HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-08-14, Page 7,./Ifter eFi "tited
cited ;agree:allele
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heseitetIall ass
43.4,,,usi teat'
•faelle., baeaSis
'Plait -es lilac
Evaita !batten.
Provincial ricard of eiceith; Oriteete
kildillSton willboglad ta enswer eneatione itia Fables Health mat,
ars through this cciiiiine, Addeesis him et dins Hone% 2ft5LWI
The strength of a chaimis measured community. All phases of the work
li.ite weah-si. link. ,It matters not came LIP fol'thseussiOn child welfare,
how Ponderous and massive' som,;. PE • Inental, deficiency, delin'quents, bettoe-
he imuke may. he, the chain has little trirgg the condition of the poor, provid-
trongth and will not stand the straM guardbinegterrheifrachielaitlitehs.anfodrvrwevoernittfaersg,
if even one of its,links are defective. accidents. These and many other
This is true whatever 1' f •
one can:sidelis• T"ice a' baseball garPe listening to a discuission on. industigal
ulna t marry Within a, certain period.
• Wine With Sxhig.
In a will .Prohated in 'En
lan-d the testator, who wn a tetitot
ler, left his hoiese to E relative' on con- ieeeeseeeeeseseeeee.seeeeeseeeeeeoeereeee'
dition that not only chould nd spirit;
mons liquor be drunk' by the legatee
but that none should 'olter be con,
sumeti In the
This will recalls that of the late Mr.
Richard Cory, who -left over half a
Million, and -provided Lzm his will that
no person should benefit under it un -
lee% he.ox' elie, remained, a OW ab-
staInor. ide also directed that no Per,
son should have any of his 'inoney.
who adopted the Roman Catholic faith.
Noyeliets are 'fond of a plot in which
Rose In The Button Hole
tosics were thoroughly conSidered. In a will iaYa d'Qwn that the inhetitcr
for instance. What greateeeiraWhacic hygiene problems, I jotted down.a few Such 1,,113,s, are ram In real life; 'but
could be imagined • than -to have one notes. They tend to to show how varied a Mr, Nen Roe, an Irishman, on his
weak man on the team? All the
others are playing and interesting are the subject's being death, lo Y his brother three farms
fatalless bell and dealt with,,and ho\). they' pertain to and $30,000 on eenditien that he mar.
nothing seems to he in the way
0? the welfare of the endustrial workers ried within six -menthe. The brother
victory. But the pomo player drops ---e class which eomprisee such a lost no time liofuliilling the necessary
the hall- at e' crucial moment 'when a:leen-0 part of Our population. Bele et iditi '
catch should have been' certain and athet 11 d 4 b° ut• °n.
re 501115c 0 things th• • The late Sir J. Blundell Maple left
the opponents score a home run, even- I Protection of workers against en-
•ing op the score or winning the.game, ' three and lead poisoeing also came up a great fortune to his daughter, 011 con -
It war the weak player that did the' for discussion, as- did also the ques- (Mimi thatsbe spent at least 240 days
trick.' In any line of organized sport tion of providing., legislation for the
out of each year in England. An ap-
such as r •
, y mue do protection of women workers before
his bit and do' it well. There must be and eiter childbirth,
no weak spots anywhere:- And so it is Low wages and long hours produce
when we think of the public health •a lower standard of living, immora1,.
and the efforts that are being put foe- ity and, disease.
• ward to I-sep th
, peoplo well and.i Part of the duties of social workers
streng, to prevent the spread of corn- is to try and bring about shorter nein that she never married, but a
municable disease, to save the lives hours of work in certain occupations. year or so later, when eke wont to the
of mothers and infants, to protect aa great problem confronting 015 at Courts about the matter, the judge
workers in industry and to provide, the present alime is the reduction of granted her relief. '
cleat nod', safe milk and pure water unemployment. , In another case a man left- a large
peal against the condn
itio.. we
against the lady.
Conditions made by testaters am
not, however, always good in law.
man left his sister e20 000 on cond
. .
This is a good stunt with which
to begin a 'series of parlor tricks.,
The trickster p etends to Mck
magic seed out of the air and puts
Won his coat lapel where a but-
, tohhole Slower would ' be worn.
The spectators can see that his
hands are empty. He counts,
'Oe, Two, Three!" and a real
rose appears, as it hy magic, la
the buttonhole.
A length of elastic is the con-nt federate in the -trick. One and
of this Is fastened to the insel
e) of the coat under the armpit. The
A • exact position will have to be de-
l., terralried by experiments. This is
lead right through 'the cloth and
through the buttonhole and ad.
rose is fasteneto the end.. When
the performer , enters the parlor,
the elastic is Stretched and the
rose ,hidden" and held by' the profs -
'lure of the upper arm_againet the
body.. To pause the rose to up-
, pear in the bettonhole, it Is neeeti-
sary only to „relax the' pressure of'
the arm against the body. Magi -
claim usually arrange for the rose
to be easily detaehfact frbra the
elastic,. thus permitting an exaiat-
nation of tide flower and the auto-
• 'natio 'vanishing of the means by
which the trick was done.
(Clip this out and paste it, faith
• other 4;.f the series, 1,sa scrapbook.)
- •
• s •
for di:inking purposes.. The disposal. The 8-hotir day was -advocated in fortune to a eephow, with the stipule -
of reruse, the provision of adequate industriarwork of the mature of min- Bon that his—the amele'b---body was
• sevyag,e facilities, the -matter of per-1ing, Manufacturing mid construction.
sonal ene d h filth
Scouting in IbIbioland.
very interesting account of Scout
Ing NigOria has come to hand fro
lir'.'. 5. W. Drysdale, who peed to he
t,ctettinaster of our own 1st Westpor
TrOOD Ontario, Mr. prysdale isd
iug missionary week Nigeria, and
us you will see by this accountels also
doing goad a goal deal of Bcotiting.
If the Snouts were asked the ques
ton, "Where is Ibibiolantl?"A am sure
that very few hoys could answer the
question. Ibibiolatul is in Nigeria, on
the West Coast of Africa, a Britiell
• ' protectorate.
The'next, question would be, Row
can a person reach that land.? Well,
you arst bave to get 'to LIverpobl, Eng-
land, and from there board a steamer
belongiug to the Eider, Dempster Ship-
• . Ping CoMpany that galls along the
Weet Coast. -The steamer `stops at
many ports of Interest and a Boy
Scout, who is.,always on the "Alert"
will see many wonderful might%
After three weeks sailing the steam-
` er enters the Gulf tg Guinea mid from
' the seacoast up tee Crtile Illyer'for
60 ranee and then the anchor le droP-
, lied' at. Calehar, opposite a place ca -lied
• Duketown. Then you model take a
launcli te, travel another..50 milee.up
the Cross 'River uhtil you reach a
place called Ito, This place in the old
• daye was a great slave raarket; but
now, miller the influence of the goepel
• and the Government, slave dealing is
• practically done away +titan mid in
the market at the present time you
will Ina the natives trading in yam,
'rice, dab; ete. - • .'
Now you have entered the 'greet
laird of Ibibio, °It is 'very halal to
state exactly. the population • of this
great African country, but there" are
thetsands and thetteande of men, vio-
men and children.
Of course with such a crowd of
children tliereare many bora They are
a ,aaa,. black in the skin, but they are just.
the same as the boy& at home. Boys
who are willing to learn but have not
the tame opportunities its the bake in,
Canada. But they are gradually get.
ting more mid more chance through
the inliesionaries and the Governmeut
The native boys are fond of sports
as well se of learning, and they Make
very good Scouts. On the 22rid day of
march ;of this year we 1116)(1 E-• Scout
',Meld. Day at Iblaku, This is atcan-
, iaual affair, and ;the boys' all tent of it
fie the '"22nd," At this time of the
. year it seems, funny te talk to a Cana-
dian boy about a Field 'Day, as it would
be very.cold. But net, so in Ibibioland.
gi , goo e habits, pro- New l3runswick, it appears, is -the
per methods of living, eating, the , only province the Dominion that
- right kind of food, and not overeat- permits child, labor under fourteen
ing',o keeping the bowels fictive, taking years of ago.
outdoor exereisec, bathing. 4requent17, I- Some scheme should be inaugurated
t eultivating a kindly 'and optimistic:, to examine school children, so as to
_ spirit towards those iiith whom we !decide what employment- they are best
come ih contact—these are some of :eyited for, •
the linka in the chain of health.
1 The recent convention of social If L V. S. of Napaneo will send
Workers demonetrated the numerous name end addr se to Dr. Middleton,
- phaSes of health -and welfare activi- Spadina liouse, eToronto, he. will, give
ties that have to be considered if the, some directions about anti -goitre
whole scheme of social service is to be", tablete. They;are expected to be soon
of ally real and lasting service to the on the market.
What to Do if You Find Yourself
in This Condition.
The sort of thing that specialists
speak of as nervous debility is the
run-down condition caused by over-
work, household care or worries. The
sufferera themselves tired, mo-
rose, low-sPirited and unable to keep
their minds, on anything. Any Midden
noise startles and sets the heart pal.
panting violently. They are full of
roundless fears, and do not sleep
well -at =night. Tho hands, tremble and
the legs feel as if -they would give
way, following a walk or any exertion.
The whole condition of such people
may be described as pitiable.
Doetoring the nerves with molten-
ous sedatives Is a terrible mistake.
The only real nerve tonic Is a godd
supply of new rich blood. Therefore
the treatment for nervousness and
run-down Ifdalth is Dr. Williams? Pinle
Pills, which' promptly build up and '
enrich the blood. Tho revived appe-
tite, the strong nerves, improved
Writs and new strength which collies
after a course 'these Mlle will tie.
light every sufferer. —
You can get these pills from any
Medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a
box front The Dr, Williams' Medicine.
Co., Brockville, Ont,
Why She Kissed Him.
noble ladies, She stooped and kissed
him as he slept. The company were
a.stounded and one d of ha
, nor ven-
tured to remark, "But, madame, hoy
can you hiss a man who Is so ugly?"
"It is not to the man that I have
given a kiss," replied the prineess,
"but to the precious mouth from which
ba.ve passed. and gone forth so many
wise and witty words and noble ben- that of the Indiaa Merchant, Mr.
tences." Charles Wallace, woo left 21,260,000
Master Alain fortuadtelY lived to
see and &hail the else of Jeanne he obtained a baronetcy, The sou at -
to bib .130E, but only on Condition tbat,
d'Arci arid his iota known poeni is one tempteel to obtain relief, but the Court,
decided against him.
again ,denounciug the English and •
Two new sheets of. the Sectioaal
New Sectional Maps.
Map of Canada, the Moose Mountain'
Sheet and the •Meditine Rat sheet,
have Just been homed. Tho western
edge of the area ooverea by the former
alieet lies about sixty-six miles east of
the city of Meese .Taw. The area e0V-
erect by the latter includes the city ef
Medicine Hat. Vlach sheet is approxi-
mately 24 inchee by 34 inches, 031 a,
scald of three milee to all inch, and
shows by various colore -detailed tope-
graphy euchais streams, lakes, roads,
buildings, contours, telegraph and
telephone lines; rallwaYS, pest °laces,
These sheets may be obtained from.
the Topographieaf"Survey of Canada,
Department of the Interior, Ottawa,
upon payment of the normal fee of
25 cents each, or if they are desired.
in older form of pocket size convent -
to he handed over to a hoeintal• °the
wise the money was to go to the Ito
pi a .
It appears that, in English la.vr, a
Subject pelmet legally bequeath or
her body for scientific purposes; so in
th4s case the nephew was not obliged
to carry out the unpleaeint condition.
An American left' 6200,000 to his
wife, with the'stipulation that she
should forfeit every penny of she :ap
peered in any public place unveiled, o
even smiled at a man. These ridlea
ous conditions were held' to be Oman
nous, and the widow Was set free fro
them by the Courts.
So, too, in. thecaseof the..1.enulo
stockbroker, who left his son a hug
fortune on condition that he neve
14lore little ones die daring the hot
weather than at any other time of the
Visited or saw lila niether.
But not everyone Is so fortunate.
SOOle apparently strange wills have
been held good In
The oddest will of reeent years was
preptesying, that they soon should be
defeated and driven from Prance—tie
Indeed they were soon after..
Agineourt was a great thiglish. vie-
tarY; Yet it would hardly be as famili-
ar as it is to English and American
readers to -day 11 11 had been merelY p p ow tloat e wocd fag of many blunders of sti-called eiVil-
chronicled, not greatly celebrated by Few
ization.—Sir Herbert Barker, the fa -
the victorious Me. It is Shakespeare is a clipped form of fatigue, although moos boneasetter.
and Drayton that bays kept that great everybody recognizes that photo is
fight and Its leaders still vivid and short for photograph, incog, for in-
Minard's Liniment Relic:veil Pain.
alive. Recently the distinguished ognito, amMta. • for memorandum,
French author and critic, Al. Champion motor for motor -car, pram for permit -
Her Improvement.
"Have, you noticed any improverdent
In yaaa sa311 a3layaf ent for carrying around, the price is
"You bet! - found ten bails out of
50 lest yeSterditY. Last season I was
lucky it I found two." The neglect of the sun' healing
powers has been one 'of the greatest
At that time it was 60 degrees in the it),,I;
shade, so that in the sun it would be
- about 140 degrees, which will almost
,make a Canadian buy hot to think
about. .•
` At the Field Day there were abotit
6,000 natives present from far and
hie new Pbetie Illetery of the Flt• inflator, phone for telephone, andeycl
enth Century, has narrated the fee- for 'block—clipped still further to
noting career and eahleveinents., of "bike,"
Alain Chartler, who inhis poem the
Lay of the Four Ladles wrote of the.
ante battle from the point of view of
e vanquished.
Bach of the fear ladies had a lover
rigaged in the conflict,. Ohe is killed
aetioli; one is taken prisoner; one
lalsslag; and the fc4irth is alive and
wounded beeauee he lied. The four
dies mourn. their griefs and syn -
with one another, but
ree that the greatest grief belongs
her whose lover has returned safe.
Mastee Alain, as he was oftenest
was n fervent patriot not'onlY
Inciting hie, countrymen to resist
d renellhe moth but abetIn bold.
callinl attention to needed reform
ownaalitla be denounced Corrup.
O and incompetence; he champion -
the poor and oppressed, ajwsys u0.
tering his rnlnd with a learlessuees
tits mere admirable because ip those
days every man of letters was depead-
ent upon favor and patronage,. put
Master' Alain, despite hie free tongue,
never lost favor at court; he was even
I trueted with ,delicate foreign ne-
gotirtitens and sent abroed as..ambas-
&odor. De lived long lionored and be-
lovaAl 'by noble and peazont; he Was . •
the favorite of three kings, and once—
It Is the one thing known of him to
most -readers outside -of France—lie
was kissed by a riTilleOSE. °
The lady was Marguarjte et . Scot=
land, wife or the Dauphin, later Lauls
XI. She Was young, Intelligent, spirit-
ed and beautiful;: of Alain 10 was said
that he had "the most 'heautiful soul
and the ugliest countenance of any
MAE In Yranee." Ile had fallen asleep
ea a bench In the, courtyard, of the
ee when Marguerite came by •at.
fled by a train of courtiers and
aear.„ Diarrhoea, dyeentry, cholera
intantum and stomach troubles came
without warning, and when a medicine
is not ,at hand to give promptly the
short. delay too frequently' means that
the child has passed beyond aid.
Baby's Own Tablets should always be
kept in the house where there are
young children. .An oceasional ddee
of the Taalets will prevent stomach
and bowel troubles, or if the trouble
comes aucklenly the prompt, use of the
Tablets will relieve the baby. The
Tablets are, field by medicine -dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from Th
Dr. Williams? IVIedicine Co., Brock,'
ville, Ont.
Pure! NO elaticury atiUltera. zit in
this';choiee coffee
TOrped0-Cfirrying Wonder
What Is generally thought to bethe
moot vvionderful aeroplane ever built
le nearing..completilon at the works of
the 13Iackburn Aircraft Co., .1.41,, at
Brough, on the Humber, East Eng-
The machine tee been built for the
Air 1Vilnletry, and ie named the Cuba,
reo. It driven bra 1,00Q,11.p. Napier
Cub. It le a biplane with a wing
spread of about 70 feet, and it has an
enormous fuselage.
Although theeNapier Cub is, both
in side and power, the biggegt aero
engine in the world, it stowed away
in the fitselage so that it eannot be
seee, `Red the pilot's seat ie actually
on top of the engine.
Inside the fuselage there are three
eeparate floore. On the top door ise
the pilot's room and space for ErMIL`
The biggest mistake of all is con-
stantly ,to be looking Inc email oties.
IVIanY vvill sympathize with your
Misfortune; it is a real friend that
honestly rejoices in your success.
Mineral's Liniment Heath out..
ipt,c. 13 I D A. OFFERS GREAT
opportunities for safe investments
with profitable returns. Highly inter-
eeting particulars tient free. Wo also
wish 'to communicate with reputable
personS to represent us in their local-
ity. .Write now. Box 56, Stuart,
ment, • 1141.4 clvittAND REAL.TR'm4
On the middle floor -are the ,chart- '
room and Offices, and on the "ground '
floor" Or baseraent are the bomb
sights and more armament The tor- ,
pedo kr also controlled from this room. •
The machine has been specially de-
signed to parry the largest naval' tor-
pedO built. •
It has a normal top speed of 120'
m.p.h.; bat when in actions It could
swoop down at 150 m.p.h. to within a
few feet of the water, discharge its
torpedo, which would disable or even
sink the largest 'R6,000,000 battleship
afloat; and' be miles. away almest be-
fore the erevr of the ship knew -what
was happepirig.
The Cubaroo ha.s, beat designed, by
MaJor Bumpos, and a fleet of 400 such
machines could, be built for the price
of the battleship which any one of
them could de.stroy.
Chinee Tree a for NO.
Seeds et Chinese r trees; which are
particularly suited for the manufac-
ture of wood pulp, are bIng tested by
the forest, servthe in the hope of add-
ing to the pulp producing -resources, of
the 'United States.
For 8ore Feet—Minardre Liniment.
'Valued at $76,000, a wonderful new
telescope has been made for the Rus-
sian Government bye. Aritisli firm. It
containa mirror 4tn wide, $3fi1n.J
thick, and nearly 1,000 pounds in
ss,1 Have Summer -Bleat
Thls 'Winter
• A Warm house and a cool
cellar day and night -the win-
ter throith:And a saving In
your omlbills of fromagfasoa
inyour will ensure this.
aud,economlcal system of
/ 'home heating ever dowsed.
,1 and will heat the smallest
cottenjeorthe hras*mansion
properly and heal fitfully.
= saocavitte oxv.
Save Your Hair!
Rub the scalp with
It removes dandruff and stops
..thtrhair from Pealing out
didn't know you hatl a loud
speaker." •
She, --"That's that ma laying pa out."
Avoid loss when sending money by
mail. Dee Dominion Express Money
Orders—the safe', convenient, inexpen-
give way.
• Science has records of fish, birds,
and animals which have changed their
e The Norrowest Streets, sex,
Setae of the streets In. Chinese eities
ave only three feet wide falitard'a Liniment for ahemMenem.
near, thlefey men, women, hoys and
. There ware only 19 turopeane In
present, representing Government .of- 1,3
facials, missionaries. and tradierlit Cap- Ian
tain I'. Ashley, the head of the Gov- la
• ernrnent in this die"trict, was PreS0111, I pa
and hei If'a great supporter and takes ag
a great interest in the Scout Move- ta
110 al.E0 gave the. first priae for
the parade.
The day was spent in sports of all ea
kinds, .races, football, games, etc. 2fie
am vete that. if the Sex Secrete of
• Canada had been able to,tholt on they 4
would agree with Mr. Drysdale' when- tio
he. says that the boye 'ea
are good Scouts. '
. •
A Quake, ti Week.
The eirtY of Lime, Pes-u, hes an earth-,
ajMke' about pace a week,. but In ten
years there has been no lose of life or
•property. Slight jars and heavy
rumblings are the chief pharacterna
• Conteet snakes poor men rich; die -
content makes rich men pohr,
Ship your Cream to us and ob-
. . tain the best results with high-
- est pile for number one quality.
Daily retahls, antis sUpplied; and
express charges paid: Write for
cans now.
Celebrate. Arrival' of Royal -Canadian MountedPo lice
Lef --"Whoopin' 'ern.' up" at the rodeo
MacLeod, a little town in „Alberta,
with a population Of about two thdus-
ansi rather quiet, esiljlei eelebrated ats
jubilee recoil EY. •
'Fifty years ago a squadron of the
Royal Northwest Mounted. Police
ramped on the 'site, Made It'thela bead -
quarters, and It was for: many' years'
' .1the centre or the Western 1000 al law
and order. Fifty years, In that time'
MacLeod has grown up frith a flourish,'
Ina little prairie 'town, and created - se
wealth of traditions.
. Topa-'veterans claim Scarlet and Gda eet il
• .
their -camp: Their shriekth
s and rob-
bing tent -some mingled. -strangely with
the music of the visaing bands and
the bagpipes who Monopolized almost
'every street corner.,
• To -day, itnritIarided by vast deposits
02 bitaininous and anthracite coal, the
centre a cattle and lama° raising
owlet:17, . MacLeod contains ' four
churches, geed schools, and Is the
headquarters of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police.
•.Participanth the war dance,
after f a century: low—
, Practically. nit thpe wheerereitin- of
tliu origleal meinaerm of Oho scarlet'
andgold- gathered in alithifthed,,drawr.
Ing with them seventeen ihouasend
visitors fromall over the' American
Continent. • '
• Scores of cow boys, veteran moon -
ties and Visitors, dinned on the side-
walkS to the tunes of old fiddles and
hanjoe picked end sawed by Wrinkled
hands. The Daciffeet and Bloods,
Made the terrara- of the surrounding
Plains, held an old-time war dance In
Composed of Pure Para. Rub..
ber, HgMy ForouS.
Rides Easy as Air. Doubles
Mileage of Casings.
Aero Cushion Inner Tire &
Rubber Co., Ltd.
Winghatn Ont.
I i) prove' lir
App ea ran.oe
More Phosphate if you want your
complexion to clear, ey013 to brighten;
,aiad• skin teebecoine soft and .st000th.
-nerve-exhausted people grow
strong on Bitro-Pheephate end drug-
gists guarantee it. Price $1 per pkge.
Arrow Chemical Co:, 26 Front St. East,
Toronto, Ont.
Powder With .Caticura
Talcum After Bating
After a bath with Caticure Soap and
wartn,water Cuticure Talearo dusted
over tbe skin is soothing) cooling
and refreohing.: If the skin is rough
or irritated, anoint with Outleura
Ointmentto soothe and heel.
Wage Sid /yet by ate.U. Mari* Oanadlen
Depot; "Ctittome, F. O. Elm 98_10,
Prim olm.26e. Ointment Zandale.T ""Pl.
'V -sow Blurb. 3;11"'"2'.
rjr our g
Lydia E.Pinklianes Vegetable Como
pound' Brought Belief When
• Other Medicines railed
Port Mann, B. C.—"I took Lydia E.
1 was tired and run-
down. I had 'head-
aches and no appe-
tite and wain:sodded
for two ,years with
sleeplessneas. I tried
many medicines, but
nothing did me ansr
real good. While I
,was living, in Wash-
ington I was reconl-
to take Lydia E.
Pialthata'S Vegeta-
ble Coinpound, 2 ametrongeremor feel
finelace then "and arn able to do my
housework. I am willing forayed 00nse these facts a a testimonial. —Mrs,
4,01 GREAVES, Port Mann, B. C.
Fee s N e'er Life and'Strength
,ICeene,N, H.- "I was Weak' and run-
down and had baekaehe and all sorts of
,troubles which Women'have. I found
• great relief when taking Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound and I elect
used Lydia Et Pinkham's SanatiV9
Wash. I am able te do my work and feel
new lif e and Strength,from the Vegeta
ble Compolind. I am ,don2g. all I can to
aaVertISO It:" Mra A. HAlkeiotin
72 Carpenter Street, Keene,
Sick and' eiling women everywhere
in the Dominion should try Lydia E.
Pinkhatn'e Vegetable Compotrad. 0
Say Bayer Aspirin".
INSIST! • Unless you see the
"Bayer. Cross" on 'tablets you.
are not getting the genuine
Bayer Aspirin.' proved safe by
millions and prescribed by phy-
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