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The Clinton News Record, 1924-11-13, Page 4
SO 11 We foriCa, On T R 1ig>lton, 'Prolj oto5.`,;,,ras S `i ex, executor. Cxeo. l�N: Auctioneer. 80.1 a troch;:- hook, a :supply of.: Is -what wonders may be ac - tide garments c-role-garments 01 wool for sum_ eaisue in 'a'c naily fashioning: n Bands. The novelties' that" liter's Art are se numerous and_ s choice and no ,nrcitter how by' following "carefully t"he. in utter will , be astonished with cautifal knitted novelties may used for the knitting , oi. these .,. 5' ale standard in, hand lsnit„ti uig uperios quality, yardage„and uni- lean wool of infer" -or grade; be - which Tills out the; yarn and oth in appearance and lasting onarch Yarn retain their orig- e ptional wearing qualities, ery purpose. Read carefully, e particular bind of Monarch Dents shown. You thus en,' up-to-date styles for fall and win - OPE ON ristle, 'stable •broom; .ornamental ire fire guards or screens; 2 plain replace pokers; 2 plain wood collap- ible'folding bookcases each with 3 helves; 1 "BissePs” 'carpet sweeper, te„ etc, Termsp cash. Geo.' H. Hiatt, Auctioneer. )tev. Basil, 1'. olclough, proprietor. 79-2 Auction Sale of household Effects On Baturday, Nov. -22nd at 1:30 - 'clock at the residence of the late enj.. Cole, Joseph street, consisting f the following: Dining room fur afore; bedroom`furniture;"'-tapestry ug, 4x4; tapestry rug, -:3x4, •12 yds. col. carpet, Souvenir- range' and' riles; .tables, 'chairs, dishes, granite.' efe,: lawn mower and other artieles` 0o numerous:.>.to . mention. Terms,• ash.' Geo, : H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 5.. Ben. Cole, Proprietor; -'$0-2 'Pdblic„Sale: • Of Household . Furnishings,, lett:, 111 be-'ho]d,at; the residence' of °Mrs. Ilen Douglas, Bemeefield, Nov. 17th, onrnrencing at 2 o'clock. Terries:, ash. 1V/re. A. 'Douglas, proprietor. ."H,, Elliott, Auctioneer. ,• 80-1 Auction Side Consisting of farm stock and inr- lements, will be held at.the^'premi- es, of ,the -undersigned; Lot 44, 1.on- on Road, on Wednesday, Nov. 26th t 1 .o'clock. •See list nett week. D. G. Stephenson, proprietor; G, 11. Elliott, auctioneer. !30-1 Auction, Sale Of cattle and sheep. Theundee- -igned has received instructions to' sell by public auction' ateLot 22, on, i12, Bronson. Line, '3 miles S.E. f Bayfield, on Thursday, Nov. 20th, dmmencing at 1:80'o'eleek sharp, the following: 35 head of clieiee Dur - tam, Polled., Angus and Hereford teers and heifers, 6 • good 'cows, 4 heep:; Terme: Menthe credit giv- el an 'furnishing approved joint otes or a discount of 8 pee • cent. ale owed for cash, Geo. Elliott, Auction- er; Robt, Penhale, proprietor. 80-1 Clearing .Auction Sale Of Farm Stock. Mr, Stirling Mee hail will sell by public auction at is' premises, Goderich Township Porter's Hill), on Tuesday, Novenr- er 18th, commencing at i o'clock: orses: Heavy colt, 3 years add, {riving Colt, 8 years old, family clrkv- x. Cows: Holstein cow, 4 years, due to freshen Dec.1.5th, Durham' ow, 6: years, due in 'May, choice. Iolstein cow, 7 years with calf at bot, black cow, 4 years, 'due in Ap-- 11, blaek cow, 4 years, due in April, Lack , cbw, 6' years, due in March, )urham cow, 6 .years, due in March, ersey Dow, -..8 years, due May 1st,'. lath •heifer, 3 years, due in May; lack cow, 3 years, due in April, lack cow, 6 years, due April dth, ogn cow, 7 year, due in April (This an opportunity to secure a cow of well-developed 'milking' strain.) 8 eers, 2 years old, 4 steers, 1 year- ld 6 heifers, 2 years old, 10 heifers, year old. Pigs: 4, store pigs, bout 150 lbs:. About 100 highly. tied Barred Rocks hens and -pullets. arms: 12 months given on furnish, rg aproved joint notes', or 6 pee cent. tr•aight allowed for cash on credit;' mounts. Everything must 4e -sold, s proprietor is giving up Miming. titling McPhail, Proprietor, Geo. H. ,ilioti, Auctioneer.: 80-1. Auction Sale 10f Farm Stock and Implements. he undersigned auctioneer has re, lived instructions' to sell by public; action at the Wigginton Estat ;Bay.• eld Concession,', 2 utiles southwest f Clinton, on Wednesday, Nevem, sr 19th, commencing at 1:00'o'clock harp, the following: ,Horses: Bann of heavy geldings, driving mare, - suet and reliable. Cattle 4 choice veers, 2 years ' old, fat, 2 choice eifers 2 years told, fat, 2 steers, 2 ears old, 4 steers 1 year old, 2 heif-. es 3 years old„heifer 2 years old, heifers 1 yeers':old, choice Durham: iw 7 yhars old,: due Dec. 5th, choice urham cow,.6 ,years old, due Dec. ith, Implements: M. -H. binder ;6 ;, cut, M. -H. mower•, 6 ft. cut, cul-: vator, drill, Deering disk, land eler, scuffler, d'Cockshutt riding lour', Deering walking plow, set ver harraws, Iow wagon with rack, sets team harness, 1 nearly near•, rtter, good top buggy, fanning mill, t single harness, 50 hens, quant- y of oats and barley, quantity of ay, forks chains, shovels, whiffle •ees and other articles, Everything: , be sold as rowietor has renter Stanaels i oLvnsbrsp • A'ntrniberr Of the, young people of the aoimuuggty gathered at the,,home of Mr. and Mis. Harold Penhale of the Bronson line on Monday -evening. and, in view of their recent marriage, presented then with a beautiful up- holstered chair and :fernery, aeoomo parried by; an address,' 4 very en joyable evening was spent with games and nrccsie. ,Jlie„address ',was asfollows: i "To Mr, and _Mrs, Harold Penhale: Dear Harold:—On behalf of those gathered here tonight I wish so ex: press to . son and :your charming bride something of the goodwill and welcome which we all ;eel towards you and MVlis. Penhale. I ani sure that the predominating `spirit here" to- nigliW'is that of welcome." You have bo±h entered upon a new life and son- ,seqtieiitly are .establishing - a new hoitte, and we, as your friends' here, take and 'opportunity to wish you and Tour bride every joy and success in the new relationship of life'upon which,- you' have embarked, We:sum- ly feel as' we gather here tonight that we have indeed an added asset to the society of our community. Per- haps just here a few words he spec- ial: welcome' to you, Mrs,. Penhale, would be right. You are coming into our . community -practically as a stranger, ..But we wish! to. have you ,:now that from now on you are one of us and. I feel that I ani not, over- stepping my judgment of 'the social and :synipathetie merits of ourcircle When I say that in•tiine to come you drove this to be .true by per - solid contact: We .would. not only hid• you both.weleonie, but would also ex- tend our good will to you in wishing 'you God speed in yoih• walk together down the pathway of, life. The tie that binds you is; sacred• because God is in it and has ordained it. So le' we are ,to ,wish youthe full measure af" joy and, success which may be yours we can only do so inthe con- fidence that He whohas led you thus fax be permitted to; lead, you all the As a tangible token _ ,of the senti merits here expressed; please accept. this, chair and fernexy: .1V'e.nake:this 'presentation on behalf of the young .people' cif the .community.. Signed: Colin Campbell, Susie Westlake, Es- therTalbot, Roy tOcotehneer. ,• -. .Miss, yinnieGamble spent, the week -end and holiday with her 1111 - ter in London, Miss Agnes Glen •of Balnafad was home 'for Thanksgiving. Mins Xate McGregor, of Newmar- ket, 1VNiss Margaret• McGregor, of Lucknow`'apd - Mr. Will : McGregor; were all visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil :McGregor. Miss Abbie Stewart, of Arthur, was -home for the holiday. Miss Marton' McEwen, of London Normal and . Miss Mary and Miss Betty Stewart of Stratford Norma) were all home for Thanksgiving, Miss Anna Stewart is spending a few days with her sister, Miss Al5iie, at Arthur. She will assist at a social and concert on Thursday evening. Miss Erma Diehl, of Hamilton, was horse 'over .the week -end. Mr. and WS. Giles were also visitors with, the, lady's sister, Mrs. 1lat'ry Diehl. Stanley •F.• ' Mise, Katherine McGregor and Miss Margaret McGregor spent Thanksgiving at their home. Mr. and MrrS. Thos, Baird, sr., are visiting at the home of Mr. Angus Gordon in Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. Metcalfe and Miss Maty of London visited at Mr. Thos. Campbell's this week. • > ^],±r. and Airs. W121. Baird and Miss Thelma Motored' from Toronto and spentethe weekend at the home of; Mr. Geo. Baird, Master Glenn Colclough, who' had an operation foe appendicitis in Clin- tott Hospital a few weeks ago, has 6b .. shrilly have t=t, use -Long w -t Digta} ce99 "1 have sold as many as 32 customers in onemorning by Long Distance. There is little difference in the cost' of personal letters and Long Distance messages, and the advantage is all on the side of Long Distance. -Compe--': tition in our line is too keen to take any chances.” When good customers are not too plentiful, why run chances by taking the time to write a letter that may have to be followed by another to straighten ' out some unexpected difficult”? Be master of the situation. Call up your prospects by Long' Distance and settle things tiny mediately. <n tI� i Atac e Westy 'on Ttiosdd r la filo: re- Lts ,hr, crops were not veW.,good round his old place; iiitse tflo:,' Mrs. T. Bill of London, formerly a. this place, visited friend' in Londesboro and "Constance last week. Quite a number of our young people returned ,reit various places to spend 'Thanksgiving with' their pai•ti ontoMiss 0' -'Sri •ham fronr,St. Thomas, . Miss , Della McCool Miss Violet Phillips from Toronto,; Harold Johnston and l'Iiss Bertha Brogdon of the tail` of the Dank of Toronto; London. Misses Campbell a Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. DanGeddes of Belgrave were in' the village on Sunday see- ing. 'old friends. On ..—Thursday g : night • last there passed away i at the home of. ,Fred Shobbrook, Mrs, Cole,. only sis- ter 'of Mrs. John Shobbruk; ,Clan- ton. She ' hadbee'n lit very poor health for quite a nuniiber of years and about three ,weeks ago she devel- oped pneumonia and steadily sank, until she passed away. She was al-' most a life-long member of the, Londesboro Methodist" chinch, She was seventy-four years. of age. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones The friends and acquaintances of jh+lr, Jas, Smith of Blyth'were:shocked on Monday morning to hear of , his sudden • death. Re hal attender, church twice on Sunday and seemed to be in fairly good health. Rev, YSr, R. Osborne went to 'Dor- chester en Saturday last. to take charge of the work -there while Rev, C., C. Laine came to Londeaboro, to preach : anniversary services on Sun- day. The services were, well attend- ed both morn and evening and Mr. Karn 'preached two , excellent set. mons to -.two apreciative audiences. A freewill offering of $200,00 was asked' fee and a„. little over that annonut. rea1ieed The annual fowl supper was seEved in the Community Hall on Monday:. dight, When' -a .splendid supper 'wee provided by the ; ladies of the con.. gregation. , About; 520 were present,, the proceeds of the evening amount- ing tt."850.03()-.t."850.03()-.After the supper _a fine 'pprogram 'was—"given `iii ;tlze church, c ;Mr. and Mrs .'J;. Woodman .and Mr. and Mrs. A. Qlark'of Chatham. visited' 'friends in Londesboro and Blyth,over the week -end Vlr.eand .Mrs 'Easie, Mr. McKellar .and, .Olive' Lyon of 'Guelph vis-, iced efrieztds here over the week -end. Old !!friends of Ray. find Mrs.,Kaine were pleased to, see them around re-. Hewing oidaacquaintances on Monday night, Time has, -dealt very kindly with them since'they left us, nearly sever/ years Ago.' Miss May Lyon left on Tuesday morning for . King City, where she has taken a position. with Mr. and Mrs.' R. Reynolds, •Mr. 1:. M. Snell, of Toronto,;, gen- eral agent of the Erle railroad, and, Mrs. Snell, were' +visitors at the horn:; of Mr. Jas, Snell of Hayne Barton over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howlett of" SeafortVt visited their daughter, Mrs, P. Man- ning, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Taylor,' of Westfield, visited friends' here on Sunday,. Miss •Lizzie Mains returned from' Chicago on Monday noon, where she. this spent the last "six weeks with her sisters, Misses Eleanor and Jean. ,Spuhi rif- Auburn is visit- ins friends in this ,vicinity. Miss Maynte Hall, of Hanover, spent ' Thanksgiving at her home here. Miss Gertie Roberto:, of Toronto, and Mrss:Enunerton of London spent Sunday at the home rof Mrs. M. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Awde and family of Woodstock, .spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wm. McCool. Miss Myrtle ' Grainger,• spent Thanksgiving with her mother and sister. A NATIONAL ASSET Canadian Pacific Service As the greatest transportation conit- pany in the world, the Canadian Pac- ific• ]railway has maintained a• nat- ional service in the Trains -Canada,; Limited which is second to none and 021 the conclusion : of the summer schedule .of this crack train' has transe ferrel the equipment to the Vancouve er Express' which leaves Toronto every night at 10.10 p.m. on its trip actress the continent, via Winnipeg, Calgary,'BaniT, Lake Louise, the spir- al tunnel, Siemeoes and parts of the Canadian Paeific . Rockies famoue. throughout the world, on its way to Vancouver, • where the' trOellers are unanimous in their praise of the Ser- vice of the Vancouver. Ilotel. The Canadian Pacific, also operates a steamship service "to Vrethtia, the Mecca for winter tourists Not only does the Vancouver Ex- press carry tourists and standard sleepers, blit it aleo carries a,. Cone- pertinent- observatibrril ear complete in itself, while e parlee ear is added from Revelstoke to Vancouver, Added to this national servies is a feature service .from Toronto tp Mon- treal via the Lake _Share Line; which: has been entirely reballasted' with crushed rock and relaid with 100 pound rails, insuring a maxim of com- fort for travellers at night as well as, an absence of dust in the, daytime.; Trains leave Toronto ,inion Station at 9.00 a. m• daily, 10.00 p,'nr. daily except Saturday, and 1.1.00 p. 1x1. daily except: Saturday, and 11,00 pan. daily. Arriving at Windsor station the traveller has the benefit of immed- iate facilities mnnmed-iate:facilities in the women's rest room, lunch "room and ,barber shop, which cannot ' be .duplicated in any other station in;Montreal. An added convenience' is Offeredthose who wish td travel to '1VIentreal from North Tor_ onto, in. the 9,45 p.a. train, daily. except Saturdays, from Younge Street; Station, Canadian Pacific agents will gladly'-, make your reservations and supply you with' any, information you require: They are fully qualified- to offer a "second to none" service to the public. eta. -crib ,and Mrs. D, McDbnald and; Me. A. J. ii'm deep and , Mrs. Mur - of. Detroit, and their friend, Mrs. Barr, of London, were Thanks, giving .visitors at the„homeof Mrs' IR, D. Murdoch. Mrs. • W. Rattenbury is at liressnt visiting in Burlington. Mr. nntl Mrs.' Andrew Beattie,.ot London, . spent the holidey with friends in ,rueefield and'Seaforth, Dr, W. D. Swan and Mr's, Swan,,oe IIamilton, motored up Sunday and were holiday guests at the hone of Mr. Tas, Swan. , Mr, J. IL Rattenbuiry oe Bulging - ton, motored up tiith his family and spent' Thanksgiving at the home Mr. and Mrs. Rattenbury.: ,Miss Annie' Mustard, who is teach> ing in Parkhill, and Miss Alice, who. is attending Normal in Stratford, spent the holiday at. their Home,. here. :, Mr, A.,Mustard, of Kansas, -is a xis,' itar at the home of IVfr, A. Mustard. Miss G. McDonald, of Paliuero,-is spending the holiday at her Inome. here. Rev, Mr Armour preached very fine serutons Sunday morningtwo and 'evening. The morning seryiee was "Thanksgiving," Mr. Barr, of. London,' sang that beautiful hymn "Face to Fate," whieh was well rend„ eyed.-Miss•Thelma Baird: also sang ,i solo which 'was much appreciated.' • The Kelly 'Circle met in the' parlor' of the church Thursday after'noori when 'seventeen ladies answered the roll call with a verse of Scripture with the word "Gratitude." Mrs. D.. Aikenhead, presided over the devo- tional part• of the -meeting, Mrs, G. McGregor gave a fine paper from the. tenth chapter of the study book.- Miss ook:Miss -Jessie Aikenhead gave a very interesting paper also, after which the meeting 'was .brought to a deist. Constance: Mrs. Jas. Snell of Hullett and Mrs Appleton Elcoat 'of London spent 11. day last. week with Mrs. "R. Ander- son, Mrs. D. Tudor and Mrs„'Cole.. The new blacksmith, .Mr. Picanney, is open for business. He has., a good reputation as ,a first class -black- smith. Miss Myrtle Lawson, of Torontoe spenttthe holidays with her parents, Mr; and Mrs. R. Lawson. (bite a numbers around hero took in the -services and teameeting at Londesboro on Sunday and¢ Monday: Rev. Mr. Keene, a former pastor, preached here on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Geo. Mann, sr., is at present laid up with a broken hip. +Our school teacher, Miss Beulah Scott, find 'Miss Blanche Wheatley spent their holidays with •their par- ents, - Auburn (+Crowded: out last week) Mr. Albert Killough .left 'on 'Wed- nesday to take a .position in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Manning cele- brated elebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on Tuesday of this week. Hearty congratulations are extended by their friends. The course in Ronne Nursing open- ed on ,Monday with Mrs. Lowe in Charge of. the Class and about forty registered. Rev. P. Banes left on Wednesday to attend the Centenary celebration of 'Missions being held in: Massey Hall, Toronto. • Mr, Win. Thompson has purchased the Dobie ; property. - A spiritual conference is to be held in the Westfield church on Thursday, Nov. 13th. This includes both God- erich and Winghani districts. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Taylor, of Detroit, motored over and spent the week -end here. Mr. Charles Scott, of Kitchener,el was a week -end visitor with friends Mr. J. Dawson and son, Harry, of Detroit, spent it fewdays here this week. Mr, G. Youngblutt and Mr, C. Elliot left onMonday on a hunting trip to Trout Creek. Mr. IL Beadle; of Detroit, spent the first of the week with. his parents; Mr. and Mrs. C. Beadle. Miss Rae Andrew, who has a posi-: tion at the Earlscourt Orphanage, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at her hone. • Mils. T. Straughan was called to Kippen on Fridity owing to the death of her sister, Mrs,” McKenzie, Mr. M. Allan lefit on Monday on a hunting trip to Muskoka. Mrs. Allan is visiting friends in Flint, Miele Mr. and Ales Frank Sturdy and family visited friends here this week, ,Mr. 0. E. Erratt 'went to Toronto on 'Tuesday.^ The course ±i First. Aid is being well attended, fifty-four having reg- istered. 'Mrs, Lowe of Toronto 1, 'in' kfats ififerent from all other laxatives ;and reliefs Defective' Eliaminatidn Constipation' .: Biliousness The action of Nature's Remedy (aa' 'tablets) is more natural end thor- ough. The effects will be a revela- tion—you will feel so good. Make the 'lest. You will r appreciate this difference.. Ue d For Ouar Thirty' Year, CMp; ±'F a 1Old Block i33 X91:]:orra....Litno Nie ,"he same 1R -1n .one-third. 5oeen, and a cdst,e VolY � children and uiiiitto UWo he is itothiing yn ivo tin 00 aic'sanal r ii r, e, rMilt iliroughort the'yei , the phstssps pl1 you re Llai- Ch •. _:,as ill stand as a reminder of yotm 'dv n titoi: antiuhtet o,1 contribute: 1- ahpiness to those who 211 Call most'b c, -i`1.,. SurSurprise the o you, l e f'airilY, and •b ou,. ;L'riends, .Give iLotcraphs. Today is pct 'too earl -3 y to aiiaage for- a sitting. ',:hone for an appointnxezlt, At, 6 tj charge .of the class. Mrs, Stewart of iViiiglxam is visit- ing her daughter, Mr's. A. J. ;Cergu- s0n,': ' M i and Mrs, Cao. RaithbS'' are spending this week with their son Prof,: E. Raithby, : 'at the O.A.C., Guelph; and also taking in the Stock Show at Guelph: • Mr. Dickinson: formerly bank manager, 'spent the week -olid with friends here. Kip era On Thursday evening . the 6th of, Nov., death: came to ani old and es- teemed resident of our village in the person of Mrs. Alex. McKenzie: The deceased, who was in lief 66th year, was born. on the 8th concession 'of Colborne township, being the 'third daughter of the late George • Young. In the year 1882 she was married in Auburn to her now bereaved 'hus- band. For the past three years she had been in poor health -and although various kinds of treatment• had been resorted to,•about five'weeks ago she took a decided turn for the worse and quietly passed away on Thurs= day. .Mrs. McKenzie was'. a loving and faithful wife and. a • .devoted mother and by her cheerful disposi- tion wan litany friends. .She leaves tp mourn their loss her. husband and, two '$aughters, Bertha and Oaryiis, both of Toronto. Also two sisters, Airs. Thos. Straughan of Auburn and Mrs. Thos. Anderson of Goderich. The funeral was' held an Saturday the 8th, to Balls' cemetery, thi; pallbearers being six rnephews; `Don- ald MaKenzie,.,BayfieId;:..John Hanna, Robt. Allen, both of Winghani; John lIouston, , Chas. Straughan, William Straughan, all .•of, :A'yburn. .The fun- oral services,: which ..were, largely at-, tended •both; atthe house and cem- etery were -conducted by. her pastor, the Rev. Mr, ,Lundy,, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Durrant of'Varna. At the grave the Rev. Mr.- Alp of Auburn assisted Mr. 'Lundy. St.' Andrew's Preg'byterian church had a special service on Sunday last, when a number of the ladies of the church took part in the service. Mrs. Kidd of Thames Road addressed : the congregation.. The thank offering of the Missionary Society was taken anceived. d over one hundred dollars was re - The anniversary services on San - day in the Methodist church- were very successful, and their collections gmio=wall 0: 1 amounted " tb mole 'tnwn , the suit, aimed at. Rev. C. J. Moorehouse oY' Clinton was the preacher both after a poo t and 'evening. Good attendance: at both services. The bazaar held on Tuesday after noon and evening was also well at- tended and netted the la ddi es a good. retuen ler• the effort expended, Ninos Etta Jarrott'of 'Toronto sen the Thanksgiving • spell g holiday with her parents. Mrs, Peter Cameron of Flinn, Mich,; has returned, to herhome af- ter,, spending' a week with her broth- er and sister here. Mrs,- R. B. McLean Visited Exeter friends during the pest week. Rev. and Mrs. Lundy motored to. Port Albert on Monday to attend' a• reunion of the -summer cottagers at, their .annual Thanksgiving din- - ner'' party. People You Know now Mr, And Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller, jr., and daughter, Miss Maxine, and Mrs. E. Tasker spent Thanksgiving with, IVIr. and Mrs. Rossiter, Hamilton, .. Mr.. and' Mrs. R. Dunsmore, St.'- Thomas, Mrs. D. Bowen, Court- house, ',Washington, Ohio, Mrs, P. Bowen, Tecumseh, Mich:, and. Miss ` Isabel Paisley, Highland Park Hos-' pitel, Detroit, Mich, were guests. ' over the Thanksgiving holiday -at 'the hoine `of their parents;, Mr.'and • Mrs W J. Raisley. Messrs A.' B. Stephenson,, Rorke,'Dr.' Evans; P.Plum'steel, H. B. Chant, C. H. Venner, Elton Re- tell, Dr. Shaw,.- G. E. Hall, 0. Draper, E. Scrnbbens, S. Thompson, H. Pickett 'and P ,Tenkins`went to Brussels :Tuesdal';evening to a Ma- sonic " nfeetiieg, whel}, D. 1). G. M. Job of Wingharn made an official visit to the Brussels lodge: • WEbN{LY, HOG GRADING REPORT FOR WillEK ENDING OCTO- BER 30,`1924 For Clinton Brtioefield and Londes- Iboro. C. B. L. Huron Co. total 1218 96 . 74 '55 Selects ,.355 81. 29 22 Thick Smooth ... 693 50 ' 43 27 Heavies • -. • . 21 .2 2 Extra heavies . , , ..1 Shop Hogs... , ,., ,101 6 1 Lights & Feeders .1.9 4 1 Roughs . • 2 Sows No. 1 . 5 •, Sows No. 2. 21 1 LIMITED CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS Frequent Sales and.. Rapid Turnover Mean Fresh Goods at Lowest Prices The rapidity with which our million customers or More clear out stocks of groceries every week at our 335 DOMINION STORES means that our lines are always fresh and clean and that the saving you retake is well worthwhile, Shopping here is quick and convenient, Every article, is marked in plain figures. Every article is guaranteed -=the prices consistently low. Beekist Honey, per Pail , .... ........790 Sherriff's Marmalade, per pail 7401 Bulk Macaroni, pet Pc.. 15 Cooking Onions ,0 lh. for 230 ' Graham Wafers, per 1b. 25 Arrowroot Biscuits oval and round, per 1b, 290 Soda Biscuits; per ib. 164 LAUN BARS A E PEEL L011lon & Ora12ge ib® DOIV.IINION � i OA N BG A WDER.. A, umM f4 cTii WRAPPED FRESH DAILY AND • YOU SAVE 2c LOAF -ROLLED 4 Ib. Tin Lilac Brand OATS APPLE & RASPBERR,Y SEEDED ©R' SEEDLESS 49c RAISINS Valencialb. C $2 99 IftY RAISINS WITH SEEDS 2 lb. 25c LARGE ASSORTMENIT CAN .r, IES ICiast,, Je11y pesos, Hunt bugs, Choc, Drops, Etc; & C �b® MAYFIELD C. BRAND SLICED BACON . 1. SWEETI-IEA1 T b BRAND PEAS tins' No. 4 91�E RIC&UMELLO TEA Yi I± ITL SOAP CHIPS, 2 lb. - 25c . :AORAX, 2 for - . 2 .e BLACK IfNIGHT: STOVE' POLISH r 14c SNAP HAND CLEANER - PALMOLIVE SOAP c 3. for 25c c �'nzll 1/ lb. LOAF CRUSTAL DIAMOND SYRUP 2 lb. el TIN AdOC SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE .' lb. Ib. WASHING' SODA 3 for - e. 25c ,MIXED, NUTS, lb. - 21c TAELE FIGS, lb.. 25iCl.''. Pict. Fits, 2 for 25e Bi1LK DATES, 2 lb... 236', BASSETT'S LICO-1 RICE, all sors, 15, - a39tlr.