HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-11-27, Page 4• „ • Clin,ton t\le.,v4,-RCcord 11, SELFPLUNG • • 9.- • AS. ea 01141.:lorkt 1111T17S))4Vf40-Vil1UBIlfR 27, 1924, . , H. • lila la • Usefu Durable Convenient ; Practical 7he Lever/27/5 17" e offer yo the rtiol, -desirable lines to choose your presents from • Our carefully selected display of Holiday AttractlOtis itn- , . 13ress you with its worth, beauty and reasonable prices. WE WELCO-ME YOUR II\TS13ECTION The Most satisfactory pen on the Market. Every pen guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, • Genuine Cnt.Glass-t.the Ideal Gift Sherbert glasses, Basltets, Bon -Ons, Nappies, Vases, -Bowls, Cream, Sugar, Vinegar Bottles, Water:Sets, Etc. Plain barrel $2.50 Plain with clip 275 Ladies' size, plain 3.00 Ladies' size, gold band,4.00 Larger, sizes and with golbards 4.00, 5.00, 6.00 to 10.00 Two Specials for Friday and .Saturday ,Beautiful ;Japanese Hand Painted China, in qups 'and saucers, plates and bon -bon dishes, ehoi`Ce for , Palm tTlive Soap, regu- far! size, very syecial •,when buyingOthetgoodrh, only 4 to a,custotner-; " Crepe Paper and Decorations for all • purposes. ',Tissue paper in all colors 111, Special Assort ent of Chaldren's Books Boy's and Girl's books and Repl'ints 35, 50c, 75e and 85e The following are a few of the new boola, Red of Redfields . . ......... , . . ....,$2.00 Elaine at Gates 2.00 Rose of World . . ....... 2.00 Smothered Fires . . „ . . .2.00 ' Green Stone .... ... . ... . .. 2.00 So Big „ . ... . .. . ........ 2.00 Gentlemen Adventurer „ • 2.00 Smoking Flax . . . .. ...... , ....... , 2.00 Master Revenge .... Chez Nous. : . ...... . , . . 2.00 Divine Lady . . . . 2.50 Lonely O'Mallery . 1.75 The Bellehelen Mine . 2.00 • Sudden Wealth . ....... 2.00 • Time Worn Town . 2.00 Pollyanna of the Orange l3lossoms2.00 It Can Be Done 1.75 The Book of Mother Verse 1.75 Indoor Games and Amusements 1.25 • The Children's Pictlike Bible . 2.00 • At the Foot of the Rainbow •2.00 The Unknown Quantity , . , .... 2.00 East of the Setting Sun 2.00 With Steffansson in the Arctic 2.50 The..Book of Friendship Verse 1.75 -"Christmas the happiest time of all the.nar. Make your- happy:by making the kiddies. happy, Our Toy Department. on the second floor will- solve the problem of what to get Ihd children. • Dolls Toys, and Games - of "all 'kinds er Chinaware Department Crowded With New Goods • ' is; perhaps the easiest place in: the'store to select a Christmas present.. The assortment consi'sts of China and Bricks a -brae from almost every well-known country. COrne in anclre,a'asdortment and make your selection earlY. t• FART-----NEEDLEWORR POR, CHRISTMAS !.,. The assOrlinent,of stamped linen and, noXlties is7now cOmi plete and baing reaaily sold. con, in and,see the line. We have all the material needed for working. •. Uri Hand -made fancy work is -always popular for gifts The Perfect Ovenware •1.,Guarantee(prot.tO' Crack Casserole, rou-n4'er, oval, a o,g.75, 5..50 Utql0 • 1. 7'5 and100' Bid Pans -' Pie;plates"' • - '1.25,4 . Cl_i-SttatIcLc2.1ps. 30c,, 350andi:406 • ts • COnstAnce Mr. Geo. Holland and Mr. VS7m. Stanley of Clinton 'Were visitors with the latter's daughter, Mrs, D. Tudor, on Friday afternoon, 1VIr. Viral, Britton is spending a few . • days in Toronto taking in the Royal Winter Fair. - •. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham of Goderich township were visitors as Mr. and Mrs. D. Tudor's on Sunday afternoon. Canadian Pacific affords a large variety of routes, either both ways via Chicago, or one-way via the majestic Cana- dian Pacific Rockies arid those defighiful re= • Sorts on the Pa ctfi c • Coast, Vancouver and Victoria 'PST TRAIN SET(VICES Doar with Lammas, EQUINWT,T.,• siarowrta . o . Cfiristniais Cards &Booklets' Splendid asso r tment at 5c, 10, 15c, 25c Sachets at 25c •Calendars 25c Bagfield Messrs. Thos. II. •and R. A..an Miss McCurdy 'have returned to Stratford for thd winter, • Miss' Ivy Brown` is visiting in Owei Sound for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Jowett returned on Monday eveningafter spending • several weeks in Wairoad, • Messrs. Charlie and Malcolm Toms have gone to Port Maitland to fish ,as long as the season lasts. Mr. Charlet GctininHardt isisiting • his aunt and sister 10 Toronto. Rev, J. J. Johnston• spent lost Thursday in Stratford. Miss Ethel Jowett of • London Normal Schools was home for the week -end. • . Miss Alma Mackay spent Sunday with her parents. Mr: and Mrs*. Henry Lord motored from London\ to spend Sunday with fuc latteer.. mother, MrwI Mr. Jn Day won. Mr. and Mrs. Allen ?ye left on Monday for Merlin, Ont., where Mr. • Rye has taken a position. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart of Stra.t • ford spent the week -end' with the lattea's parents, •Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollock. lVfrs. Stewart remained ,to Visit her parents for 'a .week. ' Mrs. Chas, Toth leaves on Thms- day to visit in Port Stanley. Mrs. Geo, Mitchell of Komoka and son, Mi. Harry ,Dilitehell, of London, ;motored to the village and visited Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards on Sun-, day- Mr, Geo. Mitchell,, who .has been, visiting liere returned with them. • The Young Peoples' Society will • meet in the • basement , ofSt. And- rew's church on Friday night. •Miss IVIary R. Ste -kart of the Bay- field Line spent the• week -end in Londen. She sang a solo and also assisted the choir in St. James' church of that city on Sunday. •I and enjoy at your hands the hospital- ity for which your home is noted. d We assure you that on all similar occasions to this 'we have enjoyed most helirtily 'the oportanity afford - i ed for a union of neighbors to dis- cuss in a social way topics of lull:tic- ular interest to our community and to spend an hour or two in enjoyable lintercourse. We ,take this occasion of"voicing to yOufour heartiest good- will, coupled with it the" sincere wish I that the future may unfold to you ' and your • family its richest bless- ings and. that your lives may be re- dolent with all good things, health. happinesa •and prosperity. We beii of you to accept this library table, . not for its intrinsicvalue, but as a slight token, of our esteem for you. May its possession bring to your mernor.: ies fond recollections of the many en- joyable occasions in which 'this assem. bly of neighbors and friends have met around your festive board, Signed on. behalf of the McCallum Beef Ritig: Guiv'un IVIcCalluna, Ern- est Sanderson," 1150,111.6261‘264.14,111,1:7$.0112:8111..11.1 V.1.111.0121.-.194.11.1151:211.741619.213.111 W. ITACatgON Clinton,Ont Agent • 82-5 litintrailt:ftigoaltntatazitelliatgaernit.liart 5,74E-RVICE'l TpR()TfrO EVERY DAY t A •Hulftett Township* The annual ineeting and oyster • supptr./in connection with the beef 'rinvon the 13th coheeSsion w'as held ,ori Thursday night last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Gray when 107 Members of the ring and their wives and families partook of .a 'splendid oyster supper, provided by all. After the supper there was, a program of songs by M. Holtshattr, W. Lyons and the Londesboro Boys Quartette, readings byldiss L. .TolinAon, teacher of S. S. No. 8; Mr, W. Lyon and Mr.' -Arthur Colson; and violin music by Messrs. Snell Bretherp. A very pleas- ing feature of the dvening was the presetnation to Mr. and Mrs, Gray ,, and family of a beautiful mahogany SUDSUCZY library table, by members of the phig PORTARTHUR, ',,• , , FORT WILLIAM -, . ...„ ,,.. , in recognition of their courtesin 1 opening up their -home, to them frem •or WINNIPEG- , andslipointh in year to year on such occasions. This :" REGINIA . WesternCanade being the 17th year this ring has • ,, VANCOUVER ' continued to do business. Mr. S. Mc- , 0 VICTORIA . . Vittie read the address and ,Messrs. Equipincrit-AlCoaches, diner, tourist and standard sleepers. D. McCallum and E. SanderSon made the pre,zentation. The address read 'COmpartment observation sleeper.• For full information, tickets, reservations, etc. apply to an•y Can- as follows: , . • ndian Pacific agent or W. Jackson, town agent, Clinton, Ontario. - "To Mr,' and Mrs. William Gray: .., Dear Friends: Another year has °Tray ANADIAN'' AC1FIC rolled around, ..11(1. we are again assembled as members of the McCal- luta Beef Ring to parta,ke with you ......... _ • Mr. GtaY. made a most sutiohir, reply, thankhig his .friends, bthalf of himself and wife,,for their kind- ness and intimating that he hoPed their home would witnes,s ma,ay more, such gatherings. Lo ndesboro RepN W. -R. and Mrs. Osborne and Rev: C. J. and Mrs. Moorehouse of Clinton motored to Kincardine on Wednesday of last week to attend the funeral.. service of Mrs. (Rev.) Dar- ker. The remains were taken to Chatham for interment. W. Johnston shipped., another car of hay from this station last week. Rev.'. and Mrs.' IVIcams of Belgrave were callers at the parsonage last weell •Nelson Radford, another son of Mr and Mrs. A. Radford, is laid up with starlet fever. The nurse ha left just a -day or'tw,o after nursing Carl through a seige of it, when. Nel- son took. the disease.. Our sympathy goes out to this- family, in their trouble. , Thedl'armer's Club met;in the Com- munity Hall, on Thursday night to transact business. • . ;Mrs. Fre'd Johnston and dtiughtel,' Helen, spent Friday and Saturday last week in London.' Miss Susie Sampson left on Satur- day to visit her sisterEdith, at Chat- ham. Her mother went,as As London vrith her.•- " Mr: Win. Griffiths 'returned on Thursday night :from; Deroit, he has been working at the carpenter Work all summer., Miss E. "Lyon returned* on Friday night frOni'a Visit toStratford. Mrs. Wm. Radfortl' of, wanash is visiting. hr the village at present. • A letter .was received here last Week from Mr."E. Long, the young man who took charge of Rev. Mr. Osborn'e's -WOrk during the, suminei of 1928. At 'Present, he is' in .NeW York attending the Preen Theoldgieal SeMinanY an& also taking lectures at Colunil)ia ljni'Versity. Outside of his studies he has Charge ,of a boys'„ club in a down town district, wnere there are 250,000 rooms witliont a window. Where they haVe to grope their way the traveller has the benefit of immed- iate facilities in the women's rest room, lunch room and barber shop, which cannot he duplicated in any other Station in Mtntreal. 'An added convenience is offered those who wish to travel to Montreal from North Tor- onto, in the 9.45 p.m. train, daily • . and climb endless flights of stairs arid smell the food of a score of fam- ilies cooking, hear the ries of dos - ens of children and the wrangling voices of •their distraught mothers and where the children's tally play play grqund is the crowded street; which is', lined 'with push carts, junk wagons and gabrage cans, and -where every. fire escape serves as a place to hang the fai8ily washing. Ort the other hand they had received a visit froth' John D. Rockefeller and Cleve- land II. Dodge, a very intimate friend of• the late president Wilson. He says he enjoys both sides of life there, But he never wants to be a New Yorker or an American citizei, and hopes to be back'in Canada again for the summer. The service in eonneetion with the Methodist church' on Sunday evening was held in the Community Hall, Rev W. R. Osborne, having secured.. quite a number of lantern slides deal- ing with missions among the Ukran- inns in Saskatchewan and Alberta, commencing with'thein as new arriv- als 10 our country' and the various stages of development since the missionitries, have' gone among than. These people Wive come to this country to make their homes and become'citizens of Canada and it cer- tainly goes .to show that missions do pay. Dennis Roberten and Fred Sanip- son motored to. London Illforalay night to attend a hockey mateli. Exeter: Onion growers- of this'osc- tion have disposed of their mops this year, .realizing about • $25,000 for , same. A NATIONAL ASSET Canadian Pacific Service As the greatest transportation com- pany in the world, the Canadian Pac- ific Rail -way has maintained a nat- ional service in • the Trans -Canada Lnnated which is second to none and on the conclusion of the., summer schedule of this crack train has trans_ /erred the equipment to the Vancouv- er Express Which 'eaves Toronto every night at 10.10 p".m. on its trip accrogs the 'continent, via Winnipeg, Calgary, Banff, Lake Louise, the spir- al' tunnel,, Sicarnous and parts of. the Canadian 'Pacific Rockies famous throughout the world, on its way to vane -cower, where the travellers are unanimous in their praise of the ser- vice of the Vancouver Hotel. The Canadian Pacific also operates a steamship service to Vittoria, the Mecca -for winter tourists. Not only does the Vancouver Ex- press carry tourists and standard sleepers, but i.04 also carries Com- Pertinent- observatidn 'car complete in itself, while a parlor car is added from Revelstoke to Vancouver. Added to this •national Service is a feature service from Toronto to Mon_ treat via the Lake Shore Line, which has been' entirely reballasted with crushed rock and relaid with 100 pound rails, insuring', a maxim of com- fort for 'travellers at night as well as an absence of dust in the daytiine. Trains leave Toronto Union Station at 9,00 a'. an. daily, 10.00 p daily xcept Saturday, and 11.00, p rn. daily except. Saturday, and 11.00 p.m. daily. Arriving et Windsor station , , „ , , . „ .. , . , .• , ,,, , , , . ,. leresletrtmessela except Saturdays, from Younge.Street Station, Canadian. Pacific agents will gladly snake your reservations and supply you with any informationNyou require. They are fully qualified to offer a "second to none" service to the public. W, Jackson, Agent, Clinton. (advt.) NOMMIIIONSinaliMorld•MILMISMattoplot LIMITED CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL' G OCERS Our PopuLtrity Must Be Deseryea There is only one answer to the' reason for the continued • growth a DOMINION' STORES. The general buying public. • have found that they can save consistently on their grocery order at their nearest DOMINION STORE without any sacri- fice as to the qualit'y of the foodstuffs they buy. Place your order there this week if you have not been doing so. • Apple and Raspberry ,Tam, 4 lb. in ... . .... „...39c Choice Mince Meat, per th. ......... .......... . . .15c . Sweet and Juicy Oranges; per dozen 20c ' Cooking Onions, 10 lb. for • 25e Bulk Macaroni, per lb. ...... l' .... .. . .. , 10c Spanish Malaga Grapes, per Ih. 171/2c White Icing Sugar, per 113. ; ,. ,-......,. .. 10c , MILLSTREAM BRAND 1 lb. CHOICE PINIt Tins. SAL ON RICH ELL1 COC Alt A 1/2 lb. 15c NEW PEEL, Lemon tri and Orange, Ib. -Olt; 1-1b. Box MACONO- • CHIE'S MIXED q ',PEEL -J3C TABLE RAISINS, qn Choice Malaga, pkt. ,Avc SAXONIA GLACE on, CHERRIES ' - -LUC COOKING FIGS qr • 3 lbs, - - -LOC LAYER FIGS qr 113. - • - -LOC 15 -oz. Pict. SEEDED or SEEDLESS qr RAISINS, 2 Pkts. -LaC SHELLED 49 WALNUTS, lb. •- C SHELLED ALMONDS, Ib. -49e MIXED NUTS, 21 • Choice, Meaty, ib. C PRUNES , 2 lbs. - - -44C LARGE SIZE 2 lbs. - - - -29c RIVERSIpE,BICRN D 1 'PEAS and 5c AYLMER PEACHES 23c HEAVY SYRUP- • Fresh Milled n,„ ROLLED I". OATS 29c PASTRY fTTTb24 llb bag $1 OS ourlb.- bag, $3.99 The best for LUr 8 RITEGOOD R/CIIIVIELLO MALT EXTRACT COFFEE • AND HOPS IS GOOD • 27:1. 90c 1.1•b.Tjn 69c IltZt $1.60 1/2 lb. Tin 35c CLARK'S • TOMATO KETCHUP 12 oz. Bottle CLARK'S TOMATO • SOUP Ile L,I Tin . : •