HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-12-04, Page 1INCORPORATED THE NTWWO, �IYe t 7tGu t`hrik Vhrstmao 'Wag 4o 'Year i{Ve have Dlaned, for you, and have got as good a stock as, usual. You will find buying your gifts here profitable and pleas- ing for you and your friends. Anything yon want in our line you will find here. What we have is RELIABLEQUALITY, RIGFIT givin '; gdSTYLISH 1us zN:DE toc1 and r see: , giving you good value. You,know our.stoek comlzrises: CLOCKS WATCHESBAR PINS RINGS FRENCH IVORY' . SILVERPLATED WARE ` CUT GLASS CHINA UMBRELLAS • SPECTACLES and "EYEGLASSES VICTOR TALKING MACHINES and RECORDS, etc . MAKE YOUR CIi I I4T lZ ST AS PURCHASES EARLY Jeweller and Optieia n Phone 1'14w Residence 174J, `t awymiaalmilmasini A Good -Time. Canadian women have it. At the same time they have the brightest, best managed, hap- piest homes in the world. They do ii with their brains as well as with their bands They are the women who are thankful. for the Rlectric Range, which is the most mod- ern way ofcooking, and, it re- guires the lease labor and gives the' most satisfaction: We can supply' you with all the modern Electric equipment for -Cooking, • fleeting. water, Washing and the thousand and one they labor saving and plea a re provoking :appliances i. - t Mder q n home: Give us a call and see for yourselves. USE YOUR OWN UTILITY -'IT PAYS HYDOS- The Ontario Equita a:le Lire And Accident Insitranee Coe Waterloo, Ont.' ++r eisee el re Offers all plans of policies -with Double Indemnity atid Double Disability f eetures, Also temporary accident and sickness benefits. M. T. COREESS, `General Agent, ,Clinton Ontario 1 Our Motto raINADMIEMIIPZEMINNIZINatWONNOSIMIKIIMM For Every Man 1 UoHda7 - Gifts The things that men appreciate above everything el y g se are the pt'acticei gifts of things, for every day use; things that. the recipient sseeld buy for himself. - • Ever time he the rs •the Y a h cif' S a t � .Chi h t•t, the Tie; or Home - coat, or the Bathrobe,or the Fancy o e n y Hoae, or the Sus.endet's p > or the Gloves which you gave hint he thinks of you. Look over this list aiid see if you do not strike something. that you know will be-: "Just the Thing" HOUSE COAT BATHROBE KNITTED VEST SWEATER COAT SCARF TIES SUSPENDERS HAT ter CAP HOSIERY NIGHT ROBES `PYJAMAS UNDERWEAR• 'UMBRELLA CANES. SUIT OVERCOAT pecial 50C ties put up in fancy botea� s Ask to see them We would just "hint" that you make your.seleetion early; the i whilet ki . p c ng;is at its :best, We'll assist you eer ) v Y way. we ran. THEMORRJSH CLOTHING C E TIME i0 CLINTON NEW ERA, STAIIT f01111 CHflI�TMAS ��VEBTISIN�--fAB�Y IT WASN'T SERIOUS, • Mr. J. W. Moore, who lives in.God- erich but who is, anold employee of the Doherty people, was taken with a little seizure just elt.er'his arrival at the'factory on Saturday morning and, after a doctor was. called, _he was driven home. IIe 'was all right in a few hours. aiid , has : been driving backand forth every day since. It is supposed that his' temporary, indis- position may have been caused' by in- haling gas from his car while getting his engine started. • THE COUNCIL 'MEETING. The council met Monday night, y nti ° ' all members present with the exception of Councillors' Schoenlials and Rozell. A bylaw was passed .fixing the date of nominations for Dec. 29th 1 and election, if any, on Jan. .5th 1925: G. E Saville was appointed deputy returning officer in St. And- rew's ward; A. F. Cudmore in St, James', E. G. Courtiee in St. John's and S. J. Andrews in St. George's ward. $4 was fi,ed upon as the re- muneration for the D.R.O., $3 for poll elerk•and $3' for the use of the ,poll: ing booth. . The elerk read the following re- t por from the Medical tea! Officer of Health, '.w ' . whon motion -of Reeveich, and Councillor Johnston was aeeepted: 444¶ "To the 1Vlayor.and Council of the Town of Clinton; Gentlemen: -In submitting the Re- uort of the Health Officer for the past year I beg to asy that there has not been any serious,epidemie of contag- ious diseases. Measles' gave us the Most concern as they ran for such a length of time owing to the impotta- tion into the, Schools from outside sources. In all there were 84 cases. There were 3 families had Scarlet Fever, three "Chicken Pox, one of Mumps, one of WhoopingCough. The quarentiee was rigidly kept in these latter diseases which proves if the patents cooperate splendid results can be obtained. I cannot say the same precautions were followed with Measles. There was a tendency to minirire the danger+ as the type was mild. There' have been several tests made during the year of the i"l%ilk and cream supplied by the vendors with varied results, sometimes exsre. good others .only fair.. The bakers and restaurants have willingly followed instructions and endeavoured to com- ply with the regulations. I regret to report that the most flagrant dis-. obeyal of the Board of Health's in- `atructions and requests comes from your worthy body. The 'Board wishes to be fair with all .citizens but if the Town':Council treats with disrespect orders issued by the M.O.H. what good reasons has he to'enforce.any order to the citizens. I refe,• to the neglect: of the Connell to provide a peeper lavatory for the Town Hall 31 this _notice is treated similarly ,to the former ones the conditions will he reported to the Provineiad. Author - Mee. ties. Por your attention and t•niiued- lateen actio n pleas.. The annual notices to householders and contractors in reference tae installing `• of septic tanks are stilt d: I • gno e is abso- lutely SDlutely necessary to furnish plans and specifications to the Board of Health before commencing operations. The trustees of the Public School have 'provided Iodine Treatment for ail the children -tor the prevention of Goitre. I have given talks on health preser- vation and prevention against ineet- uousis se . ` d ea s in the Collegiate Insti- tute and Public School: The Sani- tary Inspector has been most diligent and active:during the' year. The number of deaths were 34. Births 37. All of which is respectfully submit- ted. -J, W. Shaw, M 0. 11e" 41(4 Chairman Middleton of the street committee reported several ' n r0v0- ments to drains, r ins etc. Reeve Middleton and Councillor Paisley moved that a new spring` be procured for the town bel). A communication was read from Judge Lewis of Goderich :fixing Clin- ton's share of the expense of the recent plebiscite at $1i5.85, which was accepted and ordered paid. Chairman Paisley : of the finance 'committee presented the following re- port: Street Account - Pay Sheet 720.56 C. Allison, work on, King st dr. 47:00 J. F. Wasman, rep. tools . , , , 5.50 iur. Spec. Cast. Co., grate 3.25 Miller Hardware Co. , . , . , . 1.15 Electric Light Account P. U. Com., et.; lighting, Nov. 157.00 Property Account P. U. Com., lightinghall , 9.09 Miller Hard, Co., rep. furnace 21.78 D. E. Closet Account J. Steep, sad. for Nov. . 70.00 Cemetery Account R. Hunter, sal. for Nov. 90,00 J. F.'v asman, rep. tools . 2.60 1tlilIer Hard. Co., oil, etc. 80 Salaries Account L. Stones salary for Nov. „ 70.83 E. Greens, salary for Nov. . 54.17 Prbiting • Account: " G. E. Hall, voters' lists, etc. 106.25> Grants Account P. U. Com,, lighting Hos, 23,51 Fire: and Water Account M. Sch e h pi o ste; truck to fire' 6:00 Board of Health Account', ' Dr. Shaw, salary ., .. , ,100.00 , , , Dr: Shaw, disbursements ... 10.75 W. S. R. 'Tonnes, disinfectantsi 30 Incidental 'Account Bell . Tel. tent and acct. , . 4.32 RECEIPTS L. t n •', S o market n t se.4 2120 Hall rent, 840.0e, Dog tax, g ']2.00 . , 63.40. R. Hunter, sale of lots, 854 00 Care in per„ 7110.00 Work, $174:25. 33$,25 MARKETS A LtTCKy. ESCAPE. i_SAT., , DEC. 13t1 , 1., 51" DA.1. Wheat 81.30. M • .T 1 non Saturday, December 13th, is an un - accident . taxpayers, accident while driving on the high- that being the last day for the a way between T]iantesville�nd Dm- i' pay- .This,is the Conclnsi v.' J. E. t -h5 ' Explains Church union Mr. out Aitken of he Huron S" Peas, 71.50. s g Company had a rather bad lucky day, for'Clinton' Oats, 45e. re - Barley 85e. Buckwheat, 85e, don betn ween Ty week. Teti .;,r , ng of. taxes. However, it will not be Deliver on of a Setmort din so bad if one has the money and to ed riz yl'iltis Church C'lin- Butter, 32c to 350. ing aeid.the road week. Cri Eggs, '4 e•was being re.: members z n, tlie;Pirs6 Part P aired'. very • That is the o Which Yl as g , 8 to 600. P was not o pay tient. r good, It was reason for this Publi&hod m our --Issue Live Hogs, $8,75., slippee and his ear t'1 reminder. !e of Last Y skidded' into the'Week, r .WINS RHODES ditch and turned over,pinning.l t HA SCHOLARSHIP. it D DUCT{ SUPPER. b 'beneath' Fortunately there were"Whereas we are enjoined t I' . , - now Iectux-, he wa 1 on. I ri . CI out connection wttlr mea o de- beneath. A. Marl{ay, graduate men right ag hand a The thou•, of tilt clam as etirl c s b to of arid the car wits Wesley chnrelt hada Y t opportune, our cle- CliiztonColle'iate Y' Collegiate who is quickly iftect' and inti " oiit duck supper lir' Wesl. hal ci,1-, t0 cont ing in Latin at Victoria, is the 1 in. unconscious, and hurried to the hos- day evening last. A sY full"attendance the Ihstorte Chuxeh of whicjt we row s hauled per of the Rhodes.' Scholarship'e - petal, After sonxe.eattentin was present and wo judge iss aro ministers. I- he e 1 0> n and a � J lgc „tont what x Uy make my Ontario, the . n'ewedeclaration mostrest he hay atto valued was. able e ear e toreturn h< d since, n o i'dz uu Jtx e £loyalty e incine andtheto•t patter and �attendance m � ins etude e student circles. he 1 ten ' Ir. • las been as a tion t 11 M e rather w so continue acTfa' r et sore J pretty u o o int w} and t full Wil• ue Y who is tilt ever p Y � .e m n ' , ., ii the sup- - y titiistry .in a Iiensall boy went went through Clinton since. Indeed, the doctor oriicxed.hitn Per..was cycles lIowevex thee' had the church of our fathers which is Collegiate, having a brilliant• course, to stay in and take' a rest cure bus some games for en hour afterwards church.„ entering into the United finishing: in 1919: .by winning the he seems to think he's -too, busy for and then were able to pt'actise pine Church. PrinC e ofthat.T WalesChrist'- his andThe m nmss t,decision First e whomusic. s on hi st Ew took him Iti5 Edward hit from wanot e yidof s quitebeen 'arrived arr'v Blake a rted Scholar be1a Scholarships neath hisea at in H overturned asant a but p e won fust,v rtmned car said that P little gathering rt' pox unadvisedly but g s University course. In 1919 he' a few minute thePASSING OF "QLD BILL" I was brought Itt h was awarded the 1VIaCaul Scholarship ing on him. He considers he escaped ,atmosphere of a Presbyterian Hoose in classics, in 1920 the Moss' Scholar very fortunately.. ' S• G• Castle's old delivery horse, and chorale, which faith for p•enera c g ofas been the faithof my fath class honors in Latin and Greek our- he would have been `beyond help 'in I only after most careful consideration. i his s, as ear teas rest o g up tote faith and ship in classics;' in' 1921 the WilliamBill no longer hurries a pound tipns h Mvlock scholarship? in classics' in "FIND LOVLIER PATI-,'." .stealc ora striug of sausages to the ers., The Presbyterian ehuteh' has homes of forgetful householders just ways been dear to:nte, and now,after 1922 the Moss Scholarship in calssic,, An appreciation of the late Wil- 'before the dinner hour,as he was. ma and in 1923'' the MCOan1 Go1d'Meeel 'Ilam Irving by . a young man who dispatched to the-Ilappy Hunting both Eastland West, nys in ber iappreciationl,yn in; classics: knew and appreciated him;' Mr. MacKay has excelled in many • * ,9 a Grounds the other day. "Tommy" I of and attachment to her has in no - other. 'subjects besides Latin and When The News -Reid e Leppington, who was driving him, wise weakened but ranter' grown. b carried thought r e u estepped G e k n hint„ a d has contribute go a rut ze a stronger. Thedvery name on, terian"dear se - press, inwritten some Which and mann William Irving, many yobreaders who small bope in his leg, so. he had to be cond place to none in my praise of p lived probably -asked destroyed, i hersplendid achievements and glor- fluted at Hart House theatre. ' "Who is this William Irvhr„ • 1" .Ire The Rhodes Scholarship means his life those who greeted hint daily CHOI,R'HAS ANNEAL FEAST. iouYetaswwithal, I am eonvinced that three years' tuition at Oxford and an asked' the same question. the Kingdom income of X350 yearly during the There are some citizens whom we The Ontario street choir had their t of Jesus Christ d term. of modern eyes can nota greater than Piesb etiamsnt, and appraise at annual supper on Tuesday evening in with the firm condio on that still Itis Clinton friends add their con- alt. While we rush and scramble and the lecture room, _tables being laid g'ratulations on his succese, trot to win a doubtful there arefor forty. The supper greater achievements and a more , prize Y h, s pper was of the glorious future' await It e few geniuses s who find a' keener finest quality, u her in ill - q y, yo may depend;. and I Unite Path beneath d Church of Canada 2 am will - AMONG THE CHURCHES. p the trees. , was heartily enjoyed. After an en-,, ing The. Ministerial Asoiastcion was •in- William Irvinl;was such. Ile lived '7oyable little social time the regular to forego certain things of se - The g condary importance in order that the vited to visit the Goderich A neither known or aeic ng to be known weekly practise was o with. y afternoon The t es that y•ielded no Those chops deserve a soe I t tr t tion Monde invite- fender his fo v tree gone °a tree' the thin gs aright to attained e- invite- the da s th y tion =was accepted and all the min- other profit the -s shelter end.lieauty occasionally; they are prettyfaith- y- t at aro yet purpose bo. Const. my Ch c is my lrto gowith islets, except Captain Clarke of the. he tended his boxes' of bee3, absorbed .ful in their .work, which is apprec- my Church into the S. A., attended. The meeting in the color of his eomb honeyrattier `iated more, soasid r h: g was perhaps, than they know. That brings us to consider what it opened by the ex -president f the than the plaid,:', price. Will mean if Willis church should KAY -ARMSTRONG. Goderich Association; Rev. T. W. Red. Tq those evi were peiviit'o;ed ti d KA concur in Union. ley. Then the president of the Clin- enter his hidden rooms he could . re- I doubt not but I voice the earn - ton, Association was asked to take veal a world philosophy not learned A quiet marriage took place at the est desire of tho entire a charge. The Rev. E. Parkergave an -1.i.,-s°hools fpom la w thee were dead. Ontavio street parsonagee art rue congregation r, l .,' a, elle= when I nay every due of us Would address on ModerSi Evangelism- seemed -to have pieced to€ether day morning, when Anna lYfae, elder like to see Willis church continue to Its ]Need, its Method and Means," All the fret work puzzle of life by quietly daughter of Mrs. Armstrong slid the enjoy the service and' i the members of the associations took observing: all things The coarse late Robert Armstrong of Clinton; willnutual:gooec partof nations; an injured tree in a Chi- became the bride of Mt. David A. as the past.uAs one said after in" discussions, The visit was 'ea o ark ;and the school children of Kay, also of Clintan• the last communion service when al a pleasurable ope, g p most 200 memisn,'e at down to the Red Salvation Ariny Sorrow found hitt a few years ago. midnight blue brocade, with touches break up that company of happy wor- 10:00 a.in,, Sunday. school. His brother ,died of the Flu and his of .grey, grey hat and shoes and a shippers." I am convinced) that no Meetings at 11, 3 and 7:50 pent, brother and be had been like one grey beaverine coat with wolf trim - one' could contemplate such a posse. The Y. P. concert' and Christmas' Heart. 'I•'rbt{i that day Jte grew aloe'mings,;,the latter the bridegroom's bility without..,aepest sorrow. And tree wit 59 held on. Wednesday, Dee, He carried .his pair in those days gift, Sllss. Myrtle Armstrong, sister 1et^me here appeal for utmost-cons'd- 1701• with silent lips so that 'those of us of the bride, was bridesmaid, wear oration of the 'opiuions and feelings Wesley ,Church who passed hurriedly en the highway ing a rose satin crepe frock touched of zithers. And let us not lee hasty The Rev, C. E. Cragg g ; 'service ni saw only an enigma. 1 renletnber with black, brown marvella coat with to utter anything . uncharitable or will preach at the morning service On one day as we walked to the: woods Russian titch trimmings, and brown harmful. Sunday, it being missionnr for saplings to ,Itlant in 0 desert he hat. Mr, Alex.' Eagleson was best• Is it thenpossible y anniver- ,,. eon roue theso eery Sunday. eehoed'ithe words, .Che dead cannot pion. ' The ceremony leas performed conditions of good fellowshipan co - It will also be missionary be so far awrrv, For they come 80 by the Rev. C., 3. Moorhouse. o eratve servie inWillis d y day in easilywhen we till" We wonder ; Alter the ceremony the p church? thO Sturclay sebool.y ii]dal Speaking from 'my own' point of The Brotherhood. what.hc aneant, party -drove to the home of. the view I think it is d meets at ten possible. Others o'clock as usual. We had urged hien to write a book bride's mother, where • the wedding may not see eye to eye with me. Dee. 19th has been chosen is the fer it was plain that he had the breakfast was served only mein- This might done if we co0h alt be . esent.- be persuaded that nothing vital to Russia. . The bride wore a pretty gown of Lord's Supper; 'Who would wanttto date of the Christmas tree. skin. He replied cryptically Of the hers of the family were pt making of books there is no end." • The bridegroom's gilt, eco the our church will be lost in the Union Ontario Street ' Church His death caused a sharp pang to bridesmaid was a beaded handbag,church. To this end permit me to re - ,Classes meet at 10:00, his few friends and they well know and to the best roan a pair of golpeat that nothing vital' will be lost. Rev. D. W. Williams will pr ach that he carried great secrets to the We mayraft cuff links. `- Yon our ohutch life and morning and evening. Me. Williams grave with him . • secrets that we 'week after June 10th next as we do is one Mr. of the and Mrs. Xay ori �left on the eight younger Y t Y r me t'1 t of � will learn eg 1 the when wea' rpt have e w a •i Conference and is of leasing e t ed of. o'clock train for Deti nit and on their t°day.- All our organizations may be net an p titan- our hectic tinselled pleasures. -F. S. the sante, your minister, as far as fl splendid ability: return' hei 'reside on >{ 8 ise street, church law is concerned 'nay Contin- Juniors will meet on Friday even LTTZLE LOCALS, w1:,iia their cosy hgmo is ready for ue a lifetiette. Your session, 'Board ing in the school room at 7:00., The Huron County Council is its occupants. of Trustees, choir, hymen book and all The Young Peoples' League was in meeting Goderieh week. 4`1}e, newly -wedded pair ]rave the else will remain as today.' And charge of the president, tills; E. Car- gond wishes of their friends fora ample provision is made for the eon- ter, on Monday evening.: It was a The Unity Club of Goderich town- happy: and prosperous Future: tinuation of all officers arid c a workers musical evening. Several very fine ship will hold no meeting during De- in the various department Every records were played on a vietroia comber. - .,, CLINTON WILL CELEBRATE. departments. s rn , indivdual,,congregatioti can carry on ROMA of• the old song.,'' and familiar The County • Iloiiie committee of A good attendance gathered in the, its presdi organize ton central is r o h the Count Council i •+ _ 12y the dictation of any. central au-. Monday. ing at the adlourned.ineeting to con thorny We wtl] in no respect lien emnposers 'or authws were road by d holding our identity" dr be coersed into union the.young 4leople. A vote of appee- the Women's institute had a sider the of a xe-ninon next with anyother congregation.] iation''was moved -Mr. Heliyar'for the euchre party in their room en NCon- summer.ra use of the records. da evextin he a Mr. A. J. MM&Iurray took the chair ' It utast be remembered alpo that Y g, when n enjoyable time and the committee appointed to. can- while we unite with the Union was spent, Fp • Willis Churchmp vas far funds.teeporto i that shunt 'church we will be still eligible for a Next Sunday the minister's 'suU», The C. C. I. commencement is on 1 700 had alread been subscribed place. in the Pi?esberterian Alliance of t o 4, y `eels ' i] J will be: morning', Jesus the tonight• and tomorrow night in the or guaranteed, with good prospects of the world. And alroady the United Miracle Woirlcer." Evening, "Teed= town hall. The sports certificates •the sunt being increased to $2,000. Free ehur•ch ofScotland.has congrat- tng in Treasures," will be presented this evening, the This was. the b sum settled upon as. ulated ' us upon/ the- consumetion of On Monday the Young Peopies' di ohmstomorrow eve i sufficien • guarantee and the meeting -union and assured us of their prayers P w mug: t gua e Society will hold a social evening, at decided that -the; celebration would for success in the wider field of ser Mrs. Warrenet of Mary street will be'gone on with, the' dates being vies and larger life. • celebrate her eighty-seventh birth- i. Aug. - -3- This is a oint worth. of note far Deed for g 1 2 4 6 next. The F Y o day on Tuesday next, Dec. Oth• The following officers were appointed: it indicates. very clearly;. that while lady keeps house for herself and hex Hon. Presidents: N. W.Trewartha, we ]mite 'with other communions nev-. son and enjoys excellent health.ertheless our sys�-ern of doctrine and M.L.A., and the Meyer. governmen are y these" some froth' the classical composers, $ t' d'tubd yntns and brief descriptions of the y l net in Clinton on council chamber on Thursday even 8 n clock. Young people who ,have, not joined up with ns "are invited to attend. The annual Christmas tree and entertainment of our Sunday school will `be held on Tuesday, Dec. 23rd. A congregational meeting was' hele Wednesday of last week when' there was a good turnout 'and. the subject of church union was discussed, .':I'he minister,' Rev. J. 17. Hogg, and 'Dr. Gandier were the speakers. The ;Girls' Club presented, Mrs. Robt. Ceee with a life inemhership certificate in the Women's Mission dry Society, at the regular meeting of the W. M. S., at the home of Mrs., J. C. Gandier on Thursday week. St.. Paul's Church: 'there will 'be' a celebration of the Holy' Communion next. Sunday at the 11, o'clock service. The rector's even- ing subject will bi : ':The Day of the lord," the second of a series of sermons on the second coming. of Christ. The Ladies' Guild 'held their an- nual, bazaar' in the Parish Hall last Thursday. There was a gooclattend- 'nce'in spite or adverse weather con- ditioits. The tastefully d corated booths trade a very attractive ap- peerance. ` They included Fancy Work, Aprons, "Touch and Take," Dome Cooking, 'Candy, Nations, Rum - nage, Market, and Fish Potid. Daiizty sit"xnoon tea was served nn the plat- form. ' Most of' the booths tver.esold out; long before closing time. Some r articles left unsold consisting : ,of Fancy Work and Aprons p o s Here quirk- y < • dis os ed of S ori. Monday � t last i L at the ionshly meeting, of tea Guild, being actioned off by the President,. Mrs, Sank Bovey. A tidy. :stun Was ealized• n a l+ r : The, home and .School Club is hay -Hon. Vice -Presidents: D. Carte- church t b tl bodies considered so Presbyterian as: mg, a, 'sale of homemade .cooking }n the -Ilydr•o office on Saturday after- noon and will be very pleased, to have contributions frein anyone interested, The proceeds are 'to go towards buy- ing a school. piano. ' The Clinton branch of the '15. 1'. 0. will meet onThursday evening next, Dec, 11th, at eight' o'clock, when the resolutions to conte before the an- nual convention in Toronto will be considered and the election of offi- cers will take place. The Messrs, Snell and°Son of .Hal- lett are winning prizes- at Chicago again, having won the award for Champion 'Leicester lamb and ewe, and i th i xd for t'rai'ling wether the other clay. Ontario breeders took the first three of .Give prizes offered 'ii this class. Mr. B. Rowcliffe of Tuccexsntitli saw a deer drinking out of the waters lug trough in his .barnyard one day recently. It is supposed that the animal was :forced out of the Pinery by the recent: tires. ''Hp north; too, deer have been seen grazing with the. Soretlting went wrong with the tower bell the other day and peopL. have lc i been asking what interfered l t w hits ntusieal sound. It seeps a t spring snapped and"this allows'' the clapper to rattle on .the bell after each stroke, A new spring has been sent for and it is hoped it will soon re -din its silver tones.'- Ion, H. Wiltse,-C. G. Middleton. President:- A. J. McMurray. Vice President: Dr. J. W, Shaw. Secretary: S. 13. Stealers. Chisirinen of Committees Decora- tion, A. 3. Morrish; Publicity, Ilugh Miller; Reception and billeting, J; `Ford; An'usement, J. Zapfe; Sports. and Gaines, John. Sutter; Grounds L, Paisley;, Musical, Fred ,Match and: Band; Entertainment, H. B. Combe; Finance, President, vice -President,' Secretary and Treasurer; 'Schools Conntittee, W. M. Erwin and N, Geddes; Firemen, H. Glazier and D. Herr. A treasurer has still to be chosen, Cards tvilh be prepared and sent' to 'each householder in Clinton,. and also to the surroundingi district, tvitlt room .for the writing • in of names and' addresses of absent member's or the family. This will be done as soon as, iossible and the executive' nrih be. glad to have these.i'eturaed as sliced-, ily as possible, so that they may be communicated with and invitations sent to them. The executive will also,welconte any suggestions regarding the malt- ing or tite/celebration a success. It. is"i.he general Ceeling that having undertaken iscelebration i th t to effort tnust be s late d to z do n 1 e it just, t a4 successful in every way as it is pos sible 'to make it. "Boost Clinton's Jubi lee Celebra- tion" is the slogan .for every citizen to entitle the new church to the"se' privileges. Moreover, if we concur in union we; will more than ever be immediately.; related' to our great Home Mission. enterprises, into which we Have with generous spirit poured our treasures aiid given hundreds of our ministrs. It will meati much to be thus identi- fied with these vast' undertakings of..' the United Church in the coining years, throughout this farthing land of ours, with its rapidly increasing population. Likewise will we retain num interest in and work tor our immense' Foreign ittission fields. Would we not im- poverish m ov rig p t' e 1 ourselves very largely if we,. did not continue our relationship with: the noble company of our Foreign ,Missionaries, and heroic 'sabots? Again . by going into anion WO de but follow the leadership of the vast majority of the greatest ten of our generation, Hien of scholarly attain - silent and ripe ,experience, mon von-. erable with years, men honored throughout_the land as pion of God, nen such as your own beloved Dr. Ste3'ari and Drs. Fletcher, her, }VlcMu len,- Wallace, Fraser, 11. P. Mediae Duyal, se. ee.,Gordon, Milligan and Neil and:;, pian :otheus who Will go with their r •cluzrcli into talion. There is i1 So r ton e dole fathers aoodly "number of Such as Drs. Pollock, Forest, McVielte er, Patrick, Grant, Warden, Somers:" ville, McLaren and Coven, who died`;,_