HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-11, Page 5ES ylydh 'tt �.filOv Books Otr Christmas We have all tie latest, also', Toy Boolis and Juveniles, Wateyiilan's'Pens 2.50 to $6 Evershar+ Pencils & Pens $1,00 to $7.00' er and Envelopes s Christmas presents m 25c to $3.50 rid Bags "under the arm" bag in many age at 69c, leather at $2; 1.50 to 2.,5O and 5.00" CLAUS'- STORE DOPER. .: TON 1' La :heap' because 370u , fat a bargain price' Of siX v Lamps ? - lisps which'give efficient are really the "cheapest,; The cost of lighting the plus .the cost ,of Lamp '• Lg4IVI til • 1—combine efficiency and >mical way possible and the cost is considered, better off in the long run , to a minimum. ful advantage of buying ause the price is low. lue for the money. ITY IT PAYS CLINTON an the Lanips you bkiy. Me, and Mb's Joel BFii•i,on and aant- rly of Godorich are ; visiting Mr e' Barton's parents, Mi. and Mrs, J. 1 eleoner. 'Miss Annie Beattie et Brandon, lllane has been visiting her 'sister, Mrs, A L Erwin. Rev A, Macfarlane inane preaehed at I the .preparatory service rn fncix church Goden'icli, on Friday last:' Mr. Alfred Copeland left on rSaatui- diy after spending a week in the vil- lage:' Dr. J. If. Smith of London was' in the village on Thursday. Mrs. A. E. Erwin returned last week after having visited,eoine days with 'friends in Toronto. itIiss Addie'Dreinilan a ar gone to Wingham to take a position for the winter. The Y.P,S. will not meet on day this week. Tho managers of the baseball glut) aregivingp box social in the town hall on .Friday evening, A shorn dance will conclfide the evening; The teachers of the public school, Mr, .1' ' Bigelow and Miss Anna Woods ave training the Children Tor a Glrristmas concert to be held in the. town hall on Friday, Dec nth. N. good programme of drills, songs,'dia- logues and recitations is beim;•, pre - Mr. and Mrs Sana Lawrason have gone to spend the winter in Forest.- The orest:The December meeting of the W. M. S. was held on 'Thursday after- noon: at the hone of Mre, in'nrpbell, Feurteerr memb.x's were present. As this was the annual business'meetin; of the year the election of officers for the following year took place. This tock the form of a re-election, all the former officers being retained, as follows: President, Mrs. J. Fraser; viee, Mrs. i44lcKenzie secretary, Miss Brownett; treasurer, Mrs. D. Dewar; Horne Helpers secretary, Mrs. Postei,; Strangers secretary, Miss Mary Reid; literature secretary, Mrs. Wm. -Reid; Messenger' sec., Mrs. McDougal; press sec. and organist, Miss M. Campbell., The -annual thankoffering setvice,.of,the Society was addressed by Mrs. Harkness of Ripley. a foram er 'Missionary in Korea. The offer- ing or ffer-ing'oo that occasion announted to nearly $60: The financial objective of the -Society is $182, which sum has almost been reached ,through the et.' ferts,of the members. MTS. Catherine Parsons, who' was for many years a resident of Bay- field, was laid to rest on Sunday' last,. :The funeral took glace from the home of her son' M Hiilsgreen, with whom she Inas been living for some time, to the Bayfield cemetery. Rev. A. Macfarlane attended the Presbytery meeting in Clinton on, Be Well And Happy —and you huvo'Nature's greatest gift. Nature's. Remedy `1'R Tabllcts) n vegetable Imtoitvc, tones the organs and relieves Constipation, Biliousness,:: • Sick Headaphes.' renewing that vigorane} good Teel. fag eo nceosenry to being well and hope, . arca for t7uar Gotr'.osc f� ��"o-{+v,'�.F:�•,,.,..0....,Yoars Chips off She Old Block N/ JUNIORS•essr6ittletRo The soma -Nb !n one.thlyd doses, candy -coated, For children and adults. Sold By Your Druggist $50,00 Re*vard If .I Fail .to Grow Hair ORIENTAL HAIR ROOT HAIR GROWER World's Greatest Bair Grower. Grows hair on bald heads. It 'rust not be put where hair is not wanted. Cures dandruff and all`stalp troubles. $1.75 per jar. Agents Wanted, PROF. M. S. CROSSE 523. Main St. Winnipeg, Man. "Coder,:oxfirn hip' McDoug e l l weeks with Mn and''•' t.$.' Minya are Spending a couple o friends iiz Detroit. Mr.* 'John Torl'ancc spurn, a incw soden. Mr. Fred, Fludie wears a bread smile these days. Abby p111 ar- rived at his home Sunday; -morning: ;Word was. reccrvcd last Monday el the .debt- o'i Nlrs. Arehivald'Mellow;-' all' oi.Loiiclon dorinorly. of Porters Hill. The remains were brought here for interment and the f'uner'al fwas held Wednesday afternoon iron' Bvoph'bey's: Undertaking parlors, God- 01ic1i, to Slnitlrnd cemetery. �hlnss Maud McGregor of B„yfielc, spent a few days with friends in the neighborhood, The South End Beef ling of God- erich `township held their 'annual erecting on W'c dnesd to evening '01 the home Of. bit. 5. Pe Stirling,. School section No. 4 are holding their annual Christina, ent;ediar_n- :inent on Friday evening, Dec. 21st. Everybody weleom";' ottne The Holliiesville 'Air Ri:FIe Club held their,' annual meeting on, Tues- day evening. Mr. Walter: Dustin was'appointed-captain and Mr. Bert Finley, secretary. They intend' prae- 'tieing every Friday evening. The young people, of the Sunday school are practising for the Christ- -mac tree entertainment on Dee. the 213rd. The, malt feature of the pro- gram wil. be a cantata entitled, "I -Ie came to earth, but not as a king." Mr, Herb Osbaldeston has a radio installed in his home. Icer"b is going to get the latest anetvs. We ar s y'1ad to report that -Mr. Edgar T'rewartha is able to be back to work again after having a severe cold. L'ondon Road Mr. D. L. Stephenson, who recent- ly sold his farin on the London road to Mr. Nott, has bought a small farm at Hyde Park and will take posses- sign of it very shortly. The neigh- bors and eigh-bo's'and friends of Mr.' and Mrs. Stephenson will be sorry to have .them leave "The Road." Hull,ett Townshl`p 11.The following is the report of'S.A. No, 2 Hulled, for the month of No- vember. The names are in order' pf merit: ' 1 Primer—Rita Cdrbert, Margaret Morrison. 2nd—Agnes Morrison. Jr, Bra -Jim Reynolds, Eat Rey - nolds. Sr, 3rd -Elizabeth Morrison, Mar- garet Carbest, Agnes Carbert, Harry Reynolds, Gerald Brown, Theo. Flynn Sr. 4th, Mary , ,Reynolds, Edna Flynn, Tim Carbert: M. Flynn, Teacher. AuAh11Prnfl t1 congregational meeting, of the members and adherents of Knox Church for the purpose of discussing Church Union will be ' held in the basement' of Knox Church on b onday' afternoon, December 15th, a 2 o'clock. The Rcv, D. C. McGregor of St. And- rew's church, London, will :present thecase for Union and lead the dis- cussion. Every member and adherent, of i1nort Church is asked to make it his or her business to attend this and other .congregational meetings helti on the subject of Union. Tho freest discussion. will be encouraged, and opportunity given to ask any question. Mrs. 0, E. Erra'tt.•was indisposed' last week. We are pleased to see her about again. Mr. G. Baithby and Rev, -P. Banes attended a meeting of the Ontario, Ee. ligious Education Council in Goderieh on Thursday Mr. Albert'%iaegle has moved into Mr. E. Hebvig's house; and Mr. Wm. Thompson has ''roved to the house he bought recently formerly the 'I)obin propertyA. `Mrs, ndrew and family of Dun- gannonospent a few days with her mother, Mrs. J. Irwin,. recently, ' Mr. R. Scott iS back to the "village again after spending the sunnier at Bennriller, , The young -people of Westfield ave preparing 'a play entitled "Martha Made Over," to be presented in their church on Friday, Dec. 19th. Colten :'i ae fle affords a large.variety of routes, either both ways via .Chicago, or one-way, •via the`majegtic Cana- dian Pac,ftc Rockies r and those delightful re -1 sorts on the Pacific' Cocst, Vancouver arzd Victoria, teivt Tanen SsRviccs+Doa,v, l .i,l! LUXURIOUS EQU[MscNT line nip;' thly meeting of the heli,: Circle w1ls held Thu sday 'a oirnoin in the parie*Lofytho church: 5liteoii ladies a'''r cane`,friar a text oi. Scrip- ture on "Prophesy of the birth of. Christ," Miss Pearl Douglae pre, ruled over the devotional part oil the meeting, Miss 131 McDonald taking ing the topic,"Encouragement o' 'Mis- sions in, the future," The secretary Kee. :Thee. Chapman, reiul' a letter 'loom St." Christopher Ilotrse asldng for supplies of :Good and clothing fo• needy families in the cit,;. The Circle is preparinga box hien will be picked next .Thursday. _<>rry doiia: irons will be thankfully' received. Total receipts' realized from the an- nual sale of/work; $206.17. The amnia] election of officer for the coming' year Was Chen proceeded with.- honorary president, Mns. 0. G •Armour, president Miss Edythe Bowoy, Tet vice, [les. Arthur Mc- Queen, 2nd vice, Mrs.' llilcenhead, 3rd: vice, Miss. Walter, Moffitt, Visiting committee: Miss G. Marks, Miss 11. Rattenbu y, Mrs. C. Cochrane, Niro. Burdge, Mrs. Moffat, M. 'Mcbonalcl, Mrs, `Geo. Baird. Thp Lookout corn- mittee.' Flora Srnith, Helerr -Tough, Ada McBeth, Mrs. Campbell, 1VTrsi-. G. McGregor Mrs. Geo. Baird, Mrs, 'Geo. Swan; organists, A. iiattenbuiy and Jean Murdock Press secretary, A. Beattie; Library secretary, Miss -M. E. Swan; Messenger secretary, Miss Beth Forrest. " Miss Alice Davidson, who has beer. visithig' in Sarnia, has returned to her hbme here. liai'. Jack Mohnen, who has been sailing• on the Great Lakes, has re- turned liolne for a: short time. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie of Lon- don are visiting with friends in and around _Brucefield., Mrs. George Swan is visiting. her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wilson of Toronto. lar, and Mrs. Ed. Mums of H'ensall visited at the home of Mr. Geo. Swan Sunday. Mr. J Cornish has moved into the house -formerly occupied by Jack Grainger. Miss Dyer of Toronto was a visitor at the hone of Mrs: W. Nesbitt the past week. ' A number of our young•peepleat- tended the play entitled e "The -Mer- chant of Venice given by the C.C.I. boys and girls in the Clinton town hall and they,yxeponted it a very good play. Nurse Fanny, ` McKenzie of the Byron Sanitarium, London, is visiting at her home here. • Mr. Jack Beattie and Miss Flor- ence and Mr. R. Kerslake of Seaforth visited at the home of 'Mr. A. T. Scott Sunday. K ippen Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sales of Fill- more, Sask., are visitors at the hon' of Mg. 'and. liars,` Thos, Butt of the village. , They were neighbors -of My. Butt when living.in the'west and are on 'their way to England to spend their Christmas among relatives in the old Homeland. We wish then, bon voyage. Effilminire mimuiniumuiniliuliiuulmmunan 'You don't need. his Telephone Number'. 'for Station -to -Station calls" "If I could 'remember his number I would make my call Station -to -Station and 1 save <money.» \ This subscriber had the wrong. idea. Ile didn't need to know the number of the distant telephone. `11:1l he needed to say to the Long Distarsce operator was:. "I will speak to any- one at " (then give her the name of the person who -alas the telephone= and the address too, if he anew it). • .Perhaps ' thio information will enable YOU to use the lower Station -to -Station rate more frequently. Every/ Bell Telephone is a Lang Distance Station' 166 s s ' All 55115 purchased ere pine .tor ocean Come and see yours classified. We make a special arrangement with l' 'n ^c.. ';' al .Ear r rer _ who desire to eo- operate in marketing, and will supply n dividual cases. ng' to Govorninerlt grades. ll)lar'(r All ,our 'poultry 10 bought alive en a, graded weight and gin lit• basis. it y'01 want to: mike ewer poultry plant pay ^ asit should, con„nit ueg.lbout the breeds that ere most profitable. :We, ��ayyre bore -to. serve yc>rx, ll'firbl ., rr '�.: _ at� �`� l� ''i�'& INCI 1 one of the biggest drawbacks to theoulir i d P Y n n>try lie s withthe, producer;. Let' us explain our hew effort to overcom this.. GTJNN LANGLOIS & CO.' LIMITED, :MONTREAL, QUEBEC., Write, phone or call at our Clinton, oilice. Tr Day. Phone 100 -1; °' I gi, Manager U.illit0E1 Branch Night Phone 214 W gtzturtizzatstztatrasseutttanngstamaitztizatatatgani MimIneDkriantoutsztrarnaa.Saueraw.na,.: .. •!2,, turnitz mmzeitrv� a e QUALITY The most portant t thinabout our Products is Quality. We do not use a'ti y - thing g' hut justQuality � Ingredients our Bread, Pies, Cakes, BIH><;l$, EtiC., or anything pn•etaittaylgg t© Baking, Oysters, Ice Crea and Light Lunches e F. J. BROWN CO. e BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 8101113211111 ti ' ;4+ •i � t .. e1 as �,� 5: �yy+°i.• "' tn'f.Ja '9 °J.u�k. • CANADA'S LARGEST ,r R.r ♦ t ,„ t r ., .alf. , .1'.1'` 'Y Asa ....., K' rr^1 LI ". I ALL G°CM' 9�S . h,,,! t ED 2 TA11L, ? ' 'Buy Where You,KNOW You Can Save Careful housewives do not have to 'search for good groceries at bargain prices these days. A Milliosl and. more Shoppers yl visit Dominion Stores each week.witha certainty, of making a saving and buying the best. You' won't find a shopping satis- faction anywhere like you do when buying at your nearest Dominion Store. Bulk Seeded Raisins .. ' 2 lbs. for 25c , a$ Bulk Macaroni, per lb, 10e� Wheatlets , , 4 lbs for 25e Cooling Figsi... `.' 4 lbs for 25c' Lilac Raspberry and Apple Jam > .. 49e ti •Cranber'r'ies, per lb. . .... . , .. , 2 t, 24 lbs. -White Satin Pastry Flour $1.05 FRESH MthLED Ni d-l4Yi.dp.Y..® Vrry�. I Y_.. �e,... J G"i"g , , _ � .. _ 6 29c lis. ,. _..P ... .... _ j._ ,...Y... if C NEW PEE GiT LEMON Se ORANGE 31,c Lb.; CANDIES KISSES t: JELLIES 25 ib. WAFERS 29,, P CHOCOLATES- �A. l�• SOUPS You, Pea, Ctleiy,'Oxtail, Asparagus OLD EN .. �... GLISII STYLE EAT,�`'� �RR 1 AUNT DINAH-I MOLASSES 2v, size , XMAS WINES Part, Grapey ' NUTS (Mixed) ; Filberts, ,I iValnuts SHELLED Bordeaux SHELLED; °I ►Nh CANADA '� Ginger, Sherry earls, Broths WALNUTS , jz's ALMONDS C e"' 1 C c 2 R, Ib. 55C Cb• '915. �..9 G o ' CREAMS CHOCOLATES, ° BUTTERSCOTCH WINDERMERE ! v Tom., WAGSTAFF'S a. tl„ SEEPED, or SEEDLESS 21 e RAISINS' 5c VALENCIA RAISINS, 2 lbs. Sufic A c RAISINS YRNA . lb. 1 CURRANTS - - 2,lbs.2Sn t ' ?� MIYFfEII�CBRllD • GOOD ;.. HEINZ COOKED SPAGHET,T'1 ,1%i Aiurna 1 Vic i Small 1, c 1 NEW NAVEL f J ` 'GPS SWEET and'JUICY , o�? ? �� 3 � l 4 C Doz BEaEat .. 6,ilu•m1. t Bb, 1�'VL ii s �n oz. orliv, �.k'a tr$ titi1 t iIt V ' Q.,' ic i Seo R P';$,+. • =, "d'R rFk 5l,, r4 i�k or. J 1 C.130T \ i4 •. 1. if tl. 'PgS� - iU ..uL'.—' �, i ,�, (; ?� t� i.' r ...t ,y > 5�1 , tar i.,r �. h•'� .. hJ C X C E roinTORONOUra UNION I ammofREGINA r ®® tr, t'pr `{+1 'µ d 'i. ag�� e ��1 1 i ?"r71 :& r Yj 4 L L STAT SMARMY PORT . FORT or eatnADv N Yit A' ,i :2tiy`, .;fes /.' %,F^t5i*s�.. �'�+� t i' ' ::,t w?'` k�'r.. R 1 I t ',•M '�i�'�1 ;i,� MC,',''' _�. andallpointstri. WesternCensda: r 'uaM:. .rj§y Wi ' � 5� `'`�.. i M. i F 'r ,'Iii'' �Yir r •m C C7 SERVICE' ARTHUR WILLIAM WINNIPEG r ^: VANCOUVER, �, 0 IP , VICTORIA >" , ]Equipment—Coaches, inner, tourist and standard sle'e errs. Compartment observation steeper. '— -. For full information, tickets reservations, etc, apply to any Can- adian Pacific agent x'o W. Jarioson,town agent, Clinton, Ontario. ONE