HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-09-04, Page 5jeteei-he?' eel e
Clinioa 1News-Recora
41.1f Interest to You cord' and :Miss Rudd of the •Clinton
Library spent -the weekend at Miss
and !Vie Nora Ferguson's.
Geemany has made her first pay- ,,1\lpiss B'Iargret. Baker and Mr, York
nent under the. Dawes plan Vt'fiet °'' '-'"°r°11") andcdn'llf".",$)id :MI's' N',--i't°I''
Ole Allies will need to see to'ls that'll, But °J: London pont the week -end
ion' her las, one, also , at the home of the termer's parents11;
* * Mr, and IVIrs, "Fred Baker.
_ ,
Manitoba will be per- •'Mr. Al°rIeY. C. Hart d Tm.'"i°
. No pets°, in
and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ritchie °I
anited le buy more -than, twenty-
four quarts' of beer Per week. Juist F',,,iagara,,Yalls were gite-St at ' Mrs
so ! That's what they can raatha.n- George lung's overtheh°1-idaY" Mrs
Con under Government c-ontrei, pnb_ Ilart, who has sPent the' summe
„nmr,„ _ months with her parents, returned t
1, * * 4, TOTOiltO with her husband.
fifr and M • W.R.Jowett an
There's' always something. Ow- ' ' is'
Ethel and. Grace Jowett motored t
"lei, to the wet cool weather this sum-
ener the bees 'have not been able to Toronto end spent seVekal days at th
, , •
Marriages A SHELF
NOTT"--- ROGERSON — At Ontari
street parsonag"e, on September 3rd
by the Rev. C. j, lVfoorhouse May
Jane, youngest daughter of "Mr.
and Mr.s. Fred j, Rogerson of
Clinton, in a ton Nat,
only. son of Mr. end Mrs. Erect
Nott of Tuckeremith.,
• *..sw44**a*7r44*77,7*74.7..**a......w.*ua**..xis..oaro...g.*o444444....v*a*soc7.*.*4ax4n4*a*.*
a •
. . , ., , , goodhomeernecie Pickles is the 'Housewife's pride and no -Housewife
wants to take chancee'ef having' her 'FickleS, spoiled by using noor Mgred- Jitli. er ail 'vrare
lents. Qcsali±y ie the feature of our SPiCes or 'Vinegar. ' ' ""4 ' Rowlands. Old Stand
Don't forget, Zine Rings, Jar Rabbors„ Sealers, Etc.,
MATTHE WS:2-LOWRY—At thelonie Have you tried, OUT speeiabprieed0
Breakfast Bacon.
of the bride, Brussele,,by
Poole, B. A ,; Detroit, unele of the
bride, on August 20th, Edwin E.
Matthews, Forest, to,,Mary Hazel,
only daughter of the late Alfred J.
rand Mrs. Lowry, Brusselg.
Exhibition, returning- by way of Ni
gather their usual amount cd honey
agora Falls. -
and, would yombelieve it, seine of 'eM
only got enough stored up,to do them- M. Colin Campbell and Mrand
t selves this winter? .Such laziness! Mrs. Robt. Deigaty motored to Tor
Evangelical -Parsonage;- Zurieh, on
August 20thby the Rev.., T , G., Litt,
Mayne A;; daughter of Mr. Wni.!
Lament, to Lae W. Idoffinn; son'Of.
onto last Tuesday to spend a few days
London 1, ushsg
imre water an sun. 'at the Exhibition. MISS Duncan, who
clays than on ether days, and the man-
has been Visiting Mies M. Campbell
ager of, the public utilities commission accompanied them. to Toronto.
weeders why. It's probably because • Mrs' B"`"Preni4ce and Miss Mar -
people stay out later on Saturday garet and Master Daniel Prenticere-
: night than they used to. ---London Ad-
turned to Toronto last Friday after
having spent several weeks with the
Now what does he Mean by that? former's ;parents, Mi. and Mrs. W.
—Goderich Signal, J. Stinson.
Perhaps they stay out se late they The Youiig PeOPIeS' Society held a
have to take theirSaturday night corn roast on the South Beach last
bath on smiday merni.pg, Thursday evening, which as apper-
* 4. 4. ently enjoyed by all iresent. Several
Many of our exca.nges from time to of the boys were seen executing. In-
• time MX dildigllealt over the new -five- dian Wae dances when they were try -
cent piece, caning it 04 port ,f ing to eat the 'cora too hot. At the
Eames, never very nice -ones. It isn't close of the meeting, Rev. A. fMac-
arlane, on belialf of the members of
pretty we admit. Somebody describedkbne,
the society, spoke a few words of as "vulgar" and we thought that a
farewell to Miss Elva. Dewar, the very
- very geed describtion. But the other
_ fficient secretary of the Y.P.-S. clur-
day we actually heard a Clinton busi eing the past year, and thanked her
ness man say a good word for it.
9 like them," said he, mid he's a Mari for her very excellent services. This
concludes the summer, program of
who handles a let'of money. Far more
picnics, beach parties, etc, An organ-
beenmostf the editors who have ization meeting will be held the last
railing about the humble nielde
Fiiday of this' month and a program
can ever expect to have a chailee to p
• paw over. "I like them, you can get drawn ufor the winter monihs.
hold of them without any ouble.
Mr. R. A. Parkinson, former as -
is a convenience when tr
tor ef the Methodist church, Motored you want a
nights for car fere, for instance," he Granton to attend the Y.P.S.
said;'Tee'" we admitted. "There corn roast last Thursday.
is that aboutit, but one is apt to take Rev-. A, Macfarlane and Rev. Mr.
• one in mistake for e quarte," we ob- MeDialuid of G°4eri°11 exebanged
jected. But this man was bound to Pulpits last SundaY•
look on the bright side, it seemed and Rev' • E L. Williams conducted the
r be tame ,back smiling- with "And you services in Trinity church Sunday ev-
'May sometimes give one in mistake ening last, hrewing- to the illness of the
for a quarter, too." So that's that. it rector.
- is easy to work oneself up needlessly Rev. Mr. Telford of Blyth will
about email things like this which preach in Bt. Andrew's church next
really inatter -very little in one's life. Sunday, Mr. Macfarlane taking the
The .wisdotit of this man's philosophy services at 13lyth.
' is apparent, when ane stops to think
Mi. N. J. Miles of Orillia has
of it, and we'd trust him not to give suceeeded Mr. G. R. Gardener. as
-us a nickle instead of a quarter any teller in the Sterling Bank.
. oftener than anyone else.
Mrs. T. Harrison,Mr. James
dolington, Mr. •Cheis.. arker and Mr.
Jack 'Toward left yesterday for the
Bonfield west.
The -fall fair this year will he held Mrs. F. M. Holmes, Miss Lois
on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. Helmes and Mr. Harold Hohnee of
` 28rd and 24th. The management is St. Catherines, formerly of Clinton,
endeavoring to make it one of the returned to their home last Friday af-
lAst ever held and, given good weath- ter having spent a most delightful
er, the prospects all paint that way. month in Bayfield.
The prize lists have been dietributAMr. Fisher and Miss Ruble Fisher
and a glaime Over one of them wild of Kitchener and Miss Ruth Fisher of
show that prizes are generous ancl Waterloo, who have been the- gfeste
also arranged so i 1
as to g ve al exhib- of F. A. Edwards for the past
itors a fair .dhance. Horeee, tattle, two ek e urnt 1
ed t o th e lollies on IN MEMORIAM
sheep and other live stock, poultry, Monday last. LEPPINGTON—In loving 'memory of
dairy products, vegetables, fruit Mr. and Mrs. McLaren and family i»y dear son, Wilbert Leppington,
ladies' work, inclUding Many feaof Port Elgin have bawl visiting Mrs. who died on September Oth, 1922.
such as a dress fashioned out of
old garment, etc„ all leave interest- ling of the village, and sister. •
elepaninnents. It is an attrae-
'• thil.prize list and should interest all
thos4 who have in the pcilt,made ex-
libits and many who have not hither,.
to. Mr, John McLure is president
•of the Association and A. E. Erwin,
of )3ayfield, Huron* County's genial
warden, is secretary.
The Continuation school opened on
Tuesday morning, with Kr. P. J.
Bigelow of Orono,Ont,, as principal,
and lVfiss Anna Ioods. a capable as-
The past week has seen a large ex..
it of people - who have enjoyed the
Bayfield breezes during the summer
months. Among those who have re-
turned to their homes in the cities
. are:
..apd Mi. Wm. ofienan, all of
forth ,on August' 20th, Annie Ver
oncia (Vera) daughter of Mrs .t An
nie Dorrance, to Henry Bowers, M.
A., of Exeter, son of the late Sam-
uel Robert Bowers of Monaghan
Ireland, and Mrs. Bowers, Toronto
ley, on August 28th, by the bride's
father, A.nnie Irene, daughter of the
Rev.- J. and Mrs. Barnwell, to
Dr. William B. Halliday, both of
, Births •
WRIGIIT—In Clinton Hospital, on
!August 24th, to,Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Wriehlit of Seaforth, a daughter.
BEARD—In Clinton Cemmunity hos-
'Intal,‘ on August 31.st, to Mr. and
Mrs. J. L, Heard, a daughter.—
Mildred Anne,
BOND—In Stanley, on „Sept. 2nd, to
Mi'. and Mrs. Rielarcl Bond, a_daughter.—Margaret
WILLIS—In Brussels, on August 27th
to Mr. and Mrs. E, Willis, a
son, • •
E.TDD—At Alexandra Hospitel,,Godee
niele oR A -Vila 25th, to Mr. and
Mrs. 'G. M. Kidd, a daughter.
'WAY:MOUTH—At Walkerville, on
August 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. W
Waymouth, a daughter,—AnnaBehl.
MeNEVIN—In Goclerich, on August
22nd, William James MeNevin, aged
• 58 years,
Goderich on August
25th, MarST 1VfacVicar, wife of the
late Donald IVIcInnes, in -her 801.11
CAMPBELL—In West Wawa:Josh, on
August 27th, Jack Elwood Camp-
bell, only son of MIs. and Mrs, W.
P. Campbell, aged 8 years, months
and 28 days.
TAYI,OR—In West Wawatosh, on
August 27th, henry Taybile aged
85 years and 4 months.EA.GLBSON—inn the General hospital
Regina, Sask., on August 19th,
Leonard L. 8, Eagleson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Eagleson of
adOrse, Se'
ek. aged,, 8 years, 6
months and 8 days.
Dr, and Mrs. E. T. White and
family, Mr, and Mrs. C. Will and
-family, Dr, and id's. j. H. Smith
, and son, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Rob-
' inson and family, Mr. and Mrs, *W.
' E. Manners and family, Mrs. C. B.
Stothers 4nd Idise Constance Stothers;
'Mrs. W, D. Stevenson and family,
111. Thomas and family, Mr.
and Ides. S. M. Daly and family,
'Mr. and Mrs, D. F. Glass and
mily, Mrs. T. A. Rowatt and family,
London; Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Orr,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Peter and family
and "1VIr. and 1VIrs. W. G. Owens,
Stratford; Mr. and Ilii. D. A. Has-
: - tings and family, Galt; Dr. and Mrs.
'Be C. Dearle and family, Mr. and
:Mrs. S. Frank Glass, acid Mr. WM.
eGlase, and Dr. and 1VIrs. W. J. Till-
man and family, Lortdon; Dr. and
Mts. W 3. Reid and family, Mr. and
:Mrs. Herbert S. Reid: and family,
Detroit; Mr. and Id.rs. Fred ,Gennett
.and family, Richmond, Indiana; Rev.
;and Mrs. 31. M. Langford and Mise
:Nora Langford and Mr. W. P. Ole-
, einent and family, Kitchener" - Mr
arid IVIre. Kerr and Miss Idaegarei
I Kerr, Balaton; Mr, and Mrs. Deb-
exeuetemexo eeennimp nue eq
Miss Izetta M. Meimer, who has
spent the past few Weeks with her
parents, motored to New Dundee 011
IVIonday to resume her duties as prin--
of the Continuation school,
Misses Annie and Elva Dewar went
-to Tar011t0 op 1VreildaY to take posi-
tions on the teachers' occasional staff
of that city.
Mr. and Mrs, W'. ,A. Townshend
motored to Manilla on Sunday. Miss
,Anna Elliott accompanied them ae
4 far as Toronto,
Rev. E. L. Williams, rector of the
church of the Holy, Spirit, Cleveland,
' Ohio, is the guest of 1Virs. J. H. Idc_
Miss Northcott, who was the guest
of Mr. and. 1Virs. 'Win. Elliott of the
lit eoncession, Goclerich township, re.
turned to her home in.Londen on
Monday last.
amiss Shacklefordof 'Washington,.
is visiting 1VlinS'IVI, E. Garrett
atelier summer home 011 Charles st.
Mrs. Taabella 'Woods returned
last Wednesdayfroni a pleasant visit
with friends in Thatnesville,
James Ferguson of London
ceipent the weelc-end'Avith mother.
Misa ,cliait of the Olinton'Nevri-Re-
Mms Bessie Elliott spent the hone In loving 'memory of our dear has -
day at the home of her father, Ms. 'band and daddle Who died two years
Thomas H. Elliott. ago:
The Misses Snyder and Miss Edythe "The flowers we place upon his grave
Green ef Detroit spent the week -end may wither and deeay.
with the latter's mother, Mrs, Mtn, But love for him who sleeps beneath
garet Green. • ' shall never fade away.
Miss Florence McDonagh and Mrs. What would I give to clasp hie hand,
Gillespie of London tame Tuesday to his 'happy face to see; `
spend a week in their cottage. To hear his voice and see.his smile,
Mrs. Trebileock and Miss Hattie that meant so much to me.
Trebilcook, and Mr. and Mrs. Cotton I think of him in silence, his name I
and family of .London have returned aft recall,
to enjoy some of the beautiful Sep- But there's nothing left to answer
team): -weather in their cottages. but his picture on the 'wall.
Mr. and Mrs, Martha O'Sullivan —Maud, his wife, and children.
of London are occupying" Dr. Till-
inan'a cottage on the terrace.
Miss Kate Parke of New York
spent a' few clays in the village last Brucefield.
week, visiting,. eld friends, ' Rev. C. G. Arrinur and Mrs. Ar -
The vinagera were shocked last
Wedneeday to hear of the sudden de-
cease of Mr. John Davison of this
village, 1tfi. Davison was born ou
the Goshen line and lived most of his
life isan thia..village and the sureound-
ing community. For some years
past he has been working on the
Grand Trunk, ,returning each week-
end to be with his. family, The fu-
neral took place .from his late resi-
dence on ITriday, the service Tieing
conducted by Rev. d., Mae•farlane.
The ' pallbearers were contpanions
he worked.. The floral tributes ever°
from the compatly of men with which
many 'and beautiful, ;showing the
high estheth the deceased
.was hold by alkwho knew him. He -
leaves to In -burn his ;wife and five
children; „Mri.,.. -,Henry Lord of 'Lone'
don, 1111•2--lred-Davison of Detroit,.
Mr. Melvin Davisen of the Bronson
line and Mises Gladys and Marion
and Messrs. Lyle and Russel at
home. The sympathy* of the coin.
immity goes out to the bereaved ones.
Thursday, September 11 will be ob-
served as Civic holiday in Bayfield.
Commencing Sunday, 'September
1.4th, the services will -be held at 7 p,
instead of 7:30 in all the church_
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Schell of
Detroit, who have been visiting the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Austin, for more than -e month, re.,
Lurriecl_to the City -of -the -Straits 00'
Saturday morning lest,
Mr. and 1/Xis, George Weston, who
have been spending.some time at the
Methodist parsonage with Mrs. Wes..
ton's sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. J. Dur-
rant, left yesterday for their home at
The services inthe Methodist
churches of Varna and Kippen will
be withdrawn on Sunday on aceennt
of the anniversary services at Goshen
church. The Rev: R. Fulton Irwin
of Seaforth will he the special preach-
er on, this occasion, pteaehing -at ele,
von and seven o'clock. Speeial nitts
le will be furnished by the ' elmie.
Everybodyis invited toattend one or'
mour have gone for a month's yam-
tion at Shanty Bay, Lake Sinleoe. •
aVIr.< C. Hain; of the IVIolsons' "aimansimommormereerarommesnrcommawn
, •
44/INSCN CO'S dictOdERY- Phone tit -
od F
That's What Brown's read -Is
Made with the finest ingredients, properly
•blended, assures you of getting a won- '
derful loaf. '.TRY IT- --Your Grocer -has
it','or 'we will deliver it to yOur door
fresh daily.. .
F... J.. BROWN & CO.
dioraciMosp.o.apamerm "Olowillseerancentit4MaINIWohlinfoli
Carpet "'ug Cleaning
Having the best Electric Rug Washer ever made for cleaning
Rugs and Carpets, .1 am prepared to clean a limited number
during the summer months . AW'Work guaranteed and will
call for and deliver all rugs, etc, or may be left at residence,
Huron Street
C, H. VENNER, Clinlon
Phone 151w
We P g Cash
old, 1 Shorthorn hull, 2 years past,
10 York pigs, 7 weeks old. Also six
chunks about 100 lbs. --Ed. John-
ston, It. R. No. 4, phone 8-636.
We are still carrying
pecial Prices on -0,11s
of all kinds, for Lighting, Lubricating, Painting, etc.
Mso on Elephant White Lead and Paints
Come in am! get our prices if you wish to save money
Boys come in for your Bicycle Repairs. We carry all parts and
„ make all repairs to all wheels
Our Work Guaranteed
We are headquarters for Plow Points and Soles, all kinds
Special prices on two and three Burner Oil Stoves
Bird and Sons Pariod'Roofing and Shingles at prices lower
than for years past
1'11111 Tile
Mr. Farmer! Draining is very
important. You cannot afford to
farm without draining.
When you drain, use good Clay tile
--for sale by Thos. McKenzie, Clin-
ton, or delivered direct to' you by
Ruggles' truck.
We solicit your trade, either through
Mr. McKenzie, our agent at Clinton,
or direct with us. et.
W. M. Sproat, Seaforth
Phone 136-r-2, Seaforth "Central, 70-3
For Sale
Four work horses, 1 gelding 3 yrs.
Our plant is now complete and we solicit your shipments of eggs
whether large or small. Come and see them graded.
We buy live poultry twelve months of the year. It will pay you
to advise us what you have to sell. At present, market old Hens,
old Boosters, late hatched and spur Chickens.
All our eggs are bought on Government grades and all poultry
according to size and quality. We are here to serve you.
OW11119, Langlois & CO., it ited
,N„ W. Trewartha, Manager C1112'6011 Branch
Day Phone 190 . Night Phone 214 W
We are again buying grain for shipping
Will be loading cars of wheat Friday and Saturday ,.of this
—week and also next week
A car of feed Barley will be loaded next week. Get our
prices before selling.
Office Phone 199
Night 141 and 129
Bank, Hamilton, returned home after
spending the holiday at the home of
Mr. James SWari.
Mt. Mortian Wlheeler of Detroit
spent the week -end with his parents
Mr. Weslei and Mr. Lyle Hain of
Vergu,s accompanied by their sister,
Miss Leila, of the Toronto General
Hospital staff new in the adinitting
department, inotovect up for the holi-
day and wee guests at the home of
1. Jaines Swan.
.and Mrs.. W...Kaiser of Moose
Jaw, who have. spent, the past month
visiting her brothers here and other
friends left for Toronto Tuesday and
will visit friends and also will take
in the National Exhibton before re-
turning home.
Mr. J. G. Kaiser and family who
motored through to Kansas City and
Oklahoma in May last, returned to
Detroit a few days ago, motoring
over to Brucefleid to spend Sunday
and- Labor' Day with friende here,
1V1e.- Kaiser intends to make his home
in the City -of -the -Straits.
Mr. Walter McBeth, soli of Mr.
Alex. MeBeth of Stanley was taken
seriously 111 last week with appendi-
citis. Dr. Peck of,I-Iensall was cal-
led. He at once drove Mr. Mc -
Beth to Clinton hospital, where an
operation was performed. At, date
of wilting there is a slight improve..
went in his condition. '
The great number of American
'tourists travelling to Godevich, Bay-
field and Grand.Bencl arid also from
many ,f our Canadian cities, testify
to the good road system in Huron
Rev. Me, Armour preached two
very earnest and -spiritual sermons.'
Sunday morning and evening. Mrs.
Armour favored the congregation a-
gain with a beautiful solo, "Wonder-
ful Love,"
Mrs,' Smith and little grand -daugh-
ter, Ihiliss Margaret, who have been
visiting friende mound here for two
months' have returned' home to De-
,, Mr. and -Mrs.. J. B. Mustard and'
fateily -AO` have been holidaying at
both of these setvices. ,,,.„ their cottage at driverlturon, have -re-
turned home. , , •
Mr. and Mrs: Hugh Berry spenle
the week -end at Whighain.
, Mrs. W. Ross spent the week -end
*With her daughter, Idre. Lindsay at
Belgeave. ,
1VIrs. C. D. Simpson was home
from Hensall over the week -end,
IVIrs. Coles of Toronto who has
been holidaying here with her cousin,
1VIrs. W. Henry, and other friends
has returned home.
ivrr, MeNevin of London was 6. vise
Aar at the home of Mr. James Swan
on Sunday.
Mill. J. Grainger, who was the
guest of her eister, Mrs. Calvert of
Ilderton, has returned home.
Mrs. George,Stvan is visiting
friends in Toe -ante and taking in. the
The many friends of M. jarnee
McDonald will be sorry to hear he"
is quite ill at present.
'Miss Graham of Seaforth was the
guest of IVIrs. George Baird, Sr., last
ars. Walter Stevens and children
of Kippen are the guests of the fore
iner'e brother, Mr. D. Tough.
Miss Fannie IVicKenzie of .London
,was a holiday visitor at the home of
her brother here.
ilVieGregOr Of 1171111t5
Mich., -spent the week -end and holi-
day with his parents heee.
Rev. A. V. Walden and family
have returned home from their motor
trip to Toronto .and Niagara,'
Mrs. Anderson of Idippen, who has
been visiting the past fortnight at the
home of her nephew, Mts. Thos. Pot-
ter, has returned home.
Miss Muriel Mulholland .of Detroit
spent the week -end at the home ,of
her grandparents in this village.
Threshing is now the order of the
day. '
Mrs: Newell and two children of
Detroit are visiting the former's sie-
ter Ides Fred Potter.
Quite a number from' here spent
Labor Day in Bayfield.
Mr: -and Mrs. -Becton and Miss
Nellie Beeton, of London visited Mrs,
5 - zjelvf.fh
Goderich Tovvnship
The conneil paid their respects to
Labor Day -by holding their reveler:
meeting in Holmes' Hall. The fol-
lowing accounts were ordered paid:
Alexandria Marine General Hospi-
tal, for 3 weeks' care of patient
$31,50; A. A. Stirling, posts and
spikes $21.75; Leslie Cox, sheep
claim $10.00; 'rhos. Betties, iron for
bridge $20.00e, Fred Bell, iron tfor
bridge $19.50; Fred Bell, cement cul-
vert 000.00; .John Potter poet and
. nails $3,80; Fred' Bell, . Tynciall'S
Bridge $480.00; Sam. Ennterson,
salary 830.00; . Capt, Sloan's
request for a grant to the Fruit Show
was Iaid over until next meeting.
•-eR. G. Thompsen, Clerk,
Miss Sterling has. taken
charge of a school at Amherstburg.
Miss Freda hSterling has also gone to
Amherstburg, where she will teach
during this school term.'
Xi!. and Mrs. Lowell Misener of
-Port Robinson tulle up and spent ta-
bor Day as the guests of the lady's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Hudie
of the seventh.
Mr. Harold Whitmore of Hamil-
ton visited over the week -end with
hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
The Unity Club will meet at the
residence of Mrs. John Smith, Bae
line, on Tuesday, September 9th,
Anyone having quilt blocks i.8 asked
to please send „them in, All mem-
bers requeSted to be present. „.
1 -
West Wawnosh: Jack Elwood Camp-
bell, the eight-year-old gen of Mr.
and Mrs. V*, "Campbell, was acci-
dentally killed last 'week when he fell
from the top of a tank at a threshing
at which /his father was assisting and
the wheels passed Oirei. is. body.' Ile
was unconscious when picked up but
lived for a few }lours.
lixeter: Wtilliam J. McNevim
well-known citizen of Goderich, who
died last week as a result of an acci-
dent at the Western Canada Mills, was
Auction Sale
At the residence of the undersign-
ed, William street, north, on Satur-
day, Sept. 13th,' at 1:30 sharp, the
following household effects: Par/or
suite, 2 bedroom suites, couch, -book-
case, -.Sideboard, extension table, din -
room chairs, kitchen chairs, Art
Souvenir heater, quantity of coal,' 3 -
burner anal oil stove, tables, oil cloth,
rugs, dishes, granitewear, garden
tools .and other articles etoo numer-
one to mention, Terms: Cash. Ev-
erything to be sold as the prepiietress
is leaving. town. Mrs. D. Tiplady,
proprietress, G. H. Elliott, Auction-
eer. 70e2.
For Sale
The administrators of the estate of
William Doherty, deceased, offer for
sale his late residence and the ad-
joining lands, (25 acres more or less),
on whieh are erected substantial and
well-equipped bu{ldings. Apply to
J. E. Doherty on the premises, or to
W. Brydone, solicitor for the estate.
, Boarders Wanted
Board, with or ' without. T.001113,
Apply Mrs. E. Schoenhals, 'Huron
street, Clinton. 65-tf.
For Sale
The former Joyner property. Five -
roomed cottage 'with large sun -room.
Electric fight and town water in
house. 8 acres of good land and all
kinds of fruit trees. Will he sold
reasonably. Apply to lVfrs. McCal-
lurni Commercial Inn, Clinton. 68-tf.
House For Sale
7 -roomed frame house in good re-
pair, on the east side of Albert street,
Clinton. Sun room attached, gated
stone cellar, town water. One quar-
tos acre lot With fruit treea. Apply
en premises to Mrs. Long. 59-tf,
House for Sale
Brick house on PrinCess street
7 'rooms and .summer kitchen, town
water, also soft water in kite*, ce-
ment basement, furnace; electric light,
3t acre garden? with small fruits;
stable. Apply to Miss Mabel Rath -
well, Varna. Phone 33-806; Clinton
central, 62-tf
For Sale'
The attractive and beautifully lo-
cated itroperty belonging to C. D,
Bouck, situated on High street Clin-
ton. The house has a beautiful out-
look, imposing in 'architectural ap-
pearanee, walls 13 inch Solid brick,
rooms large. Two marble fire -places
in,1den and parlor, hot and cold wa-
ter, cement soft -water cistern in cel-
lar, (bathroom, eleetrie lightS, two 'ver.
andahs and sun porch, two stairways,
cellar under whole house, -cement floor
hot-air heating. bit 75 ft. frontage,
double depth facing on High street
and Townsend. Fruit trees, garden
and small fruits.
A bargain for quielc sale. Write
G. D. )3oucic 43 Standish Ave„ Tor-
onto Ont 59-tf
House and Lot For Sale
Brick cottage, in good repair, cor-
ner of Dunlop and Fulton streets.
10 rooms, good cellar, modern con-
veniences. Conveniently situated.
Will be sold reasonably. Apply to
Miss E. McTavish, Clinton. 58 -if.
House For Sale -
Comfortable -frame house on North
street, half acro of ground. All'
kin -la of fruit. Small".Stable, town
water in house. -Rebert P. Fisher,
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothecleaned pressed and re-
paired.Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over 'Heard's barber shot)
We have a supply of Furnace, Stove,
Nut and Soft. Also some good dry
slabs. Leave orders at residence.
Phone 155. Huron Street.
Agents Wanted
The -careful attention to our
customers' orders and the splen-
did stock supplied for years past
warrants us in having a repre-
sentative or two in this county.
Liberal Commissons, Free Out-
fit. Write at once for Exclusive
, •
House For Sale
Cottage on Huron street, roomy and
in good repair, 34 acre of garden.
Small barn on place. Possession at
once, Also a buggy and cutting box,
Happy Thought rang4 and a sliding
bed couch for sale. Apply to Miss
B. Cantelon, Rattenbury street. 39-tf.
Singer Sewing Machines
Family, Electric and D. R. Styles.
Also some second-hand machines,
good as new. Old machines taken
as part payment. Easy terms. It
will pay you to look these over before
buying elsewhere. Repairing and
parts for all makes of machines.
Earl Steen. Jan. 1, 1924
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na-
tional School of Auctioneering, Chi-
cago. Special course taken in Pure
Bred Live Stock, Real Estate Mer-
chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in
keeping with prevailing market. Sat-
isfaction rissured. Write or wire,
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Pbone
98. ,--88-tf-1923
R. J. Rfillf-iLER
Orders taken at residence., Phone 110
Flour d Feed
Have quantity of Bran, Shorts and
Sereenings.on hand, and expect car-
load 1st of August. Feeds are advanc-
ing daily, now is the time 'to lay in
your requirements till new grain can
be threshed. Also Flour, have
agency for Snow Drift Flour, this
flour has been giving exceptional
satisfaction try it once if not satis-
factory after your first baking bring
back remainder and will give you any
other variety in its place.
Have Gold Medal and Gilt Edge
Twines in stock either in 5 lb. or 8
lb. balls.
Carry a eoniplete line of Toronto
A.sphalt Roofing. The quality Roof-
ing with a guarantee against curling, -
flapping or turning up. In over four
years agency for tills roofing have
had no dissatisfied customers.
Phone 123 1
Flour kind Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
.,The demand for our butter le la,
-.creasing. •
To' supply this demand wo reourist '-
more cream. '
We request you to ship us YOUS
We guarantee. you the Highest
Market "Prieee,' sccurate teats; And
prompt service.
Our firm is known -to you and needs
no further rectheurtend,
ltre.pay all express:: 'charges, fon.
lab cream cans and pay tivito cask,.
Write for Owes or further infornag', ,
tion to the
14{111 izileArePirEn