HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-08-21, Page 1AY AB B INT ,;.ylT d'9�h�14'g'+/d„S�Ad�_•'�,"`'&'il`�.$�'�'� w; �i°� O. 0268 the•. consta�at fir' omg lover carries oil. the brnshiag maid The'Constant advertiser i� 'the one thea. gets the: trade - ears' awa .: the h df°st bo e ' The.coi�sta�t g��� ®� �owsel� � � � .. the constant drop of watere rs awed tie ha °dent slope E MARKETS Oat45e gss TH Eg9c to 85c Wheat+ii a t 1 40. Buckwheat ckw eat 75 e. Butter, rte ' 30c ':t o _32 c . ' Barley 55e, Live Hogs $10:00, Stede iihree 'aka lcio6 and a1 ei June Bride f, a heart o These to delightthe CHINA—A.large assortment of China to choose from, fron Sets down: CUT GLASS --L ernonade Sets, Sherbert Sets, Water Jugs, Berry Bowls, Celery Dishes, Vases, etc. SILVER—Tea Sets, Coffee Sets, Vases, Bread„Trays, Sandwich and arra Cake Plates. Everything in Spoons, Knives, Forks, etc., and last but not least, plain and fancy Wedding Rings; Di1111nner Jeweller and Optician Phone 174w Residence 1743 misemesolemour WHIEN. OPPORTUNITY COMES IOW ' much money have you "put by" at the pres- ent time? Enough to pay a doctor in case of sudden illness in your family? Enough to make a pay- ment on a home should you be offered a bargain? Enough to take advantage of a sudden business opportunity? Ordinary opportunities,_ordinary happenings, these, yet how many are ready for tomorrow's big chance --tomorrow's emerg- ency? The man with a good bank balance is always ready for the unexpected. Our booklet, "THE MEASURE OF YOUR INCOME,' will help you. Ask the Manager for u copy. 'W.- . I. MEETS 'TTIU•RSD'AY •i LITTLE LOCALS The're al ar monthly meeting oeting of; the The exterior erio r of the town c leri c's o f- Wcien's institute will he heloi • e las been &xvenascab ofpa.rnt. three o'clock rooms Thursday afternoon,.IC.T.T7 will meet at threeThe W next :in their''rooms over the Public adian o'clock in the lecturer? con of Ontar•• Library• neeralnmawomen attclai0hild re- street church, n.F,riclay. All mem. LawsCe bees are requested to attend.. ren" will be given by Mrs. N, W.;Tre- , wartha• The roll call will be answer- Mise Lillian Potter successfully ed by "Ways: of helping Children. passed her exam. in elementry ag tm- r in St • ' nitu e 'the Forn'i:TIabits of Obedience and Cour- culture and horticulture tesy," The hostesses will be Mrs. trier course; recently completed. ' Flynn, Mrs. Mair, Mrs, G. Cook and. Iariis' . has put ti shins. Mrs. II. Je coat of yell paint on itsCooffice front. ahmeliMmok $134 Clinton Branch• - R. E. Manning, Manager 44 It is an improvement. Any sort of h paint. is an improver -Limit, slash it on: Residents COWS AT LARGE d f e •h eri 0 t ' t M i th e n t town are complaining m about groups sof 5 on b odY should. explain 1atn to the is fl - that theY au= : ioios flag cows which wander in from - the c n London v r 'try and snake inroads on their gar- brig. et half utast ibecause of some -i e' or something, not in, dens. No fewer than three groupscrrcl�rn-tlie,rop are said to, have "picknicked".in the any wise onaccount' of their visit. gardens on'"Vineger I#i11" last week. Mr.• H W.Gould and family wish It ners to be wondered s h l that the to thank their friends and neighbors owners of the gardens should be. get- ting tired of it. Unless these an- for the aenditdeurinand theltlongnillitess athy lled it' is likely that shown th x g uls'are contig Mrs, Gould. some of them will,�be empounded. No and since the death f one seems to know who the cows be- EBL1 y—RUTLEDGB longto,but they are good looking an- CERTIFICATES HERE The certificates of pupils writing; on the ;;Taper School Departmental exams. were received by the secre- tary of the 'Collegiate board at neon today. Several have already been 51e- livered and we cannot• give a report of the successful; pupils-. but. Mr. Ransford can tell those interested whether or not there is a certificate for 'then. imals and are no doubt valued by: Elm Villa Farm, Huron Road, Gode their owners:. rich township,' was the scene of a very MASONS HOLD PICNIC , 'happy event on Wednesday evening, when Miss Marion Louise, younger .. A very successful picnic was held at daughter of Mrs. Susan Rutledge be Bayfield yesterday afternoon by Clin- came the bride of, Mr. Wilfrid E. ton Masonic lodge and their families Sleeleydrawing-room,of which ton. The ride entered red and friends. The' day was pleasant with palms and ferns, to the strains and the crowd a happy and ucod-na- tured one. Sports of various kinds. of Lohenlby rgrister, wedding was were indulged in during the afternoon, given awaybyher mother. 'She wore everyone enteringinto the spirit of a ;beautifl gown of reside canton the occasion -ofwith a enthusiasm,llscrepe, with grey trimmings,'a neck - picked A date baseball bby,, Me two lace of pearls, the gift of the groom, teans,raper, was played, Messrs. ts. Clement and Draper, the and carried a bouquet of American former winning in a score of 8-5. Beauty roses. Rev.. R. J. McCoy- A ladies' ;baseball game also proved mack of Richmond street church, Lon - an 'interesting feature. Mrs. Mc- don, .officiated. Brien captained one team, consisting After a sumptuous repast served in of Miss Marion McBrien, Miss Stew- the dining -root, which was tastefully art, Miss Madelon Shaw, Mrs. R. decorated in pink and white designs, Plumsteel Mis, Ball, Mr, Clement, the happy couple left upon a' motor Mi. Lavis and Mr, Venner while and camping trip. Mrs L. L. Paisley, captained the The bride's travelling dress was of opposing team consisting of Mrs. Ole- grey tricotine, with a beaded French stent, Mrs. Venner, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs, blouse acid grey hat with orange triut ENGAGEMENT ANNOUN'CPD , ' The following announcement ap- pealed in Monday's Globe. Miss Fairfull's Clinton friends will read it with ,interest., • "Rev, and ' Mrs. J. Sf: Fairfull, Walkerton, announce the engagement em nt of•theironly daughter, Lillian, to Dr. A KITCHEN SIiO+W,ETl 4Miss Marion Rutledge, who `Was married yesterday evening to Mr. S E,,,Seeley, was; presented with many useful ga'anite and cpoking utensils by` Ua number of her Clinton gxil,;fiiends on Monday evening last. :'MOTOR PARTY PROM LONDON. The Chamber of Commerce, Lon- den, on a motor trip, will stop in town this ;afternoon' about four o'clock,` when they will be received by Mayor Jackson on the -Library Park. Citi- zens are requested toeonte out and give the visitors a -hearty welcome• • MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE to Three Clinton young men motored Mitchell on Sundayevening and ite from t la to took three you n dies n that Arnold R. Richards, soil of Mr. and town out fora ride. ; While going Mrs I -I A Richards, Hyndford, Ont.., ata moderate pato of speed along' the the marriage' tools place :Sept. 17th" I Stratford highway the steering` gear AMONG THE CHURCHPS ' Salvation.Almy 11 a.m., Holiness meeting; 8 p,t}i Sunday school; 7:30 p•n�., Salvation meeting. Captain F. J. Clarke, C. 0. All welcome. Our Motto Mot For Every Man AMMIIROMMOIMB Scho 1 Suit ARE READY We have School Suits to hold that active W school boy who was never' known SC • � t to be quiet They are stylishly cut and thoroughly , made. The different are now ready—Just in time for school and grades. and styles ., exec tionally good, values at . have some p � 7.50 10.00 12.50 5,00 1 BOYS'. SWEATERS i Sweaters an we have made. The fall season is the time for Boys Swea d � show all sizes and the good styles in Boys big preparations.: We Sweaters., : ...- i g wool and . There are a variety of new colorings. and trimmings in w worsteds at • 5 1.50 2.00 2.50.. 1.2 • y Boys Overcoats and Khaki. Knickers Ii � at Hall Price We purchased this week from the Jackson Mfg; Co„ Boys' Ov- W p oats and Khaki Knickers at half price and we offer these to the ere public ` at half 'regular price, a 8• gong Boys' • , ahki Knickers, size 24, 26, 2 g g 48 only Bedford cord K SOe, ,v , 00 ' Overcoats, sizes.26, 27 and 28 going at,$3, � 5. only Boy's Ove „s, IS THING P. Pluinsteel, Mrs. Lavis, Mrs. stings; Johnston, Mr. Latornell, Mr.. Ball. The score stood 12-10 in favor of MTS. MRS. D. KENNEDY PASSES MoBrien's teats. Following a stroke sustained last Several races were also run off: week Mrs. Donald Kennedy of Rat - Married Ladies, 50 yards—Mrs. tenbury street passed away on Tues Cools, Mrs. Paisley. 0: day at the ago of sixty-five years. Men's F. For All, 75 yards -W. The deceased, whose maiden naive Clement, CCook, was Julia Linehan, was born at Wat- Offieers, 75 yards—B. Lavis, C erloo but for the past forty-four years D 1,adrCook,• she has made her home in' Clinton. oFree For All, yds—Mrs. She was married to the late Donald. C. Mrs. Pluni"steel. . Kennedy on June 16th, 1880, the Rev.. Men's Wheelbarrow Race—E, Ro-F. Dr.,Stewart performing the ceie- zell, d es'Johnston. Blindfolded Wheelbarrow mony, and she has since been con- Ladi- nected with Willis Presbyterian Contest—Mrs. Mo$rien, Mrs, Pais- church. She is survived by two Pais- ley. sons, Archie and Lack Kennedy of Men's Three-legged Race—Carl Detroit, and four daughters, Mrs. Draper, B: Lavis, Stephenson, Winnipeg, Mrs. Edgar I Pius' Race—Irene Venner, Margar- Armstrong, Clinton, Miss Lily and. et ad es' Miss Nora at.. hone, the former Ladies' Three-legged. Race -Mrs. chief operator in the telephone office Paisley,dies Mrs. C. Cook. here' and the latter a teacher at Mild - Lk, Coca, Mrss.. , -Backward 'Race—Mrs. C. may. Her husband died five years . Paisley, ago. Two 'brothers and five sisters Ladies'Mrs. Walking Race—Mrs. Pais -also survive: John Linehan, Toronto ley, MrMcBrien; Mrs. Clement. and Peter Linehan, Riversdale; Mrs. DEATH OF M•RS, E. G. COURTICE J. Crossley, Winnipeg; 'Mrs.; T. Lo- gan Minnedosa, Man.; Mrs• C. It was witlt,lceen regret that Clinton Woods, Buffalo; Mrs. P. Mahoney, citizens heard on Monday afternoon Mildmay and Mrs, D. Dewan, North of the death of Mrs, E. G. Courtice, Bay, Mrs, Courtice had been all her life The funeral takes place this after - an active, robust .woman until the noon from the family residence, Rat_ springof this year but sinceuMarch tenbury street, west. had Bernoconfined to the house suffer- rikNOVER'VS". CLINTON brig from heartrouble: It was thought that she was improving but Last Friday afternoon Hanover and about a month ago she had a very se vere attack and this was followed by Clinton tcrosssbsticks these learns iat the Park n pneumonia, which was more than her the first game depleted strength could stand and she the 0,A,L.A. semi-finals. The Ilan - passed away on Monday afternoon. over boys are, a big, strong team of Mrs. Courtice was the eldest good stick handlers, possessing good daughter of the late Rev. William strong shots. They got away to ;a' and Mrs. Wade and was born in flying start and before the game was Clarke township, Durham -county, in long in progress, had the score 4 to 0 1855.for Hanover. •The Clinton boys ap- ible Her father was Clinton,or of for feared to have air attack of stage. Bible Christian shush, linadios fright, and were not playing their us - re the ent,t they re, resided eMr. Wale's retirement, they resided here. 'Forty- ual game. During the second period, Courtice was Hanover', „thinking they had every-. mfour years ago 1VIis. ourthin their own way, started to it g andfor the her now ;bereavedtyears husband the game, with the result that the and for past thirty o .he has Colts cane to life, and showed the (a member a resident t this town. She }vas ganise they -are capable of playing. a aof Ontario street allMethodist The score t the beginning of the third .pa.church and was very active in all ally period was 6 to 2 for Hanover but at in tm.ents of church work, especially in the Women's Missionary Society, the end of tho period, through nico •and accurate shooting by Jack She was president of the W.M.S. for years and honorary -president until her decease. We shall miss her very much," remarked an officer' of that so- ciety yesterday when speaking of her passing • She was always very much interested in the musical part of the church services and for several years pi.lef to her marriage was organist in the old Bible Christian church She was also an active and enthusias- tic worker in the W.C.T,U. St. Paul's Church Rector's subjects next Sunday will Treasure." be, morning: "The Hid Evening: "God's Kingdom. Among Men." r• Will subscribers using envelopes 72, 88 and 117 kindly write their names on their envelopes to enable the trea- •surer to properly credit their givings. i Ontario Street Church • Sunday School at 10:00. Pastor's morning sermon subject: "One Way for the Church to Prepare for the Bat- tle." Evening Subject: "The Ethics of Business." Mrs. Passmore of Exeter will sing a solo at the morning service on Sunday. At the morning service last Sunday, Miss. M. Gibbings sang. "There is a green Hill far Away•" At the evening. service Mrs. Tanner, a former member of the chior, sang a solo. Both ware much enjoyed. REV. JOSEPH GANDIER locked and the car. headed fora the ditch but struck a past and all .the young people were more or less shak en and injured• One'young lady had, her collar bone broken. The young men' escaped with slight injuries but their' friends suffered some anxiety on, their :behalf, as they remained in. Mitchell until • Tuesday afternoon waiting for their car to be repaired. They will have to save their pennies for some. weeks to pay' the damages to it. It was a very fortiinat'e thing that the accident proved no more ser- ious. • People You Know The following from Tuesday's Mail and Empire refers to the death of the father of one' of Clinton's well- known citizens, Dr. J. C. Gandier. Rev, Mr. Gandier had visited his son here on mare than ono occasion. Miss Jean' Plumsteel is, visiting in Stratford. Miss Eva Cluff is spending a holiday in Hamilton. Mrs. A. L. a Cartwright visited tela- • tives at Auburn last week. Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Hardy and Miss Etta drove up to Tiverton on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Gillis Gilchrist of Ayr have been visiting in town this week. Miss Helen Fisher and her niece, Miss Helen Manning, are spending a few days in Toronto. Rev. C. L. and Mrs. Bilkey and Miss Charlotte have returned from an ex- tended 'motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, Winnipeg, who have been spending Some time with relatives in Clinton, have gone to 'Mitchell to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wasman and Miss Helen retruned to Toronto yes- terday after •spending the vacation with relatives in Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Dean Courtice ancl' Miss Betty of Hamilton are at the former's home in town, being called home owing to the illness of the 'late Mrs. Courtice. Mr'. and Mrs. E. J. Colquhoun and daughters, Ethel and Margaret of Science Hill and Mrs. L. J. Love- joy and children of Jamestown, N. Y,, have been visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A.'J, McMurray. Drs. A. C. :Clarkson and children returned to Toronto on Tuesday af- ter having spent a couple of months with the -lady's parents,' Mr. and. Mrs. Win. Steep. She was ac- companied'byher sister, Mrs. Her, ry Fremlin, and little son. Mr and Mrs. A. T. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wallis attended a meeting of the Social Service Coun- cil in Hensall on Tuesday evening at which Miss Agnes McPhail was one of the speakers. Mr, W. W. Trewartha Kingston, Ont., Aug. 18th.—Rev. Joseph Gandier, a veteran of the Presbyterian ministry, died on Sat- urday in Newburgh, where he hail spent some thirty years of an active career. The late Mr. Gandier was a graduate of Queen's Theological College in 1872. Itis early ministry was spent in the Ottawa' Valley and about thirty years ago ho went to Newburgh. He has been living a retired life for several years and had been ill the last three years. He was eighty-five years old. His wife pre -deceased him last year. De- ceased had a family of ten chil- dren. His sons include Rev. Dr. Alfred Gandier, principal of Knox College' Toronto, and ex- moderator of the General Asseimbly, a graduate of Queen's; -Dr. J. C. Gandier, Clin- ton.Ont., Ernest, of Newburgh, and another son who is practicing medi- cine in the Maritime Provinces. Two sons are dead, Rev. MacGillivray Gandier a Queen's graduate, and another who was a doctor. The daughters are Lady Falconer, wife of the president of 'Toronto Univer sity; Mrs. J. M. Thompson, Napa - nee; Miss Lillith and Miss Annie at home, The funeral was held this af- ternoon ,from his late residence in Newburgh, The service was at- tended by Rev. Di. Malcohn Mac- Gillivray and Prof • John Matheson, of this .city.' BION. AR.TJi1UR M]SEPHAN leader of the Conservative Opposition in the Dominion Parliament, who was the chief speaker at a ,big -rally of the party in Stratford yesterday. The sympathy of their many friends goes out to the family. Mr. Peter Hay of Brantford and his mother, Mrs. Burns of Ethel, were the guests of Mi. and Mrs. D. Tough last Sunday. In the evening Mr. and, Mrs. Tough and their friends attend-' ed anniversary services in Bayfield.. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson of Ham-, ilton, Mrs. (Dr.) Sparks of St.» Marys, Mrs. McNaughton of 'Calgary and Mi. R. Govenlock of illcKillop visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tough this week. THE VETERAN'S PICNIC. The veterans of Huron county held a picnic to Bayfield last Wednesday, August 13th. It was very largely attended.- Everyone voted it a de- cided 'success.` It was the unanim- ous opinion that it should be Sin an- nual affair • A good program of sports was clir_» vied out consisting of baseball match- es atch es by girls' team and boys',team and races. The following is the list of prizes: Ladies baseball game --Miss. Helen Ladd's teats, consisting of; Mrs. Cree Cook, _-,.c,-,. Miss M. Walton, ist passing tch the score stood 6 to 5 for 1,base, Miss Man, 2nd base; Miss Grea- Mu '' p lis, 3rd base; -.Miss F pi Hanover. The final period saw the 1 baser, shortstop; Gro best lacrosse of the game, the 1 - team showing faster- footwork than the Hanover team. The period was not long• underway until Clinton scor- ed again, tying uip the game, almost. immediately .Ken. Roberton got an- other goal putting the colts one goal up, but an unlucky break .care when the stall was shot at the Clinton goal, and after hitting a rough spot near the goal rolled into the net, leaving rho score 7 all. Tho- local team are to be congratu- lated 'on.their :good showing, in hold- ing to a tie :a team so much bigger and more experienced, and -which was composed of players from Walkerton, Markdale,�Durltan'i and Hanover. Mrs Courtice was a 'woman of great •cliartn of ananher and sweetness of •disposition;, to know: her was: to love her. Slto will be missed in many circles •but most of alliin the sacred eirele of her •home. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Hattie and Sybil at.home 'and one' son, Dean, of the staff of' the Hamilton Technical School. All were with' her when the end c53ne• Miss Sybil who is cbn- nected: with the missionary work rof the Methodist :''Churc in: Japan, has li been'<home on `furlough during the past, year. One sister, Mrs.•J.' H., l'iplady of the :Base •line, just•north of -Clinton, -ancl tl i'ee !brothers, William L. Wade Of Fort William; Ralph' 11. Wade `of Barnard, S. :"Dakota, and John;;Wadebof ,Clinton also survive, er- ethis aft s ac • i tikes, l uncia t p The f residence, Jo- rs e., family e a noon � Trani lire Y , sepli street,'te Clinton cenietety.'The servicq�' at ,the; house • conunences 'at fdixf 'ooloo• k,+ ;ls� •i Li:]irAa+,, al Miss Beaton, right field; Mrs. Butler, left field; Miss Cook, centre field; de- feated Miss Draper's 'team, consist- ing of Miss Merner, pitcher; DHSS King, 1st base; Miss Jewett, 2nd base. Mrs. Sherritt, Sid base; 1Vliss David- son shortstop; Mrs., McEwen; right. field, Miss Shaw,. centre field; Miss McLeod, left field, by the score of 14 to 11. Men's baseball gaiu:e—,Mr. Morgan's team won from Mr Butler'steam by the score ;of 10 to 6'. The teams: J. Match ll',. Match; Troy Cook; F. Carter; J. Stirliag; E. Dodds; LJ Pearson; D. Walton; T. Morgan, Capt. H. Kilty; W. 'Match; M. 'Me- Dougal; C. McEwen, A. Jacicson, ii.. Roberton; W. Heard; C. Westcott; A, Butler, .Capt. rr � oxin -"A. Butler. Harrell D g 0 Putting the Shot-Harold'Brandon,. Clinton went to 'Hanover yesterday to : play the deciding match, with the Grey town team which tied them here last Friday. This time they went clown to, defeat before the heavier and, more experienee' :;team on their own, experienced ground and': are out of the running, The local (boys 'did weil,,hewever,• and Clinton, is pp rods; of the•brand of sport they put up tltrough'ut the .season'. They didn't mit rip teir bestgame yesterday, or the 'seoxe, 18=2, might have,'been considerably, changed,. but heYve played e d g o od,lacy sse sea., son and have gained• a lot of.'exper- ience- • hlanove* pl 'ys Wallaceburg Bugfleid The anniversary services in St. An- drew's church last Suliday were most successful,. The church was crowded to capacity 'both morning and evening. Dr. Colin G. Young of Toronto preached two eloquent and inspiring sermons, The musical part of the service also was of a high order, the congregational singing was especially hearty. • At the morning service Dr. Smith of London presided efficiently at the organ, and fine solos were ren- dered by Miss Silvester, Detroit, and Miss ;Cullis, London. Mrs,' Ivey, London, .played a violin solo during the offertory in her usual finished style and also supplied a violin obligato'to Miss Silvester's solo. In the even- ing the organist was Prof. Anderton of London and the soloists were Mrs. Barrows, London, and Miss Mary R. Stewart, Bayfield, all of whom render- ed most acceptable assistance in the praise service, A special offering of $200 had been asked for and the ob- jective was not only reached but con- siderably surpassed. Altogether the services were most enjoyable and were among the most successful held in the history of the church. A large number of the residents of the village and the.surrounding coun- try are' anxious to have hydro. Dr. Metcalf and Mi. W. R. Jowett have been canvassing in Goderich township and have secured a number of sub- scribers for hydro, Reeve Erwin and Mr. A. E. Sander have been canvas- sing the village. Prospects look bet- a was also on the program. ter than ever before. The following members of Clinton C.G.I.T. have. been camping here: Miss Stone, leader; Miss Hobbs, Lin- nie Nediger, Elsie and Gertrude Sny- der, Reta Elliott, Jessie Ball, Jean Pltunsteel, Greta Van Horn, Winnie McMath, Esther Trewartha, Freda Schoenhals, Kate Beaton. Mr. and Mrs. Milligan and family of London, are in Miss Campbell's cot- tage. YPliere have haeen tiffany large picnics here this season. One of the lar- gest was on Wednesday of last week, when the war veterans of Iiuron had a most enjoyable time. The early morning 'weather was showery, but cleared and the. rest of theday was fine but cool. A good program of. sportswas put on • and family, Mr'• and Mrs. Sloinan y of Omaha, Neb., are guests of Mr. Sloman's sister, Mrs. Brown -Martin. Mrs. Wm, Ross and two sons. of Minneapolis, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ross. of Dr. Van Baalen, wife and son, Detroit, have been visiting . Mi. arid. Mrs.' H. Lawson at their cottage. Mrs: . Scully, Ted ; and Madeline Scully, Mrs. Fisher, of Kitchener; Mrs, Dack and Mrs. Macintosh, ok Victoria, were recent' visitors . with, Mrs. F. A. Edwards, ndale is as - Mr. Gardner, of Thor of -the village in the Sterling Bank. Mr. La -Reid sisting is spending a few days in Goderich. Mrs. Riley and daughters' of Flint, One of the oldest and most esteem- Mich,; have,been at Mrs. MeLcolts l ed residents of Brucefield passed ,away on Sunday afternoon in the person of for the past week. The, boarding houses and hotels are David d Mcisntosh, 2ollowing a pr etrac- well-filled this month. All are great- rllness. ile was an elder in ly pleased with,Bayfielcl and claim it connection with' Union Presbyterian is the best resort they ,have yet visit - connection for, many years and well; incl' ed. ra;bl ;mown tlu•oughout the noun- Mrs, Prentiss, .Margaret and David fano y a, of Iiuron; . 'He was born 83 yours Prontiss, of 'Torontoy are guests o� a 'b on the London road. Mi. Mc- Mrs: Prentiss,' parents, Mr, and Mrs. g - In osh was seized with henerrhage.01 W. J. Stetson. t njo - • ' `:m oiith ago and was Leslie Pickles, of London e l y the blain albout a r g l - ti heart weakened n. , to life,hc'o fora few weeks. doing, nicely but.; s u e ca p die rather unexpectedly short- Mrs, Hosie? Edwards, with 'Helen andlte d ly after leaving the dinner table his iann'dthBe illHo, d`gofi'sK' oortotitaagea,re guests of • home an.Sun ay afternoon. `7.71- Mrs,Edward's sister, rs. Wooster, low, formerly Miss RattenburY, and "Detroit" 'which ,• survive: e: John in Nev" h dro lane r four Of a fan.aly,survivThe y p -_.„- Criterio? William and Misses Maud has been. in ;the' rver.:for shine trine, flights it)"r" as and Emma at home. nial,ziig occasional., .tg p i the Seng ors came' to gaief when it, l'<'tnd The :funeral service was held n � , , Wednesday 'afternoon, an -,' ed with'sorne fgrce`,.on the surface church on Wey akin lace in;Baird's cerise-, of the water.' lust outside the river •:`` ferment .t 1• Jdgi i acted mouth ori Saturday`. '' The' bottotn,.•- hurcl e the c The ed saf 1 to i f t e k out o toced h al In ac a l a x ti Y hhad ws ML Mclntos p ;bearers as l pa i a to Ue h s rl xltrag edt boon a member o£'Aesston fbX a num 1 craft and rt h d ii t Y � to,slioiebx re�tazrs,i ,. Brucefield. Mr. C. H. Ham,, who has been spending a two weeks' vacation in Brucefield, returned,' to. Hamilton Monday. Miss•JVMargaret Stewart of Seaforth spent the week -end with Miss Ina B. Scott. • Mr, Peter Hay of Brantford called on friends in the village this week. Mr. Dunlop and family of Frank - ford are holiday visitors at the home of W. Rattenbtiry. ' Mi. and Mrs. J. B. Aikenhead, ac- companied by .Mr. and Mrs. Doa- oughy of London, motored up and spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Hugh Aikenhead:. Miss Bennie Deattie of Tecumseh Ave., London, is holidaying at the home of Mr. W. Scott and other friends in the village. Mi. "and Mrs. W. E. Kaiser of Moosejaw are visiting friends in Clin- ton and Goderich. Rev, Mr. Gray of Toronto was a -week-end 'visitor at the:. manse and ' conducted the Sunday evening service. Rev: Mr. Armour favored the cen- gregatiott with a fine 'solo 'Sunday ev- ening. "What Will You Do With Jesus." • Officers Race•—Major O'Neil; Major` Sloan; Lt. ,Morgan. ' 1'.. 0t ace—Ser t1VSajor Lav s. N.C. s g,- R Corporal Fowler. lid •Oth er Ranks Race—Haskin}.,1'. situ •, Ladles' +,Rhea—Mies Hayeoele, Misa Stone Miss`�orke.- ` =+ s e il Dde e a t c rde s h, S C• W t Gals Mace Doi rithy steep, Giacet Seeley;r,R St4e# '