HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-04, Page 8Clbltatm,`T+Ie
tLaNt'oN S t.EAm.m.
E"71I1•5DAI' •, '
The ever T:opttlar Vrench IyoTy in
bocci i'n s ii Ic It ece, and cased svts
itELL G0005
11'the latest desigt
Something new. Both cased and iar t'olhs, Alai
Rogers and Community Plate, in a most complete
C, a price 'which will invite rniehawe,
Ali the latest styles; '!'his 1,5 a seasn
an UinhrelN,
nrya .and
n every on^
and Optician
Next Hovey's Drug Store
There is nothing you can give that is so personal as. ur
Y4 photograph
Throughout' the year, the photograph you give this Christmas
will stand as a .reminder of; your loving thoughtfulness, It `}viii
contribute happiness to those who mean moat to you.
Surprise the family and your friends. Give photographs.
V, Today is not too early to arrange for
a sitting.. Phone for an appointment,
Phone 66 Photographer
C. H. VENNER,. Electrician
Electric 'R;S nges,Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, -Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone I5Iw
Weather: Needs
Woollen goods this year are exceptional value, being manufac-
tured from raw materials bought at the lowest prices, while at the
present time prices of the same raw }materials axe steadily advane-
ing, making tor higher prices in the intuit.
Save Maney by Supplying Y"eur Needs Right Now
We have the best range of Overcoats we have shown for a long
time and our pprices are right. Heavy Overcoats, Ulsters, and 3 -piece
belts at $18.00' to $30.00.
Pure Wool .Sweaters from $2.50 to $6.00
Pure Wool Ribbed Underwear, $1,5.0' and up,'
,Felt boots, rubbers or Goloshes 'and -a complete
footwear at lowest prices. P range of: warm
Plumsteel Bros.
The Point of View
is this—If you., areonce suited
with a Suit or Overcoat
al this establishment, ixiy ad-
vice to you is to continue com-
ing hare and tell your friends
about them.,,
You will find that this house
carries the, very latest and
best materials for ,nen' and
young rnen that yon, can find
The guarantee that gees -with
each suit is "that they are
made,Aby experts." Let us talce
your measure today.
Full Range Frain $25.00 ito $55.00
avis -Herman
an •
Pleasures derived ''
from radio are great-
er now than ever be-
fore.•Broadeasting ,sta-
tions are sending' out
the best of e ncerts,
the . ma'st entertaining'.
lectures, the most Val-
uable market, crop
and weather informa-
tion. In fact, every
station is hroadr st-
ing concerts and pro -
grants that are on a
par withthe theatri-
c' al entertainments
that You may be com-
pelled to ;go miles to
hear or see. ,t almost
anY•.hour of the night,
and at practically any time during the day ' there is something i r en-
tertaining or educational to be heard,;
Demonstration gladlygiven a
g at our store or your hemi, ..
Prices to suit purse,
: urse,
age ;ti';
A. Card "i'Itiat s Typically Personal
The feature of y01i1 name and _d-
dross Meati, psir:t:ed on each card
makesogk ,Mutation one of reline,
znent t ut ,0,,petson leeeiving it and
is pieasingy excleesiva for the sender.
a4 Nl 1fs1,14t 1'O
The acquaintance roofs haven't. "1 Bard
:from in clnite a while, of .course you
are seNling cards to your noigiibo :,.
lint what about those who used to bo
your' neighbors brit hate moved avray,,
or those you net on votlr "sunirner
vacgtion or some of the old people,
it would inneh pleasethein to be re-
membered, or' those who•are, sick and
those who attend the -sick, or 'those
who have had trouble recently, Or
those inernbel's of your fraternal or-
ganization. And then ` the,, kiddie;,
don't forget them it will please the'
parents, too, Many samples to select
`from: Prices run from $2.00 to .$450`
per dozen,
T. � D. Fir o,„
Often the Cheapest :Always.the Best• ,
►,jRNlrlpnlnunu.unnnaa tinii,•
Dr. Fred Thompson was home over
the week -end.
Mrs. M. McNaughton of Varna is vis-
iting Mrs. J. T. Reid.
Mrs. Iiunter has returned from a vis-
it in Toronto and Seaforthe
Miss Florence Cuninghame spent the
week -end in : St. Thomas and Lon-
don. •
Mr. Paxrnan of London has been the
guest of Mr. and. Mrs. J. H. pax,
Miss. Pearl Reid has returned from a
visit with Hamilton and Kitchener
Reeve Middleton is in Goderich this
week attending the last meeting of
the county council for 1924.
Mr, Win. Robertson, who spent a
fortnight visiting realtives and
friends in Brantford, returned
home last week. •
Miss Myrtle Armstrong of Grano
Bend was home yesterday for her
sister's wedding, which .took place
yesterday morning
Misses Ferrol Biggins and Mary R.
Stewart assisted at a concert put'
on in Bayfield last -week, under the
auspices of Trinity •chureh;
Mr. F. J. ltteehon, of Toronto, trav-
elling passenger' agent of the
C. P. R., is in town today This
is Mr. Meehon's first trip up in
this district
Mr. and Mxs. H. W, Alexander,
' former :citizens of Clinton, have
moved from London, where they
have made their home for some -
years, to Palmerston. .
Mr. and Mrs. john Turner were at
,Bayfield yesterday ' attending the
funeral of the late John Keys of
Hensell. Mr. Keys was formerly a
fernier ,an Stanley townships ileac
Blake. -
Mr, C. EJ Dowding of Oakville, form-
erly manager of the local branch
of the Molsons'Ban1s, was in town
on Tuesday. "Charlie's"` old
old firends are always pleased to
see him.
Mr. and 'Mrs. C. H. Kerr 'of Oakville
spent the week -end visiting with
Mr. and Mrs.J. L. "Kerr of - Clin-
ton *and 'Mr.' and Mrs. W. • H. Ker
of Brussels. 'Mr. Kerr is a son of
Rev. W. E. Bern, former pastor of
Ontario street church, Clinton,
Miss Amy aowsoa " left Tuesday
morning for Vancouver, B.0, ; She
will visit in Medicine Hat and Cit
Bary en ru..ce and after'M'shert
stay with her brother and his wife
•Vancouver will accompany them:
to California, where they intend;
spending tit: winter.
Mrs. Ea1e CampbeIl, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
1. A. Ford, and with other rela-
tives'in tpwn for the past^six weeks-,
or so, deft Saturday for Toronto for
a little visit beforestarting bn„her.
homeward journey to; Calgary.
Mrs. 'Ford accompanied her daugh-
ter to Toronto. •
Dr. Shaw and: Mrs, N, W., TrewarthR
represented the Clinton. Public Hos-,,I
rptal, at a hearing. before',the Ag..
rieultural Committee of the Legis-
lature which was lielti in Toronto
last week. Mr. Trewartha, M.L.A.,
who is a member of the committee,
also went down for the sitting: 1)r.
Shaw and •sltlrs. Trewartha each
made an eloquent •plea i'or the
small hospital, Mrs., Trewartha's
address being especially effective,
at least so thought her fellow -
pleader, Dr:- Shaw, who listened to
her with pride .and pleasure, Dr.
Shaw thought the ease of the small
hospital was, pladed before, the
committee very strongly and, he
hoped, effectively..
Miss Hopkins, who spent several
months in Clinton the winter be-
e last `ast ' in 'charge of`' the Home
s plass in connection with.
. the Agricultural Short Course, was
in town on Friday on ,her way to
Bresseis, where she is in charge of
the 1924-25 ,class. This is: the
fourth; winter course Miss Hopkins
has' had in Huron 'county, which
speaks weII both for the talents' of
the Iady and the good 'judgment
and agreeableness of the District
Representative. Miss Hopkins will
miss Mr. Andrew this winter asshe
has worked with hin' for the past
nine years or• 'so. Miss' Ilopkins
likes to returnsaid meet again the
friends she"- always'inalses during'
her stay in a community, and these
friends, are always glad to haye
her coarse.
Air, and IlIrs. Floyd If. Schell of
Detroit motored over on Wedne>day
of hurt 'week to spend the. American
e dollar will be l.abso..�:
rely 'iven-ata
o.f Eng ish ' Ere.akfast Tea � a,c a
etera (at the right of st
"l�udre lbs he main' entrance) oneof tea will be, sold Thursday, Friday and Saturda
and1 n. sane aelkage is a $ .00 bill.. 3
is but it is th do not knoRheret
ere for sorebody. Buy early and secure a Ib at 65c
just arrived our first shipmeneof Florida Orangesand Crape Fruit, Call and see them
New Shelled'Walnizts,'ball% per Ib
2 lbs, Seedless Raisins
2 lbs: Seeded Raisins
Best Currants, 'per lb.'
Mixed Peel, per lb.
Shelled Abnonds, per. ib
BodleY's Almond •Icing, per 7b.
48c 10 lbs. Rolled Oats
25e Good Black Tea, per ib 48c t
. . 25o Mixed Tea,. per lb,:..
19c , 19c English Brealifast"Tea per lb. . • 650
Special Coffee, "'O'Neil's Best," per Ib, , 65c
:+• . . 60c O Neil's Spial Coffee, per Ib' ,
50c, 10 lbs, Gran. Sugar • 85c.
Candied Pineapple and Candied Cherries
Special mixed Chocolates, per lb
Candy Dolls, Candy bags, Christmas Stockings,
Smiles' an' Chuckles; per lb
Layer raisins
New Mixed Nuts, per lb 25c
Show Case Figs
'Plum Puddings and Christmas Cakes Puddings in one and two lb Bowls
Christmas Cakes --in pounds iced, Two pound and four pound tins Photo Cards still on sale
Agents fiir Smiles' air' Chuckles and Apex Canned Goods
Cash & CarryO'Nel
2 Deliveries
Thanksgiving day on Thursda;q with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Austin, returning to the city
of the • Straits `the (plowing; day.
Miss Clara .Stephenson spent a few
da *s with friends'' in Clintgn last
Miss Irene Chuter is staying with
friends in Clinton.
,Miss Phoebe Colclough spent the
week -end with friends in Clinton,
Quite a number took in the League
social Friday night at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Webster and all
report a good .time.
Miss Kate Webster of Clinton and
Miss Laura °Beacom' of Londesboro
spent. Sunday: with friends in Stanley.
Miss Alma Rathwell spent the
week -enol with friends near Bruce-
:(Continued from. Page One)
in the faith of church union.
It is wonthy`of note that of the 10
living ex -Moderators of the General
Assembly Drily' one is opposed to
Union f}.r
Now, I hgve 'tried to present' hon-
estly and fairly but very briefly this
most perplexing question. Much of
value has of necessity been left un-
said in so short a time. I trust, how
eve); enopgh^•has been said ta-'give:
gaisance in the matter, •
I ',.,have tried to shgw ,that
we.epncur in union we need have no
disturbance whatever • in Willis
chureh. We may. carry on ,after the
10ttt of June next just exactly' as we
do 'plow. We lose nothing• that is
vital' On the other' )sand, I havetried
to show that ;if Wallis ehuerh should
vote out that' she will 'vote' herself
out of the great mother church' and
all that which is associated with, tier.
And,`.' moreover, it is almost sure to
eonipel"some to leave Willis and
fo11ovv. with the Mother 'church' into
sonie•rinion congreu atioir'and so Wil -
church' will be Weakened and dis-
turbance caused, -
You say; "R it not the same which
ever, way it goes? No. By nq
mea'tis. For, .it is the Mother
chureh that goes into union and if
ave concur we do but follow our lead-
ers and remain with the church' with.
which we have always been assoeiat-
ed.Whereas, on the other Hanel, if
we vote out we act against the best
leadership of our church, for the trine
being, at least, our congregation will
become a mere isolated unit and at
best the new .Presbyterian church will
be bat a fragment of the Presbyter-
ian chiirclr in Canada I utge,_there-
fore, that we do give eareful consid-
eration to this alternative.'
ffn`;conclusion let, me quote: •
"In this new day, when men of all
nations are earnestly seeking to
minimize the differences and draw
together o •
get f r united action m the
common good, and' are Iooking to the
Church for leadership in the practical
exhibition, of unity and love, shall we
devote time and energy and money
to,perpetuate' division and strife, or.
shall we loyally follow our- Church
in her. N great[ new :enterprises of.
Christian unity and brotherhood?'
"Three •Canadian 'Churches, alike in
spirit and service, are coming togeth-
er in organic unity, the better '10
meet the religious needsofCanada,
with its rapidly -growing, population.
and,ineoming tide of •immigrants.
This' is the challenge •that comes 'to
all,' Loyalty' to the Mother Church,
loyalty `to the religious, and national
noels of. Cantda,;challong•e every oosn
gieg'ation to forget its:; differences'
and join wholeheartedly in _this
movement which Marks a new era iii
the Church life of Protestant Christ- Ii
endom.' In the face of so clear a call
and so great an opportunity, how c5n
,healthy and forward-looking con-
gregation make. the Great Refusal?"
C. C. 1.,Commencement
Annual C.C.I. Commencement ex-
ereises will be held in the
at 8 o'clock on
Thurs. and Fri., Dec, 4th and 5th
In addition to the program of
drills, solos, etc., there will be e
play, "The Merchant of Venice up to
Date," a parody on the original
"Merchant of Venice.” Plan at Fair's
opens on Saturday morning, Nov.
22nd. Admission 50c. Reserved teats.
Home and School Club
Baking Sale
A ;huge sale of house -made' baking
'will be held in the
Hydro Office
rf Saturday, Dec.. 6th
• At 2;30 pan.
Proceeds will be used'to make the
first payment on our School Piano,
Every good eltizen is interested in
"Our School,-- so please help to snake
this sale a big success. 82-1
Pastime Dance
The Pastime Club will give a dance
in their club rooms
Dancing from. 8:30 to •12:30,
Clinton ,Orpheus . Five -piece 0r•ches-
tra-will supply music'. '
Gentlemen, 81,00
Ladies Please Provide
Call in and see our
Before Buying
Our Prices are as Low •as the 1)c
partmeutal stores and Quality
Much : Better
Selene American 051 always on hand
Phone 244,
Yoii Realizc
'That there are 'only 17 shopping days before Christmas
And as yon know it's wise to shop early to get the best selections
Our advice is do it
Our large store is brimfull of useful gifts to suit everymem-
ber of the family. And you know there is nothing more lasin or
would be. appreciated more than good ;furniture. g
stock of the
Pyrex ware, Ca Casseroles, equally tc prepared with a Iarge
Don't Forget the Boys and Girls
A good pair of skates or a sleigh would please thele. There is
no better exercise :for children than skating or sleighing.
Make your selection now and we will be pleased to put away. goods
until Santa. Claus comes
Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo.
Furniture Phones 104 Hardware 195
We Welcome Yo
To our store to inspect our new stock of Emits,' Peels, and: Nuts
Our Christmas Candy has just arrived and is ate reasonably
and the Very bes.t.we can..pocure, Or y"while
you can have 'jrcur'choice and: let us�keeypoit el: Christmas
until you now, re it,
• , require it...
Main Store, Phone 125 W. ., Branch Stores Phone i'$5 J.'
or Coal Iin?
What about the burning question? Rave you got your coal bins
full? " When the real cold weather comes there h re is bound to be an ex-
cessive•demand because Canada is 1,000,000 tons short this year om
her .imports of Anthracite alone. Stove'Coa1 is already almost an
impossibility, and 'Chestnut is tightening up rapidly.
We are stocking upon Domestic Cole before itets. desie'
g` z
Try Our Coke
Itis 25% cheaerthan Anthracite, , it has 75% /o less ash and alp-
solutely no „slate or bone. It is in 'a class by'itself as the very
best substitute for Hard Coal,
Whatever ypu want in 't -he fuel line call us ..d. u• and, will we do,
our best 'to nreet'your wishes, and we are just at the the
J o i evd"of,
your telePhone ready to SERVE and SATISTY.
B. Mustard Coal Cis►