HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-11-27, Page 7'he ORANGE PEKOE. QUALITY makes finer tea and more ofof ' . '.4 11 irt �gg���ryry�yIO DR, J ,e►. IATOrti te'reviraoial soaked of t ealth, ontarie 9$4edleton emili he, 1 4 te, auawor aueetioax ea Fubiinl,Rulth afleA' through tilts eaol4Asem Addreaa WESM fns iso, ,B. .96.1611, disk:cant, torontfh '. Milk is powerful—powerful as a rood because it, can 'generate'energy, and the human system IS an engine, Just what power, a supply of milk has wa '•rrilcilrgly demonstrated in oal,o i eiently, when a locomotive was run by milk. Not a human locomotive either, but an -iron and ',steel engine,. pulling a train of five'cars for a dis- tance of six miles and ,carrying two hundred passengers in the coaches. The demonstration was conllu uad 4y the Health Commissioner: of Chicago just to show what milk could do as a fuel. The novelty of the test made it Dizziness' Is Nature's Warning Headaches and dizziness are Na- ture's warning of a disordered di- gestion. If 'ignored, - chrenih ill health may follow. Avoid this by taking NI,AC, the world's grea- se t gee No medicine: *TANXal.0 'Swill tone up your stomach, cleanse your system ,uta build you up to robust health. TAMA The World's Best Tonic At All Good Drug Stores Over 40 Million Bottles, Sold Take Tanlaa Vegetable, Pills for Constipation all the more interesting, for who would think of' milk being able to run an engine? Andyet it did run an Rngine. It shows that all this talk of hygien- ists :about milk- being good food for children and adults is no idle talk, but that its truth can be forcefully; shown. The train in question started from the Englewood: Station on the Rock Island' tracksand ran to Beverley. Hills. The sole fuel was . dried milk worked into lumps about four, inches in diameter, approximately the setae size ..as locomotive coal: Calculations show that this substance has about the same heat value as medium, graded of coal. Several days previous to the iunning of,the "milk" train, a test 'of milk as fuel was made at one of the roundhouses of the Rock Island Road. To give the strange fuel a chance, a "warmed up ",;engine- was taken. The steam gauge registered 135. Then 125 pounds of the lumped milk was shovelled n and began. to burn vigor- ously. One of the veterans of : the roundhouse staff, on watching the ex- periment, exclaimed asthe milk began to burn: "That' milk stuff beats any fire I ever saw inside a locomotive. 1t burns like oil:" The steam gauge had started to climb, and when it reached 200, the engineer who had fired the boiler, threw out his chest and said: "I have the :tumor of being the first man to fire a locomotive with milk." The parallel between milk as human fuel and engine fuel was pointed out,. because after all, the human 'body is essentially a very intricate machine which: requires the right hind of fuel as much; if notinore than the iron and steel locomotive that pulls a train of 'ears an the tracks. If all these, young and old, who now use tea and coffee,. 'would stop using these beverages and take pure milk instead, they would soon find an improvement' in their gen- eral health and would not regret add- ing the right kind, of fuel for the deli- cate engines of which our bodies are composed. Murdered by a Ring.Pings have been associatedwith many,thingt, both hagpy and ski ister; It gas' common In Ptonian- times, and not, by any means unknown in the Mid old ages, to make a rig the instru- ment of death. To- carry 'enough po+, on :in •a' hollow ring to destroy an in tended victim' was ;one of, th'e recog- nized devices of crime. The signet ring is extremely an- cient, being found in Egyptian torahs and among' Etonian deposits,; -They were more especially useful when writ- ing vas the talent of scribes only, and when the only distinetivemarlc most men, even kings and nobles,`, could make was ole impreesioh of the signet ring on clay or wax:The signet ring largely Jost its ,usefulness when the adhesive flat of thcj, envelope almost entirely superseded scaling wax. • The plain gold hoop;' -which we call, a:wedding ring, is an imitation of the Roniau: Sign of betrothal. For many years it was customary, in this cairn - try to inscribe a motto or "posy': With- in this gold hoop. ' The following are specimen. sentiments: "Our contract Was heaven's act.".. "In thee, my choice, I do 'rejoice." "God above, in- crease our. love." - Rings are seldom worn ou the thumb today, but in"the fifteenth and six- teenth centuries , the: thumb was the fashionable. "ring -finger." HEALTHYE C CHILDREN L A VSA SLEEP YS .SL WELL - The healthy child sleeps well . and. during ite waking hours Is never cross but always happy and -laughing. It is only the sickly_ child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, if your children do not sleep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, give them Baby's - Own. Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative :which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, banish constipation, colic and indigestion and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteecl. free from opiates and may he :given- to the new-born babe with perfect safety. You can obtain the Tablets: through 'any medicine dealer at 25 cents •: a box,' or, by mall, post paid, from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. (► Whosoever is afraid of submitting any question, civil or religious, to the test ef'free'discussion, is more in love with his own opinion -than with truth. -Watson. For Sore"Feet—Minard'a Liniment. The same ,heart beats in every hu man breast, If You Ha Hre's tr...,wmemn+tm r You've wanted 'a phonograph for a long; time. but probably you haven't' decided ' which one to select.,: We want to help you —to tell you just how Brunswick can and will bring happiness into your home, and how easily you can now secure the model of your choice. no raph o rt u.. I STYLE No, 4 .$61? :00 ►'.elf 111111111I1111{III II II !Il®II IIIA. 1I 1l l j illb, 1 is 11 ttktil tpl t f I 1 11.1 lrn II revolutionized all Methods of Phonographic Reproduction seven years ago by introducing two exdllidively patented features - the Double Ultola and All -Wood Oval Amplifier which have since become World-famous and, characterize Brunswick forits clear right tonal qualities. The Ultona, by a mere twist of the wrist plays ALL records at their best; the, All- Wood Oval Amplifier, following' scientific rules of sound,reproduces the music of the Artist with faithful identity: f1 ll - HUM iV f G1(iliVIf' 1 i i i... s Ll; 109 - $115.00 Easy Te.r ria n gel —UntilXmas The 1 I I1l10111__O 1 rinl> Ii IIIIll10,I1 1111 ,fill{IIlIi111ii1i�❑ fu 1;1ll III ROYAL CONSOLE MODEL $145.00 • r rifierchandi§e O ud. 79 Wellington SL W. We want you to 'en- joy the Brunswick as tholtsaude of satis- fled owners are' do- fug to -day. Don't, Put off sending for our, bew,ui;i tl4ly mints- trate 'dd'a'a1Fg-i1`t� showing all models and prices. you are Under absolutely' go obligation..' We want you to know .nroro about Brunswick, Sign and send this coupon, to -day. Toronto Tile Musical ' Merchandise Co.,- Ltd 79 Wellington St. 1,, Toronto Without obligation to Myself send me your, -latest illustrated Brunstviclk catalogue complete' Uith descriptions anld prices of all models. Name ........... Address The Usual Treatment Does NO Reach the Root of the Trouble. Most treatments for rheumatism do. no more than aim to keep down the poison in the blood•and enable nature to ' ovorcotne that particular attack. Then when the system becomes run-- down from any cause_the.disease again gets the upper hand and 11: all has to be done over. Sufferers: from rheumatism who have found: their "condition unrelieved or actually glowing worse while tieing other remedies, would• do well to :try 1Er. Williams' Fink Phis,Tho tonic treatment with this -medicine has proved in thousands of cases that it builds up; the blood 'to- a,pointthat en- ahles it to cast out the -rheumatic poisons through the' regular channels, the bowels; kidneys and the dein. When this is done rheumatism is ban- ished, and as -long as the .blood is kept .pure and, rich the patient will ,be im- mune from attack. , Thfn Is fully proved by the case of E. 1;, Davis, 7,P,, of Dinsmore, Sask., who says:—"I feel it my duty to sufferers from rheuma- tism to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Some years ago I was a groat sufferer from this fmoub]e and was con- fined to my room." I trioti two doctors without relief and had become des- pondent. Then i saw Dr. 'Williams" Pink Pills' recommended for this trou- ble, and got six boxes. Before they were all gone I was able to get around on snitches, and when I'.was on the eleventh box I started to work. I have not missed a day's work since on account of rheumatison: On two occa- sions i s since I•e av ' h h h b ad light touches of the troublebut ii -box of the pills soon put me right. I strongly reoom- mend rheuiitatic sufferers to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." You can get these pills ' from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. ": Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Tii$a Titles. "Wbat is it called? This is the ques- tion we usually ask concerning a new book, and .,one with an original title will'stand a good chance of becoming a best seller if the matter inside the covers is equally good. One -word titles are not much in vogue'to-day, although Mr. Hilaire Bel ice published a book called "On" re- cently. Two novels, published some. years ago, ,go one better than this, however. One was called "b," and the other "B." Similarly, 'Why," published in 1921, has been beaten by. "?," which halls from the United States. There are many three -letter titles,. some of the best known' being' "She," "Eve," "Now," Fan," and "Tim," Sneeze Signs. In the ancient days of Greece and Rome, a sneeze was supposed to bear In its train far greater portents than a mere cold; • To sneeze whilet rising from the table or bed was said to indloate ap- poraohing death. 'Yet to sneeze be- tween. midday and.. midnight under favorable planetary conditions was an augury of happiness, Again, if the Greek or Roman turn- ed to the right while sneezing,' it was regarded wee happy omen. BEAUTIFY IT. WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Perfect home dye ing and tinting Is guaranteed with Dia- mond Dyes. Just dip in told water to tint. soft, delicate 'shade's, or boil to dye rich, permanent colors. Each 15 -cent package, - contains directions Iso simple any wo- man can dye or tint ,' tlingorle, silks, rib - bens, skirts, welsh,' dresses, coats, stooltings, sweaters, 'draperies, cover; Inge, hangings, everything new- , Buy "Diamond Dyes" --no other kind —and tell your druggist .whether the material yeti wish.tp+Color is wool or silk, or whether itis linen, cotton, or mixed goods. A fool can observe a thing correct- ly,—for example, the weather, -but it takes a magi of 'sense to drat- a cor-• rest inference from What he sees. Minard s Liniment for Rheumatism. If I were asked to .define saleslnan- ship in One sentence,'2 would say it was nothing more ,nor less thiin mak- ing the other fellow feel as you do about the goods you have to sell, DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING. Toronto Lip Reading Club gives free instruction in Lip Reading. Apply. Secretary. Miss A Hetherington, 113 Hilton Ave., Toronto S`npess -. ,Ibiteitad 00 scare; PlCaSC 'wo'ife far cur price' list on. Poultry, Butter, and Eggs Wo GUAie4N7IO11 then far n Week ahead. P. POULIN &':CO., LIMITED 0c•9O Eon,cconr, Market, -: TeIWInne Main 7:01. 00000nEAL, 001000 Gold 111 the Head I3co,t Millard s and inhale often, ',Splendid Joy:.catarrh. .l ASY TRICKS No, 31Z Catch Came Sometimes t1 e folks play old- fashioned games in which forfeits have to be paid. Here is a little known ,stunt by w itch some per- son may pay his forfeit.:and Pro- - vide a vast amount of amusement for thereat of the party. Thecperson to pay'the'forfeit is takeh::out o$"'the room and his friends seat 'themselves in two rows„ facing each other.' Each per - sou presses the toe of • ;one shoe against the toe of one of the shoes --worn' by the friend who faces him; The victim is brought in and he to told that he will be blindfolded and asked to walk between the two rows. If, however, he steps on any- one's toes, another forfeit willbe demanded. The trick is that each person, as soon as the victim" is blindfolded draws his fdet unden,,his chair. The.:. victim, unaware of this, passes be- tween the rows,' endeavoring might- ily to miss the feet that aren't' there, and so adding to the fun of the party. r ((Nip OAR' out and paste it. with other of the series, in a.scrapbook ,) .Malicious Fun. Boys will be boys, in South Africa as well as otherori Parts of.,,thew d, but - sometimes, as in this case, they turn fun. into malicious mischief, There was to be a .dance at the Heidelberg Town Hall, and • everything was to be in high -style, until It Was discovered that some boys had, poured a quantity of tar all over the floor-., The guests, however, with the help of sand and brooms, managed to have - a dance, which was enlivened by the news that thee culprits had been, captured, and their parents were thrashing them with a vigor never surpassed. Dominion lilxpress Money Orders are on sale . in live thousand offices throughout Canada, In life, as in a ,football' game, the principle to follow is "Don't cry, don't shirk; but hit the line hard."—Theo- dore Roosevelt. Minard's Liniment Heats Cuts, A cheery 'disposition is like air in a tire.There really doesn't seem to be much to it, but it makes the going easier and happier for everybody. The rougher the road the more you need it. FRAIN, Sweeten the Stomach CUTICURA HEALS PAINFUJ P1MPESL On Face,and Shoulders. ' Itched and Burned. °'My trouble began with'a rash of pimples, on my face and shoul- ders. The pimples were hard and red and festered' and staled over. They were very painful and itched and burned to that I could not sleep nights. Iwae ashamed to go any where my taco was so disfigured. The trouble lasted about four and a balf`years. "1 began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and: after using three cakes of ' Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Ceticura Ointment I was completely healed.' (Signed) Miss Myrtle A. Westover,.Eolton Centre, Quber.: Rely on Cteticurrr Soap, Ointment and Talcum to keep your skin clear. e„rdple Eaah-rreo by hrAil, Mumma Conadln,f D1310' n 050a0u,,,nFow o.Snhi2n61g0, 5M5o00hto.aL Frit° 50T0Crlntmont26dGOc. 5aI,ornSe . PAINSLEFT SIDE AND,BACK Other Troubles Women Often Have Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Lachine, Quebee.—"I toolz Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoundbecause I suffered With painsin my left side and back, and with weakness and other. troubles womeh so` often have. I was this way about six .months. I saw the Vegetable 'Compound advertised in the Montreal Standard' end I have taken four bottles of it. I was a very Melt wo- man and I feel so much better I Would not be without it. 2 also use Lydia E. pinkham'e Sanative Wash.` I recom- mend the medicines to my friends and_I am willing forou to use my letter as a teetimonial."—rs."Sri. W. Rose, 580 'Notre Dame Street, Lachine, .Quebec. Doctor Said an Operation Provost, Alberta, -'Perhaps you will remember sending me one of your books a year ago. I was in a bad condition and would suffer awful pains at tines and could not do anything. The doctor' said I could not have children unless I 'vent under an operation. 1 read testimonials of Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable Compound in the papers and a friend recommended nee to take it. After taking three- bottles ,I became much better and now have a bonny'baby girl four months old. I do my house- work and help a little with the chores.. I recommend the Vegetable Compound to my friends and am willing Id Ol1 to usr th-S testimonial letter '-1llrs. 5, A, ADASIS, I3c, 54, l'rovost, Alberta.' 0 ISSUE No. 4r '24; :. S • p'®[i ,�NI�i-mom ��Wq� anerurepp,ri.:' m/4wM-drtdmoWwr prod pmr7llhf,,,,,4. 760reukr ill 1 ole,tumpelrr gr rn Her gra to bring you the full -richness and mellow sweeefness mf this= uality" rdainufactured by IMPERIALTOBACCO CO.OF CANADA LIMITED Customer—"I' - say—do " you mind' changing these vests for some less: humorous ones? These tickle me to death!" Oilnerd's'Lln,ment Rellieves Pain. Salmon fishing is rivaling mining in Alaska. Classified Advertisements ss, MONEY MONEY TO LOAN. FARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS. wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria. St., Toronto. CP. MitUVEYOUCanWiard3 flew ICyes Rai you cad Promote a Crean, HeaiibyCondbtoo Rn.,., Use Murine Eye Remedy Nlaht and Morning, beepyourEjeaCioen,Cioar:dud lffeaitbr Write for Free Eye Care Book. nano Oro Bomar Cosa eon obis Stan‘Glitssos MORETHANI5,OOa FARMERS have bought their ,farms in Wostarn Canada from the Canadian Pacific, A remarkable Fact. Think! 'There is- a' reason. The large area of our hold- ings adording choice 01 location and Of land to suit every farming need.' Fair price, :fair contract, and fair dealing combined with abundant fertility of soil; good climate and social condi: done make farm life' there desirable and attractive. Thousands ,more will select their farm from our Virgin lands, from our improved farms, and with some capital and determination to work, can matte a home and pay for it, Write for our booklet, "The Prairie Provinces of Canada," and leaflet, "Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L. Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Desk W., Windsor Station, Montreal„ Que. ' 'Tlultiilibnl,;;li Ilk"�/Illlf � �uIIIMII{71!'. it 'I111l�I�I".. "OU can cook au en - Mire meal with the Hotpoint 3 -Heat Grill. • It will boil, broil, toast or fry. Any two opera- • tions may be carried on' at the same time. It may 'also be used with the Hotpoint Ovenette for roasting." The Hotpoint Grill is equipped with a it- versible 3 -heat switch, while the element frame is constructed throughout,,; of ` rust- proof nionel metal. For sale by dealers everyttihere. H 160 tiorponor,Dwistoki C,uwu.a OaunwItkot aa.er,tw aoKIXIN„O Ori'`er Yor Far i1Help o TO BE OF sERVIC1 to Eastern' Canadian farmers and help to meet their needs in securing competent farm help, the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY will continue its farm help service during 1025 and will ; include in this service, as last year, the supply of women domestics and boys. Through experience in the last two years, the- Company is now in touch with a number of good farm laborers in Great Britain, Norv1ay, Sweden, Denmark, France, holland, Switzerland and other European, countries and can : promptly fill applications for_farlri help. ,• In order to have the help reach Canada in time fo`r the spring operations, farmers requiring help must get their 'applications in early,' to enable us to secure the help needed. Blank application forms and full information regarding the service may be obtained Isom 'any,OP.R. agent or from any of the offieiais listed below. TI121 S,JRVIOE IS ENTIRELY P1ZEE OF CHARGE. ' THE CANADIAN; PAC11 IC RAILWAY COMPANY • lapartnient of --Colonizstion and negpleliinent. MONTABAL, Dougall, -General Agiicttlteral Agent. MONTREAL, Que.-.d. La Duo' Norlgood, Land Agent. TORONTO, Ont. --.11. Ont. J R, Parker, General Asent, Ocean Traffic.. OTTAWA, Ont, 51, Y. O'Brien, Speoinl Colonization Agent, BRE1Bn001CC Que,—W. 2S. BtIll,oyse, Special Cpluniiatlon Medd. 8T. OoiiN, N b G. Bruce Burdge, Dlatrlet Passenger Agent. t ICENTVILLE N.B,—Gee. E. Grahata, Goa. Manager Dominion :AMMAN 11. Crcesmell, S. 5.. 01SNNI5, - Suporinecitdenf, • Chief Oontntis,ionei, Insist on BAYER TABLET'S OF ASPIRIN ,Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product' proved safe ;by millions and prescril5ed'by physicians 24 years for, Colds Headache- Neuralgia. Lumbago Pain t'ootlhache Neuritis • Rheumatism Accept only "liayer;' package which contains proven directions, handy "Jlaycr" boles of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100-Brugglets. Jspirin ig ti sir n•rI (a Ni ( 1 ,ir Cs 1101,) 00. 13ntr Drouuh,.I.+,re 0f 11.00.001er er 0n 015 1 (. I k 1 110, 0, S..A.' 1. While 11 10 well known o in It -Aspirin 510'414. L t „ :�, 0 i=i' , I t. the poblie ngnftst if ttittf ne, t r1.t1eto o`f ..Luger Company Iiil 1�.:;.�u ,�ol ,,,Ui ,_c,. (000001 nolle walk, to Re, Olosa'"