The Clinton News Record, 1924-10-09, Page 2I) eTA GadaT M. D. MeTACGART AGGART BROS. BANKERS A. garieriti Banking Business ttansact- •ed,..Nofes Discountea, Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposita, Sale Notes Purchased. H. T. RANCE Notary Public Conveyancer. mania:0, Real Estate and Fire In- surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire insuramie Compamea. Division Court Office, Clinton. • W. BRYDONE EarrIeter SolicitorNotery Public etc, •• Office': SLoAN -BLOCK CLINTON , DR. 1 C. GANDIER .Pronriotor.' . Edit r. Office flours to ^3.30 p.m., 7.30 • . to 9.00 p.m. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence --- Victoria St. CLINT 0 N EW S.RECOR CLINTON, ONTARIO . Tering of Subseription"----12.00 per yea, in advance, to Canadian aadresses: . 82.50 to the U.S.- or other foreign countries.. No Paper discontinued until all arrears aae paid unless at the option of the publisher. The .thttn towhich every -subscription is paid is denoted oft the Advertising Rates -Transient adver- tiseinents; -dents per nonpareil line for first insertion land 6 cents 0 0 ti .., lye hen seine • ..ie tal . aigrAwaitagi° us Mere- cl 0,7:11: 1507 t to csee an old incui. .- bdiallNelleotutio°1;alibn7CairllPluaY•fp8fresY, oetrlia"pl''(!ilengesit, or ,milaing th 1., Anil nicinert -wraps drill) ±bout ireacher. For Lbui liurrose he went yew bteetle,, pereettel ,reminl ise,04Tfe`es, the gi,ee, the longer it WI te 00 THE LIGHT KEEPER'S SON., and • listened. Despite the fearful -G 1 e 'wi' caro. Can. yen tell me seine of the text but headaches, nelvous spells, " all- . • A long, narrow strip of laird, bet raring of the' tempest without, Hale .. of IVIceheylie's great sermons?" lie gond" feelings, indigestion. and. losS - longing to f,he cairaditi i clistirol./•besrd-fh, 1 - . a . • f Hrtter to shut, the doer end bar it out al -ed of appetite are rerdilY trrt•ed to im- pure blood, Thousands date getting ' iii‘10 01)11-0: (11e'r atoartm, t and jutting out into the Gulf of , St, voices, and the loud echoing sound of don't rementl)er theml" said 1 . , • day they began taking flood's Sarea- si'lla Why not try it 2 you and I lactated through the Lawrence, wats, at'the time I write ef, (16'"-"entling f°°tatePa.-. ' 'lane o'f' doubt -- per line for •each stibseduent inaer. Cape Hurricane • was- an Indian t ether' Miles Park- , • kplown by the aporopriat title f He itecognined the' wreckers. a g the friends who'd la le us old' math shalfing his head • , • ',alien can you tell me,aortie of the striking: sentences uttered or same •of his best sayiugs'?" , "I've •'forgotten them entirely," was sono away - Nom smaal. advertisements flat to ' • On account of tile dangerous condi-, ert, a white nian, toad' both supitious bri ht: ' The American waa'greatlY disaP- " The malting of Plaater masks from "Strayed," or "Stolema" fa in e te , 'tion of the' cbast, a magnificent, light_ ddhgeieias elyiracters.' Looklc at the sky of bine-theaurishine the reply. ' ' ' • , Ma.,aka pal.0 Faxes. , exceed one Men, such •as Lost, , eya"; --s r- 'aquae had' been built t. the etrei "Ughi':'axa.14.itiltld.tile;f0rmar, he ommunica,tions intended for publi.. the cottage of the keeper' an old'seaa °TA 'Sli!" • " en' n SCO L 6i Y one f 35 ti d el stibse. a Yl g e or cen all ea .nt f tl dl• db toad PauSa4 on the last step. Me hear, you II ot that' vairfes ester- pointed. ".Well," lie said, almost in living faces bids fah' to suPersede Por - cation, must as a guarantee of good fa lig man, named Samuel Johnstone.. Yet they were there! thing about, him at alit?" rijienna. A 'well-known sculptor has ed the almost suPpressed breathing of • a c6uent•basertion 16 cents. Poi o tape, an lar y s noise , Th ' night' • ' deapair, "'don't. you remember any.' trait -painting ,and photography in - • e ,aLp-eared Indian had detect- faith, be accompanied by the name of Besides two daughteis, he had four, ji, • , And love and Ninth and "Eh, repliea•tbe old man,-; brighten-, established a studio for this, purpose, _ sons, the youngest o whom, H it The brave'boy never moved a trt,,,k,e life fair_ tag, that is a differeat question,. , One, and la doing a, thriving business -the G. E. I-IALL ' 'CLARK, aged 14 years, is the here Of rry, story. , . day when I was• a IFidclie playing by majority .of. his -clients being waxen. ', rrnisele, but the beating •of his heart ` f l in that fearful moment. Though yesterday they seemed so far, the rondside Raliert Murray McCheyne A mask of this kind can be made m God light's lila brightest Star , On darkest nights, and happiness is . still , His gift and will! So close the door on all tha't' ,s 'petty, ±11 DR. METCALF BAYPIELD, ONT. Office Hours. -.2 to 4, 7 to 8. Other hours by appointment. DR. N. S. BROWN, L..M.C.C, Office Hours ' 1,30 to 3.30 p.m. 7,30 to9.00 p.m. Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.m, Otherlipurs by appointment. ..Phones - Office, -213W Residence, 218J • -4 ' DR. PERCIVAL HEARN °Mee Onrt Residence: Huron Street Clinton, Ont, , Phone- 69 (Formerly occupied by tlie' late Dr. ' C. W. Thompson). - Eyes. Examined and Glassea Pitted. Nearly ev,ery031 e" has ripingitcartngdache at time. Disordered Mom- ach-oluggieh liver does it. Chem up I hero's the real relief -Ghamberlain' a Stomach and flyer Tablets. They pat the stomach and bowels right. All druggiate, 06c.. or by mail from -9 Chamberlain Medicine Co. Tooneo Dr. A NeWton Brady;Bayfield. Graduate Dublin University, Ireland: Late Ditern Assistant Master, Ro- tunda Hospital for Women and Child. ren, Dablin. ' OffiCe at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons- ' to 10 6 to 'I p.m. Sun0ays-,--1 to g p,m. DR. A. M. HEIST Osteopathetic Physician. . Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical Examiners. Acute and chronic diseases treated. Spinal adjustments given,to remove the cause of disease. At the Grahain 'House, Clintein, every Taesday'forenoon. ' 50-3MP. KINDLY VEGETATION COVERS WAR'S SCARS One day, in the early part ot Sep- i aa Two steps to one side•,and,either of terriher, the boys and girls,- with t''''''the men would have trampled upon exceptiori of Hale, drove about ten . him where he lap, Mould they make a search? Would. they strike a light? "Go on, you coward!" said Parker, miles inland, for the purpose of being present at a wedding the same even- ing, Samuel Johnstone, who was a wid- impatiently. "There ain't no human ower, was consequently left alone with bein' but them in the cottage within .his 'little son. WAVING FIELDS OF CORN HIDE CEIVIETERIES. Nature's Profusion Throws a Disguismg Mantle' Over Battlefields of France. DR. McINNES chitopractoi• Of Wingham, will he. at the Rattete bury House, Clinton, on 1VIonday and Thursday forenoons from 9 to 12 each. week. Diseases of all kinds sacCessfully handled, ' 5-22-'24 CHARLES B. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Pub I ic, Commis- sioner, etc. • REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE HURCN STREET CLINTON M. T. CORLESS CLINTON, ONT. • . • District Agent The Ontario and Equitable Life and Accident.Insurance Co, ' a a From Lille to Bethune the road take ou through La Bassee and across th ed. zone. Five years ago' it was al wild waite of war -tormented. Ian nd ruined buildings, La Bassets la evel with the soil. For miles groun he earth was pitted with shell hol nd seamed with trenches. Bow doe t look to -day? asks C. R. Hargrave i The -Loudon Daily Mail. One fine summer morning rode o along tb.e Unions highway to find a answer to that question. had th igns of war all passed away? At th end cif the journey I said to myse that they had not, And yet the'sig are -visible only to one who looks f them' and tin recognize thein. V thelnan who had never heard of tl grelestruggie the answer, I thin woald be that there was no token war .to,be seen, What would he noteT. 4. road -f the most part freshly renamed; a lar number of people temp -Ora hut:arm vast amount -of building eve where, especially in La 'Basses a Bethune. ' Th.the lormer he might perceive t ruins of a, -church coveted, almost Metaled, by rank vegetation, and side it barnlike timber structii with a croselovel• the door; but might well imagine a local. fire h done the damage. In the latter would be astonished W find the wh of the centre, on the hilltop, com'pos of new buildings of brick or stone; he might imagine there had been local fire there too. He wonld..conira on the ubiquity of corrugated iron, where the roofs are not -of bright tiles they are all of this material. would wonder why only a narr 'wooden drawbridge serves ,to carry highway over the canal. It was the drawbridge the Ro Engineers built to enable the troops advance, at last, from lines which th had Yield for four years. But what mains of those linea? For milea miles before and behind the fiat 1 ,is covered by swaying crops. Ther an interval of a few hundred ya Your motor Car stops and your dri point a out "the trenches." You perceive vaguely the entranee 0 crtunbling dug -out; you. can trace w diffieulty the broken line of a tre It is all overgrown, and the boll are fast filling' up. ., Why has this strip of the earth been restored to cultivation?. The eminent has preserved it more 1 cl es ut If 120 or or 10 k, of or ge Ty ry- nd ob- be- re he ad 310 ole ed but a ent for red He ow the yal to ey re - and and e is rdS. ver tan f a ith neh. ows not gov- sely West VVawanosh Mutual•Fire Insuranan Co. Established 1873. President, John A. McKenzie, Kincar- dine; 'Vice -President, IL L. Sallteld, lloclerich; Secretary, Thos. G. Allen, Pungannon. Total amount of Maur- ance nearly $12,000,000. In ten years number of policia. have increased from 2:700 to 4,500. Plat rate of $2 per $1000. Cash OR hand 326,000. H. L. Salkeld Goderlch, Ont. Wes. Stevens, Clinton, Local 4gent, miles of us. Go on, I tell you!" As night approached, the banner perceived, with some anxiety, that the 'Ugh! Whrte man, him fu -211" the Indian answered, muttering discon- sky was overcast by heavy clouds, that tentedly as he passed „downward. . . a cold, wet wind as blowing from Parker followed, and soon their the -north, arid the, eXperienced mar- , , ecoomg footsteps died away in the iner at once, concluded that a great distance, and Hale rose with a Prayer storm was impending.. "Halo," he said, entering the cot, of thanksgiving on his lips, for the 'danger was past. tageand ddressing -the bay, who was 9uickly he ran np the last reading by the open firepieee, ,,run flight of stairs, and one'glance showed him all. down t'o the cove and pnll up your The had not extinguished skiff high and dry. You'll never tail the lamp, but simply broken the re - the little Sea Gull again if lo -night's storm strikes her?' - volving apparatus. In another light- house farther down the coast the light 4,3A11 right, father," the boy replied, was stationary. Pilots, therefore, with. alacrity, Pir be would not lose would naturally mistake one for the his swift and beautifdl little pleasure other, and run their ships upon the boat for the world. "I'll take care of the ea Gull. Will you light the rucks. The plan of the wreckers was lamp?" perfect in its diabolical ingenuity and in its certainty of success "Yes, Hurry up, my boy, for the • . • Hale, 1aowever, was equal to ths storM is breaking already. God help occasion. Closing the heavy door of those at sea to-nightl The wreckers the little circular apartment, he bolted will be happy in the morning." It may be well .to remarlc here that and barred it firralY" This was scarce - It work of a minute. Then, stand - along the barren shores of Cape Hur- ing on a stool, he found -oh, Jey -of ricane were scattered the cabins of fugitive Indians, outcasts from their joys l -that he could reach the lamp and move it easily with his.handsin tribes, and here' and there might be fine; that ,he himseff could perform seem the shanty of some fisherman the work of the revolving apparatus. who could act also the roles of smug! "One, two, three, four, „five, .ix," gler and wrecker when occasion- re- he counted with the regularity of a until he reached "sixty," and hale found his task of placing the le"' 'an the brilliant light 'flashed out Sea tlull beyond danger more difficult i upon the darkness and- many a pilot; than he imagined. Hence, it was souse time before he miles aWay upon the bosom of the stormy gulf, saw the well-known was' ready to return to the cottage, signal and steered\ his vessel accord - and when he turned his steps in that , direction, the wind was howling dis- It is scarcelY necessary to relate 'nail: mally; the waves were already lashed . how the infuriated- wreckers, „vowing into a fury,' and the spray from the vengeance upon .the person who had rocks -dashed Over the boy, drenching him to the skin. ontwitted them, ran up again ' and' again upon the stout barrier which The lighthouse lamp constructed on separated them from the heroic boy. the revolving plan, now flashed its. radiance through the intense darkness Suffice it to sa:Y, that amid the howl- ing of the storm, the curses, threats of the night at intervals of a minute's and precisely continued count- ing the duration. and pistol shots of the baffled ruf- fianS, five feet away from him, -Hale Hale stopped stiddenly with an ex- claniation of surprise and fear as he calmly Weary miritites of that long, appreached the cottage. Something had happened' which made the boy's terrible night. . His armS ached; his limbs could blobd run cold and droye the ruddy '''' scarcely support him; he was almost color' from his healthy face. ' overcome with fatigue; but he ,never He crept up to the window and flinched -he stood with invincible de- loOked in. One glance, and he under - termination at his post of duty, saving stood all.- Four wreckers, awkwardly by his exertions the property of ani - disguised with masks of canvas, had ous merchants and the lives of storm - captured and bound the keeper, wrest- tossed „„_,,,,_ ing from hini at the same time the 4"`":"'"'^ And when the anger of the storm great iron ,key of the lighthouse. subsided and the sun rose in the east, These men, for the sake of the booty cast up by the hungry, merciless waves, intended to sacrifice hundreds of human lives. ' * A thrill of horror ran through the boy's „Sterne as he thought of the enormity c)f the crime that these men GEORGE ELLIOTT' Licensed Auctioneer for the County. of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made ' for -Sales Date at The Naw -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guarauteech • R. HIGGINS cilntoh, Ont. General Fire and Life Insurance, Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Beau:ranee. Huron and Erie -and Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments made • to meet. parties at liirucefield, 'Varna ibid -Bayfield. 'Phone 57. !I The Mutual Fire Insurance Company .k,ad, Office, Seaferth, Ont. . DIRECTORY: President, James Connolly, Goderich; Vice, James Evans, Beechwood; Sec. - 'Treasurer, Thos. 30, Hays, Seaforth. Directors: George Mccartaey, Sea - forth ; la McGregor, Seaforth; 3, G. Grieve, Walton; Vrtm Ring, kleaforth; 1VIchlvvem Clinton; .ROliert-Terries, Harlock; John -13enneweirt Brddhagen; Jas, ConnollYaGedericla - ' Agents; -Alex. Leitch, Olintim; 3. W. red, Goderi eh ; Tatcl." Hinchray, Sea- -forth; W. Chesney, Eginond-Ville; 51. G. .Tarmuth, 13rodhagen. Any money to be •paid'an may be paid to Moorish Clothirig".00„'clinton, ,or Outt'a Gr-e-cery,.Goderich; Parties desiring to' affect, Dieurance or transact other business .. will be promptly attended -to 'on application to allY of the above ote`ets addressed to their- resPectivee post office, 'Losses inspected by the Director 'Who livez nearest 'the scene. • ' • _ , , Threw --up. your windows ' oh Some grander scene! Gad, Double Keyboard Piano Patented in Canada. One of the ittp,st`marvelous inusecal instimments eve a patented in Canada is• a double keyboard piano, the paten- tee of which - Emmanuel Moor a Swiss. Although samples of the piano came along and, laying his hand uPon a (matter of an hour, and,,,,costs about my Fiend, said: 'Jamie, IfIve been to twenty-flve dollars.' The' skin la see your poor sidic sister. I'm always Smeared all over with „grease',2 the eyes 'glad to see het and help h.er,as I San.' cloeed With stickhig plaster and the Then he pealed and after looking a ears stuffed with cotton wool, A tube bit into my eyes added: 'And,- jamie, between the lips, and anothen,in the, I'm very much cOnceraea about yotir , nostril, prevents. suffocation, while,silic own soul.' I have forgotten his `texts threads are placed on the skin before - and grand sermons, sir, but can still the plaster is put on to make it easy feel the tremble of his. hand and see to remove when the "sitting" la over. 'the tear in hts eye." Masks -of wonathi made in this waY ..And-ao it is with ,Tesus ,and our awn are often finished off with wigs, while souls ;it is. his. peronal concern in our those of Men may, be adorned with. saIvation that. grip us. The 'world 90 ,has. Their terrible rigidity and death - fair of great mottoes and fine sayings, like Pallor have an, effect which is both and th,ere are none better than tlioee Weird and gruesome to the laat de-' that Jesus himself has given to us. ' gree„ tut the sculptor could net get. We may terget his words 'of truth and orderc. for statues and he had to live, his noble 'philosophy of life, we Illa-Y So he' started this business, which bids fail to grasp the breadth, depth and fair to become fat more remunerative perfect beiliti of his spiritual king- , than the mere carving of marble. dom, but,. having once iome in con- tabt with him and GOppel, we can never escape his interest' in our per- sonal .salva.tion. We are ever fasein. Knew the Owner' ated by him wirieselleart yearns for the 7 There was nothing the professor retttrn of the p-rodigal, who left all to disliked sonnich as to see the ignorant find the lone lost sheep, and who died public get false inforraation--especial- on the Cross to prove his love for us. ly on the ',subject of ..othithcilOgY.- Since Jesus has looked upon us and when he -observed that an incorreet awakened our souls to his eoncern,and scientific name had been attached to lcat,bew.e are not the same; we never a cage of birds. at the park zoo, he- ., . summoned the attendant. Exhausted gas wells are used as I "Don't yen know that these birds do hneotabsekleodng to the family Paradieidaer, .GaS Wells Storage.' storage re,servoirs for natural gas near "Sure, I do," "replied, the attendant. Pittsburg. "The zoo bought 'em last week." • have appeared in Europe, as fUr es 10' known none have reached canada as yet. Not long ago Ottawa granted the inventor Canadian patent rights covering this instrument, thus protect- ing his interests in this country. The piano is named after the in- ventor, Emmanuel Moor. "The first thing you .see when leaking at it" states a party who has recently seen a sample of it in London, England, "is that there are two keyboards; like the menuals of an organ, but the upper one is only a. little above the lower-.. thewhite iteys,ln fact, are about level with the lower black ones, so that It 15 easy play on both, kaboardS at once with one hand. The notes of the upper keyboard are an octave higher than the correaponding notes on the lower, 'which means that intervals of more than an octave can be played With ease:. also, by means of an extra pedal, the two keyboards can be coupled so that, with every note play- ed on the lower keyboard, kts octave Is Pcmnded as well, Octaire passages can thus beiplayed with incredible smoothness, and chords of a fullne.ss, only possible in duet playing, are equally easy: By pulling out a stop the hammers bastead of striking the strino direct, engage a series of Little elastic plates that pluck the strings, making . a sort of raagnified harpsi- 'chord,' capable of great variations of power." 0 ' Not What They Seem. NM* From its name, one would think that the titmouse waa a rodent,,instead of a harmless, dainty little bird. The night- ingale is ndt by any means only a night singer; its sweet song 'is heard just as frequently by day. Small .files are not baby flies; they nuver groW ariy bigger, for the size of illes does not vary once ,they ate fully formed. The dragon -fly is -often ac- cused of sting; in reality, it is perfeet- ly harmles,a.: • flinging its glorious radiance over the It is a. fallacy to suppose that a cat sparkling waters of the Gtilf of St. can see better in the dark than in the Lawrence, it -flashed brightly on the - daylight, for it cannot, though its sails of many ships which, but dor the powers .of sight at night are more heroism of a little boy, would have highly, developed than those. of man been shattered on the cruel rocks of and many'of the huinbler creatures. were about to commit. A cold per- Cape hurricane. 'The wreckers, who had made their spiration broke over his brow and he escape before daylight, were after - 'trembled like a leaf. vrard captured and punished as they Ile crouched dawn in the. shadows tinder the window sill and in a few deserved to be -by imprisonmenCfor a long term of years. • seconds had regained 'his presence of When Hale, on descending from the mind. I -Tis father was helpless. It * was his dtty to" act -to outwit these lighthouse in the morning, released, inen.---to save hundreds of lives., now his father, the latter wept 1 aars of I joy in thanking heaven for so heroic at the mercy of the wreckers. • Hale had not 'long to wait. Two and noble -hearted a son: Later the little fellovy received a men were left to guard the prostrate bronze medal for heroism from the for& of old fiainuel Johnstone, while and rap Swiftly toward the lighthouse.1 Even at this- day, visitors to Capel WO others cautiously left the cottage government. ' The key turned in the lock and both Hurricane, hearing' this story told, the grand and entored. - The next instant Hale had unite in aPPlauding followed them. noble deed, and in calling dewn bless - The storm was raging fiercely. At ings upon the hero. Hale Johnstone, intervals lightning quivered through the lightkeoper's son. the sky and rolling thunder Seemed to A Returned Evil from the hands, of the tiller of the soil alcake the very battleraents of heaven.' Ea,An Amerlean touriet was shown to a to bear witness to the past. -tut The wind howledll '• i te a savage mili- tate threatens to change it into a Ster in seareh of prey, and flung f Gam_ room in a hotel. in )3ruSsels, where he l' simple piece of wadte hind. Miele fist Crested waveS upon the beach, like a Unlini tTuntY.uundies stuck ill .a cluni- dilin'i UP the trenches and- the dug- Pocks of yelling wolves whose h'ie delier. - As it waS dark; the'attendant , i n look merely un- angs g i ere iroug . the darkwnejes. I. ig 1 ec em a ,e guest had I t 1 th 11 but th ' h buts rnalfng this la d l'tt d tl I^ A beef -eater does not get -his name fi•om the fact that he eats nothing but lied, The original word was buffetier, a French word, meaning a mad who waited at -the Royal table or buffet. Perhaps you have thought that it is steam which you see coining dut of the kettle s,pout when the water boils, Steam le invisible; what you see is 00h clensed moisture. „ • • SCIENTISTS DISCUSS RESOURCES Toronto Meeting of British AssociaitiOn Hears Many Pipers tidy and meaningless.. - Hale ciitiekly removed his h been hi RuroPean hotels before and the rebuilding IS finished he -gained the entrance of `the li A Month Later.. when • • • • s ees A' made him put them out immediately. • TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clitl ton as ,follows: .Baffaio and Goderich Div. Going East, depart _ 6,25 a.m. „ Going lafest, ar. 11.1,0 am. " " ar. 6.08 sip. 6.61. p.m. 10.04 p.m. London; Huron Bruce Div. • Going South, 00.7.56 dp. 7,66 min. 0 ° .1,17 p.m. - °Mg Noi h, depart-. 0.50 p.m. " 11105 11.13 a.m. on Canada's National Wealth. The;meeting iri Toionto, August 6 to Baker '(Qaeen's), and elaborated on bY 13, of the British, Ailsociation. for the Prof. A. gadLean, Dr, .T. 1VC Bel' and Advancement of Science served to Prof. Ellis Thompson. '' . show, by the large Proportion' of the [ The question of "Liquid Fuels in. program devoted to -the natural re-, Canada' was dealt with by. Dr. a. H. sources of Canada, the important plane Hume, of the Geological Surv4Y OE which those resources occupy in the. Canada. . minds of leaders el science in the Bri- A general talk on the iniportaat sal:l- ash • Empire. About . thirty Papers' ject of developing the low 'grade goals were read on subjects directlY con-; of the British 19/11pife was .given by neeted with natural rescairces adminis- ' Col.: H. D.. Savage (New York) and 1 tered by the Dorainion Government. Prof, W, A. Bone (LondOn), both Mali - Most of these papers were prepared by orities on low grade and waste fuels. officers of the Governraent, though ow- Astronemy.-The Astronomy Section Ing to some of them being on duty in heard the following papers' by federal _ the field their papers wereoread by eflicer# on matters directly connetted flop -titles. The Emilie -eta ddhlt with may with the country's development, - for convenience be grouped under the ' "WirelesS Time Simla's" by Mr. R. following general headings:- •i Meldruni Slewart and Mr. ff. P. lien- - ForaStry.-The aubJect of forestry' derson, of the Dominion Observatory, Was of 1najor importance, being accord- Ottawa, ' ed not leSs than ten papers and two "Correlation of noctuts caf two Dts. Joint. Meetings for discussion. Several tent Milne -Shaw Seismographs" by Fedbral officers gave papers on the. for- Mr. Ernest 'Hodgson, Dominion Obaor- est problenis and practices that are pa vatory. culler to Canada, including Dr. J. M. "The Spectra of.Nebulae" by Dr, H. Swaine, of th'e Department of Agrielrl- H. Plaslustt; Dominion Astrophyadral tuts, who dealt with 'insect menaces, Observatox'y, 'Victoria, )3.0. - and Messrs. '113. 11. FinkfIlten, ll. RO'S, "MallOCIO ana ReSOMS Or Spettro• Cameron, and Roland D, Craig, of the atonic Absplute Mao:Uncle Determine - Forestry Branch of the Department of tions" by.`,Dr. W. E. Harpm, an . the Interior, who discussed sibyl -cut- R. K. Young, also of the Victoria. Ob- turey-frie protection, 'and forest utilize- servatory bon, respectively. I Agriculture. -In the Rat of writers Other papers were by Prof, ,T. H. ot agricultural Papers are the names . Fault (Toronto') ; Mr. E. S. Zavitz, pro- of Mr. 11. S. Archibald, i. G. . i ts- vincial forester of Ontario; Dr, A. W. Rostia and Dr, P. T. Shutt, all of the Borthwiek, secretary of the Royal Bitperlmental Rarm, , . . Scottish Arboricultural SOiligtyr ' Mid 13. Reynolds, of Guelph, and Prof..). H. Mr. F. Storey, British 'Forestry Cora- Faull, of Toronto. Wheat rust prob• mission. „„. . i lams were discussed by Profs, Biffin, Surveys. -Under the heading of gee- rThonipson and Fiaser and a discus. graphy were grouped a number of , sion on dry farming was given. by Sir . p'apers and discussions relating to sur- ' John Russell,1-Ion. John 13rackea, Pre- veys. The work of the Geological sur -1, mier of Manitoba, and others. YeY Was presented by'llifr. W. H. BoPyd ; 1 Coloration and Research. --Papers the Geodetic Survey by Mr. Nbel Ogil ' under this heading were given by Dr. vie, mid the Tidal and Current Surveys 1E. E. Prince, Dept. of.Marine and Fish. by Dr. W. 13ell Dawson. The general eries, who spoke on Marine Research; work of the Topographical Survey was Sir Frederiek Stupart, on the meteoro- dealt with Iiy Il/fr. E. M. Dennis; Mr.! logical studie,s of the Department of A. M. Narraway gave a paper on Sur- Marine and Fisheries, especially as to Veys by aerial photographs, and Mr.' Canadian winters; Mr. D. M. IiIindle, W. H. Herbert cfne.on magnetic sur- ' of the Geological Survey, as to seal- 'veY,s- ..' . ' ' . ' . 1 mentation on tile Atlantic seaboard; ' Water PoWers.- --In the engineering Dr. 1:1,„M, Andersen, also of the Gee - section a paper prepared by Mr. J. 13.1 logical SurViy, Who presented two Challies, of the Interior Department,' Panel's, one on the scientific work of was- presented outlining the extent, the southern party of the Canadian usefulness, and administration of the Arctic ExPedition 1913-18 and a second Canadian water -powers. on the larger mammals in Canada. I -The $t. Lawrence powea and naviga. Exhibits. --Several of the -Dominion lion question was reviewed by -Air. D.1 Government departments had exhihitS W. McLachlan, engineer of the St. of 'features of their work whiCh at- Lzewrence ship canal investigationa,1 tracted a great d.Pal of attentina from., and by Mr. R. S. Lea, ot Montreal. Mr. 1 the scientists. Those included re - F. A. DabY Prepare(' a paper relative • cords, chartS, maps, relief niocleis, to the work of the Hydro-Electrie 1 photographs, and special scientific in, . the stripi of eaith that are intended listened.toth men -ascended the stairs. bill next (lily:lie found then' '.charged- :31eaknanta-BIttiesr sannedlicoauliaiintyt„ Nii)4eCiall,. l3V7:11;0x„ when nature has- done 'her work with house, The door w.as left open. ,, He, This was of no evall, howeVer,. In his . Twenty candles, ten francs" .(tWo del- new spring het:" i to serve as memorials of the war, what The bey's ' heart -beat with great " Will remain to remind the coming gen. thumps against his side as he felt for lam's). He went bach to the roam and A "yec•-• ncl now it's eatii•ely Oration of its ha.voc? In a back yard the key. ,...., , took out all the candles, wrapped each cat of style!" ' . ' bit of baPer and slipped them ----a , In La Basaee I saw. an abandoned Bri- /f „he could secure it, it wriuld he 'one m Q'' i ' Pe move that to tale village square and I Like Bulbs in Windows. Isiah, tank -still standing where it easy' to lock the wreckers ' out. when int° " - th be 0 he to t d his overcoat ,pocket. When -he struck five years ago. They will surely Set it beside the monument to the vil- lager& who fell on the field of honor, Such monuments are rising in every little town end village The ill b the sole permanent reminder of the War --they and the cemeteries. But of the cemeteries I aaw nothing, for they,,tott, were' hidden; by the TIMEwav- A hbor Memory,. 'Mas. Worma--i'Now re•member, You have,those knots tied in yearself, so aam, won't forgot tb bring back baby's inedreinel" 53 they came down and then to repair' IN. ' - what-,daroage they might hitive done to ,,the eetvanta drawn IM'in two lines in , .1, ey was 'the hall, tea men servants' on ane side, the la„rnp. But, alas 'el a k - r 1 the maid servantS on the ether, all before he had contrived another confused slailillg.and.readY or the crgpected tip. trilautcl the candlim, one to -each:. "Al - For an instant Hale aaa andadisappointed, but it waF, not long „„ • U'hen be drew out his package andyike , _ plan,,10Yr.ilte, lifensier I's" 11 e. ,said, with a which he determined to put intd-eXe- _bow, ai,e,,,mit me, ,,nedai-ee. •,,,,-„are w' reek' en -,t6 the top of ifilod followiigatioaieheea ZZrity,-1E-.1INSPIed''itge.ri'l C(ia0111101,til eril$'1.i i'f:E'Cidtla.i'i?.1. 00115:111;,0" rA..' t all hazards he would . Trastiag, .ta his perfect knowledge,tmhen Ile stalked' ont and left them all of everY nook and cranny.M -the .prern-. -m5t(caoridift i5hticticitile6s'.'711. d'1'' like a‘ '.€ °I ises, Hale, 'with the 'stealthy motion ' ' r'. .. . of a 'gat, ascended the steep, narrow Expensive -Weather. ' ' , . . . Winding stairs. ' „„„ . . , 3-pnee took a ,ta).iileab to his lihnie in For the first time in his experience '16,e subuti)q- •1-i, was, a rainy,clay. Ho, they creaked ,beneath .his weight. • protested when the drivecl'ambanded , Iap,, up- he went, every slight liaise an extra far', , ' , se riding a thrill' Of terror through his "Nvily,,, ,ani ..30,i.es, ',yea are itharg. frame.; 1111' PaSi: 1°°PheleSi which now hig, me for four Miles. I Understand admitted no. single ray of light1i 111), ,theadistaMea is ohly tWo end a -half .. until, the eecond last round waS.yery. e‘ • , What was it that made him shiver ' s'e'e lye Skidded What caused him to Crouch The natives, of New Guinea aeat dompleted, and then he stepped. n .1.0 as a sir," adthitteUs d taxi , , as though afflicted witil an ague'? a let" grub worms, rata, lizards, frogs, • the inky dailcr,cs,s, scaice tree ee , Thin Shell of Nuts. O,tleer meat and vegetables," ' 'it the discovery that yon are ignorant, flight of istair,s? He held his breath ohly ha f a lei a anakes and crocodile eggs along with ' The first stop towards knowledge Lem the 'bottom of the last ' rickety Cultivated hazel' nuts, have a g al a wild oafs Nears go.. whoa I lived In a cold Power'Commission of Ontario. 1 abutments; exhibits of native art woik house and the plants" would 'freeze now 1 Minerals. -The ;subject of the pre- in 'beaten copper, carved weed and . and .then. or get chined enough never , Cambrian 'area- of ..nittiers:liz'aton 'In ivory, bead work and pottery; and au . to be really mee. F learned the value -Canada wra introducea,by Prof. 3,0. 11, exhibit of Canadian minerals, of the hard y bulbs,. I cc -old have 1 • , flowera even, if the soil In ill e . pots ! should 'fieeze is , er ust. A ' I ight ch had ne effesei on even the more tender sorts,, sach as Ilia paper-whltes atm, ireer,iiisi" while this hyacinths; seearad to welcome tpe,,coia. Then wantperiiidiArdrs in±a roam Wlicte kept lib- fiTe.;.blit Where the teniPerr"" ture wag well abave areezin'g-arotinci 50 or 60 degrees most of the time. --I. could:let-Ye them, for all the hardy bulbs like sueb, cool (martens. 'Fhev will dO,better 155 a cool room than ip warm.. 0116, ,though the ardinara liv- ing -room temperature they -Will do well if kept moistaa--1-1, A. " A Dram of Handkerchiefs., 'At a big bazaar in London recently • - one of the novelties was a young wo- man covered with handkerchiefs,' She had 140 (lenity banclIcerchiets, of all styles and .§izes,,, displayed picturesque, lY over her" frock. - Success Be , those doh ila'3/5 done, You 000rlof In yeilV spare time af home you can caelly master the•seereis of selling thdt make Star SalesTnen.,, Whatever your esperienee. nes been-Nvbatevei. you nmY be doing now., -whether or not you think yeu can sell-' just answer this question; ',Aro you ambitions te.carn 110,000 a yca.r Thee got in touch with me at, onc61 1 will prove to rots Withoul cost or obligo,tion that you eon °ROY ,become 1105 Salesman. I wilt show 'you ho%v tho Solesmandin, Training ond Free Employment Scaviae Of the N., S. T, A. ',al help You to guick BUCCe39 in Selling. ' • $10 000 A Year Selhag Secrets The Sarnia of Salesmateliip na taught bY S. T. 0.14s onebled'iholientals, *5,10,5 overnight, to lerive behind for over the thud tary rord and .t 11.5 Oust lona riorAm rre, 01a atter arliat Yd. nre 'new &nog, tho field of toning 015,30000 0 big 001 50e facts, write . National $7clepinen'a Traipipe Aafiociation Canndinn Mar. 'Box 362 Torbnio. Ont..