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The Clinton News Record, 1924-09-25, Page 7
t s:T urging drops upon II f O YCOII choice coffee .'01' ahh dar' peoplen or any adulterant in C i. A 14 1s EDUCA I BY " DR. J. J., MIDDLETON Provinahtl`Board or Health. Ontario Middleton will ea alad-t9 answer Quostiaits un I?ublio Health ewe - tees thr,otegh title column.: Address hien aG:Os;.diae House,Bps Cresecent, Toronto.. Physical defects that interfere with eht t1i of ghoul the province. Here he normal growth and development is one 'report made by a nurse:— ef-the young: are very prevalent,am-- In a total of 592 school children ex- ong school children. These conditions amined during the demonstration, must- be given early attention, other- there were 1,106 defects suspected by wise many of then will lead to serious the nurse, the percentage of defective consequences later on, And bring about hearing, dental defects and -mettle - Hi -health and even premature death. trition cases being especially high. How are these defectsto be detected? Several extreme cor=es- of defective vi- One way is through the work of the sion were found; two of these children Fublie Health Nurse. - i were examined. by an eye specialist It is now becoming an established who, advised admission to the Petagio fact that public health nurses areI School for, the Blind, and an effort urgently needed in every district. Ther is being made to have them admitted' record of examinations made ` at ran- there, ' - dom' in one eomununity shows the.A case of congenital disloe"ation ,of Ictual 'condition as it'exists at press! p— girlbeen the hi a of eleven—had, attoriding school daily and had neverr received any treatment for heo dis- ability. The Junior Red Cross of Oh - three -has been asked' to take an inter- ' est' in her, and through their :effort it its hoped to have her admitted to the Hospital for Sick Children and treat- ment instituted 457 follow-up visits were made to the homes of school children. The number of corrections known to have been made before the depar- ture of the nurse included 3 eases for which glasses had been -procured, 26 .cases o;, dental. corrections, and 6 op- erateens for the .;removal of tonsils and adenoids. — In one instance of borne visiting, an infant of a few days old was found with a serious eye condition which was 'receiving no treatment. Owing to the early discovery abed the gratui- tious services of a local physician, the chitd'sseyeeight was restored. ;SEND r OurNew• Fall & Winter FASHION. "' BOOK 49rrzce ess Gast of - ashim./ The Art of Paris, the Ingenuity of New York, combined for YOU.. FUR COATS—every conceivable design, featuring exquisite finings and the new Crush Collar' Cloth Coats, Nese York's' slenderizing lines, offeredin a -wealth• of smart fabrics and styles, with and With- out fur Trimmings; Dresses; Mill- inery; Sweaters Ali the last wgrd in .Design and Woslunanslepp---ar the price YOU want to pay. Write your name and ddd esa clearly. 2 alI a elt,desD,ti>ti¢ "P 899 Hallam Building,Toronte \ Soft -Fleshed Fish. The softness of the flesh of many deep -water fish Is due- to the pressure at the great depili8 where they spend their lives. When they are brought to the surface this pressure is taken off; they then expand and their lieslt beaomes soft, •Street Apple Trees. • Recess, not boys; have proved to be tate greatest: danger to which apple trees planted ie "the streets -'of Bath, England, are subjected,= now that they are. bearing fruit. Recently a horse attached to a brewery van was seen polling down a bough of a ttee and eating the apples on it. • r Send today for Our New Catalog of Musical nstruments IT'S FREE This new catalog is the roost com-. prehensive book We haveyet pre- pared. It illustrates and describes thoroughly all of the popular home; orchestra and- band instruments, and tells how easily they may be purchased through our Free Trial and convenient payment plan, It tells of our Free ,Lesson Plan, Which enables you to learn to play in your oVeri• here. Send for It Today If you are interested in Radio ask fol' full particulars of the: -new ` liestinghouse Radiolas There is a Raffle -la for 'every purse, and anyone without patent -wee ;ex- perience can .begin right away to enjoy ,the entertainznent which R'atlio can bring to your home. &SONS CO. 1� 1:IMITED 145 Yon e..Street.. Established 1818 TORONTO i rs now and whisper happy jrdo Down •to the small and secret universe Aui to g, underground. And now Thoar The ranting df the. little, dust -gray. ]eatie5, - A sob 4lin ost a \laugh --so: glad, for sin -L1 careful neighbor, there across the ay loses' his -window, trims his. tidy light A Id- sits Within, because it rain,,, at night! Q7 nay! 1. will stand here upon the 1 will laugh softly,: softly, like ilio leaves, 1 will lite up glad eyes, and loos, and . Beat, on rife! Come possess me! Hero' 1 stretch my -hands, so white, on the -Wet darks. 0 thee -folk, 0 friends, come out, come Ont Into the clean, wet night! Fling wide your doors? • Healing :is here, .and Consolation- cuim -- Suitletency of comfort•and content! I am come in.. I clothe me properly. Yes, I will dry my hair and coif it up' For all the'litt)e careful world • to see; Here are my silver hose and crystal And here the destined 'gown I shall put on. Only one.-thing—I will not shut the door! I wet +observe your snug proprieties. I will sit down andspeak'connlacont things, _ And listen to Your endless ehatterings, But leave my open' door into"'the night Where falls the steady blessing of the rain! Barbara Young. Animals iii the`'Middl'e Ages. Our mediaeval ancestors kept a vast number of domestic pets for' their amusement,' birds, lap -dogs, and grey- hounds, especially; writes C. Edger Thomas iu the Animal World, London. Dogs were their• great companions, and- ladies- fed their "Male hound'ese daintily. Cats ,are not mentioned, or come across so often in pictures as are dogs, Bet this does not necessarily mean that eats were not liked. Among that wonderful, collection of Harietan manuorlpts in the Britisdt: Museum may be seen many lIluminatione of animals. In one lea dog with a rid- ing party;: another,' a deg -ia a dinner scene; end others show a lady with .a pet dog' in her arms, birds and dogs itf rooms, etc. One of the duties of the chamberlain of e. knight was to drive the "dogge and mete" out of my lord's' chamber when he had retired to rest, It .would seem that both, oats and dogs were allowed to be there in the 'daytime. Readers of Chaucer will remember that when the Friar visited the 'sick man, he found. a cat on the bench be- side him; while among the rules laid -down in an 0111 Book of Courtesy .,01 this ported, is one stating that goad manners forbid the etrolfing of a cat or dog while "sitting at meat in: the -hall, People also made pets of squir- rels;'and even monkeys! The training of animals for perforin - Ing has been:practised from the earli- est times. It was done in the "Middle Ages, and unfortunately it is still car. tied on. On `holidays, feast days, .etc„ strollins minstrels and showmen .were wont to exhibit dancing bears and. monkeys playing .en handbells, A, thirteenth cantnry writer, one Villard de I-ionnecourt, tells us that in his time the Icon -tamer was accustomed to eel! in the atysistauee of two dogs.. "When ize'would fain make the lion leo anything," we, read, "he commandeth, !rim to do it,. and if the lion murmur, then he beateth the doge; whereof the lion misdoebtetb bim sore, when he seeth the- dogs beaten; wherefore he refraineth his courage and :teeth that which bath been commanded," -It was very rough iuck on the poor dogs,! What happened if the lion was 'a self- ish lion aid oared little for another enlistees sufferings? Our old -scribe helps us a ,little: 'And if the lion be wrath, therefore will I speak, -no whit, for the would he obey neither for good nor evil 'usage," And presum- ably the soar dogs were 'thrashed 4n vain. The baiting of animals was an ex- ceedingly-cruelform of amusement which remained long in favor. • Fitz- stephen, writing in the twelfth cen- tury, says that bulls;. bears, boars and horses were'frdquently baited: Titles in the -Dominions. • Five years' ago Canada asked the British crown not to confer any more titles on Canadian citllene mid asked further that hereditary titles already conferred should' expire with the pre- sent holders. Two; years ago' South Africa made- a similar request; and now_.,Australla expresses the ',same wish`.•' Decorative titles, are seldom popular in a.new•eountry, and when, as- ,sometimes happens, the persons honored by them are chosen with lit- tle,ivisdonr or discrimination the ordin• nary citizen looks on,thenr With amused- contempt, • Risks of Doctors, "When you. complain. of -the high fees of doctors remember the risks of illi©' prolossion, There was a doctor whom I knew wire fell a victim," - "poor- fellow, did be catch a eon' tagious diseaseF' No, He 'marilied one of his la- F r Bare Feet—Mlnard s i ini en m -t - Sensitive .plants, in the Tropics protect themselves .from cattle. by drooping an -d' seeming' toldie. There are Also, sharp spurs on the stalks which pri4 the tongues. of hungry animals, ■ MARITIME EDUCATIONISTS ATTEND- CONVENTION The Maritime provinces: party of 'tire Canadian Teachers:Federationphotogra hed at Wind r" Bungalow Cam S on their P Windermere, the I return by the Canadian Pacific "Teachers Special" from. the .Annual Convention of the Federation at Victoria, B.C. The party includes: Standing, Miss Frances Tbomhson, Halifax; Mrs. B. C. Foster, Miss Isabel 1Vlartin, Halifax; Dr. Ii. C. Foster Fredericton; Miss r s F. H. Conrad, Miss Mary Distant,,Flalifax. Front row, Miss Susan Archibald, Halifax; Miss Kathleen Gofman Miss M. G. Coll S t, Sohn; and the Misses Ding, I3alifax, • ,. . HEN FOOD FAILS Defective Digestion is the Cause and Misery Follows. There are thousands% of people who do not get the proper nourishment from the food they eat, because their digestion le defective. Food that lies undigested. in the stomach is: not mere- ly wasted, but Will ferment and poison your system. Flatulence and sour ris- ings in the throat follow and unless you are careful you will become a chronic dyspeptic. By toning up the ,stomach to do the work nature, intended, you will re- move the cause of the trouble. Noth- ing will more promptly restore the di- gestive organs than good new blood. Stomacb, nerves' and glands all de' peal `on the blood, and when it gets thin and watery they -are at once -weak- ened. It is because of their :Lotion in building up and mulching -the blood that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have proved successful in so' many cases of indigestionwhere' ordinary„, medicines have failed. The .now rich blood quick- ly tones up the digestive organs; the appetite improves and your are able to eat with comfort and getfull nourish cment.rouri your food. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pill through may dealer in medicine, or is mail' at 60 cents a box frown The Dr 1Vi111ams "Medicine Co., Brockville Cut, Rain in .the Vallegr.� Ttain'S in the -air; the„' silver •,side of leaves, Turns upward in the •cool, half -odor- ous breeze - That clings a little .where it touches, thea,drifts on, • •• The kildeor cries a warning, and the trees ' Lisp softly, greener in this 'crystal light That prints- a fresh new world upon •, our eight. Now the wind hides, and the deep - shadowed pines, Their needles poised, stand waiting, ghostly still; A swift, wet whispering: of drops, be-. gine; t, Gray clouds unfurled along the eastern hill Let down a thousand threads, all jewel -weighted, The little wind springs up again, elated: tte The silver rain threads slant in wind- blown fail, Blurring to gray -green mist the trees and hills; ,Along, the pasture 'lane the hoof- stoped pools Are spattered full; the brooks _ cup foams and spills. a 'Under the road :bridge on a dusty shelf - y A gray hes clucks • dry pity far herself.,,.' aeven Ives Gitohrlet, • To a Sea -Gull. What do you sae as you wing your way Over the heaving sea.? And what do you ponder'ou, skimming along' In the arms of a freshening breeze? Do .you taste the salt of the spray as it • flies ifiven as swiftly as you? Does the trough of the sea seem as green to you As to me --and the sky as blue? Does the way seam long when the graybacks roll Ahead in the `tossing gloom? - Does your wild blood leap when the surf -line breaks On a reef with a roar and a boom? When the ppindrift flies, and the se is a mass` Of whispering, rushing foam., At dusk, when the tiredsun goes down, Do you s'ometlmes think o1 home?, —Oristel Idastings. To -day, So here )lath been dawning Another new day: Think, wilt thou let it Slipuseless away? Out of eternity This new day 1s barn; Into eternity, At night, will return. Behold'a it foretHue No, eye ever did: , So soon' it'forever From all eyes is COLOR IT NEW WITH - "DiAMOND. PYES” Beautiful home dye- ing and tinting is guaranteed with Dia- mond Dyes. Just dip in cold water to tint soft, delicate shades, or boll to dye rich; permanentI b r s. Bach 15 -cent package contains directions_ soelmpie _arty woman can dye -or that lin. , gerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stockings, sweater:, draperies,- coverings, hangings, every thing -new. ' d Buy "Diamond, Dyes"—no -other kind =and tela your druggist whether the Material you wish to toter is wool or silk, or whether It is linen, catorie or mixed'goods. Sunflowers. A row of golden sunflowers are bloom- " in my garden As floralsentinels on gamed,they hold their crowned heade high, And at sunrise each glad morning Their bright faces greet the dawning, While rho twilight finds these turning toward the glowing western sky. Just a naw .of golden sunflowers, yet each blosaoin hears, a message, Tells- each heart to. greet::the suuehine sent by Gocl to cheer each cyan. Then when twilight in descending' Menge that life that has ,no ending,: May we glory iu the radiance of the'. ever -glorious day. —Christina W. Partridge, Golden Gleams. Swiftly' pass the Summer days, All ton soon the lilies fade. See! the golden -glow is here; whispering "Autumn time is near," Hero hath been dawning Another new day:; Think, wilt thou let it Slip useless away? Thomas Carlyle. WHEN When the baby Is ill; when he cries a great' deal and no =mutt of atten- tion or petting 'makes him ` happy, Baby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which re- gulate the bowels and sweeten the stonlach and thus drive out constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers' and make teething easy. They are absolutely guaranteed to, be free from opiates and- narcotics and can be given to even the new --born babe with perfect safety and always with beneficial results. The Tablets aro said by medicine dealers: or .by 'Mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' iModicina Co,, ` Brockville, The Sydney Harbor Bridge will be the largest 3u the world, having a clear span of 1,6ii01`t;, and the roadways, rail- }vay track, and, footbridges having a combined width of 16051. The two main:arches will be placed 58ft Din. apart and•thc construction • will 're- quire. 50,688 'tons. of,steel. The central 0000„ of the span will 'provide a, clear headway •of f 17511. above mean high water. 5' Mlnarci's t foie nt RRelleve3 Paig, Autumn with its sun and rain, With 'Is sheaves of, .golden grain, Hanging .heads of sunflowers too, Tell us Autumn time is due.. 'In the cornfields by the stream, Many golden pumpkins gleans, Showing by their dress of gold Summer hours will soon he ,told. None are shirkers in: the field, All have fruitsor flowers ;to yield, : So tray we when life •: is past Bring to GOd some •sheaves • at Iast And with angels, round the throne Sweetly sing our Harvest' 540100. —Mary W. Di11. • Minaret's Liniment treats cute. Insurance Agent --"Come ' with me, 'you can get damages for this." Ne- gress' (hit- bytruck)—"Good Lewd; man, ah don't need no m0' damages— What ah needs is 'repairs." MEEP'ThnR A:LEAN CLEAR AND 1-1EALTI-T„ %/ 0' 5'' rAe 150 CM'wb-b0571fi1 ,,og,,4, ,,,l4.,v, EASY TRICKS The Flying Note, C1t;aislfted Adv • MONEY TO LOAN. qt ARM LOANS MADE •i 141ort ages purchased. Aieyeelde,`1 77 Victerla St„ ,Toronto. FOR 'SALE rC APPLE: BARRELS, ALSO ,BARREL Staves; MiG Slab Wood, and Cori, is Wood. •Reid 13ros.,:i3othwell,'Ontarip, HELP WANTED ANY PERSON DESIROUS Olij' making from $10 to 120 weekly it), spare time, without interfering with present employment, sand for'partioul`, lays or free 'sample book "Imperial,', Art" Personal Cluistmas Carrie, Manu.' facturers, 722 Richmond W., Toronto AGENTS. SALESMEN .OANVA8SEN t'Vanted in every city to eon the moo essential household combination. On . small handy tool combines a knife and scissor•sharpener,.: can opener, glasal cutter, bottle opener, -ice pick stool' Send at once for a 'sample with o special agents proposition. Sample*! pray be had for 85 cents, and money, bank unless satisfactory. j Berk Broe,,`Ltd, 220 Bay St„ Y'oronts To Cain q { Druggists' guarantee B•itrtr$ho'sphatq to rebs ,, rebuild nerves; to replerca weakness with strength; to add body:, weight to thin folks.anti rekindle ant, -,1 bition in 'tired -out people. Price $1 peel plige. Arrow Climatical Co., 25 Front St, East, Toronto, Ont. urt?. Stopthe pain with M 'nerd a. It Stops inflammation, soothes and heals. - This is an excellent trick for the dinner table but the specta- tors will have . to keep -very quiet while it is. being performed. An ordinary dinner fork and a tumb- ler are used. Everyone knows that it the finger tip is draws, with some force over the tines of the fork, the fork will give forth a ringing note—as a tuning fork will do. This should be done several times to prepare the spectators for the'- real mystery whieh Is to follow. A tumbler is placed in front of the trickster. Ffe=oauses the fork to ring by drawing his finger tips over the tines. Re pretends• to gather the sound in his hand. As the sound of the fork, becomes inaudible heethrows'this "handful of sound" at the -tumbler. Im- mediately the tumbler begins to iKng. The fact is that the tumbler only seems to ring. Much depends upon the manner in ' which the trickster acts the affair. Just as tho sound. of . the vibrating tines dies away, the trickster touches the handle of the fork to the table. The sound again becomes audible but the spectators believe that the sound comes from the tumbler. With a little practice, the tltueion is perfect, (Clip this out and paste it, with ether of the series, in a scrapbook,) Care for Pets. f Do not neglect your pets if they are sfelr, kiaye something done for them. Do not Imam •them, but make a com- fortable bed in a quiet place, with water and milk near, and let them• sleep, If they can. Put something woollen in the bed, for a slots animal feels the cold, especitubiy at night, Do not try to make them eat. When con- valescent coax 'them with their favor- ite dish•, buy a very sick animal does. not want food. no not forget fresh water - Pay your ,out -of town accounts, by Dornlnion Express Money orders. The total area in orchards in New Zealand has been estimated by the New Zealand 141inistry of Agriculture at 30,000 acres. _ Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. Mrs. Noorich (to chauffeur turning a corner—"Don't put' your hand out that way; keep both hands on the wheel, I'll tell you when itis rain- ing."., We Make Payments Daily; We Pay Express Charges. We ,supply Cans. Highest Ruling Prices Paid. •. BOWES CO., Limited Toronto Haves Surlrtlixa.eit ar at A Warm house -and acool cellardeyand night the. svio. tD"+ terthrou hlAndasavingin 1 your' coat billsoffrom '' ' ..zt,. tQtoedl A KELSEY WARM AIR CEN$IYA'ioR yatirceilerwiliensurethis. it 71fe Kelsey iCthe most. efficient J and economical) system of :home heatindevordevised :nic will hrotthd'smollest coiiade omnis fer,�est inensio;i tiroperiy and hoof thfe l iy. 1155 WE SENO YOU PAIT1CULARS?. CANADA FOUNDRIES 8s FORGINGS LIMITto JAMES SMART pr,ANrr si'dodrg11 Lf; cgn td „i Ilr .ma,� Say "Bayer Aspirin's INSIST! Unless you see tho) "Bayer Cross" on tablets yolk are no getting the genuint} Bayer Aspirin proved safe byL' millions and prescribed by phyr siciansfor' 24 years. Accept o Bayer p acka Frhichcontains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of I2 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 -Druggists Aspirin is the trade mark frealetarad to (hawk) of never llfanutaCtuia Of lticuln* atetlgacldeetor of9al1Cynea5ld , Cut ellra Complexions Are Smooth And Clear Use Cuticura Soap daily for the toilet and have a healthy,, clear complexion free from blackheads and pimples. Assist When necessary by Cutleure Ointment. Cuticure Talcum is ideal for powdering And perfuming, 5..nple each rreo 55 Maa, Addrea§ Oanading Depot o 0atleora, P. 0. Box a81e, 05,111x.0,' Prriv+�, Soso15,. D0otm,, 0BSttndrga. Taleamfbc, 5Lis4> " Try wur new Shaving Socio. WDRk1N EXPERIENCE Read How She Found Diel,' in Lydia E. P ankhasn's - t `Vegetable Coiinpoundi, r Arnprior, Ontario. --"I must write and tell you my experience with your medicine. I was working at the factory'. for three years and became so run-down that ' I used to take weak spells and 'would be at home at least one day each .> week. I was treated by the doctors for anemia, but it didn't seem to do me any good. I was told to take a rest, but was unable to, and kept on getting worse, I was troubled mostly with my periods.!, I would sometimes pais three months, ki andwhen it came it would last around two weeks, and Iwouldhavesuch painsat times in my right side'that I could hardly walk. I am only 19•years bf age and, weigh 118 pounds now, and before tak- ipg the vegetable Coni4ound Iwas only . 108 pounds. I was sickly for two;yearg and some of my friends told me about Lydia 11. Pinitham's Vegetable Com- pound,and ulnen Tbadtaken a bottle of it.Iifet a change, My mother has been taking it for a ifferent ailment and has found it very satisfactory. I am willing to' tell friends about the; medicine and; to answer,letters asking• about it. "--- Miss i1Azrtm 51101nm, l3ox '100, Arnprior,l Ontario L1,day ottt each week show in the pay;! envelope. If you arc troubled with some 1; wearltness, ihdicatcd by a ran -down cent . droom tired feelings, .pains and lrsegu-' 1 arityy, let Lydia Il. Pinkt am wester Lae Compound help you J !SOUS NO 25•=-24. `