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The Clinton News Record, 1924-09-18, Page 4
L5. andG+ `':: IChtlnettl P1'cket , Br,enton I15'ly ar, I11j'1;t' Biu SIIfi; Gordon C,i d- �7f zea ",Y i to S' ti e:std Iloieae:s, Marys Crocks, Wi711ehnne 'lie1Falthl, 71 tult''Nl+c l',,ul peglgle Cook, 13c1W 1i I'c,• 'Dozen ,Bio n sings -Brenton Yell Ile Y HarryP15115 eel >Ka,t', nleen'.Gan1:111�n,, Dorothy: Cornish, Grace, Mellyar, lobi l pier 'ark'gyDVo �( }' gp.;lkd SDS ol. x Qxi Ll?aFi�:n!1 t i }t rl lib ,i lids and Beds: Rz' �j 9" o CLAN] ON' I&9CP„a2r'.E+�G3Yn+ of Clinton School Pair •, , INT N SCHOOL wheat; 1 ijt-W. J. McGill; wheat Dorothy Cornish, Kaflrleen N}ckle. Sweet Peas --Edith Hunt, Edward e .Itclr3 C Norma Streets: elf, W. J. McGill;• Field Corn, Bola dherty; ,SweeJt Corn; Edith, I-luut arold Gibbs,Bruce 'Bartliff, FI enc cCallum, Charles Pickett, Men Iter. Irish Cobblers; Margaret Cud -more 11ie Watkins, Reggie Noble, BUOY cruton, D'orotlly Cornish, Flarry Wat- ins. Green Mountain, Dorothy Cor - ss, Bert Gllddon, Murray 'Cudmore, eggie Noble, B'ea'trice Brown, Darc- y Bartli'f. Dooley, Gordon Cudmore, an Weir, Mib1u HudSon,`,,Jean Neilalls 11ot' Bartliff. - Plangel, Reggie Noble, Prank Dale, in Turner, Kenneth Pickett, .latnes oweln Turnips - Marion Pickett, -Ruth ckett, Glen Carty/right, Viola li{11- Id, aeries Andrews, George GouId.. Heels--JGr tut : Ranh, Bruce TaskeJ, ris Johns, ,Irene Veneer, Dorothy lining, Gordon V.enner. rrots ---Trank McEwan, Harty Inner, Geo. Twyford; Josie `Carter, bel Pickett, Russell -Miller, • Parsnips --Margaret R IMcLea d, Muth `ler, 'Duncan(Cartwriy,dit, Mary lows, Gerald Holmes: Winos -Ruth Cartsright, BeeCtlet+ ets, )3elores• Barris;' Virginia Har- I Ruby May Clement, Nora Frenllin,' alter broken coot-Ri3,t, Turner; I- iculdura( Colt -Rohl' Turner.. I ud'gtng-Bob.' Turner, ' Asters 'Clayton ; Dixon Mur'l Draper, Helen M:tiiliiilg; Bert Gliridcnl t Plox-Pearl.'Churichill, Susie Castle, ' Isabel •Cl ower. . Zinnia Janet McTaggart; Margaret y, i Phunsteel, Chas. Johnston, M.ry Crooks Viola Holland, Robbie tuts. African marigolds -Geo: Rumb,lll, I CaleIdala-Dorot171Y Magnin • I. F'rencls Marigolds --Ruby C eun>,nt, Geo. Gould, Dorothy Glazier, Eileen Rumball, Lillian manning,- W, Trewa- 1€h,t. . Cosmos -Wilbur Cudmore, Jack Nickle, Harold Gibbs, Bruce 131 rtlift, Violet Morrison, 'Jas, 'Chowen. Cockerel -Margaret MoLeo$,' W. J. r McGill, Reggie, Noble, Edward Rorke. Pullet ---Margaret McLeod, Reggio Noble, W. J. McGill, Jack Twyford,, Charles Johnson," Edward Rorke.' Pen o1 two (cockerel and pullet') 1,. ,1 rank Dale, 'Whitney Carter, Jack 'rwy ford, Reggie Noble, Charlie Johnson, Edward Rorke. Pair White Le'lhorus-4Gersdd ilolines Albert.,Slllter, Kenneth 'Pickett. ,Pair• White •yanaattes-Margaret McLeod, Reggie Noble." .. Pa}s-•Rhode , Mind Reds -,Margaret McLeod, Jvs,,. Glrowen, Gerald Holmes, Reggie N(ible, . Pen of 'three '(coickerei and .2 pul- lets B,P.R.)-:Albert Salter, Mdr'o,1 r•' a khh .Your o1J'ar Bary d & e Everybody's probiein *eat 'days is to' snake ,every dollaro as far as •possible -except When you shop at DOMIIVON STORES, where our dollar has already, bought more for you and you get the benefit' of the saving we make.. Prove it on the next -dollar's Worth of gZoceries you buy. SweetJuley Oranges, per dozen 25c. Sugar Crisp Corn Plakes, 6 for 29e. Reindeer prepared Cocoa 19c. ' Reindeer prepared Coffee ;;.,, Ile QUAKER ITER OATS (large- acka e) ' -Z ie p g PATERSON'S DIGES- TIVE BISCUITS (Universal Health QUAKER OATS s� Biscuit) - - _ �c; A S GAO (smallpa�kage), Z for GAOL Season ie Here,: , CROWN SEALERS )ger dozen Pints, $1.25;' Quarts, $1.35; % Gallons, $1.85 RUBBER>, J;ARGROUND MUSTA•RD. r° ' RINGS, 3 dozen-, -6.4a/M, 15, _ �eJh ZING JA 12 RINGS c� l5 -os, P.kt. SEEDED 5PAR(Dozen -�nq or SEEDLESS P1bI. CT{LING, SP CR -a+1,Q'. 9 WA r RAISINS, 2 for- ao QLilc CALIIORNIA2'for SEEDEDoSEED- 2VFCIMIXED LESS RAISINS, 21b. 25 -ib, box 29° Pure Lards, "NIG. '3 tin:..,. 4 5 20 l SI1ELLED • WALNUTS, s lb. - VVIITE SATIN - PASTRY FLOUR O 241b. - 4:, F'or, Light, . Flaky Pastry 1%8 15. 59 DOMTNION`.BRAND ' BAKING POWDER (Nt1 Alum), 1-15. tin - AOC CAMPBELL'S SOUPS (Tomato), 2,for - - 6asy3' TOY PAIL, a9 PEANUT BUTTER ;2AC FR ANco- AMERI-'" • CAN..SPAGIIETTI (Medium) '. BRt1NSVWICK SARDINES :.Z KIPPER . SNA4 tins SNACKS r (For a tasty meal), 4 forBR- - or LILAC AND APPLE and RASPBERRY JAM, ✓ 4 -lb. tin - - ��� MAYFIELD-BRAND ' BACON, .lVlachine Sliced (rowing' mote in Popularity every Z9q week), 1b. - C Richmello•Products (only obtainable at Dominion Stores) l ,Oted'for their high quality. PICHMELLO TEA RICHMELLO „1 (a delightful blend),. - COFFEE,itin -Ib.00C 1 lb. %"0 RICHMELLO RICHMELLO - COCOA,' 3/z-0,.. tin GIC COFFEE (a high- RICHMELLO grade coffee), }b. tinticbC COCOA, 4/ -Ib, tin," .1IC and tileOntaAo Te perakaca 1 ct 1924 Elecibrai District of CI1T,R1s HURON TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officers 'for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to•the' Vote•s'1Lists to be used at the v,oting under the Ontario Tem- ,perance Ant, 1924, pending• for the Electoral Distriet of. CENTRE HUR- ON will be held at the following time's and places, namely: AT THE' COURT' MOUS);, GODS B_, RICH on1`'the 26th, 26th and 27th days` of September 1924 to hear complaints' as tc the lists of voters fo alt the polling sub -divisions; for the Town of Goderich ,and that 0., Seager, Gode- rich 'will be tleg : Revising ' Officer and his Clesli svill be: I , L. lino): whose address is Godes:lol . AT TFIE 'TOWN HALL, BRUS- SELS on the 24t1i.clay of September; 1024,' to, bear complaints as ,,to the lists of voters for all the polling sub- divisions for the. village of Brussels and that IIis.Honour Judge Lewis will be, the Revising Officer and his CIerk will be A, H. McDonald, whose ad- dress --is Brussels. AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL, ETH - EL, on •the 1st day of Oetober 1924 to hear complaints as to the lists of voters for all the polling sub -divisions for the T3wnship o£ Grey and that His Honour Judge Lewis, Goderich will be the Revising ()Meer and his Qlerle-wilt be J, H. Fear whose ad- dress is Ethel AT THE TCwN 'HALL: SEA - FORTH, on the 24th day,ot Septem- ber 1924 to hear complaints as to the lists of voters for all the polling:stlb- 'dtvisions for the Town of Seaforth.. and that R. G. Reynolds) Godorioh, will be the Revisiong Officerand his Clerk will be J. A. Wilson yvhose ad- dress is Sea£orth. ` AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL, CAR- LOW ou the 24th day of September 1924 to ear complaints as to the lists Of voters for all the polling sub-divis.- ions for the Township of Colborne and that C. Seager, GOderieh will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be Mrs. G. J. Hetherington whose ad- dress is R. R. No, 1, Goderich. AT CARNEGIE LIBRARY HALL, .SRAPORTH on the 25th day of Sep- tember 1924 to Bear complaints as,4C5 the lists of Zoter4 469 all the Dolling - sub -divisions :for the Township of Me- Iiiliop and that R.. 0, Reynolds, of 0/Aerials will be the Revising. Officer and that his Clerk will be John Mc- Nay, whose address Is 14. R, Na. Seaforth, AT 11 IE TOWN HALL, CLINTON ori.'the 29th day IA -September 1024 to Sons complaints as to the lists of vo.. tors for all the polling sub -divisions for the Town of Clinton and that C: Seager, Goderie11 will be the ,Reviving Officer and that his Clerk will be D. MaeplteisO5, whose address is 'Clinton, • AT CO14I1'LUNITY HALL, LON- DESBORO on the 29th day of Stip- tember 1924 to hear complaints asto the lists Of voters for all the polling sub -divisions for the Township of Hui - let and that Wm: Coats, Goderich will he the Revising Oflfeer and his Clerk wlll•be J Pingla dwhose ad- dress is Londehbo1o., EACH SITTING Will dbmmence at 10 o''cloek in the forenoon and will continue until 12 o'clock noon or. }1nt11 the appeals have been, clisposO4 AND FURTHER TAI{E ,NOTIOL that any votes' who desires to' eons - plain ,that ,his . name or''the,name, of any person entitled 1:6 be entered' on the said lists have been omitted frosu the sante or that the names of any person who are not: entitled to be tors have been',pntered ,thereon .may not less than two clear days •befoxb the ria Ys, fxed: for holding the above sittings, apply egniplain or appeal' to have; his.•namei or the name of an other Terabit, entered 011'01; rel Y. from the lists. )over AND. FURTT4:ER. TA -KE NOTICE that .such appeal' must :be by: •i3Otice In whiting in. the prescidbed Morin sl •ne g d by the coniplaivant in dupli- cate and given to ,the Clerk of the Revising .Officer or left for him at his address as stated above, , •The•last clays for delivering such appeals 'are as :follows:. GODEILICH, ,Selitemhei' 23) 1924.' BRUSSELS, September '$2, 1924, GREY, September 29," 1924. . SEAPORTIH, September 22, 1924 COLBORN,E, September 22, 1924.` • 1VIcIf.ILLOP, September 23, 1924. 'CLINTON,' September 27, 1924. IIULLET, September 27, 1924. E. N. LEVIVIS Chairman of the Election' Boltrd for`.. the County of Huron. DATED this 10th day of Sept;. 1924. 71-2. Pet --I1 Seeley;R121s 1111 sinlonS, b11io(i, I 11e,15r1, N P,Itsinrons; Lurl1 Browla`; • Whjtu Bread-.-Dorothg Corless, va5dr13o11�e, C r,rlla 14'05 13321 e1 ufli,i5 135191 P` el{, 5linht', Ihlrisan, Dorothy' Corsisil, Jean 2.n 1'ewYs May VmUe1 Kathle..n t,.ngel CookioO-_D,oroth. Cortril, Dorothy Corn1s11, Carrie: LaVfsi Jn,e phulo Harris. Tea BiSci is -.-311 iiu 1-1111sou, lean CWyford, Margaret McLeod, Dol'ohy 1111/ch. Currant Tarty - Do,rothy. Isabel Can leloll,: Pearl Ghoru11111, llitzel. Ghiirchifi, Editll' I° lint i fl Iloie nl = e alp r.:' ( Ci Jl a d ..dl ,• v1d R ' Y ,nxke Delores, IMrlis, Beatrl5ce='McClineijey; Isabel 144114345; Dorothy Mldch Do a lhy Cornish, School 'obeli- Violet AfoilriS,i Thelma Lovell:, Edward Rorke, Dark Cake,' teed-„iarn.beel 0500en, Beatrice' Sharp, Marion Puckett, Beta Cartwright, Isabel' Biggar),' Jessie Cam, Patch, on Gingtam-„Doro{hy_ Watts, Isabelle Holmes, Thelma Ball. Three Bettonholet in Califon - Thehna ,Rub Y MClement. . `Colored Han,dke)chief=-Ilsabel Big gait, Isabel 'Caliltelo4, Josephine Harris Violet Morrison, .Beatrice NUeClincliey. Darning on Stocking, -Edith Ilui t, bn4sie Castle, 'Beatrice McClinchey, Sample of Ts'tting .Lottie Liner Vlore. '• Guest 'Towel--JalletMeTla Bari, Del- etes Harris, Margaret Cudnlor E Any model in Wood -Everett Downs Dd, •Rorke, . Harold Geogrie, -Prank Bicker: 51x. Named Knots -Brenton' H layer, W 13. Bigggs*, Ge'orge''Gould, Ross Fitzsimons, Joe Candler Everett' Downs. Patch Sewn on Grain Bag-Jollany McGill,- Reggie Noble, Rotten Lavis, Bruce ,Biggart, Edward Rorke, George GeNcl. Bird House -E. Ror]ce, P. Dempsey. M'ap of 4 Townships -Kenneth : Tay- lor Map of Old Ontario-Mftriel Downs, Dorothy. Watts, Joe Gandier, Peari Churchill, Mary Andrews, Ruth Castle. Map. of Canada -Reggie ” Noble, Gladys Freeman, ')Margaret. dudmore,, tDorothy 'Match, Hazel Ch'urc'hill, Lot- tie' Livermore' Writing Beekjst Honey, ,etc: --,Naar- don Well, 'Darotliy Cornish,,Gordon flay, Ledith , Steep; Gene Andrews, Marion' Hudson. Writing "Indian Summer" --.Dorothy Cories`s, Minnie Nasih, Ruth Pickett, Jean La* Writing; t'Lead'1Citndly Light" -Pearl Churchill, 'Dorothy - Watts, Beatrice McClincttey,,, Elliott Bartliff, Ttieli ,1 Ball, Mary Andrews Writing "Re'cessi'ain/1l"-Susie Castle Hazel C'hur'chill, Margaret Cudulore, L'Margaretdith t. McLeod, Lottie- Livermore,, bun' Water Color Drawing-_Waynle Rozall Lottie,. Livermore, Everett` Downs, [laic). Churchill, Gerald Iiohnes, Oct. Pu ntl•,il' Collection of 10 Weeds -E, Rork, Ross Carter, Jas, Tiarris, George Gourd Doris Johns. Collection .10 Ontario Wee; Seeds --V. Harris, Jas. 1^,lralven, D, Johns Collection of 6 Injurious• Insects .and Injury --D" Harris, Collection 20' Comnnercial ILewves- G.,,Cudmore, J. Gaudier, Geo. Gould, John McGill Collection Native Woods --E. Rorke, Jennie Lavis,'W'. J. McGill. IC011el;tioil of Applies --, Laurence Pluinsteil, Bert 01144004. J}ua Doherty Grace. Hellyar.. Public Speaking -Reggie Noble Roy Cook Schoot Okorus-„M Willie's iss Wiltses loot) Miss W. Mc'Mati1's room, Miss M. Mc 4'hr'tli's room,'.. School Parade --Principal Ggddei' room; Mrs.'' Farnham's room; Miss Wiltse s./ Rodin; Miss Carter''s '•I'OBan, RURAL SCHOOLS Class • Grails . l --•Wheat, 3. quart:: Joh' RI, ley,4 Hullett; .Edwin Radford , 5Mil ;lett; JohnnY Deevos, 11 Goderich Grant Lindsay, 4 Tuslcersnnitli; Doug. las::.Mathesdtt, 4 Tuel ersnnith. Class 2 -Wheat, Sheaf: Grant Land- say, 11 GQderieh, John Riley,' 4 Hal- lett; Edwin, "Radford;' Ti ,1-iu]lett; John ry Deeves, Goderich 11;Doug'Ias Ma theson, 4 Tuckersmitln,' • -Class 8 -Banner.') : cluait:' •5ariun' Forlies,', 12 Huliettf Benny `Riley, 4 IIiillett;•'Lloyd Stexviirt, 4 • Mullett; Earl Radford; 5 tVIlett',:: lase 4 -Banner, Sheaf: Benny Ri- ley, 4 Hutlett;' Roy: Appleby, :5 Hal - -- lett; Lstl•1 Radford 3•11 Ilett, tend4u, 12.13uWelt', C1 41. -i 5--13la1 t, .1: quart: 1 Ve4a Cia„s 14._. Deets: 'Ethel Ross, 1 IIu Sauitdolcocls,.1 St.nley; Elva Smith, lett; Donald Snaith, Griderinil'and 1i,411� 12 GGodoric4 and 17ulielt; Theo, Flynt lett 12; Glen Layton, 4 7`;ickelsllutl) ,.. 2 .,:H:l leltG-soGordon Snell; nell,n Hallett; llett; , Charles D ale, 1 H.a. .llett• tesv rt l` a -scan 13•1,55155 12;FulletttHuge ' rt011 2'ku}lett; Nelson ltaiord,. ,.51��o ids Y Radford,'5.Ilulle1., 1Ytlllett.'' . 'God ; s 'Jaen : or -ft o tT'CI=l4- .1-7-B gill SIelI >,ivt S;nitn, Class, 1G Ca2rots. Ste -Walt Dale, 1Cl :2R -,C . Ethel' 112<�;qlerich n(,T:Weft; Hugh Rad- Irullett; Andrew 1rtS01jGoderich; r niell; 4615'4SitY;.11,e; :A Gad d e.ford5 ,Ililliett; 00125.0/1, Snell, :5 Hill- Hazel Ieiae r�11eslal l1rb;oE1 r,z335 o4nBcfi •,?eft.'iirt)say, 11 Godorich, Pearl Peppin-, 12Geiieb. lbotne, Ba11,' Tack.. ak.Cls 7 -field Corn.,Iof 111ott, I, 4 focutslivh; Pearl Clltteiden, In e szlitl,Pc<�1 Crittenden, 72 Iulleit,13oderi h Graydon Neal 53 I' ullott: 1It11tt.' 1'3°0tYyCIt1 s 4--S%vee,t.Coi•l 01,$),11; Sne11, '. Class 11-1tl nips Grace'Gl>bing, Class 23 , --Cockerel: d .erll,'1SulIe3 Lloyd Maid, 4 I`l 4ett. 6 a lce1smihl boy 'Elliot, 11 GiYe- 2 1fu11ait _.Tai•,tol1cEwen 1 SthDonis ;Welsh, 12 Ilulleut and Godc...Faeh1 Geo,Porter, 11 Gorelick;•Iasi :, ley; Prttrl i W5115oe 6 Tugli11e1, ry Snell,5Tullett; Margaret Fear, Stuart, 1els 1 Stanley AreyPot Coe; Ttckeunith; GraceAle`�•u1,;] tan-- Carter,T,ilouc1sn11t,1, Grace McEweil.Class9--IrisGobb]e15:Iontld � ley, ` l rt +1)ley.X3111; 5Ilulett, Bessie McEtvain, 1 Class 1.7 -Onions.: Viola JohnstonClass SO -Pallet: 1,)lS T,rvclSLa lk,,,r -ilii.^t BIaecer,12ZIu1�i,.]2 Iullett• Margaret Freeman, 1 ITu.-.• 1 Sifnc, 1-1a,2l Tyndall, Hallett; C4olfi4Tnlekersmith; Lustig lett; Edith,Josliag, 4 Hallett GeolUe:Sttaet MeEwen, 1 Stanley; 'Audieyrorell,1Godlolla; hadelne P1,1ne�t Potter, 11 Goderlcl; Itzel Pieena,l,: garter, 6 Tnrsmith,11• G55derich, 1Hullett; Almeda Crittenden 12•14n1- ,o,-Ceel;and Pix1 Chis,'10--Green Mountain:' Percy lett, StlO55�Hall©tBIsicEIn,yCar;Lel, 5 Hallett; Gladys Perdue, 'F1d Ploters Stanley; Mwn, 1Stane;Godelch; Grant L042555,, 11 :Godo_ Class'18.AstersiEdna .Flynn, 2 Martoi•y MeEwenr 1 Stanley' Ellin Grac 'rich;;Gorden Manning, 4°Titekersv1ith; Hallett; Muth Iugifl, 1'Hallett, Ilazel Whitmore, 6 erinith; . AudreyClaire' Ball, 52 Hulett; Clarence f•Tog iit, ylulleto;`9nnBeadle, 9talter,•$Cucksmithr'iZeeman, 1 11uIlet' • Hallett; 'Beatrice Snell, 4 Tlicl ersmith ',Class .=' l332 -Pair Barred arred R eek s T 2 B ,Class 11 -Dooley: Andrew Fraser,Lorna Ellis, 12 Goderich,HeinetiHarold ll, IIt;11 Goderich; Roy Elliott, 11 Goderich; Klass 19 -Sweat Peas: 7eir, lett;earnee Snell, 4 Tunalsmit03arry W. Watkins, 12 Goderich; Union2 Ilullett.and ,Goderich. Roldeb ; Reginald gi1dBall,Nona, Hesk, 4 Hallett; Audrey gar- ,`,Glass 20-inlox; Pearl TeIel 12, HMale; Douglas Freeman, 1 Hui- ter,6 Tuelceysnho1lo;tGordon.Itadford Tuekelsniti• Edith Jesting, 4 Fiutett:lett; Stuart McEwen,1 Stan5'flullett, ' Class 21 -Zinnia: Marion Mason12 Class 8 -Pet: GladYs'Sindorcock,,Iia and 0.;'Norma :Snell, u Il, and G. 1 Stanley; 'Margaret ear, 4 Tucker - Class 22lalgels: Willie Pepper Marion B lley,-2 II; and G ; Addie smith; Stewart Re Iulles:4 Ttckersmitl Leslie Pepper, 4 Tuck- Bailey, 2 II. -and G; Class 34 --pair Reds:ersiiith.; AndrewFrasei11 Cnre ic1; Class 22 -=African` ari iau12 Audrey'Caztei;'rsi1th,Olive Glea&4 TueceSsnith; Ma'ory Wagner, 9 Goderich; ,Lorna Ellis,- Class 35 -,White Lsghorn: HaioldMcEwan, 11 Stanley; George Radford, Goderich; Grace M�wan 1' -Stan Stanley, Tyndall, 2 IluWarren:Whittlers,5 luliett,. 'Class 2$=Coreo sis•Beatrice 6 ;,sm;Aucds'eCarter 6 Tob- eti; gClass 13-,Turnipe: Leslie PeIPer' 4'4 Tucicersiitn; MaJoly VeEvass,1 ersmit h; Fletcher her Whitmore, 6 kr- - Tnekei'smith; Reginald Bell, 12 :"Hui - ,Stapley„ . ;• ers `p araW?itor, Tucker - lett; .1VTadelinePickett, Il ” Gollerici; Class 24-Cla: Edith Gib- suith. Warren ' Whitmore, 6 ,Tuck sn1t1; bings, f'.FIullett; Goodo SneII,r Hut.Phyllis Medd, :4 H 1lEtt;}A nnedaCrit- lett; Crittenden ,:12Godo•( ntmced on Page 5) , 53. vc r,. s _ w;ar ,,,,1„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .-:, i l5nv9 c,. as::eN a , e ,toy Dlliot; jun Find thellost cls to T i SIa Obj. ��Bit�tl Easy t irlve o solve. Try it. Without any 'trouble whatever, you carr.retidilu 'Wow," etc. Well, the others' are just asIdea Y see such objects. as "Sun,'! iSlg cash prizes will be given' for the fifty eboattlists o "S -Words submitted is lvbe Infind n swabs most. puzzle, She person sending in the nearest correct list or 'nit mos ivili bo awarded first prize; nearest cermet list, second prize. etc. Seo Trow many 'you can 5513. ' p ncnlest 'ay+Ytttk�,a,B;Am..*,1:Vs:kl%;tixrt'F•itst'�t`•;Ts'._•�saii5'i'�ar,2':u..,• ,. 'The Mali and Eotpife's $1,000 "S" -Word Pictupe 2uzzie 'OPEN TO ALL Everybody Join In I, COSTS '' NDTtIING TO TRY J, The Matt & Empire mnitounces to -day a most interesting find mnnsing games Alt pan p9rtioipatc int this great tint game-froma school boy or girl to Dad, blothet,' and even Grandpa sand*Grandnla: It 'Colds no preference to age. It is a telt of your ,shill in ferreting out "S -Words" In the Puzzle Pie - Cure. it's a' jinx dandy puzzle game. 'We know you trill enjoy it; for everyone loves a :Puzzle, and we venture to say you'll never have -snore 9'un. MS NI Mcre's how' If. the Judges award. your ansiv setiptien to Tare Mail'&,Jinapie at $5.00 a year, y Third Prize, ?1.150; .. (Seo second column of figure It costs nothing to take part. The "S-\mord°' popu- larity y of'zle T1oe iSIa4I�& campaign. Increase 11 otoapsub'-• sorlptton contest, and you. do'- not have to send in a single subsei•Iptien to ruin a prize. If .your answer is awarded first prize by the Judges, you. will win 525.00; but if you would Mice to n'ln mole than $25,00,. tvo aro going to make the -following speelal 0140,1', whereby you can win 'bigger .cash prizes. - , 1 er First Prize, and you havo sent. in Cno yearly Sub 011 will reeeir0 5500 instead of 524;. Second Prize, $.150; s 111 prize Hst,) Or,- if -you are awarded A 31st Prize .and . you have sent in ttvo yearly subscriptions (either one new and one renewal or two new• Subscriptions) to The Mail & Empire at ,95.00 a;vcar each, iron ,receive 51,000, instead of 525; Second Prize, 9500; Third Prize, 9500. (See this'd column of figures in poke list•) It takes but two u " s bscniptt0as to qualify. ' the big1 000. • 9 aliiy, tot' S , IewaS•d. ' Absolutely two sttbserlptiens is tiro Ylnoxinparo, pm of:;. vIdell: is t 1 little o set'iber,' -Volt inn'cto, this with. rattle nffortirv��ur own sulnsoriptioni tv1tT conn5' as ?Mc and 'we cantake subscriptions. to start at ally tut'lr04ate. 'In send- ing in *one sttbsoriptjon give full-instruttiolas on a separate sheet from that on Conteh you send your. answer. MS OM Tonight; to tono and strengihon the organo e6 ,digestion and Elimination,. ltnbrove. appetite,. ✓atop sick headaches, relieve bit.. louenese correct Conatlpatlon, Thor, 504 promptly, pleasantly, mildly, yet tltoroag1tly. , Get 'a • 250i. Box. 1, Any mnn,,,vvolnan or child who is not a rentddnt 50 .Tore0te or lialhliton, and wile le not 1, the employ of The Mali` end Empire or a member pi an . employe's family,. may eu1m21 an antiwar.. it costs nothing• to try, 2. ALL, AN91w.hniq 111UST Tela. iiOAilEo '71Y OCTOISl211t :11'8. 11121.. . R.. A31 Hats of 0111,188' should, be +tvrltton eon ono aide- o4 the 5551er o01Y,- and numbered o0nsaeiltivoly 1, 2 1, ota,Wr Write 'You Tuit na u o and aldrroa eIlbn each poke trighthand, se your desire 1,9 writer 'anything- else; uSta separate e% slloet, . 4, Only such. wores-as :appear In the1:ngiish 5116- 'tisnary will be Wellnfod.: 'Do mot use obsolete %verde. Whore; theplural, is ,used, the singular cannot 50 collmod• •ma - v108 18585,. ' 1. Words of: the same. Spelling Mtn be used only once, even t11011414 i4osd `,to designate -different ob., judo or uriiclos ' or parts of objects Or article,. An bbJect 11x• ar4lele oeo'be named only once,'-- 0. -De 21 500 ,hyplieoetdd or compound .words, or. 0 any $ Y Ivor ds let4 0 od 5, the combination esos'weed two es'' - mote Ooxnp{eteNoldb, w11'ere .each weed In 058011 1E'. anobject,;, e 7, The answer having the near0st correct lilt of names of vielblo objects and article,/ shown in the picture that :bosin with the loiter S" will be 'awarded .Soret Prise' oto. Neatness, style or. hand - Writing Have no bearing,,,pott doeiding taro winners. R; Any number of people n1ay co-operate in an-, swering the 2usel'e, but- Only .one prizm will. be awarded. voed. to .any ono. 000se1old; nor will prized ba awarded to 505ro. than ants' Of any group where two o1' )foe° have been wor{ting together, D. In t11eevent of a .`tae for any prise "offered the full am8nnt of such prizow'lli be awarded to each tibd�'.'pal•alcipant., '10. eubeoriptIOne (both new or ` renewal),' -pay- able hi advan,, at5.5,00 a year by mail 'will be ac0OPted. Hbwovor, In qualifying 'for tho 51,000 i 40onos notvard,at least Ono new subscription )rust b8 8ent Iii. 01. A- new dinbac5tber to any One'.: who has not boon .•rbeoly ng' Tho ,and JSmptro by math o1nco • 58ptember 1211,,, ,regardless` of,ewhotlior� or ns. oat subscription d to' Tho'Nrall and`Emplro 1s sent in. . 58.. All now Qahecriptfens will be Balefully vei- Plod by the . Susclo Manager. Candidates rustic - Ing alta subscriptions as now w111 'jlositively',for- feit tho or5,Ut• of, such, subscription ae Qualifying Cor tho Maximum Nan118 'Rowardn. 14. Throe promtnbnt Toronto citizens, having no oonnootlon with The 7vlall and,Sceptre, will be •88leeted to act as judges to ;leotdo the winners, and partieipanta agr5o to 110ebpt the decision of the Judgoo 'a9 Omit and ebno{uslvo 15. Tho Judged wilt Meet on Ootobor .159, and anneuneornont of the P'rize winners and oorreet 11at.: of worde will be , published In :The hfal: and mpire ,jtlet tie50151515 thereafter ns It 1s peas111e, • IC .CAS I PRIZES WINNING ANSWTI;s WILD nnorr ±u "CASP,1 PRIZES ACCORDDING PO TEM TABLE JIELOW zo Priza If No Prizm: If. Ona P 5512nn ,7ivo 005211Iptless sebserlptlnn slbseripSone are sent. Is wet, ern sant, ..525.00 5500..00 '51,000.00 20.00 25.0:00'. - 500.00 1st Prize 2nd Prize , 31..01 Prize 15.00 150.09. .300.0.0 4th Prize 10.00 100.00' : 500.00. ,505 Prize . 8.00 75,00 ..150.00. (1011 Pr'ze 0.00: 10.00'.' 100,00: 705 Prize 5.00 80.00 00;00. 3111 prize ize 4.00 25.00 ' 502)0, Oth. Prize , 3.00 20,00' 10th - 5rho 2.00 40. 0 0 11th to 20t14 ' 15.00 '- 30,00 Prizes ino1u5lv0 1.50 10.00' 20.00. 21st to - 50tH Prizesinclnsive '1.00 7.50.E 14.00- 1L 1 Lis. rvg5T ' 0P A T10) P010 ANrrirz7;Tim rum L'u151, ABI0955* OP 093011 Yli0)115 111.1. rt11 Eon TO Melt TI37D PARTICIPANT, ,._,ADb.gl7�as— C. A. 111ONTGOMEIdY P5z151.UA St4lAas.R tbelltrite Dept. 1 I pronto, Canada