HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-08-07, Page 7Sooking • . takes, the
pi ce of rubbing -7
UST by soaking the clothes in the suds
is )
�5 a t. gently 10S
of this new o p,dar � nt y o erred
and dissolved.
Every the dirt that is ground in at neck-
bands and . cuff -edges yields to a light
rubbing with dry Rinso.' Not a thread
is weakened. The mild Rillso suds ,work
thoroughly through and through -the
g Y g g:
clothes without injury to a single fabric.
Rinsois made bythe makers of Lux. For thefamil
itfuforfine things.
wash isas wonderful asLux is n
All grocers and department stores sell RRinso.
- - - R-4-24
Where, •World's Tallest Men
Are to .be Found.
It is often said that the tallest peo-
ple are Sound in the temperate zone%
_and the general idea is that the Bri-
tish and. the Scandinavians are. the
'tallestraces in the world. If, 'how-
ever, you go carefully into the figures
you will find that this is not the case,
The average height of +k'nglish,
Scots and Scandinavians is the same.
A full-grown man of each raoe aver-
agee 5': ft, 7 2-5 ins. In height. The
Irish area fraction of au Inch shorter
and' next come Danes and Belgians.
But those are not the tallest races.
In the matter of laches, the records
ars held by Zulus; Iroquois Indians,
Polynesians, and Patagonians. The
laet, the •tallest race In thea world, aver-
age S ft. 10 1.8. Inas ' Now. the Zulus
live in a semi -tropical climate, the
Irotjueis in a tomperate one, the Poly-
nesians in some of the hottest parts
of the world, while the Patagonian
- 'inhabit -the horn of South America,
one of the coldest and most miserable
places on earth.
In remarkable contrast to the Pats -
soutane are the Laplanders who, re-
siding almost on the Arctic circle, are
the shortest race on earth, a grown
roan being only seven -tenths of an
inch over 6 ft.
The more one studies the matter
the more puzzling it beconie's, but one
point seems, clear enough—that cli-
mate and latitude have nothing what,
ever to do with height.
Food and fresh . air, indeed, have
more to do with the development -of
the individual than climate, es la
proved by the fact that everywhere
the "farm laborer is taller than the
I A striking example of 'this Is pro-
vided by Scotland, where the farm
laborer is four inches taller and thirty-
six pounds heavier than the average
Glasgow artisan. Again, •the fishing
population of the Yorkshire Coast ex-
xceed the Sheffield worker' by three
inches in height and twenty-four
pounds in weight,
escee. t+ N„
and W aderfdal to `I rte
The 'blendedessence'
of choice good things
grown in, the tropic
sunshine of far -away
course! --sealed in a
sterilized glass pack-
age that protects
les goodness and
Delicio-us and. Refre shjn
The Coca-Cola Coixtpatiy of Canada, Ltd.
lBead Office: Toronto
Mustard neutralizes the richness of,
fat foods 'and makes ' them easier to,
digest. Mustard enables YOU f0 enjoy,
`and assix3itiate food which of iterVvise '.
Iwould burdell_thee digestive argatls.;
BY DIi. J. J. Bell 3.DLETON
Prpvtncini toarc{ at iseeith, Ontario
elkidloton will he 'glad to answerque5tietw car Public Iieaith terse
tars through this -column. Address hien at.Spadiea House, 5Dadirf
Crescent; Toronto,
Practically everybody knows \v1, it
goitre is. A day seldom pai,see with-
out one noticing 0 person on til-. ;street
or ear with a swellinT on the neck.
This is particular.v rota ,Mein
younggirls find •o dog ones too, who
go about with their thront•s exposed.
What is the nature and cause of
goitre? Marine : and Kimball,' two
noted men who ha -,,,e given this sub-
ject much consideration, have this to
say of it: "Simple goitre has been de-
monstrated to be a deficiency diocese
of the' thyroid gland, due, almost en-
tirely to a lack of normal iodiiiosup-
lily inthe food and. drink of man."
Phe disease is not. confined to the hu-
man race, horses, cattle, 'sheep, dogs,
cats, rabbits arid, fish .also being 'ef-
fected. -
Goitre is of "world-wide distribution,
but most' common in inland countries
especially on high plateaus 'and' in
mountainous regions. glens. Tris very Prev-
alent in Canada; beingt,Mound-in -On-
tario, Quebec
, New.. Brunswick,. Al-
berta, Saskatchewan and'' certain -sec-
tions of British' Columbia, Goitre
seems to be fairly, common in New On-
tario .and also in the north-eastern
part of old Ontario where the surface
drainage contains very little iodine.
It is also prevalent about the Great
Lakes, •
Rough surveys of the province ap-
pear to show that in general there is
a considerable amount of goitre in the
northern sections, the percentage:am-
ong school children boring from ten' to
,twenty-five per; cent_ Examinations
of the iodine content of various water
Supplies in' the province are at present
being made, and these, no doubt, will
shed further light en this sulilect. The
freedom of maritime countries :from
goitre is due to the presence of suffi-
cient iodine in the food and drink fox
all requirements of the thyroid gland.
The sea 18 the great reservoirof
iodine; iodine is present in the 'sea-
water .and 'sea food (animal or vege-
table). It is also present in the air.
due 'to tho sea ['prey': Salt obtained
unlit sea -water and not highly puri'
fled contains sufficient iodine for -the
I proper functioning of the thyroid
Eland, Unfortunately, liowe� i, at the
I present time, ^s It is. ;not prepared
from sen water, but -from inland salt'
deposits which are often deficient in
iodine b have the iodine removed by
the process of manufacture. Pienis
growing on soil; which contain iodine
will take it up and pass it on to the
animal consumer, . but if the soil is
deficient in 'iodine they are not able to
I furnish a- sturce of supply to the ani-
mal, 'and goitre results.
Statistics show that the disease is
generally more prevalent in women
than in men in the proportion of three
oi• four to one.:'
the best way to overcome this dis-
ease is by the administration of iodine,
and the most effective way of giving
iodine is internally. One can admin-
ister iodine by inhalation or by' ex-
ternal 'application, but both these
methods are mord o • - a i ' ''
o x x les u isatts-
Iodine can be given in the drinking -
water or by the uso'of iodized table
salt but the me t effective way is to
give it in the forni of sodi0ni iodide
or in an organic form of -iodine done
np ina chocolate. tablet. The dis-
agreeable taste of the sodium iodide
makes it an ineffective preparation in
that children simply won't take it for
any length of time, `and if: taken in
this form it should be once a week in
three -grain tablets during the entire
school year: It can't be done, Tho
children refuse "to take it.
To overcorne this objection, a'choe
olate; costed tablet containing five to
ten milligramsramsef t
e(one tablet
each week) hag been prepared. This
is the best method yet devised. Dur-
ing the period that the iodine is being
administerdd the patient should be
,under medical supervision.
The Shell: '
Seewhat a lovely shell,
Small andpure as a pearl,
Lying close to my foot,,
Frail, but a work divine,
Made so fairly well
With delicate spire and whorl,
How exquisitely minute •
A miracle of design!
The tiny dell • is forlorn,
Vold of the littie'living will.
That made it stir on the shore,
Did he stand at the diamond door
Of his house in a rainbow frill?
Did he push, when he was uucurl'd,
A golden foot or a fairy hem
Thro' his dine water -world?
Slight, to be crushed with a tap
Of my flinger nail on -the -sand,
Stan, but a work divine,
Frail, but of force to withstand,
Year upon year, the shock
Of "cataract sees that snap
The three decletr's oaken spine
Athwart the ledges of rock, '
Here on the Breton strand:
Almost Always Due to Weak
and Impoverished Blood.'
Apart from accident or illness: due
to infection, .almost all ill -health arises
Dorn one or two reasons. The mistake
that people make is in not realizing
that both of these have the same cause
et the root, namely poor blood. Either
bloodlessness or some other trouble of
the nerves will be 'found to .be the
reasdn for almostevery ailment. If
you are- pale, suffering front head-
aches, or ,breathlessness, with palpi-
tation of the heart, poor appetite and
weak digestion, the cause is almost
always. poor blood. If' you have ner-
vous headaches,neuralgia, sciatica
and other nerve pains, the cause is
exhausted nerves. But run dawn
nerves are also a result of poor blood,
so ,that the two chief causes of illuees
aro one and.the same,
If your health is poor; if you are
bale, nervous or dyepeptie, you should
` --Tennyson give Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a,faJe
•trial. These bills act direetiy on, the
Man -Eating Sardines Found blood, and by enriching it give new
in Parianla, strength to worn out nerves: Men
and women alike greatly benefit'
Aside from, the 'white" Indians through the use of thismedicine. if
brought back to New York from the you are weak or ailing, give Dr, Wil-
Panama jungles' by the Richard O. limns' Pink Pills a fair trial and you
Marsh expedition, scientists are ill' will be pleased with the beneficial re-
vestigating other zoological and 'Ward- sults 'that wail speedily follow.
cal mysteries unearthed by the expedi- 1S your dealer does hot ]seep these
ti Mr. Breder, the naturalist with the pills you can get them by mail at 50
Bents a box from The Dr. Williams'
expedition, desoribes the piranha, a Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
species of man-eating sardine so —��, .,•_.�
vtafous that a school of them quickly EThe Main Point.
devours any one who falls overboard, Phis fraternal order you are organ -
He himself/ bathing, felt hundreds of iziug--what name have yon chosen for
nirson his legs and 'body, and 1110 of - it?" we asked. e
forts at splashing to frighten the as, i "I'haven't had time to select a name
sailants served only to make them yet nor even outline its purpose," re -
concentrate their attack. sponded the promoter. "Fixing tits
initiation fee is as far Its, the rash of
atedpplime.cantsto go.for,, admission has permit -
He tells of a fresh -water flying fish
three inches long, as thick as blotting
paper, and of an armored fish the na-
tives cook in its shall and eat much
like a crab.
For Sore peel—Mina
rd's Liniment,
�. • _V- t - ---
Strange Botanical Phenome; on -
The most remarkable botanical discovery in recent times haa boon the
discovery 'a short time ago that the Douglas fir growing iti certain .pats of
the dry belt of British Columbia yields a• good sugar ciuito as :palatable and
much sweeter than cane or beet suger used on ordinary occasions in the
Iiouseholds,of the world.
The photo accompanying will tell bettor than words 0.1151 .it looks like,
Every year for centuries the Indians lrave gathered' it, and the bears break
down branches to got it; but until lately it ha , escaped the white man's at-
tention. It contains nearly fifty per cent, of 11,feiezito e a rare ttisaccar
hide, formerly only obtained from a shrub in Persia. --'F ancls DicItie.
C ??Tag
brisk flavor! Best of all in the
sure proof.
Most tricksters know ono' or
more methods of causing a, -coin
to vanish lis sleight of hand or
other trickery., 'acre is an -easy
method of completing the triol
bya mysterloud reappearance o
the,,eoin. Unfortunately, it ie no
the same coin but the spectator
need not know that.
A bag of flannel or other rough
cloth. is produced and: half a dozen
eolns are ,shaken out of it. The..
bag- is held upside down and
shaken, so it le obviously empty
after the
coins have been taken ,
out. One . of the coins is taken
by the spectators and the remain-
, lag Ave. counted bya speettttor
and put into a bag. To 'prevent
trickery the spectator ties- the
mouth of the bag with cord and
puts it in his pocket, The trick-
ster causes the remaining coin to
vanish by. any means he desires
and is able' to use, The bag Is
opened and the coin is found to
have joined -the others. The bag
m:ay be examined without fear of
disclosing the secret. .
A duplicate coin is used and
this is in the bag all of the time.
This' coin Is put in the corner of
the bag and pocketed by .a few
stitches of thread. One endof
this thread is knotted., with a
rather large knot. The bag may
be heldi
ups de down and akaken.
without fear that the coin will
fall, The trickster, holding the --
bag—first showing his- hands to
be empty—gets hold of the knot,
while the bag is being tied and''
pulls out the stitches. In this,
way the duplicate coin joins the -
(Ciip Otis out and baste it, with -
other of tree series, in a scrapbook.).
Angered by High Taxes,.
Peasants Attack Town..
Three thousand peasants, armed
chiefly with cudgels and hatchets,
made an organized attack on the little
town of Teano, near Caserta, eays a
Rome despatch. They stormed. the
Municipality, flung out the furniture,
books and documents into the street,
sprinkled them with benzine and soon
had a gigantic bonfire blazing.
The Royal Coniinissioner, who was
in charge, Was seized and beaten; but
managed afterward to.escape and hide
in a. haystack until the worst was over,
After the Municipality came the turn
of the Customs Office, and then the
Postoffiee, but lie -re the rioters were
foiled by the courageous behavior of
the postmaster and his daughter, who
succeeded in barricading themselves
in and did, not leave the building until
by telephone and telegraph, they had
called for help i
p m ne ghbcring auth-
orities. There were only a few Cara
binieri in Teano. Most of them were
presiding at the horse fair—the riot-
ers had chosen their day advisadly—
and the remainder was soon overpow-
ered, one or two being rather severely
It would seem that the riot is the
'Mut explosion of popular wrath
against the high taxes and customs
dues which hag been simmering for
some time. Order has now been com-
pletely re-established' and large de-
tachments -of troops• have been sent in-
to Teano,
Cholera Infantum its one of the fatal
ailments of 'ohiklhood, Pt is a trouble
that comes' on suddenly, , especially
during the summer months, and unless
prompt action is taken the little one
may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own
Pablets are an ideal medicine in ward-
ing off this trouble. .They regulate
the bowels and sweeten the stomach
and' thus prevent all the dreaded sum-
mer complaints. Concerning them
Mrs. Prod Rose, South Bay, Ont.,
says ,—"1 feel Baby's Own Tablets
saved the life of our baby when site
had cholera infant= and I would not
be without them." ."Phe Tablets are I
sold by medicine dealers or by mail
at .25 cents a box from. The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co,,; Brookville, Ont, 1
Plants That Hate Music.
Experiments have shown that cer-'
tain plants' deliberately turn away
from bands that are playing loud 1
music, Although tittle 3;1 kown at pre-
sent about this.strang,s phemonien-on,
there is no doubt that blossoms of
several kinds are affected by " the
vibrations caused when nhr,:ke is pray
Carnations' and cyclamens seem .0
be particularly sensitive to oOttieued.
saunas, and &ste.ep.a tendency to
lean' away from- the direction in which
the music comes.. The Easter lilt -'-bows a elmilar
tendency. Senn which had been usod
as floral deecratienes, closeto a stand
where a jasz band wads playing dance
inusio, wane affected to an astonishing
degree. Alter a fear hours it wr.i• no-
ticed that alt the blc eob+-s had: turned
their backs on the nn sic Even when
they were placed lacing the stand it
was .not ,long be r2 each bloom re•
versed its position. ,.
Canadian Trout for Si:ottald,
Tho Department of Marino and Plait -
mice, Canada, has forwarder) 20,000•
salmon trdnt-eggs' (Cric-tivomer natuay-
oush) from S1.: John, New licui.swlek,
to the Solway 'i .tchei•ies, Dumfries,
Scotland, for .experimental ,purposes.
Tliey, were collected last autumn in
Lake Ontario and earriocl to the eyed
stage in the 'l'hurlow hatchery, near.
t-3L'I1Qvllle, 011tar1O. ' - -
hl inn rd's Llrli neat for Rheumatism.
ISSUE No. 01.-'24a
What There's in' It for the Scout-
Training in Leadership. No ane can
head a: Scout Troop and give•Ti leader-
ship -the proper leadership -without
de elo
V ping qualities which dere of the
highest value in every walk of life.
The hero worship .invariably given
Scoutmasters is an inspiration which
probably cannot be offered by any
other role ofleading; it compels, a
man to live up to his bent.
The recognized • public service of the
Scoutmaster gives + a standing .in the
oocmmunity. The circle of acquaint-
ances and friends made through the
boys • is always worth while.
The association with the boys helps,
to keep a man mentally alert'and gen-
erally "up-to-date." There are middle
aged men who have dropped ten years
in appearance and manner after tak-
ing up Sooitting.
The ability to speak in public is
developed, and the necessary incident-.
al participation in the Scout profici-
eney badge work Is a valuable educe -
The attention given the physical de-
velopment of the boys of the troop,
the hiking and camping, bring direct
physical benefit to the Scoutiiaster
himself, '
Through Scout leadership the diffi-
dent man will acquire self-assurance,
and learn to meet other men on a com-
mon ground of self-confidence.
In helping start a number of boys
on the road to happy, practical, aiseful
citizenship -every Scoutmaster, is rank-
aking a man-sized contribution to Cana-
da's future—how large a contribution
he may some day realize with a satis-
faction that he would not barter for
a Crown. '
If you would be interested is mak-
aking Scout training available to the
boys of your community write now to
Provincial Headquarters, Blom 'and
Sherbourne Streets, Toronto.
Feet Sore ?
Rub well with Miliard'a. It
relieves immatronnfla , soothes
and heals
Say "Bayer" - Insist!
For Pain Headache
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Colds
Accept only, a
Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists
Aspirin lathe trade mark (registered in
Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of itono-
aceLleacktestcr es eaticyltcttcle
Walter --"Why sir, do you think that
Is an incubator chick?"
Guest—"No chicken that ever had a .i
mother could ever get as tough. aa
Minard's_ Liniment tieais Guts.
Never judge your -future -possibil-
bilittes by your past failures, ,
The sats way to send money by mail .
is by Dominion Bxprees Money Order. -
Some people imagine they are being
when really they are only
being inquisitive.
Minard'e Linitne t Relieves n R 1 vee Pain:
We grow when we are green. It's
when we think we are ripe that we
begin to get rotten.
Keeps EYES
Clear, 'Bre ht anct Beaute ul
Write Murine Co.,ehtcago,fforEraCaresook
Scattered Over Face.
Cuticura Healed.
"My face was full of blackheads
which later became little pimples,
They werescattered
and burned,andwhen
I scratched them they
became worse and left
scars. I was troubled
. r '. with them for about
three or four months.
when I read an edvertisen.ent for
Cuticura -Soap and Ointment and
sent for a free sample. It helped me
do I purchased more, and now I'
am completely healed." (Signed)
Miss Esther L. Ball, Manitou
Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes.
e►mpte Eaeh Prat by Md1. Addreac Caaadtan
nn rue; c,Etaaao, r, o. 8,a tale, btentr..1,"
Prmee. ao_np76e, etrkandnne.•Tdeam26c,
Imo- Try our r nneew Shaving Stick.
R.ecommends Lydia E. Pink;
ham's Vegetable Colnpouncl
to Other' Mothers
Hereford, N. S.—"I am the mother
of four children and I was so weak after
my last baby cante that I ceuld not do
my work and suffered for months until
a -friend induced me to try Lydia E.
Pinkham's 'Vegetable Compound. Since
taking the Vegetable Compound my
weakness has left me and the pain in
my back has gone. I tell all my friends
who are troubled with female weakness
to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegge�,le
Compound, for I think it is the' best
medicine ever sold. You may advertise
my letter. "—Mrs. GEoitsa I. CRouss,
Hereford, N. S.
My First Child
Glen Allen, Alabama.—"I have bee
greatly benefited by taking. Lydia E.
P nkharlt's 'Vegetable Compound for
bearing -down feelings and pains. I was
troubled in this way for, nearly four
years following the birth of my first
child,and at times could hardlystand 0a
ray feet. A neighbor recommended the
Vegetable Compound to me after I had
taken doctor's medicines without much
benefit. ` It has relieved my pains and
gives me strength. I recommend it and
give you permission to use my teeti-
monial letter."—Mrs. IDA RYD, Glen
Allen, Alabama.
Women who suffer Ihquld write to the
Lydia E.Pinkham Modicine CosCobourg,
-4e ntario, for a free coley of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Private •'text -Book upon
°"Ailments Peculiar to Women." o
P., ten:14 5 v.: rubra.,
usy Wo
en Want
Busy leen want SMP Enameled Ware
because it will bring food to the boil almost
twice as fast as all -metal utensils, and cont-
pletes the cooking sooner. - A woinaxi can
wash SMP Enameled Ware-utensilsfaster •
than utensils that . have to be scrubbed.'
and scoured.
Three finishes: Pearl, Ware, t'wO coats of
pearly -gm enamel inside and out. Diamond
Ware, three coats, light blue and white out-
side, . white lining. Crystal Ware, three .
coats, pure white inside and r t, with Royal-
oyalBlue edging.
e0MONTON VANcouvst7: -