HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-11-27, Page 53
x. a,
was eh
on Tuesd,.'
nO doubt "conclude
safe to "trust the;
i w x`
A maxi 'who, has 'made a study oC
matter . ez dc • e
vl t happy 'worn
a _.)
seldom'' or 'never erooke. Sorely
is i ole;wouldn't work out whe re-
ad to the men. Ie it does there
Mgldty; xe y happy men.
Wingham has all itselection'
rubles over, having elected its
unci], ;Commission and- School
and by acclamation on Monday.
0citizens of the northern town
1 be able to concentrate all their
r -cs=upon their Christmas shop-`
g_ nnc sd esmansitin.
i costteinporary calls upon, Prem-
Fergusen ,to take a firm. stand
dust the "3. i,'s" in the legisist
e. You .night' think it means
lea sea; but no—it means J. A.
Causland, J. A, C nrie..and J. A.
die-hard wets:-llamiltoli
[00. Dr. I3. S. Bela_ 1, niinister of-
lth,;urged before the opium con-
mee. at Geneva, the control ',.'.y
ry nation of the manufacture, dis-
ution, importation and exporta-.
of _nareotic drugs, as the only
tion of the drug problem. Some
, and it may not be so many.
cs ahead, the same thing will be,
ussed in regard to intoxicating
xperts say that it would take
ply -thirty-five years for an air;
e, travelling at, two miles an
to reach Mars but that a wire -
message could travel to Mars.
back in seven minutes. That
[es the matter as far as we're
erned, . When we want to cont-
icate with Mars we'll usewire
no matter what it coats. We
quick service.
(Continued from Page One)
us unity, desheiblet for its mei
Jesus' specially ,` deeederates, flee.
a of the moral hpov(ele: /1)ich.'nt,
[confer. ,on the•ic, ul. h ,as an
e for propagaitmb ,the O rlslt •
aith. "That the` w`erld;.mayvfbb
that thou hast sent fine"'
this end, is one thatcamiot te.
bted unless the'unity, o1 believ
some`..way be made. manifest.
ity which, is not approved, can
no effect on, the- world, but
needs be as a' -candle under a
1, which gives no light, .hay,
to be 'a light, and goes out:
can be"no'doubt that our Lord
visible' unity in view, and the
ueetion is how it is to be
d• The, first and most obvious
eby-unionin`ene church organ
with appointed means for re -
ting the whole body. and ex
ng the united mind , This,
ost complete, manifestation of
was exhibited in the primitive
Take with this pre rev , of
the teaching of Paul in his bet -
the Corinthians,, Chap. 1,
'we read as our lesson:':- here
sostle is grieved - at the divi
manifesting themselves .in thag
and urges upon them `net to
eh ;happen. This clearly
Mind that the unity, sof the
should be preserved. Such,
is the Scriptural ' basis of
• Other passages :and proofs'
Scripture might be aduced,,
There is also historic rea°son
neech Union. Wheif bur, Lordi
he Church to the. world It was
it was not the Church of 1St,
or St; John or St. A'hdreW,: it
He calls it "Mtgelhu's&h,'- `an
e unity. And such it continued
for over 1,000 years, The first
n in the Church was caused by•
versy_ This divided the prig
City into s the ''East 'or Greek
i'• and ,ethe ,. West or Rotnan
•From that time, on 'divisions
ib -divisions continued until in
id alone there have beep:, no
ancloz n branches C bran lits of
a Pres -
1 all • this -controversy the
onutiission of the Master to go
1 the world and preach the
and the cry of the multitudes' h h
hen was drowned. They heard g
nor did they heed the 'Lord's seer
td. Wlien, however, the mod -
a of missions was : begun
s began'' '.to see the wisdom
ed of ',conserving all their
both of men and Means, in
sat the great work of evangeI-
oe the'world might be
1. - And so it has' come aboitt
many' branches `of the Pres -
church in Scotland, have
united until today there are
o and, they are negotiating', for
Rn^ein Moine
3Za'_ taken the
re'the work is
he demands 'aq
't must be made
abhle i" " ,test possible °re;
sults w' AMR" nnieionat ies ana
means as ard. at the disposal ofthe,
church. Besides one great appeal ;of
the foreign peoples is: "We want
veer Gospel but we do net want you/
denominationalism ' They are
puzzled with th the many branches and
creeds of the Christian church and
asci only for the Religion of our Save.
tour, Why,°then, should the denottt-
tnational difference's be thrust upon
Now, :friends; I have at length pre-
seetecl.to you the three main reasons
why I am a unionist, viz., the Scrip-
tural, Historical and Experience. 1
have done thisbecauseI: believe it is
quit fundamental to the whole ques-
tion, 'My observation has, been that
many are opposed to church Union
,because they see the' question only as
it relates -itself to some local condi-
tion and have not looked out beyond
their own community. On the other
hand many who would be opposed „.,to
union -on account of purely local eon -
..when they see the question in
the large find - that they cannot do
otherwise than overlook any local ob-
jections for the sake of the greater
work of the fKngdom. This vision
splendid Of a' United Christendom has
for twenty years filled the souls of
the vast majority of the leaders of
our Church and in'order to realize it.
they have gone-forevard tg the`con-
suntation of union,;
This leads me' now to the next
point. That is, Union Has: Been Con-
sumated, - For twenty years negoti-
ations have been' carried on. 'The
best thought of our church: has been,
devoted to the question. :"After- all
these years of effort they . reached
their conclusion at the General
Assembly of last year, held in Owen
Sound, when that court by' an over-
whelming majority of 426 in favor to
96 against, decided to go.into union
and consumate the United Church of
Canada... The Parliament of Canada
alae passed' the enabling bills,leg�
'hzing the transference of property
and for- the incorporating of the.
United 'Cherehc_The Church has eon
mitted uherself .irrevocably; too this:
;.;,The, question of vital;,importance
now rs:' What oattitude.tw111 Willis.
e'hurch take in tirq.whole matte,?
First -of all leteene uay no effort
will be made to Mike V�illf church
with any other. It, is :nufs,tfie inten-
tion of 'unionists ytg •fgrce union on
self-sustaining catiigregiatioris : lee,
deed, the.courts-o£..the•,church cannot
thrust union upon., any cottg;egation'
iyithouteits conselit-t' c
''A notion, seems•'to be quite prevel-
ant that, if we' coneue in union.
"will immediately be contpeled` to we
its with some other church and that
there, will- be a :possibility ;of Willis,
church being closed up entirely and
'we compelled to, join some other
church.' This notion has absolutely.
no foundation in fact. After the 10th
of June :next Willis church testy re-'
main✓the same as today, self deter
Mining in every resueet with no' more
inflItence from any of the; other con-
gregations of the town than at pres-
ent, Your Church willsstill be used
and your' services carried' on al now,
'and. all your organizations, function
as before. Q.
Va[11IIlMIORE--ln Flaniilton,
22iia, to 111r and Mrs. Fra
viol e, 0 5399.
McCREGOR—In Clinton,,. , on, Itiov.
22nd, Jennie Rodgers, widow of.the
late Daniel MacGregor of Hiillett.
WAI(EJ'IELD—In Goderich, on'No\'.
1061x, W211iasn Wakefield in his.
S2�21id -ear.
o it h too mh•.
venmber 20th;, Riney Patton, Wife'-gf
Mil' P. C. Cox, aged 67 years.
A through sleeper direct' without
change from:; Toronto: to the S.S.'
"Montlaurier' sailor;, from West, St.:
John' on-December12th, is arcon-
venience that will be appreciated by
travellers intending• to `visit the Old
Country. The+ Standard 'Sleeper Will
be' attached to' the- .Canadian Pacific
train leaving Toronto 'Union Station;
on December 11th, at 9:00 a.m., ar-
riving at the ship's side at 12:20 p.m.
December 12th. " This service avoids
.j,he necessity of changing trains at
Montreal, and passengers are assured'
the usual high standard service' and
courteous attention which has placed
the Canadian Pacific in the forefront
of transportation: companies in the
world. Reservations may now be
made on application to any Canadian
Pacific agent or to W. Jackson,
Agent, Clinton, 82-2
Auction Sale
Of 35 head of Choice Durham
Cows and Young Cattle,'' The under-
signed auctioneer , has received in-
structions to sell by, public auctien at•
Walker Barns, Brucefield on Satur-
day, November 29th, commencing at
9:30 o'clock sharp, the fololwirs' : 3
choice cows due time of sale, 3 cholce
Cows due in December, 7' choice cows
due in January, 5 choice cows due in
February, . 4 choice cows due in
March, 1 choice cow ' freshened' six
weeks,' 5 good Durham calves; bal-
ance young cattle. Guarantee: Any
cow sold to be with' pelf and ,.proving
not 'to be within 'one month from date
of sale, 26 per cent, of purchase'price
wiU.'be refunded. Any- person,mcom-
ing ,from a distance and unable to.
remove cattle. until Monday, arranges
mentis will be�anade to take good _-iia'ro -
ef them, freest, charge. Terms: of.
Sale: Six months' coedit given' on
furnishing bankable paper,:or a dis-
count ,of ,6 per cent. per'.antium' al=
lowed for cash,:' Holland & Turner,'
proprietors' G. W. Layton, clerk. G
I•I;"Elliott, Auctroheer. 82:1"
` Before us there. are two courses of
action, ministers and Congregations:
must nope `choose between loyalty to.
their' Mother Churches deserting'
on the threshold of this, her great
adventure of .faith. For, let It bet`
clearly 'fin stood,, 'that 'it : is the
Presbyterian Church in Canada as an
organon unit, that, goes into union, It
it not separate congiegations, `brit the
whole church with:all her, organira
tions , and' aetiyities,: her°'•ti'tiditioiss
and history, all her mnnateree.elders,
mennbors, churches :and other proper-
ties, excepting • such -ongregations
and minis'te'r as may vote rout of
union and'" such 'pei'eentager of the.
:general property as they maybe,,en-
titled to:
0n' -thee one hand what will".be the
effect om Willis Chitrelt if she should
vote out of union? First::By vot-
ing out we would cut ourselves off
Prem the Mother Church, with all her
past history.and tradition;, 1± 01ealis
that we :.would Separate .ourselyes
from the religious life of.the West-
ern provinces,- where . the ehurehes
are proving almost solidly into. union.
Those Western congregations are the
children of, . the East, .and most of
thein are already le union. It is oto
lit matter for easter•n'churohes to
n contemplate separating then -
vas front Cliristian.fellowship'with
the groat west.
i1loreovee, for a= congregation to
vote ,non -concurrence would, Mean.
Separation from the vast majority of.
our Foreign Missionaries and their
noble work Again, if -Willis ,church
should vote mit it will: no doubt mean
that members, workers, contributors
who are consistent "unionists will ad-
herd to their principles aha follow'
with' our Mother -Church into ( some
branch of the 'Union Church,- and so
leave Willis church by that much
weakened numerically and financ-
nada a similar,thing happen -
he unions of the Methodists
•esbyterian e churches. Such
have in every case proven to
only suoceesful but to have
vine approval resting• Upon
third reason "why I am a
comes fon experience.
twenty years ago that great
of our ceurch,,Dr. Robertson,
superintendent' oe _Moine
set before' hint ,this' great
hat there should be no Sem_
in Canada without the
E grace." leut.it was found
>nee of hie ideal, because: of
ng there' was a great deal
ss expenditure of money and
ies .Iii order to overcome
lapping;where two or three
re following one another
ge areas, duplicating,,, sex•-,
mere -handful sof people,
,sed that a system of co-,
should be established _lie
sbyter•ia.ns and Methodists.
eration was entered= into,
salted inevitably in the
undreds of cong>.egato e
ay in nearly all our Home
Here it' seems imperative that I
should declare my own position in the
matter. I shall do 'so in the terrine
of a declaration sent to us from our
offices which is as follows:
"Whereas, our Chii'ich, after long
years of consideration has finally de-'
tided: to become a part et' 'the_ leteited
Church of canticle, and
(Keep this paper until next weelc,
then finish this :sermon,)
' Auction Sale of Cattle and Sheep
The undersigned auctioneer has
received °instructions to ,sell by pub-
lic 'auction at Connel's':"sale. barn, on.
Wednesday, Dec 3rd, at 1.30, o'clock
sharp, the following: 80 choice two
year old and yearling ' steer's; 60
choice Orford, and Leicester ,; ewes,
rogistere•i, Oskf'3d' rami Terms?' 0
months credit ' git.en. "pd furnishing;
bankable ,;paper t or a' dr's,bnut
learnt For Sale.
The Weir farin,0;lot 27,'eoncession'4y'
Hallett; 192 acres. for sale privately, -
Apply to to W Bxyjione. 78-tf`
Sheep For 'Sale
,Aged' Liecester ram, registered,
and.:5 young !buck lambs, eligible for
registration.. Apply to J. Id. Quig-
ley, Re. R. No. 5, Clinton. 72-2-p
Christmas Sale of
Sewing Machines
Will sell. a few machines at cost to
Reduce Stock
This 'is a chance tto secure a good
machine et a low price. A lifetime',
guarantee with each „machine.
Repair's and Needles for .all machines
L. M�}��T
$50,00: Reward
If:I Fail to Grow hair
World's Greatest Bair • Grower,
Grows hair on bald heads: It must
not -be put where hair -is not wanted.
Cures danlruff•an'd all scalp troubles.
$1.75 per jar. Agents Wanted..
523 Main St, Winnipeg, Man.
Conte. Where Your Dollar Will
Buy The Most
Specials. In Groceries
3 lb. Seedless Raisins , . , .. , , , , •35,c
3" lb. Dates 25e.
2 lb. Currants .... .............35c,
2 lb. Macaroni', . ;, , 25c
3. Ib. Rice :. , 25o
4 bars Laundry. Soap , : 25e
4 bars Palmolive Soap 25c
Corn Starch, per pkg. , 10e
10 lb, Gran. 'Sugar , , 85c
A' Fountain Pen : given FREE with
every '5 lbs. of Tea, green or black,
Very Special* at 70c,
Choice Red Salmon' in n/s lb. tins 15c
Fresh Peels, Nuts and :Candies
Specials in Dry Goods
Yard wide Gingham, reg. 25 . 19c
32 -in. Eng. Gingham, reg. 95 .. 29c
Art Sateen; reg. 50e, for .,.,,.. 40e
30 -in. Wrapperette for ,-23c
Mlenls heavy rib Underwear
to clear at, garment , . , .. $1.00
Hen's Heavy Rib all Wool
Underwear, garment' . . . . , $1.65
Flannelette Towelling and Hosiery
At Reduced' Prices
Sweater Coats, all wool .......82.49
Sweater Coats,- Brushed Wool .$2,35
Floor 011, Linoleum, Congoleum and
Linoleum Rugs
A full stock of Rubber Footwear at
;Good Value
kinds of Fancy China for
Christmas Gifts•.
t r, eezk�k, �n
Geo• 'i�Wro ': ` {ot ee eY] for oa 11 #.s
A.a r,
Wase , Proprietor
82-1 82-2,
�li> tc�o News-Ratete rdl
N -IBS .'„anis, i, None-Ever-Retj)
xi sc9±cidl obi.uinuble,
u 1
liltroduc orV Price: fo • ?his Weck
2. a'la;.;5: lar 15c
See thein i1Y '0191 window
altee of Christmas Fruits at
le, Ce
Highest, Peicee for Butter ant Eggs'
y -i+
i4 the boot..
ByDr. Rosa-Sav'an .e.
Meeting of`lluron County:Cosmcil' -
•The, Council of the Corporation of
the County of limon will nioet, in the
Cduhcil Chamber, Goderich, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon of ,Tuesday,
the 2nd da
Y of December, nb r
accounts against the County must ' be
in the hands,: of the Clerk nor, later
than Monday-preg cedin ' the, e meeting
of Council. Geo: W. Holman, County
Clerk, Goderich, Nov, 15th, 1924,
What .Does Optometry Embrace?
The pathology, aeatom-y and
physiology of the eye. ` Its ex-
treme liability to abnormalities.
The means by which theymay
be , corrected. The detection''of
all errors of vision when not
caused by a diseased condition:
The correction of these einors by
lenses, without the use of drugs.
Also the preparation' of the ne-
cessary lenses,,aand their adjust-
ment to the 'features c,t the
It Would Appear That :Optometry Oc-
cupies an Important' Relatiee to
Public Welfare?
Yes. It is fully'as important as
any other profession.
(Continued Next Weelati
• For Sale '
.The administrators of the estate of
William Doherty, deceased, offer for
sale his late residence and the ad-
joining lands; (25 acres More or less),
on which are `erected''substantial and
well-equipped : emending's. :.Apply to i
J. E Doherty or} the,prentises, or to
W. Brydone 'so1iditor for the estate;',
Eocens to Rent L'
Cheerful furnislre.
d rooms, heated„
including '' all - eineveniences; with or
Without board. enquire at Neiws-Re
cord., g 80-4
- For -Sale -Or Rent -'-
e Frame House, electric light, town
writert good''cet'nent basement, ort 31
acre lot, fruit. Apply to M. T; Cor`
less: ; 80„tf
Farm Work Wanted
.Young married man, experienced,
wants. work an farm, byear.-Sepa-
rate house 'preferred. Start any,
time:' Write, stating wages, `'eta
Drawer B, Clinton. 7J -4-p
Cast Iron Wanted
By. the. Huron Specialty C”„sting
Company, Clinton.' .Will pay $35.00
per ton,delivered at Clinton. . 74-12
For Sale
Frame house on Albert Street,
Clinton, in good repair; ,e rooms
and 'sennuer'kitchen;'good cellar with
Cement floor, :wpod 'sired, verandah,
hard and soft„ ,,Yater _ Macre of gar
den with fruit trees andsmall fruits,
Apply' to Samuel Merrill, lti R.
No: r Clinton.. . 77-1P-tf
Radio Sets,aird Supplies
At lowest prices. Everything sell
is guaranteed satisfactory or re-
placed free of charge. 'H A. -Ii
Clinton.; 1-tf
Cockerels For Sale'
Barred Reeks and . S. C. White•
L'eghorns, front; heavy`laying :strains.
frank d,. Tyndall, RR. No, 4, Phone
33 on 636, Clinton 'Central. 81-tf
Private Saie
Of household effects at the home
of Miss S. Powell, James street, lairge
cedar : chifforobe, • 6 dining' room
chairs, good as new, : floor' lamp,
shade” and fixtures, also 1 reading
lamp, kitchen table, Quebec kitchen
stove, Feed car and: trailer; few gems,:
pint size, porcelain table top and
rollingpin. Colne early fee choice.
For Sale
Geese, 'fronda heavy Laying strain.
Roy Tyndall, Goderich township.
Phone 8 on 607; Clinton:Central.81-tf
Notice' to Trappers -
This is station A:S.D.H M,P.' the
pioneer' raw Jur station located at
CIinton," Ont. 'Our call letters stand
for -square deal and highest market'
prices. I3 A. H. announcing that he
will pay for-iiiink from this section
large, $9.00; medium, $7.00; small,
$5.00. Highest prices paid for Rac-
coon, Fox, Weasel, etc,` For ,sale;
Remington and Winchester shot 'gun
shells at lowest ".prices, 'I have U.S.
.22 cal. rifle hollow point cartridges
at 45c and 40e,a box solid bull'et's,
5c,less a box.' If you are in need of
any traps, guns, -rifles, etc:, I• .can
get thein for you at lowest prices. `
H. A. Hovey, Clinton. 8l-tf
Green Wood ,,anted
Cut four foot; "6r in poles, for win-'
ter delivery. 10 to 20. cords,' hard
wood or ,nixed. Apply'W. S. Downs
opp. Ontario St,' Church` shed, Clinton,
Ont. 80-4
Hoose' For Sale
Residence of the late Arthur Cook;
corner Albert and Mill streets, Clin-
ton. Rey at Mlr. 'Walter King's:
• 72-tf.
Ranee For Sale
Imperial Oxford range, with high
shelf and copper reservoir. Ca11 af-
teroons'on'Mrs. C. E. Jervis,,iifu•on
Por Sale
16 ft. beech plants, sired 2 incl es
t by
8'inches'and 2'inches by 10 inches,
via so' sorno` hemlock' comber. " '10,0.
Clinton Central Phone 11.'
Phone 12 on 622 Middleton, R. R. No, 8, Clinton,
15 on 606.- 75-ff
Farm 'For Sale
Parts of lots 37 and 38, concession
10, Goderich township, containing 105
acres, are offered for sale.; On the
premises are a W storey brick dwel-
ling, a commodious bank barn with
Stone stabling, pig and poultry pens
and driving shed. Water in stable,'
There are 5 acres of bush ands acres
of good young bearing orchard. The
remainder of the land is all arable
and is mostly seeded. . Is in good
state of cultivation, Situated half a
mile from school and chur'ch andcon-
veniently neae market, ` The farm is
a very desirable one. For farther
particula±s apply to Geo. H. Elliott,
Executor William H, Cole Estate,
Foe Sale
The farmer Joyner property. Five
roomed' cottagewith large sun-rool•C;::
EIectric light, and town <: water in
house.'. 3 acres of good land and all
kinds of fruit trees. Will be sold
reasonably: Apply to Mrs. McCal-
lum, Commercial Iiin, Clinton 63-1f.,"
Honor Graduate Carey: Jones' Na-
tional"Sehdot `of Ametioneering, Chi-
cageeeteSpeciel ,course taken in: Pure
Bred Live StoeJ , Real Estate, 'Mere
cliandjse and Farm Sales. Rates en'
keeping with prevailing market.. Sat-
isfaction assured: Write or wire,
Oscar Klapp) Zepricie, Oat ';Phone'• 18-:
Rowland's Old. Stand :
wA full and complete line of Shelf and
alwayson ltand elsoG anito and Aluminum
Ware, Paints, Oils and Yarn-
fishes. We also carry a 1u11•Iine of Kitchen's and Wr
Overalls, Work Shirts, Lined'; an 50 ,yell Wear
d Unlined Smocks alt popular rices.
FURNACES at Prices suit;
Horse Blankets Sweat at Pads Harness and Parts carried regularly,
Bicycles and parts for allmakes.
rakes:. We repair all cycles and:
guiis'antee': our . work.
We Maintain our. Tin in , Shop
and '�Pl nt
I b g and make all repairs' as,.
Required and guarantee to 'give you
c what at you:pay for
This Shop has as catered to your'wants-for the past sixty, year's and
still continues to do so.
,Safety Razor Blades Sharpened at 35c per dozen
Don't buy new blades whenn
our old
y ones can be made as good
as new -for one-third the price of new ones.
That's WhatI r ' s Bread
Made with the finest ingredients,properly•
blended, assures you of getting a, won-
derful l loaf.. TRY IT ----Your Grocer has
it, or we will
deliver ' �t to your door
fresh dail
e -iJ Y
e • 1
x r` COAL,
Te have a supply of Furnace, Stove,
mitt and Soft. Also some good dry
slabs. Leave orders at, residence.
Phone 155. Huron Street,
Singer Sewing Machines
Family, Electric y, and D. R. Styles.
Also some Second-hand machines,
,good as new. Old machines taken
as part payment. Easy terms. It
will pay you to look these over before
buying elriowhere. Repairing and
parts for all makes of machines,
,Earl Steen. Jan. 1,•1p24
- Clothes Cleaned and•Preesed.
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired.. Woolen goods dry. cleaned.
Rome ns over
r He
b rUe•
r shop,
W. J.. Jago. —83-tf
Having erected new coal sheds will
have -on hand full stock of'- coal 'for
immediate delivery, ,e Prices reason-
,abler I
Orders taken at residence, Phone 111
Highest price paid for: Wheat,
Barley, Oats, Peas and Buckwheat.
Storehouse will be open from 7 'a.in,.
to 5 5.01,
Feeds are advancing in' price. • A
car just arrived of Low Grade -Flour,
Bran,—Shorts and High Grade Screen=
ings. ' Better M. in: a stock; before
a further. advance.
LOU:] -
All line of High. Patent Flours
always on 'hand, Snowflake, ,,Purity,.
Five Roses, etc„ at sinail margin over
coot price,,
Carry a complete line of Toronto
Asphalt Roofing. The, quality 'Roof-
ing with a guarantee against cuerling,
flapping or turning up. In over four
years, agency ;for this roofing have
had no. dissatisfied customers.
. A: ` roRD SON
'..Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
Also issuers of Iiuitters & 'Trappers
The demand for our butter is 'in-
To supply this demand we require
more cream..
We' request you to ship us , your
We " guarantee .;you : the highest
1VIarlcet Prices,, ,accurate tests and
prompt service,;
Ottr1Clrm is known to yoti and needs
no further recommend..
V'e pay ali'.express eltnrg�es,'
iih cream calls` and pee' twice
Whiton toethe for cans or ,Curlier niea•,19a-
We Bu
_ u and Pam Cash...
All eggs' .purchased•' are paid for • accordingto' G -"
Come and youlrs cassified: ovexnnient'gr$des:
• i,
We make ,*special arrangement with all farmers who desire to co- •
operate in marketing, and will supply individual cases.
All our poultry is bought alive on a graded weight '
g and' quality
baste. If .you 'want to make your poultry plaht pay as it
should, consult us about the breeds that are most profitable. We
are hereto serve you.
One of the biggest drawbacks to the poultry industry lies with th the
producer, :Let us explain our new effort to overcome this.
Write, phone, or; call at our Clinton einiee,'
N. W. Trewartha, Manager Clinton
y y'.
• N'ht Phone one 21
The Washerthat turns the ,clothes •over 'affil over with h'
P Vacuum Plunger which forces both -Air and Water
through and through the clothes, which is the mdderu method
of washing, for Sale by
C. illm Y EN
EIectrician " ;•,
Phone 1.51w
r --t
Is Monarch Pastry Flour. .Be
assured' of gratifying results
n'g •, your Christmas
Cake. Specify MVfonareli Pastry
Flour on your Christmas. list.
Purity,Five Roses, Maple pleLeaf
for Bread
Bram, Shorts, White Midd-
ling's and Chop for feedin g .. put
in your winter supply now as
,the feed markets are 'advanc-`
Blatehford's , Egg Mash for
laying hens. Poultry and Stock
Food supplies,
Cut Flowers and Plants
Front now until after Christmas ' is :.will 'have'
a full stock of Flowers and Plants.See ad. next weefor egnplee ss:
()lice Phone 199
Night 141 and 129