HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-09-04, Page 1aSSaseaasaataa
The coiistant drop qf water wears away tbe hardut stoie
,E ja;an,
-.s.• • •r.
e lid, 6
ie colistafit Wooing lover carries' off the blushing mai
. th ,
The con,Starit advertIser °lie that gets the trade
fainter 0cid 82c.
3. 35e
Ligyge8Ol. to Hoes s9 .50,
ede tsgi
vhina, Vitt 5hi and Sliver
These to delight the heart of a June Bride
CHINA—A large assortment of China to choose arena, frora Dinner
Seto down.
CUT GLASS—Lemonaden Sets,. Sherbert Sets, Water Jugs, Berry
Bowls Celery. Dishes Vases etc. -
'SILVER—Tea Sets, Coffee Sets, Vasest Bread Trays Sandwich and
and Cake Plates. Everything in Spoons, Knives,torks, etc:, and
last but not least, plain and fancy Wedding Rings. '
•.1/00IL Ye11qar
Jeweller and Optician Phone 174w Residence 174J
• N a less enlightened age people
fought to safegnard thezr valuables. Often
they placed them, in a strong box which
they hid in some secret place, hoping to '
protect them. . ..
Today the safety and security of steel vaults eliminate
the danger of loss byiire or theft, and give peace of mind •
for the safety of valuable belongings.
Documents lying unprotected in your house or office
demand the secrity of a Safety Deposit Box. y
The 1.- Bank
aeg of eta da;
Clinton Branch E Manning, Manager
aid Xot, eight.,,,Brittale° NeN7S0
For Every
The.. Bogs
like to come here for
1 thes
It is the t etter Stgle
the better wear and the bigger assort..
inentiherhave to'Selectitom which
appeals to them, just as ' it, does 40:-:
you when you buy clothes for your-
We Have Made
Extra Preparation -
for ohtfitting the boysthisfall an
winter. Our assortment for Boys 1.,
Suits; -Overeohts,.tais,. etc..J.
best we, have ever shown. •
e gour selections •
while the lines are complete
f1.1:111:. 101E1'. G.
Wailacelatarat Woaefaem alanierer" at
Match •Sn'..the',V4ii.;:4::;•eriff-filint
stemi'd:-rointd. th"e,„•,,,g•606.,•tiyas
Miniver ',had •Won.;thg"firsttgarne, 'on
the froane'field a score of 7-4, Lt
Wallacabing- goes. irate the nextround
with a..8 -goal leaa, ; ; • ,
The Huron Connty ,Conimit-
tee. of the county council,. eonaisting
of Reeve 33uchartan, East Wawanosh;
'Deputy -Reeve, • IVIunnings, Goderich;
Reeve- Dr. Milne,. Blyth;' Reeve- 0.
.Geigerallensall and Warden Ervrin.of
Hayfield, •Inet in Clinton _on 'Tuesday
for the transaction of the regular buss
iness of the' quarter. . !Things', at
the Home seem -to ie running, smootb-
ly under1he new management.
The Collegiate opened Tuesday with
an attemlance 'Oa sabout 170. _ The
lower form is rather crowded lant the
others are not. The staff consists of
Principal W. M. Erwin Mr. Finesi
Miss Graham, Miss Hobbs' iVfise Car-
rothers and Miss Richardson,
Principal Erwin is offering a $10
prize to the pupil taking the highest
marks in the upper schoel examine -
tion next year!, 'Go to it, girls and
Another Edward' Blake Scholarship
has come to Clinton Collegiate, Ro-
bert .0. Hunter, son of 'Vas. John
Hunter, having won the third Edward
Blake in Science Proficiency, which in-
eludes,Latin, French, Algebra, Geo-
cetry,Trigononietry, Physics, Chemis-
try and Biology.
Mr. Hanter's standing, which
ranks fourth in science proficiency and
fifth in first-class honors in the Pro-
vince, is a follows: Algebra I; Geo-
metry I; Trigonometry I; Botany 11;
Zoology II; Physics I; Chemistry I;
Latin Authors II; Latin Comp. II;
French Authors 1; French Comp. I.
Mr. Hunter is to be heartily con-
gratulated upon his splendid standing,
which reflecte credit sawn himself,
and his school. He had to wait for'
the results, his certificate having been
held back until the scholarships were
-retarded, but such a result was worth
waiting fore This sclielarship is
worth $50 in cash and free tuition
'for four years, or a possible cash val-
ue of $210.
Mr.. Hunter intends entering the
University this fail.
- The council met on Tuesday even-.-
ing, Monday being a holiday, all
members present and Mayor. Jackson
in the chair.
A letter was read from the Cham-
ber of Oonnneace, London, thanking
lVfayor Jackson, Clerk Macpherson
and the citizens of „Clinton generally
for the welcome accorded the mem-
bers of the Chamber who. visited this
tawn. recently.
On motion of- Councillor Schoen -
bels and Reeve Middleton Chief Stong
was instructed to procure new signs
for the dump heap, so that people
will know where to dump their re-
Chairman Middleton of the street
committee reported weeds cut on all
streets, reomniended that ditches and
drains on William street from Ontar-
io to Rattenbury .streets be cleaned
and broken atone placed in the holes,
that the water hole at the end of
Mary street be filled, and that -the
Fulton street drain be referred to En-
gineer Hicks for settlement.
• Councillor Rozell recommended that
a' rubber coat be purchased "'for the
fire brigade to replace one Which is
".Cronbonucitliora Schoenhals and 'Liver-
more moved that part of the fire hall
be fitted up for a ladies' lavatory.
Reeve Middleton ; and Councillor
Jenkins moved that the clerk be in-
structed to thank the Miller •Hard -s
Ware, Compariy'for the generous do-
nation of paint for the fauntain and
woodwork on the- front of the town
• Following the financial report for
the months
• e Street 'Account
Pay sheet.......................$46.65
Electric Light Accotant
P.U.O. Street light, for Aug.157.00
Property 0 .
P.11.0., lighting hall and latnp
D. E. Closet A.ccount
.1. Steep, salawy for August .. 70.00
Cemetery A.ccount
R. /Turner, salary for August 71.48
R. Hoeslo, 7 days 17.50
. , Salaries Account
L. Stolle:, salary for Atigest.. , 70:83
E. Greens, -salary for 'August 54.17
. Printing Acceurit
G. E. Hall . .. 7,25
• Grant e Adcotins % •.
P.U.G. lighting:, hospital .... 19,80
P.U.O.' arrears for Ilospital..104.41
Band, on acconnta..., ,200.60
•' Fire and Water Acconnt•
Grant -for -Band . 5000
Board of Health, Attonnt •
G. E. Halla printing ..... .„5.00
Incidental Aaeount ,
Entertaining- Hoard • of Trade
Tell Telephone rent and ae. 4.52
R. Welsh, Constable, Auguste: 3.00
• Postage Account
Postage and, Revenue . 6,00
• L. Stong, market scales •...............'9.
Stong;L. statute 'labor , 1200
LP.Btong, dog tax .. .
Runter,.sale of lots , . 1000
R. Hunter, care in neap.' 40.00
E. Huiltere wooE 20,75
wead'ardrialieit.„sna,Mra ',',Vtataa Caleb
Wh..e.'haS been...principal of the Goaa
134 ealigh .Pabeal," 'teat:the neat five,
yeartsStlial he his' taken 'Pasitian:at
'TarriavoithaaCrit;„„, "aahe aptesent
steam, - . ,
M Ph la • r tie t
her little ,grandalanghter hare Crich
daughter of. Mr: and, Mrs. James
016, Ceeliaarie, successfully passeci
her entrance examination last month.
AlutiFeElAs,RQS1110Y1V17 Bte;AP,S. TIE
A banana spidea was found -in a
bunch of bananas one day last'Week
• at Hrown's eonfeationery. It was
captured" alive and placed in a glass
bottle and when exhibited to The
Neevs-ReCord looked rather foam -lid -
able. We were glad it was inclosed
in the bottle. It is a huge specimen
of thee spider family anclawe should
arty it sudden appearance would very
effectively "frighten IVIiss Matfett a-
way" from curds and whey, bananas
or 'anything else the young lady
might 'be enjoying 'at the time . The
bite of this insect is said to be very
A wedding took place at the home
of the brides sister, Dears. J. H.
Watt, 59 Craighurst Avenue, Toronto,
on Thursday last, August 28th, when.
Anne Evangeline, youngest daughter
of the Rev. James Abery and Mrs.
Abery, of Londesboro, 'was married
to Dr. Charles T. Gray, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A- Gray of 114m-
ilton. The bride, who wore a French
gown of peach shade georgette, and
carried a bouquet of sunset roses and
lily of the valley, was given away by
her brother-in-law, Mr. J. If. Watt.
The officiating clergyman was the
bride's father. The -wedding march
was played by Miss Itelen Gray, sis-
ter of the bridegroesn, and during
the signing of the register liars. M.
D. Owen sang "Until." Following
the ceremony, •a reception was held,
after which Dr. "and 1VIrs. Gray left
on a short trip to New York state,
the bride wearing a tream-colored
sports cosianne, smart black hat and
cinnamon fox fur, the gift of the
bridegroom. Upon their rethan, Dr,
and MTS. Gray will reside at the
Argyle Apartments, Walkerville.
The bride was known to many in
Clanton and was a moat popular girl.
Her friends will join with The News
Record in wishing herinanY years'b±
happy married life. '
The Huron W. M. S. Presbyterial
will be held in Caven church, Exeter,
on Tuesday, September 9th, with
morning afternoon sessions, At
the. morning session reports of the
Diamond Anniversary held recently
at 1VIontreal will be given.. At the
same time and place the Huron -Pres-
bytery will hold its Septeml3er meet-
'Salvation .Army
11:00 a.m„ Holiness meeting; 3:00
p.m.,Praise meeting; 7:30 p.m.,
Salvaion ineeting. Sunday school
will be at ten o'clock in the morning
instead of afternoon.
Baptist Church
Sunday school fs:oo a.111„ followed
by church service at 11:00. Evena
ing service 7:00. The pastor will'
preach at both services.
Priam., meeting Weanesday even-
ing at 8:00 p.m,
Wilils Church
Sunday School will be at two -thirty
in the afternoon on Sundey arid the
following SonSlays,
Prayer meeting at eight o'clock on
Wednesday evenings. '
The pastor's subjeci; on Sunday Will
be: Morning: "A Faithful Saying."
Evening; "Jesus' 'Careof Fragments.'
Ontario Street Church
10:00 a.m., Fellowship service.
The pastor's morning subject will be:
"The Family." We 'will be grad-
fied to have the family in the 'Pew.
The Sunday 'school assembles again
in afternoon. This is our Rally
Day 'and Mr. Saybuge " of Seafoath
will speak. The pastor's evening
subject will be: "How San Discovers
The Junior League will meet on
Friday evening at seven o'elock.
Mr. end *Mts. John' Wiseman of
• Clinton announce the engagement of
their alanghter, Margaret Lillian, to
Ma. Evan Prowge 'of Detroit, idieh „
the marriage -to take place in Septein:
her. "
, Sunday WaS the hottest clay of Au-
• gust, andeecl, of the whole summer,
awhen• the thermometer registered
94,5 (legatees , above. The. lowest
temperature for August was 40 de-
grees above -on August 19th. In Au-
gust of last year we had a elighbly
lower temperatare, the hottest 'be-
- ing 93 degrees. . Most people 'will
agitee with the official temperature -
takers -that Sunday was the "hottest"
day. It swas a scorcher and keep-
ing- deal was out of Cie question. But
we've had so few really hot days this
svananei and the summer is so nearly
a thing of the past that few oi-us had
much heart to complain.,
Mr. D. A. Andrew, who has been --
assistant to District Representative
Stothers for the' past two or
three years, has resigned and goes to
Guelph on September 15th to finish
a course at the 0.A .C. Ma. An-
drew has two years of his course in
and he goes int a the College as as-
sistant dean of residence thia year, a
position which, he should fill with a-
bility and ease. •
Clinton peopfe.' will •be very sorry,
indeed, to lose Mr. Andrew as a citi-
zen, as he has made manY friends
during his sojourn here. Both he
and Mrs. Andrew will be much miss-
ed, Good wishes will follow them
to their new abode.
ailr. J. -B. Nelson of' Roekwood is
the new assistant in the. Agricultural
office and conunenced his duties on
Wesley Claurcla •
The Brotherhood will resume its
meetings at ten o'clock on. Sunday
moaning next. The subject, "Hite-
theahood in station," will be taken by,
the pastor.
- The -pastor's morning subject *ill
be: "A Sure Foundation." Evening:
"Man -at His Best."
The Sranday' sdhool will meet cet
8:30..M the aaterrimin on Sunday and
:for the future. A full `attendance
of teaehers, officerS and schalaes
urged. Sunday Will be Miesionsa,a
a St., Paul's Church
faext Sunday is Rally Day in St, -
Paul's Suridas school. All teachers,
officers arid scholars aro tree() be
la their places at 2:30 e
There, will be a celebration oa the
llolyCommunion at the eleven o'clock
service. The i.ector's subjects will
be: Morning, "The Loi'ds Stinnes' a
•4,111)01 of Divine Truth." Evening,
"'Faith in the UnseeisS" '
'The monthly Meeting dethe Ladies
18 „"*"""""*"'"assasa•"""""""'
, 4 f pitiGrAaitio7:till:Tuv,thWe-ebeshiaratiaell On". iell'IdINcift0Abovire:MI:at6Thtnephge:reU.Prig,4 hal .4:4;1 '43hRt, lotihrl:agae.l3il
1 , s % • $76-7 , 0 De,
'Miss Isabel Draper., who bas been
,a menuber of the ,Public school sthff,
atthetsh°eLmccilot":11)tahsl e ansdt ,•-•Ws chl 1°0 2 ti ge. rit
goes to Brantford in the comae of
few weeks teach in the Institute
for the Hlind,• Dranesasanany
friends -in 'town regret her departure
s• b.rhtewreil.l 8.11acess-111her new
, The fountain in the Libraey Park
has been painted a very race shade of
'grey and is much improved. Chid
Stone was the artist and the paint
was kindly , donated by the'
Hardware 0Q. The front woodwork
Mr the town hall is also being freshen-
ed up with a coat of white paint,
which was also generously .donated
by the same firm, and is 'being applied
by the Chief. „
' • ;
The _following from an Ottawa pa-
per irefers to a couple well-known to
many in Clinton. • Mrs. Daniels is
a daughter of Mrs, Lawrence of Ot-
tawa and a niece of the Misses White-
ly"Mofr.elainndt°111VI:rs. Percy Daniels, anti
little daughter, Helen, formerly of
Hamilton, have taken up residence at
120 Byron street. Mr. Daniels,
who was on the staff of Hamilton
Central Collegiate institute, has been
appointed principal of Nepean High
Scaool, Westboro."
The usual Labor Day tournament
was held on the local bowling green
on Monday, six rinks entering. The
clay was pleasant and the tournament
was much enjoyed iby those taking
part. There were four prizes and
they were won as follows; First by
3. E. Hovey, his rink consisting cd
W. Brydone, P. Livermore and Dr.
Campbell. R. A. Roberton's rink,
made up of W. Grant, D, L. Mac-
pherson and E. Pickard, won second
prize. • R. 3. Miller, with Dr. Ax-
on, G. VanHorne and F. Rogerson,
won third, .while Dr. Copp's rink,
madeeap entirely of medical men, Dr.
Shaw, Dr. Candler and Dr, Heaan,
came fourth.
Leonard L. S. Eagleson, the eight-
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Eagleson of Morse, Sask„ former cit-
izens of Huron -county, died in the
General Hospital, Regina, on August
10th. The Iasi was taken to the
hospital suffering from heart trouble.
After a few days' treatment he ral-
lied splendidly and the attending
physicians had strong hopes of his
recovery but be ,took a relapse on
Sunday, August 17th, and died on
Tuesday afternoon.
The remains were taken by his be_
reaved parents to Morie for inter-
ment, the funeral taking place a con -
pie of days later. The services were
conducted by the Revs, D. J. Syles
of Swift Current and T. 0.McQueen
of Morse, Many lovely floral offer-
ings were sent by empathizing
friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. John-
ston of Milestone -were amongst those
who attended the funeral. One sis-
ter, IVEss Oarelia, and one brother,
Master 'Boyd, survive.
OM friends will sympathize with
Mr, and Mrs, Eagleson in their se-
vere loss.
Miss Helen Carruthers of the C.O.
1, staff Ives successful in her summer
art course,
.The marriage took place at the On-
tario street paesonage early yester-
day meaning of Mary J., youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J.
Rogerson, and Wilbur Rafton Nott,
only son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Nott
of Tuckersmith.
The bride was married in her, tra-
velling, suit of navy blue tricotine
with which she wore a black hat with
trimmings of sand and,sand scarf and
gloves. She also wore a corsage
bouquet of roses and the bridegroom's
-gift, a. stringsaaapeaals. Miss Elva
Nott, sister of the bridegroom, and
IVtr. Norman Manning of Bruceaele
were the attendants. The ceremony
was performed -by the Rev. C. J.
At the conclusion of the ceremony
the bridal party returned te the hump
of the „bridcb parents, where the wed-
ding breakfast was served, only the
members of.,the two families being
present, and immediately afterwavds
Mr. and IVIrs. Nott left on a boney-
moon motor trip to Orillia and other
points. On their return they will
reside in Tueltersmith.
In looking over a copy of The Hur-
on News -Record, which had been pre-
served by a subscriber since July lith,
1894, 'we note a number of changes in
bupiness names, etc.
The 'Walser% Bank was already do-
ing business here,'and running an ad-
vertisement. H. C. Brewer was
G. D. McTaggart was running the
bank which has been for a good many
years now conducted under the firm
name of McTaggart Bros.
-Drs. Gunn and Gibson were in peat,-
neaship, Dr. J. L, Turnbull was here,
also Dr. J. '27. Shaw, who is the only
(lector still in active practice who was
here then.
T. C. Bruce and R. .Agnew were
the dentists.
Manning and Scott, Champion and
Johnston and W. Bryclone were the
solicitors who looked after .the law
business of the town and vicinity.
H. Hale and 0. A, Halite were in
the money -leading business.
T. E. McDonough was in the loan
and ansurance business.
.3. E. Blaeltall, now of London, was
•the veterinary surgeon.
D, Cantelon, still in the produce and
apple business, was then doing the
same'and he was master oa the, local
Orange Lodge, which was preparing
for a celebration a Palchill the fists
owing day.
W. J. Paisley, still a 'resident, was
master of the IVIascinic Lodge.
The•Black Knights also ran a small
std., A. M. Todd, then editor of The
News -Record, being Worshipful Pre-.
ceptor, with G. B: Hanley, D. Fa
and the late Peter Cantelon, secre-
W. Jackson was then town agent of
the G.T.R. ' and wan a neat ad.
'Twould, be interesting to know how
J. Raisfoad nosed him out of that
job, if anybody remembers. .
' The business men of Clinton have
, , •
almost entirely changed hi the thirty
Years in.MrveningS The lacTaggarts
W. Brydfine, arid Cooper's variety ,
store, ate ttilleunder. the same name
anc1,33.' Cantelon is atilt -buying pro -
Mr. and Mas, Chowen and family
returned last week after sunathering
at Hayfield.
The flag on the postoffice is: flying -
half.anast owing to the death ea
Senator Fowler. •
Mr. and" 1VIrs. H. E. Rorke and
family returned Monday from -a
eainping ho,liday at Hayfield.
roily returned the beginning 'of the
week from a holiday spent at Bay -
Ma. and Mrs, J. A, Ford anti fa-
• Miss Maud Torrance rhas accepted
the position of organist in Wesley
Methodist church, left vacant by the
resignation of Miss Edna Wise,
Basil Howey, 'Tilsonlatirg, Leslie
Pieldes, London, Harold Richards
Londeshoroa and Ray Carter and Joe
Yesbec, Clinton, snent last week,
' la
11 you want to ask S. B. Stothers
anything, catch him this'week. Next
week the School Fairs start- and heal;
be.as busy as a dog with fleas, Mail
they're' over.
Miss Vera Dodds has taken a posi-
tion in Miss McDonald's miainery
store, aliss Dodds bas had some
experienae and is taking the position
vacated' by IV/isa Rogerson..
Mr. A, P. joans had his Sunday
school class , of , boys camping at
Bank's last week end Mr. N. W. Tee-
Wartha took his class of younger
boye out to s end Monda attlie lake -
A trews item read: `‘Conveitsation
was held by, telephone ,on ThursdaY
' between isolidon,,Ontl, find New ,York;
9t/. •
The rriaeltet quothtjone may be in-
teresting: ,
Fab wheat,•55e to 58c; teeing wheat
53e to 58c; berley :15e, to 40c; oata .34c
to 35e; peas -58c to 55c; auttee ide to
1,5e; eggs 80 to 9eS daesPed, hogs (Tore,
cinto), $6.25 'to $6.50, , '
;The paper' „als neatlY" printed; ell'
liana -set of coarse, and at cartzeata•
iisi -line oa ,advartisjrig, Taeie, is an
eAitorial'erititiuing a •Speepli'iof
.•• . ,A I
' All was activity in school careles
on Tuesday Morning, as things .were
gat into shape far the eonareencenaent
onpw 00511 giNviong;monraeyh„olwidheiell
conrea' this ,veai! on Monday, Novena
her 10th,
Mss ' Mary Coact entertained at, a
dinner party in 1-1011oLIT fleT guests,
Miss Wfary Hanayan, daughtar of 141r.
8. 'eBanavan; assistant corporation
courisea and Mr:' Edgais ,Maguire
0Birtgn, ,Onf., Canada CoVers wero
• a,
The Young, Peoples' 1,eagae, of On-, ,.
teal& Street elrarah,, bald. a pienie at
„Bayfieltl' Satarday afternoon, ke
the eoneusion, of the picnic supper an •
adfleeas .was Teed to, alas. Geo, Van -
lawn, foasila4Y alias Helen laadaway
and a presentation of a beautiful
ver calve plate was made, as g •tokeh • ,
of goodeetil/ and kindly itemembranee
from the fellovv Leaguers. A very, a
pleasant time is reportedelsy all who aa
Heard in a book store in Clinton
'laet week: , •
Small boy: "What have youllmee •
books 'out far?" indicating a, display ' ,
of schgel books in readiness for the -
opening f the fall term,
Salesgirl: "Why, we have those
books displayed,so that you boys and.
girls may get avhatever you need ana
be all ready for sehool on Tuesday."
. Small By "Oh bah, 'bah, hate
school. Was just beginning to en-
joy holiaays, and you go and set
those old books out to remind me of
sch ool "
People You Know
Mr. D. Cantelon was in Toronto th1
Mrs, J. 'G. Medd is on a -Visit tor
friends in Goderich.
lairs. Theo. Fremlin visited Brant-
ford friends last week.
Miss Mary Mali has returned to her
teaching duties at Maple Lake.
Miss Amy Hellyaa left last week for
Massey to resume her teaching du-
Miss Nellie Medd of Exeter spent the
week -end at the home of Mr. X..
G. Medd.
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Brownlee spent.
'the past week in Toronto, taking in
the big fair.
Mr. Fred Rumball of Toronto spent
the week -end and holiday at hix
home in town.
Mr. -Gordon Hall of Stratford „spent
the week -end and holiday at his
home in town.
Mr. and Mats. John Wiseman were
visitors in Detroit over the week-
end and holiday.
hirs. S. Scruton and Miss Marion
have returned from a visit with.
London friends.
Mr. and Mrs, S. 33. Stothers and
IVIiss Margaret were in Toronto for
a few days last week.
Ma. and Mrs. Brydone, who spent
August at Gananoque, returned
home. the end of the week.
Rev. R. S. Irwin of Toronto is here,
having been called home on account
of his mother's serious illness.
Magistrate Andrews is in Toronto this
week attending a meeting of the
Ontario Magistrates' Association.
Miss Annie Lawrence•left on Monday
for Cayuga, where she will teach.
during the present school term.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Johnston,.
Goderich, spent the week -end se
guests of Councillor W. and
1Vars. Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 5, R. Holmes and
family anotored to Toronto, Ham-
ilton and Niagara and spent the
week -end and holiday,
MTS. Charles W. Davidson, Master
Donald and Miss Clara Davidson ot
Woodstock have been the gaests.
during the week of Mr. and lairs -
A. MacKinnon.
Miss Mabel,Cluff and her nephew,
Master Bobbie Phoenix, who has
been spending several weeks with
his grandmother in town, left Men-
, day for Hamilton.
Da. E. Scaalett, Mrs. Scarlett and
family of larnilton are visiting.
this week with Rev. T, J. Snow-
don and with Dr. Scarlett's sister,
Mits. Eldrid Yee of Goderich town-
Mr. and alas. Garnet Marien and
family and Mrs, McBrien's mothea,
Mrs. T. A. Walker, of Detroit are
visiting relatives in Clinton and vi-
cinity this week. They came over
by motor.' '0
Mr. and Mr. DeRosY and Mr. and*
Mrs. Feoltz'of Detroit motored ov--
er and spent the holiday with Mr. •
and Mrs. Nelson Cele. On their
Tetuan Mrs, Cole accampanied them
for a short visit.
Mr. Norman McNeil of Detroit was
a visitor at his home, that of Mr.
and MTS. James McNeil, for a few
days over the week -end. • He left
here for Toronto to visit the exhi-
aition before returning to Detroit:
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Andrew arid
daughter returned Monday after
spending a holiday at Luclsnow and.
Kincardine. "Dave" has some
fine fish stories, to ais said, since,
his return. Tut we haven't seen
any fish.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff •Andrews motored
up fi•oin Toronto end spent the
weelc-end and holiday with the for- .
iller'S parents, IVIagistrate arid Was.
Andrews; 'On their return they were
accompanied by -Mrs, Leonard Who
visit thein for a time,
lar. and 1V/rs. T,„ G. Allen have as
their guest their nenhavv, Mr. Ed- '
gar Maguire of Clinton, Canada,
' who has just retuned from an ex-
, tensive trip to Philaaelphia, New -
Yowls City, Poeono Mts., At/antic
City, Washington and Springfield
Mass.—Buffalo News.
Ma. and Mrs. A. E..Vincent and
tlataghter, Miss 'Voila, returned this-
week from a very enjoyable holt-,
clay. They motored to New ,York,
a/bee° Mrs. Vineent'vemained while ' •
Mr. Vincent and llaiss Verde, took a. ‘.
• trip, partly by, boat, to Boston, 'Tar.
Mouth anti through the Maritirate
Provinces. ailr. Vincent combined'
business with pleastne soniewhat. '
but he thoroughly enjoyed hip hell -
day pant and aetuana to Ina antlea
feeling fine and fit for the felt „ ,
rush, , ,