HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-11, Page 2ORPO1ATEb THE cLINTorf NEW CEANTt), R YOU [IN RERY PIIGE TiliS 11011IFITISI1G NIIIVIBE ED I ouvol.s.a.soilmassuavorzaa........amearC. ........,..., •• ' 21d Itoli ' Vhrstraa6 We have planned usual. 'You vt•ill find buying ing for you and yor',frionds. , , , • Anything you went 'have is` RELIABLE QUALITY, RIGHT giving you good , , CfrOCKS WATCHES SILVERPLATED ' SPECTACLES TALKING IVLAKE YOUR STORE OPEN.. EYENINGS .9kid -10a6 c' "..gear - got as good a stock profitable and pleas- ' a, find here. What DESIGN and PRICED our"stock csomprisest a FRENCH IVORY CHINA, ' . ' ' RECORDS, eic. EARLY as we .. ' C. , , COMMENdE5TENT, The Comenc•ement exercises in m connection with .,thea Clinton Colleg- iate were held,,, in the town hall on Thursday and Friday evenings last, the whole town and a ...geed part: of the 'surrounding district , turning out to witness 'therm The hall Was lull, even to standing room, both evenings. • The program consisted of a Tantoll I danoe by a number of the junior girls , . in costume which was very pretty, • ' . ' • , a . ' ' the reading of the'C 0 1 Gazette by • - . •' • ' • • - Elmer Paisley, the presentation of medals, and interform championship for sports by the Rev. 0. J. Moor - h . , . ouse, this was on Thursday, the presentation of graduation diplomas, Friday evening, by. Principal Erwin, 'the 'valedictory by Miss" Gertrude Snyder, the ' dancing • of the Highland , Fling, accompanied by bagpipe mu- sic by Lorne Cook 'and W. Mutch, , , and the presentation of the .play, "The Merchant of Venice up ,, to . Date," by sixteen 'of the C. I. girls . and boys, and ' Fred Sampson and an , Arthur•Lyon did a ,funny song before the curtain, in Costume, and were en- cored. ' • , The, reading. a the. Gazette is a , new feature hi. such a program and , seemed. to take the ' popular fancy. Many musing and clever personal I references were given, which greatly entertained the audiences,„ especially the Collegiate students, to , whom' they conveyed their full -significance.- Loyirna references to the Collegiate ,. building abounded, _which, although mostay ironical, neverthelesa showed that' the students were deeply inter- ested in their eehoel. The story of • • • the visit of.the.board to inspect -the building and • the several aceidents b: h befell them was highly emu w le ,s- ing; and the little history of the school from its beginning was inter- - • • . . esting * Miss Snyder,. whe is now a stud- - ent - t London -Normal,. made a-MeN4 departure in valedictory -addresses • ..- ' • ' ...t. • - - • , h• -deliver• -;"g hers in rhyme, It was - . • ^ ..-.. • • • . rd intetesting, too, giving a pretty Ten' ' 'emirate and amusing'history of her a ' . . Collegiate Career, touching lightlyanyone on its special features. It was much , • enioved. , .• '--Misses Freda Schoenhale and Clara Gould 'received the senior and junior sports medalk -for the , girls. IVIesers. . Ray Carter and Lorne Cook the sen-. ' ior'and hillier boys' chanipionshin , , . medals. Miss Alberta Snell received the interforin chamnionshin 'medal) ' • fO, Foi,n, two.", On the second. even- ind'the teachers...Were each .presented , yith a box of candies. „ . - Theas , of course of snecial play w interest and was wirv enjoyable in that -the yo,ung penple took their sev- oral' parts so well. The scene. was supposed id. • be laid in Venice,, the 4,',,ts• was of the daYs of lot* ago, ,gro the .speech, but the conYersation was somewhat modern, and the her- oes were ' football nlayc.:Js. The trouble started when Bassani°, who -was a better , football player than Ftudent.'foundlliat in order to Tarry. :Portia he had to write off certain ex- anination. and,. to the great sur- would fail and so his friend, Antonio. to ,get him a key from" old Shylock. Shylock promised the key • and asked in Payment, if the key was not returned in such a time, a pound ' the 'e 's hair, "nearest , of Antonio ro wed and brain,' The key was .p c t the young man, alone in a room with..interest, Miss Abbie E. Thudice, a rather se, vere lady .teacher, wrote off his eX- _aminations in Latin.. He liliew'be prise of the said teacher, Who carried . her nose • so high in air that sh,e failed to see the use of the "key,' he Was sUccessful in passing it. Bass- anio and Portia and -Grattan°, Bas- sanio's.' friend, .and- Nerissa, Portia's friend, were consequently hanpy. But, for some reason the useful "key" was hot returned to Shylock mid when the .,day collie he went .out to the football4). ' ' ' hair." field to claim his '` pound of In the court Antonio confronted the Duke -of .Venice and it looked. as if submit• he would have to to have -his locks 'bobbed,. when Pettit% and Ner-church.The issa, dressed in legal robes, were , , ushered in and Portia took charge. .. . The case was proven, as in the orig.- Mal play, and ,Antonio was kneeling to Shylock, Who flourished a huge bair of shears, when Portia called a halt and demanded that the Pound of hair should be cut "nearest the brain," as the 'bond read and a loam- . ed Professor wag called in to photo- • • ' graph the'brain and find out just where it was located., After an ex- amination it was found the- poor young man had no brains, Is he saved his hair. ShylocklwaS led c--f-r o prison and everybo-dy was happy. Mr. Bert IVIarshall toole,the part of BassanM. H. Snell that Of ,Antonio. , ;and D..Glazier that of Gratiano, each carrying off their part- very, well, in- deed. , Mn C. Meorhouse took the part of Shylock arid, looked- and acted rise part . splendidly. Misses Carol Evani and Charlotte Bilkey took the roles of Portia and' Nerissa and were much admired for their costumes and ' their .acting; "Miss Edith Stanbury took the •double role of the maid ,and. • Antonio's mother, doing " equally well in both: Miss Lucy Levy. ,made, a • decided bit in the role Of the severe teacher: MISS .IsObel . Fraser' made II pretty little -figure as Shylock's ward and Antonio'S sweetheart; - Elmer Paisley , provoked nmeh laughter at . Lthincelot; ,.Mass Ruth.jackson tOOn . the part of Launcelot's mother: Lorne Cook took the role of Tubal; John Ilellyar. that Of the poi-, Iranian; Harold Langford madeta dig- pilled 'duke" and '. Jimmy Fraser made a YerY. ' 'hmwe'"1-v•as Prefa8ser With'a long -sounding naine. ' 'The repoid, would ''•not be complete n of the school orches- without mentio , , Inch filled ''n the pan es in the -tra, w 1 s nrogram with fine ThUSt.C, The, inept- hers , were especially interesting, :too, on aecomit of their pleturtsque eoS- ARKETS M..,, , Wheat, $L,30.-- - peas . r • , . -1. .oa . 45c • Oats, , Earley sac. Buckwheat, sae, 13iitte35c to 36e r, . • Eggs, 4Ge to, 60e. Live Hogs, 38.75. , , WEIR FARM SOLD. ' • Mr Leonard s. Weir • sold 'n' ' - has - is farm just off the Base Line t' M. -a ,,, . ....,,, ,. , 0 1. . George .Colelougn; who will take .poS- sesSion `shortly. Mr. Weir , has not fully made up his mind as to what e will do but it is likely he will leave this ,section, Their friends will alias •Mr. and Mrss• Weir and Will re.' g •eng0' ret to have th" '' - . . aa , , • ' ' ""•1•• Colclough is a Godeiach town- abip boy -who . sdld his , faain . a te,,,,,- . , , • , ., . yatis ago and who will Dia. :tattle sh• si'llna 'landed- • .4.- down again as._ ea hin ' Plop..tttor. TT friends 'wish ----la 'lleceSs." . MAKES GOOD GIFT. - Jrani.'• When considering' the question o,t Christmas gifts' have ycitt taken thought of the appropriateness a a year's suoscription to The News -Re- .cord? What could you buy ler -S2 • that would give more satisfaction to' . the recipient than such a g' -ft s' If • gift 11 a member'of your family is away -fromthe home, .Send ,him °sr. -her the home 'pa- ' '11 leen . thein posted as to pm, it will what is going , on in the old' 'home . . community. Or, it you have a neighbor to whom . you wish to give a -little gift win& will be appreciated, if he is not a subscriber eve him a year's SOL to The Clinton News -Re- cord. Again, it ',may be '-a young' ' I • t setting ' ho k ' coup e, jus up use esping, Start them right., -by, putting their name on - our mailing list for one year in advance. 'Nothing you can purchase for the money will bring so much satisfaction .i*is like fifty:two presents one each. week during the - - ' . • Aar. ' - - - 14 1,,• . . -' . :. • . . .We supply you -a neat -presentation - • , .. • _ card with eyety .subsenption ,pur -cl Christmas• ase as a gilt. Start ' right awdy and so get a couple.of extra levies. .. . . ' AMONG THE CHURCHES. , ' ' ' • • . The Huron Presbytery met.in Chn- ton en Tuesday. Salvation Arm ' • . . . y eebngs 10 a m. Direc- Sundays in , . , tory 'class.; 11 a.m,.1.1oliness meeting; 3.,pam; Sunday, -ecliool; 7:30 pan., Salvation meeting. These services , - . . are to be -conducted by the. corps locals. - • . ' St. Pati.l's. Church • The rector'S stibjects. on • Sunday will be ,as fellows:. Morning: "The Saviour and the Judge." Evening: "The . Great Assize)" the third ,in a. series of sermons ' on -the second coming of Christ. .., ) . untamo Street Church- Morning classes at 1000 am.. The morning service will be given over to the story of our Church, its grotihn and development for the past one hundred years. - - , • . , . . The evening service Will be..devot- . . ed' to, the' history of our local church and its organizations' ' . . Wepurpose making, the day one of and would. like our emigre-. gation out in full. - The Juniors will Meet %b 7:00 on Friday night, - " . , Willis Chutch . . . ,. Next Sunday morning the numstet Will , preach - ori , the .sulnect, "Jeans : 'the Regenerator.of Character'.' and in the . evening' ort "What God has shown tie." . . , ., . .-, The Mission, Band will hold its Mond e nin t regular meeting l MondayVe ofgtlal 7 o'clock. This last meeting ear . will be social evening.. All Y. , evening. A11 , come and enjOY it, . The annual meeting of the W.M.S.vvN Will be held on Dec. 18111 at eight' - elect' o'eleck in the le lik of officers will take place. '• Wesle Cli h .. I - Y ire The Brotherhood . meets at ten 0,1ock -00 sus•-aay. The subject, "What 'Benefit is Church Attend- once?"' Will be introduced by Mr: John c .'n ey, , The mistor's 'morning ' soli:Mat will be: "A Gathering or .the Nations." ' "A Call to Young Men." Evening: A On Sunday morning 'last the Rev. u. E. ',Cragg of Wingham preached' and in the evening Rev. W. V. Wal- den of Holmesville.-It'was missionary field day and this ubj0ct was pre- seated to the people: Mr. Cragg told of conditions in the west,..where he . t . VS f his ministry. spen some yea o • .taking The'Young•Peoples' League met on 1VIonday evening, when a Christmas ' , t r Miss Winnle -program was pu el . . . McMath occupied the, chair, .MiesThe Lihnie Nediger ,gave 4 reading and Miss Stone told a. tory of a Christ- was on the Labrador coast, by Dr. Grenfell, Mr. Ilellyar brought over a victrola and nut on several ChriSt- which • en'oved Inas. records, Were 3 . • . The ladies Aid held their annual ' - • - -TI' • d ft . last meeting on ruis ay a .einoon , the f II 'ng officer were when ie o owl ' . . appom e . s " t' d ' ,Presilient; Mrs. A. T. Cooper. . • 1st Vice: 1Virs. W. J. Nediger. 2 I Ir• • ivr% C I Wallace N • ' ' T •• M• T J MeNeil reasurm. , is.. T. J. . Secretary: Mrs. T, Mason. ' ' Treasurer of, Mile -of -pennies fund: 1 ivii.s. 3- ag x• 1 a - , c in e -,t . Assistant: Mrs. MeMath. , 'The choir also elected officers re- cently as 'follows: , • Hon. President: Mrs.' A, T. -Ooopea. President 'Miss Nfarion Andrews,: • ' ' ' Vice: Newton Davi,. • . , ' ' i Cools Secretary: :I re. 3. E.. ,, , ., Treasurer: Miss reril'ol Rigel's" ' CoMmittem WS. II- Fitzsimons, L. peal -soh, M.. ,Nediger- ' ' INTE- GETTINGRESTED. N • 'iers of 'assiatance in' entertain- ment and' of donations of money arts already coming in to the •Old • Boys , . Reunion committee. One e. .11 thlea- tures of the entertainment niaV",be".a. r grand concert put on byformer citi- zens who are DOW Prominet inamu. ns, ical circles ,eles-where. If it can be , arranged it ought to be a winner. , HULLETT ,BREEDERS- WNNERS. • - ' ' ',Messrs E. and II Snell f II 11 i•-• .,- • , . o m ea, ().03 of Mr. James Snell, Hullett's •Woll-known breeder, returned ' sin Tuesday after an absence of about five weeks attending . the Winter Stock Shows at ,Guelph, Torento Mid Chicago. Thy were not sorry to re- turn to their own firesides, for it has been a s 1 ot ew eeks, but they - tren I is' 1 w ' - ' - come flushed with victory, Os they carried off in all 31 prizes and h li p championships. These included: ^t. . f,i„sresetondandfoit:oymetaltrlifno; yearling 'ewe; -first, fourth and fifth • foaA;te, ewe third for st..ain lamb fir ' ,..,, st for pen, and championship for ewe. , At the Royal Whiter Fair, Toron- to: -Championship .for ewe; third for yearling ram. first for ram laMb. . g , . .. . , first -and fourth for yearling ewe; • first, fourth and fifth for ewe lamb; first f • 1 -la h • fist for for pen o ni s, r, open„ pen and first for yearling waken . s At Chicago International Fat Stock . . , , Show: 'First for yearling ram;, first and second for ram lamb. firet and .. r ..$ r yearling ewe; first, second . seCond.fo . , , , . and thtrd for ,ewelamb.; firsfor three ewe lambs; first -for three ram lambs• first for flock. first for ear- • • , , • y ling wether; first for wether lamb and championships for ram,, ewe and . wether • , It will be seen from this that the Itu 'o men nee .1 swe t he'boardq In 1 Y• . P t • at the big international show, in. this the silver jubilee year of the show. ' -the _ ..._ .. One of .judges, an Isnpslinlan, who' had also been at the winter fair . - ,- - - . . ht Toronto, making a speech at a d' • ' ' Chiettg6 sad that Intim. given in ,i., wishing -to see a real fait should visit the Toronto Fair. ' ' • The 1VIessrs. Snell are to be con- .gratulated on their splendid sudess. . . Other Ontario breeders -were- equally ,. successfu . 1 t - .a• ' 1 Th's is he sort of thin which helps to ,advertise Ontario and we .all. benefit, .by the enterprise of such men as the Messss. Snell. , ALL SET AND READY. .' • . -eomi ifte . in. chargeof the ' The P - .e., ...* %.., Old Boys'Reunion in Clinton met ni " 0 . the office of the Department of Ag - ricultme on Friday evening last. The main business of the cloning was the appointing of various committees to have, charge of the various lines of work,for the Old.Boys' Reunion. The narnes of those on the various tom- mittees are as follows: . Atnusement-J. Zapfe, chairman, 3. F. Brown Wm Clement J Canter n > • , • c" ' -IL Fitzsimons,. Geo. ,Hanley, M. or. don, Fred Johnston, R. E.. Manning,. D. Nfeltinnon; W. Perdue, R. Reber- ton, M. Schoenhels, ,Ino. Seeley,. 0. W, Williams' ' ' Decoration --A. a. Morrish,chair- man, J. Atkinson, W. Barry, H. B. ' . Chant Cook,G. Cunin hame L. , b./ G g t Cuirell, N. Counter, G. N. Davis, A. Eagleson, F. Ford, Jos. Higgins, G. Howes. G. Liewson, W. Plumsteel, ,/ Wm. MutCh, E. Munro, F. Muten, Robt. Middleton, E. Rumball, 3. Rands, G.' Smith, R. Walton, Entertainment - H. B. Combo,' ..chairnian,.Dr. Axon, W. Brydone, W. C. Brown, W. R. Counter, S. S. Coop - er, J. Dorsey, Zas. Flynn, B. 3. Gib- bings, . Dr. Gandier, Dr. Wm. Gunn, w. H. Hellyar,, Dr. P. /ream H. A. Harper,. W. Jackson, G. D. 1VicTag... g.art, R, Mai:Shall, J. Miller, . II: T. Rance, IL Sharp, R. Smyth, W. J. Stevensbn, - Virenien - H. Glazier, chairman, . • and Firemen. . Grounds --L. Paisley, Chairmau, Roy. Ball, 10. ,Bawden, Thos, Hawkins, . . W. Jenkins, Geo. jetkins; A. Lovett, Geo. McLennan Ernest Resell, G, Scribbens, E. 'Iliard. ' . Illusil-F: Mitch, ehairman/Geo, Cooper, Murray McEwen and Band. Publicity -Hugh. Miller,' chairman, A. T. Owner, J. E. Doherty, 'W, D. Fair, Thos, Greig, A. J. Grigg, G. E. Hall P. Ladd A. Mitchell, D. L. Mac - pherson, H. P. Pluinsteel, Geo. `Rob- erten; C. Veinier, A. Vincent. • Parade -F. Jenkins, chairman, W. M. Aiken, J. Aitken, Dr. II. S. Brown, S. G. Castle, C. Connell, E.' Cook; I. Cook, A. Castle, A. Cud -tion lo more, M. Ts,- Corless, Len Cante n, Thos. Churchill, A. Cartwright, A. Groves, F. Hanley;G. Harris, J. Ire- land, ' Guy Jones, T. Leppington, 13, .i. aids S Lobb E. Mittell W. MC111- .t, , • , . , Veen E O'Neil • 3. Paxman, Jabez 'Rands, A, Steep, 'Henry .Sloinan, W....the'program,were Se'ley. ' ' ' , . , in d B'll t' Ja es Reception an i e mg -- Ford,"chairman, N. Ball, J. W.'Elliott; Dr. Fowler, B. Higgins, J. E. Hovey, J. A. Irwin, Bert Langford, .J.no. Medd,. H. McBrien, Jnb. Nediger, H. 1 d,' Elton Rozell; E noike' 3„ Rans'-or • - '' , ' . P Sheppard, t4 J. ,Schoenhals, J. P. . • •, a ' ..... •, VanHorne ono. wasman: ' ' S ttS ahd Games-Sno. Sutter, • Pe ^- ' , . • ' . chailhian Alex.. 13utler, 11. Barthff, " . ' • . ' C Draper . Go. • Elliott, J. Fines, N. - , ' W S. R.' FIolmes, Geddes, L. Heard, HS -11 R. II. John -- W.. Hovey, -Gordon , son W. ' Johnston H. LaWson, IL , • - ' Manning,W. Miller, Thos. Morgan, d M 1McDou all, ,E. J., B. 1VInstar , i . . g, • . • Wendorf. ' g'illidaY SerriC0S-Rev, A. A. Holmes chairman, Rev. ti. L.. Bilkey, - Capt. Clarke,' Reit.' -B. Gaffney, R,ev. ..1-:E, Hogg, Mr: Chas. Ilawke,.. Rev. 0. MOOrhouse„' Rey. Parker, Rey. T: 3. SI owde , ' ' 1 h. . , - , m „ , _a_,,, . ,. ., , ,, SchoolsCo n 'ttee Mr N W Fr win, chairman', N. Geddes and' teach' ige etaff of Collegiate and Public 'Schools.. ` ,'-' ORGE sista_A• GENN. PASsES, . , - • The ,fleati took place in Milieu yesterday of an old settler in the personsof Mr. Georrri ',Mann who' taa. - . , W was in his -eighttyseventh year. The tun= eral takes 'place tomorrow afternoon from the f amily home' to Constance ce, . meterY. The service commences ,at two o'clonla. A fuller obituary, notice will be given' next week. a . , HEAR BLOOD TUESDAy, • 'M .• Tl • Bi d s i• t, lompson A° , impersona„mt and, humorist' will give an entertain- merit iii,the towh hall on Tuesday ev- ening tteXt the third in the series b mg put on under the auspices of the Girls' Anxiliary. ' Mr, Blood hasVICTOR gained an enviable reputatioas an n entertainer and his impersonations ' . • . are said to be exceptionally clever He also does some singing, tells funny stories and • yaltogether puts on a most interesting entertainment, TOOK A TUMBLE. • 'While •driving donm the Huron road one day . last .week Mr. M. T. Corless' sedan skidded a bit, swung off- the road' and turned over rin -its side, with the genial ."M. T.", like the • • . lady in the etoty of the lion and lady, inside. -S:omebody happening along just .then opened the door ' - ' ' . ' 051 top -side 4nd Mr. ,Corless crawled out and they: got . the .inachine turned . 't I . • F over onto 1 s lege again. tinny part of it is that neither car nor mat Was t - . . - injured., No a pane of glass in the sedan was even cracked, and it appar- ftritlysuffered no injury except that a little -handle . on one of the windeWe . • ' waS snapped off. .It was a. fortunats escape. The roads we had. lest week, while making both goilg, ad 'wheelin1 d . ' i- - good Sleighing, wele rather hazard - ous for the former, making extreme - - • ly careful drixing„necessary, and evert then, there was danger of accident, m ' We do not wish to intimate that Mi. .. Corless is anything but a careful driver. - - i THIS IS SPECIAL ' ISSUE • . . , . The News -Record is• sending' out a Christmas . advertisiugi number this . - • . week. w e are publishing twelve , - . . ,. tour of. them being of special pages, -. .* . interest. being colored Illustrations . ,' appropriate to the . season, with special 'Stories etc and also s ecial • $ '1' P shopPing, news from. the town mer- chante. Do not -fail to read every Part of t , he paper, it is full a neW•e, soeial ancl eommercial., ' interesting- • .- . • stoties, etc, and is well worth your . perusal, - .' you a .e lookin • for Christina y 1 ge gifts you will find that the town mer-- chants havehadyour needs in mine •- ve linrchased,.. quantities of and have goods from which you can make .t,. choice of something which‘will just be the thing, whether it be something Practical as a pound of tea or a pair of -woolen socks, or something as 1110 - 1 • f bo f fa ti ous as- a .an or •ri x o • ce powder.. • .• Anyone who is thinking of eithet. sending or„goingaway to buy Christ. 11105 gifts will de well to scan these ads. .Then come -in and ask -to see .the goods. After au& an ex • , pe11- niont they will very likely conclude . • • . ., • that it is cheapei, inoie 'convenient, and in every way more satisfactorji to make purchases right here. . • . We are sending out a numbet of extra copies this week also, to non - subscribers in town and adjacent vi- cinity. We hope those who ,thus re- ceive a copy of our Christmas adver- -Using number will take time to look it over. We shall not continue send - in • the paper, unless it -is ordered, but in CaSO anyone Was considering subscribing for The News-Reeord this will give them an idea of the sort et paper it 11. The colored. supplement, of course, is extra. Otherwise, the paper is a fair sample of the paper we publish each week of the fifty - two M.the 'year. . . . LITTLE • LOCALS A 'young Mitehell business man .. last - . . . . , for was, m town week looking . a Stand to open tip a notion shop, . Better pay your taxes tomorroW or next clay. Beastlyhaving to pay mit good money for taxes lust before' Christmas, isn't • it? • • . . Mr. H. B. Manning was taken to the Hospital and -operated On on Sun - y or appen ici is.repot s du f ' d' 'V' ' At bast 't . „ ., he was doing as well as could be ex - pected. . , . local' S 1 Lieut. Bradley, of thea va- Army Corps, received fareWell d • forGcl 'h df • 11 el eis o eric an willmewe ., Sunday,Dec..14th, and will leave for Goderich on .TInrsdey next , .After -the entertainment in the town . hall on Friday , evening laet the , ' art ih C. L staff and those p . b Mr .y . and Mrs. W. M. Erwih at their home. young Men's classes of Wes - .• ' . le' r'Stinda school entertained the Y - Y , , .. young ladies' classes and their teach- ers in,' Wesley hall on Tuesday even - . ing„ when '.a very. pleasant tune was spent. - - Have you ',chosen your personal . . . . . greeting . cards. yet? The time is getting short, let us ,have your order • . • • , . at once to ensme against disappoint, have a , ment. We also have a nice stock of . . ., . .. .. ..., odd colds at gleatty leclucet1 piicea. Miss Janet Allen of., Toronto has been re-elected president of the Lad- . , . , . , ies 0. H. A,, and also appointed re- , . . , . presentative on the A.A.U. of C. com- inittee,Dn Women's Athletics. -Miss Allen, ,then 'Of Stratford, has 'played the local ladies' s hockey team' on several occasions. . . ' ,The Fire Marshal . has sent Chief Glitzier his usual warning ais•ainst "mluziol ' allute'r,. al 1 tho use , ef. ., juh______,,c __ , „F•j. ,, ,ii • ` with c ' - ' ' conne,ction .wi hristmas entertain- ' ' tr to. de"or t' i '-' ' ' ' etc wiring men .,,,,, s 1,e c, a io is, , .., the ,ChriStlinis season, ,It is well tc keep in mind te fact that care is ne- cesearY. in order to , prevent fires. ' for you and. have your. gifts here - • in our lirte you will STYLISH IN value: You knoW • , •BAR PINS • il,INGS WARE 'CUT GLASS UMBRELLAS and EYEGLASSES ,' MACHINES and CHRISTIMAS PURCHASES, UNTIL CHRISTMAS \.1 ,LA, . Aellitar • -. Jeweller and Optician Phone 114*. . Residence 174J ------------s'' 1(#17141,4i ' iiii4' isss)t ea. e ., ' , 110•HAT Presentation ' VV Toys _cove. are now, "Something provided for worn out or Chriatinas Gilt Books. appreciated bought and .. now? Suppose containing an it regularly. Add The 0 G452 Clinton Branch - . • A Gift that . ' Ine'reases ' -V Valtie in: a tie . . , • , LAST CHRISTMAS' . -most of them broken by for the grown-uPsnow. , .. Cash to your employees-- _,, ., . . . _ • ' presents -hurriedly - Are they -remembered. . . , give them each aBook ' Bank d ' ' them t ad t an urge em o a „ o . .•ch be more suitable? Pass nooks" to your ilic Gifts. , , 13ank - ' . a Iliad ' , Manning ManagerIf , `-. ' ....... .., Christmas CO pool, , , DM YOU GIVE for the kiddies useful" forgotten, .. _ hitt soon spent..0ther perhaps ill -chosen: .. - ' this year you initial deposit, Could anytlaing "Royal Bank of Christmas ennik . i) e R. E. . , - ' The 'Ontario Equitable Life. ' , And Accident Insurance Co., Waterloo, Ont. ."' offers ' all ' plans of polieids-with Double Indemnity and Double Disability features. Also temporary accident and sickness benefits, I Olir,' Motto . F orEvery.pron,,,sd IVIan - ...... 1,' ) Ar. 1. , The things the practical recipient would . EVerytime coat, or the or the Gloves Look over that you know - HOUSE -o BATHROBE KNITTED SWEATER . scARF TIES SUSPENDERS HAT , .1 olid that. men gifts of thing's buy for • he wears , Bathrobe, or which you this list will be- a Just COAT VEST COAT or CAP .. • ay . . Gifts , everything else are day use, things that the • .' ' Shirt, the Tie, or House- Hose, or the Suspenders, thinks of you. do not strike something . 1 ,.. ROBES .. , , . appreciate 'above for every himself. the Scarf, the ' the Fancy gave him he and see if you ' the Thing" I-1.0,SIERY NIGHT PYJAMAS ... UNDERWEAR . LTNIBRELLA ,entertained CANES SUIT OVERCOAT Special 50c- , boxes. We would ill'.4 , - hile the picking is c• ties put up . • ASK ta. see them Ask , . p . in fancy selection et you in every way , 1 . , "hint" that you make your at its beet, We'll assist , • . , ,I . II AND 3.- CLUB . TO MEET. , The home and School Club' w. -hold 'its moirthia• meeting on Tiles day, December letli, at four o'clock. 'There will be a, -Christmas' Program 'given by the ,ehibdren. .All -the moth - era are cordially' invited. a NICE PRESENT • ' Master' Borden Merner, son of IVI", J. J. Merher, received on ,Tuesday a handsome white pony and barnesa arid basket carriage , from Senator Donnelly, ofPinkerton, who is ,a wiam friend of , Mr. " Merrier, with wholn he sat for yew.% in .the House at Ottawa. The- pally and outfit ars' much admired on the Streets.- Seaforth News. _HOCKEY CLUB OFFICERS. At a meeting in the interests of hockey heldrecently the following of, ricers Were elected: Sec. -Treasurer: R. II: Middleton. Trainer and Manager: C. Draper, Committee: T. Morgan, E. Walton, A.liSteep and W. Mutch. An application has, been sent -CO thel -0.11.A. -and a ream will also be entered in the Northern Leagne. HAS PURCHASED "PRINCESS:''' Mr. Bert Langford, agent for Over- land cars, has bought the old Prin- cess theatre standt just next door to Plurnsteel's Store, Albert street, and will fit it up as a garage and sales room. Thi will be very convenient to his home and, opening into the ally at.the back, will make a conven- ient and roomy sales stand. It wilt also add something to the street to have the place occupied. Clinton has very few vacant houses or business places. wir_,Lis CHOIR, TOO. The, choir of Willis Presbyterian church treated,..tifemselves to a fowl supper in F. J. Brown and Com- pany's restaurant Tuesday evening at seven, with a full attendance. The speakers of the evening were the president, Mr. George Roberton, Rev. J. Rogg ;and Dr. P. Hearn. After a social time, the choir went to the church, where a re-election of offi- cers for the coming year took place, also a good practice of Christmas mask. STEVENSON-ROBERTSON. The marriage took place very quietly at 1015 Shaw street, Toronto - the residence of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart, em Wednesday of last.week of Miss Jennie Itobertson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson, and Mr. 3. W. Stevenson, all of Clinton. . Rev. Dr. Stewart, formerly pastor of Willis church, Clinton, and of the eontracting parties, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson returned to Clinton on Friday evening and have taken up housekeeping in their new residentin 'William street, They are 0 popular couple and have the very best wishes of their friends Lor a happy and prosperous future. L. 0. B. A. ELECT OFFICERS, The annual meeting of the was held Tuesday evening and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: .- 11. M.: Mts. H, Paimmn. W. M.: Mrs. G. ,B. Hanley. SI.: Mrs. J. E -Cook. Chaplain: Miss A. Ireland. Secretary: Miss Vera Gould. Fin. -Secretary: Miss Bessie Cole. Treasurer: Mrs. R. Fisher. Lecturers: Mrs.111. Ball, Miss M. Judd. D. of C.: Mrs. IVIcLinchey. Conimitteo: Mrs. W. Shobbrook, Mrs. Folland, 'Miss L. Potter, Mrs. Harness, Miss Judd. L G.: Mrs. E. Steep. 0. G.: 3 12. Paxman. Guardian: Mervyn Hanley. Pianist: Mrs. L. Stephenson. After the election the retiring wor- shipfnl mistress, -Pk's. Paxmarc was preg6nted with a jewel, whieh she ac- cepted with appropriate thanks, and afterwards a social hour was Ispent dming which. lunch was served. A GOOD OLD AGE, IVIrs, Angus Johnston of Stratford, O former -resident of Clinton, cele- brated her ninetieth birthday on. Frit day last. Mrs. Johnston Was born in London township of Scottish parents. 'Their home was near the village of St. John, which was theM the industrial centre of the district. London eity was then mostly swamp. It had one tavern on a corner. On her marriage at the age of twenty to Mr. Angus johntson she came to lixe in Clinton, then known as Rat- tenhury's Corners. Here her six c,hildren were born. Later the faM- ily moved to Stratford, where Mr. Johnston was for a time foreman ot the McDonald and 1VIcPlierson tom- drY, Thirty-three years ago he, in company 'with a partner, went'into the coal business. Mr. Johnston died nine years ago, WIrs. Johnston, with the exception of * slight deafness, has the use' of all her faculties and keeps abreast of the times by reading. She can cuss all the leading topics of the day, such as radio, the League of Nations, Church Union, ete., with anyone. In the latter subject she is much inter- ested but thinks it is a very large undertaking. She is a Presbyterian, as all her fathers, were, but she has read the C,hristian Guardian, the Methodist church paper, Inc forty' years, as well al the Presbyterian, publications, so keeps posted, Two sons and four daughters, seven grandchildren and seVen great-grand- children make up her descendents. MORE LOCAL NEWS ON PAGE S