HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-11-13, Page 8JEWELT.1?.Y ST( 1 I' 1 E 'ids which we'tic Stilling et the latest styles.', Regular price .75 Lor $2.00. Regular $1.75 for .: Rcgulaa 75e. ,for 35c. Regular 'oportien: ombs, etc , at u iheaxcl of reduced' educed prices, bra. Next Hovey's Drug Store acsicassesiowscacccioncicsionesimaricsociaccocSo Ifii1SIIINS ACIIINE clothes over and over with a ich forces botlr Air and Water es, Which is the Modern method Phone 151w cial L * es w Fall Stock E AT $1 00 siery and wonderful value at: the shades: Congo, Log Cabin, Cleri- ahades.cauch as Black, Brown and VES AT 75c AND UP ne of Canada's largest glove mann- shades }and this year are double ee the guarantee ticket in' each beautiful gloves we can srow Yon R . AT $1.00 , PER GARMENT rad a good fall garment.. See E 25, of iai'n#154tSI+llll% A,, c A NEW,NOVEL Susan Ertz Who -wrote MADAME CLAIRE . To• know iViitdaine Claire is -to love her -to meet Nina is a delight., First Canadian edition sold' in 'see days $2.00 -' e .11 Fair Cod Often the Cheapest -Always the Best: Miss McLaren, nurse, is at present at Milton., Kiss Jean Forel was in Toronto over the holiday. Mrs. T. .T. Carter, is visiting in Tor- onto this week. Miss Edna Wise was up from Torrid". to over the holiday. ' Mr. Jack Bawden was home from Hamilton for the holiday. ," Miss Donna Cochrane is" visiting Goderich friends this week. Miss Elizabeth Ford of -Oshawa was home for the week -end and holiday. Miss `" Ruth„ Mclllath of Ayr was home over the week -end and -hol- iday. Miss' Gertrude Wallis of Midland spent the week -end at her home in town. Misses Barry and Agnes Combe were home, from Toronto for the hol- iday. Miss Norma C. "Bentley of London was iu town over the week -end and holiday. Mins Jean Cress of Toronto visited her mother, Mrs. Folland, over the week-eiid. Nnre ,Kennedy of Goderich visited Mrs. Alex. Butler recently for a few days. Miss Freda Wallis of the Macdonald Institute, Guelph, was 'home over Sae holiday. Miss Dorothy Rorke of Aline College, , St. Thomas, was a holiday visitor at her home here. Mr. Fred Wallis of the University, Toronto, spent the .week -end and holiday at his ironic , here. Mr.,Tiarper of the Knitting Company spent the week -end with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Sheill of Listowel. Mr. Fred. Hardball of the Royal Ban staff, Toronto, spent Thanksgiv- ing with his mother in town. Miss Gertrude. Fowler spent the Thanksgiving. holiday period with 'her parents, Dr. H. and Mrs. Fow- ler. Mere Susie Slor'au spent the 'Tiu,nks- giving holiday period with her iu'other, Mv.,l'ri d Slomau of Lex- feed. Miss Margaret Cree, nurse -in -train- ing at Victori,A Hospital, London, spent Thanksgiving at her home in. town.. - Miss E. Hardy of Tiverton was with her parents, 1Vlr.,:.and Mrs. T. H. Hardy,: over the week -end and holiday. • Mr. and Mrs. Q. Thompson of Lon- don were the guests for some days during the past -Week of Mrs. Lucy Thothpson. Mrs. E. Elcoat, of London, formerly of Tockersmith, has been visiting in Clinton and vicinity during the past week. Misses Bertha, Lizzie and Gladys Webster of Londetboro spent Thanksgiving with their aunt, Mrs. G. E. Saville. Mrs. Carl Mair and little Miss Muriel of Allendale is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. R. A. Sell of town, , •• Mr. Fred Lawrence Of London Nor- mal and Miss Annie Lawrence of Cayuga spent Thanksgiving at their home in town. Miss Nellie Medd and Miss Mary Cartwright of Hallett spent the Week -end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Medd of town. Misses: Winnie and Sadie Draper of St. Catharines and Isobel Draper of Brantford , were Thanksgiving i itors at their home in town, Mrs. Gordon 7amieson of ` Lucicnow visited her sister, •Mrs. A. Butler, last week while her husband was in Goderich acting as a juror. • Mr, and Sirs G. E. Hall, Mr. Gordon Hall and Miss Evelyn Hall motored to Langton on Saturday and spent the week -end with ` relatives; re- turning Monday evening. MORE1 BUSINESS •� Sa itings Swell tailoring is usually thonght• to cost .a swell price. • • We , prove, the falsity of that idea by bur.'iitoderate prices. TR:E•SEASONS STYLES • are ready for your inspection.. We will tailor you a suit in any style and cloth you may select at a price that competes closely with ready-made clothing. Hertnan PHONE 224-W s Wonderful Ware rate. Prices Perdue. ELECTRIC WIRING' Hon e.ma e riincemes Prepared •mincemeat, p3er'lb 30c per ib 20c. HOMMADE MINCEMEAT 12, lbs beet, 4 cups apples, 2 cups raisins, 2 cups currants 1. cup citron peel, 2 4easpoons salt, 1cups sugar, 1 cup suet 1 tablespoon`each,, Cloves, Cinnamon and Nutmeg, 1 cup coffee 1 cup great stock. Mix all ingredients and sin mer slowly for an hour, stirring occasionally Malt Chocolate Toddy --Something new. Have you tried it ? GROCE` ERIA. SPECIALS 2 lbs Seedless Raisins 1 lb Currants 1 ib Mixed Peel 1 lb Lemon, Orange 25c 3 lbs Dates 25c 19c 'Shelled Walnuts, per 'lb 48c 34c .lack Tea,.. -per lb 48c English'Breakfast Tea 65c wad Citron Peel 58c Monarch Tea, per lb 75c Special Friday and Saturday> 10 lbs Sugar for 89c We are agents for Smiles' an' Chuckles, • per lb 60c Apex. Canneld'Goods and Fruits 9 We have still a few ; Photo Cards Cash i& Carry' • . Phone �% i/ T 2 Deliveries 84liftwoittoorvoffitti• i • STORED HEAT USE YOUR Mrs. Wm. Townsend ,of Macklin, Sask., arrived hone on the even- ing of. Thanksgiving Day to take care of hes ;ne then, "Mts. George; Nott, who.. has ',ot ` i •ea in good health fox soros time. Mr. and -Mrs. W. S. Downs' and child- ren were visitors at the home of the former's brother, Mr. A. Downs of Iona Station, from Friday until Monday. Mris. Downs, sr., returned with thens(aiit1, will visit. in Clin- ton .for .a time, Mrs. Rowell, sr.., of Goderich, spent a couple of days in town last week, visiting her sister, .Miss D. A, Holmes of Holmesville, who is in the hospital suffering froth injur- ies :,received when she was „thrown from a 'buggy, while driving last week Miss Holmes'`is improving, her friends will be glad to know= Mrs. A. 'Weather wax, oC " Orillie, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. D. Can- telon, On her return home lYloh-' day she _was accompanied by her sister, Mist Dorothy„Cantelon€ who will visit ` her Cor a Jew weeks, Miss Cantelon her many friends are glad to know, is recovering, ,af- ter her rather serious iilneis. solvosseamocuswasom laarpossammersmarksaamormanammeansonvapsaasztansa 1 • 4fber the fires under gigantic ovens,. in bakeries have been drawn, the bakers continue Aur 'hours to bake bread, pi. cakes. WHY? Because the; bricks of the •oven have retained the "Rash" heat of the fire and "stored" it. ",So, too, once McClary's El- ectric Oven has become thor- otighly heated, the current may be turned "off" and the oven goes merrily along baking for hours. The same principle operates in "Tor -Red" Protected .; Ele- mentst found only, on McClary`s Electric Range. OWN UTILITY— IT PAYS ' Mr. Ralph, Harrison Teacher of Violin Studio at, tMcelincj'e s ,aures Street, • Clinton Annalal Bazaar 'Under the auspices of'the Ladies' Guild of ,St. Paul's.church in the Par- ish Hall on THURSDAY, NOVEM- BER. 27th, commencing at 3 p.m. • Afternoon Tea served. Aprons, fancy work, touch and take table, rummage, homemade cooking, candy and fish Pond. .'79-2 PURE • COMB HONEY ,FOR SALE • CLOVER 1ZONEY _in one pound sections, price 25 cents per section'. Free, delivery in Clinton. .Shipments madcf of not legs than 24 sections, express extra. Orders may be left at .The News - Record Office. 500 people to see ``RICHARD THE LION 'HEARTED” at the STAR THEATRE on NOVEM=BER 17, 18 acrd 19. All -sitar cast, including _Wallace Beery; John Bowers; Marguerite de la Motte; Charles- Gerrard Gully Marshall; Cathleen Clifford; Mitchell Lewis and others. Admission: ,Adults 35c,.. Children: 25c. Under auspices of St •Pairl'S Sun- day school. 79-2 IRVING BROTHERS APIARY near C.N'.R. Depot CLINTON', .ONTARIO. 30-tf . All on Account of Polly A 3 -act Play by a company; of Seaforth young people will be gilt on in the town hall, Clin_ ton on -THURSDAY, E'VE•, NOV. 13th Under the auspices of the choir of Wesley✓ church.Play had great success iiia Seaforth. Admission° Reserved seats 35c., rash seats 25o. Plan open at Fair's on Saturday November 8th. Start Your Christmas �hoppiug �arlp While our stock is new and complete with everything suitable for Christmas Gifts including Toy Sets, Pictures, •Mirrors and Sew ing Trays, Ferneries, Reed Tables, and Chairs, Electric Lamps and Shades in many different styles, Smoker's Sets, Chesterfield Suites, Library Fables,, Cedar Chests, etc. And as usual we will be pleased to keep goods until required. Also Specials in the Hardware Department Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co. THE STQRES WITH A :STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 CURRELL & SHIPLEY New Dates, 'Figs, Currants and Peels NEW RAISINS Thompson Seedless Seeded Muscat SpanishVialeneias and Silver Ring Raisins with seeds in California Grapes ,;• Bananas Lemons Sweet Potatoes.; eaten Needs. When contemplating a new heating system or having your old one repair- ed, get our prices. Also anything in Ranges or Heaters. -The best makes 'always on hand at' exceptionally low prices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Hard- ware and Glass always on hand. THREE OF A KIND Buffalo Billhas the wild west show, With rough riders from every land; Ringling Brothers have.the circus, Advertised so great and grand, One claims this, the other claims that; Both are worth going to see; But when it comes to setting up stoves Tom, Hawkins is the man for ME. IIe takes' them down, cleans them up; And snakes them good as new; IIis prices are right—not out of sight; He is also the man for YOU. Florida ' Grap'efrurt Oranges Celery , Spanish Onions your Christmas baking.' 'Christmas Cakes, Puddings, and nnncemeats at low prices. All goods guaranteed fresh ands rides. We cansupply the:, best° quality of 'sew fruits land peels, ere., for THE.C, & S. GROCERS. Main Store, Phone 125 W. Brar'ch Store, Phone 125 J. Phone ' if4, .'Ghat about the burning question? Have you got your coal bins full? ' When the real cold weather comes, there is bound' to be an ex F ' cessive3' demand because Canada, is 1,000,000 tons. short' this year on her imports, of Anthracite alone. Stove Coal is already almost an. impossibility, and Chestnut it tightening up . rapidly. We are stocking up on Domestic Coke before it gets dearer. Try Our Qtake It is 25% cheaper than Anthracite, it has 75% less ash and ab- solutely noslate or bone. It is in a class by itself as the very best substitute for Hard Coal. Whatever yon want„ in the fuel lime call us up and we will do our best 'to meet your wishes, and we are just at the -other end of your telephone ready, to SERVE and SATISFY. J. B. Witistard Coal PHONE 74 o. asccsoccessocerocei year and has been rebuilt'. will he re- i lal window, put in in memory of the ev Brussels: Tye M opened on Sunday, November 23rd I en young men, members Methodist eharcli, with, morning and' evening services :e,regatioti who fell in the great ware, ;ed byfire las'" At three in ill be unveiled. vhich was badly damaged the afternoon a xnenior- w _ .