HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-10-23, Page 5nilly •once Tfiel e"s otinj. More .than personating anyone tapes tipgk a' chill while' hn 1•and was detained untie for There are tr ese who might as asgeed a place as any take' a chill r c� a' A device has :now beep• invented by which one is ens bled io see throe h a baielc:,wall. 'What• :-.a."vnlgar,pr i stiael>}ne this In1160 =be, il.ope none of star neighbors get one of Canada has sent ninety-two volare= Cn of:.apple,;; os the fourth annual .l' Tt show in London, England, to be opened';touxorrow Oct, 2410. -This to al-Katt three times 'the number:.. of entries ever sent before. Canada should become well-known as a "food" country, 'in the cotiiutrles across the, The"'editor of the 'Expr•essJHeraid, the ild- nued T. .a uld the ob- got in the ffice ubt a is lice ors ce is be Ys no by nt- it- irl or o - e, to en s- er-_ ld ge' erg f- 5- n.. d e e d Newmarket, received a letter - other day threatening,; that his bn ings would be burned' if he' cont. to publish articles favoring the 0. A, The letter was 'signed with skull' and cross bones. We' sho say the writer was a little ate as campaign is so: nearly over. Pr ably the newspaper in question.. in its best licks last week, setting motion influences which' even burning down of the printing o couldn't stop, ' This was nodo the' work of some fool crank but threat to burn a man's buildings going a bit far. The county po are looking into the matter. a s s s Sometimes writers or ,speak seem to assume that the independen shown by,the modern woman something new, and not always is commended. Women have alwa had hankerings after independence, doubt, but' have. .been handicapped circumstances;iir, expressing• or •alai ing it ophe story comes from a 1 tle town;ii'taEngland of one way a g tv�e seventy "ars ago took to keep' h financial independence. She ,,vas WC!ed by a';`lad 6't'arbout'her own ag twenty years, and they arranged marry. ., After.: the ceremony, wh the girl,waa asked to sign the;; regi ter, she refused. and eauld,:not be p. suaded td change her, mind, nor wou she tell the reason for her straa action. The half -married loan went their several' ways and' now a ter seventy years, the *omen 4has di closed her reason for refusing to co sunrate her marriage. She. feare that the. whole of. the small fortun she possessed would Pass''into th posse8sion.of her husband. "T love lite enough," she stated," but I •wish ed to be independent," s s • No matter how the vete' goes today 'Ontario is promised -a prohibitory law by Premier Purguson. Should the majority in Ontario vote today in faa- our of; the retention of the Ontario Temperance Act Premier Forga:son 11113 promised that the 'Government will "treat it, as any other.pieeeof leg islation-strengthen itsl tllteaknesses; if, any, that might be revealed frons • time to time, and give it active and vigre sus enforcement." This does. not ,,,carry with it any suggestion that the Premier 'feels the law cannot ,be en- forced. We shall, therefore, should the O.T.A. be sustained today, as we belie\ ' it will;''expect Premier Fergu_ son and.hts Government to give this matter immediate and vigortas at- 'teni ion and enforce the late to the li a - it - 11, on the other hand, a majority of. -voters in Ontario today indieatethat they wish a change in the law and show their 'desire that a systein of Government Control or sale be in ang- crated, we still have' Premier Fer:gu. son's word for it that there will be little change in the law,; except that it will not be necessary fpr perso{ns wishing liquor to obtain 'a. doctor's prescription . in order to obtain it. Commenting on a letter sent by Mr. 'Raney to the Rev. T. -A. Modre last' week Premier Ferguson among other things said: "Mr, Raney assumes that under Government' Control, there will be na-pinohibition. There will be pr`o- hibit3on and the Govei•nment will en. - force' it to the limit. We will not allow sale by the g•lass_.over• bars,, or. importation, or dealing in it or trans-,. Porting it except by the Government itself. . :It annoants to this. Liquor is now available from dispensaries upon the prescription of. doctors:- We have asked the people only if tlley want to eliminate the prescription. Othar conditions will be the wine, After all it is not the text of the law which prohibits anything It is the vi„'or with which it is enforced. Pro- hibition laws under Government Con- trol, 11 that system is voted for, will be complete and thorough. "More men w,inkbe added to the en- foresnient staff?" "Yes," he replied, f0it t8i12 be made -strong enough to force the prohibi- tions that will, be in effect." According to these statements by 'the Premier no matter which way,the -vela goes Ontario will retain.., a strangle hold on the liquor traffic. And we shall • hold' the Government strictly to 'account for the carrying. out,' 01 its promises in this regard. MERTCAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MONTREAL"ASKS PERMISSION TO ENTER UNION CIIUItC11 �Ln interesting meeting of the Joint a hurrah Union Cosnniittee held in Tor - 'onto last week is thus reported in -the Toronto Globe: "The Joint 'Church' Union Commit- ee of the Methodist,- Presbyterian cad Congregational denominations met yestorday in. Me,tropolitan,Chuneh in a -gathering which its expected to prove historic: Clergymen and lay- -mom to the number of 70- front :all, eV e < an� 1 a' d were r on iron d'i tvhe lit Session of the Jdint-Ceminiftee htfan' 7.1 ;;R: .;hed nt oh was en eft^ ho, fIe� 'of Toronto, the 0etn {'stun D.T the Council, Milo spas ueclaedod by Di ,George C. Pidgeon. Rev 11h iediey rpei.11d ho pas, , ass of Church 'Union diming C t et7ty years. Ile'' had been -a meanies o thiooriginal cor t ides wttielt ',.net In 100,1 in old Knox Chain ta, Who's e 1 iso score. o, the Robe t Simpson Company Limited, now slant,. "There's shah a thing as being so close to a ,great thvt •;that one e unnioi see its realsignlficanne s d the re_ tiring Chairman, referring to the, ob- ject o1 the meeting. . He added that the members' of the committee were not present, to debate, but to'eonsu- mala: Union _through. the proper edn- stiiriationat channels, The Parliament, or. Canada was behind, the committee; "People will ,be talking Tor one hun- ched years of this meeting," conclud- ed ;Rev. lir,. Pedley. 01 ar'ticnlar interest was .a letter from the American Presbyterian Church of Montreal, asking •Tor ad- tilassion as a charter member of"'the. United Church of Canada, which was. read by Rev. J H. Edmisgn, Secre- taryaf the -Presbyterian section. Ac- cording to. thec6mantmication, the de- cisien.to apply had been passed with only ono dissenting; voice,...and only after permission had been obtained from the Presbytery of New York (under whose ;jurisdiction the Ameri can Church is) to transfer the church property ..to that :of, the Canadian n on Con On anotien' of W. H. Goodwin of Montreal, the application was accept- ed unan'hnously. Amici applause Mr. Goodwin', said that,in receiving this chuncli the committee was receiv- ing not -'only al single congregation, but .nen who• were known nation- wide. - A. large number of letters was re- ceived:frons ministers asking to ,be ac- cepted as ministers of the United Church, ;Nineteen of- twenty-two clergymen in the Presbytery of Peter - bora,' it was stated,. had signed one of the letters, Eon. N. ` Vii, Rowell reviewed the, passage of the Church Union Bill through the various legislatures. No change had .been made, he_said, in the principle of the bill, although- -alteia tions had been made ih the preamble and declaration: Mr. Rowell put on record ,the valuable services of Mr. Q. W. Mason, IC, ,C,; Rev. Leslie. Pidgeon of,Winnipeg; ;Rev. W. R. Young and W. r. Cann of Toronto, and the Bureau of Literature and In- formation. Mr, Gunn, one of those Mentioned, sent a letter' to the meet- ing last night, apologizing for his ab- 'sone°,the first.. in 20. years, which had been "'necessitated ,bsr 'illness," County News Seaforth : The Highladers' Band held its annual meeting last week when the following officers'wea:e elec- ted: Pion. President, . 11.- McPhee; president, I'. L. Box; vice-president, M,tt, Rennie; sec. -treasurer; D. L. Reid;; managing committee, H. C. Box, Earl Smith, W. Parke; cosidue- tor; W. Freeman.. Exeter: Thisvillage on Monday de- feated the bylaw to raise the suin of $7,000 for an extension to the High and Public schools, ' Goclerich: An .historical society' is being organized here and a room is being set apart in the Publie Library for, the storing of historical records, Blyth: Mi:. A. R. Tasker has been, sworn in as postmaster here.' Ex - Postmaster Siris will act as deputy. Ethel: Mr, and Mie. A. L. Weir, Walkerton, Ont., announce, the en- gagement of their daughter, Margery, to Jdr. E, Arnold MelVfaste , Ethel, Ont:;; son of the Sate Joseph and Mrs. McMaster, Utopia, Ont, the, marriage to take plain' the latter part of Oc- tober. • Seaforth, Mr. G. A. Sills,lastweek celebrated the fiftieth miniver -eery of his entrance into the ,business life of .Main street, Seaforth. Marriages CLAYTON , QUIGLEY At Rol Name Cathedral, Chieag, Octo- ber on y - ber 4th by the Rev. Father l Taspold, Kathleen, daughter of i1ltr. and Mrs. P. 'Quigley of H'uIlett, to Gerald J. Clayton of Chicago. STEWART-I{ILBOURN=In Toron- to, ort October 17th at the hoe o1 the bride's parents, by us y the Rev. 1)r. -. W. 'H. Hincics, Ruth Margaret Itis bourn,'B.A., daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. rTiilbourn, 236 Annette street, to Roy Alexander. Stewart, rf.A., of Toronto, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stewart of ''Brussels. • IKNOX-BURNS.=A't. St. Janes' church, Kingston, 011L. 071 October 15th, by Rev. T. W. Savany, Olive itiay Burns, of I(ingston to Loftus,, Lin Knox, of. Goderieh: AU9TTN I1AiSMUISSEN-Ab St. Stephen's church, Gori'ie on Octob- er 15th, by the Rev. R. ,S. Jones, Sorena Wilhelmina Rasmussen, ,of Wroxeter, to Wi1liToin'Ewart Glad- stone. Austin, of Gorrie. DerAftis SPUIIL-At Aoburn, on ' Oct. 16th Arnos'�Spuhl, formerly...of Londes' boro,aged 67 years. VANSTONE-In Colborne 'Township ' on October 11113, Lucretia Vanstone, daughter of the late Mr, John Van-. stone, in her 79th year. Y110 -In Turuberry on October 8th, Nancy Brethauer, wife" of 'William Yeo, aged 58 years, d mouths and 15 days. f:IRWIN-lin Kitchener, on October 17th, Henry W. Erwin, Clerk of ,Bayfield, aged -38 'years; ANNUAL MEETING OF CHILD- REN'S AID SOCIETY The animal nneeting of the Huron County .Children's Aid and 'Ilusnane ociety will be-oheld on Tuesday, the 4th of November at 3 p.m. in the children s""Shelter, ; Cameron street, Goderich, ',, Mr. J. J. Kelso„ Pro- vmilera)Supt, is expected to be press • Adagave.an,address. •, The. Is invited. pub S lig L o r ber- 111 a ' For !ze list' a➢ it information rite Secretary, R. R SLOAN, President Bayfield l3; STOTHERS,Secretary Y Clinton' 77-2 NOYEIVIBER ROD AND GUN Every _sportsman will be interested in the November issue of Rod,and Gun to Canada., "'variety' stories and article. „§, based otr a variety' of subjects,will hold the attention of all who reach. hold Tlionipson has an'unuhual ly good story entitled The Sins of•the Fathers':in this number, Some Wild Aismial Trails and 'Some Adventures Along Them. from .the pen of Bonny- castle Dale, is on -a par with bis prey_ ions excellent wild animal stories.. IT.J.Black has writtena humorous ac- count of an English "tenderfoot" who is duped by an unscrupulous fur buy- er in the West in his story called Fox, - es. These are only ajfew of the inter eeting contributions to. this number; which also include an enlightening article . on Moose Calling : by Henry Braithwaite and fishing trip to the Isiand`'Province,'.by A. F. Atkinson... The stories of F. V. Williams, Mar- tin Hunter and J. W. Wiinson, who are regular contributgQns to the mag- azine, are all up to tha mark and the regular departments conducted by the, departmental editors are brimful -of good and interesting reading. Lost On .Sunday between Goderich and Clinton a cocker 'spaniel pup . black and 'white, Finder notify. It, G. Wanner, Clinton. Reward offered. • 77-1-p; Shropshires for Sale For sale a foo good ram lambs, some shearling ewe lambs, all from, registered stock. W. G. Ross, Loci_ desborca Ont. Phone 26-15, Blyth' Central. 77.5-p sty:,=+--:-• For Sale France house on Albert, Street, Clinton, in good repair; 9 rooms: and summer kitchen; good cellar with cement, floor, wood shed, 'verandah, hard and soft water. i/aaere ofgar- den .with fruit trees and small fruits. Apply to Samuel Merrill,' R. R. No, 1, Clinton. 77-1-p For Sale Cheap A good Lighter Day high .oven Lit- risen range,'harns ei'her coal or wood. Apply Rev.' J. E. Hogg, the manse, Clinton. Bonds -Victory Bonds, maturing on Ne- ve:ther•first, may be renewed or the funds placed in other investments in which security is the prime consider- ation. Information may be obtain- ed from W. Brydone. . 77.1 ' Auction Sale Of farm, 'farnn stook; implements and household effects, at lot 13, eon - cession 12,` Stanley' township, on Thursday, November6, 1924. The undersigned auctioneer has' been in- struetcd Id elt by public auction;cora- monciug at 12:20 o'clock sharp, the foliowingf. Real Estate -Farm con- sists of 100 penes being 161 13, conces- sion 12, Stanley. Than is on the rains a good stone houae with kitchen, bank barn 30x56, large driving shed 22x80, sheep pen 18x36, and other out- buildings, .four acres of orchard, all finds of fruit trees, 6 acres of bush, well fenced and tiled with plenty of` water. ' Also part of lot 12, conces- sion 18 consists of 30 acres, 4 acrbs bush, balance nearly all in grass. The hums' will ' be offered in two parts or old together to suit purchaser. Live Stoek-llorses;'Geneval purpose team 10 and 12 ,years old; carriage team, 8 and, 10 years old. Cattle: T. cow, years old flue time of sale; cow, :5 yrs. old due November 8th; cow, 8 yeats old due in March; cow 0 years old; cow, 4 years old; 6 steers rising 3; 2 heifers rising 3; 3 heifers rising 2; 1 steer rising 2; 2 steers 11 months old; 2 calves. Sheep: 13. Leicester ewes. 1-Iogs: sow with ' litter, 2 store pips, (lens: 100 hens 1 year old; bred -to -lay 3 dozen pullets. lin lements, etc. -M. -H. ;binder; Deer ng mower; hay rake; cultivator; disc arrow; 4 -section harrows; bean scurf_ .,r and puller combined; hand scoffer; eller; fanning mill; weigh scales; traw'-cutter; %root pulper; wagon; leigh; democrat wagon; :buggy; ent- er„ hay rack; wagon box with shelves d pig rack; gravel box; walking low Kangaroo plow; Farmer's rend riding plow; Delaval cream oparator No. 10, set heavy harness; ei: light" double, harness; set single arness; 2 ladders; about 50 ton of ay, a quantity} of wood,spine Brain; ureka-seed potatoes cider barrel; Uri: barrel.; ' ; 2 sugar Tattles; forks; ovels; chains; ,neckyokes and niuiia- ous other; articles. 5--IouSeholt? :Teats, etc. -Churn; desk;chest ,of awers; 3 burner coal .oikstove vritln en; 4 chairs; washstand; ;dishes; or h 1 z 5 5 t an T' s 0 11 h L I3 sb m• E 'dr pv gsn; sola; and numerous "other.ar, riches. Terms of Sale -310 and uu-, der, cash;ove0 that amount •_12 months';: credit will be 'given' oh fir, uishinig approved;. joint note's: 1.1 per cent,, oft` for cash on credit -amounts... Terms of real .estate made known on day of sale.Oscar Klapp •Auctiala-- ee W`. J. -s - 1. _g . T'ou 1, h Cderle• a Sparks, ' Pr Maggio g e oi•.: .set• p re 1 77 , lSol3 (A.SII AT''JOIi'N,"s0 0 4 to ing Broom, „ 10 ,Bars Soap, any, brand 3 takes tLtnnioii r P,hiso .... 3 Pkg. jelly Powder. 2 lbs. Seedless' Raisins., 'With o'-ery cash order Doll -Free. • GROC'ERL Y FO11' BALANCE ,0I }ON`CII. 1 Pieea Toilet set • 2.50, 61 .y dozonr ,c31D0 only •, OOe; le• •i/z dozen,cups and ',sae eery . , . ; ; ..850 2'c 33 dozen plates' ,,80p • ...250 1 Gal. • Stone -Crocks . , , .25c ..25c calces Toilet So<np.,';,-.... , , .25c 81. Q'0 o f a�bovc spcoials tive will` give a Soap OUR STORE TOUR, STORE _JOHKMiS : " 2 m O'S Gd tOVasau',ii• Y (taking Sale Trac• 'Sale The Salvation Army, .`ladies will • The adniinistrato hold a baking, alerecea the estate of sale on Saturday <iCter 'William' Dohert r, deceaised, offer fort noon; 'Nei . 1st>r 7;-2 sale his late residence and the ad- joining. lands, (25 acres more or less) Auction Salo Of 'farm stack., Tho'' undersigned auctioneer ,has^,receivecd, instructions. Lo sell by 'public -auction` at lot 313, concession 1Q, Ilullett township on Tuesday, October 281h,- commencing at 1- o'clock sharp . the -_following: Holstein cow, 7 years old due Nor. 5; Durham cow; 7 years oldi•.11ne Nov. 2; Polled Argue cow,'3 yrs. due tints of sale; Durhain pow;, 0 years, fresh •3 weeks;. Polled Angus heifer, 2 years old due Jan. 810; Polled Angus cow, 9 years, ,due, Dec. 1st;, Durham 'cow, 6 years, due Dec. 1st.; 3 Steers 2 yrs. old; 3; heifers- 2 years ,old; 2 steers rising 2 years; 8 steers; rising 1 year; 7 heifers 1 year old; 2 heifers rising 2 ,years; 2 spring calves;' 11 •spring calves; well-bred . York sow with Ha- ter; 50 hens'1:yeai'old;.root pulper; 2 steel barrels,:, Terris of.sale: 12 months credit on approved joint notes, or a` discount of 5 -per cent, for cash, John C. Radford, Proprietor.: T. Gundry, Auctioneer. Sheep For Sale Aged;. Liecester ram;. registered, and 5 young buck lambs, eligible for registration.. Apply.to J. H. Quig- ley, 11. R. No. 5, Clinton. 72-2-p Farm For Sale Lot 31, concession 1, SBlue Water Highway), Goderich township, con- taining 80 acres. There is a good 1%, storey frame house with 'a large kitchen, iarge, .barns in good repair,, with ,stabhng,underneath, -about two acres:. of- Orchard and 18 a acres of hardwood bush, plenty of good' water. Also the north pant of lot 32, adjoin- ing, containing 30 hares,:. will be Sold separately or, together. i' 4 miles from Bayfield, 8 miles from. Goderich. Geo. E. Greenslade, Bayfield. Phone 602, r 12 Goderich. 76-3 ' To. Victory Rend Os0iiers Bring in your maturing' bonds and 1et'ns:e arrange for the re -investment of your savings in Huron' &' Erie de- 'bentures. These debentures are authorized by the Government as. an investment folr Trust Funds in the custody of l7xeco- tors and Trustees. They Gain 5115 per annum payable half -yearly, which. is the rate you 'have been receiving on your. Victory Bonds. 'B, R. Higgins, Clinton, accepts air_ plications for debentures at; any time. 76-2 Farm For Sale. . ". Parts 'of lots 87 and 38, concession 10, Godorioh township, containing 105 acres, are offered for sale. On the prentises,are a 135 storey brick dwel- ling. a commodious bank, barn .with. stone stabling, pig and poultry pens and driving shied. Water in stable. There are 5 acres of bush and 5 acres of good young bearing orchard. The remainder of the land is all arable and is' mostly seeded. Is in- good` state of cultivation. Situated half a mile from school and church a;ul con, veniently near market, • The farm is a very desirable one. For furtht particulars apply to Geo. It. Elliott, Executor William H, Colo Estate. 76-1f., For. Sale Registered Oxford lambs of both sexes, ,bred. frofn' 'reg. flocks... (''rices' reasonable. Frank Weekes, Varna Ont. Phone 31 on 622, Clinton Cen-' tial. 76-2 Pastime Dance' ' The Pastirn'e Club will give a dance in their club' rooms on Friday even- ing, October 24th, Dancing from, 8:30 to 3.2: Agnew's Orchestra, - Gentlemen 75e, ladies 25c. Proceeds in aid • of Clinton Public IIospital, 76-2 }14use and Barn for Sale • Comfortable frame house on North street, with garden and barn. Bare will be let separately if desired. Ili-' quire at The News -Record office, 75-tf Hallowe'en. Pie Social The Girls'. •Chtb of Willis .Church will hold; aHallowe'en Pie Social in the lecture room 011 Thursday, Octo- ber ,3011 at!eight ,o'clock. There he e will bo a pie -eating contest and other Hallowe'en stunts. Admission '25e. 75-2 For Sale 16 11. beech plank, sized 2 inches by 8 inches -and 2 inches'' by 10 inches, al- so some hemlock,.luniber. W • l2 Middleton,: R. R. No, 3, Clinton, Phone 3,5 on GOG. 75-11. Horses For Sale • Beautifully matched bay, : 'team blocky horses five "years' old weighing approximately 1600 -each, this ;span in fine condition, broke in and gentle, good style` and action no blemishes. Call -John D. Woods, Apple Grove Farm, 4th concession of; Goclerlch township. 74-4 Cast Iron {.ranted By the Huron Specialty Casting, Company Clinton. Will pay 51.5.00'. 'per ton,. delivered at .Clinton.' `74-tf. Range For Sale Imperial .Oxford range, with high Si1e1f and copper reservoir: " (fall of rt teroons on Mrs C.; E.` -`Jervis, iI-Iuron r on which are erected substantial and well-egnippeil buildings, Apply to J. E. Doherty on the premises, :or to W. Brydonr', solicitor for the estate: 70-1f. For Sale The former -Jo n y er ,property. .I'ive- roomed cottage with large sun -room. Electric light . and .town water -10 house, 3 acres of good land and all kinds of fitiit, trees; Will 108 sold reasonably...;. Apply,. to Mrs. McCal- lum, Commercial Inn, Clinton, 63-t1, House for Sale Brick house- on .Princess street, 7 rooms and summer kitchen, town water; also soft water in kitchen; ce- ment basement, fiirnace, electric light, 1/9, acre garden, with .small _fruits; stable. Apply.to Miss Mabel 'Rath -- well, Varna. ,Phone 33-606, Clinton central, 62-tf MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of 'the powers contained in a certain' mortgage which will, be produced at the time of sale there will be offeredfor sale. by public auction ,",lay George Elliott auctioneer, at the premises, on Tuesday, the 28th day of., October A.D. 1924, at the hour of 2 o,'clock in afternoon, the follow -- Lig' property, ollow-ing'property, viz: . All and singular that certain parcel or tractof,land andepirelmses situated, lying and being in the township of HH'ullett in the coun- ty' of ,Duron and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement ninety- two and one-third acres of land move. of less and being composed of all of. lot number'twent'-seven in the fourth conbession of the said township of Hullett,save and, except only that por- tion thereof heretofore conveyed. for railway -purposes. On the premises are a good'substan tialbrielt house and sufficient barn and stabling. The farm is located in one • of the best portions of the -township of 'Hullet't ths;ee miles from the town oe Clinton. ,t For' terms and oonditions of sale apply to • W. Brydoile; Solicitor for the'Mortgagee. 75-3 For Sale The attractive and beautifully lo- cated property belonging to 0.• D. Bouck, situated on High street Clin- ton. The house has a beautiful out- look, imposing in architectural ap- pearance, walls 18 inch solid brick, rooms large. Two marble fire -places in den and parlor, hot and cold wa- ter; cement soft -water cistern in cel- lar, bathroom, tleetricrlights, two ver'- andahs and sun porch, two stairways, cellar under whole house, cement floor' hot-air treating. Lot 75 ft. frontage,. double depth facing on High street ',and Townsend, ° Fruit trees, garden and smell fruits. A bargain for quick sale.- Write. C. D. Bouck 43 Standish Ave., Tor- onto, Ont.: - 59-tf: Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re-_, paired. Woolen goods dry - cleaned, Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. 3' -Jago. _ -88-0 AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago,' Special course taken in Pure prod Live Stock,Real Estate, Mer:, chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont, Phone 18=' 98.--88-tf-1923 COAL Having erected now coal sheds will have on hand full sleek of coal 'for immediate delivery_ Prices reason- able,, , • R. J. [V HLLE" Orders "taken. at,;residence. Phone 1131 • GRAIN Highest price paid. for: Wheat, l3arley, Oats, 'Peas and Buckwheat. Storehouse will be Open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.nt. FEE r'S` Feeds are advancing in price.. 'A car just arrived of Low Grade Flour, Bran, Shorts and Iiigh Grade Screen- ings. Better lay in a stook before a further advance. FLOUR A full line of High Patent, Flours always on hand, Snowflake, .Purity, Five Roses, ete., at small margin over cost price., ROOFING Carry a complete lino of Toronto Asphalt. Roofing. The quality Roof- ing with a guarantee against curling, flapping' or turning up. In over four years agency for this roofing have had no dissatisfied customers. street, 72=tt. J. A., FORD & SON lloraa11 For Salo Tiesidenc e of the late,Axthun.•Cirolc canner- Olbert and 11110,. Streets,' Olin, tan, Key at Mr, .Walter King's. Phone_ 123 Flour, and Feed''.M6rebante and Grain BsYezas Alco issuers of 11'unters & Trapper31 licensee" - - rakoscanss5-,...x,smvivy Rowlands Old TELE ONE- 53 We are still Spee -i -al of all, kinds, for Lighting, Lubni Also on Elephant'White'l Come—in and get our prices ifpi, 'Boys cote 'in'forur Bicycle" Y4repairs make all repairs: to Our Work Guars We headquarters for Plow Po i Special prices on tivo and ibis Bird, and n i ' 50 � Par�od roofiiag and than forY ears r l ✓s m COAL We have a supply of Furnace, Stove, Nut and Soft. 'Also some good dry slabs Leave orders at residence.' e� once.` E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street. Singer Sewing Machines Family, Electric and D. R. Styles. Also -some second-hand machines, good as new. Old machines' taken as ,part payment. Easy terms. It will pay you to Iook these over before buying elsewhere. • Repairing and parts for all makes of machines. Earl Steep.. Jan. 1, 1924 TO creasi To more Wt cream ...W Markt rm Pe Our no fir We ish cr month Wria tion tt THE 1 THE "WONDER" i WOND _. EH!! WASH The Washer that turns the clothes powerful Vacuum Plunger which form through-ind through the clothes, which of washing, for Sale by Electrician C. IL VENNER, That's AV a 9 WI Made with the finest ingre blended, assures youof derful loaf. TRY IT ---1 it, or we will deliver ~i fresh daily. F. J. BROWIN BAKER 4ND CONFECTIONER a — e i . UD and P EGGS All eggs purchased are paid for accordi Come and see yours classified. We retake a special arrangement e t eat with all operate in marketing, and will supply i POULTRY v All our poultry is bought alive on .a g basis. If you want to make your „ should, 'eonsult us about the breeds that are here to serve you. MARKETING One of the biggest drawbacks to the pot producer.'. Let us explain our 'new 'e`' GUNN-LANGLOIS &'CO, LIMITED, Write, phone or call at our Clinton N. W. Trewarths, Manager. '1 Day Phone 190 We : are again buying: grain Will be loading cars of wheat. Friday;: week and also next A car of feed Barley will be loaded', prices before selling C. H. Electric Ra ages, +�axtaxresBulks,l Appliances wiring and Repairs.