HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-11-13, Page 541 ,- T• a1i1s7 other. `u.y°a114 i ti 0n RE019EST:'`ORI,AfL TORONTO -Hd91' ule 0?n at the ing. son, her it. 's0 you, vie, Con - by top. f a ated i I ar, It b POPULAR ring A L art! BY BLAZA 3BTH YORK hen I`! Of rn I never. I used to dream of gables And, iloors in place of so Long twilights when our ea, " gado PWS Pa✓ca eoandi s A smoke trail up to God. @ o¢eatisniitrtya cSepart•".• ed rind I IF"rrpia ntltaaee Bila®apba :,. They envy rhe nty.:.mansion now --: With walls so drove anti high; (MAPPER XXXIX,—(Cont'd,) (grown plateau and old ruins afford ampto shade during.. the, day: and a Whose house'is all of sky, Jean' always retreated when Hugo wide choice of Camping 'Sites, 'There .. got started' on ,the 'subject ilbjeet a£ to ono were eaves, if a 'storm should coma, The years t ave taught what yonUs ' i ' said) unconscious G. oanonly euv,Y You, Egan's murder, She fled to has p b h h ing coffee in u t, i day :when t ey were av "I thinlc'i s 0 Jo l} ices, Was allof— the torn garden alter lunch and Hugo aunt. Mow do you think ,of these TI at brick and'miortar .make' a house had begun a detailed- description of things?" B t 1 sines are built of to o. the scene which led'te his partner's nggo jabbed at his eye -glasses and death.' to went into the dim' draw- beams anxtnus ing-room and, flinging herself. on to a 'The just come to:- me;.'. he said. couch, pressed her hot face against "Or rather, it was Guido who put it the cool, linen cushions, into my head. Ile' said he: wondered, he Age of;Fourscore. How long was it to endure this' we didn't go into the mountains midi In a letter which The Star has re- terrible life, with Hugo growing. camp out, and 1 thought at once of eeivod from a reader who is in his worse and worse every moment? The I Castel d'A pio.. I went there years oeived tf Year, there occurs this in-' sereno friendly foto of Mme, Douste ago once with Jean and 'Wine, Douste. tlgditi ng passage u ' —Helen Frazee -Bower. I -I m baked down at her comp sso old pore' t was 'a'lovely trip. Maddelina put trait, with seeming compassion in the h wonderful lunch' we were, "What puzzles me !o here have have sweet grey eyed.: stuffed a^e ono the eighty y "If only I had told youl" Jean cried. 11 h 11 I tell Aladdehna. to ate z What would Mane. Douste havo counselled? Certainly not 'mar rage with I-Iugo, after what had happened. That had been the biggest Niece of ashared. up so suC a won could hardly god down again. Shall She'll want to know about the food: Inhere' are' some canvas hammocks in. the attic, but I don't mind sleeping on this knowledge I do not feel like an the ground. Will you see about a mule to carry our kit, Hector? And, old man who should lay aside interest another for"'Jean, of course. She hates events,. It. ally Jeanclimbing.. . you think coldsmanalgeI is wisertoleade'ansact active, industrious to -he D ate in to'het'water in the old Roman bath?I life. It ensures against mekancholy That would be great fun. May I take; and idle repining, mental conditions my gun?> Or had I better leave. it: l that must impress health:' with Guic totiprotect the villa while I Tliere le surely much wisdom in this we're' away?" " opinion; bated on;the experience and "Leave it withnsGuido tbyhe all t oof hi I observation of' -a long and useful life. said g of questions. s ing Yov'd t k lits more coring of "You'd like to pr ineoesting than the the wonder asex- to come,,wouldn't e you, Jean? I.1, v years:" "Oh,, she must come," pined Hu_a "where have one the eight, y "It wouldn't' be any fun without her,! The year, of a man's life slip' by ill- "It we' couldn't';eave her behind. The; most unnoted; they steal by' him `so robber barons would take advantage, softfaotedly that his attention is not of our being away. Don't say you attracted. -Others may see changes in g won't come, Jean. Otherwise, it's all him oY which he is„unaware. His hair off' may, whiten, but so gently does Time "Of course I'll come,- she agreed! use the brush.That one does not feel it, and so imperceptible is the change that one's own eyes can searcely`de- tect it„And a man feels that be is him- stelf; he feels as he expects to feel. If he 'does no run to catch a street car or a train, It is because he does not want to run.' It is, a matter of inclina- tion. The question of his ability to run. does not arise at all. He is wiser than he was•, and is in time for his train: He is more_ of a philosopher 1f one he was, and tcnows• that than r g ears, slipped away almost unnoticed, and I suddenly awaken realization of the fact that I have long since passed the alaatted span at and oven with madness, and Jean herself h IG. staring at For a long time she lay the portrait of her dead friend, until tears blurred her vision. Then the music of the harp on the door warned her that someone was entering the No, thank. Heaven, it' apprehensively. Only Hectdl: , "Oh, here you are,” said Gaunt. "Where's Hugo?" she asked. ' "Patrolling the•walls of the citadel," he replied grimly. There was a strange white look about his face. • "It can't be good for him in this heat," Jean said wearily. "He'll get sunstroke." "He'd have got' it long ago if he. was 'going to," Gaunt chelied.ir He, settled ,down in a , big couch and passed a hand over his sfore- head ri e head with a tired gesture, has it ever occurred to you that per- haps Hugo never did kill 'Egan?" he asked. troubled. "N -no," ':10 said, vaguely Why did Hector bring up that un- pleasant subject? Ile knew she hated it. - "Did it ever occur to you that Egan ' wife?' " Shot by his might have been s Again` she said "No." Then: "What put suej} an ie told to the whole story our head?" Hua He told „ ver, 4868. Gingham with facings of lin- hastily. She was too utterly worn out to -care much about going, but the pros- pect of Hugo's disappointment could not b's borne. He would. have made their lives a misery had the picnic been refused. After all, why not? It would be a pleasant excursion' and an easy one. A hammock makes a comfortable bed, e of lux- + uch the slave if oneisn't too m _ urn. Gaunt, who was used to rough- ing it, professed his perfect willing- ness illi- g ness to cools for them and make camp, nd there would be his boy Carlo for g a ane,: or linen P Pin just now.. If you had waited claimed.' ln.. in a' contrasting color, would be suit ,T couldn't hear itt she ex snice for a always hinting at mysteries. 1 hies ' model:- .It is also He a Y able for this m eHaled it's his Y. 1 �_of 1 part 11 a" i F our percale or wool_. or cotton crepe. The•suppose I I " ttder!" said' Gaunt. "It oo- 1 with 1 gs °xi:indings' �• d" at the blot t is 1 $a y a r es. col The Pattern is cut Size s . 36, ule 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 inches net:' bust measure.. A 38 -inch size requires cold lila yards of 27 -inch material, if made wo curved d' his office,if you remember. e dmeb ta 'eYr1. `T remember every ghasity r , , Jean said hastily, hoping to head -off the story which she did not wish to hear, but Gaunt paid no attention to each with long sleeves. If'made -with short lher decisive;interruptton. all; . sleeve 6% yards will be required. s `on and Pattern mailed to any address n ' 180 e 1 ofsilver, th W of 20c in by ec it receipt ' e a Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St,, 1e 0 Toronto. t -to- Y t for ou silver p raid- sl v Send YGc !n e in date Frill & Winter 1924-1925 Book front of 1iashions. lent. ibad Snapshots of Sounds. is is ver- A new' Invention of .Professor Four - that nier, d'Albe has made it possible to will Photogra'p'h sounds." Professor' d'Albe full is the inventor of the apparatus by . and whfch,a`blind man can read a book, aces 'the printed lettere reflecting light on d' men With to a selenium cell, which pro utas Hector" 1 sounds by electJOity, so that the .Her. ,According. to Hugo, the quarrel between en Tony and his wife. Th '!Hugo told'ij to me as `man to ike e w 0 uld 1 , said h h -lie hon man, alt g you to know. too. He wants you to think \veil of him, , . If you rerriem. bra there was ,some question in the beginning as to w h eth sio r n ot Mi s , Eganpresent timeher husband was shot. The defence tried to' prove that she had hcen present. and then Hugo deliberately let himself down by agreeing to the prosecution assertion that ,she had left at least five or ten minutes before." "Oh, yes—of course, I remember," Jean said, resigning herself to the dts- treSsing-reminiscence. "It was plain enough. • Tony had embezzled or mis- appropriated Hugo's little fortune. It was money they quarrelled over, l street oar leaves without him, an the fetching of 'water and washing up.will follow almost at once. It; is pat said enc "At night well light a fire, that 110 is aid; but that expert e let' "and toll- ghost stories: Oh,' begin to get readyl" him has been instructive• He orders dolet's b ., her re arations by go- bis copings and �goiugs with. v. just and be uld It P it.tvo began, P which an San w • jean g 'reefs sensible . I t sen P otivn lying d and • t a g ing to her room Y was too distressing the way she was. well ,if others used, Y alwa s being overcome by fatigue, An EingliSh,physician has been mak- "Yet et I do nothing—nothing at' all, fug quite astir by teaching that men she told herself in bewildered disgust.! do not become stopped because they Poor little soul, perhaps it did not occur to her that fatigue of the'brain are old, but socotmnegool tbeca se they d• soon. is It 'es an P gg"ofb bodies, st reacts on ratherthe strange gtwo nawed was her ail. Always ation again Ontario, in became old tea time of life gnawed at het' the ache of separation farm, Ino them m idd 1e- 1 aw call was would n that we • 'ion n at e the separation ai when Alice, P from A fr ,• nd- a' an a grand - had She' m g ' nCe.. Br was 'sta soon mere dt o N that ofsed middle - more!; - had to console herself with l n belief • father than he retired to an arm -chair that Alae dos Happy, and natlnis-, beside the fireplace, and".spent the rest else mattered.- .And besides f•the be 1 of his days talking of his rheumatism, cy of being ;alienheed from hex bey t other ailments and the not always_ natant wolry, his s the co oath. child, was his lir ns of Y loved c , recollections ec re sofi Hugo. He, pointworn 5dit scarcely deat'i work was done, his evening sistanee to a where it :scarcely His day 'i to exist, She was ashamed of had come, he resigned himself to it, her feebleness, yet helpless to remedy and rested and rusted away. certainly .not it, Every day took a little more out: It is not so now -it is cert Y and wher, anything. she wondered that Even:' so in the .great induarial, financial a was ospleftto8climb 11) E businesst canines of Ontario, 'Where the prospect - of back of'umb up Castel ' n the,hacic a mule would men in their' seventleiesand are stillac- Yet d'scarcelyAppio oland even in their ninet , Yti bear thinking. about. , Yet in the end she crawled around tive, influential and, as our caries•. and made her preparations, packed a pondent •says, • keenly interested in small canvas bag with a few neces- 1 contemporaneous events. --Toronto series, and plat on a knitted skirt andtont jumper. Clementine, predicting Vdreit leen, teeny reads by sound: L'• The now instrument is called a tono- rtain, scope. • It consists of -a> trumpet of 5, ori which the end is horizontal; oder the a sheet of thin rub - was e e ey had a child, and lie had accused her of something rather monstrous.,. They had met in the office to discuss the e hos- end le stretched shim' takes the e place : UST by soaking the clothes in the suds of this new soap,dixt is gently loosened and dissolved." Even thedirt that is ground' in at neck- bands' and cuff -edges yields , to a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Not a thread, is weakened. The mild Rinse suds -work thoroughly through and through. `-the - clothes without injury to a single fabric.' Rinse is made ade b the makers of Lux. For the family wash,it' is as -wonderful as Lux is for, fine things.' All grocers and. department stores sell Rinse LEVER BROTHERS LiMITED. TORONTO R ss Z Gardens on Anticesfi Island {l; rmin lit; o e ct of transforming g the b Wdth j tie by little Anticosti Island, itis do- main, in the St. ,Lawrence,into huge. zoological' gardens, Senator Merrier., instruc- tions icing, , nes issued i tions to his representatives to take Means of bringing two.new specimens island. mon the famous animals to nim Of a has he ono According to instructions transmitted; -a party. of men will leave early next spring for the northern lands to get some music oxen, a variety of the buffalo, which is. on the eve of being destroyed in the Arctic regions; conduct- ed to the constant sand ed against them by the Hakimos. a s tee matter of separation with Hugo, and ult to• ber, on which Is a drop of mercury. ( suddenly e her as. Egan and ulledaa hus 8000, The light from an electric lamp is out o as muffugo ells it. Then herr says rated reflected from the mercury on to a he couldn't bear the thought of her them.' photographic plate, and any sound going to prison, and sl% agreed to his ulted.�spoken' or sung into the trumpet suggestion that they would say'. Egan e. need of food at certain periods of th year: - While this .species , will certainlyis prove interesting if, the experhiient sucocessful, Senator Monier has also another decided; to try and gave ono variety by'purehasing some ,ponies,. WWII are now living under, utifavor- able'co nditlon.s nn Isle aux Sables, the 'lantic OCB an. -At island n -the. lost s are for Ponies. makes the in,; imilrY vibrate, a pattern 8, of the broken. reflections being pro• duced on the plate, e rot- patterns ;are quite distinctive. These t 1tS esi e a different pat-1tv managed to t gives had ria n g note g .Co • The not sum Y mooth I TIt was the the dropsa s it po k:tern'from thenotee e 'Baht, et, rid of for him. Hugo Y g ofthe money that of Y r vibration r ife eveom all a Yr owthe rcur ft e Ysn P of mva . the milk• • it was music sung or played tufo the trumpet, � made him agree however, opped• .` so' that a moving band of photographic Ithoilght of poor Mrs., Eagan perhaps ` as h e snty "opped him would i•econd voice or music as a : having to go to Prison, et, ente series: of different patterns, lit then, being hanged. You know, Jean, m I We thus have a. new iustriiment for Ithat's very much the sort of thing the,study of speech•nud' sotihd„which 1HugoknwooY id is.do But do you believe—” may pave the way ' to fresh knowledge "1 do,n Gaunt said. firmly, "I've and perhaps: find many good uses, never ceased to wonder why she hand- ed over that huge suis to liim, and Slow. S know.. It was nothing more nor' less than blackmail -but, of course, old Hugo is,.tlie last: person to realize that, Be calls it simply' the price paid him for fifteen years in That .Place and cheap enough "sYes it•Was,cheap enough!" Jean exclaimed, huskily. "If the story is true. Oh,peoit poor•dlu o!" "I always said he wouldn't hurt a 'fly. . I don't be.isvo he's got it in � c as ou. do;" . had shot :hinis'elf. But, of eaitrse, it wee easily 'proved that he hadn't, Hugo says MTS.. Egan Promised him that_ twenty 'thousand rounds if he shut about her. hs outd keep Itis., mon t calamities, -.helped ' her. She. catch .cold, said Clementine, to whom f "night " was a her - US. have thus Iletin essity ch is Religion a Higher Form of Gossip. Used` for Food. are ring made to bring- fifty Plana b q ' dying race to at g to 0 fUh Y s n tofu s re re e B assured �l be ass. 11 theyw where the island, w all the facilities of growing without any interference and under Ideal coif- 1 ditions, according to exports, who claim that Antocosti is wonderfully lo- cated for such experiments, There is much similarity between the musk oxen and the btiffalo.and in both cases eheir destinies having been subject to These;,ponies have an interesting history which .brings back souvenirs of over three hundred years ago. At b that. time an attempt was madeY Monsieur De Nlonis to colonize Canada with some' prisoners, who came from some French fall. Tics attempt was, and the tel not successful, fortune y, majority of the would -he settlers starved to death. However, horses which had been taken' across by the expedition were able to look after themselves, but' lost their .original ah>iraater-until finally to -day they aro of the size of. ponies. i race To try and improve that dying Senator Monter is to make also an ef- fort to get -some of those ponies trans - the thought o mg air The mere existence of newspapers ror; and there was bound to be e, Is e. proof of the : religious instlnet thunderstorm. Besides, everybodyl among men, that passionate interest knew that Castel d'Appib was haunt- l in one another which implies that we ed. Strange little green men came! are all gossips together. (xossips are i 're out at night andfrolicked all over the 'Who have only one 1 t sttiye- • hold looks onven- a`llot rush=l n fled 1 66, ruins and tempted mortals to ,fol them. the that ' ted "T hope you haven't mentioned e story to the Sigr.or,"Jean said se- verely. i her fine dark C est d owlh Clementine eyes, it' to to told c. v1 Signor. n 1 It was the g o me," she •iepned. "Guido told him, I, h the Signor`'Wants people -re a ve common, but that relative the highest Possible; namely, . God. :Christopher lis titi rna ' Tau Morley'nr 'Itetigio Plenty to Choose From. the constant attack of•the hunters,,1 who had as •an excuse that theywerel ferrehd toas othe er aland and. to .into pourpa Jars hat ifood. T the only bans ey the' the proper parties. As a result next food.' s, is what is stated. by a nnihber of the ponies will be Eskimos, who apo, said to beh ey are er.n I sr, ing transferred td . the large island. - ing the animals 'beosuso they are in , tra Mrs Gabb (reading)—"Do you know,- atel roxim y are.approximately pP 70 dear, that tli h long- tielieve. That is why 700,000 .Words 'fn : the Eing e to go. He hopes to fes the little green I nage?" men. Clementine crossed herself. "T Mr. Gabb—"Only 700,000! Why, I myself should not care to see them,' I thought you used a great deal more. she- added,' than that ever" daY!" (To be rontimr,u.) "I wish I could thrnl Y 1 Jean sail. ^` "Lately I've beenafraid of him IlcctoT." "That's absurd." "I know, but---" TheJEolian harp jangled its warn- ing, and Huge's inquisitive 'face peer- ed in at them, followed cautiously by his body., Good Advice. "Hey, Joel,' At brei Iv'e figured out e sure way to boat itho races." "Geo! Iiow•zait1" "Don't bet?" CHAPTER XL "Iloilo? What are you plotting?" Hugo domanded. "Nothing very serious, old chap," Qatint rep'ied So Well Trained. "Well, I've thotigbt of. something The school teacher was very pod 0 something wonderful, Couldn't WII of Die results of her labors during the g° en a ,ionic for Castel d'Apple { Good heavens Past fere We'lire. Day after clan: sho.l They exclaimed in -one breath, Only had t-linad her pupas in the ;intrica-TSugo could have.thour1it orf anything airs et fif e l till, and at las` they seem - she said one clap., "what Svqulci you. ,do -if .y told you that the huSldin6% firor dice one voice tante tho answer of l VV p could:;sloep all, day—or you two. the hundred or more children tseeinb- can sleep while Tito and I keep guard. led, —and come back after sunset to -mor - A .. feV.day0 inter a leo!.urer yr ited Low. NOW What do you s:ry to that't the school, ,Said teacher, with beam, It iwould 'be a resladventure, with please, t "Now, children, what would you dolet'sGaunt and Jean looked at rasp if I were to tell yolt that Dr'. 11 iseboad I oilier. The way Hugo put it, the ex- cursion r•,.?.,attractive. lw Y to ho J het re o al lecture a r"(o lac eine 'n t u se d was Ica t� cursio c v oar Would rise ul tlY y, Put away it was a delightful spot with a ,but none David„ ''rud ler cider son; Ceorea;'Iaubort. The tw so' mad to, do in -midsummer. "Wait a minute: I know it's hot, but it would he nice and cool up there, and Jean could ride. I propose that we go after sslnndown • and camp out 11 nig ht and getup for the sunrise. Mg smile on hor.facs: ruins of a res I t!y 1 r' •,d � �wz•sou \\ va •h t`•�, � ,Y " t 'd „ '..tit•; wa: 1l(•nown throughout Cataada fox its ' purity, its digestibility -and detightful flavor, . - Write for flet EIDWARDSBl G Recipe Boob, MONTRE^L ,'- TOE CANAD.1 STARCH co., LII<4ITFED , but hewn whit lie high, -i^ S �•v t t '� not a very �� 1 wasn't, En 'A i io of g nlety d 1 � f•ii• fel V Y • of Pastel p - e D i PT�`rr, Y . I oiu llooirsy then quietly and, without ons view of. snow mountains a vi the into the street," they re- side and the sea on the other. One i a.id due aid to"l the,prt of thein grandfather El disorder , .the Plied in Corns, could be Sure of a breeze, Jul 'q g Dull eat,( o aro lie•ttii'. 05 George, Goi`al1': , ful children COME TO THE. LECTURES, DEM ONSTRATl�9NS' and PRACTICES AT TltS • ntri', Aritilrwi.� Go sg 1925 =- Sl IC'R A COURSES 1325 Jan, '13th to Jan. 24th Stock andSeedJudging Jan. 13t1 to Feb. 7th Poultry Raising • - Jan., 26th to Feb. 7th Fruit and e nd La scape Gardening' 9th to Feb. 2101 Co rise fore and Lanhe ee teM..............Feb.n 6th 10 March 20th Course for Factory Cheese and Butter Maker J n 12th to Jon 23"d .Cow Dalt' 9 Jan 2eth to Feb.-.6tlr Feat ry Mil Feb. 9th to -Feb. 20511 Factory ed and Creamre Testing ,` Feb. 23rd to March 6th Condensed and Powdered Mill(tb MerCre m a IVIe conical Refrigeration . Mar h928rd.to•AprII 3rd Uro Cream and Mechanical:g Course March 24th to March 26th Farm Clice emalun.J Cau so •, Jan, 27th to Feb. 7th' Power Jan. 13th to Jan. 24th ,Drainage and Drainage Surveying •.Jan. '13th' to Jan. 24th Bop jeep rc • .. -Nese ns, coursesareplanned yo meet the men', beel e5P ere,r amcll horticulturists 'whiners': cons, dairyman, e poultrymen', + period during the who may be able o leave home for hitt 'a short p winter Months, All courses` re free,; with the exception of, the dalrY aoursos, for which e small registration fee is chs 0ed• A change front home aurtoundln0s, moeilnp other lieepla lnterested nce dud bI rho things in f knowledge, you aro intereswill de yes; good.rtpe of Plan to attend servo he se acquirement' 5500 koowledge, the courses. course that appeals to you. Write for booklet. �s �r!b�o[tcr. 13.S;A. ' `s M.A. _, Stevenson, 5, 8,, Registrar, - old on. �C I Extension. t I B. I' r, e J.Q Y fc. Director ent. iJirec o