HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-31, Page 10. 2- -46th Year € LIIrioN,' o$TAI11.2, , THURSDAY., DAY., .JULY 31st, :l INTJN ;Ill PUT 0PULL LY Of SPOflTS MB MARKETS Wheat $1.15. Buckwheat 75c. Barley 55e, Oats 45c. Eggs 24c. to 280. Butter 80c, to 330,• Live Ho„s $7.50 •to $8.25. e e Diree `ahiraa, rv` ut 91166 and Jitver 11 These to delight the heart of a June Bride, CHINA -A large assortment of .China to choose from, from Dinner. Sets down. CUT GLASS -Lemonade Sets, Sherbert Sets, Water Jugs, Berry Bowls, Celery Dishes, Vases, etc. SILVER -Tea Sets, Coffee Sets, Vases Brea' Knives, Trays. Forks, and and and Cake Plates: Everything in, Spoons, i : Rings. last but not least, plain' and fancy Wedding g 'Jeweller and Optician ellgar Phone 174w Residence 174J Hydro Power During the Summer weather, when range and;furnace fires are. not going, the matter of bot bathsis a problem in many homes, Also it is often diffucult to have plenty of hot water for washing, dish- washing, Etc - We have the solution. We have here a Standard KitchenBoiler . where the water is heated,by Hydro' Come in and see how it is operated Hot (water at•any time, in -an"yquantity USE YOUR OWN UTILITY, -IT PAYS HYDRO SHOP Clinton HAD FINE PICNIC` Mr, and Mrs:. Lucas, Mr , ancl. Mrs'. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. N. Cole and 'family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston and family attended the C.N.R. plc- nic at Springbank on Saturday.: A very pleasant day is reported. The Canadian National provided good ac- commodation for. their'employees, fur- nished.them with free transportation, ice cream; tea;. etc;, the picnickers providing their own baskets, AN ABNORMAL BOY Y3 young boy of eleven at Stratford, it order :,to see a real train wreck,. placed a rail across the Goderich track one evening last week and as a consequence was. haled into court. The rail was : discovered almost at once by a young woman, who report- ed it and it was removed half an hour before the train came up, otherwise serious damage might have resulted. It is supposed that theaboy's imagina= tion had .been fired by stories read to him by his parents. He liked espe- ciallyto hear stories of train wrecks. AMONG THE CHURCHES •.Ontario. Street Church Fellowship meeting .at nine o'clock on Sunday morning, Sunday school at•ten, and preaching service at eleven. The ;Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered at the morning_ service. The Sacrament will also be administered at the afternoon service in Turner's church. The pastor, Rev. C. U. Moorhouse will preach.. Our Motto - or Every a.an. S001.0,1i.liii;iik. Solo Starts Saturday, July 26th Our policy is to have two sales :a year. to, elean up all broken lines regardless of former selling price.- We alio to sell each article in the season for which it was bought. Owing to the backward season we Ind one stock too heavy in to the , very core for quick Some lines. so we have fdecidedpto cut general description. We invite clearance. Space will not permit a gen p your inspection. Buy now and save a $5.00 or $10.00 spot clearing at • ....$16.50 $ Men's Palm Beach and Tropical Worsted Suits, oleo g0 and Yours Men'S Suits and extra Trousers $19.5 Men's g 22.50 Young`Meris Suits and extra trousers, all wool $� Young, Men's first longs and extra trousers 15.90 5.90 YoungMen's'first longs • : ..... $ . Suits in tweeds and worsteds, broken lines. .. $14.90 Men's S ' ' ' ' "Men's Suits in N.R.J. and 20th. Century Brands inoluding all our best.spri.ng and summer suits, clearing at $29.90 Boy's Suits its clearingatper 20 cent off clearing at $2.00, $2.50, $3.50,`and $4.50 Men's Odd Trousers cl gg .$; 4 90 Young Men's Sport,Coats clearing at ... • • 2.90 Men's 'Dust Coats, just the garment' for motoring $2.90 Sec 'inen's work Shirts, clearing:at ...•.... • .89c Men's lack and blue, clearing- at � ..$ 1,•79 Ten dozen:bib Overalls, b b , , Men's Balbriggan Underwear single or conxbination,,pez suit..$ 140 Men's Balbriggan Underwear, single or dbnabination,'per suit`.$ 1.41949 Men's -Mexican and Peanut Straw Hats; Special Bargain Tables, at 25c and 59c Boys' Cotton Sweaters' . . • .39c Hose ..... 760 Ribbed36c Shirt Waist 59c Shirt Waist Shirt 7Pe siVlaist ... Sport Cap ..... .15e . ......25c Sport, Caps ..... ... , Child's Fine Hats •. 39c clearing'at .. ..$1.49 Boys Wash Suits, . NEGLIGEE SHIRTS $1.50 Cambric _ Shirts,$1.19 or 3 for •.•32.25` ., , 2.50 Shirts clearing at.... . :.31.95 $ in at..:. 2.25 .,;2:75 and $3.00..Shirts clearing $ 10 onlyMen's Silk Shirts, with Extra 'Cuffs, uffs, regular $6.00 clearing at .. , ...$4.50 4.50 20 Men's White Shixts ignt1 d>14-13 50c HOSIERY ' _..r ilk, Silk and Wool in Black and i Men ab e :69c colored, clearing at . • • Black` Cashmere .::....•.:....:.:.360 Men's ..89e Men's 'Silk II'ose, clearing at - 'cotton, e special 25c Work Soz'and wooland p Mens Woe 59 z ;Strata "Hats .. ... • . ,. JChilds, MURRISH CLOTHINS IIx. 71 N6L NOIV E CLEVER YOUNG M1 SICIAN In connection with +-lie educational section of the convention, of ,the Bri- tish Association for -the Advaneernent of Science to bei held` n Toronto, are - cite' of music by C'2nadian corpps ers will be given in Hart Iroise on -the everting of August 7th, Dr: Ernest MacMillan, who is known to marry in Clinton, being a nephew of Mrs • (Dr.) Gunn' will take a prominent 'part ill this recital,` playing many pieces of• his own composing. Pr. 'MacMillan is a young musician who is rapidly' taking his•placc_an the front rank. WILL ,PICNIC AT'STRATFORD -The Liberal -Conservatives of Wes. - tern Ontario intend; holding a basket picnic at Queen's Park,., Stratford, on Wednesday, August,, 20th, -when it is expected that a ,very large number of the party members and these favor- ing Lbi.-Conservative policies will gather. Rt; Hon. Arthur Meighan, Hon. J. S. Martin and Hon. Hugh Guthrie will be the chief speakers. Mr. Dennis,: president of the Western - Ontario Association, and Mr. McNich- ol, president • of the Provincal Asso- ciation, will also ,be present. . All who can do so are invited to attend and hear the party leaders discuss public questions. 1.0.0.F. OFFICERS INSTALLED Salvation Arniy ' 11 a.m., Holiness meeting; 3 p.m., Sunday school; '7:30 p.rn., Salvation meeting. These meetings- will be conducted by'Bro. Payne and Candidate Payne of Toronto. All welcome at these services. Staff -Capt. Raven, Capt: Turner and Sergeant Russel of Toronto, who are on a tour through Western On- tario, stopped. off here one evening last week and conducted open-air and inside services for ,the local S. A. officers. (line Seaforth officers were in town Tuesday evening conducting services. CadetEllisonof Stratford is assist- ing Lieut. Bradley - during Capt. Clarice's furlough. AUG. 4th IN CLINTON On another page of this issue ap- pears the;prograin of sports for Clin- ton's Big Sports Day, August 4th, showing the'prizes offered to the dif- ferent events, ' Many of the prizes are on exhibition in the Hyda{o Shop window. It will be seen ata glance 4,hat this year's annual sports will be one of the best ever put on here and given good weather the. -day is bound to be a suc- cess. In all there are about fifty prizes to be competed for and from the big pa- rade which starts at half past nine in themorning until the day winds up. with fireworks -at the park at .night, there's something doing aU the time. A baseball game between Gode- rich and -Clinton and e, laeosse game• between Wingham and; Clinton will take a goods part of the afternoon. At seven o'clock Kinburn and Bruce- field football teams will five an ex- hibition of their fast work on the foot- ball field. At eight o'clock a grand concert will be `given by the Sunset of London before the Concert Co o grand stand in the park, and after:the concert there will be a fireworks dis- play. The Clinton Kilties will enliv- en, the whole day with their popular music. Many people look forward to Cline ton's sports day each year. This will be one- of the best ever staged and no mistake will be made by coning to town on August 4th if a pleasant out- ing is desired. - LITTLE LOCALS' D.D.G.M., W. W. Taman of Ex- eter, and aninstallationteain consis- ting of E. Ar Howald, E. J. Dignan, -T. Pryde; 'E: J. Christie and H. 'O,. Sout cott, cline u on even- ing and installed the following offic- ers in the local I: 0. 0. F. lodge: I P•G.: A. E. Rumball. N G. : L. Heard. -'• V. G.: T. Morgan, Rea..Secretary: H. W. Gould. - Pin. -Secretary: J. Wiseman. Treasurer: A. B. Chant. R.S.N,G . J. A. Sutter. L.S.N.G' : Dr: Brown. R..S.V.G : W: Mutch. L.S.V.G.: J,' E. Cook. Conductor Warden: T. H. Hardy. Warden: E, .Mitten: , R.S.S.: C. Draper. L.S. S.: J. Sterling. J. Livermore. O. J, J. H. Kerr. Rev. James Foote of Exeter ac-, coiitpanied the P.D.G.M. and his in- stallation team to Clinton. DEATH OF E. FOSTER ALL FOUR BROThE .S BOWL The above cut represents four former Clintonians. Reading from the left they, are: Israel, Samuel L. and William Taylor of London; and Jacob Taylor of Toronto, They play bowls as one rink and took part last week in a tournament at Loudon. -Courtesy of The free Press COMMUNITY SERVICE SUNDAY Arrangements are :being made for the holding of a coureipunity service at Recreation park on Sunday evening at 'seven o'clock. An out-of-town min- ister will preach - After the service a sacred concert will be given' by the band.. , RETIRES...AFTER LONG TERM The Hamilton Herald of Friday car- ried a_portrait of- Inspector Donald Campb111, who has just presented his resignation as chief, of the Hamilton detective department after nearly fif- ty years - of faithful service. "In- spector Donald Canipbeil's, resigna- tion was accepted with regret by the -Police Commission today," comments the Herald. The Iirspeetor was grant- ed leave with pay until February 615, on which day he will have completed exactly fifty years of service." Inspector Campbell; who is Mrs• Idde 'Crick's father, visited his..dauglr ter in town a short time ago and will be remembered ilry -several' citizens 'who met him here. - The funeral of the late Edmund� Foster, -who died in Goderich on Fri- day, took place to Clinton cemetery on Sunday afternoon, 7lhe Iate Edmund Foster was for many years a resident' of Clinton. He was born in Cumberland, England, but came to, Canada as a young inan with his brother, He lived in Clin- ton until about seven years ago. He never married but is survived by two brothers, James of London and Adam of Goderich, and one sister, Mrs. • Jo- seph Copp of Clinton. The family originally consisted of six brothers and three sisters. Mr, Foster was a quiet, courteous man and was res= pected by all who knew Min. `Tie was an Anglican, 'being a member- of St. •Paul's church while in Clinton.- The funeral on Sunday was attend- ed by -a number of relatives and service at the home of' friends. The Mr. Adam Foster, Goderich was ton - flatted. by the Rev. S. S. Hardy, rec- for of St. •George's church who also' conducted the service at the graveside. The pallbearers were four nephews: Dr. Foster Copp and Roy Foster, Toronto; and Ed. and Chas. Foster of London. Many very handsome floral tributes were sent, some coning from Toronto Monday is Clinton's .civic; holiday. All business places will be closed. The Clinton Knitting Coiiipany and staff are picnicking at Bayfield today. The Senior C. G.1. T, go into camp at Bayfield toniorroiv. Miss gtone will he in charge of the group. The mayor has proclaimed- Manday August 4th, civic hbliday for Clinton and calls upon citizens to observe the same, ` Clinton,. Kiltie Band will take part in the tattoo in connection with the Old Boys Reunion at Seaforth, on Tuesday. Miss Myrtle Armstrong, who w'hs one of the successful students at Stratford Normal, has accepted,a school near Grand Bend for the com- ing school year. Wesley Sundayschool, and as many "DESERVE TO WIN" The following• despatch from Wing- hant appeared in The 'Stratford` 'daily paper - on Saturday morning; "Despite the fact that Wingham de- feated Clinton 6-4 in an Interniediate 0.A.L.A. ganib here last night the visitors won the round, 10-7, and the Mrs. Sidney Jackson and daughters right to meet the winners of, the of Lethbridge are this week guests. J. J. McEwenCo, and 1tI9ss Simons, Mitchell -Stratford series for the at the home of Itfayor Jackson, Goderich..conspicuous among the group title. The score of the game Mr. -Fred Ne61 er of Dashwood, spent- inane floral tributes was a largo an - in Clinton was 6-1, for the homes- a'faw days last week at the home of cher of :flowers .from his boyhood tern. his nephew, Mr. W,• 3. Nedigex. chums of the village. The Rev. Al - ,Tho game last night was in charge , feed Macfarlane of St. Andrew's of Referee Alberts o£; St. Marys, and .Mrs' W. F. Cantelon and Miss Kath- church, conducted the service• the last period -was rather rough, the leen of Toronto are this.. week vis-: Anniversar ervices will in Wingham team taking several penal- '' Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. Conte- y the Methodist chsurch on Sunbedayheld next. ties. Clinton has a young bunch of • ion'; ' '"' In the morning at eleven o'clock and bo s but they are cleanand clever Mr. and Mrs, Ogle Miller and son of in 'the evening at half past seven. People You Know' Miss Ruby Irwin is spending a boli- day at Port Stanley. - Mr. I. Rattenbury of Pete boyo is in town for a little yacation. Mr. Wilbur Ford of Peterboro is heli- .daying athis-home in town. - 117r. Prank McCaughey ofToronto is holidaying at iris home in town. Miss Clete Ford has returnedafter spending a fortnight in Mi skoak. Miss .Eve Stevenson of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Cun- inghame. Councillor F. W. and Mrs..Johnston Spent the week -end with relatives in Ashfield. • Mr. George Green of Toronto spent the week -end with friends. in Cline ton and vicinity Bonfield St. Andrew's church will celebrate its anniversary on Sunday, August - 17th, when the Rev. Dr. Colin Young of Toronto will be the. preacher. Spe- cial music 'will be, provided. 1lr. and Mrs. John Falconer and - family of Bayfield wish tp thank their friends forthe beautiful floral tri- butes and many sympathetic kindnes- ses shown them during,.their recent bereavement. • The death occurred in 'Chicago on July 25th, of 'Harry•P." Falconer, younger son of Ma. and Mrs. Jahn Falconer of Bayfield. Five weeks ago the late Mr. Falconer was taken • ill with ptomaine poisoning, which de- veloped into meningitis. Being in a very weakened condition be failed to rally and+passed 'away Thursday mor- A. Benson Corless is holidaying With ning,'July 24th. The remains ar-_ his uncle, Mr. E. J. Coulquhouu, rived in Bayfield on Saturday fore - near Russeldale. noon, the funeral being held from the hoiee.of his parents on Sunday after- noon, interment iif Bayfield cemetery. A large crowd of. friends relatives - ,and acquaintances gathered to pay - their respects to , the one who had been highly respected. He leaves to - Mourn their loss his parents, three sisters, Mrs. W. ,Green, Colborne; . Mrs. J. Barton, Goderich and Mrs.: W. Weston, Bayfield, and one bro- ther; Charles at hone, Amongst those who attended the funeral from • out of town wiere: Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Rhynas,Burlington; Mr. and Mr's. MMliss Dorothy Rattenbury of Peter boyo is visiting relatives and friends in town. Miss Barbara McIver, returned last week from a pleasant vacation ' spent in Muskoka. .Miss. Annie Warren of Hamilton is' visiting her cousins, Misses .Made- line and Harriet Hawkins. bliss Lenore Craig of Goderich. i1g' spending part of her holidays with her cousin, Miss Jean Mutein. London and bhe west. Mr. James Foster and family were Present from London and lvirs. Brig- ham, an old family friend, from Hen- sel', ensal', for the funeral, besides many from' Goderich and' surrounding- Dom- munity. VAN. LOON-RODAWAY A pretty wedding took place on Saturday, July 26th, at the home of Mr, and MTS. Edward W. Rodaway, Albert street, Clinton, when their -youngest daughter, Helen A., was united in wedlock to Mr. George H. Van Loon of Detroit. Promptly at twelve o'clock, to the strains of the wedding march, play- ed by 'blaster Worth Jackson, the bride's nephew, the bridal couple took their place in front of a bank of ferns and, lowers It the drawing room' and the Rev. Clayton J.''Moorhouse.per- formed the ceremony which was wit- nessed only by members of the im- mediate- _ families. The, bride wore a very pretty wed- ding, gown of powder blue crepeand carried a shower bouquet- of Ophelia roses, sweetpeas, forgetmenots and ferns, There were no attendants. At the conclusion of- the ceremony and -when congraulations had been ex- tended, xtended, a buffetluncheon was' served. The guests from: a distance were: Dr. and Mrs. Roy T. Rollaway and son, Jack of Roanoke„I11., Mrs, (Dr.) Jackson and sot, Worth, Chicago; the bridegroom's parents, 'Mr.: and Mrs. Morgan Van Loon, Hagersville, and 14lisses Emily and Edna Van Loon, Hamilton, and Mr.'J. Taylor 'of Toronto. Many handsome gifts were received showing in a small way the popular- ity of' the young bride, whose remov- al from town is greatly regretted. Mr, ` and Mrs.. Van Loon left the same afternoonorf a motor trip to the Georgiar Bay' Dints east, the r and p bride wearing a' travelling costume of tan, with neokpieee.of mink, the gift ofthe'bridegroom, is On their re- turn they will live -it Windsor, he good iris inrd J4 The News -Record ew s wishes being exprc5s_tl .for the future happiness and prosperity, of tin young couple. members of the congregation as could get there, held -their annual picnic at Bayfield yesterday. The morning was rather_ threatening and soine showers fell but it cleared later and, the. outing proved' to be;, a pleasant, one. Miss Gladys Blake'is the new as- sistant in the Clintoi,'postofiice. Miss Blake has had some experience hand- ling the mail on. R. R, ,No.; 2. The Sports Committee. hope all lner-. 011055 and business people will de- corate their places of business for Civic Holiday, August 4th.. known Mr. Jack blcCbsh,. better as "Steeplejack"` McCos11,,,is in own this week painting the inside, of the "standpipe. "Jack" has a dog with erne in- ca las been --incg Min hell. 1 111n Wl ands c ls- c hound 41r In alio i teres Hed t. n t collie, but that he and his mas- ter s•� iter are;,go. a friends there is no doubt at all, Goderich spent the. week -end as the fie. Rev. M4. Allen of Goderich will guests of Mr. R. J. and Miss Jean i preach at both services and' special Miller: ,. 1 music is being, provided by the choir, Rev. Frank german and family of. assisted by several talented singers Craighurst spent 'the week -end in ',and nriisicians. An extra offering town visiting his mother and other is being asked for. friends. ' Meni7lers of the Bayfield Young Mr, Ephraim Brown left on°'Monday l people's Society motored to Grand for Perry, N. '. He expects to be absent for the .next couple of months. r Mr; Walter Jackson Brantford alltford is visiting his brother, Mayor Fred Jackson, and sister,Mrs. 11. W. Steep, of town. Bandsirdan. Bradley of Toronto is than one sedan car party getting lost spending a couple of weeps with hie nn the detour toward Zurich: s son, Lieut. Bradley of the local little ole' '19 Ford,and its party •tea - Salvation Army corps. veiled miles over a wet, heavy, log - wagon road or some such crude un- )beaten trail grown high with grass and weeds, aecompanied,by old songs and new song% jokes and laughter Ys players and -certainlyr deserved to win." LACROSSE FRIDAY NIGHT Mitchell defeated Stratford in the last home and home game of ld`clos se in that city on Tuesday night in the score of 12-8, ,winning over thein in a 22-11 score. Mitchell will now play Clinton, who won from Wing - ham, for inghain,for group honours in the Strat- fond district, the first game to be play. ed in Clinton tomorrow (Friday) ev- ening. A return match will be Play - ea in Mitchell on Friday evening` of next week. Come out tomorrow ev- ening and encourage -the boys to do their best to carry off district hon- ours in Canada's National Gaine for 1924., The Mitchell -Stratford game was played on very wet, slippery ground, after a heavy rain, and at first was g to camp for a week pretty rough, but the referee got the Mr. and Dire. Wm. Medd and Mr• and landed in Bayfield safe and sound. players dower to the,game and the and Mis. Adams of T•roiilols ge Oh young folk! I wonder who those latter half was good lacrosse. spent Sunday at the home, of :the. individuals were? Stratford Beacon -Herald, reporting seance's brother, Mr. J. G. ofth Medd. the ame said:: "The winners play_ 1 ren ed the game ata ;s ages o e ra- have been visitluig cas. and wet, deserved to win." This London, who i team, which will meet Clinton here, are. the guests this week for s theMrs. J,• Livermore. Berri last Thursday, where they en- joyed an afternoon's picnicking; which .,was concluded by a hurried dash Home ou re- in motor cab in the•'trenrend s ,in shower, by way of a long de- tour, owing to repairs in the creek bridge near St. Joseph. All arrived home safely with no greater mishap Miss Stone has returned to town and tomorrow takes the Senior - C. G.I. T. group to Bayfield, where they, o in g ]1 t f th f Mrs. J• A, Agnew and children of a few days of on Friday. M r. C • ' G. Middleton was in Strat- ford on Tuesday attending a meet- ing of.the Western Ontario Lib.- Brucef old. Conservative Committee which is • planning fora monster picnic in Mrs. Laidlaw and Mr. Van Eg-that city.on August 20th. mond, motored through from Detroit Win. Masses' Lottie, Susie 'and Nara Liver - Scott here. ante coifed on Mian more have returned home from St, - VailEgoMrs, Laidlaw pressed n' after spending a few. Van Egmond are home to be present . Catharines, p the Old Bo' Reunion week in weeps with their sister, Miss Mil- fet Ysdied who accompanied thein hone Seaforth. olid is visit g Nurse Rhea Rouat1 of London is. spending a few days at her 'home here. Miss E. Seott was a, visitor at the hone of. Miss Grace Ross of Stanley on; Sunday. :Mr. and Mrs. Harvey'Ham of Per. gus': are guests at the home of Mr. Janes. Swan. Mr. • and 'Mrs. Will .Kaiser of heret" thelot in for a few days with lier mother, Mrs. S. G. Castle. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Foster sand Mas- ter Calvin of Moose Jaw, Sask, , who have been' visiting at Owen Sound and . Wiarton, spent a few :days last, week as the guest's of the 'lady's, sister, ,Mrs. W. J. Nedi- ger. They left ;here to visit their daughter in Toronto. • for' , aw are visiting uig - cBrien.of Essex and Miss toils brothers Messrs. ,James` and Miss Olive M s motored' to Clinton last week and Mich John Swan, ;and other friends in and Alice Miller of Rbyal Oke, arownd. Brucefield. Mr. Kaiser spent a ;few dayswith their cousin, thinks 'Ontario good' enough to live Miss Jean Miller_They left Fri - in, especially Huron county. day, accompanied by Mgrs A. R. The Sunday school°'of union church, : meBrien.and Master Freddie Miller, Brucea,eldis platiicking at Bayfi01d' . 'who had' been v'isitlnr. ine Clinton. today• A11 expect'to have a good and'dici16ty for` some 'tine. time. Mr.Lloyd Rice, who is'spending a We are sorry at date of writing_ to vacation at Bayfield, was in •town+ mention lthe ,serious 'illness of Dr. c-' -- on Tuesday. If a suitable rest Intesir of the village.- dence can be procured Mr Rice will " Stanley defeat- get his mother, Mrs. John Rice, The "Bear -Cats" .of :,Stan y g ed the. Bruccfield `Brownies at 'a settled in Clinton for the winter. -u of basketball Satu •day evening, IIe Will teach. in Northern Ontario t e e rel is to an the" wirier' o � rear e a net d coni winning out in 'Ull - S 4rtrn r �, g e.0 g score of e'to 8,Thtctan Stanley' g irts severer� for thex up i Cr retold were lit good'" practise and played the fyamc well., Kolrnesvalle Mr. and ItIrs. John 'Cudmore have returned home from a pleasant visit in Chicago. Mr. P. Lowry of Toronto spent the weekend in the village. ' His many friends were glad to see hien. Mr. H. Levis and fainilyhave mov- ed into the village:- Haymaking illage-Haymaking is rather slow on ac- count of the showery weather. Mr. S. W. Miller is improving his house by fresh siding. The congregation of the Methodist church will hold their annual picnic in the grove of Mr.' W • H. Lobb; the "Bayfield road, on Tuesday after- noon next. t have o 1 fr>_en s ;would ire pleased . 'mike among t them -; 'again. London Road The; regular meeting of the U.F. W. O. was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Win. Stanhliry. The roll callwas answered by suggestions on "How to Keep Well. ' The next meeting will be at Mise Lane's. Mr. and Mrs.- George Stewart ,of Seaforth and gr. and Mrs, S. Chown of Liman were guests at the Waldron- home on Sunday. Mrs. Davidson and , Miss Helen have arrived safely in Los Angeles and with friends have taken a bun - glow in -Hollywood. Report the wea- ther perfect. Ic grows cool at,:four` p.tn. and reiixains cool until 9 a.iii., then. waxing up for the day• ` The I10 a d consequently i fill ve tYY,'et5 are s p dust and they are told not to expect rain.