HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-10-23, Page 8Farhat ar people.: 0a3t44 en d Sed same day is . airtight k=.Ria CREW OF Y� :I' E. I t gg�� �y�° SAFE, AE_ � A L!Y il9t. ; ��" �-: .. , this CO YE. , FO TU1 IN FURS. LOST pat 9 AS• 4RICKS rtt� . azrrrr. .£Y DR: i .fin. iii'ri3LE" ntr' Provincial Board et F{'arfitb, Ontario . IIi6CAistoa tOtli ba Bled to answer eree tioaa ea Public Healthfier a'tht,Dtlga this oelnistn• ,address bias Aipaditui feetrsw, itt see eeet. Toronto• • Wft The :infant is '.a delicate r organism and answers readily to any adverse influence'exextea• upon it; -therefore, it is -necessary to ensure a high stair- dard of; health by, removing. such ad- verse influence: Poverty'of parents is a mos important -factor for evil, in connection. In all our large, cities at the present time; the nurses, and workers in Child' Welfare are handi- capped by the shortage of houses, the overcrowded state of those that- exist, o and, in. many .cases, the unsanitary dwellings that are necessarily allowed g to be inhabited because there is -no ac- commodation for' their- inhabitants if y':these dwellings were closed The pro - r vialon of additional housing accommo- th dation is: most urgent, but this, prob- lem in too' many instances is not tackl- e ed with the .yigor' which its urgency o demands; Among the causes of . infantile deaths, the 'following are the meet im- pertant:. climate, seasen,'housing alco-' hol,'venereal disease, diet; poverty and employment. From these primary causes, two others stand. out forcibly: 1. Want of knowledge, • 2. Wang of character: - and ! ` Infants die from lack of. knowledge e on the .part of the mother or,father or of others who have personal super - mitten of them, but they ale& die from the, ignorance of the,statesmen, the legislator and the municipal councillor, Infants, however, die from the selfish- ness of the same individuals, both in their private and in their public ca-. Tlie story of how a'fa rtrme in furs gas lost, but: lives were saVad,' altar an ordeal that iiakes'onepic 'of the Northern seas, was toed by Wireless Operator Newton el the Hudson's Bay ' boat Lady Kindersley, That ill-fated - boat „Lady now a,scattered mase of wreak - "age betaken 'to hindliug.under the re- lentless pressure of the Arctic ice; her ,cargo of furs, estimated et over one inlU1on do1lare in value, is lost, but her crew are Safe In Vancouver after playing tag with death for many days. Two days late- In making Point' B,ar- s-o ; the Lady ICinderslay was -caught in shore ice which slowly drifted off shore and joined, the main l e pack. By ,this time the. ship vetiseiigtltfy em- bedded in the ice, with her redder badly twisted,.and for the next few days driftd. easterly Trow Point Bar - mow until nothing ,but ice could be 'sighted. A strong northerly wind was packing the ice more tightly, frustret- ing eenatant attempts' by the Crew to • free the ship, In the meantime the United States; patrol boat Boxer had .reached Barrow and learned of the. misfortune -of the Lady Kindersley. As: the days -passed it was realized that: the situation was, becomieg'more hopelese until, on Aug. 19,:. when 20 miles froneland, the,ship was abandon- ed at 3.30 .m, With i six ca s P W nos sleep- ing ee - i P in bags s attd ag revisions o p a sleds, the s crew movedoff the huge, a g , jagged, 8 , lumps p fee, which was continually mov Ing. The lees of a canoe/resulted in al near -fatality. At midnight, in their desperate attempt to reach safety, the crew had reached loose, dangerous ice I ,lees about seven finales from the ship. A shelter was' erected, but sleep was impcaible owing to the freezing wind, which wept over the ice. The. mon were already Beaked, owing to numer- ous ships on treacherous footholds,. precipitating them into the roe -cold water. With the. danger increasing and no sight having been obtained of the Kindeisiey'Supercargo Patmore and Second urate Snii'tb, left ashore at Point' Barrow, who wore cruising the edge of the lee pack in a native skin - boat, the Crew .decided toretnrn to the ship. All were frozen :from th rigors of :a night' of heartbreakin travel,. and before they again reach ed the, doubtful safety of the Lad ICiedersley'at 11 a.in on Aug. 20 fo canoes had'broken down, owing to roughness "of the ice. After: a wire- less message had been sent to th Boxer of their unsuccessful attempt t reach eafety, the crew, thoroughly ex hauted, slept the. clock round. The Kindersley, eruehed in the ice was now Leaking seven Inches daily and drifting northwest very fast. On Ang. 30 a' strong 'northeasterly wind sprang up, opening. a lane .of water close to the 'fillip. 'Sails were set an the engines started, but the lee ratted underneath the ship; completely im- pealing progress; By this date the Boxer bad reached.' 'within seven miles of the ,imprisoned vessel, but the captain refused to abandon the chance of getting hie ship pacities, It is, much easier to acquire c' :und disseminate that 7knowledge : of. mothercraft'which is necessary for the saving of infant'eife, than toeimpnit that spirit of self-sacrifice and un!;elS ishnese .which is'necessary if this knowledge is to be put into operation It is, foe instance, fax easier to melte a mother under alxd that breast- feeding affords her infant the best chance of survival than it is to induce her to make the necessary sacrifice of pleasure or remunerative employment which` are often involved if this ma- ternal'duty is attended to. Again,' it may be quite easy to make our muni- cipal authorities understand that bad housing conditions, overcrowding, tub- erculous inmates,' an impure water supply, and,bad scavenging of the streets are never associated with a low infant mortality' and a high stan- dard of health, but it is quite another thing to induce them to incur the risks and unpopularity. which the carrying out of the indicated reforms would entail. A want of appreciation of these essentially human elements in the problems explains many of the failures,; of otherwise ' admirably de- eigned scheines`df Welfare Work. In some cases; efforts to reform have un- expectedly met with most encouraging success,' owing again to 'the -magnetic influence of some' commanding pee- sonality Who has succeeded; 10 com- pelling society to make the necessary sacrifice, whether -personal or com- munal, for attaining the desired' end. free. Thirty-six hours later he real- ized the hopelessness of t'be situation; as the Kinderalo' was drifting north- west at the rate of 36 mile a day, and decided that the ship must be aband- oned immediately as the last'obahce' for safety for his men, On Aug. 31 the Boxer was sighted and the crew left the ship, crossing the thin• eine:;ee of the ice in eanoes and handing the supplies over: the heavier Part of ice -pack. After travelling fo ur miles they were met by P tmor e -with Eski- mos a-mas and a skinbcat ande reached the ed he Boxer at 4 p.m, Working through 16 miles of heavy lee, the Boxer reached Point Barrow that night. Much praise is due Captain Whit- lean hitrem of the Boxer, and Supercargo Pat more, Newton states, for their per- sistent and couragegus efforts at or- ganizing the rescue, OL Sept. 1 the Bay Chimp arrived, and five of the Xindorsley crew were 'transferred to this boat. They cruised &long the edge of the icepack to within•160 miles of Wrangel Island without sight- ing ighting tiie Kindersley, when the search was abandoned. At Point Barrowthe cook contracted smallpox, aa a result of which everybody had to be vaccin- ated by the Point Barrow, American missionary. - CANADA MOVES TO PRESERVE MUSK-OX SPECIES GROWING RARE IN BARREN LANDS. Slaughter Reserved to Indians and Eskimos Since 1917 is NOW Banned. Ralf a century ago large herds of liruek,ox tiroatned in Canada's northern territeriee. Even as late as twenty - eve yes ago goodsized herds Were to be found In many localities in the Bar- ran 'iands which extend from Great Slave bake to,.iiudson Bay and from tinaber.doc to the Arcata Ocean. In the Iast few years, notwithstanding protective'ineaeures'5 the animals have become much seduced in number 'and in several localities have disappeared altogether, writes "Natural Re- bources-" The Dominion government, through Its Department of the Interior, keep- ing in Mind the suceeseful effort to save the buffalo, has• steadily striven to give. the musk-ox such protection "that it might remain a petwanent .as- set Of the country, It is far mere than an interesting 'zoological epeoimen; it poeteates qualities wlfict may make it of -great 'social and economic value to the Dominion. ar neeesetteted the passing of an order in council recently prohibiting any person frons Bunting or killing Musk - ex. et any time. The' order also hibits any, person from traTiicktng 1n To aseeertain wlc hether a spacial mua ox patrol would be advisable to reaelt distriebe not now covered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Polite, a epecial in- vestigator'has been. appointed. Titleofficer, wile speaks the language 'of the -natives, will, while pursuing his- lirvestigations, disseminate propagan- da on' the neeessdty'for the conserva- tiion of the mush -ox and other wild ereatuies. 0' More Stringent Laws. For a good many years the Departs meet of the Interior hat been 'steadily etreugtiienfng' the laws and regula- tions to protest 'tivild animals 3 s ' ss rYn >k ,' lit " tom;may , " °At }t�a� d In. 1017 the �. Nbrthweat ane act .:, ' . r, < .r; <:, :: ,. ,,.. • .a „ : ' �.� b g c was4�� �atx o »k`. -.. r ,•... , .s `. , �<, k.v. O 'fit . k.,. . ass d and by+`�"r• k'.k!^ M?� .: I 0 3:,' -�' e no o � Pf �§ ,v , its >c.. 5 a , .. .tr noes O , II .,. c ,.s :::. _ s ,....:ds.. ..,;t...'`'�&'a`23�',�'.�•.::�..... •x� .. s,Y.,: Y..> .'a..,.�..e3lurtif persess except Indians, I7skinios and a< , „r a 1 • �S i A half-breeds were allowed to kill the I e Y < ,:, e fi spa :ate a4 .< Ott .tta:., .a vet,. �,. , s r. In 1976, "When did the family feud start?" "Years ago, when his bootlegging grandfather,sold nay grandfather wood aIcohol," '- .can remember .every im- iaortant date in blstory," ' He --"Between Antony and Cleo- patra and dates like those, you mean?" SAVED BABY'S LIFE , Mrs. Aifred Tranchemontagne, St. Michel des Saintea., Qua., writes:— "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent medtaine. They saved my'baby'a fife' and /Min highly recommend them to all' mothers:" Mrs. Tranohemon- tagne's experience is that et thousands 01 other mothers. who have tested the worth of Baby's Own . Tablets: The Tablets are a sure and safe. uiedicine`i• for. little ones and'neve- fail to rege- late .the bowels and stomach, thee' its= llevipg all the minor ills from which. bhildren suffen They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 eta. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine CO., Brookville, Ont. . If moths get into your carpet, treat it as follows. Put, in a pail half a gallon of boiling water and a quater of a pound of rock ammonio, Then f take a large square of iiannei:and'put lit in the pail,. leaving the ends hang- ing over the sides..Pick up the dry ' ends and wring the flannel Place on Ithe carpet and iron dry with a very hot iron. Ge all over the carpet like this and no moths' eggs will come to life. Little Girl (used to long sermons): "What a very short sermon the new curate gave, Mummy! - I suppose he doesn't know much about it?" • Minard'a Liniment Relieves Pain. Victories, that conie without having had to be fought and ,ven are nothing to brag about. Find Renewed Health by Im- proving Their Blood. ' If you feel run down, it means that your toh b is tin and water that odY> your vitality 1 v t 1s ow. Your set are y f easilychilled.. led•. e °Y u do not else well w P and you are tired when you rise In the morning. You find no pleasure In your meals and are listless and dispirited at your work, You,have no energy to enjoy yourself. Thousands of men are run down by anxieties' of work. Thousands of wo- map are broken down by their house- hold toil, with tired limbs,; and aching backs; thousands of girls are pale, Balm and without attraction. It all. means the same, thing—thin and watery blood, vitality rein down, anae- mia, poor appetite, palpitating heart; short breath. Do not submit to this. ., Cat new bleed and with; it new vitality. There is no difficulty in doing this. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills bnild up and enrich the blood, which brings with 1t new health and vitality. The man, woman or girl Wiso takes Dr, Williams' Pink Pii1s is never run down. Their friends notice how energetla they are, what'a fine appetite they have, and lie yr much they enjoy_ life. You can get these pills through'any dealer in. medicine, or by malt at 50 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' ryfedioitte CO„-Brdeitville, Ont, Trees.. The Maple is for tables, spread With golden -crusted, k'inddy bread: It amide the sirup that Can bring The resurrection of the Spring,. The oali—that's for men's yokes and carts, • aith and harrows and their hearts, The llr tree is the roving: tree, And wears great. sails across the sea. 'rite apple is the heaven's gate; The rains of on poplars wait. But houses where we love :and dine Are grown. and saudtitfed in Bine, And over all our joys is hung The music that its boughs have sung, Robert P, Tristram Coffin. There's Money inOtl—Even Castor Ole • Eleanor, wile is six years old, had Or the slim. of ten cents consented to oke the despised medicine prescribed uringea .slight illnes. A few days ater her brother asked her to bele ick up corncobs, ` She was, reluctant, at when he offered her a cent' a bas- et she'went gleefully to work, e It was Calow work, however; she found that the basket held a prb•dlgi s number of cobs. With growing in• 011 ignatxon she persevered tmtil ,the asket was piled high. Then she stood •ect with wrathful, countenance, "Pll not pick up another cob Fred ,musk-ox, and killing by 'those people was permitted only when they were infr�t� ,.xnis�zat'�t�ta ,.}ax�§..;`.,a'.: to actual heed of food,. No person wast permitted to trade In the pelt or any , other part of the musk-ox. In 1919 there was appointed a, royal cohnr iseion on + ' the -reindeer and musk-ox to investi- gate the pors4bilities of establishing } , 'music -ox at* reindeer industries in the ere e ,an su arctic lien!" she said crisply. "I just want. You to know I can make more money kingcastor ail!" • regions. Li d b g s. The tiiomuiiss.ian gathered much valuable in>'orrnation, some of which has been embodied In regulations.; 'i he commissioner of the northwest territories, as .empowered .by the 19.23. amendments to the game set, issued, not long ago, a regulation prohibiting the use of dogs in the hunting and tak- lnm of game' annuals in the northwest ftorritoriee. ',chs signiincanCe of thiy. eegulatbon.•wlid be ,more readily smeu jay those conyenvent with the habits of the musk-ox. et is teprimal Instinct the e animal to floe from man, but to stand and form a circle when attacked by wolves or dogs. Native bunters jtavo taken eelyatutago of this fact to send on•thsde dogs iiret, and' since they have acquired modern firearms they have been able "to kill the music -ox In initial greater numbers. Closed beacon Year Round, ' Reports or the continued wanton and dnneceeeary ejanghter of the muslt•ox ljy natives, runners of whish were 4'0- re/berated by miesional'ies teed -ethers,. PRINCE OF WALL -8 iN WEST - 11.11.,H, the Prince of Wales •greeted "en his arrival at Winnipeg; ,Where the special Canadian National train carrying the royal party. mado .its fleet stair en route. Left to night, in 1119 group are: A. FJ, Warren, 0oneral. Men: ager, Western Region, f7.N.I1.: Ii.RIi. the Prince "of Wales, and Mayor S, .1, Varner, who extended a hearty welcome to Winni eP g. BaIow3. special Canadian howir the National train bringing the royal visitor to his Alberta ranch,---0.N,R. Photos. i COLOR IT NEW WITH "DIAMOND AYES Beautiful home dye•: 'nig and tinting: is guaranteed With Dia - Mond byes., just dip; in cold water to tint' soft, delicate shades, or' boil to dye rich, permanent co Bach 11-cent,uaolcage, 1 contains directions se -simple ally woman can dye or, tint eerie, Bilks; ribbons, petite, Waste.. dresses, coats, stocltingd, ` sweaters, draperies. coverings, hangings, every- thing new, Buy "Biemond Dyes"—no other kind —and tell your drugglat whether the meteiial ryOu wish tq coati. es wool or eilk, ort whether It is. linen, cotton, or mixed hoods. Thi e is a teueentled.=form of -the. famous thrao card. moixte trick. The pack. Is divided' Into three heaps, each Velem placed faced dgg'fr>on the table. On, one of these• heees•the performer places the Ace: of "Hearts, face down. - lie then moves the beeps around, insisting; that no,.mutt`sr • how carefully ,the spectators watch, they will lose track of the pack` which has the Ace on the, top. After -he bas moved the packs _around sufficient ly, he asks a spectator to Indicate which pack has the Ace on theatop, The . spectator makes' :his choice, The "performer lifts the top card. It is ,nota the Ace l In this trick the 'magician's' standby is used in a somewhat un- usual' manner. ' Thaca'l displayed as the Ace has behind, it another card, ' If the two cards are slightly, hent and are held'witb -toe thumb, at ono side and the fingers at the other, bo. one Will suspect tifat'the Ace is anything but what it'seenie to -be., However, when the'Ace- is • seemingly on top of the pack, those is another card on top of It -and the remainder,of the trick becoines a very simple matter. IOlip this, nes and. paste ft. withother of the:series, In a Scrapbook.)._ In Praise of Candles. "Dark, these times, is blinding bright," Old godmother nodding says, "But earth grew wlse yY 4andlelight." Candle, candle burning clear - n n On t Ito nus ser, window sits Not ao g blin dared come nese' Candles on a frosty sake Gleaming,; gleaming, tipped with gold, Seven for, one little sake, • Candles, glancing up"the stair, P7lcker, picked• evoty, Right; Haloes on the 'children's hair. Candleshining starry bright Through the casement en..the "Hearts came home by. oandlelight." Candle flame on every floor Blessing fluted, hall and lleatth When the bride game in she door, Candles, nfei,owfng ancient pages Slowly turned, old •song and story 01 the hall -forgotten ages, Candles -comforting the gloom When the Pais, dim Shadow fell, Kind as angels in the room. "AY," godmother node, "the night Flashes like a jewel now But life was sweetby candlelight.". Nano Byrd Turner in Youth's Com- panion. Minard's Linin)ent wads Cuts. During a severe thunderstorm In the Baltic Sea, seagulls were observed flying about with small blue electric dames on their beaks, and at the tips of their tails and wings. 001790 established -00 years. 'nesse hvrite for oust price list on Poultry, (Sutter, and Eggs fro Gnaiu.owmce them for .e• Weep ahead, .. P. POULIN & CO., LIMITED 51-30 eoneeooarr. Market, Telephone Main 7107 MONTREAL, . QUEBEO It Stays o You can bank on a`44t1:' Day after dayllsiystonth affermontit Sin erts"444'Aecewt1stand the going where the going la hardest Qietyourltartdwarefnan shimyou a"444.NNotethe hong mai the "feel"of it- Areal axe with a flashing& finish tharresisi:e rust. iANAUAPb1TPiD1t1E8 \.y o pOgartri 3S L1DiCiED,; BROCKVILLE ONT Rheumatism -Apply Mlnard's to the 'polling • spot 'and 'get quick relief. The remedy your grandmother The fellow wbo works 13y the clock is 7191 worth :the price of a cheap welch, Mipiard's L1nlmvht pi bourn tisrm trong Nerves Pure organic prosphato, known :to most divggiets ae Bitro•Phosphate, Is, what nerve -exhauster], tired -out people.. remit have to regain -nerve force, and energy. :That's why tt'a Sue antoodi Price el per pltge. Arrow Chemical Got, 26 Trent St. East, Toronto, Out 2ostig No, 42—'24. 0 --iiie iarep ir7tiotr'Wli,1 i(tii sNiidit tine coreffticiic of every oouittiy.aaitdsli tEtb i tieb Flag' tits r ntesiy5 which hats brought;h sdtb and haptx#tat s to rniihotiti; of klen a, d wotaieil irl eilery' past olrthe Empires 'the, treatment .vvhleft is roasrrted tcti ^s er ''ohel a e , fol gdntonts euclr; ti; $reit, . Rcadachs B Iityi sue pf In ige,tien ' sand" :Coneti.0,00tie often se®plop Lord insigsuficatat, yet, Iectdedly' ipteolive hent- ai men wbich.have•ffteir,origin in'a;dydpepdo car'nd'it'ion of jfihe tori►ich;ariil'a:_tor id:' o n pia1 1 1 I I I. L. Iillif 1 I�! ' IIIii•' ultell Mechanical Amir ,'rests Classified Advertisements ements LADIES'WANTED To DO LADIES PLAIN Stockings. Tradition demands that miladi when she buys hose, shall run,her -hand and forearm 'into: thestocking stretching. he garment over the rack thus provided, for.bhe purpose of vera lying its• structural integrity—which isanother way of saying that until she hes Ieoked it over she Isn't sure that the stocking is .free from runs and similar flaws.. - But the shopkeeper isn't particular- ly pleased by this technique -of exam- ining, a'J esti 1 s apt to p salt i n dam- age soiling. So there is ngno offered w a neo n real a a r h mor f the a purpose, nd one which oss P assns a marked rk ed addi- tio nal advantage., dvanta e. g It 1t built in the form of en extremely long 'Meanie light tube, and the stocking goes right on it, over the light. One then doesn't have to hold it up against daylight for eaaininatign—the Sight shines right and ,light sewing at home' wholeor spare time good'paY; work sent... , any distance, charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National - Manufacturing Co., Montreal. LADIES ONLY. 'UR BOOKLET, "LADIES' FRIEND," mailed in : plain en- velope, free._ Casier 24231, Montreal. HOME STUDY xo THA R ND OR BOO ICICDPI PING taught in twenty e tY mel eaaon s. ` ProfioieacYguaranteed, Diploma Ion P 6 glVen. Empire e Bu sines s College, o 348 Broadview Ave,, Toronto. fl!'I CS1 through the. stockin g : and -reatl ' fa p��� It Y_ IIiAITATrin$Y oilitatea the work of the inspecting SUN,WIND,DUST &CINDERS RtroMnENDED Gr SOLD BY DRUGGISTS d. OPTICIANS son ruga Eye CnR6 Deco MV5155 CO.Ca1CA.V.14. The sate way to send money' by mail 10 by Dominion Expreee'Money Order. You may not be to blame for being mediocre but you are to blame if you put forth only mediocre effort. Par &ore Feet—Minard'a Liniment, The finest peal of bells in the world is being oas£•at Croydon, England, for Ur. John D'. Rockfeller, the world's wealthiest man. 'A special tower is being built in New "York to hold them, C We Make -Payments Daily. We Pay Express Charges. We Supply Cans. • Highest Ruling Prices Paid: BOWES CO., Limited Toronto Use Cuticlira Soap Daily Bathe whit Cuticula Soap and hot water to cleanse your akin and free, it from impurities. If rough or pim- ply, anoint with Cutitura Ointment. Cuticute Talcum- Is'ideal for per- fuming ae well as powdering: 6ample 64.5 Tree b. Nat, Ad,,,,, Caedd an Dappola Outtoara,, h-0, 001 3010, Men<aba� Pmlaa So__nrpy outntmow1t0arring 5,5, ,to55,, ilei- •sly ea,' now 81.60569 251,0. TOILET FIXTURES FOR SALE. Bowls, tanks, wash -basins, also heal• tug equipment, including piping coils,_ 125 h,p, tube boiler, .used lighting equipment, such ne eonduite, switch boxes,, etc,, all in building being' alter ad at 78 Adelaide Street West: This material must be sold at once. Real Estates Corporation, :•Limited, Top Floor, 73 Adelaide Bt, Woat, Toronto. Telephone Elgin 8101. r FULL OF ACNES AND PAINS Toronto Mother Found Relief by Taking Lydia E.Pinkham'12 Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ontario.--" I have found Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cont. pound asplendid medicine to take before and after confinement. A small book Was put in my door one day advertising Lydia E. Pialcham's medicines, and as I did not feel atall well at the time I went and got a bottle of Veketable Compound right away. I soon began to notice a difference in rimy -general health. I was full of aches and pains at the time and thought I had every complaint going but I can truthfully say your medicine, certainly did me good. 2 can and will epeak highly of it, and I know it will do other women good who are sick and ailing if they will only give it a fair trial. Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills are splendid for constipation. You are welcome these my letter if you think it will help any one. "-Mrs. HARRY Wcs'rw000, 543 Quebec Street,Toronto, Ontario. The expectant mother is wise if she considers carefully this statement of Mrs, Westwood. It is but one of a great many, all telling the same story—bene, &jai results. Lydia E. Pink'.iam's Vegetable Coni- pound is ospeciallyadapted for Ase dor- ingthis period. The experience of other women who have found this medicine a blessing is proof of its great merit; Why not try it now yourself? 0. Insist on BAYER;TABLETS OF ASPIRIN ,Unless you seethe "Bayer Cros" on tablets you are pot getting tile," genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and }prescribed by physicians 24 years kr ' - Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism p . Accet onl !`Bayer".' packs e which con ales proven directions. 11 , Colds Pain Handy "Bayer" ilexes of .12 tabiote Also hottics of 24 and 160--Druggiote. Is»lsla to the trade Omar (rogieter,0 in Ceae9s)' of Payor MaautaCturo of iitotioaeettC., • eictdtotek of aniicyiteacld (dactyl ynitcytta ,Acid,' 'd, a A,'). while it 10 w011. 1a{o,e tint Aspirin lnehnn Bayor rdnniltnotora, to. Dry»int '110 public] against 1tnitgtlo,io, the l`ableta. a Meer comyon rim 55 0teeete.• wee their genorst Walk) muni, 111 a nsyet (NW'