L: lee No. 1 Clinton. 77-e-p-tf Radio Sets and 'Supplies At lowest prices. Everything I sell is ..guaranteed satisfactory or re- placed free of charge. II. A. I-Iovey, Clinton. 81 -if Cockerels For Sale Barred Rocks and S."•C. White Leghorns, frons heavy laying strains. PrankJ. Tyrrdalli'R.RI No. 4, •Phone 33 ,on 636, Clinton 'Central 81-0f For Sale Geese, from a heavy laying strain. Roy Tyndall, Goderich township. Ph one 3 6t 607, Clinton Coni al 81-tf Notice to Trappers This is station A.S.D.ILM,P. 'tire located at, station • •a fur: i neer raw po Clinton, Oht. Our call letters stand for a square deal andhighest market prices. H. A. II. announcing that he will.pay::for mink from this section: ltrge, $9100; medium, $7.00; small, $5.00. Highest prices paid. for Rac- coon, Fox, Weasel, etc. Fer sale: Remington and Winchestershot gun shells at lowest est p rices. I have U.S. .22 cal. rifle hollow point cartridges at 45e _and 4110 a box; solid bullets, 5c less a box. If you are in need of any traps, guns, rifles, etc„ I can for ou' at lowest prices. get them. y 1-03 tI. A. Hovey, Clinton.t n. House For Sale •Besiden ceofthelat e Arth ur Cooic corner ,Albert and Mill streets, Clin- ton. Key at Mr. Walter King's. 72-tf. Range For Sale Imperial Oxford range, with high shelf and: copperreservois. "'Call al- ,eeroons on Mrs. C E. EJervisHuron ATICTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey `Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special -course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate; Mer- chandise and Farm Sales., Rates keeping with ,prevailing ,market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar 1elopp, Zurich, Ont. 'Phone "18- 93. TEN PER CENT OFF ALL SINGER SEWING MACHINES For The Month of December Only These machines are guaranteed for 25 years, and can be purchased on installments if desired. By buying a Singer you are assured of Service in every way Also 2 second hand machines • 1 Model If 1 Rotary Your old machine taken as • ,part payment e. .E. STEEP Local Singer Representative Wall pay thg highest market pried, for Horse Hides and Beef Hides, Scrap Metal, Geese and• Duck Feath- ers, etc. Deliver to my residence, opposite Cameron's Carriage Shop or phone 187 and I will call. COAL We have a supply_of Furnace, Stove, Tut and Soft. ,Also some good dry slabs. Leave orders at residence. E. WARD • Phone 155. Macon Street, POAL Having erected new coal sheds will have on'hand full stack: of coal for immediate delivery. Prices reason- able.: R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence. Phone 1U GiRr AIN Highest price paid for: Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas and Buckwheat. Storehouse will be open from 7 a,m. to5p.m., FEEDS Feeds are advancing in price, A car just arrived of Low Grade Flour, Bran, Shorts and High, Grade Screen- ings. Better' lay in a steak befory. a further '.advance. FLOU rJ A full line of High r Patent Flours always on hand, Snowflake, Purity, Five Roos, etc., at 'small rgi ear 'nover cost price., , RCI 'INO; Carry a complete line of Toronto Asphalt'Rooirng. The quality- Roof- ing with a guarantee against curling, flapping or tuning up. In over four' years agency for this roofing have had no dissatisfied customers. WANTED One car of Oats immediately_ Also issuers of -Hunters:& Trappers licenses J A.. FORD & S.0 N R Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and• Grain Buyers CREAM WANTED The demand for our :butter is in- creasing. Ito' supply this demand we require more cream,' street. 72-0f o We request you to ship es your cream." For: Sale 16 ft:; beech plank, sized 2 inches jry 8 inches -.and 2 inches by 10 inches, al- so some hemlock luniberr. W. 1-I. Middleton, R. R. No; , 3, Clinton, Phone 15' on`606. 754f Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and r -\- paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned;; Rooms over Heard's barber se1ce, W. J. Jago., -83,tf We guarantee you the I -Helmet Market Prices, accurate tests. and prompt service. Our 'firer is known to you and needs uio further recommend.' We pay all express charges, furn- ish cream cans and pay twice each month Write for cans or furter informa- tion to the THE SEAFORTII CREAMERY CO. C. A. BARBER, -MANAGER, ITI 3.1 DAY, DECEMBER 1I, 19 ; om T LT PHONE 33 liov'l'and'S Old ' ria icsi CHI -NAME L STORE 1 full and complete line or Shelf and Ileaavy hardware always on hand, also Granite and Aluminum Wale, Pak -tip, Oils and Varn- ishes. Wo also carry a'1 ill line of Kitchen's and Wrays' Weil Wear Overalls, Work Shirts, I.,ined and Unlined Smocks at popular prices. a STOVES, RANG -CS, QUEBEC COOK STOVES and BEATERS and FURNACES at Prices to suit. Horse Blankets, Sweat Pads, Harness and Parts carriecl .regularly, Bicycles and pt;rts fax all ria -ties.: We repair ail miles and guarantee our work.. We Maintain our Tin aqd Plumbing' Shop and make all rdpairs as Required and guarantee to give you what you pay for j,. litis Shop has catered to your wants for the past sixty years and still"continues to do so " •? ' SafetyRazor Blades Sharpened at 35cper dozen l D`hn't buy new blades when your old ones can be amusia as good- '?; as new for one-third the 'price of new odes: I _ McKillop Townnship', The, heavy rains were welcomed Is number were short of water, ;vhich is a:bad lack in winter time. Mr. Robert Grieve of the North road is gradually" growing weaker in strength. » Mrs. James Jamieson, sr., cf the Huron road, was on the sick list the past week, but is recovering. Some of the plows are still doing duty, the' farmers • being ,anxious to .,get as much ground as possible' turned before winter sets in. ...nee.. • o °, , Phi _itl61J RED 192} : `E lo;', LICE BIJ / -toll siv• iiSLIDES . Here's the Overshoe •That Solves the The question of tailor made The question of adjustability The question of protecting spirts The question of buckles- opened The question of perfect fit, Thequestion of concealed tastners. The new "ADJUSTO" Overshoes; only answers all these questions, so far outdistances other overshoes ADJUSTO.OVERSHOES There is no substittite for tlient tt5 11....._w Question appearance. •to any size, leg. from buckle by coat bottom. warmth and lightness. • sold exclusively but in- quality, that there is - Ask for ,...„:____________,:_:".;4 'aDJU/r0LE DOME I=RJTENER MADE 1 , - tears. ' by us, -not fit and appearance no comparison. • them by name ,F E l l'JACKSON The Big Shoe Stare ® „n® .._.....��.,............ Opposite the Town Ball .. .. _.. .� 2 An Important ter...., ' '. ,%�irA, it Christ as Item . , 1 v sw �����Nonarch r Is Pastry Flour. Be � Ammo � . assured of gratifyingresalts -- when making your Christmas 'f M Werth r Pastry tom- ------alce. eel o Flour on your Christmas list. ; .. usesMaple Leaf fo • Bread l { l�a�rity, I've o , 9 r ED Elr l >; n FEE et,i/.q�. ; . "a4� zi �'.\ r Bra Shorts 'Whitei4frdd- '- \ „-...A cat .s. im s and Cho for feeding.Put -� g 1 p l in wurter supply now as I I i � your • the food' markets are advane- a �g •t 1- 4: rn g• J•,C _ z� Blatchford's Egg Mash for FEED�� AN, �J laying hens. Poultry and StockIR Food supplies." Cut <Flowers andPlants` From now until after. Christmas • we will have a full stock of Cut Flowers and Plants. Seo ad. next week for complete list. Office Phone 199 v. n 7 ,r Night 141 and 129 4