HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-09-18, Page 8S LEADS G d.r]4 i?LI R;St hTORE Senl "fez; ' •Doohs" and A Watch purchased from us means a reliable timepiece. We can sell you a wach that;is reliable and in a case that is guaranteed SUR REPAIRING, DEPARTMENT If your watch or clock needs, re- pairing we can do the work and -give satisfaction. We can also repair Jew- elery and rings am elle and 'Optimal/ JOHNSON Next Hovey'e Drug Stord Three Special Lines From the N cw Fall Stock LADIES,SILKetAND WOOL HOSE AT 51 00 This is a beautiful line of hosieryand wonderful value at the price. It conies in all the new shades: Congo,, Log Cabin, Cleri- cal Grey, and also "in the plain shades 'such as Black, Brown ,arid Grey., P NEW WASHABLE' SUEDE GLOVES AT 76c AND UP Thee Gloves are made by' one of Canada's: largest glove inanu- 'facturers.and toile in all the new shades, and 'this.year are `double• tipped which give extra wear. See the guarantee ticket •in- each pair. It 1vi11 surprise you. the'beautiful gloves" we can srow you at ,75c and -$1.00. MENS MERINO UNDERWEAR. AT • $I,Qo PER GARMENT This is made by "Penman" and a good . fall ,garment: See these before you buy more. iumsteel pus.. P ZONE '25: MALL PROFITS s' DiORE ] usf TEss The Centre Cr Ccs' COOLER •WEATHER IS HERE How about smite Mee nottrishiug Soups? We have Campbell, Ayl- rner and Plaints Soups --try a can one of these cool evenings. Soda Biscuits to go with Soup We also carry a full line of tea, coffee and cocoa,, Tea, from 55e.to Coffee, per 1b. Cocoa, per lb, MOrieig J THE. CENTRAL GROCERY rdan 17e, 19 •80e. _. 10e: Snppalies YOI7 ARE INVITED TO INVES T'IGATE' THE EERITS OP OUR STOCK. WP ASK Tlirs .ITH NOT A LITTLE :ASSURANCE THAT TEE ADVANTAGE WILL: BE A MUTUAL, ONE, Te W. D. Fair Civ Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 9 �'• �dU�llts Iawnuuumuum!uh,, Miss Helen Reberto4 has returned from her vacation. 1VIrs5 A. J. Morrish -spent a `couple of days in Goderich this weeks Mss J. 'Bartliff of Toronto is boll - (laying at her home in town, Miss Marion Hibbs returned last week from a holiday spent in Toronto;.' 1V,Trs. IVI°or'rison' and Miss Morrison of Flensail were in town on Monday. Miss Kate Parke, who: has been visit lug friends in Hensel-, has returned to town. Mrs. R. Hutchings of Port Rowen is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. G, E. Hall. Miss Rena Pickett has been in Sea- forth ea forth the past week" assisting in the liestoiiice. Mrs. J. L. herr and Miss Helen re- turned 'Friday e-turned'Friday after spending. some weeks in/Toronto, 1VIiss Barrie Combe ]eft Monday for Toronto to take a course at the Margaret Eaton school. Mr, and Mrs. Rossiter of London -were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jr Miller; Mil and Mrs. E. E. .Flunnifoxd and 'Miss Stella of London spent the week -enol "with Clinton friends,. Mr, and Mrs. James H. Johnston and chliclren Were guests of Lon- desboro and tSummerliill friends on Sunday..; Mr. Wilfrid Mossum of "L6ndon, has been a visitor et the horse of Mr. and Mrs. James McPhee during the past. week. Miss 'Clete Ford returned to St.- Thomas last week to resume her duties AS a member of the steff- of Ailna College - Mrs, Hoover -Ward of Guelph was its town last week, coming up to be Phone 144 present at the Prowse Wisetnan -wedding on Saturday. Miss Dorothy Rorke "left Monday for St. Thomas to resume her studies at Alma College. Mr, Berke mo- tored his daughter to St. Thomas, Mr. Elmore'ifarness, ~wife and faun., sly of ,Clinton, culled on friends in Exeter on their : way to soond the week -end in Granton. -- Exeter, Tiinos. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burrows and little Miss Margaret 'and a niece of 'Stratford 'were the guests last week of the former's aunt, Mrs. Pendobaker. Mrs. Abner Cosens of Wingham was in town for a few hours'on Monday on her way home from 'Goderich, whore she had spent a few days with relatives, Dr. and Mrs. MaeCalluni of Kings-. ton were in town' last week attend- ing the marriage of Mrs, MacCal- turn's sister, Miss Margaret Wiso- man on Saturday. ' ' Mrs. D. C. Cunningham•atook her lit tae daughter, 'Miss Patricia, to St. Thomas on Monday and entered het asa pupil in the Junior depart- ment of Alma College. Mrs. James Shepherd returned Mon- day onday after spending'a fortnight vis- iting relatives at Paris. ' She was accompanied by her cousin; Mrs'; Perriot, who 'will visit her for some weeks. Miss Emily Hunter and Miss Dorothy Jervis' left Tuesday morning, the former fol• ;Minden, the -titter for -Kinniount, having accepted': schools for the fall terns at these ,respoc tivo,placos. - IVfiss . Freda. Wallis left Tuosday for, Walkerton to be .presesrt :at .the marriage of :Miss I illian Fairfull, which took place yesterday. . To- day Miss tlrallis goes iso Guelph to commence a course at Macdonald Institute. Miss Norah Cooper, who had spent a fortnight. visiting her aunts, Mrs. A. J. IVIorrish and Mrs:` W. C Brown of ,Clinton left for' her home' in Colliiigwood on, Monday, Miss Norah enters Normal at Toronto `next week. Miss Minnie Gilchrist, who spent a month in Saginaw, Micas;, motor- ing over with Mi. ";and Mrs. Lbgan. returned home, .Satusday. ` She was accompanied by hes si ter, Miss Jane Gilchrist, who will, spend some weeks here. • - 1VMr. W. N. Manning of the' firm of Sherlock -Manning, 'piano manufac- turers, London and Clinton, sails` from Quebec today on a busines and pleasure trip to Europe. ° Mr, Manning will probably be absent a couple of months: Mrs. Will Jenkins is at Watford this week attending the4all fair, where she is acting as-jdtlge of ladies' work, flowers, etc. Mrs. Jenkins will act as judge at a number of fairs this ;fall, being sent out by the Department of Agriculture. Mrs. H. 13.. Chant, who for several - weeks has been visiting' relatives at Long Branch, 'Toronto, and else- where, returns hone this ' week"' 9 While away Mrs. Chant lead the misfortune to sustain e e , a NewFall u l t n Swell i tailoring is . • usually thought to Bost a swell price.: We' prove the falsity of that P idea .by ;our moderate prices.; THE SEASONS STYLES are ready for your inspection.: We will tailor you a suit in any • style and Cloth you may select at a price that competes closely with ready-made elotbing. Davis Herman, VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W Call and sec. this Wonderful Ware at Moderate na yr severe s ixat of :.e. , , n h right •aP I1.. entirely- a t� n ire f t 1 Ernest Ellwood od mato -ed to London Y t wo t Loi d n . i PLUMBING 11LECT IC WI tI G R- R N A E I HARDW disaliIin her arm; but she has a- uno da 'Nast woelc and to�olc in g SPECIAL AP DEA One Cake Palmolive Soap, . regular 10c One plcg. Princess Soap Chips, regular 5c ne Dealyto each. Customer i 4 a 1a bars any kind c 65c Big Tea Bargains Black Tea, lb 48c -Hursley Tea, lb Ou.r Own Tea lb Monarch Special, lb 75c Tea Market .Strong;. 3uy Now 58c 65e 10 lbs Gran. Sugar 2 lbs Seeded Raisins 97c 25c� Z, lbs Seedless Raisins 25c 5 lb pail of Lard $1.10- Bodrey's.,Marsh allow :Gabes, each 20c WEA. -ETD SPECIALS Fresh Salmon Trout, per lb 2 lbs loose Macaroni for 20c 25c Star Macaroni, per.pkg a 25c Fresh Grapes -from. California. Peaches from Southern States Musk Melons Cash & C rrg 2 Deliveries HIGH GRA °►F E I�,IEY . The mode for the Autumn Season is now ready and our com- plete Stock of dress and street hats are more :striking and effective than ever. . The richly' toned colors --- The new favors ° of trimming,• These and many other fashion ideas invite your Interest. rah e Vogue 71-2, BULBS ,Alfred W. Anderton Plant Paper White Narcissus for early bloom, easily grown in either water or soil. Hundreds of fine bulbs now in, stock. Special 50 each J. Crniiitlaame -Florist Phones 31: 17GW 72-3 F eopie Y Know. Mr William Tasker of Preston spent y,.- the week -end with his mother in town. Mr, Sidney Watts of the Bell Tele- phone staff, Hamilton, is holidaying at his horn in town. Mrs. John Jervis of the Bayfield road spent the week -end with:leer. sister, Mrs. M. '$nyder, Albert Street, Mr. Tony Pugh of Detroit is .spend- ing a• few days' with friends in town Tony's old friends are glad to see Mini., Mr , Arthur• Tyndall attended. the au- tumn meeting of the Goderich Me- tlsodist District at Goderich ,yester- Rev. U A. A. Holmes and Rev, C. J.• Moorhouse were'ioi attendance•6t -e the District nseeting in Goderich • ,yesterday. M and -Mrs; Organist St. James Church, London. Lessons in Voice, Piano, Organs tin;l, Theory. Pupils prepared fore 4/fir grades Toronto. Coiiser�vatery'exanrin- ations._:• Studio—Mrs. J. B. Cook's Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 54: 41-tf.'. PURE COMB HONEY FOR SALE CLOVER, HONEY in one 'pound sections, price 25 cents per section. Erect ':delivery in Clinton. • Shipments made of not less than 24 seetions, express extra, ' Orders may be left' at The News Record. Office. IRVING BROTHERS - APIARY. near C.N.R, D pot CLINTON, ONTARIO. 36-tf. Elliott Walters of the Mi71 .Rode-, Seaforth, spent the eating1 week=.end ' as • guests of Mrs. Wan. iVTiiler " Jr Mx. D. A. Andrew Ieft.Yesterday for ,Guelph, •where -he enters tide 0.A, •C.. to finish his course. Mr. An, •drew has been. appointed assistant dean -of residence. Mr. M. Page acid Miss Evelyn 'Car- ' .ter of Toronto and Mrs, E. J. Car- ter of Belgrave were guests at the: home of Mr. Ed, Carter,. Princess street, for a few days last week. .Mr. Fred Butts •returned last week to Clinton after a year's absence in, England, Mrs. Botts had not vis- ited his native land for a -number of years and he found many changes there. Mrs.T George Acheson and her niece, Miss Brownell, of Toronto have been •guests 'during the past week. at the home of the former's nephew, Mr. J. A,' Ford. The ladies are now visiting relatives in Goderich. Mr. Welly Cook of Hamilton and his sister, •Mrs. W. Atkens of Teton - to have been in town this week- lookiiig after the settlement oi' their late father's business. The,•;fam- ily horse on the corner„ Albert' and Mill streets' is being put ,u5 for sale. Go'.,ericb Thwaaslaip Many are looking forward to` Por- ter's Hill School Fair on :Saturday. This is always a most important event and this year it is :hoped it will be big- ger and.'. better than ever . IVO'. and Mrs: W. I -I, Johnston, Itir, and Mrs, George Cook' and Mr. y the bout recovered from the sane, We,.tern Fair When contemplating a new heating' system: er having your old one repair- ed, get prices. Also anything' in Ranges or Heaters'. The best snakes always on hand at exceptionally low prices. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Hard- ware -and Glass always on hand, THREE OF A IK.IND 131iffalo P111 has the wild west show, With rough riders fiom'every Iand; Ringling Brothers have the circus; Advertised so great and grand. One 'claims this, the other' claims that; Both are worth going to see; But when it comes to setting up stoves Tom Hawkins' is the nigii for ME. 'He tabes thin 'down, cleans' them up, Ansi makes them good as -new; His prices are right—not out 6f sight; He is also° the man for YOU. Phone 214 s FORbIBR HURON COUNTY MAN, ON LECTURE TOUR.TO TIIE WEST Thomas McGillicuddy, Tor thirty- seven years in the service of the`On- tai5'o Government as a .Wien Der o'f tire e i 'craft of Che Bureau of industries, ljc oaconent q£ Agriculture, retired last Phone 84 1 To those looking for real bargains inPhonographs and Records.. We are offering very special prices pis all our machines so you will he able to enjoy the long fall' and winter evenings and be happy. Just look over these bargains then come in and see for yourself. Columbia, Phonograph in Mahogany, regular price $190 special 5100 Columbia Phonograph in Walnut, regular price $97.50, ..at 575.00 Canadian Phonograph in Welnut,regular price 5115 at ..,.$87.50, 3 Small table Phonographs in fumed oak, reg. 537.50 at.. -520.00 Records, all kinds and sizes, 3 for , ..,- $1,00 Hardware Department Now is the time to look your old roofs over. We have all kinds of Brantford roofingand siding at all. prices. Let us figure: on your job. Redltced prices on Screen boors;. Windows, Screens, New Per- fection Oil Cook Stoves, Ovens and Stepladders. ' Mixed nails one to six inches long at $8.00 per 100 pounds. A. few seeond hand ranges in good condition; for coal or wood,. at low prices... . . co Before going any further with your heating problem Call on us and we will. give you estimates for a heating system that is absolute- ly guaranteed,- , Clinton icon Hardwire and Furniture Co TEE STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware' 195 UR ELrii e & SiIPL3SY VINEGAR Do not risk your "pickles. £o inferior grades of vinegar. Buy- the best qu: Ity. We guarantee oticpavisnegar -and otxr Prices are ;the. best. CAULIFLOWER, SILVER 3EII;1 ONIONS PICKLERS & CUCUMBERS Redpath's best granulated for the ,preserving requirements. It in- sures your fruit keeping. PROMPT SERVICE Q'UALI'TY GOODS THE C, GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W,. f LOW PRICES Branch Store, Phone 125 J., SCIRAN'Ttlr IN COA After several years of interrupted service our Old Line Coal Companies, the B. L, & W. and D • "& H. are now shipping us coal regularly, and coal of superior quality to anything that has been re- ceived in Ontario for years. . SUMMER PRICES are new on, and while it is warm'these days let it remind you that when Summer comes Winter is sure to follow. LET US HAVE YOU x•. =s, 1. ER Place, your order with the firm that has: always made a special effort to supply what you want when you want` it, whether Winter or Summer, avail or little, Egg or Stove. We pan give you service on any of the following: Grate -Egg Stove Pea Coal Coke once tic Lump Caine/ ne Sanithing We also have on hand a fresh carload of CANADA CEMENT and a variety of choice WOOD. • At BRUCEFIELD YARD - we 'have. in stock Chestnut„ Stove, Coke, Cement, Lumber and Shingles. • tistard week; He was for a number of years Tha Goderich Signal. Mr.; McGi114-• a resident of ;.Iluron comity, he and cuddy leaves shortly on a Chautauqua✓ kis brother, the late Dan lcCilttu tdd v lecture tour t irou h asito a and1 being in partnership inpublishing Saskatchewan.