HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-10-02, Page 4COCPEWS STORE
•The Secret-. uccessful Knitting
Given a pair of knitting needles or a crochet .hook, ,311pPly of
lo•refy Monarch -Yarn, and two busy hands—what wonders may be ae,
complished 1 si Creating' pretty serviceable garnients of wool for sum-
nmr days or f or winter wear,
There is a justifiable ,Pride and pleasure in actually fashioning
these dainty 9‘arnienta with one's 'own hands The novelties that
novv come withija the scbpd of the Knitter's Art are so numerous ancl
varied as; to afford an 'almost endless choice, and no matter how
seemingly intricate the style chosen, by following carefully 'the in-
structions given, 'an inexperienced knitter will be astonished with
what ease aiad rapidity any of these beautiful knitted'`noyelties may
he !made up,
Monarch Yarn, which should be used for the knitting 'of these
garments has 19ng been recognized as the standard in hand knittfng
yacns. It i.s",well known for its superior quality, yardage and uni-
font-lay and goes much farther than lean wool of inferior grade, be-
cause 11 11 spun from rine fluffy wool, which fills out the' yarn and ,
gives the most satisfactory results 'both in appearance and lasting
service. Garments knitted from Monarch Yarn retain their orig-
inal shape and beauty and, possess exceptional'wearing qualities.
There is a Monarch Yarn for every Purpose, Read carefully,
the directions given and purchase the particular kind of Monarch'
Yarn Suggested for the various garments shown, Yon will thus en -
euro the most -perfect reSults.
See' our new knitting books for up-to-date styles f or fall and win- '•
' •
. ceiweemeeseeteeneem feeexeesemeeecuesse;Oeseceeeieee*leeimeN, ,
..„ . . ,
Perfect weather favored the fair,
management last week and the fair
was of a first class order. ,The ex-
hibits -were exceptionally, fine. The,
St Son; wether lamb, W. Stewart and
21id; best fat sheep, Oolin Stewart, T.
live steele an many respects was the Berksinee--Brood sow bevies; lit -
best in yeeee; the Deed was ee excel_ tered in 1924, Te- Snowden; ,boer lit-
tered in 1924, T. Snoweleele9w litter -
lent quality and the fruits and veget-
ed in 1924, T. Snowden. -
ables 'were good. Apples are not
supposed to be a gad crop this year,
anerlate apples are not plentiful, but
the exhibit at Hayfield last *week was
fine. Of, eourie the ladies' work,
• flowers, etc., was good, as it always
is. Altogether the fair was a suc-
cess and during the progress of it the
smiling faces of President John Mc -
Lure and genial .Secretary Erwin
were ,gdod to see. The day 'wound
up with a grand concert 'at night.
The following is the list of tbe sec-
cessful exhibitors: •
General Purpose—Brood • mere ac-
• companidd by foal not to be judged
with mare, J.. A. Manson & Son,
Beownett; foal, J. R. Sterling, .1, A. Man-
son & Son; gelding or filly •three years
old, Win. Decker, H. Neeb; gelding
or filly two years old, William Detkere
D.,McKenzie; gelding or filly yeas' old
• F, Watson; team, W. Decker.
Percheron--Three year old, Colin
Campbell; 'two year old 13. Pierson; one
year old, J. R. Stirling, H. Baker; foe/
J. Stewart, C, Cenepbell. . -
Agricultural—Brood mare accompan-
ied by foal, foal not to be judgedt with
mare—C, Campbele J. Stewart; foal T.
Bleitemett, F. Watsee; gelding or filly
2 years old, L. Scotchinere; gelding or
filly 1 year old, L. Stotelrinere; teen/
J. R. Stir/Ing,
Heavy Draught--Brogici mare •neon'.
peeled by foal, foel 1179i to be judged
wielf.)nere, S. Keys, foal, S. Keyes; team
, B. Foster, J. R. Stirling.
• Roadsters-13rood mare accompanied
by foal, foal not tbo, be judged with mere
W, Decker, J. le, • Stielin.g; feel, S. Hey
• R McCeinchey; singee roadster, W.
Decker, 114, Milo*,
iparriage—Bs mare\ azoom.Parlied
by foal, foal not to be judged with mare
Yorkshire—Brood sow having litter-
ed in 1924, R Begin -
Red Pigs—Aged boar, T, Snowden,
J. A. Manson & Son; brood sow hav-
ing littered 1924, T Snowden,
A. Manson & Son; hoar littered) in
1924, T. -Snowden, J. A -Manson & Son;
sow littered. in i924, .je, A.. Manson &.
Son, T. Snowden; hest boar, any breed
T Snowden; best sow any breed, T.
Snowden; best pair bacon hogs .any
breed, W. Micheal.
Judge—G. ,C. Petty"
Bralunasl (c), F Merner; (11) E
F. Merner; ('or -an ip), E. F. Monier,
Mr. Wheel; Plymouth Barred Rocks,
(h) C. Cempbell; (or), W W Wise, D
leficKeifile; Plymouth ' Rooks,. white,
(a .and. h),1 T. Snowden, R Blair; (er)
E Merner,'T Snowden; (p), T Snowden
14.131ale; White Wyandottes, (c, 11, cr
and. p), Mrs (Dr,) Woods and and;
Brown leghorns, (h), V, Tereyberry;
White Leghorns, (c and' Is), H. Tre-
wartha, G. King; (of), H Trewarthai
W. Wise; (p) 11. Trewartha, G. King;
Rhode Island leede, (c and b), A
Johnston & Son, V Terr3lberry; ecr
elect p), Johnsen and 21e1; Anconas,
(c, h and p), W. F. Metcalf and ancl;
Campines, (.5, le cr and p), NV. F
Metcalf land 211d; Black Minorcas, (0,
be be), V Terryberry; (p), E F. Mer -
1151,V. Terryberry; any •alter veriety
fow, Nelson Keys & Son; Belgian Hate
C. 13aclore; pair ,Pekin ducks, E & R
•Snowden, J. A. ManSen Rt Son; pair
Rouen checks, T. Snowden and 2ncl;
pall^ Toulouse geese, R Blair; pair aey
Other variety geese, E & 32 Snewden,
V. Terryberryt pair any other variety
turkeys, V. Terryberry; pair pigeons,
Dr, IVIIcKinnon, E. F Merner; Altrskova
trucks, R Blair.
Ten lb s stilt butter Mrs. John
J. Gar trier D. McKenzie; foal D. Gard- Stewart, a Jacobi; 5 11.15 butter in
deer, D. McKenzie; team 16 hands or 1 -pond Ill°eks, Mrs. John Stewart; 5
over, G. Thiel; single carriage horse, s,yiPoUnd crock butter, Airs John Stewart,.
MeOleau, B. Webster. best gentlemen's E & R Snowden,. t pouted tenor rirfr
outfit, W. Decker, /VI. Elliot -El' lady driv-
er, W. checker.
' Best three heavy horseis, B. Foster,
3. Stielirig; hest enatched teatn WeDeck-
r05S,4 1; T.
Sn'e' e
J. Sn"bus
•pi1G. L3it1saval1;1,:pT[faeluner;
fati,pears, F. Parker, G. LattilValte; win,
-i-Cr pears, 0. Trueimier, W.
collect'on of apples,' =1 fall ,anci 6 win.,
ter, five of, each variely,
lviarter.gpgles, 4 varieties
0. Laithwalle, J. R. ; fall apples
four varieties, G, LititlywalIle, J. R.
Stirling,; Baldwins, ' G. Lai,tliwaitc, 'C.
Pliddieton;. Mann apples, J. R. Stfiling,
Cia rcraite; Splfzenhang,.4 R,
F. Keegan; Northern -Su.cs, . L.
Lalth.waite, J. R. Stirling; 10' g of
l'empkins ,/ 12 Turner Brownet•
Clreenings, 1. 12, S1rling, Ci. f-altirwane;
Ribs,ton.' Pippins, F.. Keegan, R:-Tuirner;,
20 Oance Pippins, •Laitiv.witite,P 12.
l'urner; Wagners, taitthAfte, F.
1.(eegan; Golden Russets, 4,-R. Stirling,
C. -Tnuenine,r; BI enlbt 1 at Pipp'ins',, G.
L.siihwslie, C, .114/4d.letcm;'' Snows, G.
Laithwalte, C. l'ameniner; Ontario's,' G.
Laitirwaite, J. R. • StirIng; Wolfe River,
'TrIteniner,l'. Keegan. •
Judges—W. lf. Lobb John Porter. '"
Early Cebblers, McMurray, W.
eV, Wise; '0111113' 30151005 to he named,
G, Lindsay, , J. A. thilitrra,Y; Greeo
Mountatn, 3.9. Murray, R. Mc:Murray;
late pnlatoes to be named, C. Trucinnef
G. Lindsay; Thangolds, long red, C.
Trueinner, F. Barker; mangolcis, yel-
low globe, C. T.rueinner, T. Snov,61en;
intermediate Iniingolds, C. Trueniner,
J. A. Murray; field darrots, 13,9351111535;table carrots, Mrs. P, Clark. J. A.
• Murray; table beets, 'C. Truemner, Mrs.
P, Clark, F. 'Barker; field eirrnips, C.
Truennier, J. de Stirling; sugar beets,
C. Truemeer, J. R. Stifling; wetter
radish, D. Galbraith, H. .Penitale; sal-
sify, E. & R.' Snowden, J. Reid; 2
head •eabbage; 3, A..Murray, F. Barker;
2 betiaiileauliflower,'F. Barker, Mrs, P.
Clarke 3 beads whilee celery, Of Jacobi;
neuslemelons, Mrs, (Rev.) NieLedd,' J.
R. Seirling; Nvateranelons, 7, Snowden;
citroes, 4. A. Murray,. C. Teueininor;
best pumpkin 'for table eise, .D. Gal-
braith, .A. Brandon; best squash tor
table use, D. Galbr.aith, Mrs, P. Clark;
largest pumpkin for, feed, G. True -
inner, R. Me,Merray; largest squash for
feed, J. A. Merray, C. Truenme.r; large
English potato onions, Mrs. Clark,
E. & R. Snowden; large white onions:,
F. Barker, Mrs. W. F, Melteali; large
red onions, F. Barker, D. Galbraith;
dirge yelloty onions, le Barker, R.
Turner; red tomatoes, F. Barker, J. H.
Reid; lergeet head of sunflower, r.
Barker, le, • McMurray; collection of
garden herbs, E, & R. Snoeveten, Mrs.
W. F. Meeealf;-peppers, j. Reid;
cucumbers, T.,,Snowden, C, Truemner;
vegetable marrow, 'C. Truetrufer; F.
Barker; Green Hubbard squash. T.
Stfeterden, J. R.. Stirling; fellow Hubbard
equesh, D. Galbraieh, J. R. Stirling.'
Judge—W.' S. Johnston.
Ladies' knitted•sWeater, wool, IL A
Fuss, Mrs. Ross; ladieti crochet sweat-
er, wool, • H. .A. Fuss,' Mrs. Ilawriei
knitted eep and ecarf, H. A, Fuss, Mrs.
Ross; orooliet.cap and scarf, I-1, A. Fuss
Mrs. Howrie; pair ,men's knitted sox,
coarse, Mrs. Ross, J. Reid; pair men's
knitted. sox,. fine, Mrs. 12055,' Mrs. 4,
Stewart; pair men)"1 .woollen mitts,
Mrs. Howie, Mrs. ,Ross; pair ladies'
knitted mitts, ,Airs. Ross, Mrs. J.
Stewa.rt; pair ladies' ,bedrooni, slippers,
.A. Galbraith, F. Keegan; baby's knitted
jacket and bonnet, wool,• Met. Ross,
Mrs. S. libeston; babyie 'crochet jacket
and helmet, rool, Mrs. S. lioustan;
baby's' crochet bootees, wool, Mrs..
Ross, Mrs. S. floustone-tebYis knitted
bootees, wool, Mrs, kess, Mrs. S.
Houton; embroidered collar and guff
:set, washable, Airs. S. Houston, el, A.
Fuss; pair -day silent' A. Galbreithi. Dr,
McKinnon; hese 'crochet 'face, Mr..
Ross, 11. A. Fussejillet crochat lace, T.
•Cameron, 1.1, A. Fuss; fancy apron, G.
Jatobi, 931145. Ross; 'plain, kitchen 'apron,
E. Talbott, ,G. Jacobi; eyelet embroider-
ery, Airs, H.owrie; Roman cut •work,
Mrs. W. F. IVIetcatf, Mrs, Howrie;
bardanger embroidery, Mrs, We F. bra-
t:11f; S. flonstone et/011.111g or outline
stitch, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. S. „Houston)
modern cross stitoh, Mrs. Ross, 'Mrs.
S. Houston; braiding, IVIrs. S..Honeton,
Mrs. A. 13, Erwin; dneern work, Mrs,
W. Metcalf,,Mrs. flowrie; lunch 65
tea cloth embroidered', H. A, Fuss, G.
obi; lunch or tea 'olo.th, crochet,
s. Ross, J. H. Reid; lunch or tea
tii, lace, Mrs. (DI.). Woods, H. A.'
s; ‘vaeleable tee cosey, Mre. J ,Tstens,
s. S. Houseoir; .embroldered sofa.
11071, Mrs, W. P. M'etealf, Mrs.
vele; ceochet trimmed sofa, Cain-
e,' Mrs. Howrie; four motreim hand'
e handieenchiefs, A.'. Galbraieli,
butter, D. McK-enzie, Mrs. J. theWittl) Laa
.011e0e,110itle,lnade, T. Truenmer; cot- 4nr
lige cheese, Mrs A. E. Erwin, Mrs (De)' do'
Woods; half ham home bured, sleeked, Di;$
Mrs, Dr, Woodseltalf ham home cured,' ".n -
smoked, , Mrs. (Dr.) Woods, 13 & 13 5,175'
Sneefilee; 3 po.unds hothe loured bacori
smoked, Mrs, (Dr.) Woods, E., & R. ere
Snowden; 2 lbs, home rendered" lard 1"d
, , a, Mrs, J. Stewart, G. Jadobi.; pair drease".
oil, H. Peenhale; fierier two .year ole ' ed !chickens, Mrs. (Dr.) Woods;
Penhale; heifer one year old, A. E. Er- heaviest dozen hen's eggs, 93111193, Win; heifer calf, T. 13rowneet;.steer calf 1,p, ,Bedour, J. R. Starling; he511511
T. Brownett; seeer .oefe year, old, W. , dozen then'S eggs, ,brown. shell, J. R.
S• tewart aecland. ' 1S,berlIng, -John Reid; beet cles,play of bee
bu.rham—Mileb cow, L. Scotchniere; pretences, J. E.' ,leollook; one quart
!heifer two years old, BeatlY Bros.; ,straltied honey, • J. E. ,P.ollOcle; genet
er one year old, le, ei Peek, Beatty Bros. !maple syrup, 0 DitfcbaY, Keegan;
heifer calf R. M, Peck, D MoKenzie; UI1/ pound home tumid fudge, Mrs. Abe
calf R. M Peak •
B ra n cl s on, R. Turner; loaf home. made
-Herefords—MI.1th cow, H. Peneele; ' white bread, W Jacobi, ethers, (Dr.)
heifer One year old, it penhale; bid! Woods; loaf homeennucle Gribliaha 'breed
calf IL ,Penhale. 11. & le. Snowden) Ales. (Dr.) Woods;
Eaton's Special—T. Browneet. , loaf Boston ,brown .beead, E. St R.
Polled Angue—Mlieh cOw W. Stewart snene.den, mils, (Dr.) Woods; loaf nut
13156 2551l; heefee two yeare old, W Stew- .breatleennuie from beking-eneivder, G.
'art and 21151; heifer ;One year Old, W. Jalchbi,(Dr.) W'a0d,sil?tiM) Mrs.
Stewart 21151; heifer calf. W. Stewart 031-.) Woods, D. iVIckenzle• tea b's
8t 2116; bull calf, W. Stetvant & 27153
Jersey---Milch cow, Capt J Ferguson
Mrs. Brandon. ,r
Judges, William Cba.eters, H. Snell,
Judges --W, J. Dickson, ;knees Mc-
Gluskey. --
.Grad e Cattle --Milch cow, T. Brown -
otnts, J. H. Reid, Mrs. W. Metcalf; gin -
.ger hermits, F. Keegan, H. Penhale;
plain nentine, G. Jacobi, J. H. Reid;
scones, .13, McKenzie, Mis (Dr.) Wools
SliEEP meat , loaf, J. H. . Reid, Mrs. (Dr.)•
• Leicester ----93a145, two shears ,or over, Woods; apple pie, ,J. J. Stetting, J. H.
R. IVIckilister; shearling ram, E. H. Wise Reid; lefnon pie, Mrs. A.' Brandon J.
& Son, le. McAllister; ram lamb R. Me. IL Red; plain baked beaus, J. H. .12'elci,
Allister & Son and 2nd; ewe having rais 0 Jacobi; mosi euiteble and appetising
od Iambs in 1924, 2 shears or over, C. cold lunch for one person, G. *Jacalbi,
B. Middleton, R. rybeAllister & Son; 'MI s. A. .B. Erwin; pic1des, F. Keegan,
shearlieg ,e.vee d. B. Middleton, le. Ale- Mrs. W. F. Metcalf; 3 jelly end 3 ern-
"! Istee. & Son; ewe lamb R. McAllister malade in elasses, Mrs. W. 1. M'atealf;
& Son and end,r"wether lamb, w W catisup and timer -sauces F IC',e an
. Wise, W. McAllister & So'n,, Mrs, W. F, Metcalfe layer cake, G.
two shears or over, Jecohi, Mrs, \epee Woods; ,canned
- T. Snowden; shearling ram, T. Seo3vden fruits, F. Keegan; canned vegetables,
ram lamb, T. Snowden, ewe having rais- E. & R: StiOwCien, Mrs, W4.9. Prieto:11f,
ja;mbs in 1024,t,11\YO shears or over, T. Judges—James Connolly, W. Bowey.
' Snowden; eshearling ewe, T Snowden;
e'we lamb, 'T Saowderti ewe lamb T. White Winter Wheat,, T. Snowden, 3.
-- Snowden, .and 2551; '.wether lamb T. 12. Stirling; red winter wheel., G. True-,
SIltOWdell mnere spring wheat, J. 93. Shriing;
Oxford's. ----Ram twio shearis or Ove,r, small white peas, C. Truemner; barley,
W. W. Wise, 14154ctleiton; shearling C. Truernner; white oaltls, C. Truemner
rani, II Treivaetha; T. Snowden; ram E. & R. Snowden.; while oats, R. Turn
Iamb, c. Middleton ,and 2nd; ewe haV- er, E de R Snowden; tembeley seed, Ie.
ing ;raised leinb in 1924, 2 shears or l'urner, A. Johnston & Son; .6 'ears
over, C. Middleton and 2031; ewe hay- yellow core, Mrs. (Dr.) Woocts; 6 thus
ing ewe, W. W Wise, C Middleton; dent . corn, 13, & -R. .Sliawelen, J. R.
ewe Untie T Snowden, 0. dleton; Sterling; 6 ears sweet corn, le. Me -
wether lamb; T. Snowden, C. Middle- Murray, E. & R Snowden; 6 ears any
other variety, A. B. Br'ewnett,
bushel field ',beans, R. Turner, J. 12.
Stirling; collection of grains in head,
.G. Jacobi, S. Keys,
Judges ---T, L. Veilliams, Thomas
Six hunches grapes, 5 variety, 0. 0,
Galbraith, G. Laithwahte; collection of
iShropshires—Rana Iwo shears or
'Over, W Stewart; shearling ram, .1. A.
Manson St Son; ram lamb, J. A. Macl-
ean & Son and end; evve having raised
lambs in 5954, two Shears or over, W.
Steward:, 1 A. 911115011 & Son; shearl-
ing ewe, J A, Manson & Son and 2ntl:
cwe Iamb, W. Stew vt, J. A Manson
Mrs, (Dr.), Weeds; tatting, G. ,Jazolei;
Mrs. (Dr.) Woods; nab' 'curtains hand
made, G, Jacobi, H. A. Filesetable run-
ner, , T. Cameron, E. Talbot; fillet
erochee yoke, A, Galb°raith, T. Ceinet-
on; pin cushion, washable, Mrs. leteepi
E. , Talbot; embroidered centerpieee,
.50100%1, G. Jacobi, .A. Galleratib; see of
hand made leed linen, li. A. Fess, G.
Jacobi; three embroidered Itowels, Mrs.
J. Toms, A. Galbraith; three ceochet
trimmed totvels, Mrs. S. Houston, E.
Talbot; bath•towel, A. Galbraith, Mrs.
Howeie; ladles' enderwear, strietly
hand made, Mrs. (Dr,) Wo'od's, E. Tal -
hot; man's cobton thiet, seek.* hand
made, Mrs. S. liou,ston, Mrs., Ross; ap-
plique 'bed spread, Met. Hewrie, Mrs:
S. Houston; bedspread, crochet inset,
Mrs. J. Toms; chilells''clress made Dont
old germeet, Mrs. S. Houston, C. I3e-
dour; women's dress made from old
garment, Mrs, (Dr.) Woods, Mrs.
Ress; embroidered dresser scarf,
Talbot, Mee A. Beendon; sampler ehosv-
ing epecimen o'f'sereight Mast and three
cornered darning, 'Mrs. ROss; sampler
showing, pateh hemmed, Mrs. Ross;
claiming .00 worn sox, MOS. J. Stewart,
Mrs. 'Rosn; patched qtalt, cotton, Mrs.
A. Brandon, G. Jalcobi; patiched quilt,
-cloth, Mao. E. F. Merner, Mrs. Bran-
• Oil; goosethown comforter, home made
0. Jecobi; ;braided'mat, Mrs, Ross,
91353. S. Houston; lickeiced matt, Mrs. S.
Houoton, Mrs, J. Tools; kncY
lliacle hand bag, Mrs. -S. Houston, Mag-
Better ThanPilis
• TOr LwerflLs.
You can't
feel so good
* but what N:t
will make yon
feel better.
litttc)tt. News-Ittecti\) ews-Recc)rd
W. Kiarg 'and Mrs,
NT,§. AND FL,owiiits
ge, G. Laithiw4te,,,,E.
R. ,"S1,10 Duque!. small1,k
.Sno'w.g.g# 10.. (Dr.) W1011 rJi niIec
W.: „Ft' Ntitcal.
i4rS11„ARev.) McLeorb; Colleetion Oi
Fuscirlis; MIS, ,„(Rev.)- MciLeod, F.Kee-
gaily c011eetioh of leineies„ F. ,Barker,
•Mr's. (Dr.) Woods'; edllelction of Tub-
erous, fiegolfi'as,, 93-55.- (Dy.) Woods, I,.
Barker; ,coilOcIiion 01 fillariau:s 'rooted
BegondS Mrs. (Rev,) McLeod; colleec-
ion of erns arid foliage. Mrs. (Rev-)
flIcLeoci: collectiOn of Geranituns Mrs.
(Key.) McLeod, F. Keegan; collection
of Asters,' 11. Barker, Mts, A. E. Erwin;
celleciion of Petuilias, F. 13arker, 931.
llowrio,..corleotion of house plants,
:virs. (Rev.) McLeod, F. l3arlcer; col-
lection of Glozania. P. ,Keegan, MTS.
(ilevi) McLeod; f6ur varferes .of Ap-
nuals',..S, Keys, Mos, '(Do.) Woods;
ofCosnIOS, Maggie, Campbell, „Mrs.
(Rev.) McLeod; coilection of Zannica,
14 Barker, Mrs. (Dr.> WIOOdS; collection
of' Verbenas, Mrs'. A. E. Erwin, F: Bar-,
ker; colleo,tiou of Gladialus,"-Airr,,
(Rey.) 1,c1c1,eodr93as. flowrie.
Judge—Georgi Stewart.
Landscape 'Original clI, Mrs W
Metcalf, Mrs, flowrie; still life,, orig-
inal; oil,- Mrs. ROSS, 11, A. Fuss; land-
sca;pe, origlual, water color,- Mre. W.
F. Metcalf, Mrs. Bowrie; fruit orlg-
Walter color, Mns, W. F. Metcalf,
Mrs. Howie; flowers, orbginal, W"ater
colors, H. A. Fuis; Mrs, Ross; pen and
ink drawing, '1I. A. Fuss, -Mrs. ttoss;
'drawing, crayon or lead point, ,1.1. 7.
Fes, Mrs. J. Stewart) water eolor paint-
jeg on silk or satin, Mrs. W. Melealf,
Mrs. Ross; hand painted china, l‘vo
pieces, Dr. MeKinnon, Mrs. W. F.
Metcalf; stencilingeon fabric, S. Keys;-.
Mrs. 'W. le Metcalf. j
Judges—A. Middleton, C. Haftel.
'Set „single h.araess, • T. 'Cameron, .93
W. Tipp,et; set•double harness, IT. Cam-
e1:6n, J. W. Tippetskein •twiSted yaen
Mrs'. John- Tippet; beetequant. jar soft
soap, E, &-.1e. Snowden., T BroWneet;
best 2 bars hard soap, R. Turner, MIS
(Or.), Wools; cern lush door neat, T,
Burnete; homeemede -articles of 'furni-
ture, Douglas G'emlnivardt, H. A. FUSS.
TIItTRSDA",if; 0'0D
„ ,
Place ' On Sundayafternoon frob
fondly lesidence on tlae Base lire
considering the very disegre
"•Tettther, was largely attended.
ees'at house and graveside
f',Oottafacted by the Rey. -C, Llow
`Bilkey and the pallbearers were:
Lawson, James Snell, Wm,
Wm, Moir, Joseph ,Rapson and
Vodden:• Interment was made
Clinton cemetery.
Amongst those from .2 dist
who were present f or the fun
were: Illr. and. Mir G
Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs, Fred S
lett, Walton; Mr and Mrs,
Grieve Winthrop. Mr .^"and Mrs.
thery, Belgrave; Mr. T.. Scott
family, Lonclon and Mrs. E. F.
ner and Miss Reid, l3ayfield.
ai,,nid; M- r. Geor[. e Holland and Mr. Wan,
e tatrelic13:e* Qifi ,CC.L:';'lanti,e°1,?,'1;.•‘'efit'^('S .ca.lbe,r''110'11.11d1o11.5*!
osse daY last week.'
e1,,x1Y'l M- r. D. B. Scepherseon is busy
, (lag for the cement blacksmith ahop
uo'11 he is buildin,
these dayo ,,getting the foundation
1- Quito 55 ntinaber around here hare
g up. They
generally a good crop, too,
era' Mr. and Mrs, Thos. 'Riley of Chi -
on spent Sunday in the vsllage.
ear- Miss Lyon o' Londeshoro spent
J• , Sunday afternoon...as ' the .guest04
Nev' Mrs. D. Tedoe. '
11144 A. Mission Band. wsi1 organized on
Sat arday altes'noon witIi the Hon.
Mrs. Tyner and her. son wish to
express .then' very great appreciation
of the many kindnesses, shown during.
the -long illeess of their husband and
father'anci also' i'or the sYrepethy thee
tended to them in their bereavement -
and foi the many lovely floevers sent.' e
- Varna
On -Wednesday afternoon, Sept,
24th, at three o'clock, the home of
Mr. and Mrs, J. Howlett, Toronto
was the scene of the wedding df their
0111Y daughter'Edythe May, who was
united in. nuarriage td Dr. Harvey
W. Reid, Toronto, son of Mr. and
Mrs, J. W. Reid of Varna, the Rev.
A, J,. Paul officiating.
The house was beautifully de-riat-
ed with -palms, ferns and autumn
flowers. About- fifty guests were
To the 'strains . of the wedding
maeolet the brideeenteved the drawing
room en the arm of.hee father, who
gave her in matriage. She wore a
handsome French frock of beaded
peach crepe, black ',picture hat, silver
shoes and hose and, carried a bow
quet of Ophelia,roses and lilies of the
valley. The bride was attended by
her cousin, Miss Grace Louder of
Oshawa, who was becomingly attired
a gown of coral beaded georgette
ith.hat to match. Dr, W. S. Sin -
air of Ottawa was best man
After the ceremony -a reception was
held, the bride's mother receiving in
a gown of log -cabin beaded georgette
evith black bat as itd b
Connoliy, W. Bowey. ee
s. reeving, perspective, Brow -
nett' and ind; beet dewing, estili 1193,
T. Brownett and 2net; best hand sew-
ed 'gement, T. Browneet;. .besr bird
house, Douglas) Gelninhitrett,
Mr. George A.. Tyner of the Base
Line passed away on Friday lasb af-
terox long illness. '
The "deceased, who was seventy-one
,yems of age, was born at Tamworth,
where he lived until he was about
nineteen years of age, when he came
up to Huron, settling in East Wawa -
nosh, where be farmed for a number
of years. It is thirty=six years
since he mime to Hallett. For thir-
ty-seven Years' he has been an inval-
id, the result of a fall from a barn,
when his back was injured. During
all those years a has. been confined
to his becl for the gieater' part of
the time, but in all his lkfilietion he
manifested a very. patient spirit,
was an Anglican In religitin and be_
longed to the Orange Order and the
Workmen. Be is survived by his
wife, who waS.formerly Miss Lovett,
one son,'Chas. L. Tyllet, on the home-
stead, and one daughter, Mrs. Chas.
Clifton, f Tuckersniith. One bro.
thm, James Tyner of the west, and
one siSter, Miss M. A. Tyner of Buff-
, sse y the
groom's mother, who wore a black
satin gown with het to match. ;
„, After a dainty buffet lune.heon, the 1.
happy couple left amid a shower of
confetti for 1Vtontreal, Quebec and the
Saugenay. . The .britle's travelling
costume was of navy and beige satin
faced canton, with hat and coat to
mateh, and the groonei gift, a biege
fox fur. On their return Dr. and
Mrs. Reid will reside in bTorth Tor-
Mrs, W. Reid, Mr. Wilmer
Reid, Mrs. 3'. E. Barnwell, Mr. and
Mrs. P. Chuter, Mr..and Mrs. Geo.
Clarice, .4111 Motored to Toronto for a
few "days' last week end attended the
marriage of Mrs, lleid's son, Dr.
Harvey Reid, to Miss Edythe Howlett
of Toronto.' • Mr. Reid had gone on
the week beforg with,a load of eattle.
Glad to. report that Mr. C...Itath-
well is recovering from his recent
accident. '
Sunday last 'was rally daY in the
Presbyterian Sunday school. The
rain made it impossible for oalany to
attend acid the number out was pot so
large as might have been.
11/r: James McClymont, who under-
went serious operation in London
hospital recently, is doing as, well as
can be expected and it is hoped he
will be much improved in health when
ho recovers from the effects of the O-
rd°, survive also, The funeral took peration.
eeeeee,..e., •
President, Ms,s. Etj, Britten; Presi-
dent, 'Ella Armstrorig; Secretary,
Euoua :famieson; Treasuter, Donalc
Airs. Noriaan Ball leisvp.t.today for
Albe5ta, being called hither by the
illness of her mother, 1,71-r.
14111. Mr. and Ara's'. Glen ,Coimish and
Mr. Webley Afarquis and lVfise Stella
spent a fe3v days visiting friends 115
Michigan, 'analcing the journey by
motor . '
Mrs: Ralph Maynard and two III. -
110 dallgliters CarSonVlile, Mieh,„
are guests of ard Ilars. Glen
Increase your Satisfaction
With your Savings "
With standard sources of quality supplies bought and sold to
you at the lowest postible prices, all guesswork as to quality
and eansistent savings on :tour groceries is retrieved. Every
order increases the satisfaction it gives you, to shop and Save
Red Sockeye Salmon, tall tin, each .... ,..• 5 c
Iodized gait, each ...,.... ...... . . , . . A ..... ...•.,.. .4 . ....a150
Cornmeal, (3 lbs. for • . 210
.,-,Wheatlets, 4 lbs. for '.... .. . .. . •-•, ............. .... 25c
at BISCUITS ' .../ KETCHUP (Quart) 4,4C
(Almond Creana)
Special, lb, - - -0,5.‘
Naptha), 10 for - -tv4,4", Sour, Mixed or Chow '21.1%.
chen Magic Cleanser)
DIAMOND CRY$TAL 47E_ Sweet Mixed, Sweet r n...
sykup, 2-1b. tin -4•11:. Mustard ,or Onions -1.11,1‘
SOAP CHIPS or Rrcum -DLL° 65
COFFEE, 1 lb. - - C
-.2 BAlcbso. N. -ota-chin-e -04:4: RICHMELLO q et
COFFEA 1b. - .0,3c
Sliced), is. - - -LUC VINEGAR,,, Gal. - ..",,c
TEA (English ..f,75_ PICKLING 943
Breakfast), lb. - i C SPICE, lb. - - -4..3C
COFFEE, lb. - -49c
PURE Bina ..ipsc MUSTARD, 11), - -25e
COCOA, 2, lbs.' - &
The following items are. just what you need to
make your Bake Day a real success-,--:,
every item specially priced
DEANS (small) 2 for 4st.A.;
2 for - 5
=di 1131.111tEMP:=11.1.I.
241b. am
Bag-- ijo-IC
(Aunt Dinah)
2Th. 25c
Shredded or
Desolated, lb. 25e
1 lb. tin (No Alum)
2 lbs. for 25c
RAISINS, 2 Ib. 25c LARD, 2 lb. C
or Seedless, 2 lbs.
25 lb. Box, $2.99
No. 3 pail, 59c
8 oz. - 25c
sienalzmprawakagtuzzlisriseimmka,---- var4&,
1. E issue of the Plebiscite of October 23rel is: Shall the sale of intoxicating liquor as a beverage continue to
be prohibited, or the traffic be re-established ancl conducted by the Govertunent? IT Since September 164.15
3,916, the legalizeri, sale of liquor for beverage purposes has been prohibited. During eight years The Ontado
Temperance Act lias wrought a moral, social and economic transformation, gradual' but real, 'if A new. ,genera -
/Ion knows nothing of the evils of the liquor traffic before the O. T. A. came into fOrce. Older generations may
have forgotten, liThink of it! There is hot a man Or woman 29 ,years cif age who has legally,seen the inside
of a Ipar-rooni or liguor shop in the Province of Gintario, ll'Etioze is banned/ It is a disdeedited and dishonored
outlaw. Now, it want's tiS•conti back. It seeks not only re -instatement, but that the Government itself shall be
an activp-partner.
0 y it itieweengier? MOTEm. TI-JBANu'rOAPcrTh/LORENesF: OUR. drunk end disorderly cases in the. first five
The old,time Bar -Room and Liquor Sh-op,
Does Prohibmon, under th. . ., e 0TAmonths under Government Sale, as cempated
aaillistheir disgesting sights and sounds mid wich the'. corresponding Me months of the
w '
, 4.0. , result in moro contemnible homes and previous year under Prohibition. '
Thesstaggering,,cursing, drunken men who lirlytteest:Iu3SPcilifisZfrafri end ckthing f°r And, Madly, QuEsnc: The followin
jostled us oil the streets and on the cars resolutton was unanimously adopted by the
particularly on holidays or at public demon- onWtariroftra
sts:ations--7and who filled our jails;
. thiansuflcutesureteoL413,vasthaeskoendtarofioleBadioaterdg
Pti."TtlYeter weufreMgaT.iVt'oAbilerial ile5attelItli.c92d4a%Y'
The poor, battered, bedraggled liullts of of License Commissioners, 1,165, or 82 per •to make it known that the drug traffic fiour-
men and women—God's children, our broth- p" eene, sew <ewe
, .. , cent., einwered "Yes", while only 259, or IP ishes here as neVer before and is on the in-
ert; and sisters, every one of then; creise, bootlegging flourishes in and from
The destitution, misety, wretchedness, AlliSy0tegnservergaritetat ness Is on the increase and 'that the Qiiebec
squalor., filth and disorder in many hovels ' this Province as never before, that drunken -
that /aught, and should, hive been homes; SateS IL- - - -.4,,,,e - *neurio e " I s° -all'
mi gr. m„...n a _. system of Government Contro is sodalis
The vice, til immorality, the crime, the enSio-dciasIltheadt ‘f`Giiouvreerwiniateeit‘eaveCrotneit cr Delh tir g, 1 j us aild no* a sUCCe8'
debauchery, incited by liquor, th t II d
, a appa e . Control" as prov-
good citizens. ' drunkenness and bootlegging have reached
Vbe,..T.A. Has Made -Good appalling proportions. Every Canadian Pro-
vince that has tried any form of "Government' E a indjority vote for "continuance", it
Contrast Mose conditiond with the situaticm Sale" has alread3' leailled a ha"! lessan* nlean9 that we will have a better law more
today. The Ontario TenV trans Act h Take. BRITISH COLUMBIA: toenforced with correspondingly
Hon, a itnproved results. T e Governinent, through
brought iinmeasurable`imPrel±ement. Drunk- H. Stevens, M.P.; in a public address 'ni Van
- the Pritne Minister, has definitely pledged.
, etmess has decreasei,f. Crime has how, lessened. couvei ieeently, declared: - itself . to "strengthen"- the Act and "give it
n r aPMer. children have been
given a better chalice. Savings Bank de. "Never, in the history of the counny, was active and wgorous enforcement".
bootlegging comparable in magnitude and 11 11 majority vote for "Sale", it means the
posits have increased. Ail down the line, murderous results to what it is today." re-establishmentof the old, discredited Liquor
PofR002GdPEontilioas! been wititten into the history.
*the Chief -of Police of Wpeg &haw aa
Or, MANITOBA: Figures furnished by Traffic, in he guise of respectability under a
OFFICrAL RECORDS PROVE ALLA'I-USI iftcrease of 45 per cent. in the nutnise f system that ntakes the Government the bar -
The following table shows that, in Ontario 681..amellat•••••msip./..,....,..e...1"..M.14.a•••••.•••••=.•:. it Mb sales age -------- brewees and distillers and
tetuler and every citizen a partner, acting as , ,
noder tile . T. A., there has been a sub- 4
Statitial deCreaSe in the offences that are
usually associated with drink:
. 1914 1922
Assaults ,, 1,627 756
Cruelty to Animals ' 1,172 36
Vagrancy `-- .4,703 1,507
Fet,...,..e.g and Frequenting , , '
Bawdy Houses - 802 352
Loose, Idle and Disoidetly 6,411 1,736
•Di wikeimes9 17,703 10,063
Ontericimust lield the Line
_For the sorer 02 let ntaria our iiifnoganprdohtapfoptintehr. out of tile destruction
Mark Ttetier net thus theThteme opecnanaricoe pfoleirbeissciotfe ocoutririot,tec,a,11 us tiuiptionng
all who love their Province and with ite con-
tinued and Increasing prosperity and the
happiness of its people to VOTE FOR THE
LAW that has accomplished immeasurable
good, and hot for a return of the traffic that
has %ought such havoc M' the past, and
would do it again.
Aro You in favour of the cat.
linuanee Of The Ontario Tom...
Perance Act?
,you- favour of the :ale
25s beverage, of beer and
.apirituoue lifinor in seaNci peck.
, , ages under Goveranle at control?
The, Ontario ,Plebtsciti ,Coinstsittee-
2 Toronto Street, Toronto Nicholson, ChafrriiA