HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-24, Page 4Cli -OWS.-Re.C.Or COOPER'S PrO NEWS ..00as.”1004mag • uvenirs of Clinton hi Chitin, ahci Glass Dinner and.Tea Sets Fancy Chinaware Staple Dinner ware e Yotit will be Pleased with our Selections CLINTON' staniteu Township pla.. of weeks Bayfield, , Mr. M • 'et IVI ff ' The funeral of Benry Peek, on the pioneers of 'Stanley towrdhip, passed away at Ms home on the 13 field road en Wednesday morhing last week Irem bleed poleoning a two Weeks illness, took place,Sa day afternoon to the Bayfield ee tery. . Deceased was born on the Gos line, in Stanley, where he resided til.his marriage to Mies Emily Cl 'also of the same tawnehip, when purchased the -farm on the Bayfi road on which he had since Tesid , was a man of Unusually fine ph ique and 'was highly esteemed by who knew hirn. Aseamey ee daughters and three sons survi Mrs. Fred 1WeRwen of Stanley; M Robt, Spackman, Bayfielc1; Miss M garet, teaching at Ford; Miss Lot Arthur "and Wesley at Maio and. e chard H., of London. He is a ethevived by , -one brother, . Rich ''''Peck, of Seiforth, add two siste Mrs. john Consitt, of Henn% a lYfrs. John Stephenson of the Gosh . a is. P o at and o of daughteie 'Tales Helen, mid Miss An - who nette Sinclair are cemping. at Port ay Stanley. e Misses Hazel and Zetta jaeltsen leave ixext week for Philadelphia, ta,r- when they enter 'Jefferson 1-lospital, 010- • hen ; un- I s Bagfield ark, 1 The outing staged by the Ford dealers of the district at Bayfield 011 eld , Wednesday ea" last week was an un- qualified success. There was e -large all crowd -and the light rains did not M- • terfere with the sports to any appro- ve: ciable extent. , The program was a 1 long and' varied one , and produced • some fine Contests, • The pierric °petted with a parade, in • which a large nufaer of decorated lee' cars participated. '1‘1.1e phrade., was e3.,e led by, McKenna's orchestra. ' The prizes the largest families in the ;le parade went to T. Elliott, whose fam- tly numbers eleven, arid Sandford Smith with a family ciecle of eight. The Misses Talbot mad,. Westlake hed the, best decorated car in the parade, elt the judges decided, The oldest driver nrY 'was John Fraser, 77 years. se There was a large entry in the baby ara . show. The prize winners were Baby iris Hedging, Baby $mith, and Baby Oar- var. " 1010, • Miss Jessie Elliott of Stratford h returned home after spending a We at the home of IVIr. end Mrs.- He Diehl. • Beatrbs Durham of Niag Faits is the guest of her' friend M Erma Diehl.. - Rev. and Mr, R. R. Diehl of A laide, who have been spending t past tWO weeks with relatives a friends here,. deft on Moeday .to tend the Social -Service Convention Guelph. s Min Penwick Stewhrt, 'seeretarY of the Baird's Old Boys' Reunion Com- mittee, xeceived many letters from old Wys and girls in distant parts who were unable to attend the xecent ga- thering. Tho following is a char- atteristic one from Mr, J. 0, Mc- Tavish, who is prineipal of the Man- -vish Business College Edmonton, Alta., which Will be rea'd with inter- est by many of the other old boys and girls who have stayed at home: 'Mr. Fenwick Stewart..Clinton: :My dear friend; Some time. ago I received from. you, as secretary of the Old Boys' Ccimmittee of "S. S. No. 1, Stanley, an invitation to the Reunion on Thursday, July 10th. I have de- layed answering becituse I did not quite know what areangements could make for the summer. ha thought of going !back for a visit t the old haunts -a vitit which -I en etne 1 would enjoy. . . Ilowever, it will be impossible for me to do so.., It was kind of you to remember me and it 'would affoed me a lot of plea- sure to get back for a little while to the seenes of my boyhood. ,As we grow older, and I am growing older these scenes have -1 am sure a fascine ton for ue'ell, tan see them now -- the old schoolhouse, a well remember when it was new eol. it was just wheel de- , The prize vvinners in the sports he events were: ' • nd Boys, 16 Years and under -Harris, at- Tinaling, Dell, • • Obis, 16- years and undere--Luella (ODEiCT TP, OLD BOYS (Continued oPoo 1) stand why, so In, ,en have died, digappeniteci. To see theSO men citro more about „living right than anything elSe. Fame, money,, popularity,had no charm. .T -low many ol our old'pioneefs ha c, como ,to tile point where they. 1V01:0 ell a' sea. These men Just 00 11S idere what was the right, thing do, inider the Cirelillastances. Those oldmen look on, the "developMent today ,O,c1- say 1 aril glad to 0eo t, HOW Many tianes those old bodies have got so tired•they :have -been compelled to resi•., and then arise vvitir 'a fresk taste foi activity, Do you OVer thkkof 0111' spirits as needing .rest, -,_Send you - spirit away to the.. stars, to 'the\ mountains, to the flowetss, with mus- ic, and- Yoh; yourself richer -in spirit,More adtive.-in mind and body and everything is interesting again, The 'active body is -the only One, as Mr, Elliott says, and this is just, -as true of the inine hs of the. body..Keep- ing. busy is the Watchword of these old" mem-The sun is setting the mant- le of night is drawing en; our bodies must be laid to rest"; our spirit goes on. . Did"yott ever think that the earth neves' lias and never will Offer a greater "event than the birth of a' 'human being. Cne has departed from the group .eflost year may we meet, „again, as ,Mr. .Reacom says, if n_ot he_ ere in a better everld." Btheom who is 98 years old, remarked that he had spent nearly 98 years on earth and has never been in- court yet, whieh is worth noting. Those present were:, John Lindsay, Roble Relines, Chase' Lovett, David Cantelon, Joe Gerry, Geo. Sturdy, Win. Wakefield, Steve Andrew, John Woods, Rob. Russell, James Yule, Henry, Cole, James T.Iithwaite, Vtttn. Canipleell, Dhvid Beacom, Jas. Stev- ens, Chas'. W. Williams, Wm. Stanley - These whowthe unable to attend were: John McGibbon, Geo.' Montgom- ery, Samuel -Sturdy, 'Robe,MeLean, John Holmes, George Ticliborne, What ie manhood, boasted =chi Nothing .weteen hold or -touch, 'Tis but truth to battle on When the lest false friend is gone; It is living, conscience clear, Day by day and year by year, Suffering loss 'and taking gain, Letting neither leave a stain; Being warrioe, neighbor, friend, Beave and patient -to the end. flohitestrilie' Mrs. A. V. Walden and family are at their summer cottage at Point Clarke. IVIastee Eon, who underwent an operation M Clinton hospital a few weeks ago, is nicely recovered, ramming home about a fortnight ago. Mrs. Gilmore of London is visiting her sister, 11ris. 0. R. Forster, Mrs. Leech of Goderieh has been speeding the past few Weeks with her brother and sister, -Mr. J, And 11fiss Holmes. • • Alleter, IVIO:garet Elliott, Frances Mr, Daniel Glidden of Detroit was -Pearson,. elnime last week spending it vacation Women's rece-Grthe Sthling, Gee- with his paroles, - tends) Frentis, Mary Elliott. -Miss McConkey' of • Toronto has Partners' .race -John Crawford, J. been visiting her sister, IVIrs. Walden, W. Elliott. ' ' at the parsonage and is now with the Fat enen-E. C. ,Wylie A. N. family at their simmer home at Point Crawford, N. Stewart. Clarke. Wheelbarrow race -13. MeDougal Mr. and Mee, F. W47)0114E1 of and W. McDougall, E. Chapman end Detroit visited friends it he contemn - G. Tambling. ity las 'week, Ford dealers arid -salesmen-A, AL We see by press despatches that a len, T. R. 'Bennett, G. W. Ford. pert of Barred Plymouth Rocks" has 100 yards, open -TA O'Brien IC..beenpresented to Xing George, on Harris. behalf of 'Canada, by Mr. F. C. El - Three -legged race -Ethel tmd Grace ford, Dominion Poultry Husbandman, Stirling, G. Northcott and Eric Chap- and graciously accepted bY Ria Ma - man. • jbsty. suspeet that it has been Donkey race -G, Atkinsot and D. Fred's idea, for some time that the Chapman, X. Harris and W. MeDoin. hen shOuld be Canada's emblem. gal. Well, Biddy may be just ds industrk, Clothespin rate -Jean Roy, .1,Tera ous as the beaver, but think of „her d O'Neill. - cackle ! 0 .Catching greasy pig -Donald 1VIc- Mr.. and IVIes. Colemaa of Chicago. ICenzie. contest -Mrs. Aber - Watt, Mrs. Betties, Mrs. Gollnitz. ' , Shot putting -B. .McDougal, T. Sage, N. L. Blake. Half -mile -A. Chapman, L. O'Bilen C. ,13. Chapman, oxing in b'enels-e-W. MeD0uff01, - Broad jump -B. McDougal, X. Bar- ris, 0. W. Ford. High juent-E, Chapman, D, A. I steeted to school) surrounded by trees, some of whieh you and .I had a hand in planting, the old playgreund whthe we' played baseballs snowball, duck -on -the -rock, shimey,z many ',a fleece steuggle, teaching es though very effectively, that 10 19 best to 'shinny on our'oetri"side' all through life ---the interior of the ala ;blinding, the atitiroom, the 'big stove, . The teachers desk,.' • Deep seamed Ifeereps.o..cial, The wiped floor, the battered .eats, The fack-Itnife'e carved initial.'" . And presiding over all I see 'The lVfas- ter.' a lesson he taught me, many not found in the text -books, and how well he taught I am only now beginnieg to compreheed. Great men are like mountains. 'We, de not realize their grandeur while close at hand. , We need to see them at a distance' to fully aPpreciate their magnitude. Years after fleft when one day I read in your local paper the headline, 'The Mesteeeis gone' said to myself: 'It the passing. , of one who -will really be missed, Most of us, you know, ..could shuffle off and never be missed at all: Your reumoe more than anything else will commemorate the life of "one who lett the world better than he found it, , whose life was an inspiration, whose , memory is a benediction. 1- As I said, I would greatly enjoy at.. tending this reunion. But as Lean - not come'T send you any WarrileSt good wishes, which you will kindly eonvey to all present and Iwill be -very glad to have a iline froro you about the ga- therieg, who were there, what\they etc,; at your convenience. Yours sincerely, J. C. dVIcTavisk." Mrs. Wm. Heard and Mrs. A, ' To,wnsheild of Goderich township are Spending a few weeks as the guests Of their brother, Mr. Scotchmer, and his lordly at their summer cotta:go ' near Kitchener. Misses Agnes Glen, Edna Alex- ander, Vera Pepper and Estella M.' Austin of Toronto and' frene Lento:: of Monnt Forest are spending a poll- • IVIcKenzie Elliott" • Pole yerdt-13: IVIcDoughl, W. Itfe-' Dougal, Harris, Fe Odell '(all tie(1). hfile eace-111, Chapman, F. Elliott, In the tug-of-war evelit between', Goderich and Stanley townships the foinner.team, captained bY James Stir- ling was succe,ssful. Canbe a.ace, doublea-e-MeTaggart & lYfeTaggart,, Dr'. Atkinson end G. At- kinson. Come races, shigles-L, F. IVIeTag- g,are G. Atkinson; , Fancy diving-Smazel, Tambling. - The fishothen'e -boat ethe of lour miles was captured by "J". Castle,. with L. McLeod second. Varna Vilma Circuit Sunday thhools Pic- nicked at ,Iceweters geove, Bayfield, on Tuesday afternoon, a good eepreseeta- Mon beitg present from each school. The afternoon was spent in games and 'sports, followed by a most 'sump- tuous supper, supplied by the ladies. ,After tea tbe Children were taken -for a boat ride. The day was vdtbd a very successful one. Mrs. Launcelbt 'Beatty and family received from the members of L,0.1„. No. 1035, a very kindly letter of eympathysen the death of Mr .Beatty recently, to which,they 'sent the fol- lowing reply: "Mrs. Beatty and fani- ily wish to convey to the officers and members of No. 1035 their deep appreciation of the sympathy extended to them in their sad bereave- ment and also for the beautiful flow- ers sent." Aeeood thing to use in conjunction with self-government is self control, White ,lead, the "mainstay of the painting businesS, 'is believed, to have been first manufactured' by the Vene, flans in the Fifteenth CenturY• Mr. and &res. Deeper, 71. Walter Draper, and Master Robert_ Gibson of Detroit. are visiting. at . the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mulholland, Miss Holmes and her sister, 1VIrs. Leech, visited Clinton friends pester - day. What relight have been a ve7y see- ious drowning accident happened on Monday evening at Forster's bridge. Willie Jervis, Beery Walter and Gor- don Stock were bathing in the river and the latter dived. 111 and Was cars riedson into a deep hple and woeld no doubt have been -drowned but. for 'the efforts of the other boye. They could not at first get hi3e. out but fin- ally-, pushed a plank out to himand hauled him to safety. He had, how - even shipped a lot of watee and 'was •in rather ha.cl-shope. - The boys Woe doieg what they could for hint and `another boy, 'who 'was on the bank, d W jumped into his ear and as fast as he could ,for Leslie jeryis,, who phoned Dr. Shaw and anode for :the scene. The lad' was coming around somewhat before the doctor ,areived, although he Wasted n2 thee on the way,•and he is now fine and fit again. It Was a narrow escape and we arc. glad to be able to report so liappy.an Nurse .Mustars1 of CleVelsml, Ohio, has been visiting this' weele with her, friends, lelisses.Emily Ford and Fi'an- ces Potter. ° • , We are glad'•to see Mt. Clifton Proctor Ole to be „around again after his long illness. Mrs. Phillips of,Seefoeth is visit- ing Mrs. Alfred ,Ieevis of the village. 'In France. medic:al' tests :are. neces- sary before_o driVer of an'automobile is given a; lieenses HAY FIVE Summer Asthma Will spoil your :meaner and Make your company distreseing to your friends unless you get relief,' Get a box of RA.Z-MAFIktoclaY. Meet people feel better from. the first dose. Your druggist:41 refundarear money if a $1,1fox does hot briug Ab- soluttly". harmless. Geterous.saeaplo for 4c In etampie Ternpletena, To- s ronte.' • ' • me RAZ ''MAH $old by.J, E. Hovey s 'Clinton Ont , lite GAUlieTS--i-In. •OntarioCalif11' on a,u 4th, o Mr. 51111 Gauer,' 11 ,011,—MbibOtirte A. T_TIR-AC ClinTolvIIOspital, on July 19th, to Mr, aild Airs, W. J.' Muir, 39. 1Vestonuster Ave,; Meh- treal West, a sen; --,Bruce,' Shaiv Muir, (Died during hirth.') Goderich, on to and Mrs, Co'rdon. 13issett, 4 0011, ' 1141rip,ge,s „KING 1\14RTIN -=.19.t St. Aline's •Cliuren, Toronto, on. Jbly )6th, (laughter of Mr. Joseph Martin, to A:. Ford. King, son of OI 'Mrs. Ge()).`g.C3 King', Bay-, Deag'ite COLE -In ClintOn, on July 17th, Ben- jamin Cole, aged 75 years.' Goderieh township, on July18011, Della Gertrude Ches- ney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gar- field 1VrelVfichael, aged 1 year and 5 months. ' ROBB-In BrusselS,.'on July 18th, William Robb, Thomas street, aged 66 years. McDONALD---in Bayfield, on. July 13th, Jane K, Smith, wife of Daniel McDonald, in her 68t1i year. , - Attlbtlilritc Mrs. A. King is visiting her sis- ter, MVS. W. Ferguson of Winder, Who is very ill at 'present. , The Aeburn Woman's Institute are holding 'a lawn social at the home of lyar. G. Sturdy on Feiclay, August 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Walters of: London spent last week visiting Mrs. Phillips and les. Symington. • Mr. and Mrs. Beck of Toronto ate visiting Itiiss Annie Sturdy. Itle. and Mt's. James _Carters Miss Sadie Ctirter and Me. and 111s, .N. Hill motoeedeto Port Elgin on Sun- day. Mr, Pilgrim, who hes been ateay- en his holidays, is back in the Bank. Mrs. R, Beery of Westfield is vis. Itihg her niece, Mrs. Robt.„ Taylor, Mr. Ivey, manager _ssf the Sterling Bank, has secured a Goveenment posi- tion at Ottawa and leaves here at the end of the' month. • Miss' Rae Andrew left on Ihiday to take charge of a group of girl‘ at Whitby Fresh Air, Camp. Kippen IVIessrs. Wilfred Nellie and Alex. IVIcKenzie motored to the lake shore at Drysdale on Sunday 'afternoon last and 03000 91 veret pleasant time. There were no services ie St. An - &Ws church on Sunday last on -ae- watt of there being anniversary set - vices at the,Blake aimointment. The Rev. Mr, Chandler of Walton conduc- ted the services there. , The Rev. Mr, Lundy and Mrs. Lundy are having their vacation at present and are occupying their sum- mer cottage at Poet Albert, The Methodist Sunday school held its annual picnic on Tuesday after- noon to Bayfield. Mr. Win. Ivison and Mrs. Ivison are visiting friends at Peterboro at present. Mr. Wesley French is on'a weeks' visit to old friends at Port Elgin, Mr. Arnold Petrie and Mrs. Petrie are on their vacetion here, visiting Mrs. Petrie's mother, lYfrs, A'. Mc - Grego., Mr, Petrie is a teacher in ,the Technical School, -Toronto. Haying is the order of the day a- round here just how and the crop is a good one, owing to the heOvy refits we have had during the past month. The' fall wheat cutting will com- mence in a few -days aed ia also a heavy crop this year. . Seaforth Seaforth is making great prepare - tions for their. reenie,n, front 'August and to 6th and they are expecting. sl big crowd, Every day has ii 01,471 program and reduced, railwify fares have been. seeped "from aIl poiets. Waterloo, Brampton, Mitchell; Clin- ton Xiltie, Lueknow Pipe, New Yetis 'Pipe, Bugle- and Seitfrrth Highlanders bands will fureish mtsie during the several days,. ' ' tattoo is ote of :the 'features. - AT..iatrw ROD AND GUN'''. , In the August Issue-ofeRod'elid 'Gun in Canada every sportsman Will find somethmg to hip iikipg.,tposidps -the regeler. departments, there is an tine usually mtetestmg e1ory,"1-Tudingfoe Preetlietheie Gone Theotigh the Bad Lands -of the 'Red Deer Aires;" hp Sanders., -The fieherniari will eagerly eead -"With the 'Angler in Atigutt" by Rebore 'Page Lineoln in .his Monthly "Fishing Notes." 'Prank Momes has Written a fascinating ac-. count of an exploring trip through a .finnoee viteetioe.'frourtel entitled "The' Beate" of' TianagainieWt. -"Migration ,Rottee .614 0Wp" • 15.37:" Bonny: castle 'Dale and "'Me Full-Welbbecl Som• ta-Imes" by J. W. Winson will hold the attention ,of all those,,,interested in - our feathered friende:The ether regu- lar depaetments dnd several interest- ing storieseeompiete the various fea- tures of'this 'Rod and Gun in Canada is published monthly by- W.. 3. Taylor, Ltd,, Woodstock,' Better ThanPilis For LiverIlls. Yon 'ca.n't . feel so good ' but 'what will Twice you, feel better. gi;141 ' te4724°'1611 •T t -el. Id Yr - Ont. ODEIUOCH .1....'7'101,T.:NG MAN -DROWN IT'D 111 elAITCAND he ,second drowning :at, 'Cadet:ice tids stramier Oceurrdd.' late, Monday night, When., William, Allison,' eldest •son 'of Me. and 'Mrs. G, E. Alli - Son,. was, dreavned in' the, 'Maitland The tragedy :oocurred at Piper's am a Mw 'from Goderich where young Aeistee 111, company with "some chums" was swimming , Grappling for, the 'body, was come lieneed shortly alitek ten o lock, a d the body was not -recovered until early Tuesday ' ' Allis on as in his twenty-thirdyear. TTIE 0, T .A , AND THE 12811 The billowing letter appeared in laSt week's Coderich Star from the Pen of Rev, J.. E. Ford, 'who is well-, known in this dietelet: "To the Editer of the Star. Sie,-The citizens rejoice with those who planned the celebration on- Sat- urday, the 121h; at the recbrd crowds of people ,whiele it brought to our beautiful toVM. Apert altogether from the impotence or significance of "the day," stich a body- of people Corn- ing from all parts- 07. the surrouedin coentry must ,be reeplendid aclvertiee- ment of, the beaetiee of our` town 514 well asi i,tS facilities forhandling such masses of people. Our unique - "Square," as well es our lake front 'showed to advantage. However, it is not so mach to those features of the, day I .wish to call the .attention of , the general.' public, but to a view of "P,' the occasion front • another' 'angle" a which is liable to be overlooked. A conseevative estiniaM gives the num-. ber,of eisitors as .12,000, with an an. t tore -bile detachment el about 2,000. for disorderly aatioe, and- no 'retie]. 0 Ahrield: Mrs S Herflie wife oe,the Rev. J. S. Hardie of the Ash - dela Presbyterian church, clipa last week aftee an illness of these months. - Tee remains were taken to Ayr for term cut ; Wineham: . Wm.' Guest mei, daughter, Miss Verna, and, Mr, and Mos, 0, L. Bisbee and' family have moved to Mount ,Brydges. Mr. Bis- bee -has bought twelve acres a kend and is going into 'the Poultry encl. gerdeMng business at -Mt. Beyclgoe. Exeter: Mr. Fred Ellerington ino,t With a bad accident last Week when at work at his faxes Ueborne pulling down an old building, A loose' rafs ter fell, striking him on, the head ancl lie All sixteen feet to. Lhe ground. He was uncensmous when picked up and was found to haVe a bed scalp wound requiring 'several stitches. Wroxeter: Mr. and Mrs: George Town; of' WrOxeter, announce the. en- gagement of their only daughter, Jean Elizabeth, to Dr. Roy S. Smith, af e Loa , ash. The evedding will take Place quietly the latter part. of this en onth ' ;Brussels: Cecil Somees, youngest Son of A.daro and Mrs. Smilers, well- known residents of the fifth line of Morris township, died on Friday af- ternoon, at •the age of 24 years. A couple Of months ago Mg: Somera was a big,. strong, fine type of manhood'. He contracted a severe cold. which he was unable to fight off and which ra- pidly -carried him down. ' Besides his 17107011.es he is surviVed by two, • bro- Me, and Mrs. Galt of Goderiele nnounce the • engagement of ' their aughter, Lelia Margaret to Me. Gee. Francis Clingam'son ofslVfx, and Mrs. F. W. ,Clingan" of Salmon Arm, 13.ex, be -wedding to take place eeely. 11) Augusts • Tuenberry: Thontae Brednock, teGorrie, shipped 6 fine 2 year old T ere were no drunks, and no arrests unseemly conduct. In the evening and night the town wag quiet, There were no inciter accidents or interfer- enee for reckless driving. The crowd was happy 'and good-tempered, and seemed to enjoy themselves to the ut- Meet. Before the present temperance legislatioe came into effect would such statements concerning. Ouch a'gather- Ing'llave been poesible 9 ,Surely the O.T.A. cannot be said to have been a faihme. Surely those also, whq find their personal hafts "somewhat interfered with oae Prepared to sacri- fice something of their personal 'free- dom to secure the personal liberty and safety of 15,000 people. We call upon those who advocate a change of temperance policy to hesitate and eon - eider. • JAS. E. FORD." News of Happenings itrthe Courag anti ,District Exeter: Mr. Wm. Pomfret, express agent hap, was ealled to Hamilton recently by the illness aud subsequent death of his enothere---She was sixty- one years of age and had been an in- valid for some years „ Goclerieht: Samuel Luscorae, a res- pected resident trf this town, passed away on July Gth idi his eighty-fourth year. He was a native of England but tame to Canada when only a lad. He had learned telegraphy in hip youth but later went into newspaper work, conducting newspapers at Port Dever and Simcoe. He had resided Godeekh for about fourteen years. Seaforthr A motor aecident occur - sed here on Thursday night week when a coupe driven. by Mr. Keys of Stratford ran into a buggy driven by Luther Saunders of MoKillop. The occupants of the buggy, three in num- ber, were thrown out. One of theitt Robert Hogg, had his arm fractured. The others eseaped with a shaking up. Wingham: The soldiers' motional will be neveiled by Sir Arthur Curry in Septen113er. • Wingham: Mr. D. E. Hohices, while motoring from Goderich to Bay- field, recently, met With a painful w- eb:lent -when he , bumped into a car 'ahead which, suddenly stopped to turn 'Into a gateway 'Without giving want- ing. Mr. Holmes suffered a badly 'fractured Arm. ' . . •. 1111111111111111)11111111111141111111111111111111111111111011111111IIIIIIIII11111011111111l1111111111111111111111111 — ere do we sleep?" "Has someond called up Long Distance and ,rbsevve " ,our robin's?"' ' If net, you tvill be' running a greater" tisk this year than last. aSerrie of. the -party have been lookizi(1tir- ward for weeks, leanheeFs to this trip. 1)&ible their enjoyment with. a.e definite eeettrante of a good night'e sleep. Reserve your rooms by Lan laietanee alwaye Melee sure they will be 'wait- ing for you - in just a few rahnites "you wilt ,,know. ,The eveiting rate on Stettin-- to -Station calls taller 8,301 standard -ante) is onlY about ene-WP the day rate. The efghe rate „(ofter misliifffhPo etandarei'time) Carr about one-quarter the 418 50101. • "+. • ' rates Afiflaecie cattle for Mr. Wm, R. Yeo of .Blue-, vale, from Wroxeter last -Week which tipped the' scales' at 1325 lbs. each' and although there were over 4,4,00 head of .eattle on the IVZonday market .he agairi.got the top price which he las done for several- years ,now. The 6 head netted their owner $025 00 a raising such.fine cattle. otarmareassagreamaszemrssoampmneese.m.ammews, Nareinoorim Dwoolmissuase•40.111111•1•111 ral-he certainly deserves credit frr TJI717ISISay, L 2.11.11, 1924 Winglaton: seet.M.cline to the follow- , ing dissiateh, Witte -ham II. S. Cedeie took first place In, the ride cpmpeti- "Ottwa, 80-Wirigliem High School headect both the senior and J5111101', endete' neniature rifle cempe- titionof tlei winter seriee held under the I/emir/eel 'of 'Canada ;Rifle, A,Sso- dation,. Wingthana's score- in ' the eenioes ivasa8,927, with a pereentage of 98.17. 'The next thi.ee • places were held reSpectively, by' Coichester, Acedem,y, 3,123, percentage 98,07; Voneouver Technical , School 4,661, pereentage 97.11;. Central II. S. "A," Calgary, 4,039,,%1&,34/ In the juniox . cadets, NV/nab-aro High School "A" bad a'StOre 61 3,- 821, end a pereentage of 95.5. -,The next three were, respectively: Trin- ity College School "A," 3,048, per- centage 94; Central H. S. "A," Cal - eau, 5,863, peeceptage 93.4; Wme;- harn H.' 8. 11I3 " 1,083, percentage 92 . 2 . " SCHOOL FAIE DATES Following are iho School reir,dates in I-Turon for 1924, ae issued fron the office of the District Representative: Ashfield, ' September 8 St. Helens .. -September 9 .Bluevale , , . , Septeanber 10 WrOXeter ........ September 11 Gerrie . Sepfember 12 Clinton , September 15 Zurich ..... September'16 Varna .. . .. ..September 17 Dash.wood ..... September,18 Grand ,Bend .... September 19 - Porter's . .. :September 20 ' Colborne September 22-- Belgrave ..... . September 23 Ethel , ...September 24 Blyth -September 25 & 26 Wingham , September 29 & 30 Hensel' 0eteber 1 Crediton October 2 Winchelsea ... . October 3 CROOKED, SPIRIT Eliza: "Ah don hold -wid dem spire ithelists no uto." : "Iletocum dat?" Eliza: "AM went to one of dem meetin's to find out Whah is at mah earrings .what disappear', an all ah finds out is clat enah necklace dis- ' • eppettes," Sit e ur M.,,gther wm G The Fart st A Million, and more thrifty housewives are peeving for them- selves that there is real economy in shopping regularly at DO1VIINION STORES. Thequickest way to prove where your mmi oney will buy the most in Groceries is to.shop at your near DOMINION STORE. Sweet, juicy Oranges, per dozen 35e Sweatt Jiticy Oranges, niediem, per dozen . 29c vItuniotnjsafrpse.rhadiofzegnat.;•i.z.e..ii.)ei: doze.. . . ::12.690,0 • Eruit Jaes, pines, 4 • dozen • R/CRIVLELLO..TEA (Ceylon. and Aqsaiii);.*TxY"this "79c blend iced -jt is delicious for' hot Weather. Lb. RICIIIVIELLO COFFEE (our specialty), 1-1b; tin 65.e, •RICIIMELLO COFFEE (our specialty), 14-1b. tio DO1V/INION,BRAND POST B(Fully Guarazzteeo SHIRRIFF'S or . 11c AltING POWDER ia„, ToAsTiEs . (tic) alum), lb. -- Aet. 3;34c CLARK'S PORE and BEANS (in Chili 1 A Sauce), No. 2 tin ..1.`te CLARK'S PORIC and BEANS (in Chili 6)9_ Sauce), No. 3 tin :-44.4‘ STERLING BRAND SUMMER ' CORDIALS (Lemonade Orange- 9On Ade, Rasp. 'Vinegar) -414". IVIeLAREN'S ,TELLY POWDERS, 3 for -25c KRAFT or ROYAL CROWN LoAR,.. CflEESE, lb. - -oat COOKED HAM .ALL LAUNDRY SOAPS (except Fels et -traptho, -10 Bari "4.14.1C. SOAP CHIPS 2 lbs, - -25c Shirriff's Marmalade, 4-1b. tin • • • Shirriff's Marmalade, 1 -lb. jar Glasse° Marmalade, 3 -Ib. tin HIRE'S ROOT BEERBABBITT'S or QINGER ALE, Pi.e1*.n.„, CLEANSER -74c 27c - 45c RITEGOOD - BEVERAGES; small 90c 'age, 11 & 26c RITEGOOD erk •BEVERAGES, l1irge 1.11V P7SHORTBNING, -53c Pail RITEGOOD STOUT 'I E c). and PORTER . .1.1 "BUTTER POST'S BRAN - 15c , -23c” _10c , -SUGAR CRISP, CORN CURRAhTTS , • FLAKE5,,3 for - •Ailayfield Braxtd Baeon,'Machine-sliced, lb. 29c ' 39 WE SELL TO SATISFY Town. of Leaside, Ont.,1 51/2% Bonds' Due June 1515, 1945-1946-1947-1948-1949-1950-1951: I, „ DENomINATioiqs; 81060 The, Tom, of I,qaside adjoins the City of Toronto on the, Ilorth-castern boundary at gglitItlIti AVeAllt. ' This 'district Is - atendily• growing and it is expected' that Beate- day 1,eselde syla be annexecrto 15e 947 of Toronto. ' "- PRICE: 109 Fat—Ineld pver 5%%',,, rwiestots whose orders are recolvod prier to Aignst 2st , ,Will ioctoivo accrued interest from Time lath Unt'lvill not to, aharged for same. , ' ' . ,,,„, , TORONTO , :;t3Q!! EXC:HANGE On,inictra Pax& Building, Toron, , .to 'Mal., 0432 Orders sisS, be pInc'ed.throngla Yew; 10"I dta0r.0,' fetagrsiihel. ' or telephoned direct tir the Toronto noad gxcluinge Limited,'