HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-08-21, Page 5erest to Your and Me - ore has not beent• . s' a, anon n Inco oal cea „Weltae d that there have (e'en hostilities in progress �some. e The latest war is in Morocco. The fact that e petrified lobster has can found in'Alberta .indicates • that, heV Province had an outlet to the: sea hen it was not needed so badly as at r•esent, • her, of London's Chamber of Commerce .motor through town this fternoon and will stop off for a "lit- tle social call. Let's see that our facesare 'clean and we have our company manners on. Matthews and Mason are both ready to "tell all they know." So let us have it, with no soft-pedalling or side- stepping. Ontario, irrespective of part', wants this whole bond -deal business cleaned' up for good and all. The Globe .accused the .Government of not wanting to find ,Matthows and now that it has found him and is de= ermined to keep hold of him it finds fault with that. But then, the Fer- guson Government couldn't possibly. please the Globe, so what's the use of trying ;? , The Prince of. Wales described Can- ada in"very happy language when he spoke of this Dominion 55 "a 'great," Glean coup ry, full of hope and confid- ence inthe•futuee". That is how it impressed hem when lie came here after the clo tie of the war "from four years of horror and confusion" -Ott- awa Citizen. The Zion, Mr. Raney is expending much energy scolding Premier F.ergu son for bringing, on a vote on prohibi- tion. We help,. but feel that. Mr. Raney mould be serving the cause for which he .professes such warmth of friendship better by using his en- ergy in assisting to organize the for ees }behind the prohibition movement •so as to defeat' its opponents at the polls in October. A decisive victory for prohibition will do much to settle this question in Ontario and all friends of • teuiperanee should co-operate .to bring about so desirable an end. Goderieh Historical Society is plan- ning to have an old loghouse, built in 1843, moved from where it now stands outside the town to Harbor Park, furnished with pieces of furni- bure shnilar to that used by early set= Jere in the Hatton Tract and kept as an historical exhibit. It is a good dea. Every county should .endea- nor to keep alive interest in its early ilstory, With the passing of every tioneer the,preservation of historical. Fnoevledge becomes more difficult. A ociety with the object in view of pre- erving such knowledge sladuld be as- fisted and encouraged.: "The effect of radio on political wa- ry provides the subject for an in - +resting speculation. 'Hitherto co - 05 of important speeches have been aided to the news}?apers before de- cry. The orator spoke to a few ousand at most. Quite often ,the 'ater departed from the written text. ze question is, will the real orator anisic, It is said by observers' that s nowadays are more interested purely intellectual side of the er's performance and seem to Se one who tries t0 stir men's The demandfor substance flier than frothwill tend to make +liticianee more -. careful of every acct they utter," The feeF'that the O.T.A. is not, openly enforced is quite frequently it forward as a reason why it should dose away with and something is substituted, ; We have a suspi- in, however, that more often than" t it is because itis too well enforced at it ie opposed. Usually it will found that those who arm loudest their opposition to the law are the ss who object roost strenuously when ;tiff sentence is handed out for some 'motion of the law, The Ontario uperance Act was put on the sta- e books by the Government as a r measure, during the war and lat, was voted upon and upheld by a y large majority of the voters in Province. '}It is a law difficult of rcen}ant, perhaps, one reason be - that many pe plc te1teve it inter- s with their' personal libert y. is a democratic country, however, the majority rules 1±1 this as it r anatters. Another • reason \vhy difficult of enforcement is because e are omen who are snaking money vi efying it. The 0.1'.A., how which is a •law of the Iand, id havethe supportof all Saw- wg citizens, ' The •man or wo- wlro defies it is not a:good citi- i" .f. ent at Lake"Couclrichng, Mr. A. T. Cooper of Clinton occu- pied the pulpit, in the Varna Jletho- dist church,', on Sundae- last. Mrs Elliott and children of Wind-. sot are `visiting at the home of her another, 1Vlz's. Wna; Itathwell-of ,the Goshen line. Miss Eva Fee of Seaforth visited" friends in Stanley last Sunday. Mr. G. 14estop spent the week -end at the hone of the Rev. J. J. Dur- rant Miss Roxann Coletough of Detroit spent her vacation with bee parents here, YMr. ' Epps has improved his resi- denceby,enable a new front porch'. Dr, J. M. and Mrs, Parreant re- turned on Saturday after spending twoweeks at the home of the lady's parents, that of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. J. Colclough, They also spent some time et Goderich, Grand Bend and; Bayfield Auburn The Harmony class of the IVtethc:. dist church met at the hope of Mr,' and Mrs, A C. Jackson, last Fri- day evening and enjoyed a social time. During 'the evening Miss Rae Andrew was presented with a writing folio and an address. Miss Andrew left: on Wednesday of this week to work in a mission in♦Toronto. Miss J. Ratcliffe of Sault Ste. Marie is visiting cher sister, bdrs. J. Hiek- ingbotton. Mrs. A. L. Cartwright of CIin- ton spent a •few days this week with Mrs.: W. 3. Andrew. About sixty. of the young people spent a very enjoyable evening at the Lake on Monday. Wednesday wee Auburn's civic holi- day. It was celebrated by a picnic to the lake. - }M'r. and Mrs. B. Tyerman of -Sea - forth spent Sunday at Mr. Wan. An - demon's. 1VIr. and -lairs, Roy Munroe of Hen. sail visited Miss M. A. Munroe on Sunday, 'Miss Haycock is spending a ,few weeks •with her cousin, Miss .Effie 'Stoltz. Next Sunday the churches will re- sume their regular serviees, Preslty- , ,rian in the morning and Methodist at 7:80 p.sn, Miss Elam Match, who has been visiting her parents here, returned on 1VIondaq` to resume het position in Toronto. , Mr, and Mrs. E. Robertson and family of Torontospent the week -enol with friends here, Mr. and l4Irs. Milton Plunkett of: Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Plunkett and other friends. KIppen Word has been received by relatives here of the death of Mr. John Buts, son of the late Elam Butt. Ile was born and brought up in Tuckersmith, just north of Iiippen. ' lie went' west some 'thirty years ago. He has been, in failing health for sometime. •His home was at Whitewood, Sask, He was a, brother of Me. W,m. Mitt of, Seaforth and ears. John Hinsdale and Mrs. John •Murdock of IIensall. In- terment took nlace at Whitewood. Mrs, Wan. Moffatt of the west is visiting with her many relatives about here. Her husband now deceased; was a •brother of Mr, John Moffat of the London road. Mr, lames Upshall has gone to Lu. can, where lie has accepted a tempos_ ary position in the railway office. Rev. R. L. Lundy is expected to oocupy his own "pulpit on Sunday. IIe has been rusticating at his summer home .near Port Albert. The Misses MtCoevasi of McKillop" have been guests of their' aunt„ Mrs. James McCiymont. Miss June Smith spent a 1rw days very pleasantly last week with her. aunt, Mrs" Thos. Johns of Dashwood. Mr, Thos, Moore of StratforWas a recent visitor with his niece Mrs. Wesley French, Mr. and Mrs. Reid T'orranae and Mr. Sterling McPhail and daughter were visitors with Mr. Heney,Ivison on Sunday, The Ladies' Aid of, the Methodist church inet at the hone of"Mrs, Honey Ricker on Thursday of last week and planned to hold a bazaar` this coming fall. Mrs, W, McConnel and son, Miller ofDetroitare guests with the lady's father, Mr. John Whiteman and her sister, Miss Mabel. Rewe John Richardson t d n 01 London a� one time pastor of St. Ansrew'e here, eves in Kippen last week two siting with relatives, t et, I taniell Township ns$9fp Friday evening last the Bruce - "Brownies" and Baird's. "Bear- played ori the deciding game of •tbalI' at Baird's schoolhouse teamswere somewhat revised }s a result, a tern struggle was. cl which endedin a score of 26- favor of the 'Bearcats. This then} a lead of36 points on the: which was the result of good nation, rather than superior size •trength. A"regular.• feast of iehes, cake and lemonade..was, ed iia, ,before the teams parted. ne-up`was as follows: gown- unpin centre, Clete Pepper; entre, Isobel Sutter; forwards,. Haugh, Margaret. Aikenhead;' e, Janet Aikenhoad, (Capt,.); Haugh. ' Beercats-Jiunping Mary Stewart, (Capt.); side Betty ; Stewart; forwards, Jean If, Ann Stewart; defense; Hazel Edna Reid, Referee, Miss • Charles Whitman and Mir. nd Miss Gertrude Whitman g, Mich., are visiting• the sister, Mrs. George. '.Con - this township, oily Connell and Mx: and It of Toront'o,> -. op nt a 51 weeks withM`�"y�,xavlve, Il returned to' Toronto last' Ss '.tinily Connell is at Pres - Marriages PEPPER -CARTER -In Clint August' 12th; lay the Rev, z oorhouse, Mrs, Rose H, Ce Roger Pepper. SEELLI-RUTLEDGE Ix Go i township, on Au ust 20th, b Rev, R. J. ormacic of Lo Marion Louise Rutledge, daub hter of Mrs. -W W. A. Rutledge, to Z le, Seeley, 'son pf Mr. . and Mr Seeley of Clinton. COOPER-WEBIB--,in Goderich August 7th, by the Rev. C Cher o1' St.• James' Anglican c Stratford, Helen Agnes, s daughter of .ids': ,and Mrs'. Webb, Goderich, to' L. Earl Co eldest son of Mr. and .Mrs. G E. Cooper, Clinton. ' ' BirthsMcd MANNING -At the Community pital, 'Clinton, on August 15t Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Manning, onto, a daughter. -Margaret R on, on C. J. }ter to derieh y -the ndon, g l'ilfrid s. A. ,on anon huroh ecoid. John oper, eorge Hos h, to Tor uth gust the 65 gust wif of 13th, e; of hef 8th, 76th Au. his 4th, Geo rite, ler, in - Deaths yT�}E•NNEDY-In Clinton, on Au 19th, Julia Linehan, widow of late Donald Kennedy, aged years. COL•TRTICE-In Clinton, on An 18th, Mary Trevena Wade, wi air. E. G. Courtice. GOULD : In Clinton, on August Maggie Josephine Trouse, wif Mr.r. H. W. Gould, Clinton in 50th year. MCLEAN-In Stanley, August Robert Bell McLean, in his year. MCINTOSFH---At Brueefield, on gust 17th, David McIntosh, in -83rd year. BEAN In Colborne, August 1 Phoebe Linfield, wife . of" Ge Bean sr. in her 67th year GANDIER-At Newburgh, Onta August 16th,'Rev. 'Joseph Gand father of. Dr. J. C. Gaudier of Ch ton, in his Seth year. Goderich Township Miss Margaret Thompson of the Wonaan'u Hospital, New York, has re - twined to Toronto after spending sev- eral weeks at the home of her aunt,. Mrs. 11. Murphy. W M 0 c The attempt to rob Benmillee wool; len mill was frustrated by the vigil- ance o the proprietor, Mr. Gledhill,a and as sequel three men are in 085- tody and the case may turn out to be directly interesting to the owners of other woollen mills in this' part of the country. 'Mr. J. W. Gledhill proprietor of l3enmiller woollen mills, had been mis- sing some of his wool, and had also got a tip from Rainton Bros., of the Blyth waallen Mills, that thieves were abroad and for some time he had been staying in the mill at nights in order to protect. his property, About teh nights ago two robbers entered by •prying. open a small spate beiwoen the two doors at the usual entrance to the mill through which space ono of the nten squeezed himself. They had started to work on a pile of raw wool near the door' when Ma. Gledhill turned on the lights. In the fracus which ensued, Mr, Gledhill shot one of the inert in the shoulder, while the other made orf and up the hill to the church ga'ounds, where they had park- ed a truck, ani got away with it. The anan who had been struck had" fallen to the floor, the bullet having struck at the top of his right shoulder and, passed through, inflieting only a flesh wound. Mr. Gledhill took him to his own house, summoned medical aid' and a constable, and the prisoner was taken to Goderich jail. The man, who gave his name ae Bevitt Lisk, talked quite freely, and as a result of information received from him, ear. Loekridge, Jr, was ar- rested later at Mitchell, Wan. Lecke ridge, 'sr,, was also apprehended on. a charge of stealing wool from Bain - ton Bros„ 'Myth, about. July 8th. The Lockridges are now in jail., _ Lisle s-anarnied to -a daughter of the sen- or Loekridge. The three prisoners are now in Goderich jail awaiting trial. They were unable: to furnish . bail fixed at $2000 each. The .ratepayers of Mitchell .only a few weeks ago passed' a .by-Iaw to guarantee a loan of $15000 to ' the Lockeidges for: the operation of the woollen mills at Mitchell. The senior Loekridge denies all knowledge of the robberies. The amount of wool taken from Marion Bros, mill is estimated at 720 ounds.- BlytIt Standard This week's Mitchell Advocate hat the following regarding the case: "Bevitt Liske and ' William Loek- ridge, jr., pleaded guilty in the pol- ice eonrt' at Goderich • on Friday on sr, charges 01 breaking into the woollen mills et Beauniller and B1S�a. Williaan Loci.r,idge, , of Mitchell, pleaded not guiity t6 breaking in`andstealing wool from the 'Blyth mill, and denied all knowledge of the wool being in his cellar at Mitchell. 'Magistrate ,Reid said there was not sufficient evidence to convict Lockridge, sr., and dis- missed the ease against, him. At this point officer 1Vhiteside informed Dudley Holmes, who was defending Lockridge, sr., that he was holding Lockridge sr„ on a warrant from offi- cers at Geofgetown Liske said that the night,they, broke int6 the ';Bena- miller woollen !mills that. they. left Mitchell at 10 o'clock,at night..} file stated that the trip •" to Blyth was started before 10 o'clock,' and that they, spent, abut three hours in. Sea - forth. taking in' the picture' showeand' other thhe41s ibefoaieg•oing'on to' Blyth.' Magistrate 'Reid deferred. sentence until August 23 upon Liske and Lock - ridge jr," Miss Mahn Robinson ofWinnipeg was a week -end visitor at the home of Mrs. Henry Murphy. Mrs. Misener of Port Ribiu son bas been visiting her, parents, r, and Mrs, George Hudie. Mr. and Mrs, Rabat E. •C lclough and daughter, Miss Verna, and a friend motored to Woodstock and sheat Sunday with relatives. ' WOOLLEN 1%IILLS BURGLARIZED MOW ACCIDENTS HAPPEN Accidents are being reported to th Workmen's, Compensation Beard of this Province at the rate of two -hairs dred Sot each working day.. Many people have the impression- that aeci= dents in industry involve contact with machinery butthe statistics along this line do not bear out this fact,. One ofthe organizations in the Province interested in the question. of accident paceventioa has made a survey of compensated accidents eov- ering a twelve month .period and their information shows tho following causes ,of accidents: 1, Handling; objects, 2. Falls, of. persons, 3. Fol- ling, objects, 4. Hand tools, 5. Me- chanical, 6. Dangerous -substances, 7. Stepping on br-striking against ob- jects, 8. Flying objects, 9. Physical failures, 10. 1Movin vehicles All' others, These e causes -•are and ie listed in theorder of precedence. It will be seen, therefore,. that the median-, icaI accidents are greatly outnumber ed by the various other types, hand- ling- }material being the outstanding cause of most' accidents, . 'These' facts naturally s 'u. thoughtg on the ;that a little more •eaie on the, part of those engaged 'in industry \you'd mean that each year Wo should have a smaller :crop of accidents." This would surely be a good thing for the people of ,Ontario Wingham Seymour Thornton, aaa: 'old resident o, 5'4inglaana, died bn,Fri,• day, r'Jgust lst, in his`73rd year. Besides his wife he leaves one son tied three daughters,, I3 p IF. J. BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 1"h. CIntosi` News -Record. A SHELF of good home-made Pieklea is the Iiouseufe'so. and ride P n gase\vife " wants to tako chances of haven • her Picic,Ies c II g e I o ed by using peon iiagrv'd- ients, : Quality is the, feature of our Spices or Vinegar. I?on forget Zinc Mega, Jar Rnbhees, Sealers, Etc.; Have you tried our special priced Beeal:east Bocos 1 MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE• JOHNSCN & CO'S GROCEfy Phone 11 That's What Brown's Bread Is Made with the finest ingredients, properly blended, assures �a s you_ of getting a won- derful loaf. TRY IT--L.Yoinr Grocer has it, or we will deliver it to your door fresh daily° aase2+r a. Carpet e @ ai Having the best Electric Rug Washer ever made for cleaning Rugs and Carpets, 'I am prepared to clean a limited number during the summer months . All work guaranteed and will call for and deliver all rugs, etc. or may be'left at residence Huron Street ' C. fI VENNER, Clinton Electrician Phone 151w We Para Lash EGGS • Our' plant is now complete and we solicit your shipments of eggs whether large or small. Come and see them graded. POULTRY • We buy live poultry twelve months of the year. It will pay you to advise us what you have to sell. At present, market old Hens, old Roosters, Iate hatched and spur Chickens. CONDITIONS • All ouji)eggs are bought on Government grades and all poultry. according to size: and quality. p S' q Y We are hero to serve you. Gum , Langlols eic Com.q Limited �. HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUEBEC N. W. Tt"e a tEaa,Manager ellirit01111 B ranclh. Day Phone 190 Night Phone 214 W amu$ smanesse_...azoramorat Binder Twine The seasons are swinging around and harvest time is just around the corner. ' We have an excellent brandf season, manufactured by an all -Canadian firm in the onew�8-pound ball and also in the regular sized 6 -pound ball. ' Maple Leaf Flour Formerly sold under the brand name •Cream of the West. Every bag is guaranteed. Monarch •Pastry flour is a high grade Fancy Patent hone and our many users caunot speak too• highly of it. We have the exclusive agency for these two brands of limn. Purity, Five Roses, Five Jewel, Jewel and Pie -Crust always on hand. , Maple Leaf Lard and Easiflrst. W. JENKINS Office Phone 199 Night 141 and 129 filolal candle Mr. and Mrs, S. R. effel'4th and children spent last Thursday in, Stratford, -Miss Geiser of 'Crediton has been engaged' to teach in No. 3, eonnnenc_ ing September 2nd.' Misses Kathleen and Amialielle Be; dour of Detroit are visiting Holmes- ville friends, Ldndesboro Mas. "Button and her daughter, Mrs. Will Bagier and two children of Toronto, visited a, week at the home ofthe fornier's cousin, :Mrs. Henry. Adams, Mrs, David Eason' and two children Everett and Gertrude, have returned home after spending a fewdays. with. the lady's sister, ears, ; Geo. McVittie: of Londesboro. Si. Helens 18lr. and Mrs. J. Metcalf and Miss Mary of. London, also Miss Jean Campbell of Stanley,, .spent a few days' around St. Helens visiting friends, Mrs. Rdbineot Woods kind Mise Ir•. one Woods left on Thursday nee: a vis. it to'friends'in London. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Irwin . and,Mr and Mrs. John Irwin of Kinloss spent Sunday at the home • (if Mr. Joseph Smith, Mr. Ro5ert McGuire,as ii visset �' g at the home of Mr. Ed.. Thomas,: , Miss Margaret Miller andi' Miss, Mary llacQuillien are spending the' re s aainder of 'their vacation at their'res- poetive homes here. Mess, Jos. Gaunt :spent a fewedriys at the .'home of her, danghtere'Mrs. John, ;Scott, ;Lanese .''41155 Pe ailWse'e•' b t z is Ironic fromi Toronto. Rev. C.. Cummin swent t Toren- - o oron- o on :'Monday SOME FALL FAIR DATES. Toronto -August 23 to Sept. 6,. • Goderich-Sept, 8 to 5. London -Sept. 6 to 13. Exeter --Sept. 16 and 17. Kineardine-Sept, 18 and 19. Listowel -Sept. 18 and 19. Seafocth- Sept. 18 and -19 Bayfieatld-Se. 23 and 1 24. Mitchell -Sept. 28 and 24. Blythe .sept. 25 and 26, Lueknow-:Sept, 25 and 26. Zurich -Sept. 25 and 26. Winghane: Sept.20 and 80. lBrussels-Olt, 2 and 3. . Dungannon --Oct. 2 and 3:.• FASTEST HARVESTERS'- TRAINS WILL BE Bir CANADIAN NATION- AL RAILWAYS- The specie]. Harvesters' .. 1 trains of the Canadian Nation Railways iroan all Ontario' points as advertised, will make the fastest time to Winnipeg, operating via the new LongIac cut -oft, the 's'hortest route betjveen Eastern and Western Canada,' harvesters travelling by• this 'route will, as a consequence be first in the field. . The first train leaves `Toronto one minute after midnight of August 21st, (12:01 a.nt. August 22nd). The fare is a flate rate of 416 to Winnipeg and a half a cent a mile beyond. Returioln g the :fare is half .a cent per smile into Wiianipeg and $20 hack ,to starting point.. Comfortable '-roomy, convertible b (birth) Colonist care of Iatest design and lunch counter cars, serving food. and refreshments at reasanable.prices will be attached to.tra• ams,- Special cars will be provided' for 'women. Purchase•:your tiekets to Winnipeg' via Caitf dean Nati ea1 Railways no- matter a wlietlreri• you destination is a point on the Canadian National 'r 0 not. Consult With your nearest age, eat :Eos train service,- etc, 67-2 Special Sale of Oils )• (All lads For One Week aalg, Aug. ittit /0 16th Coal Oil, Canadian Coal Oil, American 2e gal. The above in 4 gal. .lots or over only27gal. Motor Oil, Polarine Med. or Heavy • 95c gal. Motor OH,Red Indianlightg , med.,or heavy Seperator Oil $ 90c gal. p '_ 90c gal. Machine Oil 55c gal. Floor Oil 85c gal. Linseed Oil, raw or boiled $1.65 gal. The above in one gal. lots or over only "Pure imported Castor Oil 80c qt. Pure Heats Foot Oil 60ct. Harness Oil �< q 35c qt. The above prices are for Cash only 10 cents will be added where delivery in Town is Required Ililler ardivalme o. GENERAL HARDWARE TELEPHONE 53 HOL1)&ESVILLE S. S. NO. 3 Tenders for the caretaking of the school, the firing, dusting, ' sweeping, etc. will be received by the "undersigned up till_ Aug. 30th. The lowest Or any tender not necessarily, accepted. "Duties to commence Sept. 2nd. Johan Huller, Secretary`Treas- urer. • 68-2 Lost In. Clinton, between Brown's Bakery and Hanley's garage, a man's .gold watch, Elgin works. Finder please leave at Brown's Bakery. Reward.. A, W. Groves, G8 -1-p For Salo Large range with reservoir aril warming shelf, oak sideboard, antique hall rack, walnut, and an extension table. Apply to Mrs. Janes Finch, Victoria: street. 67-41, Wanted .Coliegiate "`roomers or boarders, Comfortable . bone, convenient to school. Apply to The News -Record Office. Boarders Wanted Board, with or without .rooms. Apply Mrs. E: Schoenhais, Huron street, Clinton. . 65-41. Fruit Farm For Sale The Fruit ram known as £88• Hoare Property located one-half mile from Clinton and containing 174 acres of land planted in apples, pears, plums, cherries ete„ with substantial res- deuce and outbuildings is offered for sale. Apply, W,BRYDONE,:Clinton, Ont. or BAYS & HAYS, Goderich, Ont. 66-8, Farm For Sale The McNaughton Farm, lot 22, B. R.S. Con., Stanley, 100 acres more or less, is offered for sale. The farm is first class and the location on the Bayfield road near Varna is anost do- sizable, : Buildings, soil, timber, wa- ter -facilities and cultivation are all good. Apply to, Mrs. McNaughton, Executrix, on premises, or W. Bry- done, Clinton, Ont, 66-3. Stray Heifer A red heifer was found on the pro- per'ty of Mr. Nelson Reid of Varna. Owner may have sanie by paying ex- penses .and calling at the undersigned. Nelson Reid, Varna. 64-tf. For Sale The former Joyner property. Five - roomed cottage with Large sun -room, Electric light and town water in house. 3 acres of good land and all kinds of fruit trees. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to Mrs. McCal- lum, Commercial Inn, Clinton. 68-tf. 'House For Sale 7 -roomed frame house in good re- pair, on the east side of Atlbertstreet, Clinton, Sun room attached, good stone cellar, "town water. One quar- ter acre lot with fruit trees, Apply on premises to Mrs. Long: 59-tf, House for Sale Brick house 'on Princess street 7 rooms and summer kitchen, town water,' also soft water in 'kitchen, ce. ment basement, furnace, electric light, Vi acre garden, with small fruits; stable. , AppIy to .Miss Mabel Rath - well, Varna. Phone .83-606, Glintoaa central. 62-tf For Sale The attractive' and}beautifully lo- cated property belonging to C. D. Boucle, situated on high street Cline ton, The house has a beautiful out- look, imposing in architectural ap- pearance, walls 13 inch solid 'brick, rooms, large. Two marble fire -places. in den and parlor, hot . and cold wa- ter, cement soft -water cistern in cel- lar, bathroom, eleotrielights, two ver-. andahs and sun porch, two stairways, cellar under whole house, cement floor hot-air heating. Lot 75 ft. frontage, double depth facing on High street and Townsend. Fruit trees, garden and small fruits. 1. bargain for quick sale. Write C. D. Botack 43 Standish Ave., Tor- oeto, Ont. 59-tf. Mouse and Lot For Sale ',Brick -cottage,; in good repair, cor- ner of Dunlop and Fulton. streets. eel I e s. 10 morias, good cellar, modern con- veniences. Conveniently situated,. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to Miss Si.; MCTavish, Clinton. 58-tf. House For Salo Comfortable frame ,o huseonNorth street, half acre of ground. ,' All kinds of fruit. Small stable, town water in house,, Robert. P. Fisher. Clothes Cleaned and°`Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired., Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W_ J, logo, -83-tS PLUMBING AND HEATING CHI-NAMEL 'STORE 8 COAL} We ha've a supply of Furnace Stove Nut and Soft. Also some good,dry slabs. Leave orders at residence. E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street. Agents Wanted The careful attention to our customers' orders and the splen- did stock'supplied for years past warrants us in having a repre- sentative or two in this county. Liberal' Co inaissons. Free Out- fit, : Write at ones fol Exclusive Territory, THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY' 7 RIDGEVILLE, ONT. STAR NURSERIES. 60-13 House For Sale Cottage on B:uron street, roomy and in good repair, 3i& acre of garden. Small barn on place. Possession at once. Also a buggy and cutting ,box, 'Happy Thought range and a sliding bed couch for sale. Apply to Miss B. Cantelon, Rattenuury street. 89-41. Singer Sewing Machines Family, Electric and D. R. Styles. Also some second-hand machines, goon as new. Old machines taken as part payment. Easy terms. It will pay you to look these over before buying elsewhere, Repairing and parts for all makes of machines. Earl Steep. Jan. 1, 1929. -:AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of A.uctioneering, Chi= cage. Special course taken in ' Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar I{lopp, Zurich, Ont, Phone 18- 93. -88af-1923 C A,Lr _ NUT, STOVE & EGG 'L ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. J. MILLER Orders takenat residence. Phone 115 Flour and Feed Have quantity of Bran, Shorts sad.. Screenings on hand and expect car- load lst of August. Feeds are advanc- ing daily, now is the time to isay in your requirements till new grain can be threshed: Also Flour, have agency for Snow Drift Flour, this flour has been giving' exceptional satisfaction try it : once if not satis- factory after your first baking bring back remainder and will give you any other variety in its place. TWINE Have Gold Medal and "Gilt Edge Twines in Stockeither in 5 1b. or 8 ib; bails. ROOFING • Carry a complete line 'of Toronto Asphalt Roofing. The quality Roof- ing with a guarantee against curling, flapping or turning up. In oven four years agency for this roofing have had no dissatisfied customers. Js A. FORD & SON Phone 123 3' Flours d Flour n Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers CREAM WANTED! The demand for our,, butter is creasing. To supply this demand we requiy • more cream. We request you to ail/ " yo -silt ' cream. , We guarantee you the Hi hee g iq Market Prices, ;accurate testae anal prompt service. .• Our firm is known, to you and small/ no further recommend. .We pay all expreos charges, furor. ieh';eretem *Ma'am' pay twice artati month. Write far 7 sa,s or furtlior Inforpw, Con to the TUB SRAk'ORTH f 'Asa, IEiry'