HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-10-02, Page 7ItSDAy.„ (ICTOBV nd, 924 rh CHitci NOWS-Ree .ntees10 Yu and Nile :Haying is a bit laid in Alberta this zeal- but now that the Prince of Wales has arrived to take a hand the crop nICiooi-be garnered. The most ardent prohibitionist Wouldn't object so much to the sale of uor in sealed packages if there was any guarantee that, the packages yould remain sealed, -The Clinton postoffice TIONY refuses 'American money. Isn't that a zkange since a few short years ago when they paid us a preinium of as much as 23% on it ? "De world do mover and .gratifying to realise that Can- ada is not in the rear. s. Ilan, E. C. Drury addresses a meeting in Stratford this, (Tliurstigy) evening, in the interests of the On- tario Temperance Act. It is a good deal inose sensible for friends 'of the 'Act to get to work and see that it is sustained than tostand oil' and find fault with Premier Ferguson Tor al- lowing a vote, as Hon. Mr. Raney. seems ieciined teak,. • * * The publishers of Huron, Pereh, Norfolla ICent, lemehton, lVfiddlesex, Oxford and Eeses: will meet in Lon- don on October 17th, -when matters in the interests- of the craft will, be cliseuseed. ja'A. IVIcLaren, ebairmart of the Ontario section of the'C.w.N.A., will preside and Mn. Lorne Eedy of the Walkerton Teles- cope, president of the Assbeiation, will be present and give an address, ' * * * "As long as we have hacl a:govern- ment in this province," says the Mail • and Empire, "it has been in the 11- uos' busies" Test so, And it - has never been able -to "contra" the business yet. Dotting the country over with liquor stores will not make • it any easier, it will make it hardex 'to eotrol. Let us keep the law -we've got. To scrap it end intro- duce liquor stores all over the pro-, vince would he going beck at least twenty years. October 5th tto llth has been pro- - claimed as "Fire' Prevention Week. It is hoped that instruction will be • given in the Public schools and in many places public meetings will be held and the best Ways of preventing Axes will be discussed. It is time Canada awoke to ;the tire menace. Peeventable ftres, rind few are not • preventable, have become a seritip drain upon our resources. A wer -well/for everyone, businesemanfar neer, heusekeeper, to see that 'ther ate no fire hazards about his preen * * Bt the way, speaking of the little • ways of postollices, if yon have an old- fashioned penny, there are not many ol them, of course, but if you should happen to have one don't take it to the postoffiee if you would realize full - value for it. They only count ie a cent. Those olcl penny pieces served their time, no doubt: Abeut the only real use they were was as gifts from grandfathere to grand- children, and their Usefulness in that line is long since past. What sell. respeeting grandchild would thank you for a penny nowadays? bo A- number of people have been astiug this season about having eapullets which have begun to lay when -Arson hOW Along, comes a Net Hope chick- en farmer who gays he has a young cockewel which began to ern, when onlY twerity-two days old. Every- one who has had anything to do with chickens, knows that the cock- erels always begin to crow long before the. pellets in :the same flock begin to lay so, eonsidaring the speed the pullets are putting. on, this young 0110010 00 doubt felt he had* to get a move on, or be left one of_these beight autumn inornings. * * * Barn fires have baen-veey prevalent Ibis Tall, as is usual at this Season of - the -year, and many farmers in Hur- connty and elsewhere have been • sadlsr crippled by the 10ir /45 of thef 'barns, crops, and in some cases, live - 137 three or fOin. months. old and day next, Rev. I. W; Hedley pf Goclericif will preach at 1030 a.m., and Rev. C., J. :Moorhens() of Clinton. -will ho -rresent in the evening at 7:10. A special thaulgoffering.is" being ask- ed for. ' The Ladies' Aid of Ebenezer met at the parsonage ThursclaV afternoon. The Ladies' Aid. of I-Iohmesville met at Mrs. B,. Malath's on Wednesday afternoon. This' Society is ,eoMpos- ed of a yery energetic, resodrcefuP hunch of Meinbers. A couple et weeks ago the trustees of the Pub- lic school adverlised for a, eazetaker anci the 'Ladies! Aid tee undertaken to act in that capacity, making on tires each morning, sweeping, dusting, etc. whatever the caretaker is. sup- posed to. do. ` They will take turns at the work and the money earned will go into the treasury of the So- cioty. Nobody can iay that the we: - men aren't sincere in their wish to The Ladies' Ale held a 4ery sue- cepsfulbaking sp.le in •Clinton•onSat arday afteeneor. Everything they offered was cleaned up in an hom. or so. • They realized about, $22.00. Stale g Towns,hip Miss • Mary Hugill of Irvington, Cal., is spending a Sew days at the home of Mr. John Peaeson. Mieses• 1Varey and Betty Stewart of Stretford, were week -end visitors at their homes here. We have this week to •xecord the death of aaother of Stanley's Meet respected citizens, in the person of Miss Margaret Galbraith, who pass. ed away , on Saturday, Sept. 27th. - Mies. Galbraith had been ill for the pat tivo years although able to go aboat the house at time, and at other times would he confined to bed for weeks. 'Beath was not unexpeeted and came quietly. elle' peaeefully to the patient sufferer She leaves to mourn their loss fi.ve sisters and two brothers, Misses Mary and Grace Mrs. John Geminhardt, Mrs.- Chas. Marks, Stanley, and Miss Ada, Bay- field; Donald of Goderith township and Archibald of the front road. The funeral took place from the home of her brother, 'Archibald ort 11/fonday, Sept. 29th, to Bayfield:thmtery. _Mr. Milton Pollock was the guest of friends at Seaforth one day last 'week. s• Mr and Mrs Harvey Greer of near Buffalo have beep the guests of his brother'Mr. 'Robert Greer of the Front road. • Mr. Fred Scetehmer of Kitchener, was the guest, of his brother, Mr, John ScoMlamer ,one flay last week. Miss Isabel Manson, whetspent the past year in Detroit, has returned home. Mr. loon Steckle motored to Sere nia last Sunday, Robt. Scotehmer motovelff to Kitchener on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson are visiting friends in l'ffieltigim. • Miss Vera Pepper left this week to take charge of school up at Hurst. • ullett Township The funeral oi the late P. J. Rey- nolds, whose death was noted laet week as taking place at his late home on the 41h coecession on TeeSdAY) was held on Thursday forenoon froin St - Joseph's ehruch, Clinton, when solemn High Mass fox the dead was celebrat- ed by the Rev. Father Gaffney. Due. ing the service Mrs. J. '3. Reynolds of Goderieh tang a solo. From the church the cortege proceeded to the Roman Catholic cemetery it Iltillett, where the remains were laid in the family plot, The pallbearers were Six cousins of the cleceated: Owen and, P. 0. Reynolds of this township, Frank Reytiolds of Chicago, Martin 01 Stratford and Dominick and Tames oa Seaforth. The friends fronl distence who were here for the fu- neral Were: Mr, E. T. Byrne .and Mr. and 1VIrs. 3. Murphy of Cleve - and; IVIr, D. Reynolds, New laskeata Mr.' T. O'Conner; Kitchener; Mrs. and 'Miss Bell, Blyth; Mr. Leo. Rey - molds and Mrs. Bernard, Detroit, Me. and Mrs. 3. B. Reynolds, Goalie/4 and Mr, Edgar Reyaolds, Stratford. Mrs, Reynolds Wishes to thank her riends for the kinclnees shown her husbana and herself during his alle ess and for the &mai and spiritual stock. The regular recurrence of a fferings sett, 'been fires every year shortly after the storing of the grain leads one to - the conclusion that thee must be a equse. We believe that in the ma- jority of cases this cause is spontan- teous eamlaistion, the result of heat- ing of inmeefectly cured hay on straw, -or dust 01 imperfectly ventilated buildinge, The Fire Marshall might be well advised to look into tome of these flres, learn tbei cause and sug- gest a preventive. Stich losses are aegreat deain upon our agricultural prospeeity and if they can be preyent- R. cd they, should be, = M arriag es • RADFORD---' ASHTON — At Porrie, on Sept, 22nd, by the "Rev. Ernest Jacques of Millbank, the bid's uncle,' assisted by the Rev. W. A. Lena, eldest daughter of Ms. and •IVIrs. la. A.- Ashton,. of Gorrie, to Ernest Radfoi.d a Wal- ton. EID—HOWLETT--In Toronto, on Sept. 24th, by the Rev, A. J, Paul, Edythe May, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Howlett of Toronto, to Dr, Harvey W. Reid, also of Toronto, son of Mr. and 1VIrs. 3. W. Reid, Varna. OWE.DALTON—In 'SeafOrth, b _ Rev. R. Fulton Irvvin, on Sept. 19th, Harry V, Howe, of tho Bank of Commerce, Seaaorth, to Gladys Maud Dalton,' also of Seafoetla . ATSON—BOLGER—In St. John's church, Brussels, by Bev • F• L• Lewin, on September 2411, EarI Watson to Mary Esther, daughter of Mr. and. 1VIrs. T. Bolger; of Walton. • Auburn ' The Auburn Methodis,t eluirch‘ an- Mversaey is to be held Olt October 11. 12th. Reaa J. E. Holmes, chairman •ea Goderich District, is ..to preach, The Knox church anniveesaey is to be lield on 'October 1915, when Rev. ,J. D. :McDonald of Egmondville is W to be the speaker, both mornieg and •evening. Mr. Cloakey of California is vis- iting his niece, ales. A. J. Ferguson. Miss.Edna kaithby left on Tuesday to keep house for her brother, who is een instepetoe at the 0,A.C., Guelph, The Sunday school rally in the Me- thodist chureh on Senday was well tUnde(1. Mr. Courtice, 31a. N. W. leewartlia, former superintendents, and Reg. A. V. Walden, pastor, gave short addreesee, and a number of the gehildren took part in the service. lVfies Emma Courtme is at present her eister, Mrs. Elford of Ottawa. - The Mission Circle hefd their- roge tiler meeting at the home of Mrs, Eldrid 'Teo, on Tuesday afternoon. lac rnembere ,are planning for an o 1e:eh Social to be Oeld in the near y - titeme., SII The amilvereary servieos will be b 'held in the Methodiet church 'on Sun. Birt Londesboro, on Sept. 27th, to le, and Mrs. T. Miller, a daughter.—IVIargaret Ileen. CURTIS—At the Victoria IVIcinorial Hospital, Toronto, on Sept. 26th, to Me. and Mrs. George Terry Curtis, formerly Miss Mabel Do- herty, a daughter. Deaths TYNER—In Mellott township, on Sept. 26th, Geoage"A. Tyner, ag- ed 71 years. GALBRAITII—In Stanley,' on Sept., 27th, Margaret Galbraith. FT)WARD—In Goderich township, on September 19th, Sarah j Bell wife f Oliver It. Edward, in her 46111 ear. • . ELTON—In. Goderich, on Septem er 20{11, -Riehald Sameel Shelton, n ide 41et year., 'Slobs' FOr Sete Several cegas of good slabs, ,sult- able Tor • fuel, Apply to A, -Mc- Cartney, Clinton,Vhone 103 W. 74-2 , Iron Wanted By the I-Iuron Specialty Casting Company, Clinfon. Will pay $13.00 per to delivered at Clinton. 74-10 , Hospital Bazaar The Annual Hospital Bazaar will be held in the toWns hall, Clinton, on October 24th. Booths will be con- ducted as follows: Bowling Club: Kitchen Booth: ttaes. Axon, Mrs, Fair. , C.G.1.T.: Candy : Missee Lennie Nedigcr, Elsie Snyder. Unity Club: Miscellaneous; Mrs. W. D. Connell, 11/les, W. J. Stevens: • Women's Institute: Homemade Balt - nig: Mes. R. Bali, Mrs, J. Flynn-. • Girls'Auxiliary: Miecellaneous: MiS9 Et:1)01.ton, Torearibe. Fish Pond: Mrs, Wiseman Mrs. Holloway. , • Garden` Produce: IVIrs, Saville, Rummage Sale: Mies 13awden. Chaigkenas Gift: ales. Combe, MTS. iVicMarchie: Afteenoon Tea: Mr. Paxman. Supper will also be served, an- , nouneement of that to be made later, arid a cox:emit' will 04 given in the evening, tbe program to be provided by Mrs. Hoover 1 Ward and illrs, Hoover fveson of Guelph, . • donations for the several booths': will be thankfully reeeived by the conimners. - • • lair Sale House, lar`ae etable and driving, shed,- al acre of gaaden -with small fruits and orchaed,. Suitable, for re - 'tired farmer or man with team,, In- quire News -Record office.' 74-3-p. Horses For Sale ' .Beautifully matched bay team, blocky horses five years , old= weighing approximately 1600 each, this span in fine condition, broketin and gentle, good style and action no blemishes. Call—JoheD. Woods, Apple Grove Farm, 410 concession of Goderich. township. ' , '74-4 - . Auction Sale of House and Effects At the reidente, Albert street, on Saturday, October 4th, at two ot- clock as follows: • , A Walker steel range; Gem Jewel heater; sheet iron heater; Standard Kerogas oil stove; two burner, neerly new, Hot Blast oil heater; one-bernez oil stove; quantity of stove pipes near- ly new; oak sectional bookcase; book' stand; oak secreteryt wicker rocker; oak rother; oak rocker with leather upholstry; Itatlor table; jardiniere stands; mahogany Ottaman stool; six dining room theirs; 9 ft. oak estate' Sion table; sideboard; couch; Singer sewing machine; 2 oak bedrood suites two iron bedsteads with springs; one single Simmond's iron bedatead with good mattress and springs, nearlY new; Itretchee; cupboard; 2 kitchen' tables; kitchen chairs; camp duals; small tabie; wash tubs; copper boiler; wringer; quantity of dishes; sealers; crocka; cooking, utensils; garden tools and Many articles; too numerous to mention. Also, if not Sold previoue to day of sale, a seven-eoomed frame libuse, in good wepair% Sun room at. Melted, good stone oellar, town' Water 31 acre of land • with fruit trees. Terms: On household -effects, cash. On real estate, 10 pee eePt. on day of sale, balance in 15 days. Mrs. Long, Paoprietress. G, He /Elliott, Auc- tioneer. 72-3. Clearing Auction Sale Of farm, farni . stock and irnpl ments„ Lot 22, Bayfield road, 1 mi east of Varna,, oer Friday, Oetola 10th, at 1230 p.m., harp, the fo Florses—Gtey Percher gelding rising 4 years; grey Perche on gelding aising 6 yeaes; 4 year o 'Percheroo mare supposed to be foal; draft marerising 5 years; sm•in foal. ' Cattle--eCteW due oet.. 1.1.1 eow due Dee, 19th; .cove due Deo 25th; cow due Mareh 14the.cow'clei Tan. 7th; cow due May 22nd; cei due Tune Othe . cow due 'June 10th steer, 2 years old; heifer, 2 years ok fat; 3 heifers,' 1 year old; 4 sprin calves., Poultry—About 150 whit Leiaiorn hens of a geod laying strain 4 roosters, 1 year old froin Gill'pe Redeem:ea,. tumber of young. colle erels and Ithplements-- Deming mower; seed drill; Deeein cultivator; Massey -Harris cultivatot Massey-Haeris hay loader; IVIassey Harris hay rake; set a 4 seetaon (Ha mond harrows; 2 extra harrows; cut ting box; horse power Internationa engine; fannhig mina; low wagon at a Iflgh wagorg hay reek; gravel box; set' of bobeleighs and bunks; wood r.ackt Massey -His manure spaeati- er; Oliver riding plough; walking plough; galvanized water trough; steel 'wheel 'barrow; set .of roller; hay fork ear ancl pulleys; 15,0 foot rope; set 021 heavy double 'breeching harness; set of plough harness; set of light double harness; set of single harness; top buggy; Ford „touring ear Melotte caeam separator; Babcock cream tester; `Daisy chaen No. 3; (good as nevv); butter bo-wa and lidlea sugar kettle; lawn Mower; 1 dozen grain ,bagi ; 30 foot ladder; leshare in Deering corn binder, Lumber, wood, bteesome inch hernia& lumber and elm plank; 5 cords of dry maple wood; O quantity of grain, hay and pota- tees: forks; chains; shovels; whiffle - trees and 'other articles. Itonsehold effects—Moffat steel range, good as new; wood heater; Perfection coal oil stove, 4 bui•ners; Quebec- heatee; 6 dining chatee; 8 emichee; kitchen cupboard; 2 bedroom suites; rocking chairs; linoleum Tog; l';anging lamp; tables and other eibusehold effects. Deseriptioe of farm—The MeNaugh- ton farm, lot 2e, B,R.S. concession, Stanley, 100 acres more or lese. The farm is first class and the loeation on 'the Bayfield toad, neat Varnaismom, desirable. Buildings, soil, thnber, water-facilities.4.na cultivation are 811 good. Termsa-Fo'wl, grate, hay, wood, lumber and elf sums of $10 and undea, sash: Over that amount 12 months credit will lie `given on fur-. eisaing approved joint notes, or 5% allowed Tor cash on' credit amounts, On re,e1 estate; 10% of purchese mon- ey dawn on day DC sale, balance 2n0 day of March. 1925, Mrs. Anme c aughtom Proprieties, George , Elliott, Auctioneer. 73-2 101 1-3 0 Croce We're bidding for your trade......„If. you of Best Quality at Lowest Priee, we have th Store." , s 1 112 , . . . . 50c 8 Cakes of Castile Soap ---------Ole 10 Bars (;:f Laundry Soap, , 5 lhg, of Pure Lard •, • • .•$1,.10 1 th. Breakfast Badon (in ple2e;r--32c. 1 '3 pkgs. Powder , .2a.‘i t elean, fresh Ciroceries "Make Our Store Your ,1 lece Toilet Set --------------300 /2. dozen Clips only ,... . . ... ,60c 1/4 dozen Cups and Saueers : .85z 14, dozen plates , ....803 1 Doz. Cloverleaf Cup, Saueer., a3,60 3 Dos, Jar Rubbeies .... .........25e JOHNSCN C S CitiOCERY 0459.410MIMINalli.3111.. 'PUNTERS! TO YOUR GUNS A few more days befoee g.anie-time •Then its deer hoands and Wed doge, mackinaws and knee -hoots, shot guns and riffles, with thoughts' ofebusiness and tame city amusements pet, out of mind. ' The entitle of aportsmen to the famous,'Canadian Hunting grouncle 02 getting' uncle): way. The bird mon -are packing their duffle bags tor the ,erouse, a•eese and duck hunting grounds,: The forests' of th,e High- lands of 'Ontario offer the greatest demi country on" the Continent --,-a land where event,' limiter brings home his deer. Northern Ontario is eam- ous for moose trophies shipped home ,eveey season. All gaineebirds,tcleer• and moose.nee within' easy accessible distances from You.' Canadian National Railways can trthisport you . to the best hunting grounds of the particular sports .you desire, Ask. any Canadian National Agent for fullinformation. He eau give you all the routes, rates, eeaeons, game- laws, and any other data ,that you require •for the trip. 73-2 hone lilt .11.1=XMCA Ilintse For Sale Comfortable frame house on -North street, hall acre of. ground. All 'chicle of fruit. Small stable, town water in "house. Robert P. Fisher. • 3741. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF Thomas Chur- chill, deceased. NOTICE is' hereby givea that all „persons having claime against the estate cif Thomas Churchill, late of the township of Goderich thecounty of Huron, yeoman, cleceaeed, woo died on.or about the 810 day of ivrilY 1924, ate required to deliver to Benjamin Wellifigton -Churchill end -William •Brydone the executors of the said es- tate OT their solicitor on or before the 1510 day of October 1924 a full statement of their claims together with pavticulats'thereof, and the na- time of the securities if any, held b them all duly verified by affidavit'. - AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the saki, executors will proceed to distribate the estate of the said deceaseclea- iriongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as they shall have reeeived due notice and in aceordanee -therewith', DATED at Clinton, this 1915 day of September A.D. 1921. - BatypoNE, Clinton, Ontorio, Solicitor for the said executors. 73-3 Chopping - "The Varna Mill will run Tuesdays and Thursdays after October .1.st. E. 71. Epps ge Sons Proprietors.- 73-2 Muse For Sale / . Reaidence of the late Aithur Cook, corner Albert and 11/(111 streets, Clin- ton. Key at Mr.. Walter King's. 72-tf: Range For Sale - Imperial Oxford range, vtith• high shelf end copper reservoir. Call ale teroons on Mrs. q. E. Tervis, Huron. street. 724f. . Cattle For Sale The undersigned Ntet for sale a splendid buneh of 21 2-year-ol4 steers 5 Polled Angus, 5 Ilexefords and the balance Durhams, Lot 89, eonces. Sion Goderich toWnship. Percy Weston, Hayfield. 72-13 .Silo FilIihg The undersigned is open for engage - Merits at silo fillufg. Gasoline out- fit. C. R, Holland, R. R. No Clinton. ' Phone 15 on 607, , 724_3 • - For Sale .The Hohnesville Cheese` Fedex,. Good brick building. 'Apply t Jas. Connolly, Goddrich. 71-4-p. • House For Sale Frame hnuse .021 Joseph stied, in good repair./ 6 room5,. good cellar, verandah, town water in house. % sees .of garden with fruit trees and small fruits. Apply Miapremises to Mts. B. Cole, or to W. Brydone, 71-4-p, For Salo The administrators of the estate of William Dohotty, deceased, offer for sale his late residence and the ad- joininelands, (25 acres more' or less), on which are erected substantial and well-equipped buildings. Apply to J. E. Doherty on the premises, or to W. Beydone, solicitor for the estate. 70-0. For Sale The tortner,joyner property. 'Five- foomed%ottage with large sun-roorn. Electric light and town water in •house, 3 acres of ',good land and all Melds of fruit trees. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to Ildre. Megat- lum, Cominerctal. Inn; Clinton. 6341. House for Sale Brick house on Princess street, 7 repine and •huneiner kitehen: town water, also soft watea in kitchee, ce- *Meet basement, furnace, electric light. 31 acre,garden, =with sinall stable. Apply to Miss Mabel Rath - well, Varna, • Phone 33-606, Clinton central, • 6241 • For Sele The attraetiere and beautifolly lo- cated •property belonging to C. D. Bolick, situated on High street Clin- ton. The house has a beautiful out." look, imposing in architectural ap- pearanee, walls 18 itch solid brick, rooms large. TWO marble fire -places in den and parlor, hot and cola 17/A - ter, cement soft -water cistern in cel. ler, bathroom, electric lights, tWo 'Ver_ endald and eun porch, two stairways, cellar under whole house, cement floor hot-air heating. Lot 75 ft. frontage, double depth facing on High etreet and Townsend. Fruit trees', garden and small fruits. A bargain for quick sale. Write C. D. 13ou'cle 43 Standish Ave., Tor- onto, Ont. 59.te, Clothes Cleaned and Preesed • Clothes Cleaned pressed and, re- paired. 'Woolen goods dry cleated. Rooms •over Heard's ',barber shop W. J. Jago. —8341 HOMO For Sale Cottage on Huron street, roomy and in good repair,. ee, acre of garden. Small bern on place. Possession at once.. Also a buggy and cutting box, Happy Thought eange and a sliding 'bed 'couch for Sale. e -Apply to Miss 13. Cantelon, Rattenbureastreet,•3941. AUCTIONEER Honor' Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, 050. cage. Speeial course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real EState Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. liattes in keeping with prevailing marhet. Sat- isfaction aerineed, Write evire, Wear Klopp Zurich Ont Phone 18- 93. -,98-t1-192a Notice to DebtOrs ' All persons indebted to the late Arthur -Cook are requested to pay the amount of their indebtaness to the undersigned, who is authorized to re. ceiviii the same, • Notice' to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF Arthur Cook, deceased. NOTICE i hereby given that all pereonstaving elatms against the es- tate of ,Arthur Cook late of the town of Clinton in the county of Huron, de- ceased, who died on or aboat the 261h day of June 1924, are required to de. liver to the undersigned on or befoxe the llth, day of October 1924, a Ain statement of their 'claims together >with particulars thereof, and the -na- ture of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verifiecl by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said undersigned will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as he shall have received due notice and in tiecordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, this 1815 day of September AA); 1924, W. 13RTDONE, Clinton, Ont. 78-3 COAL NUT. STOVE & EGG • ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVEIRY • R. J. IVIILLER •Orders taken at residence. 'Monet 111 Flour ahd Feed ,11.ave quantity -Of' Bean, Shorts and Sereanings on hand and expect car- load 1s1 of August. Feeds are advanc- ing daily, rigtv 05 the time to lay in your requirements till new -grain can be threshed. Also Flour, have agency for SrioW Drift Flour, this flow has teen giving exceptional satisfaction try it once if not satis- factory after your first [baking bring back remainder and will gtve you any other vatiety in its place. • TWINE Rave Gold Medal and Gilt Edge Twines in stock either in 5 lb; or 8 lb. balls. , ROOFING Carry a complete line ofaTorento Asphalt Roofing. The quality Bogg- ing with a guarantee against curling, flapping on tuveing up. In over four years agency for this reefing have had no dissatisfied customers. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour nnd Feed Merchants 'and Grain Buyers . CREANI. VVANTIElil The demand,. foe Our butter 1st creasing. • To supply 1162 domand we risquirt more cream. ' We request you to Ship Ut yeas We guarantee you the Higheat Market Prieea, 4ccar5te tests and prompt • service. .f . Our firm is known, to You and needs no further. recommend. • We pay' all expreso charges, fun" isli Cr05101 CAM and pity .twice tact month., Write for dant or further inform* Von ,to tho Tn.t1 snAFORTE( .CREAVERY 01' iAZWEIll% /MITA° ttrie are, lende Olt TELEPHONE 53 Stand CHI-NAMEL STORE We are still carrying peetal PrIcesan Oils of all kinds, for Lighting, Lubricating, Painting, etc. Also on Elephant White Lead and Paints Come in and get our prices if you wish to save money Boys come in for your Bicycle Repairs. We carry all parts and make allrepairs to all wheels 0.ur Work Guaranteed We are headquarters for Plow Points and Soles, all kinds SPecial prices on two and three Burner Oil Stoves Birvl and Sons Pariod'Roofing and Shingles at prices levier than for years past 761161.61KM111.71MMILDMIM.00.01•11.0.1q011M0•16010.4M/Mila‘ _ COAL We have a aupplit of Furnace, Stove, Nut and Solt. - Also' some good dry slabs. Leave orders at residence. E. WARD phone 155. „Huron Street. 50551 Steep. , Jan. 1, 1924 Singes' Sewing Machines Family, Electric and D: R. Styles. Also some second-hand machines; good as new, Old machines taken as part payment, Eas terms, It will pay you to look 'these over befdre buying elsewhere. Repairing and parts for all makes of machines. aosokseefte1ammaaramontammonomm4soSKUMMISMIERM060:011011;•' MM. i f THE WONOEII" .1NliSHING MACIIINE. The Washer that turns the clothes over and -over with a powerful Vacuum Plunger which forces both Air and Water through.and through the clothes, which is the-moderumethod of washing, for Sale by C. VENNER, Clinton Elec7cian Phone 151w 00d FOOd That's What Errown's Bread Is Made with the finest i gredients, properly Wended, assures yop of getting a 'won- derful loaf. TRY IT—Your Grocer has it, or we will deliver it to your door fresh daily. IN & CBAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 I, All our poultry is bought alive on altraded weight and 'quality basis. If you want to make your poultry plant pay as it should, et:insult us about the breeds that are most Profitable. We . , are here to serve yoti., '• ' / Xf.. 1 a II We Bug arid Pau Cash ' EGGS All eggs purchased are paid for according to Government grades, Coin° and see youre classified.. . We make a special arrangement with all farmers -who desireT0 so. operate in marketing, and will supply individual cases. .POULTRY • • ARKETING One of the biggestdrawbacite to tho Poultry industry lies with the ,produeer. Let tie explain our new effort to overcome this. GUNN LANG,Lpis & LIMITED, MONTREAL, latTEBEC.1 Write, phone or can at our •Clinton offie N. W. Trewartha, Manager Clinton 'Branch Day Phone 190 Night Phone 214 W taiesteeleasetteemamseatezzeat„,,,,,,,,,aparraeseteitaantaitistazene drta?..effemommilitloneastem7.7.---...r.tsmateftvrinsaartwoomoost;strairetavimmementmmersproesnommaTansarsomovrewe We are again buying grain for shipping Will be loading cars of wheat Friday and Saturday of this week and also next week . A ear of fed Barley will be loaded` next week. Get our ' _prices before selling. ejli/NIOHNIE; SCOT Phone 199 Wight 141 and 129 asomearlemmesammument:nommiedgaz7aneug•IMMOMM C • VENNER, Eleetriei Electric Ranges, Fixtures, tabs, irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs.' Phone IS few Farmers, Aftehtion ! We have a complete tractor outfit and are prepared to lin • your silo Or do your Jail plowing: Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PATTON AND EVANS