HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-09-25, Page 8rft tv' A iPSDA ,CLIN'I`0 L DING -JEvJ73LLRY STORE. A Watchpne use a weans a reliable timepiece. 'Ve can sell you a watch that ts'reliahle and' in a case that is;guarateed f;UR REPAIRING DEPARTMENT • If your watch or dock needs. re- pairing we can do the woes and give` satisfaction., We can also ,repairjew- elery and rings n4eehe H. »H. JOHNSON Next i Hovey's Drug Stor4 and optician. fr'iOU ti45 `.1'3OUR CIIIII➢ItT4N TO 1i3 I'i.vl'; YUEN TIILY OI:One UJ �rorr� the New» it tock LADIES SILK AND WOOL HOSE AT $100 This is a beautiful line of hosiery and wonderful value atthe price. It comes in all 'the -new shades: Congo, Log Cabin,.Cieri can Grey, and •also in the plain shades such es Black, Brown and; Grey,. NEW, :WASHABLE SUEDE GLOVES AT 75c AND UP These Gloves are made by one of" Canada's Largest glove menu fecturers and come in ell the new shades, and this year are double -tipped which give extra wear. See the guarantee ticket in each pair. It will surprise you »the'behutiful gloves we can stow you at 75c and $1.00; MEN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR -AT $L00 PER. GARMENT This is made by "Penman" and a, good fell garment. See these before you buy more. Plumsteel Bros. *PHONE 25, SMALL PROFITS MORE BUST , Ess The Central Grocery COOLER WEATHER IS HERE How about some nice nourishing Soups? We have Campbell, Ayl- mer and Heintz Soups—try ,altar: one of these eool evenings„ Soda Biscuits to go with Soup , .;.... • We also earry a full Iine of tea, coffee and cocoa. Tea, from 55e to Coffee, per ib Cepa, per lb. ...,.. .. ...., Mori eg Jordan THE CENTRAL GROCERY ssingiisommensiesureenstauwasamesiema 80e, ,.,,. 40c, Phone 144 NewP41 11,Suitings. Swell tailoring is . usually thought to cost a, swell price We prove the falsity of that idea by our moderate prices,; THE SEASONS, STYLES, are ready for your inspection„ W,e will tailor you a suit in any style and cloth you may select at a price that competes closely with ready-made clothing. Davis St Her VETERAN TAILORS as Leaocaacua'= Cull and see ibis Wonderful Ware at Moderate Prices an PIIONE 224-W utter AIIE' PLItMBING Perdue. ELECTRIC .W ZING 1,n»nroad, what'-Joseph'J. s ioiv;-l:lio noted psychologist, lies Go- tell you about tti'e nervous syr` tem of your childr'on and its, et= leer on their future' lives. in The. DESIGNER NAG r2INE for October Now at our Standard -Designer>, " Pattern counter, 1.5e. a copy,: J P e . Fair Co, Often the Cheapest ---Always the Best MIMIleu,um num l e e Miss Helen Gunne of London was in town on Tuesday. kr. and Mrs.' W, D.` Fair were in Toronto over the week -end. Mrs;; : Will Jenkins was in Wiarton the beginning of this week, Mrs. Joseph Webster of Londesbore is visiting Mrs, G. E. Saville: .' Mr. John, Cuninphame is spending a few days in Mitchell this week. Mr. Fred Lawrence left Monday for London, where he will attend, Nor- mal. c' Mr. T. Callander was up from, Mitch- ell for a few days visiting -his vela. tives„ Mrs. Coppin of Hamiota, Man,,; was the week -end guest of Mra. W. Pickard. Miss Mabel Chuff returned Saturday from a holiday spent in Hamilton and London. • Misses Jean Hogg and .Marion Gib- bings left this week for Toronto to". enter Normal. , Mr. George • Stone, of Essex, visited his sister, Miss M. A. Stone of town, ,recently, , Mr. Jacob' Sloman has been visiting his son, Mr. Fred Sloman; who is teaching in New Ontario: • Mrs. McVittie of Westfield visited at the home of her brother, Mr, S. G. Medd, during the past week. Dr. Brown returned Tuesday even- ing after tasting an intensive course in operative surgery in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, I%Ile of Bowman-. ville are visiting the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Ed.' -Morrison this week: Miss Isobel Draper left this morning • for Brantford, where she takes a position' on the staff of the Insti- tute' fpr the Blind,. • `13r. A. V. 14fclCenzie and Mrs, Mc- IKenzie of Alliston have been visit- ing with the letter's sister; Mrs. Ralph'Tiplady of town. Mrs. D, Tiplady left Tuesday after- noon for Swift Current, - Sask., where she expects to make a leng- thy visit with relativs. 141r, and Mrs. Milton,Pfaif of Exeter were the .guests on Sunday of Mr. and pts. G. E. Saville. Mr. Pfaff is postmaster at Exeter. Mr, Frank Reynolds of Detroit . is', in Clinton this week attending to some business affairs. He is have ,ing a sale of live stock on Saturday. Mrs. Mpo a of Detroit and --Mrs. Lounesbery of North Bay have been visiting their sister, Mrs. 3. 1. Hogg of town during the past week, Mrs. Wesley Vodclen and . Master Leonard of Mullett township spent a few Boys last week as the guests of the lady's sister, Mrs. J. Crih, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Layton. of Clin- ton and Mr, and ltzrs. Fred Pepper and Mr. G. W. Layton of Tucker - smith motored to Parkhill on Sun- day to, visit relatives. Mrs. Initiate: and daughters, Misses Anna and Laura Arthur, of: Paris motored to Clinton on Saturday ansi spent the week -end at thehomeof Mr.' J, Walkinshaw. .Mr, and Mr. A. T. Cooper were at Dresden over Sunday and are 'this weeleup in Grey and Bruce counties, Mr. Cooper being busy' organizing for the coining plebiscite. Mrs, James Scott went to Toronto and spent the week -end, meeting her mother, Mn, Fair, str,., who has reterned from the west and is ;nose' with Mr. and Mn. Scott. ' Miss -Garrett of Washington, D.0., who has been spending the suntnier at her summer home' in Bayfield, spent the week -end as the guest of -her niece, Miss B. F. Ward. Mr. Robert Hayes of Lueknow, who is in her eighty-seventh year but` svho is enjoying excellent health, is at present visiting her nieces, Mss. E. L. Mittell of town and Mrs. Roy Plumsteel of the London road. Mrs. Fred Weir and eliildren, who have been visiting the lady's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs., R. Jennison, and other relatives in townand vi- cinity for some months • past, l'o'ft Tuesday for their home at Swift Current, Sask.. Mr. and stirs. II/, Piinnsteel, 1Vir. Perry Plnnsteel and Miss Emily Plunisteel, who took a motor trip to Brockville and othempoints east, returned home Friday evening. They were absent about a nrotsth, travelled over one thousand nr(les and' only :had: two punct res.. Mi•. and Mrs. Pluansteel visited the jla- ees of their birth, renewed friend- ships :and all enjoyed the trip very much. Mr. Ralph Menson of Pasedena, Cal. ifornia, on Saturday joined his wife, who has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. -T. In Cook, for the past month, and is spending this Week in town. Mr, and Mrs. Hewson leave for Toronto on 'Mon- day and later go on to Euiralo, iti where Mr. ilewson will take in the American Hospital Association'Con. vention, Which: meets there from October 6th to 10th, SPECIAL SOAP DEAL `RHES WEEK One Cake Palmolive Soap, regular 10c One pkg. Princess Soap Chips, regular 25c One2I)eal to each Customer l'or 2c; 10 bars any kind soap 14()ceteria Big Tea Barg Black Tea, lb Hursley Tea, lb Our Own Tea, lb= Monarch Special., lb Tea Market Strong,. ains 48c 58c 65c� 75c Buys Now - 10 lbs Gran. Sugar 2 lbs Seeded Raisins 2 lbs Seedless Raisins 5 ib pail of Lard 65c 97c 25c 25c $1.10' Bodley's Marshmallow Cakes, each 20c Kleenup Soap 2 pkgs. 26c with coupon WEEK -END Marshmallow -cakes; Walnut cakes, each Fresh Dates , Fresh Salmon. Trout,per lb Peaches, Grapes, SPECIALS 'per lb 25c 25c 2 lbs 25c 20c Musk Melons Cash & Carry 2 Deliveries 'i JQi �V.i`A GRADE MILLINE!• ,@ The mode for the Autumn Season is now ready and our com- plete Stock of dress and ;street hats are more striking and effective` than ever, • The richly toned colors ------The new favors of trimming, These and many other fashion ideas invite your Interest. The ogue 71-2, Plant Paper White Narcissus for early bloom, easily grown in either water or soil. Hundreds; of fine bulbs now in stock. SpeCial 5c each . J. Cuninghaane, Florist Phones 31 17GW 72-3 -The Bazaar that was Different A Calendar of Booths tinder the auspices of the W.M.S. of the Ontario Street -church, in the town hall on the afternoon' of Octo- ber 3rd. It will open at 2:30. Fancy work of all kinds, home madebaking and candy, vegetables, etc., will be sold. Afternoon tea will: be. served. t"uceffeld. ,There passed away in Clinton hos- pital' on Saturday last after a se- vere illness of over three weeks dur an, MWalter Muir McBeath, youtiongestr, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alen.•, IVTf y, • The funeral vascl3eath held oon MStanleonday, Sept, 22nd, and was conducted by the Rev. Mr, Lun- dy, of I{ippen, assisted by the. Rev. Mr, Hogg of Clinton, place of inter - Ment was `Baird's eeinetery. Mrd Melleath was taken away at the ear- ly age bf twenty-seven years. ' He will be very ranch :missed in the vil- lage and community. The sympathy of the »entire' community is extended to his sorrowing parents, brother mill sisters and alt 'his friends In their severe hereavement. Anniueitary services are to be held in Union church, Tirueefield, on Sun- day, October` 5th.. Rev. De. Can- dler, Principal of Knox College, Tor- onto, is expected to be the preacher foe the day. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the services. A most liberal oliering is needed for the current expenses of the church." The Rev. Mr. Lundy of 'Rippon preached most,• impressive Temper- ance .sermons' here last' Sunday. He urged all whose names were on the vetoes,list to go to the poll on ,Oct. 23rd and vote for the continuance of the O.T.A. The O.T A hasibeen in force now for over eight, years and it has made :good, as many of the children of today have never'.even seen a drunken mail. Those who are older :lave all seen: or heard of the unhappiness, :vice and degradation caused by clrink and of broken-heart- ed wives and mothers and Suffering children. These conditions .still pre vail,; it is said, inthe provinces that are now under Government Control. May God, save our fair' province from such a fate as that. Mr. Lundy said he heard of a congregation that' was going to vote for the 0.T.A. as. one man, It is hoped the same can Alfred W. Anderton Organist St. James Church, London. Lessons in Voice, Piano, Organ, and Theory. Pupils prepared for all grades Toronto Conservatory examine ations., Studio—Mrs. J. E. Cook's Albert Street, Clinton., Phone 54. 71-tf. PURE COMB. HONEY FOR SALE ' CLOVER MONEY in one pound sections;' price 25 cents per section. Free delivery in Clinton,. Shipments- made of not less than 24 sections; express extra. Orders may be left at The News - Record Office. IRVING BROTHERS APIARY near 0.N.R. Depot CLINTON, ONTARIO. 86-tf. lie»»atin Needs • . When contemplating a uew heating A; system or having your old one repair ed, get our -prices. Also anything in Ranges or Heaters.' The best makes always on- hand. at exceptionally low prices. - Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Hard- ware ansi Glass always on hand. 'THREE OF A KIND B;1ffalo Bill has the, wild west show, With rough riders'froin every landn Ringling Brothers have the circus;. Advertised so great 'and grand. Ono claims this, the other claims that; Both are worth going to see; But when it comes to setting up stoves. Tom,4Hawkins is the man' for ME, bin takes .them down, cleans therm up And makes' them good as now;. His price`s are right :not out of sight; IIe, is also the roan for YOU. i Phone 214 be said o:f Brucefield congregation. Word iter been received from Rey, 0. 0, and Mrs. Armour, now of Shanty Bay, that they are' alt well and enjoying their .holidays, GY GOOD NEWS To those looking for -real bargains in Phonographs and Records, , We are offering, very special prices on all our machines so you will be able to enjoy the long fall and winter evenings and be happy. Just look over these bargains then come in and see for yourself. Colmnbia Phonograph in Mahogany, regular priee,$190 special $100 Columbia Phonograph.. in Walnut, :regular price $97.50, ,,at $75,00 Canadian Phonograph in Walnut,regular price $115 at' ..,.$87,60 3 Small table Phonographs, in finned oak, reg. $37.50 at. .$20.00 • Records, all kinds and sizes, 3 for., ,,,.;$1.00 Hardware Department Now is, the time to look your old roofs over: We have ell kinds of Brantford roofing and siding at all prices.; aLet as figure on your job, Reduced prices on Screen Doors, Windows, Screens, New Per- fection Oil Cook Stoves, Ovens and Stepladders. Mixed nails one to six inches long at $3,00 per 100 pounds. A few second hand ranges in good condition, for coal or wood, at low prices. Before going any further with your heating problem call on us and we will give you estimates for a heating system that is absolute= ly guaranteed. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co, THE STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 109 Hardware 195 cur l= °' ELL/ & SHIPLEY VINEGAR—Do not risk'your pickles to inferior •gracles•of vinegar., Buy; the hest.quality. 'It pays. • We guarantee cin:; vinegar and our. prices are the best. CAUL/FLOWER, ' SILVER SKIN ONIONS PICKLERS & CUCUMBERS Redliath's best granulated for the ,preserving requirements, It in- sures your fruit keeping, PROMPT SERVICE QTIALiTY GOODS THE & S G OCE $ Branch Store, Phone 125 S. Main Store, Phone 125 W.. 1»' LOW PRICES SCRA.NT After several, years of interrupted service nu Old Line Coal Companies, the D, L. & W. and D. &t -H, are now shipping us coal regularly, and coal of superior quality to anything that has been re- ceived in Ontario for years. sVMMER PRICES are new on, and while it is warm these days let it remind you that when Summer comes Winter is sure to follow. LET US AVE YQbfll Place your order with the fism that has always made a special effort to supply what you want whtn'you'wait it whether Winter or Sumner, muchor little, Egg or Stove. We can give you service on any of the folluwing: Grate Coke -Egg Pocahontas Stove ' Dorrite tgc Lulu ,Cannel Chestnut Pea Co91 Sntithing We also have on hand a ;fresh eerload of CANADA CEMENT and a variety of eheiee WOOD, At BRUOE]i'IELD YARD' we have in stock Chestnut, Stove, Coke, Cement, Lunber;and Shingles, , . '. Mustard C' LESS LIQUOR FOR LIZZ Garage :nail (to Ford owner): "How much gas do you want?" Driver: "A gallon." Garage Man: "Woe's the idea -- wearing it e,