HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-11-13, Page 6If hoX�a tree nn T7y,-�,.r lighly-pard Gi,'egbl*ridliaiOsti sme oudf 'than ?' i, A wornan ha, beery e coed u1 the Conservative3 .,, caUin "s of ;' Lr sire;° �Suo•el *;'time _is utak). "som ch S �, e changes. aLc" us hone they`a i h 1 7.ofor� t..e better;_ - A,' McCausland, who ''has been taking such a 'Arias' since`, the Pleb- incite vote niightstar't a, "Whiskey Wing " But the main wing of the Tory Party, with Premien Fergtson. le ndi ng it, will abide by the will of the people. There should besoma public iecog- nitlon o ' . n i Armistice nnstrce DZ S 'The town` ,could at least place a wreath. on the tablet at the posteffi There is, a. public service en Thanksgiving Day, when reference is• made to Armistice Day but, although it is a -a-Mon ser- vice, it is' not as 'a' rule very well' at- tended and for many the' day passes, without so much as a thought. John Walsh, who was the plaintiff in a court ease, dropped dead while giving evidence before Judge Barron at Mitchell the other day. As the; judge knew that the,man was a Roman Catholic and that it is custom- ary in that Church to say prayers for the dynig, and' as there i,s on . resident priest in Mitchell, he asked if anyone present Would offer to per- form this office, and the ,defendent, • who was, also a. 'Gathoi:c, and his sisters came forward. and recited the prayers` for the- dying. .. Those who —were present sant' it .was a:touching _spectacle. Bagfield ' Misses Lava and. Annie ,Dewd>' and Master Donald Mustard motored up d'rom Toronto with Mr. James Cam- eron• on Friday. IaSt to spend the holiday. ' Mr. Robt, i'enhalereturned on Fri- day from the West. He brought a car load , of cattle' East. Miss Feria !Naylor visited her aunt, Miss R. Taylor,'for a few -days last week. Mr. Harry Baker, of London is .spending a few_ days` -with his par. . ents. • Mr. and Mas • W.`.R. Jowett nnot- ored ,to tendon on FFiday. 'Mist! Ethel Jowett' returned with bee., per. • ents to .spend the `hghday ''' .• 1VIr. and, Mrs,• W. A. Towoo hens and Miss Gwen Elliott of Manilla and Misses Anna and Betty:'Elliott of Toronto motored home for the holiday.. - . - Mr, P, 3. Bigelow spent the holt- days at his horns in Orono. Clifford Clarke, of London Normal school, was .home. for. the -holiday. Mr. and Mrs. - Will Fergsuoa and family .oecupied their cottage ova- - the' week -end. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall have moved into Mr, .Bern! Spencer's house in the village, ,• Mr, and Mrs. Win, Johnston of. Goderieh visited with their daughters, Mrs, E.' Weston and Mrs: Malcolm Toms, over the holiday, Messrs. Eric and Bright Chapman and Ted Hart of London were up•ona • shooting expedition on Monday. 'Mr. 3. Pease has moved into Mr. Will Ferguson's house. Mr. Reginald Brownlee of Toronto' • spent p t Thanksgiving. with his aunt, Mrs, {Dr..) A. 5, Atkinson. Dr, A, S. Atkinson, of :Detroit, name lap for -Thanksgiving. ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas King and Misses Kilda arid. Shirley King and M. Hugh Hargis of London visited friends in the village during the hol- iday. Mr. and Mrs: Henry Lord, of Lon- don, spent Thanksgiving with the latter's mother,' Mao. John Davison, Mr. Alines Catling, of Port= Stan- ley, visited: his grandpare`nts,.1Vlr. and ilirs,' James Sturgeon, over the week- anl_ MiSs Izetta Mermen, principal.of; the Continuation . school;: New Dune ' dee, was home over the holiday. She was accompanied iy Mr/Caesar. Mr. a'nd•Mrs W. H. Robinson and family "'of London spent Monday in the village. • Miss` Anita McKay was home from London for the,holiday, Messes,' Wilber. and: Frank Erwin motored. from Kitchener and spent the week -end in,the village. Mr• F. A Edwards, who was visitiing' in :Kitchener, returned with them. Miss 'Ruth Houston, of London was home for the week -end, ' Mr. L. 'Fielding, ef'Nfitclie Il,waSa guest over the week -end of Mr. and Mrs. 5, Houston. • Mws, , G. W. -Woods and. Miss -Anna `Woods motored, to ''Courtwlight'; .on Friday and -spent ;Thaliltegivulg;With Rev. and Mrs. TI. Orosby. The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's church are holding a fowl Supper in the town hall' on Friday. A good programme has been,:. prepared. Mr. and Mits. Henry Miller of Mt. Clemens and Lola Elliott of Detroit `spent :,Thanksgiving with Mrs, M. rir,+ Mrs. Hugh Allen, of Port Dover,, it the guest of Mrs. John Toms. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wigle, of London, were up• for the Thanksgiving week- end. Messrs. Lawrence and Fred Fowlie were; hone for the week -end. • We are glad to see that Mr'. W,'A. Mustard, who was so, severely 'burnt, is able to be up town again. Mr,' and Mrs. S. R. McConkey of Stratford spent Monday at their cot- tage in the village. .. A hapliy event took place on Wed- nesday of last.,week.at'the hone of Mrs. A. Campbell, when Laura, third. daughter of Mr. and , the late Mrs, Lewis Aldworth,- of Goderieh town- ship, was united in bonds of holy matrimony to Mr, Alfred Warner. 'Mr, R. Seworby acted in the capac- ity of groomsman anti Miss Gladys Mr Warner as bridesmaid.` spent The annual meeting, of, the itanley Mr, and Tucisersmith branch'-, of the 'Ori-, Mr natio Religious Educational Connell Port ras held in the. Presbyterian church with 9n Thursday of, ;laat ween:, • De .gates . c ,ta la, oa ritoefieid, Reports',were°,, f4bna the ,superintentlelzt of tiff ,,.. :Covent : departments, lempera'nce, Cradle Roll, Teacher Training.. Henle Dei, trtnient, etc, atter which an ad decss,wCe given IV Mr. iVledd of`Eo- eter durthe grading of,Sunday school pupils :and also of the teachidg, they slionld,:receive. Miss Lane of Toron- to,' oron- to a 'Provincial officer, was the next epeaher. Miss Lane is a specialist its p'rinnai3 work and the point of her excellent address was that the in of the school should be ,to bring the child' into the right relations with God from' nn the beginning. • e .Th. t program 71 5 1 r wa i 17 ;,eluded by a brief and practical, address by Rev Mr, Lundy, of Kippen on the "Open- ing Exercises' of the Schooh" A feature of the eyeaing meeting was the installation of; the 'officers' for the conning' year, chosen by the nominating committee. 'These were as follows: President, Mr, IIenck,. Brucefield; vice, Mr. C.- Campbell, 'Bayfiald; secretary -treasurer, Mr. Watson, Brucefield, with the former heads: of. departments reappointed. Mr. Medd conducted a Round Table Conference and Miss. Lane gave an- other interesting address, in which she recommended certain ,books for the use of mothers and teachers in the teaching; of religion Eo little children, She ,also gave; many orae. tical ideas along- these lines. A solo from Mrs. Fred Watson was much enjoyed -and, the convention closed to meet again next aptmmn-in Turner's church,' Tuckersmith. - • We areagain ealIed upon to, record. the death of one of -the oldest Citizens of Bayfield in the person of; William Eagleson, in his eighty-ninth year. Mr. Eagleson came to Canada about sixty-one years ago from the Cnunty Antrim, rnear B_ elfast, Ireland;'accom- panied by his w.ife,, who predeceased him just two and a half years .ago, and three children. After six' lent; weeks on the ocean they -reached Canada and came to "'Ontario where the new settlers Were.-making'hn'ics for themselves. Arriving in Bayfield hey settled, first in. a house situated where Mrs. John' Tema now lives and afterwards they- lived on the Goshen ine, Sauble- line and' in-Goderieh ownship"' nutil they retierd to the.vil- egh some thirty ,years ago; •- Mr..Eaglesonwas oi..a' kind dis- osition•'and a'":good neighbor 'a d thus won many waren friends "where- ver. he;lived. Tie• was'always active and keptall his faculties to -the end. He had..a large' family. of ten •child- en,Who deported..te make homes for themselves, some going to grow up ith the Canadian West and some n North' and South Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson were blessed with a trong, healthy •. family and their grandchildren and great -grandchild - en number about seventy, many o3 whom arrived /tonne to be at his bed- ide during his 'last days. Those from a distance were, his youngest on, :E,' G. Eagleson of Morse, Sas- atchewau, Mrs. Henry Young and illiani '' Eagleson ' of Aberdeen, outh Dakota, Mr. Eagleson was a onservative in politics but did not ke a great deal of interest in pub, c affairs. Ide devoted his time to s own iie'rsonal business, and at nded the Presbyterian, church. The deceased leaves to mourn their ss one sister, Mr. r i ' s_ W n.� M Iter at atilt. Ste. Marie, one brother, Wilson, the village and seven sons arid. tee -daughters,; the oldest son, Sam, f- Milton, N. Dak,, Jahn Of Osno- cele, N. Dak,; - Mrs. John Heard; ay'iield; /Mrs. Hoary Young, James d William of; Aberdeen, South akota; Wilson, of Valley City, Dakota; Robert of V,rarner, ta,; .Mrs. W. G. Solmstori of: MiI- rton and Edi of Morse, Sask. . h`e funeral took' place on Sunday om his: late residence. The .service s.. condueted aiby Rev, 'A: Macfax ne, and'; Mr. Ball, of Clinton, in anal• efficient style, "took charge of he funeral. The 'pallbearers were` O --nephews and"loui• grandsons of h• deceased `Mr, . Henry. Durrah. • of; field, • Mr ,Tohn Darrah :of, •God- ch,' -Mr., of Clinton , d' Messrs. Emerson, Nelson and vien Heard,' all.of .Bayfield, ,,Those o attended the funeral front a clic-. nee were Mrs. Young,;and' William' •leson. of S.. Dakota, Mr. Ed, gieson of 'Morse, Sask. Alex. glesoir,. ,Mr. ,lames Stevens, Mr. Stevens, Mr, •and Mrs, Lorne ndall, MVJ;'eiers, Harvey, George and Jenkins of Clinton and Mr, and s.. John Johnston . and son of cefield,'foinmerly of • the Town 1 1 p e •w s s Ic W S C ta 7i hi to to S in th 0 air an D N. Al ve T fr wa le US th th Bay e'ri .an Vi wh to Fag Ea Ea W. Ty He Mrs Baht Mrs. ,john Heard' wishes to • thank het friends and neighbors for their many. lcindiiesses during her 'sad ,bG-; -i<eavem,eiit-lay the ?:cleathof:;ltez fatiiy: er, -Mr. Wm. Eagleson. - 6ateirich Torrnhti., The service at Sharon `Methodist church was Withdrawn last Sunday, it being quarterly meeting at Bayfield. A social and entertainment will' be held 'in Sharon Methodist church on Wednesday, November 19th, A good program of outside talent, including readings and instrumental and vocal music is being prpeared. Lunch wi1C be served at the conclusion ;of the program. . Misses' Alda and Florence -McDon- ald, of Deroit, spent' the holiday with their brothers, Messrs. James and Colin of Porter's Ilill, Mr. and Mrs. Reid: Torrance, Mrs. 1'.- V. Elleott and Miss Grace Stirling, were visitors at Kippen on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. 0. Gale and daugh- ter, Lillian, left on Monday. to spend tho winter in Montreal. The fine weather has allowed tho farmers to get their apples and,pota- toes all stored and = they are 'now anxiously awaiting' rein to allow themto finish ploughing. . .,r and Bottles of Orangeville the week -end with his parents, and Mrs. T. Betties. and Mrs. Lowed Misiner• of Robinson were Holiday visitors. theT atter's parents, Mi. and Peetg n. k, wr ep.i n• . weya,„i�Ut•" SO nTot tircl the 1!�1ae 2tow;ddirng well hzs boon a Very` aid autumn, ,;';John Balker on 1h:n„di-C laoc saw a • snake out ,sunning iteelf.' Snakes as a rule like�'waraoth.and go into winter quarters early. Mr; Harold' Whitmore o llainiltoni visited with I.is .parents,.' M.. and Mrs, F. 'Whitmore, .ovr,_ the week - IDUNG STANLEY TOWNSIIIP FARMER WEDS A very quiet but pretty and happy event took irlhec at the Glendale Methodist church at 3 o'clock on Sat nrday afternoon; •l10 1 orNov,'� 8th when err NTar- jorieLillian,. eldest daughter -of Mr. and: Mrs.' Geo Hodgson was united. hi marriage to Harold Penhalc oC Bayi'ield. The bride, ;owned in white ,brocacled satin, wearing the custom. ary'veil and orange , ,blossoms and. carrying a bouquet of 'Ophelia:.roses, entered the Church to the strains of the wedding March played by, Miss. Mains of London. Slie was accom- panied by her Sather; who gave her away. The ehuirch was itastefuly, decorat- ed with 'mums. The officiating 'clergyman was the Rev, Mr, Sutcliffe, of Glendale. After the cereinony the guests, numbering about -sixty, journeyed to the beautiful home of the bride's par- ents,:"the Maples", where a sunsptu- ons wedding dinner'. was served. After congratulations and a toast list. to the bride, the groom and the King, the happy'eouple left on a mot- or trip to Niagara and points east. On the r return they will reside on the gr tin's farm 'on the Bronson line, Stanley township, • The bride's going away costuma was navy blue French flat crepe with coat and hat to match. • The groom's' gift to the -bride was a gold wrist'wateh:,and teethe pianist a bar pin. ,Guests were present from .St: Thomas, London, Chatham and Bay- field. The "groom is '• a popular young 'Stanley township man and he and his bride have the good wishes of a large circle of friends for a happy future. Marinages -' THOMPSON %-- BAXTER --- • At 'Thomas' church; Seaforth, on N 8rd, by the Rev.'T.'IL Bzo Anne, only .• daughter of .Mr.'s '' Ms. Francis'' Baxter, to Rich Leslie Thompson, all of Seaforth PENTIALE-1.IODGSON — At GI dale Methodist church, on Nov. 8 by the Rev, Mr,, Sutcliffe,' Marjo Lillian, eldest daughter of Mr, a Mrs. George Hodgson of Glenda to Harold Penhalc- of Stanley.to ship. CACIKERLNN;— BULLEY. — At Clements "church, Toronto,- by t Rev. J. Bushhell, Bertha, on daughter g ten, of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bulley, to Ernest Wesley Cottee line, son of Mr, and Mrs. Geer Coekerline of Toronto, formerly, Clinton. MaePHAIL—INCUS—At - the re dente of Mr. W. Ivison, Kippen; Oct, 30th, by Rev.',' Dr. Barnb brother-in-law of the groom,, Ma ion Elizabeth, only daughter oflate Mr. and . Mrs. Alexander I glia, of Goderich,,to, Archibald Sti ling MaePhall, of Goderieh to, ship. McLEAN --- YOUNG --. At Ontar street parsonage, on Nev. 1st, b the Rev. 0. J. Moorehouse, Mildr Irene Young of Tuckersmith, . t Kenneth McLean, of Auburn. l3ABKIRK--BALL--4t the Outeri street parsonage, on Nov, 10th, the Rev. G. 3. Moorehonse, Penile daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 3, E Ball, Tuckersmith, to Norman Habkirk, ,son of Mr, Robt. S. Ha kirk of Seaforth. WARNER—ALDSWORTi3-�In Bay field, on Nov. 5th, Laura,`thir daughter of Mr. Lewis Aldswor of Goderieh township, • and the late Mrs, ,AIdsworth, to Alfred,. Wagner. Berths - F,OWlLER—T11 Seaforth, on Novem- ber 6th, to 1VIr. and Mrs,• Reg; Fowler, a daughter—Ruth ct tighter—Ruth Aileen. Deaths st: ov wa, Rid ard- en- th, rio nd le, wn- St,: eh ly Salm r- ge of Si- on 0 - he r- ivir_ fe ed 0 0 b G. Pleb d th •DOWIDING—At 'Millbrook, Ontario, on November Mb, Agnes Mary• Wickham, mother of C. E. Dowd- ing, of Oalcvilie, formerly of Clin- ton, GLEN—Iii Colk erne.' toWnship, on Nov. 5th, Jainies' . Glen, aged 74 years : and 9 , onnths, TORRY-In Egailondviile,' on No- vember 2nd, Alexander Tony, aged 89 years'and 9 indntlns. EAGLESON—At :Bayfield, on. Nov. Gth, Wiliam Eagleson, in his 89th year. COLE—In HulIett, en Nov, Gth, 'Mrs. Jane Cole, sister of kis. J. Shoo=' brook, of Clinton, in hes 74th year. MCKENZIE—At Brucefield, on Nov.. Gtb, Mrs; .Alexander ;McKenzie," in her 66th year, IN MEMORIAM BRADSHA-W, ,In•.loving memory of Bertha Caroline Tar ad'haw, who passed away Nov. 19th, 1922, November' brings sad merioi•ies, Of a loved one: gone to rest; Who will always be i•eneriibered 13y us, who loved her best.' She bade no one a last farewell, She waved her hand to none, Her spirit -flew before we knew That she front us had gone. But some day we hope to meet, her, When our; stay is o'er; On the beautiful isle of somewhere, Where sorrow is known no more, For Sale , A quantity of turnips in the field. Apply to John Campbell,. London, rd.< Phone 5 on .619, .CIintou central. SO=T; Green Wood Wanted Cut four foot, or in poles, for win-. ter delivery. 10 to 20 cords, hard ' Eke? mixed. Apply W. S, Downs - BROOM 26c.•- !c -se hon}, fol ' lydayand Saturday. •Look'.over tl,, lis'. oC sl,eci.ils and see' what you need. The„e otic 11 s vi'of lnuiiey, lbs. ltiec 2fic 10 Bars ,Soap 2 lbs best Rice'.25c 3 rk , .A .. ... „ 1 gs,.., mnroluti ...:. 1 111, Btrl?t Cocoa . , :.:.....10c ., pkg,' 3 pkgs. Jelly Pov,-dc r . , 25c' 6 Cakes of Toilet Soap 3 lbs Pcu'e Lardp1:'1 Y' 2 lbs. sof Macaroni .p . 2'lb. Dates (Beta( ..25e . Stone Greets, g¢il.'size .. HICIl.ES`l. IPiCES FOR -.BUTTER AND EGGS MAKD OiTit STORE YOUR STORE • 3140 25c 25c 23 25c ..25e • HN a Phe ? e 111 Notice to Creditors FACTS OPTOMETRY 3y`Dr.'Roos Savae e Optometrist ” Seaforth Ontario What are the .duties of the Optometrist? He detects by the use of various instruments and other means the ,errors of vision of his patients, Anything Else? Yes, He determines what lenses are •',required to correct , the er- rors, and supplies them. Then the- Optometrist •specializes in Errors of Vision? Yes. Optometry is a profession distinct in duties from all oth- ers, and not conflicting ` in , any way with any other profession. (Continued Next Week In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron "Tbotiee is hereby given that an a plication will be made on 'behalf of Mrs. Minnie Rossto the 'Judge of said Court at the Court Douse, God- erich, at 11:00 a.m. Deeeniber 8,. 1924, for grant to her,of Administra- tion of"the Estate of William J. Rosa late of the Town of •Clinton, in the said County;