HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-24, Page 7Roasted particular people. d picked same c $ day m : Might "cans 33100d Transfusion NOW Rejuvenates. Rejuvenation; the eternal dareain of. humanity, may soon be within roach M both mon and women, according to Dr,' iTawonaki, who communicated this afternoon to. medical isociety practi- tioners the result of his experiments with,blood' transfusion:' Jaworski's. method of restoring youth is .to Inject into the veins of men and women a few drops of blood from "another -person showing Certain biological affinity with the patient. 'Blood marriage,"• Jaworski calls it. He explains. - there is; , q )piological analogy betweeh'the oelle of the hu- man.' body and a composite liquid in which his patients • bathe, aild that if the liquid fs renewed frequently: enough. cells can be•• regenerated al- m'oat ' • ndefintely, , $eGpre,.operating ho'analyzes the blood of different per- 00naintil he dads one offering the re- quired. biological affinity, ''Transfusion is then.;. simple natter:. - According -bo Jaworski his' opora- tions Bove been attended wf'tll 'extra- ordinary sueneee, old Men and -women having recovered nahoped for youth- fulnese. Persons suffering from ar terio-seleresis or other diseases symp- ' tofnatic of prenlatnre senility have ob- tained a complete transformation of their: general 'condition. The medical profession" :here appears to take Jaw oralfi's diecavery'seriously, - Wealth Froin Waste. There are enortnous sources of wealth in the by --products of almost every industry, though few pooplo realize this or the extent to which` such potential wealth le actually util- ized. Take, for example,' wool. The grease anddirt which are washed out of this are tuff of potash and potash, salts. In the wool -scouring factories, of .Prance and Belgium 'these "by-products" are extracted from the water In which the wool is washed and produce proilts running into tens of •thousands• of del- Slaughter-houses, ol-Slaughter houses, too, are, perfect h in roes gold • m the matter of jiy-pro- ducts. Bones, blood, greae's,, hair, all are saved and transformed into useful articles by chemical and other pro posses. Talking of 'gold mines, one : of the most important' of the chemical by- products of the slaughter -house, cyan- ide of potassium; is actually used in mining to tape the gold out of ground quartz. • In argument the sharper the point the, more easily it is blunted.. 30,000 islan' cute Str. Midland City., Georgian Bay Dail - servic Y' a between -Midland and :Parry .Sound. `Fishing and Scenery' une..X*Ied. Excellent train ser- vice froin Toronto. Good, Auto bads to Midland. Our Boat trips will please you, Berths and Information on. boat, Rates Reasonable. Automobiles carried. Come where the fishing is good. Information -Any Canadian .' National Railway Agent or Box 862, Midland, Ont. ' „• Opportunities in the �~ r'i Y u ��° 1a ■ :. i ary� Prof ssion If you desire to enter into a profession you should con- sider what the new field of VeterinarySciencehas offer. G d ate; . to r�,,, }� have splendid opportufutes for a.succesaful Career. , • You ,should inquire, Session Begins October lst, 1924 Write for bulletin and calendar to McGil�vray, M.D.V., Principal Ontario Veterinary College GUELPH - - ONTARIO Aiiiiieted with Under the Ontario University of Toronto Departulent of /1.Srdetllitara IIVtix Keen's Mustard of sP to water toter lconsis he�+ with '!until tho'deaired thickness is obtains If a milder flavor is desired m, milk. Mm mustard freshly forevery meal. i0 f• �r � .. de,Fd The average -sized Canadian' fa• mily's iota y Potato bill Ss $29,00a.year Th atwirrrantsr�the•usooff:aspecial pot. • - Fiertrit,sa "The SMP'PotatolTot.: The ideal thing.! 11111 with water through the spout Without removing cover: Note howr o You the fitclts"tltecover,on, "can drain aff•water leaving potatoes mealy and dr 'tVithoutapplilingpstatdes`ok scaldfnghands. Selling at low prices in hardware and general stores. Note 1 lite. trademark on the pot. Be sure you get ,Clear! . EEaeiar: SHIP knamcied Wate has, tt veryYard, smooth` surce;,.like " your beat china, and is ndea0ytc cledu. mates ao steel' wool ei spacial cleaneera, A1wrye Glean,. 0,051 free from taint aixl odors. The enameled ware dr. luxe, Three finisher Pearl 'A•ero, too„ epnte of pearl' freer cnhmal Inoida awl 'out. Diamond' Ware, throe,' coats, light blue And white outdid); white linins'. • Crystal Wee, three 00,0,'tura white hall arid.,. out, with Royal Blue edging. _. . `ea. REE7•'Mht8LPRODlid"TSCo.'t aT Nhltr,gAt. ragouts. WIfioipEd mnoosoe ; vAtiontm8O cevaanw uhf T '. :EDUCATIO BY DR. d. , MIDDL.ETON Provincial etomr.d. of Health, ontarie L" Middleton Trill bo Ai lad' to ;newer "gtaestfOne ®a Paiute Health tare ahawugh this column. Addroee him at !YRtditia ldonee;''1t7P Mreaaent, --Toronto A few evenings ago I visited ann 0 torte Gown where a" meeting on Public -Health was being held. Just before the meeting. I was attracted to a baseball game played between local .teams. Quite e considerable crowd of people were present, but only the players were getting any exercise. ' How much -betterit 'would be, I thought' at that moment and since, if all the people could take; part in sports and'games instead of only a few. Nothing is better for maintain- ing and' promoting;; public health than exercise in the open air,' and yet a comparatively' small number of people' do get enough exercise. Especially in et ice do sedentary, occupations pre - Vail, and even then the journey to: and from business is made by street car or automobile. - • , Have. you ever. noticed a family go- ing for an `outing? How often this outing consists -.of, a spin `around or outside the city, the occupants of the car never leaving their ;seats until. they? arrive back at the door of their z }rouse." And yet many people regard. this as exercise. e. True, tin automobile ride is exhiliarating and' beneficial, but it is not exercise in the: true sense 'of the word. Exercise to ,be really,' EASY TRICKS Blitating A Duck WHWIICI•t;wtttifta c beneficial should aim to put the mus- cles into action and the more of 'these muscles are used, the •moreeffective the ,exercise will be. How: much bet- ter it would be for city folk and conn try folks to take a brisk 'walk of at least fifteen minutes twice a day. Brisk walking it one of the finest ex- ercises a personcanindulge in. It is said that of, all the natural exercises one can take, swimming occupies a foremost place.- Swimming, however, is not so easy to indulge in. Walling is accessible to everybody: The con- venience of a street -car >-system ' in cities and'towns:as a mixed blessing. The tendency is to ride comparatively short distances Which could' be covered by walking with';much greater benefit to health. Some day the health auth- orities will take a 'keener'.interest in exercise end recreation fox the, mass- es, and better -health will be the : i'e- suit, To -play the practice of attending ball games, cricket matches and other forms of outdoor amusement ;is bene ficial to only a few. In time to come -facilities will be provided for -all the people at convement timesto e sui t- able, forms of exercise. When that day comes, the pilblic health• will be improved and a happier and healthier race' of people will be the result: - WOMEN'S DAMPS Headaches and Backaches Often Make Life. Miserable. A woman's health handicaps her al- , most; always, - She bas pales and dis. abilities which do not afflicit:nion. Nae tures does• not give her fair chance. ?Ter brood is more often thin and•poor than a man's, and she often neglects' the first beginnings of ill -health. Many, women -whc seemed destined to- a life 00 fregnent enfr"ering have been freed, entirely from their suffering through. thg wonderful blood•making qualities of Dr; Williams' Pink Pille, Many a woman- toile ani day with a' pain in her back and side, a burning_ headache,' and ;a sense of having no spine left. What a pity,women will not listen to their friends .whom ,Dr.. Williams'- Pink PiTis.have saved from their.mis- ery. Whenever a woman suffer they will ;help her—in youth, middle -age and' afterlife. Mrs. John • Mitchell, .sof. Mtddlevillo, Ont„ gives her experience for the benefit of•Iother women suffer. ere. She lays ee"Some Years' ago I •was so badly run down I could hardly walk around the house. I tried toalo a few ebfores but was able: to do very little, My boys• and husband had -to do the rest. of I started UP stairs, x. had to go very, slow er I would fall, and I War just played out when I got at the top - of the; stairs. ' My head ached terrible, and my heart would beat vleleatly. In this ,deplorable condition T began taking, Dr. Wihliaaris' Pink Pills, When I. had finished six boxes I felt Melchi. better.; .'.Chen -I got a 'further, eupplyt and by the tibia .I had taken these I could Walk an • where without beteg exhausted, t beedeehes had 'disappeared and-I'a now perfeotiy well:.. Any it;olnan wh Is run down should' net hesitate to b gin Dr, Williams' Pink Pills at Once as I inn sure from my own oxperienc they will build her up." ;- Von can get -these Pills from medicine dealer 0r. by mail at 50 ct a box from The Dr. Wlliigms' Med eine Co., brookyilhe; Ont. - Scoutcraft. • A Scout! He enjoys a trek through. the weeds more than he does a walk over the city's streets. Ile can tell North or South -•frons the mons that grows on trees, add Bast from West by' the shadows tbat trunks and branches' east. When matehies.are for- gotten he laughs And proceeds to kindle a fire by, rubbing two sticks"to- gether,• or ,by striking. steel on flint; The fire once started, what a break - east, dinner, -or supper he oan prepare out there in'the open! Does he enjoy the meas? Just watch him and cam pare his appetite with that. of a boy who lounges' in a tea room, in ,a -crowd- ed city: A. Scout does not run away or ealI for help when an accident occurs. He devotes ell his strength:and energy to ` assisting then whc'are in need, If a person has been cut he bees his first- aid knowledge in Btopping the flow of blood, gently and carefully binds up the • wound,' then, if necessary, he Seeks .other assistance, .If a person has been burned his knowledge' tells flim bow to alleviate .the.auffering. If anyone' should be dragged from "the, water unconsjtoug -a Scout: at once sets to work to "restore respiration •and circulation. ale knows that not min:' ate can: be lost, A Scout can talk to a brother Scout wlthout making a'Sound by eignaliing with flags; or by: topping: On a°log'be tion imlt&to;tho click of g telegraph key, aild in either manter he can spell but words and sentencing, ,y AtWeout can tie a knot that will hold, he e'en climb a tree ` the ascent of which seems ialpeseible to others, be cat swim. a river, he. can pitch a tent, Ire can mend a tear in hie trousers, he can tell you what; weeds are poisonous and what are not, he can sight nut bearing trees front a distance; if lis- lag near sea or lake he can reef st sail and. take his turn at the wheel, and.jf" near Water at all lie can pull an oar or use 'Paddles and sculls; ie the woods lie knows the names of birds and animals; In the water he- teihsyou the different varieties of fish.. Scout is kind to everything that lives. • He ltuo•ws that horses; .dogs and cats have their rights, fled he re• spoofs them. A Scout -.prides himself upon dieing kind deed& and no day in his life is complete unless he has been of all to some person. A, Scout_ Is. quick of eye,quiclt of hearing, and his museles are well developed, Iis other 'words, a Scout le natural, and the bet- ter a'Scout the' further away he ri$ frorn the artificial; A Scout never uses alcoholic !l stere because he'does not wish to poison his 'body; he desires a clear, active brain and so he avoids tobacco; Ile ifever swears, because swearing is a sign of ' Weakness as Welles being` saoreligious: In fact,, a Scout aims to be, in this, the twentieth century, as`near as pos. slble 'like these .taste who, two `and three; hundred years age, laid the fouh- estee 'tor what'.has become the I3rf- tlsh Empire. Ih those days, our fore- fatheri had to`be ready fon- any emer- gency, and "as .a Scout of the present emulates the.Scout of the past, he has. ehosen.,as his motto, "Be -Prepared," and a better phrase could "not -have been selected, for it is both a :motto and a siogan,all in one. el e,prepared for anything—to-do a kind act,, to res• cue a'con:amnion; to Lord a stream,. to gather kindling, .to salute the flag to build a fine—always-be prepared, GREEN TEAOIN''GREAT - DE Ali Twenty -Ave M D. gwentY;Ave Years apo, Green 'Tea was =Ore popular than Black, but due to the ifeavy'.inlportation of, poor quality' Japan and China Green, :Te s the ;detnand foil off. Ceylon and n started India producing' Green Tea on.a largo scale'onlyin recent years. They were of • such fine quality and delfoioue flavor -that ,Green Tea drinkers is . i kelt mediately recognized their' superiority p and denandel them in ever fneroas- l oxCo fna� 8 quantities.. Saluda Tea Crim au is cacti P -- practically the sole importer Cey- lon and -'India Green Teas in Canada. For • tefr aerators. Liquid carbon dioido t he same gas that he used for the charging of soda - water, es being, used successfully in place of ice as a refrigerant in refrige• rater cers, ' Minard'r liniment for Rheumatism, y - he m 0 e- co an s. Launch Out Into the Deep. Launch out into the deep: Venture thy oraft upon. the open sea; 'Xlhere Waite the thrjIl of new OS - For shipsCothat.. do Ace to the shallows keep: Let out the idle sail! Reefed canvas' never won a gohddu fleece, Brave hesrts neer chose the shelter- ed,-p'oole of peace ' In preference to the onward ,driving galea , Hug not the leeward shore! • The Cautious barque fs wreclfed On' • hidden shoal, While ethers, trusting greatly, reach their goal, And neVeclonrains of ,hidden wealth ex, Launeh'entfeta the deep! Lite yields its richest prize to those who dare; Hold to thy "course 'neath tempest skies, or fair— `. . The''s , ea els' thine; and the hoitizon's sweep! —S; J. Duncan Olark in Success Maga- zine. • -- et ... Snapdragons for Winner Flowers. The Snapdragon has been, 2C7 tun Proved in 6188 of flower alai in color that it is now used le the cities' as a cut dower,- and the plants will pro - c e. very fine.bloosns 'in pots in the se, The fro wee- heads ,arc "very.. ch larger than when grown in tit°. den and the colors 'purer in ..tint, '• The solid eolo1,s, pink estleofaiiy, are the favorites; - You may buythe seeds' no* of anY ;shade, or yen .mayf;ow mixed. varieties, and t alert the ones- you' like when they begin tc.blooni, Seeds. for w.iutel bIo'olning nloy be sown in Juno,, or Jnly in boxes ;nil 1 ,tis scop AO largo enough and. t gnowfng without 'chock and'•1nal.e ]lent *inter bloomanders, ud if you a"e old plants: you maylake 11p...cut- tings .of those in August •LriCt t100t thehl easily in ?moist, sand and 'these will bloom dnring the tivin el T,,lle seuilirigra'make:,the 3.1101.0 brauCIthlg' plants, but- if rho tip ,lspinched: from, I the rcbted• slip ';11 will -branch` 3110.0.•` The largest flower spikq are, pro'?. duced wean a rooted cutting is g;•oivn to one single• stem to produce one:: flower spike, though aftei`'0tis cur the' stub will branch and. bloom„ du heir mu gar Pollyphonism, the ,,"art" of imi- tating the sounds ,made •by ani- - mate and inanimate' objects, is an even'.. welcome,form of, parlor en- tertainment, It consists more', in careful and ; intelligent 'observa- tion of sounds than, in either talent or skill, although each imi, tation requires practice. A duck , can be very easily intt- tated ^if you paid attention; the last time yon( heard'a duck. A duck' does not say "quack." khe -. says something that Is much' nearer "Whuack." .' Open. 'your-' mouth very wide Wand get the "ack" part of 'the ;sounih as far back in the mouth as possible. If you will imitate a dump which_ says' a whole string of "whacks," starting rt ng very; loud. and Hotting so thefteren•dandof 0astthe ser, tring, as youanapprdimitaoach' tion 'will be better. .• Itis a good idea to pretend, when you are doing the imitating, that a seta pillow is a duck'. and, that It 0 trying to get away. This Wes ; you an opportunity, by act- ing the episode, 'to enable , the spectator's eyes to help their .ears; appreciate the 'imitation, (Mfg this out and paste ft tendo other of the series, two sorapboo7c.) RED ROTJU LY DAYS IIARI) ON 111E BABY July—the month o4 oppressive heat; relhiot days and sweltering nlghtsi,is extremely hard on little ones, Mar - 'home dysentery, colic and cholera 'titanium carry of thousands of pre - cions little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent • these troubles or it they come on -;suddenly to fight them. No other medicine is of such alis: to mothers duringthe hot summer as is Baby's -Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an oc- casional dote given to the wehl;.ohlla Will prevent summer complaint, or, •if the trouble does come on suddenly will banish it, The Tablete'are 'sold by medicine dealerd or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Wfliiams Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont, Well-bred people* are never cruel: they may be thoughtless, •but , cold- blooded cruelty finds no place in their hearts.: Acts of this kind can only be practiced by the lots and degraded. Educate these people, show thein a betters ay aiud,future,.g'enerations 'may escape the,sights and sounds that iso"often grloive and' annoy us. For Sore Feet—Mlear1'e Liniment ' Making a confession is getting an opportunity to tell -the wholetr,uth.; 15 will sound no worse than the half truth you are tempted to 'telly end it will -clear the air. WE .WANT CHURNING We supply ce.ns and pay expiate Charges. Wo pay daily by express money `orderer which can be cashed anywhere 'without any deduction. Our Present Price le 93 Cents per Pound Butter Fate Nett to you at your station. Price is subiect to -change without no. y ace, To obtain the'•top price, Cream, rnuet be free trout bad flavors' and dontain not less than 30 per cent. Butter Fat. Bowes. Company Limited, Toronto Ivor references --Head Oihiee, Toronto, 13ank•of 'Montreal; or your local banker. IDstablished for over thirty years. • TA . 'dsilents;' u jt v✓0 »»apddura bfe pts p that eletinitteyrep/6c12s he •W✓/ig t 0 o, '/' Punas e//k/nds o»po''//q ids: Con Ga tlrai rid toprereiwt fhesz/,' fogy pp„i/rne •acciea Tepa/r iv4l h:hoUseho d epols' '• SEE:yorYr VOiJI iiaoemRlsroes is r+aD� s sill 'purr .Yeaoc;1v7kth'50 Thrtis' and Bunions'! Rub daily ,witle Minard's.. 'It takes, the pain. It1 t oust of th�I , 1 eu>~' Yn" Seal .t. . tbt I � �t7which ; r ®� t' tobacco fn ifs' original con r tior} 1 a sA in P% 16a{H ns Manufactured by Imperial Tobae Compsuyof Canada Limited Courage. One who neverturned his back, blit marched breast fol -ward, ' Never doubted clouds would break, Never dreamed though right' were .worsted, wrong would triumph, I1eld we dell to rise, are baffled to fight bettor, S1eep..ta wake Robert. Browning. A Send -a Dominion Express Money Or- der. They are payable everywhere. Bente aeatveods reach. a length of lcd feet. Mlnard's Lihiment ideals Cute. Be happy to think that you are usg- ful, but dont assume that you ane indispensable. ispiweitanCannot'i New Wes ty1 ''. > tial you can Promoie s �1\lt d Ciean,licalibydondllion UR ' IJssu�iqurtne lire Eemed>I 'Night and Moming;' i3eep:9oar!(ned !coin. Clear and nealt* Write for Free iiyeCaro Book. ebbe giro demob Coo0Cm( OnalifiieIeirist_'i4g' NEW DISCOVERY ROUTS - CHICKEN. • LICE Mlnoralleod Water Sots Rtd of Ousting or deeulnf", Birds Deloutd ThemeetveL- Fine for • 8069 Maks and Alt Pouttry. This wonderful product ?cope the 00Wn9. always Ileo, boo sweet the veersraiser dohs ant Work It se rho simplest.' testae, 'Intim and. beet-pmethod otos. disronrod. Lica-tlou which 1s he 10,10 or Sue remarkable lice 001000. is dropped a the chicken', drinking uster. Taxan into Ufo antem of rho bird, -1t Comes out throng"' the 01l glands of the akin and every lour, or mita leaves the body, 10 1, "guaranteed to halo the hatchability of the 000e and cannot lnlure the darer of rho 000$ er mese; 1t 1s harmless to cbteka ,ad does not effort the plumage. A few dry,' treatment at the ilrt end then. .'little added tothe drinking water anal) month 1, all that to 00oensery. Sohn It Cooper, tooforth, eat,, says:—I purchased n haulms)) of Idca•tao from you last ■0001.er, and :I And 1t good. I Dire some to a friend 'for III. chick. that wire ,very lousy, and ho was w surprised at pie result, that they want me to iced for some more. f incase jj0 for 0 nockose,, ' Sf. A. Orman -rt., Zephyr,. Ont, 1150, --Tho OAea•tlo: tablet. are all you gar they are, Will ..rend larger order later. Send no money-lwt -your name and address. A card will do, we am e0 eon/Wont. that 1Ace•t1e RILL 501 rid of ovary lea00 or mite that 06 will tend you 000 largo double ,trona' $1,00 hookas)), e1100101 for ,100 50110111 of water, tylion it &mite, bey. between 0913' sloe and taw cants poat1gd l ' if you are not absolutely saddled after. 30 dud trial your money 011 be. refunded without dueetloa 'or arcument, to $1,00 pkgs.. 53.00, POI two. have •your, own free.) Caen ordo,, 10,lpald, The A:' 8.. WARDER CO., 5010 Dlelrlhuten, Sax 11.80, Wlotoe, oaf. s dL 'a fa tit 1:1lF.e,' -'Valle at Canada. PAS CSO • And Get yourself a': REMINGTON PORTABLE To -day The Rornington Portable has the regular keyboard and. rill other features of- the'Standard Fleming- tong 11 remit/Oda to the lightest • end'eWiftest touch. ft is strong end dependable. The beauty: pf' Its Wrltingla'notewortfly. Yet it , 1a ap easy to carry tie. a small handbag. . For:,th o r0 ofesa fo a A n 1 man, commercial- traveller, the retail -item-keeper,' the student, for all Who' Wish -their correspondence to -be easy and-piepaarit to read,' the Remington Portable la tee typewriter. : Pay e3 down and • you Gatlin—We a Remington Port..: orbit sent to your house limned!-` .sbely: Further payrriento of $6; a Month wilt complete purchase.. H. F. STILES - Vioe-Pres. end AAanttginp'Dircctor. J. A. WJlk' r -Ir Secy and Provincial obi n ger. Mail this 'cou o"tLeore Y i Talc forget it. e,rnlnpton TypewriterCon sena. of Canada; l,lmlted ' 6t3 •kin St. Wcst; Toronto ent. Please,' send ma pa t cola s re- gardfng, the R,emilington Perv;hle,, ineludiilb plans of put Cb tse:' Icanto Address Water your horses before you feed', ,them in the morning; they will be able to digest their food more easily- and perfectly, be more healthy, grid consequently better fitted for their work—to say nothing of the humane features of the act. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Pain,. `- There is a majesty in nature'take her as you will. The essence of poetry comes breathing to a mind that tee19 from every province of her empire. —Carlyle, • . . , . Say Bayet"- insist! Por Pain Headache Neuralgia' Rheumatism: Lumbago' Cold§ Accept only a moili•MS.a r• Ica e ao . Y e pg which contain't proven directions Handy 'Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists AsplrIn 10 the trade mark (registered 111 gaalua) of Sayer Manufacture of Mono- acetlescidestot of Bslisyhcsold SUFFERED •k,,sITH ECZEMA 3 YEARS Itched and Burned So .Could ' Not Sleep, Cuticura Nealed. "1 suffered for three years with eczema which broke out on my g's\ to ,my neck and and aoon pfotea b. t„'�� head. 1t itched aad burned so that it was moet.imppoosgible 00 sleep at hight,and every r time h scratched 1t, : it would bleed. The breaking out caused disfigurement. ' 1 began .using Cuticurs Soap and Ointment and after the first week I got relief. ' 'I continued' the treatment and in about air months I wiip,compieteiy heated.” (Signed) Mrs. George Pottle, R. Vela, 1, Box 22, Freedom, ]vie„ Aug. 15, 4923. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes: 0000710 9005, 3'1,0 13 flan'. A•ifdraa7 C0badlar! noep0,. '�oo15o .o 7, a, 8.s 10011 51008-mb'. rice 60�0prte, 0laene and0)o Tdeam55,, cry ourte aevr 00 sheens Snack.' MRS:6.1DDGl 80 WEAK COULD- HARDLY STAND Tells Row Lydia E.Pinklhanes Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health River Desert,taue I used to have a severe pain in my' side' Twould.be un- able tow walk k fast and could not stand for,any;length of time to:do-my ironing or washing; but I would have to, lie down -to, get -relief from the.•llain. I had this for about two years then a friend -told ine to try Lydia2 e ' hams;•'Vegetable-t ompound$00ehie had good results., . I certainly got . good reoultg from it ,'too as'the ./eat ,time'I..., hada' sore side *as last May and 1 have not had it since. 1 asnalso glad of having good nursing for,lny baby, -and' I a - think<It is yournedicin that e.. i this Y -. 00 'i e y helped m n wa : —Mea. L. V. BUDGE, River Desert, Quebec. Tf yea are sufferhhg from the tortures of a.di.sp 1 acemeiit, irregularities, bac;- , aebe,•headaches, neryopsness or a pain , in the side you should lose do?time,hn a try'itig_Lydia.2.:1'Inkham's Vegetable Compdundt y : ;Lydia E. 'int 1'". yy „ 1 them s_`�'rivate Text - Beek Upon 2liliiient"s'I!eeuiiar to Wo - Men "will be sentyou freo:u onrentlest. Write i . for it to she L a hY. dl ^^' . �Pintthar�, ,Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ontario•' This boort' contains valuableinformation that everywomen should know, 1ssub No: