HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-09-25, Page 5Cfli eto L' l ty, years ,go "- eivarks tin e; `noboc1 eyes* :got' a wrong e'r, nobody ever;ll;ot• art electric ill, nobody ever had. a fat;,tire cause.' static, nobody read ti - in a t.rovie." Man z ' n in B co,toi e r, aged' 42 re t t a on exelieuge, hasbeen refused *tee to marry a newsboy 21 years s r ii`' who is:blind, deaf, ,dumb and �1pp1.e'd," Why doesn't" she adopt, the little aver ? • f In the old days of license," r e - arks;' The :Pioneer, "there were xthi`oughottt Ontario many•institutipns :for thetleatnssnt of dipsomaniacs;,"the Keeley Institute, the Neal Institute and others. These have all gone out o£ business. 'I£ there was' as much liquer' being drank as ever, and. of a poor, :kind, and if more drunkenness, one would expe t these concerns to be still flourishing.- It sounds reasonablo,,tos, now, does - ft it ? * x r The: editor of the Oriilia Packet;, writing of his experiences in Paris on' the recent vitt of Canadian newspe- lreriiien abroad, remarks upon the ..number and 'cheapness of taxicabs and the niad rush "df traffic through the streets_ of the French' 'capital. Ile' says the cars ,wind in and out among the street cars and other :;traffic ,'toot- ' lng oot'Ong their horns frequently.bnt other- wise paying no attention to foot-pas- een ers, who he was told, had- no rights and if one got' injured was likely to get fined for getting in the. way. " "If.there are any' traffic `cops' in Paris, I did not see them," he,says Paris is the glace for the speed fiend; let's/ export him forthwith. * *.* Lord Nor+theftffe's private secreta claims to have irate a message fr him' from "over there" where he • resides: He is: reported have' that he is not floating around in white robe,' at which: he 'expres satisfaction, but is ,wearing .a;"gr flannel suit with soft collar and a skint." -men will be happy to. lea `' that their, comfort' is thus studied that he has "teeth, fingernails and. erything:" They; gave ono money, -appears, and we would 'suppose'th •i Northcliffe might enise'that compo 'ty, but he doesn't seem, to mind :Jack. of it, as he 'says . they. "wo things out in kind." . He worked iris -grey flannel suit: "He would think .o f coming back.as.he is hap 'and busy. , He says he''has a """bed •tiful eountry hone, with flowers a bird's." A This message�r has the sabre flay as the many, others which we he. from time to time. 'Those of us $r'1nly:believe in a hereafter are for ed to one of'itwo eonelusions by the ane chartacter of these messages,, ei . er the'niessages are a myth or forme dy sensible people lose all their.wi when they'cross the 'borderland -' Most of us incline to the former co elusion: * *„* ttn Thursday, October 23rd, the people of Ontario will have an oppor- tunity of expressing themselves on the natter of the Ontario Temperance Act and saying Whether. they would :retain this act or have it discarded - and go ovgr to ggover'nntont control., There will beb,bnt two questions`• on the ballot, iz, follows: (1) "Are you in r vor of the con- tinuance of the Ontario Temper- ance Act?” (2) "Are•you'in favor of.sale ;as a [leverage of ,beer and spirituous liquor in seated, packages under Govermm�ent'conrral?" Every/voter is expected to place a cross, and only one, on the ballot. Either he will place his cross oppo _wire thee., question ,regarding the 0. .A'., in which ease that will Count rzs n vote to retain the Act upon the statute'. books, or he will place it'op- posite the question regarding Govern- ment. control, in which ease it will count as a vote in :favor gif.abolishing the O , T, A, and: introducing; some .form c2 Govermnent control, There is some difference of opinion as to the need of bringing on a .'vote lit present on this question, many hold- ing: that 'the matter was settled„fos ;a long time when the Act was so over- whelmingly sustained in 1919, but LOW that the vote is to be taken it is most satisfactory to know that it is a clear`citt issue. The questions are t,mtple, anyone can, understand them, Wind the voters of Ontario should take enough interest . in the Wel- _fare of their country to conte out oin, bletoher 23rd and give. an .expression r,£ their will tor the guidance of "the evernn-met, As indicated, this is a plebiscite, en expression of the' will of.'the .people,. which the Government will consider a In their. future course regarding the mattermatterof temperance legislation. If there is a majority for a retention of the Act it will remain as ,it is, and, according to Premier Ferguson,guson, will the strengthened -and enforced. ry. om n d-tow said a SO' ey oft rn e at : di the rlc for n't ur nd or at. who c- m_ th- r- ts n That there is .strong” and.;organise0 • opposition to the 'Act cannot• be de- =niod. The liquorr, traffic, °tihat: is those. who are making :money; out of ,the manufacture add, sale. of intoxicating liquors, is strongly.entrenched,' and ;`,4hey have as thein` allies'a Tot of.peo_ . ;plo who wish to'be- free to do as they 'please irrespective; of ,the;, good or the many. It is the monied interests eehind this traffic which temperance: eople are fighting, however. They;. re the o-rganizati'on and the back bone, though they'•find it good i olicy not to come out into the, open, The Moderation League",and others -eta arc opposed to the,Ontario Tem- perance Aet quite often tame `high ground,'They profess eo he shocked I y the coronasption' of 'liquor, under the present law and totbe.anxious for its repeal so that less May -he can "mimed, but Occasionally' we. get a roar ,peek behind the scenes, and when that, 'happens proof is not waisting, that ,rt`. is the monied; interests of the liquor' baffle which is fighting the '0:T Hite recently a, report of the'"Freneh tines Exportation Coe:Mission -wee rue pkI'11,1F lief things this tloluaklsolk p, t its Gant' is 'to r ? ra flan pf actrUty ryhile a'��t�e`tsaY�to 'ding 111 that inailcad personal epresen+;: tett alk 'got' 4i0dlessly comps ?;S the politit<al' or financial uppoxt,'wo :11£yvti acquired, in the countries interested." Then it goes on to say: "The year 19211 will be reckoned, in Canada as one of the most striking in the his- tory 02. Prohibition;'. the anti-•prohi. i-- tionist Campaign, tn advancing lr,ar ra l place top ac e, dined over two pro- vinces, Manitoba and Alberta, (this .report was made, beforb the,vote in, Saskatchewan),, two ;other provinces will soon yield to this effort. The vines F,xportation ,Commission..niay lay claim to a preponderant share in this success. ' . Our action as• suined the most -diverse forms, ; draw- ing up of tracts and'painphlets, edit- ing, of the latter and their distribu- tion throughout Canada; press publl- cation and controterSics and furnish- ing of funds at the right moment. Quite recently we organized : a cam- paign in British Columbia for the. a- doption of certain measures favor- able to thesale of our products.' Many of our readers have had'cam- pdign literature sent to their hones setting forth.he virtues. of Govern- ment control. It; would be interest- -ing to know bow 'much of ,his was supplied, by the Freii"ch Wines' Expor- tation Comaniskian, or other manufac- turers, of nanufac_tureis,of wines or„liquors which can- not ,be an_not,be sold legally under the'O.T.A, The people who want the Ontario Terirperance Act repealed•end 'scenic - thing else,- substituted do- not: wan, less ligftor drunk they want .more drunkand those who vote Government control on October 23rd ,are ,vbting to ;help the sale of the products of the French wine manufacturers and the Canadian •brewers,_and 'distillers: The Government cannot control the liquor traffic aslong as it is legalized, It has been trying to do it in Outer - io since 1857 and every, year while it was Legalized it became more uncoil- ttollable. Many measures were tried, the license system, the Duncan Act, Scott Act, etc., "the Ontario Temper- ance Act is the last step and the most successful so far. To threw it aside and make legal the selling of whiskey by the bottle .in every com- munity, as would have to 'be done un- der nder such a system, would be a dis- t sten backward. . Those who. wish -the Aet retained will' need to see that every available vote is brought out on October 23rd. Nothing will' count'but Motes when the ballot .boxes are opened and the larger the majority rolled np for the Act the 'stronger will be thethands of the 5 o- ver°nment in enforcing the flaw. 1 , a Londesboro Mrs. Alex. 'Wells has returned home after spending a month with friends in Smith's Falls. Ales. J. E. Manning, who has been spending ;a couple ' of weeks with friends in, St. Thomas has returned home. , Mr. ,Bentley of Blenheim- is visit- ingo his daughter, Mrs, W. It, •Os- borne,,at the parsonage.' ' Miss Eleanor Mains, who has been spending her holidays at het home, has -returned to Chica'go. The, monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute Will ,be held in the community hall„ Londesboro on Oct. 2nd, The topic, entitled, '.',Nariy Tiistory', pf the Inse.itutei," will be taken by Mrs. Wm. Lyon. ' Miss Maud Shobbrook will sing a solo and Miss Alberta Moon will give a'xead- ing. Hostesses Mrs, "J. Radford, Mrs. Ewan,Mrs Willis' Ibiountein, Miss May ,Hamilton. • Rev: W. , R. Osborne exchgnged pulpits with the preacher of Elilnville Methodist chdreh on Sunday. Property is looking 3 ':this vicinity.. We had a oouple of Hien from Wr11r:-, eter. and Wingbam around here the other -day leolcing fpr, farms to put - chase. No;.deals were made, ee far as we can learn, but the would -be -put, chasers agreed that thefarms about here looked attractive!'. Rev. James Abery went td,Toronto on Saturday,to see his wife, who was not able to ,accompany him home on his return a couple . off weeks ago, London Road "The 'U,I':W,O. had a'weiner and coin 'roast at the home of M}. and, MXS.IIoward Snell on Tuesday even ins. There were a large 'number present and a very enjoyable time. :was spent, A program was put on :first, one of the features of which was an interesting.tallr on 'poultry by that expert,, Mr. C. E. Holland. The Tebbutt Orchestra playedseveralse lections,• which • were also rniicll. en- joyed. We extend, hearty, congratulations to Mr.,- Leslie Iilnley,, Toronto, son of Reeve G. B. and Mrs,.I-Ianley of Stanley„ on his :marriage on Tuesday to MissViola Coolc of Clinton, Good wishes follow the young couple to Tor onto, where they will make their home: Miss Murray. 5f New 'York is visit- ing her sister; Mrs T. J. Lindsay. We are pleased to .know that, Mr • J. .A:ikenhoad, 'wh'o was, ticked 'by a horse the other day, isnot so serious: ly injured as was at fist -feared;, He is now improving, we, are glad to re Mr. and, Mrs. Fred. Pepper' 'rind Mr, G. W Layton, aecompzmed''hy orae Clinton' friends pent Sunday with Parkhill friends,,-, . s w Hallett Toli n$1iip Miss Flos• sie Gibbings returns toddy to Toronto after•having spent. a' fort- night's vacation at the' home' of her .parents, .Mr. and Mrs, •J. G. Gib' Patricle J';, Reynolds of the 4th con- cession died on Tuesday morning af- ter an illness of some duration..-l41r. Reynoldswas seventy years of age and is survived by his wife; He was a native', or this townShip -and spent "his youth here bat had jived in'Cleva0 land, Ohio for' a -tune in his younger manhood, ' 'IIe returned to Hullett, however, and had been farming on the fourth for some years: 'The.fu- es placo';.thuy n ornmg 'Isom_ obeph s church, Clircton,,_ie, the eenctce.y iii Tlullett,. CONNELT —1bi LL--AAt Knox church, manse; Goderich, on Sept. 24th, by the Rev C. R; A1cDermed Estella May, daughl cr of :Nit:. and Mrs, Ro_ belt, Bell, ` Goderich, to Clarence DaleConnell, of .Clinton, only son of Air ad Mrs, ° W. D. Connell of Baseline. tare R.ICHARDS FAIRFTIDL' At the Baptist church, Walkerton, on Sept. 17th, by the T. K. Fairful'l, only daughter. of the Rev. J. K. and.: Mrs. Fairfull, Walkerton, to Dr. A. R. Richards, son of Mr.' and Mrs, II, Richards, Hyndford., '.HANLEY=COOK—At the home . of the bride's parents, Clinton, on Sep- tember 23rd, by ;the Rev. A, A. Holmes, Rosetta Viola, younger daughter. of IVir•, and 'Mrs., T. H. Cook, to Harold - Leslie Hanley, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Manley- of Stanley township, • Ddat s COWAN: In Clinton, on Sept, 21st, Minnie Roberton, wife of Me, Wm.. H. Cowan, aged 55 Years.. SHANAHAN--In Clinton, on Sept. 20th, Ellen,Shana'l1an, aged 6S�years: REYNOLDS—In Hallett township, on September' 23rd, -Patrick... J. Rey- *, nolds,aged_70 years. M -C411. In Clinton Hospital, on Sept. 20th,. •Walter Muir MeBeath, youngest son of ' Mr, and• Mrs. Alex.' McBeatl>, of Stanley township aged 27 years. DbHIERTY—Suddenly, at Edmonton,, Alta.,•on Sept. 21st, Garnet L. Do- herty, (Gard) son of the late Wil- liam Doherty il-liam;Doherty .of,, Clinton; IN MEMORIAM J,OHNSTON—In fond and 'loving me- mory of Louis Johnston, who. died .Sept. 291h, 1921. In his grave he is calmly sleeping,, His spirit shines above, Safe 'within the Saviour's keeping, Waiting for those he loved —His Mother. w r biildn e fer, yne trade, arlc If : ybri iv t of Bust Quality. at Lowes., Price,'we hive than - Store." Brooms, 4 string , .. 8 Cakes of Castile Soap 10 Bar.; of Laundry Soap 5.lbs. of Pepe, Lard. ` ,. 1 lib. Bre ddast Bacon Cir p 3 rtlegs. Jelly Powder JOHNCN cent .lean,,:fre h G,r_isp "Make Our Sto w ..50c 14 'niece Toilet, Set , .. , , .25c c/ dozen: Cups only 'dozen Cups _and. Saucers: X1,7.0 03, doyen 'pd,'ates.': ie ie) 32c 1 Dor. Clavei leaf Cup,S iu erg. 2.6'J 4 � $ r ....25c a I uDo Jar . 25c TE E ,53' otnlaeds Old Se CHL-NAMEL' STORE ammalarzaaaraameaatataaalaaaiaaa.crusassaareasnadaaavaaacaara n�.Prfitl,fal istizsm TliE 1'110 � �9�yr�t: i Th Washer The $�l ,.1 that turns the clothes' over end over with tIa a, powerful: Vacumn Plunger ' which forces Tooth Air and, Water through and through the, clothes, Which is the enod,ern,aaethod of washing, for Sale by Ce 19b VENN .!, Cll`9?titon SjlJ4oiaI" iGE g Oits ®a all kinds, for Lighting, Lubricating, Painting, • etc. Musical Festival In the Salvation Army Hall, Clin- ton, on Sept.' 29th, at 8 o'clock, Program Chairman, Rev. A. A. Holaneel Opening, Song 300.. Prayer. Introduction of Chairman 'by Capt. Clarke. Chairman's remarks. Organ March: "Goderich", by Lieut. Kingdom. "' ) Vocal Quartette: "West Indian Mel- ody," by Capt.ltowland, Lieut.. Ne- 'vi11e, Lieut. 'Kingdom, Lieut, Bradley. Mouth Organ Solo: by Lieut. Tev- lin . Billie Reading: Lieut. Bunton, Selection: Band. Vocal Duet: "Since My Life," Lieist. Kingdom, Lieut. Neville. ' Instrumental Quartette: Vocal Duet: Capt. and Mrs. Bow- land, Instrumental Duet: (Banjo -Mouth Organ), Lieut, Kingdom. Vocal Quartette; Organ March: Lieut. Kingdom. Address by Lieut. • Neville of Wing - ham. Program arranged by Lieut. Bradley. All welcome, silver -col lection. 'Chopping eit The Varna null will euii Tuesdays and Thursdays after October lst, E. I' Epps '& Son, Proprietors, ;73-2 Steve Welted Good second-hand heating stove, Apply A. McKinnon, Care of Domin- ion Store, Clinton. 73-1 Notice to Creditors IN TIM ESTATE OF Thomas Cher chill, deceased, NOTICE is hereby given that all Persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Churchill, late of the township of Goderich in"Eheeounty of Huron, .yeoman, deceased„who died 'en or about the 8th day of May'1924,• are required to deliver to Benjamin ,Wellington 'Churchill and William •Brydone the executors of the said es- tate or their 'solicitor on , ore before ,the 15th' day of October 1924 a full statement of their claims together with pertinulave thereof, and thee: tune of the securities, if. any, held liy `them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said. last mentioned date the said, executors, will proceedto distribute the estate of the said deceased a-' niengst the -persons entitled .thereto having regard only to such claims as 'they ,shall ; have received due notice and in accordance. therewith. DATED at Clinton,„ this 19th day of September A.D. 1924. W, BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontorice Solicitor for the said executors, 73-3 Notice to Debtors All persons indebted to the late, Arthur Cook are requested to pay the amount 'of their indebtedness to. the' undersigned; who is..au horized to re ceive tha•saine. Notice to Creditors IN 1IE ESTATE OF Arthur Gook, deceased,, NOTICE is' hereby given that' all persons having; claims against the es irate' of Arthur Cook late of the town' of Clinton in: the county of Huron, de- ceased, .whir; died on or about the 26th day of'June 1924, are, required to de- liver to 'the undersigned on or before the 111,11 day:' of October '1924, a full statement of ,their] claims together with particulars thereof, .and the •na- ttire> of thce `securities, if; any, held by them all 'duly :verified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ,said lastenentione[l'date the said. undersigned will 'pro'c5ed 50 ,distribute the .estate ofHt;11e taid,'deceased a-' mongsee the persOes';entitled ;thereto having regard ,chic o such' claims as1 1?e; shall havbreeceived- due notice ,and, M accordance., therewith, r DATED at Clinton, this IStlil day of September A.D. 1924. W. BRYDON'E, Clinton, Out. 73-3' EledIpieian Also on Elephant White Lead, and Pains Come in andet• our prices g t 1Ces ifis on Y wish to Saye money Q s' come in foryour Y Bicycle lie airs. ' P �e carryall ar • parts and make all repays to all wheels Our Work Guaranteed We are headquarters for Plow Points and. Soles, all kinds'' Special prices on two and three Burner Oil Stoves Bird and Sons Pariod'Roofing and Shingles at prices lower than for years past Phone 151.w amaaaaal Tar's What -- town's Bread Is Made with the finest ingredients, properly P peri, _ blended, assures you of getting a won-. • derfulloaf. TRY IT --Your Grocer has it, or we will •deliver it to your door fresh 'daily. F. J. BROWN BAKEWN & CO. R AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 fir; mennseeennemesmannomensms :.rte` We Bug and Pa! Cash- . EGGS All eggs purchased are paid for according to 'Government grades. Conte and see yours classified,. , ' Wemake a special arrangement with a'1rfarniers who desire to Op. operate ' r 'rfmarketing, and will supply, individuate cases,. ' n d POULTRY ' • All ougpoultry is bought.alive on a graded weight .and duality basis If you wait to make your pdultry plant pay as it should, cozi5ult us about the b>:eeds that are most profitable. We are here to: serve you: MARKETINCi One of the biggest drawbacks to the poultry industry lies with the producer. Let us explain our new effort to overcome this, CUNN LANGLOIS & CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUEBEC. Write, phone• or call at our Clinton office. Nr W. Traewar'tha, Manager Clinton Branch Day Phone 190 Night Phone 214 W i e ta We are again buyifig grain for shipping Will be loading cars of wheat Friday and Saturday of this , week and also next week A car of feed Barley will be loaded next week. Get our prices before selling. JENkINS 8! SON Office PhOne 199 • Night 141 and 129 aalarsamaarreraeseareacarataaaaamesavaameaosmazt Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, irons, Faits and other Wiring and Repairs. Phone Y,5Iut ” We have a complete tractor outfit and are prepared your silo or d�, your fall plowing. Tenns Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Commercial Garage; Clinton :Phone 156 . Orange Banquet A banquet will be /tendered officers of Imperial Lodge, TOronto by local Friday evening, Sept, 26th, Tickets, $1.00 each, may he procured from the banquet " committee of MurphY Homemade taking, Sale The Ladies' Aid Of Hohnesville Me- thodist church will hold a eel° of homdmade be,lcing,, buttermilk, etc., in -114e, W. Aiken's store, Albert eereetaClinton on Saturday afternoon, "'September 27th. , Sale at 3 o'clock. Pullets' and Peaes For Sale 80 Bai..red Rock. Piilleth froth Guild's best laying strain, also a quantity ef good preserving palee-,' Mrs., Ill; emi STRAYED ,ptrayed from lot 21, con 5, StanleY, about the 1st of August, a roan de- hoened -steer. Fielder please, notify Beattie Eros a Verna. 72-2 House For Sale , Residence, of -the late, Arthur 'Cook, ton.' Key at Walt,er King's. • Ranee For Sale shelf and copper reservoir. Call af- tenons on, ales. C. E. Jetvis, Heron street, eeetf e," For Sale .leaby's baggy and awing, ,also high chair and coneade • chair Apply to 'Mrs. T• Masom Summerhill. Cash Specials, Clinton Flour Mills North atar (Pure Manitoba) ..$4. Op Maple Leaf (Blend) $3.90 Flannelette Blenkets, large snow eloko (pastry) 54 inch Flannels, good eolors$1 it per yard Scotch Fingering Yarn. per lb. 'Wheeling Yarn per lb. Men's Work Boots Metes All Wool Sweatei $2 50 Coats, each Men's Overalls McASH & SON VARNA Cattle For Sale The undersigned has for sale a splendid bunch of 21 2 -year-old steers 5„ Polled Angus, 5 lieeefords Med the balance Ihmhams. Lot 39, comes- sion 6, Goderich. township. Percy Weston, Bayfield. 72-52 The ndersltinC9edF-i's1!io1Pinegii for 'ehgage. 111011th at silo filling. Gasoline out - Clinton. Phone 15 on 607, '72-4-p For Sale , The Holmesville Cheese Factory. Good brick building. Apply to Zits. Connolly, Gaderich. , 71-4-p. Rouse For Sale Frame house on Joseph street, in good repair. 6 roofs, good cellar, verandah, town water in house. 31 acre of garden with -fruit trees and small fruits. Apply on premises to Mrs. B. Cole, oil'eto W. Bryclone, For Sale , The administrators of the estate of -William Doherty, deceased,. offer for sale his late rysidenee and .the ad- joining lands, (25' acres inore or less), on which are erected substantial and well-equipped buildings. .Apply to J. E. Doherty on the premises, or to W. Brydone, solicitor, for the estate. For Sale The former Joyner praperty. Five - roomed cottage with large sun -room. Electric light and town water in house. 3 acres of geoid land all kinds of „fruit trees. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to IVIcCal- lam, Commercial Inn, Clinton. 63-tf. Heise for Sale , Bricic house on Princess street, 7 rooms and summer kitchen, Uwe water also soft Water in kitchen:' cee 'Ai 'acre garden, with small fimitsf stable, Apply to Miss Mabel Rath; well,, Varna . Phone 83-606,'Clinton For Sale ' The attractive and ,beautifully cated property belonging to C, D. Bolick, situated on 1-ligh street Clin- ton. The house has a beautiful out- look, imposing' in architectueal ap- pearance, walls 13 inch solid brick rooms large, Two manb.16 fire -places in den and parlor, hot and cold wa- ter, cement soft -water cistern in cel- lar, bithroorn, electric lights, two vele andahs one sun porchetwo stairways, cellar under whole house, cenient floor hot-air heating. Lot '75 It. frontage, doable depth facing on High street and Townsend. 'Fruit trees, garden and small fruits. A bargain for quick sale. Write 0, D. Bouck 43 Standish Ave. Tor - House For Sale Comfortable frame house on North street, half acre of ground. AB kiwis of fruit -Small Stable, town water in house, Robert P. Fisher. House Fer Salo Cottage on Huron street, roolny,and' in 'geed repair, '14 acre 'of garden, Small barn on place. , Pessession .ence. Also a buggy and cutting boX, Happy Thonght range and a Sliding bat couch for sale. Apply to Miss We hay; quantity -Of our own Ineke cd Bran end Shorts. Bran, Per mt. Shorts, per cwt. $1.50 We pay the highest prices for wheat. Get our prices before selling. 72-1. COAL We have a supply of Furnace, Stove, Nut and Soft. Also some good dry slabs. Leave orders at residenee, E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street. Clothes Cleaned and pressed Clothes cleaned preseed and re. paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned, ROOMS over Heard's barber gimp. 3V1, xago, "43 -tit • Singer Sewing Machines ' Family, Electric and D. R. Styles. 4lso some second-hand machines, good as new, Old machines taken as Part naYment. Easy terms. It will pay you to look these over befofe- buying elsewhere. Repairing and parts for all makes of machines. akr) Steele. ee Jan. 1, 1924 ATICIIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. .liatea, in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, 'Oscar Hlopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18- 93. —88-52-1923 COAL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Orders taken at resklence, Phone 119 „Flour and Feed Have quantity of Bran,Hhorts and Screenings on hand and expeet ear - load ist of August. Feeds are advanc- ing daily, now, is the time to lay in your requirements till new grain can be threshed. Also Flour, have agency for Snow Drift Flour, this ficur has been giving exeeptional satisfactiOn try it once if nos satis:G: ftictory,after your first baking bring -- back remainder and will give you any other variety in its place. TWINE Have Gold 1VIedal and Gilt Edge Twines in stock either in 5 lb, or 8 lb. balls. noorgstia Carr'y a complete line of Toronto Asphalt Roofing. The quality Rdof- ing, 'with a guarantee against curling, flapping.or turning up. In over four years agency fOr this roofing have had no dissatisfied customers. Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers CREAM WANTED! The demand for bur buttes is in - To supply this demand we requhd more cream. ' We request you to oship nuf yowl 4 We guarantee you the Highest prompt service. - Our firm Is known to you and needs no further recommend. - - Wo, pay all express charges, furs. ish cream cans and pay twice eed Write for eaufe or further infornin. tion to the