HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-04, Page 5oars . 3182,000' s for the -h ria e 1 d. C oat it .s e e,7Fpott'thern: 8s Be en, ',minister or ,ery:•pla'in that he givo:,Ontario :,any le enforcing of the enforcement of the. bre -the mettle •,of the '.bot; it can' be done and lei. elle ;;Czovernmeiit to assn eike 'Gov , Onta`1nd .leo ed o`leetde ohnes, until a;;4dY* the' sold' the" - iiia% eyed to the hooseacross the"weed, nearer tike .`htillage, She had bleed somewhat,_ visrtieg"the Old Tang once and on 'several ocnaeion,e vioiting' in the :feinted States; but �t Holmcsvillo vols • home, and.thither,r. she always retuire with 11easui c ' • Few women were„better Iceo.vn in the diet -rice than Miss -D. • A. lIolmes. She was active in church work, a1-: ways taking 'oa sleep' interest,' es i sec la1ty in the missionary cause She was s•rfted'as' e speaker and was of- ten called 'upon to take -part in cop taught :13 veiitron k7tograms; .etc. She a the bible class iii l the olmtgio esville Methodist Sunday school for years;' teaching just the clay beeore,,,her'ac: ;Adept, She”: loved the Church of her; lite; gun a{;''th•§ cid fort in King fathers and all its work and loyally, 5eterie i:whieh hss Ibsen.fired regularly ,eupported,it with her activities; and .at moon 'and :'at nig'litior eelhe„past her glebe, .Chia le the hardest blow. seventy-five ye r o, was • ordersd •- ise ITolmesv lie churn hoe ever had,” � n -t acontihmei{ on T)eDecember first. But vves ?the reanarii o_ an old fi• e d a • the people en ,the old Stone City clo' Lhe funeral on Saturday. • not :l n io • to'go to. be vithou Two sisters, Mrs. Leech and Mrs... cow how d � L :that nigetly grin end are asking• to Mary' A. Howell •of Godeele,h' Ariel one - ihaveit resumed, brother, John. R. Idelmes`of Holmes- * * * * -vine, are left ofethe.:family, ;a •broth- fellow down at Bellev lie ;jumped ser, Dr. T. Holmes"'of Detroit, having, into, the river because ,Porter was dee died east spring. Sympathy is felt feared in West.leastings. Many peo- for the surviving ones; especially• her ;ple were "peeved" at ' being ; deprieed brother. . They had spent their entire •of their porter' by the 0. Te. A. but lives together and 'her 'death .10 very' few took it so seriously as this. How- keenly felt .by him. ' ,ever,' this roan seemed to have, had The funeral took place on Satur •somebody ready to rush him'home In day afternoon, from the church which a closed can as soon as he'd had his -she loved.;: Before the hour set for .cold dip. the service "the lecture room, where k a * * the seryice > was • held, was crowded Dr. Shaw, M.O.H, for Clinton, in teeth neighbors' and friends,' all ane- -tris annual :report to the council on ions to pay a last ,tribute of respect; `Monday evening; accused that 'body to one whom they had known. and of disobeying the instructions'i of the loved" in life. The'service • was con- -Board of Health. .The Medical ducted by the Rev: A. Vt Walden, 'Health Officer is in the position of 'Pastor of the church, assisted by the :an employee of the council who can Rev A. A .Holmes-:of,,.Wesleychurch,; -also `issue orders which 'that 'body is 'Clinton. Mr. T. Potter sang a solo; supposed to obey. In this case' it during the.,service: The pallbearers •-didn't and the' doughty: Doctor' called were two nephews, ; Mr. ,Dudley their attention to' it in no uncertain Holiiies, Wangham, and,. Mr. Harold RayW Howell, .Onondaga; :anal Messrs. W. + a s • H. Lobbe Robt. McCartney -'E. J. Tre Pos to •e"transferred 'wartha -and J.. Potter, ;-the ° superie -agrees the Atlantic by,radio were re - The first hotb tendent" of the Sunday echbol and" . ' produced • in'"the Toronto Globe on three •members of her bible class. n . re n st the Amongst, the relatives,.Who':attend- 'Tuesday inorra g _,. o g t, m -were those of ,, the ' ranee of Wales ed, the funeral were Mr and -Mrs. and Premier Baldwin. The Prince•is Diedley•Holmes, Wing'ham,':?Dr. Al- • easily recognizable, his :smile is char- ford" Holmes 'D,etioit; Mi. Harold . acteristic, and while they' are not so Howell, Onondaga; Mrs. Leech, Mrs clear as news g er cuts often are Mary A. H'owell,' Mr. and "Mrs. M p p -the'fact that l e can }a$"transmit- W. Rowell• and Omelet and Mr. and lI�� ' `Ti ea Peed to : a M;cs. Dudley •Holmesof Goderich .anti • d' radio"' a r f wonderful developmci;t'ie the science. W.e need marvel a•t nothing iii future. Two directors' and the teller 51n the `Home Bank ,bave'been sentenced to 'prison' terns for: their part in the home Bank affairs,,;'. The accountant -was released on suspended deniente `The men sentenced on Monday•weee: found guilty of misr,epresentaii:on,' falsifying reports or neglecting to verify.reports. A few of the happen-- • ings in Ontario during the .past few enonths should have the .:effect of teaching "those, handling public '.inpn-. • -les and dealing in public affairs that 'honesty is the hest policy:" a , a s • The Exeter Times has . purchased 'the Exeter Advocate, talcing over on December first, thus following the example of The News -Record. Ex- - ger rides x-eterrjoins' the racks of one -paper towns, ranks ivhich are steadily growing. There -are ` now `only two towns in . Huron which support two newspapers, Goderich;: and Seaforele 'The Advocate was : a bright` little paper and eve Shale miss it from our : table. The Times -Advocate,- under the management of Mr. J. M,`South- oott, has cur' best ivishes, It'wih -serve its community wen, we do not doubt, But we'd caution it against gorging. It, is only. a "year or two -since it swallowed The Hensel'. Ob- - server. Isn't there some danger of acute indigestion from eatin' 'ern raw, like that? , s:• s The European Corn Borer` seems to have got quite a hold in Canada and in the western' counties of On- - iarie, Essex,. Kent, Lambton, Elgin end South Oxford, the damage -done 'ley this peste has been''eotsidereble" Measures are being taken. to�,eradi- •cate it wherever it has' shown •itself and a committee has been f een1ed' in, Huron county with the idea of eon- -trolling the,. pest The committee, of which. W. leeseau-edgeischairman and S. B. Stothersf District: Repre- sentative, secretary, with, the `reeves] the several municipalities as mens berg, is • sending "Out to core growers leaflets with; outlines ;of control mea- ships, which they hopo well he taken in, brceee ,tlhet this 'menace to 'the in='' dustry may got• rid of. Huron County; is oniparatively free of this plague but still it is 'said thatthe borer' has been found in every townsbep pf _ the county, . so the need "for vigilance' is'manif,esr. 'Corn • ' -is ,i most important crop in n county where stock raising is sq well devel- oped an' inettet2 y as" t is in d-Iur on.' Co-op rative: effort .ie the Duly' n ears' of keeping control of this pest, • 1st N eou select a bei; of Loeiney s Gold v' 1 St tpcC1e cuIatssfrom our large assortment you are buying high-grade• chocolates, bu'tou are• paying only for a Yhat's 1' 17074, That's simple,-iuergpcven,, ' whthe puce is so low. 'elf you;wish` fancier boxes ;and many styles to pick you'll an excellent variet • From and Y of other high-grade chocolates and hard candies, .` Special ^Asset °tin ent o Christmas Boxes _krona nz y GOLD STRIPPE 110 C .OLAT'9''° S Home-made Candy and Chocolates E. WENDORF Confectionery and Ice `Cream 01 ra, nits have' been e busy house... a visit to our• ole wife pied"es ;herself e,rl+ hiz>aes aLo,ht stein will eoevenee Seeded er Seedless Rat,i,t, CurrtaLL, 3tincetu.at, reels, circ. Higheet Prices' for Buttes and T'ggs MAKE OUR ,STORE YOUR STORE H N S C N• & CO'S GRC' l' Y) IIIA DIRECT TO SHIP'S SIDE ,FOR DECEMBER SAILINGS A through sleeper direct without change from • Toronto to the S.S. "Montiaurier' sailing from West St. John :on December 12th, is cv con- venience 'that "will be appreciated by travellers intending to visit, the Old Country. The Standard Sleeper will be attached to• the Canadian,Pacific train leaving Toronto T7ii�'�¢in ,Station on December- lith, at 8:00 a.m., ay - riving at the'ship's side, at 12:20 p.nee December 12th.. This:^ service avoids the necessity of 'changing. ,trainssat Montreal, and passengers- aro' assured the' usual -high standard service .and courteous attention which.has placed the Canadian Pacific -in the forefront .of ,transportation corn -battles. es. in.lthe- world. Reservations 'r.may, :now` be Mr. Fred, Hohjtee,,Teronto; J. Wm.. made on application to any Canadian- Holmes, • Port Arthur,• and ' Messrs. Pacific agent or to W. Jackson, John and Andrew.Helines,' Goderich: Agent; :Clinton.. 82-2 e r 1 set from an fir nds�we e a so re n Kane* P Goderich and Clinton The remains were' laid i t:'the fain - Hy .plot in -Maitland'cemetery, Cod- +ei'ieh. ,Marriages KAY—ARMSTRONG-In Clinton, on Dec. 3rd, by'the Rev, C. J. Moor- ' house, Anna Mae, elder daughter. -of .Mrs. Atnstroig' and the -late Robert Armstrong, to David Alex- ander J4ay, all of Clinton. , Births • CHUTACI•iILL—In " Goderich Town- , ship,. on Nov. 24th, to Mr, and•Mrs, W. B. Churchill, a daughter. Base • Line Goderich ,COOPER, township, on Nov. 22nd, to„ Mr. and Mr"s.'George .Cooper, a song Clae ence Everett. • . " . THE PASSING OF MISS DEBORA, HOLMES OF IIOLMESVILI E lolmesvflile The trustees are excavating -under the school for a cellar to .put in a furnace. The funeral of the late Miss D. A, Refines. : held • on Saturday at one o'clock was largely attended. She was held in the Highest , esteem . by her friends and neighbors and the sympathy. of • the 'neighborhood goes out to Mr. IPplmes. . Mr. and Mrs. B. McMath left the first of the week for Toronto, where they will teside' for the veinte>;. Preparations are being made doe' a Christmas tree andentertainment in. the 'Methodist church on Dec. 23rd .»,and it promises to be an interesting and .Profitable program. ,• The Mission Oiirle met on Thtu's- day last .at the home of, Mrs. Walter. .Mes.•Waldenand 'some of .the child- ren have been ail 'with the cold' this week, M , , • - Re -v:, A. A. Holmes will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist. church on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. -and Rev, 0. E. Cragg of Winghanr:.will be present the evening, • Brief =mention was' made last week. 'of the death, :viech occurred erre .Cl:n ton Hospital on Wednesday evening, of-es:Hiss - Debora ...A..' FSolnres of`. Holnesville Miss holies had : been sneferine • from the effects of injuries received,' -when She was, thrown irons her buggy while driving up =the Huron" Road ,.three weeks prevlouo to her'death, At first it - as stoped ;she wduId recon- er' but her condition gradually grew. worse and a week` before her. death she sank, into a state of stupor from: which :she; neverrallied,. aAriss Holmes was a ':native leolmeseille, the c-illage berng;,ndmecl -after the fancily, her, fatlr,ei4 the late 'Johr 'Holmes' his 'father .An, d moth- er,;four brothers, acfd:4 dw t$e'es, who came -to tiers conritry 'fg }Ireland' -in 1813 •roil eetl led along "e Huron road Goderich . townshi 'lied scan its first ssettlere jusi;''five -yeare peev- NOTICE T;0 CREDITORS FACTS ABOUT OPTOMETRY y Dr. Ross Savauge Optometrist Seafoe th - In the Estate of William Doherty,•, Deceased , Notice is hereby given that all. Persons having claims against' the es- tate of William Doherty' of Huron, Retired Manufacturer, deceased, who died on orabout the ninth day of. February, A.D., 1024, are, required to deliver ..to., James la,, Doherty and Samuel T. Eempthorne "the' adminis- trators of the saidestate or their sol- icitor, on 00 before the twentieth day of ;December A.D., 1924,'a d'u1l state- ment'of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, hold by then all duty verified by affidavit. And take notice the after the.eaid last mentioned elate the said admin- istrators .veils proceed to distribute the • estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitlied thereto having regard only to such elahnsas � . they -shall have received du. notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton,. Ontario,` this 2nd day of December, A17.,'1924.' W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont;. Send -tor for the said Administrators' 43-3 Farm I.+or:Sale to n Parts o1' lots 37 and 38, c o,cesel :10, Goderich township; containing 105 acres, are offered, fpr' sale. On the premises area 11e 0toeey brick dwel- ling, a commodious bank, barn with, stone stabling, pig and poultry pens and driving •shed. :.Water in stable`: There are 5 acres o2 bush and 5 acres of good "young, bearing orchard: ''Tire Ontario remainder of the• land is all 'arable- and is meetly seeded. Is in, good Ng. a Slate o I cultivation..` Situbbod: half a male :from s ho ,. e of and churchand co'n-; ' farm , • veniently near market, Theis Row, importentis Optometry? tlesrable one,.• Irgr'fttrthoi leastig'ation has proven that at n. very ,par•tcctelars:a13191y to Geo. R. Elliott,i least seventy-five per cent. of Exec,.. William, 1i: dole Estate.,, • tine population would be, benefit- utor76-08.' ed by the services of the opto metrist. • . The Optometrist floes riot presc.,ribr. for: diseased conditions of. the eye; No, though he is, often Able to •detect thein, •and lin such cases recommends that the patient :con reult an oculist. Errors of vision are often present 1'hen the patient is not aware that they exist? , Yes, they are .often. responsible for much, distress without the Kppen Mr. Thos.:'Johns; late of Dash -- wood, 'has rented Mr. Alex. McKer- Sie s,house-•and moved in: lest week. We welcome Mr., johns,;and family to our village, as :they are the type 'of citizen'we need. Mr. Johns is it. the egg and poultry business. -Mies Mabel Johns, who teaches ,in, school No, 10, second line I-Iny, was home e' with her father and mother over the week -end upturning to her• school on Monday-nhoryiing. itlr NimnersonSieith,'-who went through -an 'operation at' Seaforth Hospital' about .one.., month pgo, is, now -home and °•though ani; able" yet to: resuinehis wvorlc, is rapidly gain- ing in _strength ::.and-. we hope ere long he may be able to take hold OS his duties as''i'urhD,mail carrier. Mr. Jas. "McGregor of the 2nd line Tuckersimth, whomwe reported two weeks' ago to have beton so seriously injured, died on Sunday night, At time. of -Writing` we cannot: state any- thing in regard to funeral as they are waiting the arrival of two. broth- ers from the West. Will give a full- er report "of' this sad event, next week.' e Large quantities or grain are still coining in=to Eippen warehouse' and Mr. Jarrett is kepi ver"busy hand- ling sante shipping out soino five or six cars' per week. , For Sale or Rent ." IIouse and lot in the viilage of Brucefield, two-thirds ftcre of land, good; :cellar, hard and soft water, good stable, and hen house. Posses- sion glean, immediately. Apply to John V. Diehl; Chilton, Ont. 83-tf 'For Sale ,• An .exceptionally nice lot of canned fruit§' and preserves, also a lot .of canned tomatoes, Come and get then at the reeidenee- of the 'late Dr: Cole, Huron street, Clinton. 83-1 patient 'recognizing' the cause. (Continued Next. Week) , Christmas Sale of• Sewing " Machines Will se11•e,few•machines• at cost to i Reduce Stock l This is a chance to secure a gbod machine at a low:price. A lifetime guarantee with each madhife.,, .•; cnes' •alla "Repairs and Needles for ?7? _ lu Pal _.. Baptist Church Sunday school, l l 2:30 pan;, preach-- ing sdtvice, '7:00 pen.` 53.Y II IT. Mon- day evening et 8 o'tInek. Orir • paling peoples' meetings ' are especially in- teresting and visitors ";wi1l be wee, conte at any of the meetings. On Monday evening, Noy;: 24th, the God - circle: B,Y.P.U. visited the local Union and, gave a Very eeterestingpeogram. After which, lunch was, served .to all. The: teed Union ihopee t r visit et God- erich'soie;;thee, in the near future. • Piano For 'Sale Ye Olde Heintrntan piano, in good condition..Apply to Miss M. ,Evans, $Huron street. 83-2 E..L---MITTELL - Paint For Sale •' TheWeir farm, lot;2'7econcession 4, Hallett, 92- acres,. foo bale privately Apply •to •W. Brydonee - 78stf ' Rooms- to.;Rent • ' Cheerful furnished;•ooms, heated, including :a11 aonvgniencros,: with ;or without, boa , - nquire rat NNivs-Rea, cord. ,80-4: For Sale Or Rent 'Frame. House,. electric, light,town water; good gement basement, on 1,t acre lot, fruit. Apply to M.';9. Coy less: S0-tf For Salo The former Joyner property. Five-' roomed cottage with large sun -room. Electric liglit and town. ;,water in house. 3 acres of good land and all, kinds of fruit trees. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to Mrs. M,cCal sum; • Commercial Inn, Clinton, " 63-tf. Cast Troia Wanted By , the Huron Specialty Casting Companll,Clinton, Will pay $15.00 per ton, delivered at Clinton. 74-te Land For Sale About' 10 acres of land,, on the west side of the Bayfield road, . ad- joining the town of Clinton. ' 'A good heeding, nos• used as t slaughter housg:: Apply.: to M,is.`_R Tunne',q .or. at Butler's Butcher Shep Clinton" t 83-11 Sheen For, Sale ' �gi teired •ed ' Liecesi;er .rani : ie„ s > and 5 ;young -beck lambs, eligible for, registration. Apply to J. 11. Quig- ley, B. R. No 5, Clinton. 72-2-p The administrators ofthe estate of William Doherty, deceased otter for sale- his 'late residehee, and thce iins ad- joining lends, (23 jiii 2a aerosote o ), on which are erected substantial and well-equipped buildings.' Apply ie J E: Doherty on the premises, or to W. B aydone, solicitor for the estate. For Sale" :'Feame house on Albert, Street, 'Clinton, 'in good repair; '9 rooms : ' and simmer kitchen; good cellarWith cement floor, wood shed; verandah, liard,and'soft water. 1/eacre of gar- den with fruit, trees and smart fruits. Apply to Samuel Merrill,. R. •R No, 1 Clinton. 771-p-tf • Radio Sets and Supplies At lovbest prices: Evorything I sell is .. guaranteed satisfactory or re- placed, free' of charge. H. A. Hovey, Clinton., 81 -if AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate .Carey -Jones' •Na- , tional School • of Auetioiieering, Chi-. cagq. Special course taken in. Pure Bred Live 'Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and'Farm- Sales." Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- refection assured. Write or svire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone • 18 - TEN PER CENT OFF ALL, SINGER SEWING MACHINES For' The Month of -December Only These machines are guaranteed for 25 years, and can be purchased on installments` if desired. By. buying a Singer you are: assured o£ Service in every way Also 2 second hand machines • 1- Model lc'. 1 Rotary Your old machine taken as '. • part payment E STEEP P 9 '.:Local Singer, Representative' Cockerels`` To Sale' Barred Rocks and S. 0, 'White, Legliorns, from heavy laying strains. Frank 3. Tyndall, R.R. No. 4, Phone 33 on 686, .Clinton 'Central. 81-08 For Sale Geese, Froin .5 heavy laying strain. Roy Tyndall,. God'erigh township. Phone 3 on 607, :Clinton Genteel -431-0 RAMR.AS - Will pay the highest -market price, for Horse H ide s •and_Be Beef,Aides, des, Scrap fetal, Geese and Duck Feath- ers, ete. 'Deliver to my ,residence, opposite. Cameron's CarriageShopor phone 137 :and. I will call: ' *Notice to Trappers • .P. ' 0h is station, A.S,D.Ii M e This pioneer raw fur station located'. at' Clinton, Ont.,; Our Ball letters 'stand for a equate cleat and highest market prices. H.. A. H. announcing that he will pay for mink from tins section: large, $9.00; medium' $7.00; small,' paidfor Rac- t rice's $5:00,• Higher p coon, Fee, •Weasel, etc. Por. sale: Remington and Winchester shot gibs shells at lowest prices. I have U.S. .22 cal. rifle' hollow point cartridges at 45c and 40c a box gelid Millets; ao less a box. If you are in need 58 any traps,- guns, rifles,' etc.,'I can get theist for you . at lowest prices. It. A. Bovey, Clinton. , . 81elf COAL "We have a -supply of Furnace, Stove, Nut and Soft,` Also some good dry slabs, Leave orders at residence. E. WARD Phone 155: Huron. Street. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed - Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned: Rooms over Heard's barber shop, ;W. 3. Jago: -83-tf " Green Wood .Wanted Cut four foot, orir poles, for win ter delivery.. 10 to `20 coeds, bard wood or mixed. Apply W. S. Downs, opp:.Ontari,St, Church shed, Clinton, House For'"Sale ,'-' Residence of the late A thur'Cook, corner Albert and Mill street Clift ton •Key, at ¥r.. Walter Icing's: 72-tf ;Kande 17oe Sale • Tm erialefOxlord' range, with high. shelf' and .co p . er •cerci Voir: - Call of-. • tertians• oii'IV zp'c . •G. E'» Jervis,, bh 'on. street 72=Uf,, 'Poi; Safe .- 16�ft, beech Manic, sized 2 niches by S "inches and 2 inchge'by 10 riches, el - yea cl '' Tuinber, W. H. so some hemlock � R. R. - Ido 3'• >Clinton, �Middleton, r 70-t.B. �- Melee 1� o 6oG. 7 tf n , 1'I-IONE �;53 Rowle'i +01<I Ole -'N aISI STORE or 1` full a;id complete line of Shale am Heavy 'ITacdhare always hand, ,also Granite mid rel tntintun 'Ware, Paints, Oils and Varn- ashes;.` We also eaup a. lull fine o1 lei "cheri's and Wc'ays' VIell Wear. Overalls, Pearse Shirts, Lined end Unl'rdd Siuocics at popular'pricee STOVES RANGES, QUEBEC COOK STOVES and THT1AIEIIS fl d IL a and FURNACES at Pricemi • S s to• d. Horse Blankets, Sweat ,Pads, Harness and Pasts:carried --regularly. c c s andparts for all makes: IVs � c i-� c Br S t s i tip i x all yeses :.and guarantee our vor Ve Maintain our The and Plumbing Shop and;.make ell Required and guarantee to give you what' you pay lraire er This Slrop has •catered to your wants for the past sixty. years"and Skill continues to do,so. Safety• Razor' Blades Sharpened at 35c per dozen p l le when stone old •ones can be n ads as -good 'Don'tbu�nowb]ac swl yi y its• new for one-third the price 98 new ones, COAL Raving erected new' coal, sheds will ko•coalfo an full stoc f r have on 'hand immediate delivery, - Prices reason able. R. J. MILLER. ' Orders taken at residence, Mane 11$ GAIN Highest- price paid foe: Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas and Buckwheajm.; Storehouse will be open from 7 a.m. to ll p.m.. �v ' !EEQaS Feeds are advancing in price. A car just ar+rived of Low Grade Flour, Bran, Shorts and high Grade Screen - Inge. - 'Better lay in a stock before a' further advance. FLOUR, A full Tine of High Patent Flours always on hand, Snowflake, Purity,. Live Roses, etc., at small niargih over cost pride,, ' IC guT�q • "Carr a complete line of Toronto Ag liblt•Roofing. The quality Roof- ihg with a'guarantee against curling, flyapping or turning up.. In over four. years agency for this roofing have had no .dissatisfed,customers, �m A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and • Grain, Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers Itemises C EA�Ui W +A NT1D The 'demand .for> oaf •butter 'is: in- creaeing. To suliply this demand we require more cream. o ship our We .tegiiest Yea tus y cream. ' We guarantee you the g rHi hest Market Prices,e• accurate belts and ;prompt service. Our 'film is known to yore and needs -no•further recommend. We`"pay. all .express eharges, fern ish cream cailc eoirid pay twice ouch `nhon�th . ' 'Mite, for cans."6r `furher infoeme- tion to the THE SEAFOI8TH _CREAMERY CO:: P A..; BARBER, MANAA5&it • Here's the Overshoe ThafSolves theQuestion n ,_.. a c The. questa n o£', ta oro matlia.;appe}ir n e .g.. . " t .lit' ��. The' u do :• o£ a us a r Y g q es n ot. i t r. t 'o" of`r titin '� ii+tfrom buckle _tears: The question p ote g d`'p 'The question of buckles oppe�ned by coat bottom The question of perfeFt fits;`, arin#I--and•hghtness The'questionfof conceded, f:Iteia^ , , nt" '� '�i ' exclusivet byus o • The new "AbJi1ST0 Overa'hoes sods r• t'. buti ualit - fit and.appearance Fonly answers all th-esti qes, cons, . n .q . yv. so far outdistances other 'overshoes that there is no' 'comparison.` ADTTJSTO OVERSHOES There• is no snbstitti a for thein' -J, Asic for them by 'name. • FRED JACKSON The Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall 1 Clinton Bakery QUALITY The most important thing abbutour Products is Quality. bassi , We do not use any. . e , thing but just Quality Ingredients in our i Cakes, ns Etc. Bread, Pies, Bu , toakin ami B ret al Or anythinggg, pretaining and Oysters, Ice Cream Light Lunches F. j. BROWN BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 An Important Christmas Item ,Is 19Xonai'cih Pastry Flour, Be assured of gratifying results where making your Christmas Cake, Specify Monarch Eosii'y Flour an your Christmas Est. ewe Purity, Five Roses, Maple Leaf,for Breada d 11 . . , FEED Bran, Shorts,: White Midd- lings and Chop for feeding. 'Pat in your winter supply now as the feed markets• are advanc- ing. • Bletchford's • •Egg Mash for laying hens. Poultry anus Stock Food supplies. , and . 'Cut. Flowers n Pl ants Front noW Untilafter• Christmas wewill have a .full stock oe Cut FloWere 'hied Plants. See 'ad. next week 'for complete' list., Office Phone ,109 E. I e? SON 4.., Night 141 and 129