The Clinton News Record, 1924-11-13, Page 7For particdar peopre. P ire ! No chicory . or any adulterant in this choice coffee Indocid a it cricket pipes. Tlfs,'sn all unyaried Song, The clock marks days grown strangely "ohoz•t nd ;nights grown strangely for Ah, but the nights lie cold and long;` Nights that were made for'leughtor,. And kissing sighs, and' broken wore, And warm siloxiceafter —lirginia'Lyne Tunstall. nossenr. dos __ A 1i .EDUCATION ION 1 DR. J. J, :MIDDLEtON provletot@f,eoard of Health, Oetaele Jdiddloton ur$3i be,glad to answer qucstisna oat `Public tiorat4,, tars tlarottglh this cglusssn. Address him tie Diradina House, Spm M1$ Cesoceut, d`oronto. The reasons why some :poreons have attractive persenalitlesand some have not, may depend on what we eat, according to John R. Marlin, Prof. of Physiology at Rochester Univers- ity. .Too touch meat, too much coil'ee and too many cigars often maks' man irascible and irritable,while the development of children depends to a large degree on proper food in cor- rect quantities, Some factors whieh may influence development of the body, including the nervous system, and therefore the Rg>; (Made in:Canada by Westinghouse) RADIQrr1 IIIA. Every farm home should own a Radio. with a Iiadiola I11A you have the world at yonrlingertips. All the stook, reports, news of the day, church services, concerts and orohestras. In fact, it is an endless source of information .and entertainment. The price of Radiola 111A is only '=.: $80.00 Complete with Tubes and Phones, (Loud Speaker Extra) Write or Illustrated Litera- ture and Particulars of our Easy Payment Plan. 1,11.L �a&SoNSUIUUMErED 146 Y'oifi#r'tlt, . ; TOFIONTO (Established 1849) development of the mind, are trace= able to the food. A child which is de- ' p0ived e-''p0ivod of certain.' vitaminsdevelops rickets or scurvy and along' with the sl arrest t of physical cleva opmeirt gees a certain retardation of; mental, de velopmont, Oftentimes teachers bear testimony to the complete•change .both n appearance andin the no mai re- actions of the child when these de- ficiencies are corrected. A child which is ,habitually disobedient or refractory to, discipline may become. quite the -op- posite as aresizlt of better nutrition, These facts with reference to outri- tion illustrate one of the means • of controlling what has been placed in ourhands in developing personality in ourselves and in our children. Many 'a:' man cis irritable and objet tionable because he does not know how to eat or what to eat. Too much meat. may lead to forms of intestinal intoxi- cation; too much toffee may make one nervots and .easily irritated; too many cigars may, break down one's' health slowly and insiduously and may completely transform a man who -otherwise is of a . sweet and gentle disposition into one who has—as we say—a disagreeable 'personality. An `exact definition of personality is difficult4to give, ,What most of us have in mind when we use this term. probably refers to the impression which one makes on his fellowmen by his appearance,: manner of speech, character of Ms smile, etc. 'When we examine these `traits or :character- istics we find that they have a founds. tion in physiology. There 1s the 'her- editary factor which refers to the likeness of offspring to .parent. We inherit stature, features, color of eyes, toes of voice, nervous and muscular actions, dnd.even temperament. Some- times the likeness extends to minutae physical traits such as,the Occurrence of a mole; a group of freckles, a' dimple, or a faint line, in the eye. What we are capable of doing men'ta'l- ly as well as physically is..deterinined for us in part at least by the ancestral germ plasm: even the quality of on'e's. personality is thus foreshadowed. A Compliment for Ciandliet. Ai old IadY'a son wets working in London. The youth, being very dutiful, sent his mother atelegram 'intortaing, her of his prowess in passing an examine. tion. . "Good bby, my Clarence,"- she told a friend; "look how beautifully he has learned' to write lately—Just dike lila' father." _ Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. 11 music is used simply as an at- traction to the service, church organ- ists are beaten by the cinema every time. 'irl'r. Sydney Nicholson, organ- ist of Westminster --Abbey. MekerSatsooP ' EDWARIfSOURG sit,VER GLOShi $TA`Ia9H. A Frisnd oftha Futility The R-11 with R-15 Amplifier This powerftd small : set is the .Radio T sensation of the year. ;lit brings to yea, strongly txc'eedingly simple .-150 '. and ciearly,'all the wealth , operate, comjayt, bunt od 9'f' tee, music)' and tisk mahogany, good to look $hat fills the air when alt. Made b o the people night the th2'ill who made the 'phone in of tuning in a ; voice a . yosn' house -,—and nearly thousand nines away. a million others besides. IlTr Ste 'to -day for fun particulars and illustrated literature to f David i.:.McCo an Distributor 83-85 MAIN ST. 'TORONTO, ONT. peak./ s—We solicit your enquiries foe catalogue and discounts. EASILY FATIGUED AND DESPONDENT A Condition Ksaown as General Debility Due to Watery Blood. General debility is a term used describe a weak and run` down no tion of the system. Debility May co from a number of causes, The of ei'!'eets of acute illness, lack ofnauri meat' duo to poor digestion, overw or worry, oranything,thatmakes blood thin, thereby preventing it fr carrying nourishment and health the tissues of the body The sy tors of debility vary, but weakness always present,'etten,a tendency to easily fatigued, spots passing lief the eyes, woak back,dizziness, wa caused by inability to' a thinking, and unrefreshing sleep.. Mr. Lorena L. Gemache, Rookie Ont., was a severe sufferer from trouble and tells how he found relea He says:—"Twa years ago I was that condition which -medical men c general debility. I made periods visits to Montreal for fourteen'ntont tp undergo electric treatment. At t end of this time I was feeling well a thought with proper care. T would co tinue in. good health. Rut in the course of a month or eo the symptoms cane back more acute than ever, I, lost ap- petite and could hardly sleep during the night, and what sleep I had was disturbed with nightmares. I had. headaches, and the least effort was teIIing on my nerves. I always felt pains -somewhere, • and had to 10 much time. After suffering for thr months, trying various things witho good results, I was terribly depress and disheartened.. One• day I met friend who noted how pale and thin was. and he so strongly recommend Sir. Williams' Pink Pills that 1 dete mined to' give 'them a fair trial. I g Mx boxes .and 'began the treatment' once. Atter I had taken four' boxed began` to notice an improvement in health. I could sleep better, and scarcely had. a headache. Since th time my health has been'steadily im Proving end now I feel just as well: a ever. 1' have gained twenty pound since I began the treatment. Now would not be without- Dr. William Pink Mile in the bonus, and strong' them. recommend 'eta to all who suffer, from a depressed system and the aches that follow "` You can get these pills through (MY medicine 'dealer," or by mail at 00- • cts. a box 00 six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Breakyil'e, Ont, r O. ccs for the pipe OCD „,N'S LIVV,RPOOL. TI s st.unt s so elmple 'that Seems ;almost a burlesque of ;the work of the stage telepathists.` Actually, however, " professional mystics have done the trick `many times by, the method here given. The trick can be performed only where' there is opportunity for adu.- tle-preparation but it Can be done to 1n a "double pa,rlor'" very easily,' On a blackboard soveral 5lgures are Written in the form of a- sum. me A spectator :(under favorable sir - ter eumtances it may not be necessary sh- to let him into the 'secret•) blind- ork folds the trickster, and then points the to several numbers. "As.,he points, om the trickster pretends to eoneen• to trate and then, unerringly, names the number.'' At the ,conclusion ho is giveshe sum d1 the numbers: A second .assistant, who is hid 'be - den, has an. important part in the 00e secret, Ile holds_one•end of a silk Ice- thread. The ether terminates in a top bit of wax by which it is attached to a cbairback. - After be is blind- folded, the trickster gets this' bit of wax' in Ills hand. While he ap- pears •.to concentrate he mentions several numbers, apparently at random. When he mentions the correct number the hidden- assist- ant jerks the thread,: thus signal - it ntl, this se, in all cal be I ing to the trickster. The hidden he assistant must be placed Where he nd i eauseethe rblackboard but cannot a- be seen by the spectators, . (Clip this out and paste it, with other o1 the series, in a scravbooleJ Another Attempt to Climb Mount Everest. The attack on Mount Everest is to be resumed. possibly in the spring of 1928. _This: announcement was, made at a meeting of- the Royal Geographi- cal Society in the Royal Albert Hall, when Brig. -General Bruce ; and his companions in the' recent expedition gave .an account of their achievements. The` Earl of Ronaldsfiay, President of the Royal. Geographical Society, pre- sided, and, after calling upon the se ee ut ed ,a I ed. r- ot at audience to rise- in memory of George I Leigh,. Mallory and Andrew Comyn Ir - my vine, who Iost their lives in the last I dash for the summit, said: at "Is the fight finished? Is the possi- - Willy of climbing Mount Everest to be a left in doubt? Neither the members s of the expedition nor of the Mount 1 Everest Committee are content to let s' I the matter rest where it stands, 1t is y our intention to apply immediately through the Government of India, for permission from the Tibetan Govern- ment to melte another attempt, pea- sibiy in 1926." GU D TUE CIIILDREN FROM AUTUMN COLDS A Spiritual Awakening. A short time ago, writes a. friend, a young man who hes not attended church or read his Bible for a long time, but who, recently began to take it -great interest 'la good iiterature, came to me full of euthusiasm - eve something that he had road in a maga. eine. "Listen to this," he said, opening the periodical. Ole read for a few minutes, and there was a new note of reverence in his voice as. he ended_ with: "Or ever the sliver cord be oosed or the golden bowl be broken r the pitcher be broken at the foun fain. or the wheel broken at the cis urn ern. Then shall the dust retto the earth as it was, . and the spirit hall return unto God who gave it." is free • glowed as he exclaimed: isn't that wonderfnl7" "It is," I' agreed. " Weald you like to cad -more by the same anther?"' He nodded, and :r handed hint my Bible that lay an my desk, He stared at me. 'lou don't mean say that's from, the Bible?" I nodded and opened the book at the welfth chapter of"Bccles•iaates and he. ead'f. "Ilemember now thy Creator in . days et thy youth, while the evil ay,e conic not, nor the years draw lei When thou shalt ray, 1 have,no easure in. them." "I didn't know that was in the Bible," e said quietly,, "Are there any more: assages like that?" I. turned to the 'fifty-third chapter of aiah and then passed on to' other atitiful passages; . both of the .Old estament-and of the New. Ile Listen ,to them eagerly, - A, few day's ago iso. said to me: "I'm ing to church now,' He had found s God again' through reading the ble. it • It has been' a real' joy to Watch the The Pall is` the Most severe reason of the year for colds ---cue day is warm, the next cold end wet, and unless the mother 15 bn her guard, the little ones ✓ are seized with colds that may hang . on'all winter, Baby's• Own Tablets are O t a H It r to t r the d n p1 Ix p Is be T ed go hi 131 spiritual awakening of that young roan who hall been rejecting the "spiritual -food for which he really hungered be Cauae at some time in his youth it must have been served to him' unat- tractively. _ ,- . • Three Men—tine.Cnat. The disadvantages undeir; `which rural preachers labor on account of a small income Is revealed .by the fol- lowing actual fact, In a.certain dis- trict in north-eastern Ontario there are rthree'Len two Of them. clergymen. and the third a teacher, who'd' use. tate sante fur coat. in making long trips in th6 cold season •Choy have tb arrange it in such a waty that .the man going on the longest'd.rive gets the use of the coat while the others stay at hone till he returns. Their businessy and especially the rural work they are doing, manes the poss'ess'ion, of a fur coat e necessity more 'than' a lux.,dry; and sot as ono of Blom remarked they never had enough cash at ono tiiue to purchase such an expensive article.` —0, i, le, Mtnerd'c .l.ininsent Reliteves Pain. mothers' best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They act as a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels and stom- ach tree and sweet,' An occasional des' of the Tablets will prevent scads, or if it does came on suddenly their prompt use will relieve the baby, The Tablets are sold by iiiedlc''ie dealers or'by mail at 25 ots. aboX from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Om, Brookville, Ont. A 'turban requires from ten, to fonr teen yards of gloth. Minard's Liniment Heals Cuts. An eagle can live twenty days with- out food, while a condor can similarly exist for forty days... .Among the immortals. Who are tiie'nrost fainops knights Britishhistory? The Immortal Scale of If lights r' Bachelor' recently -set i self to answer -that question, and co piled a list of one hundred of the Inc distil guished members. of the degree This llst:has been published' in tis Simplified lOookkecping. in A young husband, Sinding that h ty pretty.but extravagant ,wife was o t. seeding their income, brought home m_ neat little account book and present et it to her together with a hundred do lars, e "Now, my dear,' he said, "I war new edition of Sir . William Bull "ICuithtape," Sir William, of tours 1s the Principal of the Society. Among the famous knights' wires names are included in this list ar ,Sidney, Grenville, Raleligi Frobisher, and 'Hawkins. A splendi company khis—to which in moiler times the name of S4. Pkrnest-Sb4ckf ton makes' a werlj-addition. Other -very , faute s� names : tautens Philosophy ia' represented by Bacon art by Leighton; Alma. Tadema, an Qrciiardson; the stage by Sir Boor Irving; music by Sir Arthur Sullivan science by Sir William Crookes; an. polities by Sir William .Harcourt. 's you to put down on this side what e, give you; and on the other write Sow the way it goes, and; then I will giv e you another supply," ro A couple of weeks later be asked f 1, the book, d "Oh, I slave kept the account a right," said the wife. "See.. here 1 15." On one page was inscribed, "11 cowed from Norman, 8100," and on.th page opposite, the conbprehensiye'su mery, "Spent it alI," Out of 'Action, An inspector was, examining a tidal in geography, and addressing a stinal boy in the back row, he asked: "Now sonny, would it be'possible 'foq, you father to walk round the earth?" - 1.''No,.Bir," replied the boy, promptly "Why cot?" asked the inspector. "Because he fell down and hurt -Id leg yesterday." His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear dium invented by A. O. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone; fitting inside the ear en• ireiy out of sight, Is restoring the erring of hundreds ofpeopleIn New ork pity. Mr. Leonard invented this rum to relieve Maiden' of deafness nd head noises, and it does this so uccessfally that no one could tell he s a deaf man. - It 1s effective when eafnesa .ie caused by catarrh or by erfcrated or wholly destroyed natuiai drums, . A request for information to A. O. Leonard, Suite 437,. 70 Fifth avenue, New 'York city, -will be given prompt reply, edit Women have • always had the hard- est and most distressing work—that of managing the- household. -Sir Sid- ney Low. For sore Feet-Mlnard's Liniment. Fear the heat and love the dight: keep your children cdol and bright.— Dr. O. W. Saleeby. When sending money' by mail use Bomtnion Express Money Orders, dater then sending Mlle. t h d a a 1 d p a -.... 110080 established. 50 resp. Please write for our price hist on Poultry, Butter, and- Eggs Wo dtiAlle STiYE them for a• te& 0505, P.- POULIN. & no., LIMITED 90.30 eaMoaoure' Market, Telephone Min 7107 MONTREAL. 405010 AGENTS WANTED Male or female, to eon SILi1S by the Yard, to consumers in your town or ,district. A real live agent can make fifty dollars a week. PARIS BARGAIN STORE 129 Dundee 8t. W. Toronto: n osmanaEW OhbaRi�. tuMev�w ®r110. T te:,"iits914tifLatsuprllE.�tQ4�Dt0 "DIAMOND DYE" IT A BEAUTIFUL COLOR ing and tinting guaranteed wit.b.11 mond Dyes. Just dt in cold water to tin soh, dedicate shade or boil to dye rich permanent colors Each 15 -cent pac age contains direc tions so simple an TVOTE18/2 can dye tint lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts walks, dresses, coats, , stockings sweaters, draperies, oeverings, hang Ins's, everything new- - Buy "Diamond Dyes" -,-no other kin --and tell your druggist whether th material you wish to color is wool o silk, or whether it is linen; cotton; 07 naixed goods, Wet Feet Prevent colds by rubbing the feet with Minard'a. It quickens circu- lation, prevents maw, BOILER Water tube type, 125 h.p„ in good con also a large amount of plumb. 'fug, lighting and heating equipment, WM sell entire or in part at great sacrifice because of alterations ki our property. Real Estates Corporation, Limited, Top Floor, 78 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. Telephone Elgin 3101. FULL RIGGED We Make Payments Daily. We Pay Express Charges. We Supply Cans. H ghedt Rifling; Prices Paid. "'BOWES CO.; Limited Toronto'" SALE$ME8ei.' We oiler steady employment and pay weekly to sell out complete and. exclu- sive lines of guaranteed quality, whole root,' fresh -dug -to -order trees and plants, Attractive illustrated samples and full co-operation, a moneyy-makinp�, opportunity. LUNE' BROTHERS' NURSERIES, MONTREAL. AGENTS WA,NTED For full-iine of Guaranteed Hoster.y direct to consumer. No Investment. LONGER, WEAR HOSIERY CO. 33 'Richmond St. West Toronto ®tlAIU&i9218O ' CitSOO9%E:RI( " esketi�a. SonsetI,nl Nosy `.. Ioeat DIAMOND mm�>or -lkw,Sry weal, etnnde 5,0 and onid 10s1,;•enmo dn.:�Os, ov0101a es eeuine'tilnp,onii doantiilnrroa, ,swrai hundred Ae&NTS'<\ANTED-5l,5, 510 deny onelly. Write tor:. FREE tntrpluetery.5,0,1, 015,,, 70007 00„ sus 110, Clams, et. St,lIon, :0,,,,,, i(i 'I�I+fv(ql illiil The, Safest'aild 8s . F4401„iy MMMedie:ii e affil liliiilo illeoINIillhilfllll pr iii;Iliofililll111p1111f llooiUmiggiilon ladul No?)45—'24:. 4/4 5,1-4 OLDEN - brown tbast, crisp and piping hot, may be made right at your breakfast Mble,,..wikh the Hotpoint Reverst- Toasts two slices of bread at once. The toast is turned auto- ' matically by simply pulling -down Oneof the nickehplated guards. Designed to grace the finest appointed table. For sale by dealers POINT ISI • Send desonlption And full particulars to L. COSTELLO 73 W. Adelaide St. Insist on BAYER °T Unless you see the !Tay not getting the genuine by millions and preserip Accept afly: tau" aeka ffandy "Bayer" boxes of 12, -tablet Annteln 10 the trade ettnelc(rtglOtollod--1 that AltOteln memo Boyer trenteenctutO0 naTor Ont81.81e7` Will be lumped VI •