HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-11-27, Page 8Clinton et sFieetrrai THURSDAY, ' N OVEM ER 27, LEADING JEWEI l.R Y Sire A Bigger tier 'Stock than a :ldhc l Prices ver I OR .r GOODS The ,ever popuhtr French Ivory is all the latest clesigns both in single nieces and ca ed ss•,5, SHELL GOODS Something new. ` Both cased and. iii rolls plain acid bold' -inlaid, ' SILVERWARE Rogers and Community Plate, in a »lost: eonipiete rang lid at a price which will invite purchase. UMBRELLAS Ali clic latest styles. 'This'is a season when everyone noedb an Umbrella. Jeweller' and Optician, H. JOHNSON Next Hovcy'e Drug Stora eft Christmas Sift There is nothing you can give that is so personal as your photograph. Throughout the year, the photograph you give this Christmas will stand as a reminder of your Ioving. ;thoughtfulness. It will contribute happiness to those who mean most to you. Surprise the family, and your friends. Give photographs. Today is not too early to arrange for a sitting. phone for an appointment. ROY BALL Phone 66 Photographer C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances 'Wiring and Repairs. marseroareamertermsaramer Phone 151 w Cold Weathor Needs OVERCOATS ` SWEATERS, HEAVY UNDERWEAR and COMFORTABLE FOOTWEAR Woollen goods this year are exceptional value, being nianufac- tured from raw materials bought at the Iowest prices, while at the, present time prices of the same raw materials are steadily advanc- ii] g, making km g for higher prices in the future. Save Maney by Supplying Your Needs Right Now We have the best range of Overcoats we have `shown for along time and our pprices are right, heavy Overcoats, Ulsters, and 8 -piece belts at $18.00 to $30.00. Pure Wool Sweaters from $2.60, to 16.00 • Pure Wool Ribbed. Underwear, $1.60 and up,, .Felt boots, rubbers or Goloshes and a complete range of warm footwear at lowest prices, W 011.11111 Plunisteel :31us. PRONE 25. SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS 11I The Point of View is this—If you are once suited with a Suit or Overcbat TAILORED at this establishment, my ad- vice to you is" to continue com- lug here and tell your friends about them. You will find that this house carries the very : latest and best materials for men and young men that you can find anywhere. The guarantee that goes with each suit is, ."that they are made by experts." Let us take your measure today. Full Range From $25.00 to $55.00 Davis tiR Her an VETERAN TAILORS PIIONE 224-W Pleasuresderived from radio are great- er now than: ever -be- fore. Broadcasting sta- tions are sending out the best of concerts, the most entertaining lectures, the most 'val- uable market, ' crop and weather " nifornla- .tion, In fact every station is broadcast- ing concerts , and pr) gravis that are on a par with the theatri= c a I' entertainments that you niay be coin- gelled to go miles to hear or see. At almost any hour of the night, 'and at practically any time during the day there is something -i tcrtaining er'educational to be heard. l c i Demonstration gladly given at our store or your hem," Prices to suit every purse. Slitter d, e iIAIRDWARE' PLEIVIBINO ELECTRIC WIRIN.C1 nga�eizoarmca>,cx�xco�ts!:h i l Yolgr 'l ris " has Greetings on A Card That's Typically Personal I Th iicatuso oY your flame and ad-, dice neatly printed on each card' makes your salutation one of refine ntent to tile pers$n reeeiviug it and is pleasingly exclusive lir the sender, SEND THEM TO The acquaintance` you haven't heard from in quite a while, of course 'you are sending cards to your neighbors. but what about those, who used to be. you"- neighbors but have Moved away, ' or those you 'net on your summer vacation 00 some of the old people, it would much please them to be re membered, or those who are sick and those who attend the ,sick, or those who have had' trouble recently, or those members of your fraternal or- ganization, Ancj then the kiddies,, don't forget them, ft will please the parents, too. Many samples to select' from. Prices run from $2.00 to $4,50;'. per dozen. T .o W. I. Fair Co Often the Cheapest Always the Best Mr. Geo. Phelan of Exeter hs home, this week. Inspector Tom- of Goderich visited 'the Public school en, Thursday. Mrs. John Hunter has been visiting Seaforth friends for the past week or so. • • Mrs. (Canon) C, R. Gunne of Lor don is the guest of Mrs. W. W. Farren. Dr. Dandeno, inspector of agriculture, visited the Collegiate Institute 'on Friday last, Miss Gwen Holmes, R.N., of"Detroit, is visiting her parents at the Wes- ley parsonage. -' Mr. and Mrs H. Rowe of Exeter vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkin- son on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pengally and daughter, Miss -Laura, and Mrs. Warren and son, Robert, of Rochester are the guests of Mrs. Warren this week. Dr. Alfred Holmes, of Detroit, was here on Friday, coming to see his aunt, Miss D. A; Holmes, who then lay very ill at the Clinton IIos- pital. Mr. and. Mrs. H. E. lvo..ka, Mr. John. Cuninghame and Mr. T. Callander attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Samuel Baker at Fullarton'en Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Guy Hicks returned Monday ,evening from Wayne, Mich., where they have been visit, ing the Tatter's' sister, Mrs. Marg- aret .Cole. Miss Alma Armstrong of Toronto, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. A. Arnie strong, former residents of Clinton, 15 spending a few days as the guest of Mrs. W. Manning. Rev. 0,' J. and Mrs. 1t1oorehouse at- tended the funeral service of the late Mrs. (Rev.) Barker of $in- cardine on Wednesday; of last week, The remains were taken, to Chatliain for interment. Mrs. B. Cole, who has rented her home and had a sale of her effects on Saturday, left yesterday for Ypsilanti, Mich.„ where she intends making her home. Mrs. 'Cole's Clinton friends are sorry to have her leave town,. Mr. W. M. Erwin, principal of the C. C. I., goes to London tomorrow afternoon to attend a meeting of the Western Ontario members of the Alumni of Queen's University. My. and Mrs. Erwin are both grad- uates of Queens. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sterling left Men. dayfor Detroit, where they intend making their home, at least for the present. Their friends regret theft clepartu e°from town, while wish- ing then good fortune in their new place of abode, Messrs. T. Churchill, Siewers Taylor, Robt. Hunter, G. L. hail and Miss- es Mabel duff, Sadie . Watkins, Olive Watkins, Mary Argent, Susie Sloven and Eva ,Bennett went up cote Blyth Tuesday evening to a 'onvintion of Sunday school teach - cis for the Deanery of Herm]. Goderich Township:, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Sloan, who leave been: attending the Royal win- ter Pair in- Toronto, have returned hone. Mt. and',.Mrs, P. McDougal spent the week -end. in Goderieh. Miss Loretto Lane spent the week -end at her homy in Seaforth. Mo. and Mrs. G. McMichael are moving to their new home near God- orich this week. They will be much` missed 'in this neighborhood. Mr, and Mrs. J. it Stirling; silent Sunday visiting friends in Blyth and Belgrave. o!m svilite Mr. Errol Walter< -lett Iast Monday for Winnipeg, where he intends tak- ing a course at the Hemphill school. One evening last week the Epworth League sprang a surprise on hien by' going to his home and presenting hien with a fountain peri. We all wish Ergot success: Miss Emina Courtice, who ,has been visiting her sister, ' Mrs. F. C. Elford"' of Ottawa, returned home Kist week. Mi, Geo. Cox of Stratford came up. to attend the funeral of the lute Mrs. T. C. Cox of the sixth concession, Godorieh township, some of our boys have taken the notion to motor through the village at a speed around 35 miles an hour. It this is net'stopped, they may he repotted. 'Thus do accidents; occur, Inas s trt-i LIGHT FRUIT CA : 2 cups butter, 2cups sugar, . 4 eu .... s dour, 8 cherries, 1 lb candied pineapple, eggs, carie" 1 lb blanched almonds _h t- Ib citron peel, Rosewater . Candied pineapples and cherries will improve the flavor and quality of any cake This week Santa Claus' house has' a new supply of motor cars, Mixed Nuts, Candy Stockings, Bags and Dolls. Children may:call ani see them if they do not handle Santa's goods Bodley's almond paste icing,' per lb 50c Have- you tried our Groceter'ia-at the right of the n a n entrance for .extra prices? Corrie in and look around Cooking Figs,, 2 lbs for" 2 "lbs Seedless Raisins , 2a' $lack Tea, 2 Ib Seeded Raisins' 25c Mixed 1 ea, 1; Ib Currants _19c hnglish Be. Tea, 1 lb Mixed Peel 34c Monarch Tea, 1 Ib Lemon Orange and Citron 58c 10 lbs Granulated Sugar 1 Ili Special Coffee 45C 0 Nail's Coffee, best per lb 48c per lb 45c per lb 65c per lb 75c 89c • per Ib 65c WEEK -END _SPECIALS ---Head Lettuce, Celery, Salmon Snacks, Haddie Fillettss,: Oysters Agents'fQr Apex Canned Goods and Fruits, Smile's an' Chueldes. A Photo Card will make a good Christmas gift: Cash AL Carry 2 DeliveriesVWo •w O'Neil Phone 48 A Good Ti e Can ttdian women have it. At the same time they have the brightest best managed, liap- piest:Homes in the world. They do ii with their brains as well as with their hands. They are the women who are thankful for the Electric Range, which -is the most mod- ern way of cooking, and it re- guires the least labor and gives the most satisfaction. We can supply you with all the modern . Electric equipmept , for Cooking, Heating water, Washing and the thoneenrl and one other' labor saying and, pleasure provoking appliances in the Modern home. Give us a call and see for yourselves. USE YOUR OWN UTILITY— IT PAYS HYDRO SHOP, Cl nton Call in and see our C. C. 1. Commencement A:NGE AND TOWN HALL, CLINTON ` at 8 o'clock on Thurs. and Fri., Dec. 4th and 5th Annual G.C.T. Coimnenceitient ex excises will be held in the EATER Before Buying In; addition to the program of drills,' solos, ete., there will .be a play, "The Merchant of Venice up to Our Prices are as LOW as the .be• Date," a parody on the original i Merchant of Venice." Plan at Fair's partmeutal stores and .Quality opens on Saturday -morning, Nov, Much Better 22nd, Admission 50e. Reserved seats. 81;-2 Solon American Oil always on hand PLTIMI3ING, BEATING and GENERAL REPAIl3, WOR,i< Phone 244 Rode. and .School Club Baking . Sale A huge sale of hone -made baking will Ise'.held in the Hydro Office Saturday, Dec, th At 2:30 'p.m. ` Proceeds will be used io'malce the first payment on ot0r School Piano, Everycitizen good is interested tri "Our `School 1 so please help to make this sale a big success. 82-1 Kenmore Girls Here Friday, Novi. 28th Concert Course in Aid of the - Clinton 'Public Hospital 3 Concerts for One Dollar Single Admission, 50 Hear the Kenmore Girls on Friday, Nov.` 28th Tickets for sale at Fair's and Cluff's Plan for Kenmore Concert opens at ' Fairs on Nov. 20th =' 81-2 Pastime Dance, Friday The Pastime Club will give a dance in their club rooms FRIDAY, EVENING, NOV, 28th Dancing front 8:30 to 12:30 Clinton Orpheus „Five -piece Orches-' tra,will ;supply music , Gentlemen, $5c Ladies 25e liar Mr;;: J. GV, Johnston of, Varna and '4I s, Evans of Sealorth *are visiting in, Toronto this ;week taking 1: th 11 Start Yor C gist t .s Shoppiiiarly While our stock is new and complete with everything suitable' for Christina's. Gifts including Toy Sets, pictures, Mirrors and Sew- ing Trays, Ferneries, Aced Tables and Chairs, Electrie Lamps and Shades in many different styles, Smoker's Sets, _Chesterfield Suites, Library Tables, Cedar Chests, etc, Anilas usual ye will he pleased to keep goods until required. Also Specials in the Hardware Department Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co, THE STORES WITH A STOCIL Furniture Phone: 104 13ardware 195 CURRELL & SHIPLEY New Dates, Figs, Currants and Peels NEW RAISINS—Thompson Seedless,Seeded Muscat, Spanish and Silver Ring Raisins with seeds in and California Grapes Bananas Lemons, Florida Grapefruit ' Oranges SweeS Potatoes We can supply the best g Ce]rui ' Spanish Onions your Christmas baking.tiasty. of Cakes, P Traits and peels, eta, fo Christmas. anPuddings, and nunnenieats:. low prices, All goods guaranteed fresh and new. THE C. &S. GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W. n Branch Store, Phone 125 J. o loa? What about the burning question? Bare you got your coal bins full? When the real cold weather conies there is bound to, be an ex- cessive deinaiid because Canada ds 1,000,000 tons short this year on her imports of Anthracite alone. Stove Coal is already alatost au impossibility, and Chestnut is tightening up. rapidly. We, are stocking up on Domestic, Coke before it gets, dearer.; Try Our 'Co. It is 2504 cheaper than Anthracite, it has 75% less ash, and ab- solntely,no slate or bone. It is in a class by itself as the very best ,substitute for Hard Coal. . Whatever you want in the fuel line call us ul, and we will d0 cur•*best to meet your wishes, and we are just at tits other end of your telephone read to SERVE VIl and SATISFY. PIIONE 7-1 riftstar`•, Cc 0 Royal Winter Fair an visiting d itirigi their Methodist church will Bold a reel sisters. evening al the hone of Mr, Robe The Young People's League of the Webster on Friday.