HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-10-30, Page 81,4I 1NC P17]2PA1t .TIONS IN GO{)IS''t.M,^It+, [l To +onto';; brewei,'u. crviewcn tno; ever i g of :Thursday last when. the "wet aeports wetspouring• in is re- ported to have said: ",It takes touz month- to -mature beer .tor = eonsun,ption: We coin- eaeiieed -Co iprepare Por Goyerninent Control two months ago. We were rather optimmstic'a'sici -prepared to• gamble upon a favorable vo',te. It would mean a hog sale of beer,:" ritao Ncsva-Recd 'd IJIISDAY all Dir, and Mrs, Joseph Engler, Ethel: 0# ., ^ announce the t-ngageneent', of their youngest daughter, Elinor Ger- -to. Ili. Leslie, S. JLake, only son IA Mr, and;'7the, Isaac s ke,_11. R No. 2, Brusse s Ont.;"rhe mar- riage' to 'take glace quietly, earl,, in. November. , The I-lotpital ,Board will hold their regular meeting in the board room of the town hall on Monday Nov. 3rd, at ,three o'clock in the alter= "noon. CLINTON'S LEADING• JEWELLRY STORE Special Prices BEADS We have a large assortment of .Beads which we are selling at a very special price including all the latest styles. Regular price 72.50, special 71.85. • Regular 72.75 for 72.00. Regular 71.75• for 71.10. Regular 71.50 for 71,00. Regular 75c, for 35c. Regular 50c. for 25c. Fancy Brooches reduced in proportion. Ear -rings, Barretts, Fancy Combs, etc.,. at 'unheard of reduced prices. Also 30 Watches at greatly reduced prices. R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey'e Drug Stgrd Three special Lines from t]heNew �a1i Siock LADIES SILK AND WOOL HOSE AT $1 00 -. This is a beautiful line of hosiery and wonderful value at the price.` Ittomes in all the new shades: Congo, Log Cabin, Cleri -cal Grey, arid also in the plain shades such as Black, Brown and Grey. NEW 'WASHABLE SUEDE GLOVES AT 75c AND UP These Gloves are made by one of Canada's largest glove manu- facturers and come in all the new shades; and this year are double tipped which give extra, wear. See the guarantee -ticket in each pair. It will surprise you the beautiful gloves we can srow you at ?6c and $1.00.. MEN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR -AT $1.00 PER GARMENT This is made by "Penman" and a good fall garment. See these before you buy more. Plumsteel Broso PHONE 25. SMAII PROFITS MORE $USINESS SZSAMEASISSASSATMS New Fall Suitings Davis VETERAN TAILORS Swell. tailoring,, is usually thought to cost a swell price.. We prove the falsity, of that idea by our moderate prices; THE SEASONS STYLES are ready for your inspection. ' WA will tailor you a suit in any style and cloth you May select ata price that oo'hipetes closely with ready-made olothing, Herman PHONE 224-W s 5 of ism az rem elms r sr, affeastwisze=ewszrer Call and see this Wonderful Ware at Moderate Prices SutterPerdue ti,t'� 7I - I WIRING PLUMBING ELECTRIC W RING ,1�svl.`2 Creepy and Shivery Novelties; to add Interest and Fantasy in Celebration- of 'Weird Hal- lowe'en, the uncanniest of nights» Masks, Caps, Cut-outs, Table Covers, Napkins and Shades'. to give, the lurid and mystic. effect. I1B a�.' o Fair Go.. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best „ ! 11111111 uummn111111p, .�.. ,�.-�..,..� .... SS lib Mrs. George Jackson is visiting her daughter. in Winghom. Miss Isobel Draper of Brantford was home' over the week -end. Mr, and Mrs R., A. Dawns of Wood- stock visited in town this.week. Mr. Wellington Crich went to Toron-` to and Oshawa of ;business this eek. Miss Jennie Robertson is, spending a couple of weeks with Brantford friends. Miss. Amy Howson is spending this week with Mrs. (Dr.) .Ferguson of (Kincardine. Mr, Auld was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W . D. Fair while in town last week. • Mr. C. J. Salter returned to Toronto last week to continue his studies at 'the S.P.S. Miss Clara Ferguson has been. vis- iting Mrs. (Dr.) Shaw of town for the past few weeks. Mr. R. P. Hackett: and two sons spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken. Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Iveson' while in town Inst week were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wiseman. Mrs. (Judge) Dickson and Miss D: Dickson spent Sunday,with the for- mer's nieces, the Misses Bawden, Mrs. Grant, who has been visiting her daughter, Mr's, .J. Wiseman, .re- turns to her hone in St, Marys to- morrow. Mr. W. C. Brown returned on Tues- day from a trip to the west. He visited a brother and other relatives in Winnipeg. Mr. D. K. Prior attended the eon- yention of +Baptist churches of On- tario ntario and Quebac n. London over the week -end, Mr. D, N. Watson and Mr.. Frank Watson of Moorefield motored up on Sunday and called on, a number of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stiles of Boner Law, Hastings county, visited last week at the home of the lady's brother, Mr,. John Deihl Miss A. Marshall, Public Health Nurse, Stratford, was a week-end•'j -visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. -Cardwell. Mrs. James MoMurehie has been in 'Chicago attending the funeral of • "- her uncle, the late Daniel' Buie, the eldest 'brother of the late Mrs. Cur- tis. Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Charlesworth have returned from a trip to Men- omonie, Wisconsin. Theirlittle daughter, Miss Ellen, accompany- ing them home. Rev, Mr. Horton and Mr. ,W. H. Hooper of Alina, Well., motored over this week and are spending a few days with Mr. Hooper's bre- hter, Mr. A. Hooper of town. Miss Kathleen Livermore of the Winghann hospital staff, who has been baying a three weeks' rest, at her home:: here, returned to her duties at W'ingham yesterday, Mr. Mervyn Farquhar and Mr, Wel- ton Smith motored from Detroit on Friday to spend the week -end. with the foruier`s another, Mrs. Margaret Farquhar. They re- turned Tuesday. 1011. .and Mrs,' Walter Mair left Mon_ day to visit their daughter, Mrs. J. Mcl!Iwan of Kincardine. IVi'r. bfair will go an to Ripley and join his son, Mrq'°A, Mair who is sta- tion agent there, and together they 'aspect to spend a 'week hunting in the northern woods. Mxs.. M, Long and Miss Mamie, who have made their home in Clinton for the past two or three ;years, deft on Saturday last to visit Wind- sor friends" before ,going to. Cali- fornia, where they will spend the winter, Their friends here are sorry to have them leave town bus rust the. change will be beneficial and wish them good fortune in their new home. \.„ Mr. and Mrs. Erwin, sr., of Simcoe, who had been attending the Baptist Convention at London, came up Tuesdayevening to. Visit their' son, „Principal W. M. Erwin of the C. C.I. Tuesday night Mrs, Erwin • had the misfortune to fall down,: stairs, breaking her left ,arm at the elbow. She is still at the holbe of her son but Mr. Erwin VG - turned home yesterday afternoon. RURAL DISTRICTS WENT "DRY" The rural districts voted largely for the 0.T.A., as .is show by the results front. District No. 4, these counties givinp',Slry majorities as fol- lows: Huron , , ..... • 12,. 083 G � 974 Bruce 7,01.1 Perth .. , . , ... 3,203 Majority "Dry"„..,34,301 A. 'T.' Cooper ot. Clinton was or- ganizer for these four counties. Riley's Toffees for Hallowe'en Alien's Toffees 9 walnut and Brazil. :. reeer See -Our fiallowe'erif\Viridow r Special blend tea, per pound English breakfast 'tea Monarch tea Shelled walnuts , 2 lbs Seedless raisins 311)s Seeded raisins, loose 2 lbs Valencia raisins 6 lbs Rolled oats 1 lb .Lemon and.. orange peel .. Currants per pound 4Sc -65c. 75c - 48c 25c 40c: 25c 28c 34c 19c 'Marshmallow cakes per lb 25c Date special this week, lb 10c ` New dates 2 lbs 25c SPECIAL Popcorn per package 2 Packages for Brazil nuts FOR HALLOW -E'EN Ice! Peanuts , 25c Riley's.^toffees per ib 25c Figs, new .per lb 25c 49c 40c FRUIT FOR FRIDAY AND .SATURDAY Grapes, blue and white. Sweet Potatoes Spanish Onions if Cranberries Cash& �iarrL, j Y1R.®I'lae 2 Deliveries' JL •O'Neil�4. ORED HEAT After the firesunder gigantic ovens in bakeries have been drawn, the bakers continue for hours to bake bread;'pies and cakes, WHY :? ,Because; the/ bricks of ,the oven have retained the "flash", heat of the fire and "stored" it. 1So, too, once McClary's El- ectrie Oven has become thor- oughly heated, the current may be turned "off” and the oven gees, merrily along baking for hours. The same principle operates in "Tor -Red" ' Protected Ele- ments, found only on McClary's Electric Range. USE YOUR OWN UTILITY— IT PAYS HPDR SHOP, Clinton UL For Winter. and Spring bloom.. This is the time to plant them. See our stock of: dYACINTHS TULIPS ,DAFFODILS NARCISSUS CROCUSES, ETC. Prepared soil delivered to your home 15c a pail,. ,l. Cuninglaa. a Florist phones 31 and 176 W, 77-3 CONCERT COURSE Four Gonoerts: 1—Marshall, Nov. 3. 2L -Blanchard, Nov, 25. 3- -- Blood, Dee. 16. 4—Kenfnore, Feb, First-- Marshall-- November 3rd, Season's tickets for sale at W. D, Fair's, Cooper's Bookstore and Clu'ifs. Price 71.50, Tickets reserved through ort,course,. Single Tickets 50c. Under auspices of Girls' Au,xiliary in aid of the Hospital. 75-4 Mr. Ralph ,Harrison rison Teacher of Violin Studio at Mrs" I celirlcheg's James Street, Clinton 76-t'f PURE COMB HONEY FOR SALE CLOVER MONEY in one pound sections, price 25 cents per section. .. 11ree delivery in. Clintop.. Shipments made of not less than 24 'sections, express extra, Orders may be left at The News - Record Office. IRVING BROTHERS APIARY neat. C.N.R. Depot „ CLINTON, ONTARIO. 86-tf. • eatirig,--Needs When contemplating --a new heating system. or having your old one repair- ed, get aur. prices. Also anything in Ranges or Heaters. The best makes. alivays on hand at exceptionally low -prices. , Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Hard- ware and Glass always on hand. TIHREE OF A KIND Buffalo Bill has the wild west show, With rough rides` from, every land; Ringling Brothers have the circus, Advertised so great. and "grand. One claims this, the other claims that; Both are worth going to see; But when it conies to setting up stoves Tom Hawkins is the man for ME.. Ile takes them down, cleans them up, And makes them good as new; Itis prices are right—not out of sight; IIe is also the man for YOU. i It sal � Hallowe'en Masquerade Dance _+ ) A''SIallowe'en masquerade' dance will be given by. the Clinton.:ftnitting Phone 244 Co. Club, in ,their club rooms on Fri- day evening, Oct. ri_day,'evening,Oct. 31st, at 8:30: Clin- Goderich: Dudley E. Holmes has. torOrpheus Orchestra. Admissionbeen appointed town n solicitor and as bOc. 78-1' entered upo his new duties, More food, News We are putting on abig sale of Congo's= Rugs and our stock is complete so cone in early and make your selections as the 'sale only lasts until November 1st. Also special price on Linoleum Rags. We have a large new stock of Linoleum and Oil -Cloths which surely will please the eye as well as the purse. , Our Furniture is all new and right up-to-date, and we'll be pleased to show you the advantages of dealing here. Come and see the rest for yourself. Hardware Department Our stook of the celebrated' Beach Stoves in ovalandround fire: box for cooking and heating purposes is complete, None better on market. 'These are real value. A few good second hand cookstoves, cheap. A full, stock of,Rifles, Guns and ammunition, see our windows. We are head quarters for celebrated Brantford Roofing, Bronze Weatherstripping for doors and: windows to keep out the old and save fuel. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co. THE STORES W1'iu A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 - Hardware 195 CURRELL clic SHIPLEY JUST ARRIVED—A Fine Assortment of Chinaware See our Window for Dipslay of These Beautiful Goods The specially low prices which we are able to offer will certainly interest you THE C; & S. GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J., eawassmasasamemetzsmsaalataseussmsenswasmaxamiassxoz=vawassiammaraim SCRANTON COAL After several years of interrupted, service our 01d Line Coal Companies, the D.. L. 17 W. and D. &.H. are now shipping us coal regularly, and coal of superior quality to anything that has been re- ceived in. Ontario for years. SUEZ PRICES are now 'on, ancr while it is warn, these days let it remind you that When 'Su caner conies Winter is sure to follow. LES" US .HAVE YOUR ORDER . Place your order with the firm that has always made a special effort to supply what you want "when you want it, whether :Winter or Summer, much or little, Egg or Stove. ' We can give you service- on any of the following: • Grate Coke Egg' Pocahontas Stove . Domestic Lump 'CheStutit Cannel' Pea Coal Smit hitg ,We also have on hand a fresh carload of CANADA CEMENT and a variety of choice WOOD. At BRUCEFIISLD YARD we have in stock Chestnut, Stove, Colce, Cement, Lumber and Shingles. Mustard WASSISIVOSSAIMISAWM A lady, Miss'12. Rose, was deputy_ returning, officer in one of the,polling sub -divisions in Ashfield township' in last Thursday's plebiscite, Mr, and Mrs, Melvin Schoenha is moving to the house recently v' sated by Mr, = and .Mrs, Ireland - a Princess .street.