The Clinton News Record, 1924-10-09, Page 8CI nt451): r110ir Rltecnrd '1illillSl) . ORE flue giassasp and the fitting of thean to the eyes, are pronounced entirely satisfactssry. wen •worn, they aid the vision ail prevent the brain from becoming t ver -tired; and when the glasses are taken off, the brightness cif the eyes shows that the eyes have been benefitted. eweller arid, Optician JO :r N Next.r $ovey's Drug Story 'h ei.. L yes Fri h e Fall tock LAi5i_Eff -AND WOOL HOSE AT 81 60: `-"" ^i5.:, This is a begntiful' ling of Hosiery and wonderful value at the price. It conies in all the new -shades Congo, Log 'Wain, Cleri- cal Grey; and also an the plaip shades Buell as Black, Brown and 'Grey. a NEW WASHABLE SUEDE GLOVES AT -75c AND UP These Gloves' are made by one. of Canada's largest glove manu- facturers and come in all the new shades, and this year are double tipped which give extra wean. See the guarantee ticket, in each, pair. Itwill surprise you the beautiful gloves we can snow you at '75c and $1.00. MEN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR.AT $100 PER GARMENT This is made by "Penman" and a good :fall garment, .; See these :before you buy MOTS. Plumsteel Bros: SMALL _PROFITS' ' PHONE ' 25. • MORE BUSINESS The Ce'ntrail Crooerg COOLER WEATHER IS HERE How about some nice nourishing Soups? We have Campbell, Ayl- mer and Heintz a .Soups—try,a can one of thesecool evenings,; Soda Biscuits to go with Soup. 4 ,, .,17e. 1. We also, carrya full lure et tea, coffee and cocoa. Tea, from 55e to 80e, Coiee, lien lb -60e., Cocoa; per ib. 10c, jidorieg .: a rdoni CI 'THE CENTRAL GROCERY Phone 144 New Fall Sultinos Swell tailoring is usually thought to cost a swell price.;. We pro/a the falsity of that idea by bur moderate prices,; THE SEASONS STYLES are ready for your: inspection:, We will•tailor You a suit in any style and cloth you inay select' at a price that competes closely with ready-made clothing. • Davis & Herman VETERAN TAILORS,. PHONE 224-W Call and see this Wonderful Ware at Moderate Prices AR t`.. V ARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC 'WIPING 1 tet .irA A particularly, good crop of songs has -bean harvested by 6he "Dtwibeils" show... Everyone ;nulls your support and will 116 -popular du%ing, this viintsr season, 'ShallI I-1ave It Bobbedr o Shingled" "The Photo o.f the' Girl 1 Left & "Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum" "Gee I wish I Was •i Kid, , A tone Mo The Hussars" You heft Me Mighty Lonesome° "Carabet." d' Trio lifi I) Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the ]3est dh11il`�� sN+tttllWanwnam enituej, Mrs,, E Tanker spent, the week -end rn,-,!oronto. u ! i i is Mr. T. A . GLondon over the week Miss Mary Stratford over the • Mr, Wilbur been up „north onreturn Mrs. Henryisited with Mrs. or a few days .. Mr. and 11 d Miss Theft visited ds oyer the week Mr, JohnCalgary‘ has been visitingr liam Stan WiI Mrs. R, A.me spat- urday aft sit with friends at verlaili; Mrs. Alice Monday evening a past three anon in Wia- reag was in -end'. Argent was in week -end. Wallis, who has a business trip, has y Iveson of ISippen Long last week f Nits. Roy Ball an sited Sornbra frim -end. Stanley of his uncle, M ley oftown. -Bell returned ho era fortnight's vi Allendale and Sit Robson returned after spending th months with relatives consin. , Mrs .A. McLe1Ian of Halifax, N,S., is at present a guest at the home of her brother, Mr.. C. H. Ven- ner, Mr, and Mrs: J. H. Paxman and Master Clair -are visiting Detroit friends this week, having gone by motor. Mrs. Alex. Drummond and little son of Detroit are the guests of the lady's.parentl, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris . ltIr. . and Mrs. Milton Cook of Sar-: nia are the guests this Week, of the •latter's parents, 'Councillor and Mrs, J, Schoenhals, ' Mrs. Weatherwax of Orillia has. been visiting at the home of, her-. parent's, Mr. And Mrs, D, Canto. Ion, during the past week, -- Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless are in Burgesville this week attending the funeral of the fortner's mother, • who died very suddenly on Monday. Mr. and 'Mrs, John Me1wvait of I{in- cardine have been visiting the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Maly, and other relatives in town' this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Layton. and Mr, and Mrs. Brown of London . spent; Sunday as the guests of Mr. and' Mrs. Frank - Layton of town and with Mn,' and Mrs. W. Layton of Tuckersillith, Capt. Clarke -and ,Bradley of II the local S. A. corps leave this - morning for Toronto to attend the yearly congress, °"Ehis t ener- al Booth is here -and vbry special services are arranged. , Mrs. 1Vl'. Snyder 65 Chnton, Mi. Hen- ry Snyder and Mi. and Mrs, John Tebbutt of Godericli township and: Mr. Levi Snyder of •Colborne rnoe tored;to Breslau on Saturday ,to attend the funeral of a relative, the date Joseph Hagey. ' Rev Dr.' 'Gaudier, principal, of Knox ,College, Toronto, and ox moderator of General Assembly, was the .guett over the week -end of Ins brother, Di. J. 0., Gentile'. of `town: Rev. Dr. Dandier was the anniversary preacher at Union Church; Bruce - field, ori Sunday. Mrs, C,J, Wallis and son, Fred, mo- tored to. Guelph last week and spent a' couple of days with the former's sister, Mrs Cameron, On their return Saturday, Miss Freida Wal- lis, who is'a' ttudent at Macdonald Institue, accompanied them and -spent the week -end at her home in town, Mr. W. F. Egerton, (formerly W. 1'', Egg), of Montreal is spending a few dais with 'his relatives, Mia and Mrs John Holmes of the Hur- on Road, and calling on old_ friends in town. lila. Egerton is looking extremely well,; In fact, it looks as if that Act of Parliament' chang- ing'his name a few years ago had given him a new, lease of life. 'How- ever, no,matter what he's called, .his old friends find '."W P." the sante kindly> courteous ,gentleman and are always glad to see him, • Mrs. Curtis Lord, Mrs. Herbert Load and Miss Mary A„,ison Dond •of.. Borden P-E.I,have'been visiting the past fewdays with their sister, Mrs. A: 'A. Holmes, at the Wesley parsonage. Miss'Doull, who is as, artist and spends - her winters •in Nayo” York leaves today on her re- turn to that city. She has been spending the summer in her native province of Prince Edward Island and while theme has,bcen doing some artistic work in pottery Withthe native .clay of that provinde, whpch she says is particularly adapted to working up into pottery, stands the fire well and \takes on a fine glaze. Some samples which she had with her show. this. Miss Doull,exliibit ed some 01: her specimens in New York last, winter, which The Weida wrbte up vely .flatteringly. Miss Doull is secretary, of, the Ceramic Art •Sodiety of 'New York and her lbs lard, - ib Mutter, 1 1b sugar, x 3 ago citron�peel, `,6 eggs, � tablespoons�a,�, � lb ' ch.e��°ies. baking � powder, 1 crap milk, beat butter and suar.to` a ;cream, add beaten eggs then„ Flour and. Fruit. ,' New -Rosebud ; Cherries New 'Valencia aisins, Good, Valencia` Raisins, New Seeded. Raisins, loose, Big Special in Tea English breakfast tea per ib .65c Monarch blended tea regular 85c for 75c per lb 20c per lb" 15c 3 lb 0c O'Neil's best ,v coffee, per lb 60c. Good black tea, per; lb 48c Blended coffee, . per lb 39c 10 lbs gran.. Sugar "� 98c Whole wheat flour 4 lbs 25c Specials for Friday and Saturday Sweet potatoes -Finnan Haddie Grapes Mince meat, Fresh Salmon Cauliflowers ' Celery Ingersoll Pimento Cheese, 1b20c Cranberries Trout - i Still a few Photo Cards for Sale Cash Carrg 'NeilT. 84 ,a a o a Papers, Rags and Big Prohibition' Rubbers A collection of rags, rubbers, pa pars, inagazines, books and catalogdas will. he rade liy the Horne and School Club next spring, Please begin saving these :articles at once. • ..„ Papers, Rags and Rubbers • Mission Band Bazaar Willis Church Selrool reotn OCTOBER 18th, at 3 pan. Special Feature, rapanese Tea Room. Japanese Decorations, ' Afternoon tea serveclin•oestuine by the Junior members of the Band. Also the following booths: Fancy Work and Aprons; Homemade Baking Candy; Postoifce;. Handkerchief, Any donation.May be left with Elva Cook, Secretary-. CONCERT 'COURSE Four Concerts; 1—Marshall, Nov, 3. 2—Blanchard, Nov. 28. 3--- Blood, Dec. 16. 4—Kenmore, Feb. 23. - . ' First— Marshall— November 3rd; Season's tickets for sale at W. D. Fair's, Cooper's Bookstore ,arid Chas. Price $1.50, Tickets resertred through- out course. Single Tickets 50e. Under auspices of Girls' Auxiliary in did of the `Hospital, 75.4 Ippei Andrew's church anniversary will be held an Sunday next, when the• Rev. Dr. Solnndt of Toronto will be the preaeher,morning and evening, On Tuesday evening the anniversary concert will be given. Program will he varied and a good attendance is hoped for,• Mrs. Wesley french spent the week-eisd with Mrs. Waukel of Sea - forth. ., Miss Bertha McKenzie,is spending a few days -with her parents. Mrs:.' W. W. Cooper' of London Meeting - Monda Night SPEAKERS .,FROM TILE MODERA- TION LEAGUE INVITED On Monday night, October 13th, here will be an important public *meting in the town hall at 8 Pm, to' be, addressed by Dr. 'J. E. Cdr- mie of Winnipeg, Man., in the inter- ests of the O.T.A. He will tell us how so-called "Government Control,". works in Manitoba,. There will be a short program. also, Representativesof the Moderation League are, through this notice, pub. Holyinvited to be present, and debate the issne, " Alfred W. Anderton Organist St. James Church, London. Lessons in Voice, Piano, Organ,' and Theory. Pupils prepared for all grades Toronto Conservatory examin- ations. Studio—Mks. J, E. Cook's Albeit Street, Clinton. , . Phone 54. 71-tf, PURE COMB HONEY FOR SALE CLOVER HONEY kn one pound sections, price 25 cents per section. Ikea delivery 'in Clinton. Shipments made of not. less than 24 sections, express extra, Orders may be left at The,Newt Record Offieo. IRVINE: BROTHERS APIARY near C.N.R: Depot CLINTON', ONTARIO, 36-tf. was a :recent visitor with her old • friends at'Rippen Stahltie rrownshi Mr. and - Mrs, Fred Reid spent` Sun- day at the home of the'latter's par- ents; -that of Mr: and Mrs. Robert McGowan of Blyth. Miss' Edna Me- Gowaif accompanied them home. Mr, MdIvin Webster, who visited friends in Lucknow, has; returned hone. Mr,';'aiid Mrs,. Nelson' Reid and Mr, Sam Reid motored to Blyth on Sinn- clay • . Mr. Wim Colciough sold a fine herd of cattle the other day. The windstorm on Sunday last slid a considerable amount of -damage in this township. Mr, Will M-oEiyen, accompanied by hi sisters c Mrs. Adani Stewart, Mrs`,' John Macfarlane and Mrs. R;,,Y. Mc- Laren, of Hensel!, motored to High- gate, and spent the week -end with their sister', Mrs. Will Spear. Miss Abbie• Stewart of Arthur was ]come over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs, Fenwick Stewart took in Dungannon Fair last Friday and also spent the week{ end with friends there; Mr. and Mrs. ed Carrie irionos piettares also have won her`, much JJames Jackson visit- distiiiet 6ti' °'on Sunday,, ea 00:S When contemplating a new heating system or having your old one repair- ed, get our prices. Also anything in Ranges or Heaters. The best makes always on hand at exceptionally low prices. a..„, • Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Hard- ware and Glass always :on hand. THREE; 01''A KIND .Buffalo Bill ha's the' wild west'show, With rough riders from every land; Ringling Brothers '•have the circus, Advertised so great and grand. One claims this, the other claims that; Both are worth Lgoing to see; But when it comes to setting up stoves Tom: Hawkins :is the man for ME. He takes them down, cleans them up, And snakes them good as new; Isis prices are right—not out of sight;' He is also the man for YOU. Phone 244 !s GOOD .NEWS s To those looking for real bargains in Phonographs and. Records. We are offering very special prices on all our machines so you will be able to enjoy+ the long fall and 'winter eveningsand be happy. Just look .over these bargains then come in and see for yourself. , Columbia Phonograph in. Mahogany, regular price $190 special $100 Columbia Phonograph in Walnut, regular ,price $97.50, ..et $75.00 Canadian Phonograph in Walnut,regular price $115 at .,,.$87;50 8 Small table Phonographs in fanned oak, reg. .$37,50 at. , 420,00 00 Records, all kinds and sizes, 8 for , $1,00 i ardware Department Now is the time to look your old roofs over, We ' have all kinds of Brantford roofing and siding at all prices. Let us: figure on your job. f .,.:: • Reduced prices on Screen Doors, Windows, Screens,' New Per- fection Oil Cook Stoves, Ovens and Stepladders. Mixed nails one to six inches long at $3.00 per 100 pounds, A few second hand ranges in good condition, for coal or wood, at low prices. Before going any further with your heating . problem eall' on us and we will give you estimates for a heating system that is absolute- ly guaranteed. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co, THE STORES Wlrrl A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware, 195 \CURL I .LL & SHIPLEY SPECIAL THREE Big Soap Days—Thursday, 1,s • day, October 2, 3, and 4. We offer /SOAPFLAKES Hous eholdX 5 Bars of P.'tk' G. Soap - 5 Bars of Gold Soap 2 Bars, of Lennox Soap i 1 Bar of Gnest Ivory Soap 1 Package-Pearll'ne • 1 Package of Chipso ' • net ALL FOR 10 Bars any. brand Laundry Soap 65c SPECIAL ALL' THIS WEEK With each' package of "Princess' Soap Plaices" we will' give FREE: one bar of Palmolive Soap. • THE CAI g; CIR®CER5 Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone• 121 J scr PridaApoand Saturn SCS{ INTO' CAL After several years of interrupted service Mir Old' Line -'Coal Companies, the 0; L. & W. and D. & H, are now shipping:us oeal .`regularly, and coal of superior quality to 'anything that has 1been're- ceived in Ontario for years. • SUMMER PRICES - are new en, and while it is warns,,these days let it remind you dint m when Sumer conies . Winter is sure to follow. ~LET US HAVE YOUR sF a"` ICER. P1aee your order with -the firm that has always' macre, a -'special r , effort to supply' what you want when you want it, whether Whiter or Summer, much or little, Egg or Stove.. • We,can:give,yea service on any., ofthe loll owiiig :. Ce'ate Coke ` E g Pocahontas Stove Domestic Lump ChestnLlt Cannel Pea Coal Sxnithhiig We also have :on hand a fresh, carload of CANADA CEM and a variety of .choice WOOD. CNT At _I37I7n,TFIELD YARD ` we have in stock Cl estniit, Stove, Coke, Cement, Lumber and 'Shingles, Jr. Bae iVIISIsta,'Il'Cd 4 i•