The Clinton News Record, 1924-10-02, Page 3eses
CCfld=The hw.4'vv,
for fur pared itxt,1,493,0 1923, the pre-
1 each Cye r to- vMus'hxn•11 zecogd; showing a gain o
foo tx 1 i1 toIlndson's�t, 20,000. Financially 'the' fan w'as a
Hite- or x ne success, Receipts are expected to, be
Co, and Recillon rr .roti. 7heseI'about $1,100,000 and it' testi about
ate already dennatched flies Steam-' $750,000'to edge the great fair and
ers ee'their anneal tee.'of the north- .o erste it the prize list alone reach -
ern ports which each Sanson are being i
ng the total of ""85.000.
located farther andfarther• north as The1'as VIay.—Pn t.rea of fp-
tl ' 'field of the pelt hunters is extend- Proximate ,, s 0 acx s of Grown land,
:ed into the Arctic: The Ixnclson's Bay situated at either r i'e 137 or mile
now oras a numerous chain of .185 on the Hudson Bay Railway, is
tier areas • '.t'ti atxox as, a
,ports Ttvo ears th I edema,'
ago the company.u;0d_rteok=,t� estab Det ofAsricultuxe. The-ahlect'will-�-,
lien a herd of yeinde'r in Baffinland Dep . df Agr1-34tc growth mater
vith a view• to aumenting'the meat• ity of all gardzn tiegetables, grains
supply of the region. 'and grasses which n_ay prove comrner-
Halifax; N,S.—One thousand tons'♦ dally practicable.
of gold' arsenical- concentrates left Saskatoon, 5as1=_.—lt belief
"here duriiA8; the week fer"Anitverp:�in Staskatoon that the riae hin, ven-
Tl.xs shipment, the first of airy volume ture.of the Prince of Wales must�bc,=
to be made from Canada,. was pur- a paying ,proposition. 'The Saskatoon I
Chased 'from the -'Clark Gold• -Mines industrial board- has - just mailed a
rn Baffil land and o to be placed andel cu x
north or Radioli Sarah 5 I dexnonstratton farm by
,'Corp . for the English Government and
will be ,used in connection with a new
English process in the manufacture
-of dyes. The consignmentis bound
for :a. large plant at Antwer'p'recently
Government. 'ti�
i B
rr -
h Cov
the erected y
Montreal, Que.-With eighty-seven
-tramp steamers no chartered to load
rain here for Europe in the near
future seventy-six of therm. during the
present month, acti,e prleparations'
are in progress at theport of Mon-
treal for
on-treal'for the biggest rush of grain
ever known .on the. St. Lawrence. The
number of steamers now chartered
. 'tut a record for time •period, v' 11 stand to there m mstsnrng uyvu r
constitutes es i .. Na-, h tom an will erect a mod wi ge n in his
Toronto Ont.—The Canadian Na ern tete. P Y erect
to, all their ri lits before the League of the Performance of each zwti
the million; ern ten -storey office. building I g t Age
Exhibition crossed
troop` 1! xh tI the neighborhood of Half a
, ante merle for the cost in
cheque for• $501"tothe E.P. ranch,
this being theanibunt won by the
prince's exhibits • at the 1924 Saska-
toon fair.
Lethbridge, Alta.—In this the; first Bull�liAg-
tion of the Leth- ID PERSIA
year of t1Se opera JAPAN A�
raves 5r .a> „
f Wales has refused to .have bridged this prei,ty stre; iu on
For reasons k15 -own to
himself, the Prince..o es ar to ford.the 'waters.
rill ,it is nee s. Y, .. ,
Alberta. ranch. To get to Clie-houses�•and ba, ,,
`:. `Brings.Infor-
c of
irrigation district, �y - 'IM
Northerng CLL
bBACK' g
some 30,000 acres out of the total of
105,000, acres possible' of irrigation
have been put' under the water..Sev-f
eral farmers irrigated `upwards Of 200
Vancouver, B.C.—If Vancouver de-
velops as much `in"the next two years
as officials of the Imperial Oil Co. of
Canada, with headquarters at Toronto
ICAC When a house is reared, each brick
laid, each nail driven each' rafter set
e ®until In in lace finds its, position on the basis
Seat on L 8geee �. P
went. There m
for Foreign." NEttiOT1 IS. 'afng that•the suporstruetnre'may lie.
X despatch froze -Geneva'• says: substantial. 'It is Impossible to derive
°Indications that the. Far `Eastern a rock -bottom stability from a quick-,
I p.,China and Japan wand foundation.
countries, especially Fr of societ depends on
The structure Y P
,lea : 'of' all that was done up to ,that 'mo-
listed LJpoaA- - China—Plea • oot be a solid underplA-
and a ha,f attend for -million ,dollars, according to, informs-
in: history. The figures x
from o
received iv
"n •. do
bring-, were
thmday coo
e g
' o
f the company.'
er P y
corn- local co l g
148,000,as l
ing the 1924 total to 1,519;000 > ,
leek' Mattel
TORQN4'O. 22a; cool ed hams 40 to glee smbkei
Man. tivheat—P7o, 1 Nortli,, ,p1.53%a; trolls, '1 to LOc;' cottage Yo1f , 21:to
24c• bacon, 23 Tu
a breakfast bacon, to ,
Mao,"oats Na. `L Gia U4Y' Nom•' backe, boneless, $3 to 303
CW, 03%c; extra No. 1.feed, 01,40,50
No. 1 feed, G291e; No. 2 feed 1:5;,./,),e, Cured meats—Long ong clear bacon, 0;
All the above'c.i.f., bay ports, to 70 lbs,, $17.50 , 70 to 90 lbs., $10.80;
Am. corn, track, Toronto—No. 2 90 lbs, and up,, $15,50; lightweight
yellow, 1.30. rolls, in barrels, $33; heavyweight
Millfeed—Del,, Montreal' 'freights, l rolls, $27.. '
bags' included: Bran, per ton, $27' Lard --Pure,- tierces, 17'a to 18c;
shorts, per ton, '$29; middlings, $35; tubs, 1784 to 18'1ac; pails, 18 to 18'yao;
Tints,; 20'4 to 20Yzzc;, shortening:
good feed floor, per bag,$2.05. P to tubs, 16?fi to
Ont. oats—No; 3 white, ,48 10 50c. 17c pails,r 17 to 161/2"c;
7Y2e;. prints, 18 to
Orin. wheat—No. 2 winter,1.16 to 18 fie.
$1.20; No.'3 winter $1.14 to 51.18• Ex art steers, cboiee, $7 to $7.50;
No. 7. commercial, 51,11 to $1,15, f•o•b• butcher steers, choice, $5,50 to $6;
hipping points; according to freights. do good $5 to $5.25; do, coin, to fair,
Barley—Malting, 79 10 82c.
Buekwheat=No, 2, 90c. $3 to $495.75'butcher heifers, choice,
Rye -90 to 93C• $5,25„ $5.76' de good, $4.75 to $5;
Ont.• flour—New, ninety per cent, do, corn', $3.50 to $4.25; butcher cows,
`pat., in jute bags, Montreal, prompt choice, $4 to $4,50; do, fair, 53 to
shipment, $5.75; :Toronto basis, $5,75 3.75; do, canners and cutters, $1.50
bulk seaboard, $5.50. $2.520; butcher bulls, good,$3.50
Manitoba flour.—First pats., in jute to:$4.25; do, fair, $3 to $3.50; dla1
'sacks, $8 per bei.; 2nd pats, $7.50. bologna, $2.50'to $3; feeding ste4.50 s,
Hay—No, 2 timothy, per ton, . $5 o to 95.50; do,' .Tarr, $4.60 -to
o 14•. No.' 3,,$12.50:' '5; stockers, 'good, . $ _50 to $5; do
track Toronto, ,, b ,choice; , 10
acalves,- c , $
' 8.60
$�'r S,
per ton 9:60. $
rl isi
Straw—Ca o , p r10 do, grass,
recleaned to $11; do,$8 m 98 to $ ;
Screenings—Standard, tandard,
its per 22.60. exs 4 to $5'; re cows, choice, ,$75
f.o.b[ bay ports, P , v t 80 to ,100
e—New, large, 190; twins, to in 'spring sprinters, choice,
•.Ghees , g plain cd`ws, :t°465;
-to$6G;goodligh�t21E1o•'/ac;triplets,20c,2tiPtone, °7,G0.150;heavteand22c,old,large,23tin24o;twins,24bucke, $4to ells, $2 to $4; goof{,
26C..' n 0
e 5 io 9.6
�to 25c.;,tripl ts,.2 , . 'ewe Iambs •,p1150'to $12; bunks, $
•Butter Freese creamery pints, 88 to 10 culls $8 ,to $9; hogs fed and
to 39c; No• `.creamery, 30 to 37cpNo. $
_ watered, $9:86, to $10.10; da, f.o.b.,.
2; 34;to.85c; dairy, 28 to 30c..
n amens $9.25 to $9:60, ,do, ,910.2 po $10, -$9
Eggs—Exoos ,.43e; , 1 cartons, to $9:26; do; off $10.25 to $10,50•
460• extra, `dose, 48a; firsts, 38C, sac ed'and'- watered $10.861
- do, selects, f ,
ends 30 to 31c' to p1110
2'7e; ape -
N 2 North., $1.49q. T 3 cia1' tirand f 29 ' 31c
CajtiataHn Be6 n€er
tion Alro�at ensures _
N t4i:k Eales
A despatch from Quebec says:—
The long discussed question . as to
Whether the Dominion of Canada will
ever benefit materially from the min-
eral riches of the northern. islands in
the vicinity of the Arctic Circle, many
of 'which have been.: claimed for Can-
to poultry --Hens, over 5 lbs., 20c;
do 4 to 5 lbs 17c• do 3 to 4 lbs., 15c; MONTREAL.
spring chickens, ens, � an. west„ roosters, 12c; ducklings, ,4 to 6 lbs,, 8, 69z/sc, extra No: 1 food, 68i/ib.
1 i k , 2 ibs and over 25e • Oats, p t ' No 2 7oc • de No
18c. Flour, Man- spring ,wheat pats., fists,
Dressed poultry
was furnished by Thursday elate thrdugh the genera Totts. 'J• S• 26c;, do, 4: to 5 lbs•,
builds on age and as we co.'uta• ono tore ada in:?;ecent; years by Captain,
,� League of- N•a ,. ,- , - lbs.; 18c; sorting chickens, 2 lbs:. and
nights lesion of the. L gu scene we inherit ? the fruit of the tont Bernier, noted`adveuturer and Ar tic
ut s rarely inover,• 30e; roosters, 15e- ducklings, 4
$eit9; over 5 lbs., $8 seconds, $7.50; strong bakers's
d 3 to 4 i•-- winter ats., •choice,; $6 M
$610; rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., $3.55
t6.$ , Bran, •7.25. Shorts, $9.25.
8.6G. xa $
NGiddhngs,; ,1625. Hay; No. 2, pax
ton,t car lots, $16,50 to $17.
Cheese -F best welts„ 17%' to
1705c; flnest'easterns, 17 to171 c.
Butter ---No. 1 pasteurized, 3656c;
No. 1 creamery, 353fic; seconds, 35e.
Eggs—Storage extras, -42c; storage
firsts, 36e; storage seconds, 80c; fresh
extras,. 48e.
cameo re or
aan q mo
tions. J o be
P at t
would,appear e
favor of granting China a seat on the and'travaA`o# civiliUed mankind befgre explorer,. woo pg
unci of the •L`ea ue • as a great us. In our turn we are bound` to leave less definitely settled with the arrival
As Tenague on going -benne some immemariai of the "Arctic"" at .this port,
Asiatic power,thussdar giving expression
to Ja o -Chinese solidarity., Persia aiso,'thing," A11 we can: do is' to live our, That.there is every. reason to be
p , lives as well as we know haw to: live. enthusiastic over the almost limitless
backed Chinas insistence. that the
great geographical divisions; of the them
'Master -Builder ani` 1 ave the issue with the possibilities in regard,to the.mineral
world, the . Principal races. -and t}ie asgood whom the stars obey..] development of the far north country,
chief sources of .wealth should 1111 be uame,llke'the inferior for-, was the keynote of statements made
recognized : in the distribution of tunee,,,,that is money, is a matter of: ac-- by members of the expedition to the
Council seats,^ and urged,'that China cretioli The good neighborandtrseful Canadian Press, the information "be -
be given a seat because Asia is the citizen is known to -day by what he has ing -given out that, perhaps, in a
been Consistently 'for many years, In short ,period of time, the agents of
largest country in the world, contain
ing half the human race. I,rarelnatances, which headlines seldom the 'Federal Government will take
Through the unanimous ailoplion of fail to emphasize, the pillar of church' steps to open up and develop what are
and state.toppld9 suddenly to ruin; considered° to bo huge treasures in
a resolution favoring the allocation of
and there is grief, with general amaze mineral Ore, ` -
seats onthe basis of geographical did
visions; it would, seem likely that the meet. When we see such a collapse, .17. M. D. Henderson; of the North
we roust remember the infinitely small west Territories and Yukon' branch
present number of non -permanent
Proportion measured with the number of the Federal Department' of the In -
seats, which le. six, will be increased,inter-
so as to include China` and perhaps of those who continue to Juatif,". the terror, stated in the course of an inter
some other countries.. - -- affectionate general conf}den0e. • `view, 'that although it would be a lit-
4 ;' That public esteem is worth a man's tei'e premature to - speak with exacti-
A is 'se feature of Thursday Ceaseless effort to acquire; and it is tude as to the wealth of the northern
night's 'session: of the Assembly was better to upbuild -such a reputation islands, he and all concerned were
an address;by Viscount Ishii, on the
than to' rear the most palatial of the strongly • of the opinion that the re-
question of `t
on of equitable treatment eases made with hands.
sources there: might prove to be of
foreign nationals.. in the domain of, sources
international •commerce, upon which'
to -5 lbs., 25e.
• Beans— Canadian, hand 'picked, lb.,
61/2.e; primes, 6c.. im
Maple products—Syrup, perp.
gal., $2.50; per 5 -gal. tin, 92.40 per
gal.; maple sugar, lb., 25 to 26e. •
','Honey -60 -lb.. tins 133ho per .lb.;
10-15. tins, 183hc; 6'-1b. tins, 14%el
Coincident with the presence of the Prince of Wales in the '13,S., 1s the •
fact that Ring Edward VII„ when the Priebe of Wales, arrived in New York
as Lord Renfrew on September 20, 1860, lie is shown as'photographed at'
that time 11
IRITIS` PUBLIC Trade Treaty Arranged Be
,,Railway Agents in Britain In-
dicate Prince's Trip With
]Flagged Map.
A despatch from London 1 says:—
"Phe Canadian National Railways'pub-
such a vast and wealthy:nature,as to
the permanentLeEconomic preliminary
astonia: h the civilized world,
ti ,t9� The. «Arctic"went as far north as
of theVisc submittedtIhii ad preliminary i ro� {
report. Viscount Ishii deported that " a z : a Kane Basin, on the northeastern
Jaan attached great importance to s� a � � ' s t ` coast of Greenland
this question, for site considered that ''tri
it woe one of the most important tasks
Dependent Children.
of the League to see to it that "no iar t 3 -i "
member of. he League is subject to any t� � a P� as
• Honiefinding as a method of provid-
unjust discrimination in its interne- '1 : t> : � 4't ° e ing for neglected •and♦zed as nt child
tionai activtt the field' f neon TM' l , ren is now fully recognized as being in
omits "
lb ti 15c.
2 S ,..
Smoked tenets—Hams, med., 27 to
y in e o the best interests df both the ebild and.
"In :order to facilitate peace and ids i was' .' the ,community- The childis placed
n a;�under normal conditions with with the op-
tnntinthepic is nees theworld,"he g xr 5. h
"• t the: baa �t°�, ary:w '' ., • t � lroxtunity of forming life-iwng attach -
continued it :1s rieed9eary that a •, 5,:•for the Community there
is the gain in social adjustment and
economy. No.:chtld rihiiantltrbpy can
be considered progressive and efficient
1 which' does not aim to seeure for the.
homeless child a safe place in some
I family circle,' Taking this for granted
i follows n
peoples should respect one another.
tween Australia' and Canada The question of the equitable'treat-
ment of foreign nations is a gauge of
A despatch from Ottawa says:— the evolution of the League of Ne-
tt was announced, by the Prime Min- tions: In the last'month the dawn of
ister on Thursday that the negotia- a new era of peace and mutual Under -
tions with Australia,' which have .been standing has been rising in Europe."
carried' on for several months by the _
Hon, James A. Robb, Acting Minister
licity department is cleverly. bxploit- 'of Finance, and the lion, Thomas A•
ing the Prince of Wales' journey over Low, e, have resulted in the conclusion
Com -
the National Railways. in the win of a trade agreement between the two,
dews of over three Hundred agents in pith agreement is of a child protection work.
1 d d correspondence relied ilia winter, and . at times of severe
England and Scotland the Do- Half-hourly aerie
1 tore granting � for information instead of a per weather es.
:cod a 'e a lig a routeman London an Paris will a inaugurated
ansen 1 -siert
Aerial Passage London to
Paris Eitery Half Hour
A despateh from London says:—
Tire camera doesn't lib. So this' Toronto lady had her photograph taken
with the sixteen -pound lunge site landed unassisted in the Trent River this
season, the biggest catch made by any woman.
Natural Resources Bulletin.
't f it naturally that there must be • The Natural Resources Intelltgenco
a complete and camprelteneive . plan Service of the Dept. ofe the Interier
of supervision. at Ottawa says:
i On this point Mr. J. J. Iie•Iso very Tho cooler Weather will soon be
, truly says: "Too much' importanceoan• here, when heat will be required
i not lie attached to this branch of the homes. The ldtclien stove an
If it is care• heater will be moved into place for
S tla d a large map is Dominions. a aSTe t ser�icea between lossY Dile an Dor p • these stoves will be•forced to
d reciprocal nn upon utmost to keep the home tom
elite. the Chief points through, which return for which as soon as a sufficient number of six- and .Norwegian' repxesenta. sena' visit, the home finding move
prince's train asses, a large flag lines of export, to teen ter sit c Telles. have been o �Plorer a he has meet will be brought into 'disrepute tortable. apial'1
the px P Canada agrees to extend equally fav to a P e o r the d . No w pian nr w arid the happiness 'of many a child • In many of the homes, esp Y
Crowds are to be continuously o .,.
outside the windows: studying the rep tween the T3ritish and French capitals,
if $ gg d 1 th ut to indi- rem d p ; II b v ted
m' of Canada preference in y Dr. Fridtjof N
is waved. daily to indicate the location ane a a ee
orable treatment tovartous,Australian built for Imperial Airways, a British left for Berlin to try to persuade Marx tem -
completely wrecked. Visiting should those that have been built for some
of the prince's train. Cts concern. of the
who constitute
uaI products.
d Stresemanu to request ailntis- be done but in sueh a, tactful way as tfime, or those of a more or less tem
b ntinu y
resentation with interest and ince- w111 Ue able to fly without making res- a ei a an
OVzri3IY18nt Forces in HOn ill f the foster Parent." es •are -built 'upon brackets.
dentally acquiring aknowledge of (e
Canadian geography. , duras Grapple With
to terminus. A. few bright blossoms' br Y the child has become deeply
four-fifths of the air :passengers be- -stele to the league ou behalf , of the to ensure the protection of the child porary nature, the chimneys are. •a
V t 1 nd d at the same time retain the good great source of fire diurg-Or. These n
many pas
two eons, completing their journey to w o re os
Rebels An Autturin 0a>�deiA. When it is clearly established that With the contraction and expaneion of
two and one -Bali` hours :vel linger rooted in woodwork,
from terminusdue to changing atmos-
e uci al n Hon- ing affections of the foster' parents, pher'ic conditions or wind pressure,
A despatch from T g g p , Experts consider frequent service lir tin coins of the
Hon -
(lures, says, S f this sort crest for short d forlegal adoption the mortar in the chimneys works
' o and done that is accomplished all lease and falls ou allowing
gold '—A sanguinary battle •, • h rt distances - By the rim paths, e y provision is made g. p
th Government
f Tees and fft go I t sparks to
the'bricks into
•- 4who save the home. al welcome al
E - el, A silence so intense it stems to sing , o; ,Deed .their homes to a friendless carefully over chimneys 0 00 be thou
winds: that bear a breath' child for itgives them a .protection' and repair any place' that may
though the Princes was, informally
Weather Maps of Northern y I `' greeted by Mayor .Webster, Inspector
T Broken b
le8ni h always' possible in past years defective.: R.C,M.P., and Sen
t 1 A th t Touren o f
Passes `Through Calgary While
Sleet Storm Rages—Motors
from High River.
A despatch from Calgary says:—
With a driving sleet storm sweeping
the city, Edward, Prince of Wales, '-
rived in •this city at 8.20 o'clock on.
Thursday night. The royal special
stopped here forty-six minutes, after-
ward proceeding to High River, where
the royal rancher Spent the night on
board his train. On Friday he motor-
ed to the, E. P. Ranch.
The Prince is' suffering from a
slight cold which he contracted on hire
tripacross the 'continent.
ayes . only a .handful of people
", There
to greet•him'at Calgary, for tbe`move-'
meats of ,the train had been shrouded
in mystery and the publierput off the
between a o while bigger.maclitnes„ carr'ymg t y "
been raging for the truS k Which the spent season clings to, supervision ceases soil the •child be- find their way between the anriounceinent that the
the rs have
has e
passengers, should be used shingle Deft' where scent by
past 24 hours around Comayagua. No I i• to Moscow Const:
details Have yet been recetvsd as to It
. on and tvovid, hold conies an integral part of the Saintly., attics and on to s ing eu1
To barber promise; of, the dtstar�t
This, excellent .law should be mere they are not discovered until too' late train would not come to the depot, as
is well to go rt did;
o mel Moscow,
e contending gyp spring generally. known to those st ho I to1 1 for There was no official
the exact situation of th I t
armies `
Government troops
ltqof acid, not ) L P y f fi•e danger Spalding of the
from the rebels. Canaciinn. cheese has found n 81):€11`. tvheie stovepipes Imes
have recaptured•
Santa Rosa,. Copan and La 'speranza
The great boon that the radio has
become to settlers in the Northland is.
emphasized by Rev., W. Gladstone
Walton, a missionary from Ungava,
sp ere a e a to AR beauty fading like a tale ong•, no ger grew .
—• toll`; ass through ator•Lougheed.
Liverpool in the Curt -find a fairer thing. did market ciirect:y through the Brit -I walls and .partitions. ,Those should.•al-
l- `—"°!—
On arrival at $ I findthese, yet4l
and :rent Garments from Canada, Sir r" l ish Empire Exhibition, , according to Mays be protected with wall thimbles
Napier Shaw, i•'ofessor: of metcar- The widen paths will ever claimn•my one cf t •a'Qorainion's trade commis- d,by'an iii space, slid not
p >t surrounde
ology, Imperial Co' -:age of Science and . gaze signers. Eight thousand pounds of approaching wall ;or ceiling closer
Te ltvo:egy, 'Soath Kensington, aicl • Yetis there,sentething which do eye cheese per week is used in the,grormds than ten inches. Overheated pipes are
that.on the way out to Canada, from can aea by; the caterers and they have also'': very .prolific cause of fire. Care
b- Abiding hereea subtle hint of sweet, 'introduced it, in all their London cafes..
raith blown out the dear dead sum- A Canadian dry milk dealer had just
mer days' - sold his output for the next five'
That wakes as many a happy mem- to a° British, lirm,'an output valued at 1
fruit display, equipment are starting fires with cos,
As Siete are auturon leaves about he stated,' had
r t._,E, urapean' l er gasoline,' placing kindling iii
on the eastern shores of Hudson aY ,the decks of the Caroms., and 3
He states that -silting, the shore many) means of wireless, a meteorological
• " stations have been.erected and that'ma a the 'wireless,
hemisphere vas
.ate " a
roroign Minister Dr: Edouard` Benet though malls are delivered in Ungava P
the only from two to four times a year made: '
of Czecho-Slovakia submitted to He added that this is the first, time
disarmament committee of the League the settlers• and traders are getting such a thing has been dobe on board
Nations recently ihe•�dt11tt'bf a pro world' news by radio ,as early as the ship at sea.
of ,,eiders of city newspapers:
to(;ol which is �designed tooutlawr,rtl
rear ' and. insure a reign or peace
throughout the world.
`The Difficulty.
Pculiry Farmer- -"You'd be" stag -
prised what a difference these incu-
bators inalte,•' We can hatch omit two
t rl 1' re hundred chicles every -week."
I)op l3reerler—c"Good Gracious: Idorv-
over do you. manage to find names" for
diem all?"
An outstanding feature of the Do -
minion's. field production this year is
the fact that every grain in: .Ontario';
shows an increase' ever list year, and
do provinee has one of the best all"
wound 3)016 in.'so;ne years. ,
At t,:; n u_l meeting hof. the Can-'
ad_on !',i,6rnnobile Association it
s:nno need• tont, outside of Ontario
$ins r e revalued but. sq i1 iry link o`
cos. rt ire 0010101011 iran„00nti-'
fleets,' highti n,f and that . co t nets
SO the. TOO 1tien of this connection
which 1.-E."1111 , theRo •lies • htio now
1t 1l let by he British Columbia Gov-` (Stade
should be exorcised that stovepipes
are in good condition, and well sup
Other causes of fire due to heating
Dry $800,000. The Canadlan
-rny feet • : - orders for more than 1,000,000. boxes..the oven or too near.the stove, over-
filling 'fire pots, drying clothes over
stoves or pipes, • and' the careless
handling' of ashes.
'Last year insurance losses paid on.
farm fires a0nbunted to over twenty -
taw: per cent. more than the total
premiums received, while ton unpro-
tented risks these in the smaller mun-
icipalities where
in-icipalitieswhere no fue,protection is
'available, the lasses amounted to 81
per cent. of the p collected. i•
,This also constitutesto the in-
surance ance companies. rate can
An increased i
only result if such es are not
reduced: The unfortunate art of fire
looses is the count t. many of
the buildings aro i tly insur-
ed and •the loss falls upon the
owners, many of', •e working
hard, to- establish s in con-.
fa1t. A little car most cases
prevent ,the start - Regrets
never yet replace burned, ]home,
white care may save 0115• r•egret•
kI.11.S. heed, the largest battleship in Tho world, Is shote
the Chateru.hrontene.e and Que ee , 0101)xrlry.
wrence River at QuebaC. Lu tole baelcgro
fire loss
x"tunate p
y is the
lis heavily
whom, 0i
e will in
of fires.
d a bur
e alife'1
Sincerity and common sense mike a
t'passpbz'43 anywhere, ess,
The main thought now of Grand
Duke Cyril, cousin of the late czar of '
Russia; is to gain the throne of his
country. life says, he will 'rico the
try of the Communists and allow ro-
ltglaus liberty.
On the North American Continent
the British possessions are larger
square ,by�l
nearly 100,090 sare miles tin i
tta"gp` bf lie Uujte� '30 l03.