The Clinton News Record, 1924-10-09, Page 7xE
Yhtnillg Escobe•-'
Is goo,
Fine, brisk .fIavoro , Best of . all xn the
Provincial Board, of"Health, O i xtrIe 6mA�
. &Middleton will be alad:to trns'caer Questions on Public &realtri
tars thrtittgh thta.celnmu. , Address hills at Opadins House, spag
Crescent. -Toronto.
Albumin in the urine is a:conditin
that should be given attention' at once..
A correspondent pyrites to inquire
What causes, albumin in the urine arid.
whether or not it is an inflammation
of the kidneys and if a weak heart
will cause it.
One othe most constantaccom=
t ac
paniments of kidney disease may
present without albumin showing, and
albumin may be in, the urine without
kidney, disease. Heart disease has a,
direct effect in producing albuminuria
by causing engorgement of the kid,
as a result o£ poor
with bloc
circulatiwi. Urine which 'contains
blood or pus shows albumin.. These
substances may eerie from the kidney
or from any other part of. the urinary
tract or from an abscess which bursts
into that tract, or in the case of fe-
males, from Maegenerative system.'In
ordinary, cases, however, and for the
most part, the nest, common cause of
albumin in the uyine'is kidney disease.
To some extent the. albumin ppresent is
an inflammatory exudate, but to- a
eat extent it is due to serum -
adness' 'l' Tune ^ 1-•lDl
- Watc'.hhuln sa is Needed
It 10 curious how people' can get° to 1s
like things which are really nasty, and, Seine girls •upon, the thrc Todd' of
can aetuallY miss them wiles theY aro , womanhood drift into a decline in spite
taken away!, Tobacco is really t]aetY, of all care and attention.. Even strong
Hardly anyone Idle tobacco the first and usually lively girls 0econle weak,'
time he; (or elie) tries it; butethere depressed and irritable; and listletd,I
are: many people with eveittuallY -saY I It is : the dawl( off Wofian tO0d girl--
the31 cannot "do without it:. • 1 important in the life
• On the ' same :Principle, worry. , and prompt ntea ares should be taken;.
nasty, but certain people get to litre c t yourkeep t es blood ]nrich a healthy0np re. 11 I,.
it, and they actually miss it when they I yt rbl is not t in bebcondition
abThereLrom 1t, _
The trickster'placea hi.hnuds.
There are maziy arguments e 'energy,
11 thel.ed ltlitistnotomantainedVby°laI ,i tire siiectntors
worry'. Worry is wasteful of 'energy, If the rico
together' and a.
and- poisonous to the•,b1,00d and the '1suflciency of :ricin, red blood,.all sorts to encircle Ole two wrie.te wteh a
andkerchief, knotting it tightly..
whole body Ilene, hovtiie� only',
writes d of wealtnses.Dr°-wiiliaree Pink T ills, They are then asked to - i un ma
cetette:3 • ',When
Mr, Euatac° Miles, ,I am cult, amp 1a ',,member leavthis,
t that 3s most .ben- heave. saved tiious�ands'-at girl and ,'�° l�ugth of ,rope b�ett;�een hi; army
sizing the alga).
crony neglected- -namely, that worry
is infectious. properties,
trona yawning is; how one person can of Dr. Williams.'WiamsPin
nien from 'being life-long invalids, be
IWeall Itnow•"how 'ec-I cause of their wonderful bloodnlakllig'
t 1 of people Yawn The value
albumin circulating in the' blood Ves-
sels which escapes with the urine be-
cause the damaged cella of the kid'
treys can no longer prevent it escap-
There are' other conditions, of.
Course, where ,albumin 'appears in the
urine, such as febrile diseases where
the temperature is high, hpr
cause the poisons in th,.. blood damage
the kidney , cells. It sometirrese hta -
pens that albumin will "be p
the urine after' an epileptic seizure
and in connection with various etheer
nervous disorders. There is also w
'n i
is known as functional: alb.
urine 'which "occurs without any. ap-
parent cause. It often, is found in
young people at the adolescent stage
of life' and is often discovered quite
accidentally, for ,instance, in the
Course of examination for life insur-
The correspondent also asks about
the effect of saccharine on the kid-
neys. There is not much danger'in
the use of saccharine, provided it is
used in: moderate quantities.
starta.whoie scent u
Ing; and how one' person; who hurries`Pills-to young worsens whose health
can etart.0. whole oniful of 1leople was failing has been proved over and.
over again. he -e plats loo builder, fortifying weak
The Diet nerves and creating theliberal
On the other hand, c 'son who of red healthy blood which g
roto his
ro . are the most
hurrying. reliable blood
Cure. supply
ne per
a girl
confidence and calm can rad needs to Sustain her strength.
confidence and calmness; one happy •Yon can get Dr. Williams' Pink P
person` can radiate his ilii
s happiness. rough any dealer in-medicin�ey or by,
Every state of mind is infectious, ease Mail at 500 a box from The Dr.. Wil-
if the person who possesses _it, limns' Medicine Co., Bs'oekville, Ont.
the other persons around him, be tin- -----a.---
, T �_v--
worry; and -I have found that among Pipe, little minstrels e
the best helps are --better ways of year,
tl' d better'•lrilids' nt diet„ In gentle concert pipe!
aware of the fact. • • The CriclketS.
I am often 'consulted as to cures for of tli
breathing an
Some people,
are are enroll simply by,rl'eal- Pipe the warm noon; the 'mellow
. o
izing what a strong case there is to harvest near;
The apples dropping pe.
be breught•against worry. '
It is interesting toenotice how the soft -
different arguments appeal to' different The. tempered sunshine and the .mpered 00
people, One person will give up wor- ened shade; t
ring when' he sees that it is wasteful -'The trill of lonely bird;
Yanother.. The sweet, sad hush on nature's glad -
and tends' to inefficiency;
especially a woman -will give it up nes laid;
h silence heard.
when she sees that it is nigly, and . The sounits trirou g
tends to make people unattractive. ,
But the argument which -should appeal Pipe tenderly the passing of the year;
moststrongly to most thinking indi- The summers brief reprieve;
viduals is that worry spreads itself• The dry huk-rustling round the yellow
Unconscious ,
There are severai reasons why wor' Pipe the untroubled
troublel like a seese,. The %hill' of morn and eve!
e of the
It is gratifying to note' that the For ,the firste in Canada devoted coldrne the amount of d
Canadian fighter industry is inegptri fish hes been compiled, by the Cana-
periodthe of depression -which came in dian Fisherman. Of a total'of'15,577,-
5 57 ,-
the' wake of increased investment anti 842 cubic feet of cold storage 'sp
stimulated activity In' the; war years was found that, more than fifteen per
with a subsequent slump in demand. cent *waefts ddev.ted tt o Ash
xchi v la
Regarded front every angle a degree. or eh y.
of progrss is evident which, contldued, general storage. nature fish is• notin-
tbe Dom nta the fishinccupyg industry of considerable item, se. that it e relatively, mated that between twenty andstwen
the Domintbn to.dccuPY the
more important 'place -"the vast re- tyiive per, cent. et the total' colli etor-
k'of it justify.. In many re- age warehouse capacity in Canada is
sources bac j
tgpocts--the year 1924 premiss to be used by the products 'of fresh and salt
'the most prosperous' year the.lndustaT water. ,
has experienced and may herald' the Eighty Per Cent Exported.
dawning. of a new era for Canadian
ReTeries. rat
catch in
the The- value of the
three: months of. the year, which show-
ed an increase of 56 per cent. In corn-
parison with the same period in the
previous year, has been continued in
subsequent months, and. this would in-
ar's opera-
dieate a revenue from the ye P
tiens amounting to over $60,000,000, or
equal te_the banger year of 131,8, when
prices were substantially higher than
at the present time. Reviewing the
catches of the present year, increases
are noted in practically every species
of fish caught...
Increase, In Invested Capital.
In the Government returns covering
the fish industries in; its branches for
1922 the increasing importance of
these activities is noted, and there is
little doubt, that this feature charac-
ha present
the year 1928 and t p
terized t
year. Between 1921 and 1922, 'whilst
the capital invested in the'sea Esher -
les remained virtually the same, there
was a substantial increase in that of
• the inland fisheries, this inoreasitlk
from $4,17'7,682 to 54,519,188. The in-
crease in capital invested in Ash can-
, ning and miring establishments was
02,704,848, or from 519,411,990 to 5221-
116,888. Employeee in sea fisheries in-
creased from 47,445 to 48,286, in Inland
fisheries' from 7,7.85 to 9,894, and in
canning and curing factories from 14,-
104 to 16,577.
The greater portion of the Canadian others have maintained) help to bring
fish catch, amounting in fent to eighty on this state of mind, ,Laughing is ro-
per cents ends its way to the export ions partly through an. almost ir-
value the tact p r
s fisheries
yearn. Wo
' a .lets . I 'thenatio
mr ntoimitation. tendency 0
en Y
of Canada's flsl}eries exports resistible al
ry is. almost equally infectious
What Science Has Proved. the
There is /nether reason. Wheel
aura of a' pe0801/. Was Spoken oZ,i 100-
21180 timet; there• was a sort of sneer,
or a smile of incredulity; it was con-
sidered faddy and "cranky" to imagine'
that anyone had an aura; or an in-
uence extending beyond him; but to.
day science, thanks. to the screen in-
vented by Dr, Kilner, is able to de-
monstrate that people have auras,
which depend partly upon their state
of health and upon their state of feel -
- .
the principle of unconscious imitation. •Pipe low the painless pain;
Notice how people are apt to copy the Pipe your unceasing meloneltOly
gestures' of those who are performing cheer;
at some entertainment; of The year is in the wane. 0
great deal of sympathy going on y f3
which we are not aware af'the time. albs; 111ater.
Children proverbially imitate others, G
r' owing Bulbs
and at times we behave just like child „This is the time to plant Chinese
ren. 'Unless people are on their guard Sacred Lily- and Paper White Nada-
-as indeed, people `seldom are -they sue bulbs. They may be planted in
are apt to be ,effected by the `exBrea= soil, moss, sawdust, er water alone.
cions of others, and these expreselon5' The cleanest and simplest method, of
not only represent a state of mind, but ,owing or 'forcing' them is' by place
(as 'Professor`• William James, and lug mem in shallow bowls,'arranging
pebbles around them to hold them in
place, and then adding water until from
ane -third of the. bulb is covered. By
using the larger size bulbs, more
flower: stalks and better flowers can be
obtained. The bowie should be placed
in a cool, eirY cellar, garret, or store-
room in a' dim light, The temperature
should be .from forty to' fifty degrees.
These bulbs are not hardy, so any
chance of freezing should be avoided:
The water level should bemaintained
and they should be kept ie the store-
room from four to six welts, or until
there is a thick nines df roots in the
water and the shoot has started to
grow. Then lining them into thegh
and 110ing-room temperature and In a
short time they twill bloom.
and to hold Lhe ends. Alipatent-.
ly h° cannot easily escape .w.ithotit
removing the handkerchief, He
makes a quick movement of .018
.arms and the voile drops off, the
handkerchief still circling his
The illustrations gives awly the
secret. With one of the fingers
of the right :hand the trickster
catches the loop of the rope and
draws it down- between his palm.
This can be done ' quickly, the
hands' hiding the movement: Tho
trickster then makes an. upward.
and downward 'movement of his
hands, at the, same, time thrust-
ing his right :hand -through the
loop, The moyement_et his arms
Wilt then pull..the 'rope free of the
hands and the trick Is done.
(Clip this-outand paste it, tcitlti
other at the series, in a serapboolc.)'
Little Hour on'a.Misty Morn.
A:little hour on a misty morn, ,
When autumn's winds wave o'er the
' tasseled corn,
And lowly sends above us• seem Corey
was 530,547,975; asn compared with 525,-
26;657,717 in the previous Year. This
mark was only exceeded •during the
war years and immediately following
the war, when there was an extraor-
dinary demand for Canadiau fish and
prices maintained a high level. In the
year under review the :value of 'fresh
and frozen fish exported increased
from 58,691,605 to 59,447,729, and that
of preserved and canned flab. from $9,o
$05,881 to 512,758,617. The outstand-
ing feature of this trade was the in-
crease .in the exports of canned sal-
mon, which .grew from 54,489,509 to
a fishingdndu
Str is one
The C
scarcely which one could Y pu
t limits
of expansion. It is estimated that the
fishing grounds of the Dominion, en
loth coasts and the great Inland lakes,
could easily furnish the entire' world
with its needs,wlthout suffering and,
depletion, and coma very near tilling
all demands for variety. With eighty
per cent, of the catch Ieaving the coun-
try at the present time, the further de-
velopment of the industry hinges on a
greater domestic 'consuming" Mottle -
tion, together with the penetration et
such further. markets ascan be:.feund.
The Nile has a greater variety of
fish ei an arty other river in the world.
An -expedition sent by the British Mu-
seimi brought back 9,000 specimens.
' e, ._. t Jk s
taxf' -
di cwt
• o
glee i
m� nm Alli +a^,iiyw.
The publications of the
Dominion Department of Agi1i-
culture are obtainable free', of
charge on request, with excep-
tion noted.
They contain helpful informa-
tion on all subjects' relating to
farming. a
They number some four hun-
dred in all, and the following
are examples: •
Lint d Publicatlone.
Eaaonablo Hints.
eparing Poultry Produce for Market.i
inter PEgg-,)'roductian.
'WlnteringBees in Canada.
Root and.. Storage Cellars..
The Safe Handling of Commerelnl
Live Stock.
The Bacon BOK ,mid' Hog Grading.
Fiaiahing Lambs. ' '0 '
aolection of Lamb Cuts.
Rreseeratibn of Fruits and Vegetables
for. Home Use.
Insects Affecting Lire Stock.
0nriner'a .Account foot-f',rice 10cents.
Cut out this advertisement,
mark on it the bulletins desired,
inc1iidinlr the full List of-'i'ub-
lications, fill in your name and
address, an mail to:
Public -100n- Brat1ch,
DePartmeur of Agriculture,
Ottawa, Canada. .
(No po)tage;reen red)
Post Office
R. R. No
Horne lays.
When the goldenrod leas withered,
.And the maple leaves are red;
When the robin's nest:' is empty,:
And the crickt's eong fe dead;
In the silence and the shadow,
Of the swiftly hastening Fall,
Come the dear and happyhome, days,
Days we lave the best of all.
Then the houseitold%gathers early,
And the firelight leaps and glows
And the old hearth suits brightness
Wears the glory of the rose;
Then the grandsh'e thihlts of stories,
Ahd,the children cluster sweet,
And the.flodi' is just a keyboard .
70r the baby's pattering feet,
When the goldenrodhas. faded
When the' maple leaves are red,
When the empty nest is clinging
To the branches overhead,
In the silence and the shatlow
Of the harrying later`Fall
Conte the dear days, come the home
In the year the, best of nil.
-Margaret E. Sangster.
Very ,Simple
The health authorities of a famous,
city receiving word that a, certain
house in the foreign quarter: was be-
coming offensive to the passer-by, sent
two of its vigilant inspectors to lnves-
With moisture laden from the, western
The Bold, uncheery breedings of the
May still be brightened with a sun -lit.
And dreamy thoughts,,' so 'sad, and 60
forlorn '
Be sweetened for a Little hour upon
a misty morn.
ry is infectious, First of all, there
A little hour on a misty. morn,
When sobbing winds brood whispers
of the coming storm;
Where Joy and pleasures hide beneath
a darkened cloud,
From where the thunders, roll, so long
and loud; •
The hidden sun May often'threugh the
shadows creep
And blend 'a golden pathway -for our
f eet, -
Wherein a newer friendship may be
Within a little hour, upon a misty
Very sensitive ,.people Can seethe
auras around others, and theca aurasa
have somethin g p
mist therefore m l
eat about them, It ie quite likely that
the aura of a person who ie worrying
may be ono of the means, by which
others become affected' andindlined
themselves to worrY -
When a Man's a Man.,
"I can't" isa foolish expression -
71s really a coward's confession.
Somehow or other it always comes
Stealing the good things we already
lack; °
Bringing us nothing but trouble and
Leaving us hopelessly slinkin des-
But there's never a day
When the world can say
That a man's not 1 man if he DARE!!
"I will is a wonderttll blessing,
A heart full of courage expressing.
Somehow or other it success,
>:`il1S us with joy that we cannot re -
Gladdens' our
e-Gladdens'our friends, snakes their bur-
dens 'more light,
Places a star in our crown every night.
-For there's never a daY
When; the world can say
That a -man's not a man if he'll -fight!
Brinson` Smith, in "Success:'
led nn by a strong oder and a puz-
zling medley of noises, they climbed a
narrow, precipitate. stairway to a large
attic, where they' found a family of
seven, a flock of chickens, two pigs,
and -could their oyes be deceiving
them? -a ful-grown cow They stared.
in amazement, at the cow and at the
two -foot -wide stairs
"How -how did you. get it, pp here?",
one of thein aslt
The answer secured perfectly obvi-
ous . Said the man of the house with
a shrug, "Ve brought her up von she
ees a calf."
NOTllI\G '14) FiQU.dt,,
Rt4�/ 1'S V 9�N• TI~' LETS
s tie :ire ,43a;.
of llee[ilkfI
Conquer the enemy of constipation and you Foul a whole'
ormy of physical foes, including indigestion, biliousness,,
sick headache, , sleeplessness .and nervous dyspepsia,.
Beech .-'s Pills have been a world-wide favorite laxative
for over 80 years They go straight to the cause of many
ills and remove it. They act promptly, pleasantly and surely. Purely
vegetable, harmless, non -habit-forming. These time
tested' pills strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and
Sold Eve nywhere,in'Canada
Re ieve
"Da you believe that 'an apple
keeps the doctor away?' "
"No -that's applesauce."
The Pursuit of Happiness.
Classified Advertisements
Staves, Mill Slab Wood, and Cord
Wood. Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ontario,
fog YoFR
leiinsin� fl
C g
' � �tll l �5�
hoh�om ----�' g.
Beans G.m
Send Samples -State Quantities
Morrow & Co., 39 Front St E.
day Phone: Main 1738, Toronto, Ont.
,alt is Q. waste of time to argue the
usefulness of the things people 'want
If pople are spending too much .of
their incomes on automobiles and
radio and women's clothes, as many
think, and matting down on other
things to make up, they do it because
automobiles and permanent waves are
the things that they believe will make
them happiest.
IOven suppisi'ng they are all wrong,
people want what they want, And you
can't make them 'want 1t by telling
them they oughtn't to want it,
A' little hour on a toasty morn,
When autumn't leaves, are shorn by
the storm;
And twilight sliadows creep o'er na-
ture's smile,.
And time is quickened on the. starlit
. dial;_
When frosty age haat decked the forms
• that memory kept,
Andautumn'e, guilded dream Is well-
nigh slept;
Fond dreams and memories, still may
Life's.little hour upon a misty morn.
William Leorebardt.
Service to others is the -only true
road to happiness. -Lord LeVerhnlme•
Bend a Dominion Express Money
Order. They, are payable everywhere.
Thinking for yourself is
/ like swim-
ming: once you have learned the art,
you are not likely to forget it.
For Sore Feet -M eard'e Liniment.
611 allthe meat imported into London
came in the form of live sheep, there
Word be sufficient to arrive, one every
two seconds, night and day, all the
year round.
Beautiful-hoino dye-
ing and tinting
•guaranteed with.
Diamond Dyes. Just
• dip In cold water to
tinct . soft, delicate
None to .Spare.
Mean Motorist--"Lucicy meeting!.
Got any spare parta7','
Meaner Motorist-"Why-er-none to
spare" °
Do We Listen to Music or Do
,°Mrs.; Georges Lefebvre,. St.. Zenon,
'Que., writee; 'a: do not think there 3s
any other medicine to equal Baby's
Own Tablets for - little ones,/ I have
used them far my baby and 'would Aso
nothing, else," '.What Mrs: Lefebvre
Sat.'s thousands of .other mothers ,sy
The t
Mlnard's i-lniin
1 Repave u Pain.
We Just Hear It.
There's a big 'difference between'
listening to music and Just hearing it.
Much has been spilled by writers in
'dealing with the 'listening" side of
mixsic, but the writer has, never heard
of anyone bothering much about'the
"hearing" of it.
The first, of course, implies concen-
tration --deep concentration. In listen-
ing 'to .music, one ought first to, be in
a receptive mood. That le the starting
point. Once in a receptive mood,' the
rest le not so difficult. You simply try
to catch the significance of the. piece
played,' think about the composer, try
to answer various questions, sucil'as,
"Wily did he write it?" "What kind of
tuood, was he in when he wrote it?"
and others. You are then "listening"
to what the music is saying.,
If you "listen" you get -the message
of the mole. if you just "hear" it,
you only get' a conglomeration of
b trial the the . When going to a concert„
tCy'havefoun[ Y
s do just what is caim• � listening to someone playing or sing"
always n
r, h
ed for them. The 'Tablets _aro a :mild
but tliorotigh laxative which regulate
the bowels' and sweeten the stomach
and tntir3' banish indigestion, constipo„
ties, Golds, colic; etc. They are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Di'. "Williams'
Medicine .Co., Brockville, Ont.
i 'g in a drawing room,'is it no 0
A fool can observe a thing correct-
ly -for' example, the weather -but it
takes a -man of sense to draw a cor-
rect inference from what he Sees.
6ilnard's Liniment 115510 Cuts.
ter therefore; to listen .and not ,just
Think this over.
Schoolboy Howlers,.
Thele were no Christians aulong the
earlyy Gauls; they were mostly law
yarn. -
Geometry teaches ens. to bisex angels.
A. brute is an imperfect beast;' man
Is a peri.ect beast.
Guy's hospital was built 'to com-
memorate the ,Guit owder; Piet.
Britain has a to mporary,-climate.
` he 1m1soulliie of heroine Is kipper.,
' 11
1111 ttt‘ci
Let Cutiellra'Help You.
KeepYour Good Looks
Nothing better to care for your
No g
akin, hair and hands. The Soap to
cleanse and purify, the Ointment to
soothe andheal, the Talcum to per-
fume. Then why not make these
delicate, fragrant emollients your
every -day toiletpteparntion
/emelt SaaA $014.142.586.12i Addroam aa0Wian
n,pot• ._"y0anoar, : 0. 06 x016, 36^atr 1rpa .
BA Try, our naw Saving Stick. •
shades, or boil .to
e rich, pe
ent `IR
package contains di
+calors. Each 15 -cent
motions. so 6 mp
le any woman can dye
or tint lingerie, silks, ribbons, sic 1'ts
i is (Irma, coats, stocking%
waists, , hang- Nerves
sweaters, draperies-,
coverings, Nerves Gave Lillie Rost.
Ings everything crew. ;• 9181
Buy "Diamont
1 Dyes" -no other
kind -anti tell .your drttggist se,b-ether
the material you wish to color le wool
or silk,. or whether it is linen; Cotton,
or mixed "goods.
We -Make Paylnetits Daily.
We Pay Express Charges.
We Supply Cans.
Highest Ruling Prices Paid. -.
BOWES CO., Limited
Made by
The. Bateman -Wilkinson Cc. Ltd.
Toronto Ont.
Et I
#1 ,8
If you are weak, thin and 00us,
let your druggist supply you with
Phosphate. It is guaranteed to in-
crease weight and strength and re-
store energy, vigor and nerve force.
Price 51 ,per pkge. Arrow Chemical
Co., 25 Front St East, Toronto, Ont.
Visitors to, the Houses of Patina- Nine tet the of the women in 'China
meat, London, average 5=000 on ordi-, cannot write their own names.
._ nary days and over. 20,000 every Sat -1
u.da5. {'4 j s. ij nerd's Liniment for reheun,atism.
on i ; e ei°ALL ®
You can bank on a."444•'°
Day afte day iitoatt after month
Sinarts(444'A' .e Will stand,the;
going Where tic 'going Is hardest!
net yo}Irileirdware flan to slimy p
'you4444'.allote-the !lent armlike
"feel"•of. Areal fixe
ambit eSisf's,
flrebiite i>
• F.UIlGINd 8 Lfl IT:' d
ISSUE No. 40-'24.'
Minard's-limbers up stiff joints
and sore muscles.. Splendid fcr
nheumatlsm e.nd backache. '
Relieved by Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound
Harrowsmith, Ontarie.-' I took your
born and
medicine b
efofe m baby seas
It was
was ver
to mo
pooriyuntil I starts
to take it. I just fe
as though I was tired'
out all the time and
would take weak,
fainting spells. My
nerves would, bother
me until I could get
little rest, day or
night. I was told by a '
friend to take Lydia
E. Pinkham`,s Vege-
table Compound and I only took a few
bottles arid it helped me wonderfully.
would recommend it to any woman.
am doing what I -can topublish this
good medicine. I lend that little book
you sent me to any one I can help. You
can with -the greatest of (pleasure use
my name in regard to the Vegetable
Compound if it will serve to help others:
'Harrowamith, Ontario.
Ina recent canvass of purchasers of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound over 100,000 replies were received
and 98 out of every 100 said: they, had
been helped by its use. This Medicine
l is for sale by all druggists.-
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'Acte t 0n11/ " oyer" ..a.clge
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Alse l cities of 24sire 100-1)rugglst
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trot e . 'o ilio lcyl {Y
pito fluor Sa(5(0 051er pion rt eara,itov ae,111.. t➢9 puWtc c4alli Aim rode00,; 110 mea;-,.
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teat 1�].ep 0 means wallas outuipea . •. _ - -�,
- of lia�'¢Y ' ompnaY will ba sniml od wltii"Ttiei1 troaacnl t:[tf40 WAS%, 0