HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-08-07, Page 5Baglield Dr. 0,„ T. Gray of Walkerville, vis - ted at the manse over the week -end. Miss Myrtle Grainger of Toonto vas home over the holiday. ages, Helen Quinn entertained about wenty-five girl 'faiends ,on. 'Friday fternoon in the form of a shower for Essi Anne Abery whete marriage ekes places'this month, 1Vliss Mary Jamieson returned to 'oronto on Monday after a couple 1 weeks vacation. Ur. D. Roberton and' bliss 13elle ,oberton spent Sunday with Mr. and trs. 'rhos. Iflarks in Stratford, blis's Marjorie Lyon and bliss aura Garrett are -camping with the . G.I. T . at Hayfield Brucefleld. Saturdey afternoon was A gala day Braofleld, when a' number of kilevican tourist motored through om "The City of the Straits" to in in the feetivities of the Huron Boys in their home town, Swe- at). They parked their cars here d had lunch. The Detmit ICilt•ar ind famished some fine stirring etch music, Several fine selections ire rendered by the Detroit old .Ye When .the Aanerican eara lined for a procession to Seaforth. There was a slight jar in the pro - :dings for a few minutes 'when two :s collided at the enamel:. The oc- tants of the American car were ahtly shocked but no serious dam- e was done. „ Vas. John Snyder of the village not enjoying good_ health at pres- . ,Ve are glad to mention at date of iting that Dr. McIntosh has much *treed since his recent illness. tact. C. G. .Arniour andtMes. As- h:: "sang that beautiful ihyano. en - ed "Come tato Me," with much reszion at the morning service on tday. _ tr. Jack Hila and Mrs. Clark of se.Jaw are visitors at the home e. George Hill. ea W. MeIntoah of •Pt. Loring called home last week on ace it of the serious illness of his fa- . r. Au.stin Wheeler was helne for Week-encl. He visited hie par- , Mr; and 1VIts. Thos. Wheeld e dllage r, C. H. Hain is spending his tion ta the home of Mr. Janthe e Swan of Hamilton was called Thursday owing to the Moo is father. McMillan of Detroit mid IVIies nee Beattie (if Seaforth called at home of Mrs. W, Scoth Sating SDAY,, A13GtJSI tittata, Of In erest to and Me - N o oration ,has eVQ1; g1:01A,11 • ough and no labor organigaticn. has ever becoine strong enough to succeed 'withent the, good --will of the people. 11 estaskiwin Times says: , " t's no trick to edit a newspaper in small town. All a man. has to be le to do iS to write -a poem,' dis- use politicS, umpire a ball game, re- port a wedding,' saw wood, be your wn lawyer, describe a fire ,so that the eaders will. she'd their wrans, make A dollar do the work 'a f6n, 'address' ,a ladies society on church ,Prob- :lents, tell ,the farmer.s how to 'farm, understand •the mercantile. :business, „subscribe to •charity, test' moonshine, wear diamonds, sneer at snobbery, in - rent advertisements, overlook scan- ais, ,b'abies; brag . uP „raisers, miniSter to the afflicted, heal the disgruntled, fight to , a finish,' 'mould opinions; set type, sweep the ,office, speali.,at a prayer,rneeting, and stand in With. 'everybody and'every. thing. If you are able to do all this you can figure that you, have been out out' by fate for a newspaper And then some people would riot be satisfied: Mr. and Mrs. }Tarry Todd and Mr. nd ilVfrs, George, Needles of Detroit re visiting with Tdr. . and Mrs. J. eley Bayfield. Londes13oro Rev. W. R. 'Osborne left on Thurss ay for a couple of week* holidays Muskoka. Mr. Jack Tasker of Blyth is in harge of the C,N.R. etation as Mr, eunis Roberten is- on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gray of amilton spent the week -end at the otiose. ' Mrs. .anus Melville returoed Toronto on Thursday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Melville, awl,. and Mrs, John Cartwright and Kiss Lillian of Clinton spent Sun - lay at the home of Mr. M. Holtz- Constance Tyull and childven of 'Wind - visiting her aunt, reara. Addie ugh. , . and MTS, James Snell of ,Glin. id Miss Eva Stanley of Toronto Thursday -as the guest ,a1 their Mrs. Duncen 'Tudor. . 'Herman, bliss Dulmage and George Fax of Detroit spent y with the former's• moi(her, James Mann, ancl Mrs. John McGregg.or of ton are visiting with friends ea few days. W. Stanley, and Mrs. Damp - Clinton, Mr. N. D. Stanley s of Toronto were calling on. d Mrs. D. Tudor on Sunday. <John Dorrance of Hope, Noeth is vieiting her 'brother Peter and other relatives, IVIcIntosh end son, Kenneth of are visiting her another, Mrs.' oh n Melville of ,Londesboro is Ile tvoodwork f the schodl irioltnesv Ile Mr, Fred G. Davis motored from Ohio, Thursday of last week. He Was accompanied by his sister Mr, E, .M, Durst of Royal Oak. Fred ,holds a good position as operator on the Pennsylvania Railway. He was recently promoted to the position of first operator, Coderich Tovirnshlp Miss Norma Welsh o_O the Hayfield line is visiting with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Welsh of Clin- ton. The Unity Club will meet at the home of Mrs, Len Weir on Tuesday, August 12th, All the members are askek to eolith prepared to sew. A very successful ggrden party was held on the lawn of Mr. H. c, coo on Augutt first. There was a good. prcig•ram. The Hohnesville orches- tra gave fiee selections. Mr. J. _Doherty of Clinton accompanied by MissWise was much appreciated. Mr. Cutt gave several amusing read- ings. Addresses were given by Rev. Mr. 'Hiles of London, a forma pastor of Hayfield clecuit and Mr. Weldon of Ilolmesville. Rev, Mr, Johnston -Acted as chairman.. 1VIruch success wee 'added to the evening by the splendid lighting by a plant sup- plied by Suftei: and Perdue. Mr. Fred Elliott moved a vote of thanks te all taking peat. The proceeds amounted to eighty dollar. Great praise vaas given td the Bethel ladies. by the -speakers for the splendid lunch: iCouncil met in Holniesville on Mom. day last. Capt. R. Sloan waited on the cOuncia asking foe a grant to Hur- on, County Fruit Show to be held in Clinton on November 5. ;This -matter was left over until the next meeting .Bylaw No, 7 sEriking tax rate for present year was passed. The rate will be the 'same as last year viz; 6 mills for -county; 2 5-10 for township school rates; 4 mills for general rate. 'The following accounts were ordeted paidoTlios. McKenzie, lumber $21.10; Harey Powell, posts $1.00; B. posteta2.00; Pedlar People, cul- vert, $34.00; J. E. Whitely, Provin- cial Road reports $6.00; Sean Emmer- son, -Supt.' salary a31.50; Sam Em- mersOn, luniber and nails $4.50. Council then -adjourned to meet first Monday in September at 1;30 p. n. Miss Alice Corey of London spent the week -end at her home. - ` Mrs. Ben -Cole, her aistele Miss bf Detroit, and .her niece, Miss Howlett of Ipsylanti were the 'guests of Mrs. Robt, Pearson on Moday, Miss Howlett left for her home by motor Tuesday molting, •. ICiprien Rev, Mr. Pratt of Baden occupied the pulpit of -the Presbyterian -chuech on Sunday. a The Misses Gardiner of Torontb are visiting with their oughts the Messre. John, William and Alb'Ort :Alexander. • Miss Grace*Cooper of London watt recently in Xiamen calling on *lends. • bliss 'Peat], Thompson daughter of MT. Robert Thompson/London road just south of the village happened with an accident which might easily have proved fatal. She was driving house from the village, when a num- ber of 'cattle lying on the road side frightened her horse and threw het out, rendering her unconscious. Mr. John Workman eame along' at the time and took her home. She did not rec•oVer eonseiousness until the evening of the following day. She is oble to go about again, Mrs. A. Meltenzie whoehas been in Toronto for smite tittle rogived home Saturday evening her daugh- ter accompanied her. - Seaforth has, 'attracted large num- bers duriugs the past week, at their Old Home Celebration. . MT. Wm,' "Ding and son John ae- rived from Port Huron Saturday ev- ening. We understand Mr. Doge has purchased a house in Port Huron and Mrs. Doig and 'daughter intene to go theme for the winterees Wan. W. Cooper who moved to London from hoe is back to the old home for a visit, The wheat about laere is cat': and it has proved to the a bumper crop. • . J, C. Clausen of Detrbit who is known to many about here visited with his old ftiendo, Mr. .A. Molten- zie Tuesday: Mrs. W. Winder of Walkerville who has. been wisiting her sister Mrs. J. 'Worlonan has returned to her home. • - IV/vs. (Rev..) Richardson •Iif London the guest of her brothers,,IVIessrs. Andedw• and John Bell -and her sister, Mrs. Wan. Sinclair. Miss Carrie sang' a solo in chureh on Sunday which was much enjoYect by those present, Mrs. ' S. Jackson or Toronto and, laer grandson, 'Jackson MeCrostie are .visitors at the •hone of Mr. a. B. MeLean. ' O Mrs. Sohn Paterson and Mrs. Sproat Paterson and children -who ;have been visiting witli their rola. dyes On the tenth of Tucketsmith and , Mi.. Rabt. Cooper's have re. turned home to Toronto. Mr. and IVIrs. James Bowery have had a pleasant visit with friends in Toronp Galt miff, ew ilainhimg and report a very pleasant outing, Mr. Edgar Butt has been giving his friends 'outings to Seaforth his motor track, Mr. and Mrs. Einmer6olf,dnith were in ,Seafozth Monday evening. Tuckersmith Township .111r, and Mrs. 'Vernon Terryberry and family, Mrs. Ira Johns and Miss Gladys °rich motored to, Lambeth Saturday evening and spent -Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Jacolp. Terryberry, Mr. Robson, a 'Tueltersmith Old Boy, is calling .an friends, in the neighborhood this week. Quite a number are attending trie Seaketh Old Boys' ReuniOn. nag KEELER---MORTIME11.— At Cred- , iton, on July 23rd, by Rev. lAr Drier, Dorothy Moiffireeteof I-Iamil ton, to Mr. Franklin G. Keeler .son of -Mr. and Mrs: R. J. Keeler of Mitchell Births Dashwo,od. on julY27, to Mr. and Mw Eorl Pais.er, a sen Tuckersmith on July Inth, ' to, My. airdMt.e. Robt. Mc- Lean a son '. COLE—At ,ChiSelhurst ,on july 27th, , to Mr'. and Mrs- Wm. Cole, a son KENNEDY -In Goderieh; on JUly 25,, to Mr, ona Mrs. ,Micheal Keunedy,, ;clabghter, , . ,Deaths WELSH—In Seafortla on July 27,, eatTatan S. Welsh agetit82-yearete.: A ' .PECKITT—an Tueltersmith, Aug. 3, Fredericlt ' Peekitt aged 53 yrs, BELL—In Godericht on Jtily 26th, Emma McDougall, wile.1.*. George Bell; in her 54 th year ; • BLACK—Li Goderich, Ori .July 28th, William Anthony Blacke•second son of . , Mr. and Mrs. James Bleck in his 19th year, IN MEMORIAM ' GRAINGER—In loving memory of John II, Grainger, who died August 4th, 1224. ' We vvatehed him suffer day by day; It caused us bitter grief To see him- s,lowly pine away And could not give xelief. His weary hours and days of pain, Hi troubled nights ate past; • And in .emegachiag hearts we know He lids found sweet rest at last. —Sadly missed by wife and daughtere OF COURSE YOtT DON'T "No one wants the old bar," says an .Anti -0. T . A . *Reader, What do you want?' The•British Columbia experiment in Government Control? . • • In that PrOvince, according to the Attorney General -and Olean:ass there is an average expenditure for drink of $40.00, for every man, wonlan and child. And since tens ci1 thoueands are teetotaller.% that moo that other thousands are drinking enorm- ously. And that means- drunkards anfl drunkards' homes, Or ..perhaps you prefer Quebec's liquor -control, system, where the IVIontreal Courts recorded, in two years, the arrest of _ 2,000 people "found lying. dead drunk in a public place." Anybody whe could navigate, even though it teek the Sidewalk and part of theroad to accommodate 'HIM, was not interfered -with.' • Drink makes drunkardS--no mother who .segVes it, or 'whether it is fermented ea diStillect. The voter who endorses it, in any guise or under any auspices, becomes a partner in the business. We have each of us enough ahortecomings of our own to answer for, withotat assuraiog respon- sibility for the cruel, indefensible Wrongs inflicted by the Drink:Trade.. • ARE WE DOWN -HEARTED? NO 1 I -- Why .shouhl we be? The whole civilized world is awakening to the devastating. doings of the drink trale. tau 100 years the Tetnperance form has bad to crawl on its bands and knees. Now (in the English speaking countries -at least) it is run- ning on its two feet—the votes of Ute patriotic men and ,the home -lov- ing women. And everywhere --on the continent of Europe, South Afri- ca, South Aeneric, India, China, Ja- pan—statesmen and educators and social *workers are weighing the pros and eons -of the beyerage sale of al- cohol. Listen to these facts front Europe: Little Lithuania This entail republic, that. managed to scrianble out. of the elntelaes of Rutile when the war was on, has a government so alive to the value of Temperance propaganda, it donates yeerly $10,000 tt: the Catholic Tem. perance iSociety, to aid it in Sending out kettarers ,and forming new branches, oa which 28 were formed last year, ' - ' Italy Alarmed . A dispatch from Rome teeords:— (a)—A large increase in the taxation on the sate' of alcoholic liquors.' (b) --Premier Mussolinie with the ap- . nrovoi f the Iting, has issued a deere hinating the drinking ,. places th 1 to 1000 of the popu- lation—thereby cutting the total. . number down by one half. (c)—Sale iv to be restrkted to the hoers between 10 a.m. and- 19 p.m, during the winter and 10 o.in. to 11 p.m. in the minter, (d)—Licenses' are strictly _personal and catinot be sold or transmit - O ted to others,' without the per- mission of the Licensing author - O ities—a drastic, new step for this country. War -Broken Austria Is looking about to eee how it can conserve ^its depleted resources. One ,thief that was making off with the 'earning power aod morals 17.,S clear- ly the Drink Trade, The public men saw -they could not plump prohobi- tion down ort a totally unpeepared elector5te-1•but thee- could shove their sympathy with it and lend aid th its promoters. So the Ptesident of the republic became Chairman of tho "Aostrian National Prohibitien Com- mittee;" and the government enacted a law prohibiting the sale of intoxi- cants to those under 18 years of' age. Hurrah for poor old Anstrial. The Germans May Win 'This Time While distillers 'brewers and grog - drinkers are making desperate efforts to regain lost ground in Caneda, countries across the-eeas are casting -longing eyes at the greater freedom of Canadians from liquor domine- won , ' , • The President of the Reichstag in Berlin has received a petitioe bearing 460,000 names, praying for a Local Option Law, that woeld enable th Mateo& NOWS-RettO'd ""iffmmullimilliblug"1"."5.1"1"1"1"="1""all" Lico wFT ....________Neammitavieweamwesmasesuniembia_ CO 5 4 OR FINE lw no matter what king aT 'a day it is you will always- find our lo-holle No. 111 awaiting your call. IVirs, Houaewife if- you order by phone or other- wise make Our store YOI.IT store. olnminpt Service and Courtesy toall, yoting or old:" you noticed our Each Day SpecialsFsiday and Saturday this week. Soap, any brand, 3 See, fo. . .:.20cI2 paclaigees of Luxr , our lackboard window for other sneia35c Dacofl ls we off er., HIGHEST PRICES FOR IITJTTER OR EGGS OUR STOREIS YOUR STORE JOIINSCN 4Y4 CO'S OROCERY Phone 111 Bread rown s takes aliery Buns ,IVIusic will he suppplied by Phelan's 0rhba o O Saturday evening GENUINE ENGLISH CONFECTIONERY NEI,LSON'S CHOCOLATES O Bulk, per lb. 50e. op 'Packages, , ........... . ,,, 35e. up WoOdeeful 'Sundaes aod Sodas made with Nilson' s Ice Cream TRY OUR- MYSTERIOUS SUNDAE 20c. Midget sPeiltlyTo'ili',c'grilll'e're Cream A Real Treat F. J. BROWN &C00 BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 MOIDERMECAMMUMMOMUMMX20=1",,, 41:11ka laismaftermalestrnaimintedn0.6•=20•MmrnalcSeMatAMEMOSzallaft• lerrambaSmeselenwszarli•MMIEMN1.020•00a1=arm.1 Cit rpet and ug Cleaning Having the best Electric Rug Washer ever made for cleaning Rugs and Carpets, I am prepared to clean a limited number during the summer months . All work guaranteed and will call for and deliver all rugs, etc. or may be left at residence, Huron Street VENNER, Clinton Electrician • Phone 151ev 10.1•11210211•110=4:061.rimincil....00•1111•Seve•1213MartifiRL•Ria1.131•12•11•1114.•mitort• eiestautestreinaaraarie"iteeireaeregeereaeeoeolaterateareeetareereaseateeeeenriearee I , .. We Pau Cash E.GCS . ,. Our plant is now complete and we solicityour shipments of eggs whether lame or small. Come and see them graded, . PeULVRY 1 to aldesle'u4 k Illvviel poultry tWelve months oi the year, it will pay 'yeti It_Oto ; have to sell. At present, market old Hens, old Roosters, late hatuched and spur Chrckens. CONDITIONS All our eggs are bought on Government grades and all poultry according to size and quality. We are here to serve you, Gunn, La glois & Co., Li ited IIEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUEBEC N. W. Trellitarithao Manager Clinton tratch Day Phone 100 Night Phone 214 W ainmenanatheve,reamizaierarottea ••!..1013•0•19=10.1.61802•11.1, xermagranetaeseozquagrealamsecammrearirssuarnemerucemom nera•scbalaseares•mitiann Binder Twi The seasons are swinging around and harvest time is just around the coener. We have an excellent brand of twine this season, manufactured by an all-Crtnadian firm in the new 8 -pound ball and also in the regular sized 5 -pound ball. Maple Leaf Flour Formerly sold under the brand name Cream of the West. Every bag is guaranteed. IVIonarch Pastry. flour is a- high grade Panay Patent flour and our many 1.1SeTS cannot speak to highly of it. We have the exclusive agency for these two brands of flour. Purity, Five Roses, Five Jewel,' Jewel and Pie Crust always on hand, • Maple Leal Lard and Easiflrst, W, JENKINS & SON' Office Phone 199 • Night 141 and 129 CARD OF THANKS 411110•6111101•••••••••••11P•11•••••••••••••1•111 Garden Party and Concert - 0 I The annual garden party and con - Mrs . Ben Cole wishes to thank her cert under the auspices of St. John's neighbors and friends arid the Orange church, Varna will be held on Dr. L. Lodge for their sympaehy aod mans; C. Moffet's spacious lawn on the ev- kindnesses duringthe illness of her, ening ea August 14th, 1924. An late husband, excellent program has been arrangedb, consisting' of duettes, quartettes and solos by Seaforth Quartette, also solo b Getman people to vote ott the sale of intoxicants. .At a Temperence Mass 1VIeeting, O held at Heilbronn, the hall was pack. ed by .2,540 people. An additional 1000 stood in the rain Outside the building listening to another speaker and two churelma were used for ever - flow meetings. Germany has a long way to go, yet, before she routethe Beer Oligarehya but her people have 000r beet wishes for a shattering victory over all the enemies. 0.e prohibition. BULLET IN SHOULDER, II.ALTED THE THIEF:. •„ • • . Early Sunday 'mornin,gJeese God, hill of Benmiller, who operates a woollen mill, eurptised two men 'who were trying to *teal goods with the aid of a truck. When diseovetect Oleo tried to escape, but one of them, Be - vitt Teske, receiveda bullett in his right shoulder. The other man got away, but was apprehended in Mit- chell &friday morning trent informa- tion given by Liske. Liske was ta- ken to jail where he received medical attention. • Mr. Gedhill has been miseth ing material from e and has been on the lookout for thieves, o We, W. R. Best, of Edgar, was giving a drill in the meaning of words and their.opposites. "Now, tell me," Ise began, ''what is the opposite of misery?" "Happiness?" said the class in unison, "And sadness?" he ask- ed. "Gladness." "And the oppo- site of woe?" "Girklapl" shouted tintenthusiastic class D y , meat and PartY, .readings by Miss Devlin.•of Lembo. •A good orchestra. has. been engaged and will sender choice selections. Tea, coffee and lunch will ibe•-seeved at the booth, AckinissiOn: Adult 25e. Children 1.5c. Prank Weeks 'and Heihl, churchwar. deo. Boarders Wanted Hoard, with or ' without moms, Apply Mrs. 13. Sehoenhals, Huron street, Oliziton. • 6541. • Veterans Picnic . As annotiecea in a previous issue the Vetetans incnie at Hayfield, Wednesday, August 18th, promises to be a great success juking froth the number of etamiriee from all parts of the County. 'The ;Clinton Kiltie Band will he in attendance and all the sports and baseball Matches have Obeen arranged for by the Sports Com- mittee, The Secretary will he pleased to hear from all intending to come so that suitable arrangements may be made for their canyenience Each party will please register on arrival at the' park. Don't for- get the date, Wedneady, August 13th. Maj'or H. H. Sloan, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield, Chairman. Lt . -Col, , . W. Sbaw, Clinton, Secretary. • Fruit Farm For Sale The Fruit Ittam known as the Iloare property located one -hale mile from Clinton and containing 1711; acres o1 land 7plented apples, peal's, plums, cherries etc., with substantial real- -donee and outbuildings is offered Sor sale. - Apply, W.BRYDONB, Clinten, Ont. or HAYS & HAYS, Goderiela Ont. 60-3, Special Sale of Oils (All Kinds) For One Week °nig, Aug, 11th to 16th Coal 011, Canadian 25c gal. Coal011,hAemaebvrlocaen ha 4 gal. lots or over only 27c gal. Motor Oil, Polarine Med. or Heavy 95c gal. Motor Oil, Red Indian, light med. or heavy $1.20 gal. Seperator Oil 90,c gal Maclaine Oil 55c gal. Floor Oil' Linseed Oil, raw or boiled - $18.055c ggaat The above in one gal. lots or over onlyse Pure imported Castor Oil e.qt. Pure Neats Foot Oil 60c qt. farness Oil 35c qt. The above prices are for Cash only 10 cents will be:added - where delivery in Town is Required Miller ilardtiare Co. GENERAL 11,91IDWARE , PLUMBING AND HEATING TELEPHONE 53 CHI-NAMEL STORE • ' Bayfiold Voters' List • •. The Voters' List, 1924, for the Vil lage oa Hayfield, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I hav transmitted or delivered to the Per sons mentioned in Section 9 of tit Ontario Voters' List Act the eopie of the list made pursuant to the said 'Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Morithipality at eke - tions for the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal ,elections and the said list was first posted up in my of- fice at Hayfield on tbe 21st day of July, 1924, and remains here foe in- spection. I hereby call upon all voters to examine the said list and if any MOTS or omissions are found therein to take immediate proceed- ings to have shine corrected accord. ing to law. Deted at Hayfield, this 22nd day of July, 1924. H. W. Er- win, Municipal Clerk. 64-a COAL - We have a supply of 'Furnace, Stove, Nut and Soft. Also some good dry e slabs. Leave orders at residence. e E.WARD a Phone 155. Huron Street, Farm For Sale < The MeNaughton Farrin lot 22, B. A.S. Con., Stanley, 100 acres more or less, is offered for *ale.. The farm is first lass and the location on the Hayfield road near Varna is most de- sirable. Buildings, sail, tineher, wa-, ter -facilities and cultivation are all geoid. Apply to,'IVIes. MobTaughton, Executrix, on premises, or. W, Bay- AOtle, Clinton, Out, Unfnrnished Rooms Wanted In Clinton, three or four unfurnish- ed.roonis• Waite Box 266, Clinton. 64-2. Stray Heifer A. red heifer was -found on the 'pro- perty of Mr. Nelson ,Rid of Varna. Owner. may have same by paying ex- penses and oiling at the 'undersigned. Nelson Reid, Varna. 6441. • • Noxious Weeds Property ONVIleTS are requested to bave all weeds, particularly on vacant lots, destroyed at ones.' -0.. G. Mid- dleton, Chairman, Street -Committee. 64-2. For Sale The former Joyner property, Five - roomed cottage with large sun -room. Electric light and- town water in house. 8 acres of good land and all kinds of fruit`trees. Will be sold. reasonably. Apply to Mrs, ItIcCal- ham, Commereial Inn, Clinton. 63-tf. House For $ak 7-r0omed frame house in good re- pair, on the east side of Albert street, Clinton. Sun room attached, good stone cellar. town water. One guar - ter acre lot with /slit trees. Apply on premises to MTS. Long. 59-01, House for Sale Haigh house on Princess street, 7 rooms and summer kitchen town water, 'also soft -water in kitchen, ce- ment basement, furnace, electric light, 41 acre garden, with small fruits; stable. Apply to Miss Mabel Rath - well, Varna, Phone 33-606, Clinton central. 62-11 ' Cottage For Sale 9 -room cottage in Spencer Street in good repair, electdo light, town water, telephone. al, acre of gar- d-' with fruit trees. Apply on pronates th Mrs-. l. MeIntyre. 02-4 .For Sale The tttractive and beautifully lo- cated property belonging to C. D. Bolick, situated on High street Clin- ton. The house has a beautiful out, look, imposing in architectural ap- pearance, walls 13 inch solid brick, rooms large. Two marble fire -places in den 'grid parlor, hot and cold. too- ter, cement soft -water cistern in cel- lar, bathroom, electric lights, two ver. andahs and sun porcln two stairways, cellar undea whole house, eement floor hot-air heating. Lot 75 ft. frontage, double depth facing on High street and Townsend. Ilruittrees, garden ansi sbmaia•glalinfrufiott7,quick sale. 'Writs C. D. Houck 43 Standish Ave., Tor- onto, Ont. 59-01. House and Lot For Sale, Brick cottage, in good repair, cor- ner of Dunlop and Fulton streets. 10 rooms, good cellar, mOgern coo- venienees. Conveniently situated. Will be -sold reasonably., Apply. to Miss E. McTavish, •Clinton. 58-01, ` House For Sale • Comfortable frame house on North street, half acre of ground. Alf kiwis of fruit. Small gtable, town water in house. Robert P. Fisher, 37-tf. Clothes Maned, and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired., Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard'barber shop, J, Jago, t--433-tf Agents Wanted The careful attention to our customers' orders and the did stock supplied for years past warrants us in having a repre- tentative or two in this county. t Liberal Cornmissons, Free Out- fit. Write at onee for Exclusive Territory. THOS. W. 130W2LAN & SON COMPANY RIDGEVILLE, ONT. ' STAR NURSERIES. 60-13 ' House For Sale Cottage on Huron street, roomy and in good repair, al acre of garden. Small barn on place. Possession at , once. Also a buggy and cutting box, Happy Thought range and a sliding - bed couch for sale. Apply to Miss B. Cantelon, Rattenbuty street. 39-01. Singer Sewing Machines Family, -Electric arid . §ta. be. Al•So some sseondthand machines, good as new. Old machines taken as part payment. Easy terms. It will pay you to look these over before buying elsewhere. Repelling and parts for all makes of machines. Earl Steel% Jan, 1, 1924 AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer. chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write oe wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont, Phone 18- 93. ,-88-42-1923 ' COAL NUT, STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence. Phone 112 Flour and Feed Have quantity. of Bran, Shorts and Screenings on hand and expect car. load ist of August. Feeds are advanc- ing daily, now is the lime to lay in your requirements till new grain can be threshed. Also Flour, have agency for Snow Drift Flour, this flour has been giving , exceptional eatisfaction try it onoe if not satis- factory after your Aret baking bring bolt remainder and will give you any other ,variety in its place. TWINE Have Gold Medal and Gilt „Edge Twines in stock either in 5 lb. or 8 lb. balls. ROOFING - Caery a 'complete line of Toronto Asphalt Roofing. The quality Roof- ing with a guarantee against curling, flapping or turning up. In over our years agency for this roofing have had no dissatisfied customers. J A. FORD &_ SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers- ` CREAM WANTED! The demand for our butter le 114. creasing. • , To supply this demand' we requill more oream. • We request you to [ship na VOX cream. We guarantee yori the Higtal Market Prices, )accurate teats and prompt service. „ • Our furm is known to you and neidil no _Anther recommend. We pay all express charges, furs- . ish cream =DS and pay twice emelt month. • Write for estate AT farther inforintie tion to the ' THE SPAPORTII CREAMERY ci 4 44 BLIM/rai M.ANACASla