HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-09-18, Page 5' rh t eel arcs � lew .-Ra�ct , rrason,` 2 II te'de_ ourp44�� his eeent ? el life Secretes eton eft Inst Gve VAIrl es en Sr he . h"t fo ndf]t T -Me cls -c dt r�. d0�r gd't�'";lt '. neeon 6, years of age, survives, et'eaved widow and a son r$'hter; Mr,,+Chas, Mau"' Tuelge7. 'iii, ansa Mrs.{ l?a lkrizeto oc rich. There our p gbh ,1?�r 2 oseph, Jame fill oeorg$ 1}s'i nn of . Ilullett ee sastezc 1141SS 7ennie Mans s s' It iii Flitietee . 11ul1ett, and ele 141Xs eohs Bart Mc7lzllpp. The iu- neral Was: held.o a Sunday• .,. The 135 z ears' in the proses ion+.to Clzntori veal t etery,,where ` interment was 'triad ,, 5- ',showed ti' ed the 7i�e tt synijpatbv felt by i I the 4oighbos'laood- for the bereaved I family. in the sudden passing of an pd honest: lzardworl-in ` c an I kind hus- spent 'the ;i�'pa1 elat T1ss 'Aim 'MhIKav I S a haft on unc<}p* London, where she intends talcing isjness course in the 'Western 1 13, Commerce, 'lltersday last was Bayfield Civic May.' and the weather was kind, nth enabling a -'large number of the aztlzez?s ; to attend- the Western, ExIii- ztion in: London; Mr. W. H. Robinson and family of `J.ohdoi, occupied their cottage on De - even street over the week -end. Mr,and. Mrs. L. 31, Day:and'fant- y returned to •Detroit en Saturday ter spendin • the summer months" their cottage near the lake, MI'S. S.'A. HIolley:and :'Mrs, A. C. Suppnick and family left: on Thurs- day last for Deltrolt after having. Spent the summer in "Holley Lodge" on the Terrace, Mrs. II. A. Lawson' and family of Stratford have returned to their slim- mer cottage here after spending a fe:v' days in Stratford, Mrs, G. Reath of Hamilton spent" Monday at her cottage, "The Cedars." Mi. R. T. Orr, Miss Kathleen. and" Messrs. Thomas and Join Orr, of Stratford spent the `week -end at their cottage on the Terrace. Miss Olive 'Tiehbornc""of . Goderieh, is visiting Miss Anna ,Weods,' Rev, A. Macfarlane was in Lon- don on Wednesday attending a Pres- bytery meeting. Mr. and SlIrs.- W. R. Jowett and „ `Misses Ethel and Grace Jowett havi, returned from, a few days visit in Port Huron,, • Lay reader F. G. Neelin of Sea - forth t o conducted endue ted ervi s ces in Trinity church on Sunday Last, .Weare gbe -to ltnow that the rector is recovering,' from his illness. One of -'the oldest residents of Bay, ,field passed to rest, early Tuesday aearning in the person of NUS. Rebec-• 'ea Woods, widow of the late Willii4lat Woods of John, Street, _ Mrs. Woods, whose maiden name :was R - beeca Bunter was eightyo -years oC age. ;She 'leaves to mourn two daughters, Miss Clara Woods at hone and Mrs. Chris, Dresser also of the village. The funeral. takes place today at 2 p.nt, from, her" Iate -resi- dence. Mr, and Mrs. Geo• Gambling' :family, Tho„ g :and y, 5 have. apetii-tlro.isumnter .months ,in 111e. W. H. Robinson's ottage, retui'ned to London ;on Sun An g Sun - Mrs, IKenidall and Miss Bed's( Ken- dall returned to' London on Saturday ' after speeding the ern nreee months in our midst.. Mi, Wtir. Stinson, 54','• Root. Pen - hale, Mrs. .Geo.. Reid .and Miss Ida• =Reid,niotored to London on T7vursday last Mrs. zs. Isabella la Woods went n to Kin - fare -atter on Tuesday last 'to visit her, aunt, Mrs. 115. Grtihan, 1V1e. anl'11Ii.s. A;,C. Braddon •enc:' faintly retuijled to the village on' Tiles/lay after having• a week's holt-. clay. Me. and Mrs, Ilenry Lord of Lon- don were weel;-eud:gueete at the lat tter's mother's, .Mrs. John Davidson, On Friday afternoon at 4180 there will -be a baseball game on the local diamond ;lie'trieen" the Goderieh and alayield. teams.' ' • This promises Lo- be a good game. In the evening sen"Old Trite", dente and euchre par- ty Will be.givenin the, town hall by the :Bayfield baseball team, -Come and enjoy a pleasant evening.and help support the baseball boys, Mrs. Albert Carty and son of De- troit visited her mother, Mis. Mar- g ret Green, fol31'<,few days;' last weer... ' , Mr, Banes of Auburn conducted the service iii the Methodist' church on Sunday last. Tnesday and Wediieeda.,.`'Se t:. I'•' 23rd.;and 24th are important dates. h Do not f rg et Bayfield Fair; Which- is *ten expected to su}ipass ,itself this year. CEI. grand concert will; be given on the evening of the ,second .day foie - e15 ieh specialtalent has, been seeur-' 5505105 MANN.AN'ESTEEIV,IED a'. f..1ISESIDENT Or^. of L... ,. U LbTT TOR.N- 511IP DIES AS RESiJ'LT OP ACCIDENT a`A highly'respected -resident. of'.the Iluron road' passed away on Thurs- i4ay, :September lath; in, the- person f 14Tr. �` P n, 7� b Moses s Mann, , 1 ,, aged 48 wY Years, 11 1 oaths and .11 days, as the result ofi serious accident which occurred sda s, Sept. . dth. On account - of the wet c , 1veek on tate Stapleton weathe- , hill w'as int- .' ,esti le B an i` d t. was intended antea ut e . d t o w put p cu lv r• els .n., bel;weeH the top of the hill ad. Clinton.' : A the Ag ploughs ae•s• r p g and � i z , t ,. 1 7 vc.:e all at the 1tiIl-''' p'' Mr as rS and 14 r T . R oB t.'- Mtr arl' a ' ' 1 nee" each . rOVP,'.a team an aback to get them, 'Via; fib had his team hitched to a light on, one horse being in the ehaft9, the other along side. After ln:,ithe scrapers, which -were hhust " op of the hill, the two wagons turning, Mr, Mclarlane be. „front: Bearing a sound he e. -.back „front.: d-saw Mr. Mann-ly- 'on the road, having fallen over, e •side of the wagon when. the left alit wheel ,pitched into a 'deep•, rut, , r `Aio,rses slid not run away and I ej)t " Elting on as -: though -nothing ;had,; 4ppened.. Mr.' Mann' was not un- altetions at any' time until his death, ho rs 1, 31x a later, 'hut iram,`the `first;t t as I,;no ate and, father. The services wero conducted by Rev, Mr. Moorhotese of Clinton • -and the pallbearers , were Messrs Geo. Mann, fsr.,."Joseph Mann John` Mann, eu., Join. Mann, jr.,, and' George ea o Matni, jr., and -RoBt. Free- man. I4i arrtages PROWSE—WISEMAN-Ai; the home of the. bride's parents; Clinton,; on' ',Sept. 13th, by the Rev, J. 'Edward Bogt,, Margaret Lillian, youngest daughter of Mr,' and Mrs, .John Wiseman . of Cliaaton, • to Evan Prowse 'of Detroit. Deaths - .MANN—In Hullett towleship on Sept•, 11th, Moses; Mann, Aged 48 years 'and '11 months, i ' WOODS—In Hayfield, ea Sept. l6th, Rebecca Bunter, widow of the late William Woods, agel'SO years. • PRIZE WINNERS- (Continued -frim -Page- 4) _Eggs Class S7 -Dozen White Eggs: drey Carter, 6 . Tuekersmith; Neal, 12 Hullett; ;Charles Daje,1 lett; Stewart Dale, 1 ;H'ulbeft; Is Linsay, 11 Goderich; Earl Gartwr 4 Hallett. • Class 3$—Dozen Brown Eggs; drey y Carter, GTiicicersniitla, Bea Snell,` 4 Tucicersmith; Margaret''F 4 Tuekersinith,; Jahn Lindsay, 11 eriche; (Hazel Hoggart, 5 Hullett; ver Wight, 1 1-Iullett.. Sfock Class 39a -Beef Calf:.11%axim LeB 1 Stanley; Jahn McFarlane," , ley; Gratlt-Sne'11;,5 Hallett. Cecil S ley, 1 Stanley.' Claes' 40 74Iaricet Lamb; An Carter,.6 Tuoicersmith; Hiigh Bal Tuckersimth Class 41 Pair-i3acon Hogs: 3I bourne Ball, 4 Tackersnith, • Class : 42 --.'alter Broken Colt; beet Turner, Div. 2, Clinton, Jos. Bailey, Union 2, Hullett. Class 43—Agrioulturaf Colt: Jos II. Bailey, 2 Hullett; Robt. Turn Div,• 2, Ciilt'ton. Fruit Class 44—Collection of Apples: 1t Townsend,, G Tuckeesolit!f; A'udr Carter, 6 Titekersmith;. Lleyd Batk 11 Goderich; Teleyd' Medd, .4 l3ulle Allan Neal, 12 Hullett; Gladys Peed 11 Goderieh, Baking and Cooking , Cla s 4'v— it ' WJh e zea s B a Mita Fe 4 Tuck r e Sltaith; Viola Johnston 2 eft; Niornia Snell, G Hullett;' Mary R ey',4 Ilullett; Alva Smith,12 ITnllet Class 411—Graham or ,Bran Muffin Edith'Gibbings, 6 Tucicersiuith; Mabel Sundt-reock,11 Stanley; Marian Mathe- on,,4.Tuckersinith; Ruth Hugill, 1 Hullett; ,Dorothy E. E. Walters, 4 ekersmith, Class °47—Ginger Cookies: Earl art -might, 4 Hullett; Beatrice Riley, ullete. „ lass 48---Tea.BiseuitsrIsabel Linde a3; 11 Goderieh;Norna Snell, 5 Hul- ett. Class 49 -Currant Tarts: Marian atheson, 4 Tuekersmith; Isabel Lind"sayi 1-1 Goderieh, Marian. Stew rt 4 Hullett; Grace Gibbin'g3, 6 Tuck_ rsntith; Mary Riley, 4 Hullett; Ruth twill, 1 Ilullett,:• Claes 50 -Homemade Candy Olive lew, '4 'Tualcersauith; Madeline Cleve Tucke'rsjnith; .Mary Riley, 4Hulletl;- adeline Picket, . 11 "Goderieh; Mar-: aret Fear. 4 Tucicersmith; Margaret oss, 1 Hallett. class 51 -=School; Lunch 'Marian ason, 12 Ilullett; Isobel Siendercock,. Sta7ale • Isabel 1 Li Y, e ndsay, 11 Goderich.. Class 52 --Patch on Gingham:' Iso_ I Lindsay, 11-Goderieh; Isobel Nott, Hallett; Irene Vadden, 11-Goderieh; ole Johnston, -12 `Goderieh; Marion other, 10 Hallett iblai •Leet Pear; Au - Allan lIul- abel fight All trice ear, God - 01i. eau tan- drey 1, 4 eI- Il; eph er, ay eY in, tt ae, ar, , I3ut. t. 0: s .fin 4 a iI G 4; 14 gR al ,1 be 5 151 F 4 Turker,,,iith • Needlework, Ete. . Class -58--Three Buttonholes. Eva- •lye Dale, 1 Hulietti;-Isobel,.'Nett, 5 Hullett, Marion Stewart, 4 Hullett, " 'Glass 54 --Colored Handkerchief': Mary Reynolds,- Sep, 2 Hallett; Al- bert Nett, 5' Hullett, ,Class 55 -Darning: on. S1;oching. IVTarion Mason, 12 Hallett, Class '56=Tasting; 'Ethel Ross, . 1 Ilett; Mary azy Riley,'4 Hullett; Pearl per, , 4 Tucicersmith. lase 5 - 7 Guest Towel: • . Mar Riley, Hullett; Anna Beadle, 0 Ilullett;. a Fear, 4 Tuckterstiiith. lass 58 -Any Model in Wood: D. eman- 1 I-Iu 11ett> �•- f ' L Freeman, 1 lett; M. Ball; 4 Tuchersniaith; H. 1, 4 TuckesnBth; G. Smith, 12 G. H.; R. (Cartwright 4, Ilullett, lass as 59—Six Named Inuits: H. 4 Tuckersmith; ; A, Carter, 6 lcersznith;.-G, Lindsay, 11 Goderich Bakal, 11 Goderieh; S. Dale, 1 lett. lass 60—Patch Sewn on Grain Bag Carter, 6: Tucicersmith; G. `Lind - 11 Goderieh, lass s s—:"' r 1 Brd Mouse: ouse; H. A. Bale ucicersmith; Johnny --D -Deeves, 11 ez•ieh. rawing, Painting and Writing ass 62—Map of w 4 .TonshipsE. ichael, 1-Hulletef Margaret Rosa ullet-t; Chas. Wright, 1 Ilullett: ourne Ball, 4 Tuckerseath; Carl ford, 5 Hullett; Geo. Radford; e Hu '0 4 Rit C Pre e Hut Bl a and 4C Ball Tim W. I-Iui C A. say, C 4 'T God D 01 MeV 1 H Melo Rad c1 ilo e" p ,for. nitre ,ass G3 --Map of 014 Ohtario:Win- d Freeman, 1 Hallett Nfabel :0 ii Pearl` Pepper 4 eftaxsrtrt3;Slu Ball, 4 '1'ucice_sazrltli; gxnia"Snell Ilul:ott. Clas, 65-1. tta y Pc list Bone Margaret TtoS 1 Ilullett• Ruth I gill 1 Mullett; Marion Snell, 5 II lett Eileen 5iann, �1 Mullett: Eyel Dale, 1 Mullett; Isabel Weir, Tani 2,` , ,glass G(�-Wt ttitg, Indian Slimmer: Isabel .Lindsey 11 Goderich;, E. 3M Michael, 1 Mullett; Jessie Dale, 1 lett Madeline Pickett, 11 Goderieh ,Call Radford, 5 Mullett; Vera Sun dei c c1 - 0 1 Stanley. Class „07—Writing , Lead Kindly Light':Ethel 12os.-, 1 Mullett; Mabel Wright, 1 Ilullett; Grant Snell,`5 Iiui, lett Irelie: Vodden, 11 Godeirieh• Eliz Morrison, 2 Sep. Hullett; �A lfrid Freeman, Mullett. Class 68 -Writing, Recessions Ha- zel Freeman;. 1 Mullett; Gladys Per- due, 11 Goderich;Irene Smith, 11;Ged. etieh; Norma Snell;'5 Mullett; Edith Flynn, 2 Sep.-; Edith Gibbings 6 Hid- I/9 1:,We'reubiddinint ILo, cyour1trade. It yon want elca,i Mesh iClroe'eiies . of Best S .. ,. "Make 071.. Store �'onr. ', y v rice the bave't+t n c, S�iel.staaath' � teas„ „'i Breast;, s u .. 60c ' 1 Calces. of Castile Soap .,.....25c c.:( 10 Bars sf L ai'nEy Soap :..48c 5 lbs. o Pure Lard nl- 1 Ib 7lirealiast Bacon (in piee) 52c -m jj pkgs. Jelly Powder . .,35c on 1, Class 69 Essay: ,Mary Reynolds, 2 Sep ; Norma Snell,5 Hullett Class 70—Penci5 .:Drawing: Mar- garet Ross, 1 Hullett;WEsolyn McMich- ael, A, Hallett; Melbotzrn"e"Ball, 4 Tieck- smith, Edna Cook, '4 Tucicersmithl Madeline Pickett,. 11 - Goderich; Rae. Perdue, 11 Goderieh. Class 71 Witter Color Drawing; Stewart Dale, 1 Hullett; Edna Flynn, Sep, 2; Gladys Perdue, 11-Goderich;' Irene Smith, 11 Goderieh; Hazel Free - titan, 1'Hallett;' Mary Reynolds, Sep. 2:. Weed§,`: Seeds and Insects :Class 72 -Ten Weeds: D. Freeman 1 Hullett; S. Dale, 1 Flnhlett; G. MC - Ewen, 1 Stanley; Gordon Snell, 5 Hal- lett; G. Neal, 12 G. " and H. Class 73 --Ten Weeds Seeds: Roy Elliott, 11 Goderieh;' Ray Perdue, 11 Goderich; John Deeves, 11 Goderich; Edna Flynn, Sep'.'2 Hullett; D. Snell, 5 I:Hiatt, Class 74—:Six Beneficial Insects: G. Wright, 1 Ilullett, :Class 75 -Sic Injurious Insects: C. Wright, 1,Hullett. Class 76—Twenty Forest Leaves: Lawrence Falconer, 4-Tuckersmith; IL Freeman, 1 Hallett; A. Carter, '6 Eluckersmith; Luella Powell, 11 Gode.. rich. Sehsgol Choruses ' Class 78—School Chords: 12"..Hal- lett and Goderieh; 5 Hullett; 4 Hullett: School Parad , Class z 79-S•ol001'PR '' za 1 Hullett 1 Stanley, .2 ;Sep. Hullett, 4 Rullett. Judging, Class 80 --Judging Beef Cattle: Max .I,,eBeou, 1 Stanley; Raymond 'tart - weight, 4-Hullete Cara-weight,'4•Huliett; 3, H. Bailey, Sep. No, 2; JoIm' McFarlane, 1 Stanley; Bob Turner,. Clinton; nt 0nI L' 1 D yd Medd, Hu11 , ett .. ,a Orange. Banquet A banquet will be tendered 'officers of Imperial Lodge, Toronto, by local'. 'L,O,L,, inthe town 7aaIl, .Clanton, on Friday evening, .Sept. 26t1t, Tickets, •$1,00 each, may be ;procured frons, the .banquet committee ' of Murphy Lodge, 72-2 ' Rouse For ,Sale Residence of the late Arthur Cook, corner Albert 'arid 'Mill streets,' Cilia tan. ICey at Mr. Walter Ring's. 72-tf. Ra z tr a eller sale Imperial Oelozd range, with' high shelf and copper reservoir, . Gall af- teroons en Mrs. C. E. Jervis, Huron street,' ' 72-11. Pears and Plums' scA quantity of pears and plums for, sale at the orchard just north of Clin- ton, Chas.. Lindsay, • 72-1-p. • 'Pdflets•and Pear's For Sale 30 Barred Rock pullets from ,Guild's best lityina strain, alsoa quantity .of good presehving; pairs." Mrs, Hirano Hill 72.2.p. Homemade Baking Sale The Ladies''Ai4 iif Holmestille Me- thodist church will hold a -sale of homemade baking, buttermilk, etc„ in Mr. W. 54, Aihen's stone, Albert street, C1inten on Saturday afternoon;. September 27th. Sale at03 o'clock, 72-2. For Sale Baley'S, buggy and sluing, also high chair' and corrode chair; - Apply to Mrs. T. E, Mason,-.;. Summerhill. Phone 3 on 638. 72-11 A'Concert Course :, A series of concerts -will be_given under auspices of Girls': Auxiliary conrnseiecing Monday, Nov. 3rd and the following dates, Nov. 28th, Dec, 16th, and Febraiary 23rd. • Season tickets $1.50 inay be secured froth any member of the Girls' Auxiliary. Auction Sale of Rouse and At the residenee, Albe t strer teeett,, e on Saturday, Oetober 4th, at two o'clock as follows:-' A Wafer; steel range; Gena Jewel hea to}; sheet iron . heat r• e , Standard Kerogas g s oil stove; tet o bma.y iiez ne rl ` new, .Piot Blast oil ,heater; :one burner oil 5tbee, quantity of stove pipes near - 1 y new; oak sectional boolcease ,boot; stand e oeic secretary. wicker roelce -; oak rocker, oak rock with.leather urhoistry, parlour table; jardiniere. stands, n galaaan • g .y Ottaman stool=' room dining chairs9 ft; odic erten- . s - sigtable; • z bte, sideboard couch; Singer: sewing machine; 2 oak bedroom suitea two iron !bedsteads with sp•ings; one sin i S single nn of las Iron n Bedstead with good anattres, and springs, p b nearly' new stretcher; cupboard; 2 kitchen tables; kitchen chairs; camp chairs'. small table; wash tubs; copper boiler;' wits get, quantify of dishes-, seaIers; crocks; cooking' utensils, garden tools and many artieles, too „numerous to mention`.' ; Also,, if not sold =previous to clay of sale, a seven -roomed. frame house, in good repair- Sun room at- tached, good stone -cellar, town water*,, 7/4 acre :of land with fruit trees. T'erm's: ori household effects, cash, On reat,estate, 10.;per cent,' :on'day.a sale, balance in 15 days, MrbongIrn Proprietress. H Auc- tioneer. 72-3. JOHNS( THE 4 piece Toilet: Set . gP,,00 [42desert Cups only , •••:•60c % dozen .Cups and Saucer ..35e 1/..; doze,n. `plates ,,800 1 Doz.!' Cloverleaf Cup, ,Saucers: 52.60 3 Don Jai Rubbers . ,25c '0l' �i lid Phone $ The Washer that turns the clothes over and o er with a powerful Vacuum Plungerand which forces• h.oth Air Water through and through the clothes, which is the modern method of washing, for Sale by 1_ 11a ,V ENNERi Clinton Electrician Phone 151w `hat's What min read) Made with the finest ingredients, r � �Poerl blended, assures properly ,,. y�� "of getting a won- derful loaf. TRY JT -9• -Your Grocer has , it, or we will deliver' -it to your door fresh daily. �a J. BROWN & BAITER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 We .•tug and Pag Cash EGG: All eggs ,purchased areai p d for accor(n Cover ae nt grades,Coue and,see yours classified. We make is special arrangement with,all farmers Who desire to co operate in marketing, and will supply individual cases. - POULTRY; - All our poultry is'.bou ht alive t • g o on a graded . and gnaIity basis. 11 ' you want to make your - poultry :plant pay as it ,• should, consult us about the breeds that are most profitable. ,We are here to serve you, 'One of the ,biggest drawbacks to the poultry industry lies with they producer. Let us -explain our new effort to overeome'this. ' G 'JNN LANGLOIS Si CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUEBEC. Write, phone or. call at cur Clinton office, N. W. Tie artha, Manage Clinton ranch Day Phone 190 • - N' Phone ig. n 214 W e We are again buying grain for ' shipping ,• " Will be loading saritl g s`of wheat FridayandSaturday • of this week and Also next weel A car of feed Barleyy will be loaded next week. Get our. • prices before selling. ' • O NKINS 82 `Office Phone 199 Nigh£ 1,41 and 129 ; r n H.e VENNE ` Electrician � E e l ckrie Pan is Fixtures, p Bulbs, s, Irors, Farssa;rd •other Appliances •', `Wir'in d g .. acr ,JRet3aa's. PIiE9i3,e. fs, Tiev:. STRA`YE'D• ' Strayed' from: lot 21, 1, egii'. 5, Stanley, about"the'lst .ofAugust, a roan d horned steer. Finder please notify Beattie Bros), Varna. 72-2 Cattle ,' le I"o i. Sale The t -u ndersigned has for s I ae a splendid bunch of 21 2 -year-old steers 5 Pelled' Angus; 6 Herefords and the ba0a` ace Du z • hams ..Lot ' 39, conges- sion,o;; Goderieh township'. ' "Percy Weao t na L', y . L fi eld. " 72-tf , Scot ash a. als r lannele rte Blankets, large 90 • per pair e 64'inpch•Flamiels,arYd good colors r 1.� Q 1 'K Silo 15illi ng , The t •si -tt ade sed is } g open p engage - me merit's s at silo filling. •Gasoline out - ,fit'. . C, R,, ,holland, R:' R, No. 4, Paten. Plicate 15 on 607: 72-4-p - ' ` Bazaar - Under theiauspices of 'the W.M S., of the' Ontario:Street chivelee-will be held in'the townhaIl on the afternoon of October -3rd, It will`open at 2:30. Fancy work of : all kind -9,. home made baking' and 'candy, vegetables, etc„ will be 'sold: Afternoon'' tea will he served, 72-2 Music Lessons 14TissJean Mclliurnhie ,A;C.A,al- is prepared l p d to take both senior 'and • junior pupils in piano, also junior pu- pils, in thea. and r Y harmony.' Applyon at rosideree King street, Clinton., Phone 154 , 71 -ti. eO Fingering Yarn _, per -10 1.20` Wheeling' lin 'Yarn pern lb. .Old Men's n Work ' Boots. s, at $3.00, $3.50 and $4,25 2en's All' Wool Sweater Coats, ,each Men's Overalls Pei.'" pair $1,90, $2.50, and; 52.75 iD 2. C 0 T "LI PIIONil 63 Uottl ands 0Ir1 ' Stand f are B 771; 118T4 of all Mods, f.JU NAMED, STORE" it ling, Lubricating, Paintiai;, •eke. Also on Elephant White Lead and Paints ome in andet our g � prices if you wish to save money Boys s e mto for your Bicycle Ke�airs<- l We carry allparts an. make all repairs to'all wheels Our Wolk Guaranteed We are headquarters for. Plow :Points and Soles; all kinds Special prices on two, and three. Burner Oil Stoves . Bird aril Sons Pariod'Roofing and Shingles at prices lower • than for years past : ,Clinton. Flo�ar ells North Star (Pure Manitoba) ..$4,00' l(faple rtLenf .(Blend) ,...$3.20 -Snow Flalie (Pastry) ,. :.$3.60 500 lb. lots 20c.. per.cwt, less, We have a quantity of our own. make of Bran and Shorts. 1 Bran, per ;cwt. •,$1.40 Shorts, per cwt, • $1,50 We pay the highest prices : for wihept. Get our prices before *selling. 72-1, Cly DMI Tllc Mr. Farmer ! Draining 's very important. Yoti cannot •afford to farm without draining.. , When you drain, use good clay tile —fog sale by Thos." McKenzie, Clin- ton, or delivered: direct' to' ypu by :Ruggles' Lemke.; . ., We solicit your trade, either 'through Mr. McKenzie, our agent at Clinton,. or direct with us, W. M. c S oat �cafor P illi. Phone 136-r-2, Seafoeth Central. 74)-3 - For Sale The HohnessviUe Cheese Factory. Good 'brick building. Apply to Jas. Connolly,Godericli. 71-4-p, Rouse For Sale Frani° house on Joseph street, in good repair. r. 6 rooms, geed Cellar, verandah, town.water in house« ?.i acre of. ,garden with fruit trees and small fruits. Apply on premises to Mrs, B. Cole, or to W. Brydone, 71-4.p. Seed Wheatland Plums For Sale - A quantity„of 0.A.C. No, 104 Pall Wheat, also Dawson Golden Chafe,' two leading varieties, clean and suitable for seed. Alsp'several varieties of plums. Apply tp Loren' Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Phone 11-686, Clinton-Cen- tral, linton-Central. 71-2-p. For Sale The administrators of the estate of William Doherty, deceased, offer for sale his Tate. residence and the ad- joining lands, (25 acres more or -less), on which are erected substantial end well-equipped +bu,ildings. Apply to J. E. Doherty on the premises, or to W. Brydene, solicitor for the.estate. 70-t1. For Sale The former Jeyner property.. rive - roomed cottage with large snnaroom. Electric light and town, water in house. -3 acres of good laird .and all kinds of fruit trees«' .,Will be solea reasonably. Apply to Mrs. McCal- lum, Commercial Inn, Clinton. 63-11, House for Sale j( Brick' -hopse -on Princese street, 7 roams and t . summer litcilen, town 'water, also soft water in kitchen, ce- Ment easement, feepaee, eleetrie light, acre garden, writhe .emall fruits; Stable. ,Apply to Miss Mabel -Rath- well, Varna.. Phone 83-606, Clinton central, , . , '02-12 For, Sale The attractive andf ea ' b utifuIl Y Io= sated property belo' `m to C. D Bou ek situated ,on igh street Clin- ton, The house has a beautiful out- look, imposing in architectural ap- pearancewalls 13 anch solid Mick, rooms large. Two marble fire -places in den and parlor, hot andteold;wa- ter, cement soft -water cistern in eel - tar, eleetrie1ig1is'two ver. andahs and sun perch, two stairways, P , w ys, cellar under whole' house, cement floor hot-air heating. Lot 75 ft. frontage,' double depth facing on High street and Townsend, Fruit trees, garden and small fruits. A bargain for quick sate. ,Write C. D. Houck 43 StandislaAve., Tor onto, Ont. 69-tf Rouse For Sale Connfortable frame house on North street, half acre of ground. All kinds of fruit. Small stable, town water in 'house. Robert P. Fisher, 27-1f. Ayj , e 1RcA SH SON"�1 i Clot, es Cleaned and I!leeseed Clothes Clea nedt'pressed �':aud, re% VAR NA par ed Woolen geode dry ei en od Room's. over Heard's barber aho p. 2 2.. W. J..1'ago. COAL We have a supply of Furnaee, Stove, Nut and Soft. Also some good dry slabs.' Leave orders at residence, E. WARD Phone `155. Huron Street. Agents ,Wanted The careful attention to.our customers' orders and the splen- did stock supplied for years past warrants ars in having a repre- sentative or two in this county. Liberal Commissons, Free Out- fit. Write at onee for Exclusive Territory, • TROS. W. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY ci RIDGEVILLE, ONT. STAR NURSERIES. 60-13 0 House For Sale 's Cottage on Huron street, roomy and in good repair, Ile acre of garden. Small barn on place, Possession at once. Also a buggy and mitten* ibex, Happy Thought range and a sliding bed couch for sale.• Apply to Miss B- Cantelon, Rattenbury street. 89-11, Singer Sewing Machines Family, Electric and D.' R. Styles. Also some secondhand machines, good :as new, Old machines taken as part payment. Easy terns. It will pay you to look these over before buying elsewhere. Repairing : aad Parts forall makes of'niaehines. Earl Steen. Jan. .1, 1924 AUCTIONEER goner Graduate Carey Jones' Na. tonal School of Auctioneoring, Chi sago. Special course takon'fii Pare Bred Live Stork, R'eal'Estate,ate Mer- chandise O A nd P arm Sales. es, ' .,R stn keeping P g with Prevailing market. Sat- - isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar I'lopp,.ZurIch, Ont. Phone 18- 98.. ••-~88-tt-1923 COAL NUT. STOVE & EGG ' 1 • . ALWAYS ON :HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. J. MILLER' Orders taken at residence; Phone 11! Flour and Feed .Dave quantity gf Bran, Shorts and. Screenings on hand and expect car- load lst of August, Feeds are -advanc- ing daily, now is the ;time to lay in . .Year ' requirements till new grain can be threshed. ,Also Flour, have agency for Snow -Drift Flour this flour has (beeri•. giving. exceptional satisfaetion try it once if not satis- factory after your first bakingg bring basic xoinainder and will give you any other variety in its place. TWINE: Rave, Gold Medal and Gilt,` Edge Twines in stook either in 5 Ili. or 8 ib. balls, ROOFING Carry a coinplete line of Toronto Asphalt Roofing. The quality Roof- ing with a guarantee against cutIing, "- flapping o,r turning up. In over four Years agency c Yfor this in rbo f had no dissatisfied customers, have J. A. FORD. & SON , Phone 123 1` Flour and Feed Merchants and • Grain' n vers' Bu . i CREAM 74'A.NTEL)9 it8 The demand for ' r oa r butter is • ,..creasing, To su I PP Y this demand we re9bTalio more cream. • We request `you, to ship na cream. A yona We guarantee you the,. Highest igheas Market Prices, ,aecurato testa and • prompt seuvico. • Our firmi13 lenown to you and needs no furtbbr recommend. We ay all e rese P, �P cliargea,fern- isle cream Cabo' and pay twice vole. month, Write'-:fforr +*nal- aad✓ .•Tarth•r inform* tion to the Thi smAnmenat CREAlitRalr, tea, a a A i ; APAP, ,tai