HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-10-30, Page 1ayo 1 ARRIf;ETS )eat' "' 1..SO, as G ,,�.50, l3eclewheat Soc, CiL','A }t ONTARIO, T RDAY; uAON CouN SHOVtI IN .a Barley 85e.TA.,,G. NEw ERA Butter 30c. to 32e.. Live Hogs 89.50. Eggs 37c, to 40c. Oats 50c. tverwGrked ` terie4 • Like any other, part of the body,,require a stimulant rhea over- taxed. Our stimulant f e U n or.,w ak eyes is glasses. '.If you need them call and See us.. SMALL CHARGE FOR GLASSES EXAMINATION FREE Prescriptions filled and broken lenses duplieated. lei. ,�E. ,�fellyar Jeweller and Optician Phone 174w Residence. 174.1 tfh*j- �iS�ji (j h leSe A Steady Casa Immome OU can realize on your field crops only once a year, but the returns from a regular mills cheque and e well -selected. Rock of poultry will : provide a cash inclnre month.' by month. • With a small initial investment for first-class fowls and equipment, poultry will help to make your farm self-, sustaining They will utilize waste material, prove a • constant source'. of revenue and provide a profitable and pleasant diversion for your wife and children. Ask fora copy of oar Memoranda Book, coetaiaing nscful: iffortriationtor farmers,.. ,. Clinton Branch R. E. Manning, Manager •ta Our Motto For Every Man atchway Underwear Long or Short Sleeves or Legs All you do is Step Right in ajCl�;� Never a u • ;f 9 , • V�, ,tn it's the easiest thing in the world to put on or take off9 this Hatchway nod btion' ud' �er.o�.- �' W�allito 9•Y just P ver. each le `sho, .• ve �h° first one arm there the othe - , x�, glive your shoulders a shrug to make it ss all set " and there you are. Tour finished with missingbuttons, berause there are no buttons to come off. You will never n ver stab your „thumb with a safety -pin trying to close thea s for there are g P tta gaps ,. Hatchway is S 3 t St well tailored War ria undergarment that you merely slip into to ItC that stays t, t after haveslipp ed. If o haven't t Y got the Hatchway - habit dropin and r rave for.yourself ; what '.. P genuine underwear really means The proprietor of The Neivs-Record on Saturday last purchased The New Era, including- its name, goodwill 'and the building in which the plant is situated. - The News;Record will take over next week, when a fuller announce- -mein as to our frtture plans will be i de. na . This move is in line with a pretty general movement all , over Canada, since the .greatly increased `cost of publishing cable about. The News -Record will endeavor in future as in the past to see that all subscribers, advertisers and those re- quiring commercial printing receive the best of service in every. way, WORLD EVENTS The MoIsous Bank has - been -a ab- sorbed .by the Bank of Montreal. It is believed` the Conservatives will have; a majority over all othe).i par - tie's in yesterday's ' s Brit sh election. on In e cuete t n with 0 the bond deals in Toronto Peter Smith, former Provin- cial Treasurer, and Aeniilius Jarvis, Sr., head,of the bond firm bearing his name, were sentenced last week, the former to three yearsin the peni- tentiary and the latter to six months in the county jail, being convicted of conspiracy, to defraud the Province. In addition they are to pay a fine of $600,000. .The younger Jarvis and Andrew Pape]] were found not guilty. Smith'scouncil has petitioned for an appeal C. A. Mathews, Jr., was this week sentenced tot two years for taking secret commissions while in a public position. , GET AFTER THE HUSKY GUYS Tomorrow is Hallowe'en, the night when the witches and fairies are sup- posed to conte out and hold high car- nival, playing tricks on you'll—metals, Since the beginning -of things small boys have shown a keen desire to as- sist in this pleasing pastime and as a 1,'esult ;many eh amusing trick, and some not so amusing, especially to ttiose•upon whom they are played, are perpetrated the last night of October each year. Nobody minds much an innocent prank. But we would like to warn the boys not to play tricks on women Who live alone. Many women .are nervous and the sight of disguised fi- gures trooping about their houses at night is alarming. Also spare the sick or elderly. people. Save your tricks for the young, the robust and the husky, those who Can give you a run for your money. It is vastly more fun, anyway, "Take a man of your own size." AMONG THE CHURCHES - Willis Church The . minister's subjects on Sunday will be: Morning: "Jesus, The World's Redeemer." Evening: "God's. Pro- vision for Our Spiritual Needs," The Girls' Club will hold,its usual thankofl'ering meeting on Tuesday evening next. Mrs, eV. M. Erwin will .give an address. , Wesley Church Brotherhood at ten o'clock. The subject; ."The Functions and. Privil- eges: of Modern: Methodism," will be taken by the Rev, T. J. Snowdon, The subject of the pastor's morn- ing sermon will be: "An "Awekaned Conscience." Evening: "Is the Wlorld CGrowieg Better?" ' Rev: W . R. Osborne of Lend* hero preached on Sunday last, deliv- ering- appreciated sermons both mor- ning and evening. ' flu Ontario Street Church be til FULL MALE STAFF Mr. Ilarr•y Lawrence of Exeter is relieving in the Molsons Bank, Miss Jennie Robertson, accountant', leaving resigned, Por the first time .in twelve years the Maisons Bank is without a lady on its. Staff, Miss Ro- bertson and Miss _Howson both havingresigned. During the war many important po tent •banl mg positions were filled bybut women later most of • them were let out. The Molsone Bank kept these ladies on until they resigned. ," SOME 'SPECIMENS' Apples are not, in this section at least, anything like an average crop this season, winter,: apples especially being very scarce. Something seem- ed to interfere very seriously with the developement of apples, possibly the cold, wet spell when the blossoms were out. Anyway, 'some rather odd developenients were the result. Mr, Harry Thonipson showed us a couple of apples of the Peewaukee auk eo variety -the h e other daywhich prove this. One ' is an. abnormal o • rate! bolting thing with hard little knobs and scabs all over it. Looks as if a spring spray aright have saved it but as jt is it is neither useful or beautiful.. The other, off the same tree, is almost perfect in form shape and color bift is not larger than a smell crabapple, while the Peewaukee is naturally a very large apple. Freaks. are 'interesting ,but we,,con- fess a strong. preference for ordin- ary, well -grown apples. CTOBER 30t1111, 1024 44.144 CANTON, EIN N1111E11116E11 41-11 111111 aTH HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The first meeting for this season was held in the public school Tues- day evening. Dr. Shame's address on "Health" was most . interesting and helpful, all member's wish to ex- tend their thanks and sincere appre- ciation to Dr. Shaw, Mr. N. Ged- des, principal of the Public 'school, presented Miss Dorothy Manning with a five -dollar gold piece, -a gift from the ,slab in'recognition of her high standing in Jim entrance exam- inations of last•Junc. Mr. Geddes gave his pupil praise for her work during the year, also fee her exam - Matfett standing, the highest mark ob- tained in the county. Dorothy, in a pleasing mariner, thanked the club for their ,gift. . Dorothy holds the Cup presented by the County. The elub hopes all pupils inthe,entrance class will make it thein"aim to keep this Cup in Clinton, A goldpiece is in keeping for next -year and will .be give en tp the pupil in'entrance work ob- twining the Highest mark. The Club aims to tplaee a piano in the school, The finance committee is working on ways and means in or- der to make this possible and ask sympathetic support ;:from'the eiti tens, TIIE FRUIT SHOW 'Arrangements axe going along very satisfactorily for i our Fruit Show to be held in the town hall, Clinton, on November' 4th wird 5th. As this is the first event of its kind, a canvass wits made -for contributions to assist in the prize money. Clinton coun- cil voted $60.00 towards the .affair and the merchants` of the town have contributed $75,00. This, along with contributions by others; snakes $150; which, with gate receipts,: should make around $250.00.to distribute in prize . money. 'Good prizes ' are of- fered Inc the various classes. It has been felt by the nrennbers of the Huron County 'Fruit Growers' Council that something must be done to put new life into the fruit indus- try in this 'district. Thirty yeara ago iaxge quantities of fruit were shipped fz'om Huron.cotusty• With the advanco of fruit diseases, and it insects all over the country,, this s been dwindling year by year un this year. Huron county will not duce enough apples to give its own ,ens a reasonable supply for the r. At present a iew car loads e being shipped out of the county,, according to happenings of the t few years, British Colmnbia ap- s v,jll be selling in the county be- e mild -winter and at greatly, ad- ced prices on what the farmer eves, he aim of tire Council' rstcunder- e some educational work along lines of fruit growing. It is proposed to follow .up the Show, :on in the winter, with some good meet ings, held at strategic points in' th County. They Hope in, this' way to encourage the spraying, pruning and better care of,orbhards and ultimetal:, more satisfactory methods of dispos- ing. of the ,fruit. 111 hoe s , hoped that all fruit growers in the county who have fruit of rea- sonable quality will make an exhibit. On Novenmber bth, after the show, Mr. George -H. -Elliott, auctioneer of Cli nton . is going • to sell- what fruit is on eXhil)ition, The •Institutes' Branch of': the De- eart)nent of Agriculture° at Toronto is sending ,up a lady demonstrator to demonstrate new methods ofweooking, canning, and disposing of apples. This demonstrator will 'have soine- thing .of interest Inc every lady in the district, whether from town or coms- tryi Var' lone companies, selling' spray machines and materialshavepromis- ed to put on an exhibit. and will have representatives there ready to, give advice on either .outfits or materials. The Connell feel that ii' the first show ism suecess a show will he held every year. 11 may possibly be moved` from place to place as Condi- tions and circumstances may warrant. I will bo -to the interests of every fi u t grower to attend Lhs• chow, meet his fellow fruit rowers, make con/pal-kolas and investigate asp to and mea 19 of improving his owin tr)bn and and things affecting it, esteem Fellowship service Sunday morn- pro bi o'clock. , ten Mg o'cl oc.t. ,The st a 0 S - P z ci' morning subject: "The Real Source to ea of the Church's Success,"' Evening: are "A Case where Compulsion was Sue- but cessful'•" las The Juniors nieceat 7 Friday.. plc The Senior League is holding' a 'for social on Friday evening at eight. van The Rev. A.Sinclair occupied the ret; pulpit ore Sunday morning and even= T ing. There were two large con- tak gregations, many old friends_ conn- the ing in from• the Holasesville circuit to hear their former pastor, Si. Paul's Church go1y Communion will be celebrated next Sunday at 11 a.m. The rector's subjects bJects will be: Mee- ting: "The Lord's Supper, 'a Means of Grace." . Evening: "The Great Multitudh Which No Man can Num- ber." The Junior• Auxiliary hel ' y d a• most successful and., enjoyable Hallowe'en Social i n the parish hall last Monday, evening., ENGAGEMENT ANNO,UN'CED �IVIr. and Mrs. John;E., Ball an, pounce' the engagement of their daughter,' Pemlea, to Mr." Norman G. iabkirk Grosse"' Ile, Michig•fuison of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Hebkirk, Sea - forth, the wedding to' take ,place the early part of November, COMING DN SALL r .Sone Henson people attended the concert in the town hall on Friday evening last and the next morning a telephone Message :came asking Mrs, Ward•and Nis, Iveson to give a con- cert in that village. They come up there on Wednesday evening next, November 5th, DONATIONS TO :HOSPITAL The treasurer of the hospital wishes to acknowledge the following• donations: - Mz George Cook, 31 Dorval `Road, Toronto $50.00 Mr. and MTS. G. D. 'McTa�•gart 825 Mrs H,T. 'Ranee c 5,0 $ 0 m' Mr Henry Peacock .;$ 2,00 Pastime ; Club , $10.OQ Th • , The Board of Dite„tors axe very. grateful Inc these donations. The treasurer announces the proceeds of the bazaar as in the neighborhood of $450.00 INJURED HAND Mr. Clifford Holland, while filling a silo at Mr, F. Lobb's in Goderich township last Thursday afternoon had the misfortune to meet with an accident which resulted in the loss of the tip: of the. second finger of his left hand. He was feeding the ma_ chine when something went wrong and putting in his hand to loosen things up his glove caught in the cogs and his ,hand was' drawn in. This one finger was badly crushed and it was found that it had to be amputated; at the first joint. It was fortunate .that he escapeds'o well. He might easily have lost hie hand.' PASSING; OF MRS. CARBERT After an illness of some duration Mrs. John Carbery passed away at, her home in Victoria street, • Clinton, on Sunday. 'She was' in her' sixty- eighth year and had been ailing for about two years. Ten days prior to her death she suffered a stroke, from which she did not rally. The. deceased lady, whose maiden name was Catherine Rawley, spent her girlhood days in McKillop and 1-Zibbeet tps, Twenty. ine 'years ago she was =tried to Mr. John 'beaten of Hullett.Several years ago. they Ieft the farm in, Buffett and came into Clinton to reside. Her. husband and two daughters,. Mrs."James Phelan of Blyth and Aileen at•'nome, survive.. The funeral on •Tuesday morning took place to the R. C. cemetery, Flullett, after requiem mass' had been sung by Rev. .Father Gaffney at St. Joseph's ,church. ' The pallbearers were: Messrs. •3.'Dorsey, J. and 0. Flynn, J. Shanahan, T. P. McNin- tosh and 3, J. McCaughey.. Mr. Carberc was taken down with pneumonia on Saturday and was nn. able to be about Inc his wife's funeral,. but he is. reported to be progressing favorably. Sympathy. is felt for,the family in their afflictions. LATE MRS. M. CORLESS The following" from.the .Norwich Gazette refers to the mother of our. townsman, Mr. M. T. Carless. Mr. and Mrs. Corless attended the funeral at. Burgessville: ' ',`There passed away on Sunday, Oe - to er 5, at her. home in Bu' gessville, Mrs, M. 'Corless,' one of the pioneers sis of` Oxford county. Mrs. Corless, whose maiden name ly _ was Melissa' VanDyee, was born in' fe Grimsby in 1843 where she lived un- CI 111 her mintage in 1861, to Moses Cor-sa less; They. settled'on,,an uncleared an farm on the:townline cast, between' Tr North Norwich and East , Oxford, Na where they resided until the death of etc Mrm Corless in 1906,, Mrs. Corless D. then proved to Norwich village, living in there' for 11 years, waren she moved to tic, Burgessville, She had alws's en` An aved .o 7 , good health and often expresseu be the wish that bee life might end by We jest passing away, which wish was R. granted, when she quietly slept away ma on Sunday morning, without any sick ]IIx nese or pain—a beautefnl close to a poi 0 long and useful lite, due r The funeral service, which was the largely attended, was conducted by uta 1 Rev; Mr. Shaw, of the Methodist co' chuz'ch. • - bet She will begreatl missed jn Y, by her: ,t loving family of three sons aiid two tet, slaughters: J. G. of Burgessville; Dr. C. V., Manager of Mond Nickel Co.,•and Conniston; M. T., of Clinton; Mrs. was A. T. Walker, Beaconsfield and Mrs, ver R, N. Palmer, of Hazelton, Pa.' , pita She also leaves twenty grand chil- dren'and four great grand children, seen Three brothers, who were present 10 at the funeral,' C. E. VanDylce, of chid Brantford; R. .E., of•Grinrsby'end H. I1 M;, of Worthington,,Mirnn., will also in.t miss the loving interest of an affec- Mrs tionate sister, IIyc A large number of friends •and rel P10 atives from a. clistance`-weve ,present at the funeral,- among whom were Dr. .Ives and. Mrs, C. V. Corless, . Mri`, and, an Mrs,' M. fi. CorIese, Mr. and Mrs. fine R. N. Palmer, Miss NI. Corless, De- leets troit; Mrs. A. Mott, 13awtr•ey;. Mr. -a,va J. J. :Mott, Mr , and Mrs. Geo.: 7I. 'a > g �, Wilson and Mr. N. „VanDyke, et all. Toronto; Mrs, Wm. Schwab, Mrs, A, New Ilavhoe and Mrs. Sullivan, Grimsby ,for 1 and other's from Ilawirey, Otteiville ate and Bcokton, comp The pallbearers were the three sons ical and three brothers of the deceased. 111 There were many beautiful floral 00pt and MIGHT HAVE; BEEN WORSE �Mr; M. C. Jordan, Mr, Robi were painting the exterior woodwork of and ,a couple of Young ladies out for a drive Sunday after when for some reason, the ea came 'unmanageable out the Bay• road and tinsel,. ` Fortunately n was badly hurt. Mr, Robinson Iain ed an injury•' his to le •. g BROUGHT MOTHER HOME 'Mrs: Norman': Ball of Hallett; was called to the west,; some w ago on account of the illness of mother, Mrs, - George Hill, tutu home Tuesday, ,bringing her in with her. Mrs. hill had 't brought all the way on a' stiet she stood the;journey very and it is hoped her condition speedily improve. ; Mr. Ball Isis wife in Toronto, LITTLE SON ILL Mr. and Mrs. M. T. 'Corless toned to Toronto. on` Sunday to sult a specialist with • zer ad to g little son, who .w s injured a b from Ya n a liox"several days previort The doctors gave them every h that the Iittle lad would be;all ri with rest and treatment and they turned on Monday. Their el sou, Benson, has also been i11 for past week, but it is hoped he soon be himself again. LAST' THURSDAY'S VOTE LITTLE LOCALS nsot ,Mrs D. Kay is busy these days noon the'postoffice. r he- Mr. T. ]White presented to the field Produce booth 61 the Bazaar on Fri - SUS- ono day last a cabbage grown in his gar- field den which weighed sixteen pounds, The News -Record is showing some o1 the t nicest st -private Christmas greet rang cards ever carried by us, this sea- who, son. It is. not too early to decide, eek? with. Christmas just tight weeks a- hex way' Come in 'and gee san}pies, rued. Beginning the first of the year the othere. local, Hydro'Comrnission will read the o domestic meters 'every two months, tcnez+ instead of every three, as has been well the custom for some time past, Those will who have ranges, of "course, will have met a monthly 'reading, as et present, Miss Mabel Rothwell has sold her house on Princess street, east,' now occupied by '.Mr. F. A. Plasket, to rno- Mr. Samuel Jordan of Belgrave, pos- 000- session to be given December ist., Mr Jordan is a rr the at f her of r' heir M Mor - fall r le C. Jordan, den Y , grocer, and is e ora, ing 'sly „ to Clinton to reside. ope 4 ght re- Bagfield dest The -vote on Thursday'. last pa off very quietly in Clinton and vic ty, but both sides worked hard. never let up until the polls close six o'clock, It was soon manifest that as fa Clinton was concerned the'0.T was well sustained, a majority of being piled up Inc it. Out of 933,. were in favor of the Act. AsSlintonwent, so went the 'c ty, every municipality giving.a ' jority for the retention of the s Thirteen of the twenty-six municip ties in the county. gave, a majority over• -500 for the Act, five went 600, two went over 700 and one, H ick township, had a majority of 900. Only three, the villages Hensen, Bayfield and Wroxeter, below 200 of a niiiyeozity. Flu certainly did its part to hold ground already gained. The first returns from the P vine were eliscotuaging to the s porters of the Act, and it looked as Government Control was getting big Iead. This was on account the fact that the returns from :cities. are easier to obtain and I quickly sent over the wire. .Be: eleven o'clock, however,. better ne began to come, the "wet" major had begun to dwindle' and was so wiped out. Before most -people were interested had gone to bed t majority an the "dry" side had ream ed at least a comfortable figure a showed, a disposition to mount. latest reports the majority was put something over 40,000, but the o ' Lgnie has not yet been announ the Mr. Stewart B. Gordon and wife will, and son of ,Midland, Mich., were in the village' last week renewing old acquaintances and _seeing the old home once again. . Mr. Gordon was seed born in the house now owned by Mee ini. W. 3, Poster and spent his -young and days in the;, village ' clerking in sev- d at eral of the stores here. Miss Izetta McPner, ` accompanied r, as by Mr. Caesar of New Dundee,; rno- A. tored to Bayfield and spent Sunday 433 with her parents. 713 Miss Alma MOIiay was home from London Inc the week -end. co Messrs. Lawrence' and Fred Pow - a- lie of London spent the week -end. 4et, with their parents. alt. leer, and Mrs, LPM. Day and of family of Detroit'motored . here to aver spend the week -end in their cottage ow- and also close it for the winter raver months, • . of De. and Mrs. A. S. Atkinson of fell Detroit came over Saturday to en ron joy a few of the nice 'October" days. the Mr. and Mrs, C. Will and family . of London spent the week -end in their re- summer cottage on Delevan street up- and closed it for the winter, if The many friends' of Mr. Thomas. ., a Cameron will regret to hear that his of illness necessitated his removal to the Clinton Hospital' on Saturday. : Ail Iv 'wish Inc him a speedy recovery, fore 1t2rs, Tretheway returned to visit ws her 'daugliteiy Mrs. A. 3. Carver, Hy after having spent awhile with her inn daughter, Mrs. Vigars in St. Thom - who as. he. The directors of the Argicultural h- Society met on Saturday last to fin- nd ish the business of the year. Prize At winners will now be able to proeure at their awards. _ ffi- Mi . William Eagleson, one of Bay_ 0_ field's oldest residents, is very 111 and his family have been sent for. Mr, E. Eagleson of Mprse,' Sask., ar- rived on Tuesday. Mee. E. Manness of London was in the village on Tuesday. A baby boy came to'gladden the home of Mr, and •Mrs, John Pear- son on Friday, October. the seven- teenth. ,E Rio A.ofMac)farftine and Rev. T. Hogg Clinton exchanged Pul- pits on p isSunday evening v y to last. st. g' Miss Jean , McKenzie sang a solo SSM y Task" very sweetly at the evening service at St. Andrew's ehure.h, The Young Peoples' Societyis . holding a Hallowe'en e n social in the basement of St. Andrew's church on Friday night., A very good pro- gram is being prepared. This is an open night an'd the Gbninrittee hops that A large number will :ome to Y : Share their fun Inc a few hours. Word has Seen received here that ., Messrs. L. A. Wendell and M. Rowe, who left here a week ago Sunday in their hydroplane arrived safely at their destination.. ,Miss Smith of Hmilton left. of Monday after visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. Rowatt; for a week. A quiet. but pretty wedding tools lace at P the home Of Mrs, P. W. dlaker. on Wediilosday f last week, when Miss Daisy Beatdinorewas .t un- ited in the holy bonds of matrinoriy''. to Mr• Roderick McLean of Blyth, After a sumptuous wedding dinner served by Mrs, Bakez' the happy cou- ple left to take up their hone in Blyth. ed. At sub -division N. 1, Stanley, "Baird's" ninety-five votes were poll- ed, only five of'them being against the 0,T.A.. At No, 7, however, only five votes favored the Act, while 48 voted against it. No. 2 Usborne' three votes only were cast against the Apt, 127 favoring. it. Full'returns Inc the county will be found on ono. then page. They are as Gorreet as we can get thein to date, THE BAZAAR The hospital bazaar held in the town hall on Friday last proved to be quite a success. The day was lovely and a ninnber''cauie'in from the sur- rounding community, not. only to as, t, bit to purchase. The different booths were very nice - decorated d .and - • ple3eliteCl a ]n05t stive appearance, The Bowling ub Booth, with ititehen things for le, . in charge of Mrs. Axon 1 Mrs. Fair; the Canadien Girls in aiding, in charge of Msses L• innie diger and Elsie Snyder, sold dandy, •i the linty Club, with Mrs. W. Connell and Mrs. W. 3. Stevens charge, had a miscellaneous collet.- n of articles, as had also the Girls' xiliary booth, in charge of Miss Ro 'teen and Miss Torrance, The men's Institute, in charge of 141rs. Ball and Mrs. J. Flynn had home - de -baking, Mrs.' Wiseman and s. Holloway had charge of the fish id; labs. Saville of the garden ern- e, Mrs. Combe and Mee. Sloan of Christmas gifts and Mrs. Pee- n of the afternom tea. An, of ,,se, had ether helpers, ladies front h town and vicinity, and the hall sented s very busy scene all al'• 100n. The booths were ciaintil the: stage where a y decorated afternoon tea served from small tables, was 'artistically Y decorated Y o ated in.the hos- t, color's, yellow a» ' Fos Al six .o'clock ,i hot _ o supper was. ed in the' le.ctnie room of Ontar.- treet ehurch,•the ladies' of several •cher in town taking charge of it. i the evening: a concert was given Ile hall, Mrs, Leila Hoover -Ward, Eileen • Hoover-Ivesoni and Mr. Io Auld, of Guelph presenting the grani, Mrs. Ward as a pianist and Mr's. on as a violinist again charrnecl appreciative audience with their. artistically executed musical se - dos, and Mr'. Auld, baritone, with vied program of sprig's', grave and won the Warm appreciation. of Mr. Auld has been studying 115 York and intends returning there' he winter. ,Clinton was fortun- in having this concert• while the any was intact. It was a rims - treat eat all through. zs. , Waz'd and Mrs Iveson ex - 'd only their travelling expenses Mr. Auld only 0 no sioaal fen for their very inucln appr•eeieted services,. The Ladies' Guild will, hold a fancy work shower on'Tuesday,„ November4th. final arrangemeitts''will then be made for the annual bazaar to be held the last week in November, Salvation Army: 10:00 a.m Sabbath school; 11:00 a.m., subject "One Tnirig is Need - fu)." 3 p.ni., Praise service; -7:30 p.m., subject, "Is There a Hell?" Monday night at eight o'clock g witl. conclude the special week of revival services being conducted' by Captain Bertram Davis. - A thanieoYi'erig will be taken at this service, / , The first Scout parade will be Fri clay night at 7:30, Salvation Army. Hall. Tuesday, Young Peoples': ineetiing Wednesday night at 6:45: all girls and boys are aslced:to be at the prat- ways tide for the Gbriss7nas concert, /arch tes, testify ing to the love and n of many frie nds,,:}ar and near," A laymen's service . was lrelcl in Trinity ehtircii on Sunday last con ducted by Lay Reader F. G. -Neelin of Seafoxtlt. Mr, Bateman of Sea - lath read the psalms, and also ren- dered ve4•y splendidly, the solo "1 alone the Cross must 'bear'." 111r. E. Edge and M1'. C, Merner, also of • Seaforth, tread the lessons and al- so assisted the, choir very mach, Mr. Neelin's text was, "Two Men Went up;, into the Temple to Pray," and he dealt very ably with the difi'erent; classes which Caine under E.he head' of. the Pharisee and the Publican, Mr, Wm, E. IIaIl of Godexich;' township has rented Mr. Bete Spen- cer''s ]rouse, which lie ,and his wife;.. expect to move, into shortly. Master' Lewis Tavlor, who has 1*sI the misfortune to break his arm, mid his younger brother•,. Robert, have` been visiting . their aunt, 'Miss R Taylor, for several days. Coderich Township Mrs. J, Phillips of the }Inion road, returned ]come from •Belleville on. Thursday last in time to cast her vote,.. for the 0.T,A, Mrs. Phillips was called to her sister's home at Belle- ville a couple of months ago on ae.' count of her brother-in-Iatw beano ser-, iously injured in a runa+ y