HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-10-30, Page 2eleseee , G. O. He 33. D. llIeTAG Itrp, ,GLANT6N e"ONT'Aftl 0 BANKER Terms of subsotlotion-----$2.00 Per Year advance, to Canadian addres-ses; 30 to the U S Biel foreign A. general Ban. ng Business transact. countries. No paper discontinued ed, Notes Discounted. Drafts Isslied. mild] all arrears are paid unieee M Interest Allowed en Deposit. l the option of the publisher, The Notes Purchased, H. T RADICV Notary Public Conveyancer. Financial, Real Fistato and Fire in- sttrance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insuranee Companies, Obr,lsion Courill, Office, Clinton. .BRYDONE. Barrieter, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office: bLOAN f3LOCK CLINTON DR. J. C. GANDIER Offiee -Hours b.) 3.30 pan., 7,30 to .9,00 p.xn. SundayS, 12.30 to 1.30 Imil• Other hours by appointment °MY,. . (Mae -and Residence --- Viatoria St. DR; METCALF' BAYFIELD, ONT. Office I-Ioure-2 to 4, 7 to 8. Other hours by appaintment. DR. I-1. S. BROWN, LIVI.C.c. . Office Hours 1.30 to 3.30 p.m, 7..30 to 9.00 p.m. Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 P.m • Other' hours by appointment. . , Phones, Office, 21SW , Residence, 2181 DR. PERCIVA.L HEARN Office and Residence: - uron 'Street Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 , (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W, ThomPsott).- .. • Eyes Examiaed and .Glasses Fitted. I)r. A Newton "Brady, Bavfield Graduate Dublie University, Ireland. Late Extern Assistant Master, Rce tends" Hospital for Nisonsen and Child- ren, Dublin. Office residezice lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. Inource-9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.'111. Sundays -1 to 2 p.m. DR. A. M. HEIST Osteepathetic Physician. Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical Examiners. Acute and chronic diseases treated. Spinal adiustmente given to remove the cense of disease, At the Graham House, Clinton, every Tuesday forenoon. DR. McINNES • chiropractor Of Wingliam, will be at the Commerce let Clinton, on Monday and Tearsday farenoons each week. Diseases of all kinds successfully • haadled. CHAMPS B. -HALE Conveyancer( Notary Public, CoMmle- sioner, eta. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE HURON STREET - CLINTON M. T. CORLESS 1 CLINTON, ONT. District .Agent The Ottario and Equitable Lis and Accident Insurance ,Cke • West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Established 1878. Preeident, John A. McKenzie, Kincer- dine; Vice -President, H. L. Selkeld, , Goderich; Secretary, Thos,..S. Allen, • Dungannon. Total amount of ensue- , ance nearly $12,000,000. In ten years number of policies leave Increaeed from 2.700 to 4,500. Plat rate 01,02 per e1000. Cash ma. hand $26,000. 1-1, Salkeld GoderIch, Onte Wes. Stevens, Clinton, Local Agent. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed .Aactionter for the Couhty • of Huron. Correepondenee promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can. be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 202, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. General Fire and Life,Insurance. Agent ier Hartford Windstorm, Live Stocks Autemobile and Sieknese and Accident Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana. da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to meet parties ateBruceteld, Varna and Beyfield. 'Phone 57. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Head Offige,, Seaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY: Preeideet, James Connolly, GodeMeh; Vies, James Evans, Beachwood; Sec: TreaStirer, Thos. Hays, Seaforth. Directors: George tMeCartney, Sea - forth; D. P. tMoGregor, Seaforth; 1. G. Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth; 110. MeEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, arlook; John Benneweir, Brodhagen; as. Connolly, GOderich. „ Agents: Alex, Leitch, Clinton; .T. W. Yeo. Goderich; Ed. klinchray, Sea. forth: W. Chesney, Dgmondville; G. Jarrauth, Biodhagen. Any money to be paid In may be paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Godorieh. ' • Parties desiring to affect InSurance • or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applicatkin to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post °face. Lossaa inspeeted by the Director who lives nearest the scene. -TABLE 'rain will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: , Buffalo and Goderich Div. Going East, depart • e.25 a.m. ,2.52 p.m. Going West, ar. 11.10 a.m. an 6.08 hp. 6J33.. ar. • 10,04 pre. London, Huron eetaruee lenv, Going Solite, ar. 7.56 dp. 7,56 a.m. 41 l4• 4,15 ntn. Going North, depart 0,50 p.ni. " " 11,05 113 3, a.m. If your luck isn't_what it simedd be, put, a "P ht,,tore it, and continue to trY. se date to 'which every subscription. 15 pflid (1000ted 011 the Advertising Rates—Transient advers tisements, '10 cents. per nonpareil' lino -for first insertion and 5 ceistts per line for each subSequent inser- tion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., Inserted once for 36 cents, and each subse- quent insertion 15 cents. • , Canominications intended for publi- cation must, -as' a, guarantee of good faith. be 'accompanied by the name ,of me writer., 0. E. HALL 1. R. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. THE HUNTING SEASON October the first is a red-letter day on thd calendars of sportsmen all -eve the American continent signalling,aO it,does the °peeing of- the mown and deer hunting sweet' in the greater part be Canada. Tb,e present season 15 expected to eonstitute record one in this regard, as the -mummer has wit- nessed an unprecedented volume of .ordinary •holiday traffic, 'and 'there le every prospect at a greater number of visiting spertsmen to the wbocis of Eastern . Canada and greater bags --be- ing 'eecured. Tele, is attributable both to the Met that a greater number ot parties of hunters have exPreesed their intention -of visiting Canada this year, and that in maziy sctions of the country there is every indication of an increase in game: ' - The Province of -Quebec expects an excellent hunting .season. It is point-' ed out that the rainy summer has led many visitors to postpone their vaca- tions untiS later than usual who will swell the ordinary Mvation of regular eportemen. Big game is stated to be Undoubtedly more plentiful In Quebec this .season than it has been for -many Years, due largely to a policy of con- cenerated preservation. Smell pre- serves have been ,established to the ex- tent -already ot five -hundred, which:are leased to peivite fish and game clubs. At a coadItion of such lease each club must provide at least two :ganee -war- dens who are licensed by the Govern.' meet. As exempla there are 1,000 fish and game, Wardens in addition to the regular Corps Of 125, thue.providing at no Mipeese to the Govelmment, far larger niimber of men to protect the gaine than the Government' could sup- ply from Publicefunds. , Proof. of the increase of gate in the provIneewoulcl seem tet be given in the fact that re- cently, under cover of night, a moose peaetratedt to the very heart tot Que- bec City, where it was ahot, . Game.Plentlnul in Merltimes. New Semmes/telt guides :state that eWing,to the absence otany large for- est flree nlooee agafic 10 be' found" In large nuMbers bad. during ,the stun- iner, they beeame so tame that they were a 'frequent sightefor motorista on the rod e running thteugh the woods. Deer aro likewise reported by them NS be plentiful. Outfitters and guides are enthusiastie over piespeete and ate positive that rewards tot sportemen this year will be greater' than they have been for many' years, Prospecte are likewise highly to:var. able in Ontario. Moose have been seen In , some nuMbera and several large herds of caribno located. These herds were sighted last year for the first time in eeyeral. years and, sportsmen - are congratulating themselves that thee', Slave nemained, as the cariboo is a 'natural Wanderer and oftimes trav- els theueands of miles, in a. year away f rom the Spot wherelound. Even. in Western Canada, mune prospects seem this year- to be excan. tional, Prairie -chicken and sleeks have been seen,in great Minibers, the haamest stubble and the lakes and eileughe furnishing the most excellent hunting this season, fer some time, WhiIst-this Prairie ard'a offers. for the main part small game ' shooting, deer and Mese ere to be encountered in the more clenselY weeded seettons, offer. hig gno sporffig combination. . At the time of writhag, well ahead of the opening of the season, an unus, Italy large nunaber hunthig partieS have already arrived in the varitua provinces, and outfitters and, guides' anticipate being taxed to the limit in providing' for the seasont visitors, The Apple Crop. It has been a detestable season, A failure from a,lnaoit the. start; But still thet. a,11 -the More 'teaser . Why myepples alre dear to my heart, It has been not the least of neY plea - To' Ws,tch them aleft where they hong,• • From the day when St. Swithin first ohyletened my treasureS ,NAThile yet.they were young. For drizzle or -downpour uncaring, with en eye to the ultimate feas-t, I -hive gone to See how they were far- . , spine tour times a day at the least. At night in tempestuous- weather ' have turned on my bed with a frown; Unable to slumber for Wondering whether •• My apples were down. . • The thought that the young might come -poaching Ilas put iny muse out of her eteide; But the'tinle is now swiftly approacia- -; ' When the harvest can eca,rce be ilenied. Whee tbe- glad ' day' arrives' for my task it •'••• Shall -see me go forth nothing loth (Equipped with' twenty -fool ladder ,and beskete . To gather 1111111 both, ---Touchetone London Daily Mail. For the 0 S 1 1 ,,tt ae-' lten, in placing .tile . &u 0Tno10d Pre- „SOY'eS .*.elie Used in if 6 _ life and .„ fas.ter--this Va8 cn to, ereree . Y1711atura1 a can't Idarry vantiernall! it.tiS born , um. Y .caleulate on 'ttittlii. the Attiebred in hint, 'the,. pretluct of tnree • • generations Of, No world”' t"Stire don't DU' thirds, so? ; CABBAGE A, DAY FOR BUDDY.Itin-ies, sure enough," I:Walled tho 'F.re" -Y. • the great Vauclemart- farm- had ,,shi tink ,n those thick , ie -said yen ;ever be •Elot With.- Lb era , an,sw ad' had fallen On his shotild likesone and cornfortable to work outdoors Tho - . Caleb sigidlica.ntly. T. SSA'S 13 ,O91 C m ,p4c 1 ,. 111 301. d<out ther t )_ 1, I f food "YeP, YOU'll, glt it all right, yet may 10 >.eit „0 701 ,,,,,, ri,11,,1„..01,,,s., h,,,,sits A gray cool day, easy on the eyes, . professor sat on the one step outside notice how Cast the "little' onion sets , nevei-tedie woritsu, garment ne Allan wondered at 1115 answer but ' '' - ' ' , the open shed door sorting over a Pile grow _tohat_we;se,i, out first thing in the ' said .not,on„ old faun was naturally feline, but the of dry onions. In a pail on the stela gsPinri6wgi'th_l'ic'unsl't rie'lt,`0"augnhinpto•Y Ve6ttsat'lcitbtel;' , As." 'dauri,,--,,at, 0( 013)11111 ,n Ile tiny barrel m ilite, milt the mortga.0 wa , ,. ' smallest leak will drain the largest beside lihn were ' several bunches of ton. ot 10o cabin the following ' be washed for supper. 'like , Caleb had preparsd breakfast and was Certainly the faimer's else °bet/led d I it* water- Must be nienty of food there 'um lieautifull bl about to be foieclosed. anc de ce ety wa ing to - inornin- Altai a '01 for the leaves to drav on." co Mid Old the t t - - Rural school No. 9 was just ' ' — the road. The professor smiled- and looked up. as he heard the shouts and chattering of the boys and girls. "School is out," he said teehimself, "and here comes Buddy carrying -a branch of something. I can tell by the. way he walks that it's a real find. What you got there, Buddy?" he called, "Don't know, professor. The flowers are kind of droopy 'cause I've had it In school all' day." . "Flowers!" exclaimed the professor, "You don't mean it—not this time of the year," - "Yes, I'm sure," said Buddy, hand- ing the profeseor a 'branch of tangly, leafless breeches. - "Yes; eir. I know about tbat. The "Um -m -m," said the professor.. "Nice green part that looks like a leaf is bright yellow ilowers, all straggly. Where did you 'find it?" the blade of the leaf, and the part we eat is just the stalk to the blade all Down in your woodlot, growing on a grown thick. Suppose it's full of dor- email .bushy. tree. Its branches all seem to go messcroes, and those seeds " ?cl. food -too," said Buddy, grinning and Roil -Ming to? - Again, but now I've'got you," Worn To be r '1 ,quel sea ft 0 lio4ne, secietV, office or (b9p. It, le fact 'proven by thonaeads ol grateful letters ..that Hood's Saraa. parina e remarkably beneficIal to youeg Co' older wonem, The most 'common aliments of ver,300 draie and weaken Um slut -sal and Sometimes result in anemia, nor:, vons-weakness, generaf hi -oak -slow; Hood'sSarenparilla gives the blood - more vitality -awl better color, makes stronger nerves, ahcl centributos 11) he lemebb and enjoyment of life. cackled; "IiIgg.sr, eggs, eggs 102' Clails„.. sal" The berries galley elbowed emc"No. Renieniber howh sw.e.et- , a, 101171: Lo set OUt Ofl his mom1,15 patrol hopeless. One grizzled farmer remarls- °L1',^er.' from lhe , ProsPoritY , duty in the timber, isr'workof guard. ed: "You couldn't shoot thrifty haliita "sai-11°'1, and f'did, and 1 aro ed onion txistes?" ”yes,,,. nomad Bildd...!,.% .. „sugar, 1. tug a,.„„inst rite atut keeping unite,. into Harry vanclennue with a - shot - suppose," anoraing stazt necessary each day and w°uldsetPlaaantt,t°,,a°171trinee81.flidni0anogs.duall3,74 ."Right, then it lilis nitrogen. or pro - so it " was left to Allan ' to visit' the and t,bid, and,,we, have 1,,,,arn,ed pretty well trans-. Their breakfast hastily eatell, it were not for that (laughter of hisl" Py now that bitr.agab 'a a verY goo" both set out 111 OneSite directions. Ah, here WaS 100 olity key that could and 'necessary food . for plants and a Once on the trail to the ravine, Allan 111viiendoritiliyatalabuniiditoewrucianinisclzeorrinannocwiocilr8, mighty good 1°°(Lf0-,1' '1351,J): Yest 611.i°62 began to speculate on the probitbilitY are good for us, „especially raw." ' . - i . = oahnuingthe mink in any of the traps Years o age'. ' The familY rennitle..of "I-Iere is another big iiitregen Seed. The „helloes were against hini; he'. si,AftleseneSs Was se-telY sliding from er," said the professor taking, h hunch , thought, Yet lse could -not'underetancl her lia':ed on a large outside stalk. .. ' ,---.. :Irt en:, 'tIkedoP,1::ritnknie8isi3?: addlicyl. -ii-”Te IP). ialiti,: i'tsbinoguihdnilprilal:hteinsyg was far gresiter than Rerw?:::::rrni hadedp2:11:suoidd eal'57.8."''YIN1V 81:01181:heCei . an/ other man of Anew knowledge, was only tWelve 'Year.8' ot ago—living of eel.OZY'frOm the Pail. "Knew' what whe- Caleb,' whose :knowledge of trap- IlkelY to skiP a generation entirely. the leaf." • 1 . ' '' coveted mink. Mink were Vary crea- with a waster' was such discouraging busSness that Mts. Vandeman -threw the cepture of the "Alt of it,. Buddy, all of it?" • tui.es' Alidn'kneW•st; wory that It of- ay the job. As Clarissa was an °nil' thieitee off the island made ail early gt,n1" 'tad still another remarked: elle the queemehaped, double -looking fruits, "have been popping open all afternoon, and the boys couldn't make it out." "Yes " chuckled the professor "but and the professor brought out a cab- bage. "What part of a plant -is that?" "Must be like the onion. Has a lot of leaves all folded around it," answer- ed Buddy. the seeds didn't pop open; the fruits "No," smiled the professor. "The did. Those funny little pods are the onions or bulbs, like tulips and cro- knits. They pop Open and send thegrown eines, are shortened stems wieh full - black shiny seeds flying. • • - leaves on them., but the cabbage • _ ' "Well, boys, this is witch -hazel, it is a. big bud, a terminal bud with an beginis to make its flowers in August its leaves packed tight. Frettr much and they bloom in October. The seeds' like the big terminal bud on the horse - from these flowers will net be finished, chestnut branch. Head lettuce is the until next fall. These fruits on thesante. Yon know wherewe let it grow branches now are from the flowers, ." go to seed the head opens up and that bloomed Met autumn. That isi the stem grows taller with the leaves why there are flowers and fruit on the, along-sln. the sides; then the flowers come bushes at the same time. The witch-) a go to seed. The cabbage stem hazel medicine is made from the leaves starts to grow, but the lemma are so and, bark of this plant." • thick with stored food 'material and "That was quite a find," said Buddy.t folded so tightly that they crack and "Yes, that was a find, Buddy,"in split instead of opening up as the let - the professor, • turning back to stab—e tuee does. Curious, isn't it, how plants onions. Want to help with these?'"' - I have so many forint and so many dif- "Sure, i“ don't have to tee' th m , ferent ways of storing food? These . "Odd shout onions," continued'eth!e/ three kinds right here are particularly professor—"where they store all theirgood for as, especially raw."foqd and 4uice and smell. An onion, Inning . that the professor had aid this t "Why raw?" asked Buti4y, remain- s doesn't have a root and stem to store.6,,,,iee. • . food like other plants. Did you kndwi t that? Look," and the professor tooki ""Well, boy, thet's curious too. These out his knife and Mit the onion down, plants When uncooked have somethirig through the middle. "See that solid; aaryfl them that seems to be very neces- pointed centre? That's the stem. The' far us. We don't know what it roots, you know, of couree, are string- is., where it is in the plaet, how it got like and grow out from the bottom of! tnere or whet it looks like. Nobody this stein. These," he said, pullingoff ever saw itinbet we call It vitainin. the scales Of the onion, "are the leaves.1\ritinnina in our food help to keep us The outside ones are thin and skin.] headin healthy. Cabbage has lots of vitamins, an like, the inner ones are thiek with, espeeially long cooking, the stem like hollow cylieders. That's, stored food and go all the way roundee , thing hut cooked feSs tuni no. -raw ttIO 10 degree; them, If you ate no- eneme ..01.,,' isrw vegetables, wily wllen moll cut an onion across like, milk' raw this/' and he picked up another one you Would not be well or grow proper- lll and cob it crosswise, "the leaves ally, so iS we are to be strong and we look like thick circles. The bud at the, we Should eat these foods raw." tip of this sholt solid stern sends up / "Iluniph," said Buddy, throwing the the green hollow leavem You see above last of the onions into the basket and ground." I getting up anestretching. "Think if "Wouldn't say there was much ofI'd eat a TAW cabbage a day, I'd get any meal food in onions," said Buddy., tO be as big as Lord Byng?" . "They're mostly watery and peppery.,'i "Mighl, Buddy," chuckled the pro - "That's all they taste like, some- lessor. "Can't tell."-mRuth Harrison. se - THE BLeiCK. MINK rly (Tack Reynard Young grew accustomed to paddling through the long swells. An hour's work found Mem sweat- ing and tired, with lees than half hie course covered; He was tempted to turn back, yet up. on looking around, hmsaw that he was 'Allan' Chase plunge(' his hand and -as tar away from the mainland as he 'arm into the -water, telt a greater chill was frono the island." His arras began than he had antittipated creep up hie to ache. He found his legs, cramped arm, and then again looked out ever and yet aneed not change his pealtion the whist -whipped lake to the inietsen- lest -he lose his 'balance fon a moment shrouded islatid, Its- pine clad elopes and some treaelteroles wave twamp and broad beeches seetned farther the fletil canoe. 'Another hoin's beittle away than usual, so far that Allan be- gan to doubt 11 he eould drive a canoe ever the three mile etretth of Water against the ever itcreasing breeze that already was> slapping the weeses, into White -caps. Thinking-haele over the Tacit twenty- four home, Allen asked himself it he had in hie enthusiasm made a rash promise. He- had .expected fair weather cm the lake. Now 'with the waxes threatening hien be began to see other 1 difficulties looming ahead-. Even if be tought his way through the white -caps 1 he might neveit capture the black mink on tele Blanc; he might prove Mee cun- : nirtg than the little animal that prob. ably already was wise through esperi- ence with traps and snares; or he even , might find the rocky den deserted. He I dreaded failure, for his =wen, only , meant a substantial reward, but the increased friendship of Dootor Leigh. "I'll.not leave until youcomehack," the Doctor had sena before Allanee de- I mixture .for Isle Blanc, "but, I mast etart .baok to mycollege Just as coon ' as You return. I want to mount the ' animal in the laberatory where the materiale are handy " - The Doctor was. -a professor of na- tural sciences, at an eattern university,' Ile was a native of Allan's village an,d had- spent hist, short whiter vacation at his boyhood home. Quite incidently he had learned from Allan ,of a black, mink, whieh. Allah had .discovered at its den On Isle Blanc, and had ciffor-Ocl Ailan a Ininclrodcl dollars- if lb coulcl,. catch' the rare. 151111>111 whi Ch. the Doe - tor 331100(1 to'intrunt as a specimen. Allan_ had promised, to bring him back the mink -Without 1 ail, With IL shrug of his s,houlaer, Allan decided the 'money watefi could not Mee isbn, 'Peened the canoe farther out into tbe water; gripped tee gun- wales firmly and vaulted into the stern. • Mee tiny erati, careened.- and - pitched -violently at first until lte point. ed the boat into ,the wind and droVe past the 'cliopPY shore waters, Still 0011311 and dangerous, the lake, how- eVer, was loss irregular nuil he Soon ten took „mate 00 peieietent work te .ettild she now kept -house for her trap - a' single animal. Then why had 'tiler' Aliout,ea year before this, ambition Old Caleb said se' emphatically that the mink should be hie inainie to take had begun 'to have its inning' in her it to'Doctor Leigh? The nearer -Allan ese, mnye the criks. was- at hand, the Caine to the ravine, the more certain end was in siglit unless she -could slem the tide. The mortgage was overdue, he believed he would See no Mink in the traps, There were -too many Ii0S- the intereSeWas unpaid. Swiftly as an arrow from a bow sibilities that they had left eome ,sues went Clarissa Yandeman to the keen- picious traces; or that thamink might eyed manager of the Slaterville' Sam be erapevise, as some are said to be ings Bank, which held the' mortgage, that have seen other animals in traps or have escaped themselves an instant "TrY raY Plan," said she, "and Allow father more tiine provided he will turn before -the snap ,of tel jaws or the over every cent that he receives to Mick of a wire noose; ' again, some me arid allow ine to make all pum wandering muskrat or rabbit might chases and pay all bills. Then r can have blundered' into the snares. No, guarantee that you will receive yoer Allan decided there would be no minis. Interest regularly. I will also start an Nearly two hours, after leaving the account. in your bank with any spate cabin, Allan came to the brink of the money, and every six morale. it can be ravine and peeked over at the depres- applied'on the mortgage, sion where the traps had been set. "Then," she continued, "I have an - His Mouth opened in astonishment. other. plan, The old farm is well He trembled with joyous excitement. "The mink! The black tninlr!" he adapted to berries. Father has always sheeted aloud. Then with a dash and a leap, he plunged down the nocky slepes to where a black mink ley slick and beautiful even in its limp, lifeless condition. As wild' a war dance 84 any painted Indian ever. pranced, would scarce compare to the exuberant. an- tics of Allan. Shouting with Jim, he gathered up the mink and traps and started at a slept/tot for Caleb's cabin. During the morning and. Pant ef the afternoOn Allan wiled away the time awaiting Caleb, by looking over the as- eortnient of well-worn magazines and books that burdened the cabin ehelves,e It was towards mitisafternoon when a sthout announced Oki Caleb's arrival. Snatching up this mink Allen ran out- side holding his Prize by both 'bawls' • "We got him, Caleb, and it certainly, Is, a beauty." The surprise that Allan felt upon finding the mink inehis traps was in- eignificant 'compared to Old Caleb's astonishment. The old man dropped hie gun and axe. He slowly approach- ed Allan, Simkins intenty at the mink. "SumpinS catamounts!" he exclaim. ed. Then without another ward :Old Caleb' dashed recklessly into the cab- in, appearing a few moniente later in tee doorway. In his hand was a black mink. With mutuctleistonishraent both Allan and Old Caleb looked at one treinketnd then at the °thee, "lashaw, why son, I caught this here mink in the ravine yesterday nsornin' before yoti ,come aver. When you told me what you came for, I hid it, so's you'd have UM fuu of satin', your traps anyways and at least stay overnight with me." "Then there were a pair of them," gasped Allan, "and both were black!" epshawl I thought I'd surprise jou, son, but you surprised me mor'n did partners." Not -only .-EIS the letereet paid regularly but the eavings account flourished. The hand of thrift was at the helm and the old farm responded When clialcultias came a ,very deter- mined Clarissa said, thing is go - Ing through!" Sure enouels, that mountain ot difficulty was tunneled, through in Met five eoa,rs, and the last payment was mado on the mortgage. ' About that time a proseerous young faxmer engaged Clarissa as assistant manager and life partner, a Permaselet stiumion raising berries, and—well, children with thrift and ambitioe, for that mantle of Vancloman ehletleee. nese was clean worn- out. Livy and Youth. Tbcre was, says an article in the , Mentor, unfailing beauty and romance in the Married life of -Mark Twain and the wife of his youth. He called het Livy, ancl she called him Youth, and they were happy togethbr tor thirty. four years, Her full name was Olivia Langdon, and she was the sister of Charley Langdon, one of Mark TIvain'S companions on the Quaker City ween the "froaocents" stilled "Abroad." During that trip Charley showed Mark Twain a dainty miniature pie- , ture of his sister. .I1 caught the young '' writer's fancy. Some time after the return of the "Innocents" Mark Twain was invited to meet the Langdon family; and then he saw the lovely face of the miniature. Olivia Langdon was twenty-two years old at the time. She was at first dazed and fascinated by the risieg young genius; then as 3115 said: 'Too numb work!' I shall supPlY devotion to her became apparent ebe the summer resorts at Shoal Beach „ gave him Drat admiration, then Mese-, with raspberries and strawberries _manager McAteer neyer spoke In tion, and finally love. Jervis Langdon, ,nnne her father, a well-te-do .merehaut of haste and repented, at leisure. ' in at ten o'cloclt tomeorraw for my To: °mire' accepted Mark Twain as a elsion," he said. Clarisesa was on the dot and the smiling president said: "Favorable decision, Clarissa; ' you shall ha.ve your chance. True, it is only a nghting chance, but the color Mountain Etiquette. left hiin all but exhausted and he wel- Oharlee Neville Buck, the American dotted. a lull in the Wind. TalUng ad- ri(ImeMit' has learned many of the' vantage of the lull ne drove in with queer et/atm-cm and primitive codes of all his strength and beached the -capes th.e mountaineers, during ' Walking illgh on the white sands. trips of exploration inte the remote Kentucky Mlle. He always goee un - Allan knew Use path to 001 Caleb's armed and Is careful to respect scrupulously the mountain code of ete. quette. Once he was tramping With friend strange to the hills on whom he had impree,sed this necestaty. The quick twilight overtools them on a lonely, half -broken trail. At the ziext elearleg they 'asked the mistress of the cabin if they might stay all night. -She showed 710 interest. in the strangers, bat was courteous if not cordial. "Pop," elm if, was down the road at a dance, They coult hunt him up and aelt Lim for sheiler. 'Book -offered to look for him, while his over ,here? , Thought you werein friend, who was exhausted, rested le school. - Hpevffi you git ov,cr?" . the clearing before" the cabin door, "I paddled the canoe • frOm the , he t "Pshaw/my von; v n s dead agin' You. You enre had a hard -Job." "It certainly was, hut it Will be worth the job if I gob' 'what I came 81 - tor." , ..What's that, son? You're not fig, edlivened by moonshine 'whisky. He eabin as well as he. knew tee main street of -'hie own, village. He spent muth'of his time an the Wand he sum- mer and had found pid Caleb an in- teresting and instructive dompanion, The old man 'and boy 'bad been warm friends ever 51010 01(1 Caleb had res- cued Allan from -a hole la the Me several years, before. Now -Allah count- ed mere on the -old mane" eviedOm than hit Men in trappingthe mink. Trudg. Ing through the woods, he at length came upon old Caleb 'before his cabin. "Wel, wee: e en!" ' What brings you "Don't go into the house until I bring 'Pop' back,". ho warned. ",These peo- ple never -enter to. make- a stay un- less Elie man of tlie house 11- there." : Down the trail a mile or ,so•he,found a -clearing with two or timed houses and a store, -A dance was in progress, gertn' oft Lakin' back a raft, of logs',' I found "Pop," a huge men, lialf-drunk hope? . And that's the only thing,. on., with moonshine, leading alae dance, this island that's worth worklif for." Bethel -hesitatingly 'Mr. l3uck told him "No, Celeb, . you remembed abent, bis -errand and Was relieved that "Pop" that 'black ninth 3 sa'w up in -the' ra. was cordial. ne.would be 51411 to have vine. Yes,- well 'Doctor Leight wants them stay ell night but he wanted to' me' tO get 1t:for:1'4in to 'Moen t. And -S dance' a little longer.. 'It- the stranger •>00111(1 just wait around le would he along presently, It was Palet midnight when "Pop" was willing to s,tart home. Thick found ,his 'friend hudied againsteeowan seiveiting in the' cold, and more 'than half Convinced that Beck had lost ,feeeway or had been -Howeeer he had preseeved want you to help me,' Ile offered a hundred dollars tee.'" we'll split, but wevo got to get it Pe -night on .to -mor. leer nightbefore he Itia,-ves, for his col- dege. heought over come special traps 10 kill the mink without spoiling the ftir; they're wire' noose trapa." ' B-eing 4 man of feW words, like all who 111)(3 In the upper Groat, Lakes country, Old Caleb regarded the traps silently and then pronounced his ver- dict, "Yep, son, -you'll get the'rnink," Throughout the late aftereeen -the two worked about the cable. Allan waist- ed Old Caieb hi writing out the:Month- ly report of his patrolling through the island timber. Then after a. meal of , rye bread, salt pork and vegetable Mountain etiquette at the price of a cold. and several uncomfortable hours. Turklah Women Lawyers. The first, three Turkish women who haves obtained university law degrees have gon.e to Angora to request their onrolMent (to inagietrates. They say 10051 33131 be ,rnore sympathetic than 'mon 005 1110 bench. suitor from the start and remained his staunch Admirer and friend. - Thera were some doubts at first, but the oontinued success of Mark Twain soon made the • Langdale household realize the tree value of the man who that you have in your fame just now had asked to Min their family, The looke ste if you had fighting blond in ye= voine." • . wedding took place on February 2, 1870, and the plan tot th.e young people Vandeman tune& over his few dol. was to go to lautfale, where lafeirk lars in mush to his daUghter and a new era 'began. The riext day Vandeman Twain was engaged in newspaper work and take 019 a modest residence came to the door and saki, hesitating - In lYl "Clarissa, that cultivator agene boarding house. At least that was t ,, Mark Twain's understanding of the says I need anew cultivator. • matter. When, liewevele the day at. 0-4 Went Clatissa, clad in new-found none ter the wedding, the britle and groom authority and a dainty gingham. arrived in Buffalonthey found a luxurl- agent, "tooth is broken," explained the glib ous sleigh at 'the station waiting to is wed I notlee that. the eultivator very shaky, aswina mrehasinz ar convey them to the "boarding houee' new cultivator." • • that the bridegroom had picked min They drove and drOve and' finally "Father," said Clarissa, tersely, as turned hate fashionable Delaware she turned to her eetonialied Parent, "get the wrench a,nd tighten iib tn s .. e1 Avenue and stopped before'00 attrao tive house. The doors were open, and • boltsi. Then go. down, to the hardware inside was a fairyland of lights. There store and get a new teeth—here es stood sill their friends. The two were thirty-iive 'cents." Then turning to the astontehed agent ehe said: „Nos- led through beautiful rooms newly ap. - sense, that auiti,,ator 1,, good 1 Wu Painted. and 'furnished. The bride - in future." . make the parchases and pay the bills Year& yeti / am cashier now; I shall 'groom was dazed and unable te under - young wife7with her band on his arm, stand the meaning 01 11. all until his said, "Don't you understand, Youth, it "That Vandeman has been a11 ear,' y is all oure--everything-8 gitt from mark," groaned tire agent as he pee, crankedhe his Ford—had ex '''""" expected to ' Still he could not uederstand it until Mr.' Langdon brought them a put le a self -Vatter with the profit from that euStivator eale—"but .. little box and, opening it, handed them the deeds. - daughter is a corker." So she was. The way she eaulked the farm leaks was it caution. The Slaterville stores flo ,more workec5 off twice 'a year, come right here, Bring their unsalable guff on Tandem= your beg and stay overnight if you "No smallpox -at Vaudernan's, 18 there?" ihquired a friend of the agent for etoelt in the Latest Marvel gold mine, its he drove hie Myer straSght Past the farm. "Worse then that," said the diecouraged "Vande- man ie taking thrift by proxy!" Those who had found Vandemart at easy mark soon said, one to another, "Watch out foe Clarissa!" Londoras famous' fifth How the farfn proepered! 'Dile cows market, covets 80,000 feet of flo011 and the hogs fattened on what had space, while 182,000 tons of fish were been beteretime wasted. The hens handled there limb year. • Then came the true Mark Twain touch. Mein Langdon," he said slowly, "whenever you are in Buffalo, If it is want to. It shan't cost you a cent." Tables Turned. "What's' the matter now, Grumps?" "My daughter ie wearing Icniclsom bockere and.' my Son is taking a girt part in the college play." Many women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that ey need an occasional cleansing inside as well as outsic4thYet neglect of this internal bathingshows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions—as i well as n dreadfulMeadachee and biliousness. It's became the liver become !sluggish, and waste matter accumulatee which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best st retnedy is Chamberlain's Stomach andLiyer Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, , gentl3r. cleanse the stomach and bowels,and tone the whole nchisstnavnedsjosttefmee.1bSrligi asnafiesuannnd rtnliattlemmoT4tne o%eat, Chamberlain's today—druggists 2,55cY., or by mail gs.rn asimberinin Medicine Company, Toronto 15 Sea 37 seneMereeit Sueces 0iBeY es,Ao Slikat these men hob clone, you eau >Io 1 ro your spare 'time It home you e5s easily master the -Betroth of selling that make Star Salesmen. Whatever your experience has been—whatever you may bo doing sow-.-whother or not you think you eau o41— Isot answer this question: 'Aroyou ambitions to earn 510,000 a year? Then got in touch with me at oncel 1>411 prove to you without soot or obligation thar you oan easily become 0 Star Salesman, 8 will Wow 105 hcos, the Salesmanship. Trairdng and Pree gmployment Seglee of the 58,8. T., A, 'Aimee you to quick success in Selling, ,$1O,000 A Year Selling Secrets :"e?Jo'sciTTri'It7g,AT1%14nsg1t,;4,e:Y,'VMTLfi0 Pi, olind-lifobaantOW noWacce. 135 matter y/lict yoa ' ably Acing, tho acid of ceilinc. offors yOa a larc Nur, Got Ur *At, I National ,Salesinen's'Trainiqn; AssOciatien &Seine )14ka 130x , . , oror,!to..00.