HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-07-17, Page 8€r: arch purchased` from us means liable timepiece. -fie can soli you tewatch thats reliable and in a case that is.guaranteed OUR REPAIRING DEPARTMENT If your watch:®r clear;: needs re--': , pairing we can do the work and give Satisfaction. VVe. can also repair jew- elery'and rings is gathe�Ad evetytiii�ng that is d@at est and :;best in• Iif e. Hon is the center,,' flour, tlhtelt all the warred epneisins',; 'and btistness of lzfe start forth: An thing that can contribute to the beaus ty aihd oentoit anal peace of Iianteus; dese?`vtng o`f attention', and tliorgitt. Tn tliis direction i'et- wa11 iiaper enter`' your; thoughts. Our •new spring'stoblc1, will Soon be ready for tyopr',inspection, 0. 3'evoeller and Optician onawlawaaaamossaackas }INS Next Hovey's Drug Stork ..-Iq ,V NE, Electrician. �. Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans • and other: Appliances Wiring ppliar.--- Wiring and' Repairs,. Phone Mimi Special Gut Prices On •Men's and Boys' Clothing for the balance of. July and August New -Snappy Styles in Young Men's and Boys Suits to he cleared at reduced prices. Men's Oxfords, Black or Brownfrom $3.98 up. Canvas Shoes and Sandals at special low prices to clear. the thing for hot weather, , Special va•Iues in Children's Sox and Ladiesa Silk Hosiery in a big variety of the newest shades shown this season. Just,` Sonre lines overstocked must be cleared before fali goods begin to arrive.'- - Plumsteel Bros. MORE BUSINESS PHONE 25. SMALL, PROFITS The Central Crocerg Cornflakes, 2 for Shredded Wheat, 2 for .. . Grapenuts, per likg, 18d., 2 • Branfiakes, 2 for Oatmeal, Create of • , .,..25c Kellogg's Bran, 15c. and 25c .25e Puffed Wheat 15e for•,".35c Puffed Rice 18e, 2 'for 35e 25c. I +lunx.;f� rtw,wecxac.,. Wheat and other Breakfast Foods, Morleg Jordon 'THE CENTRAL GROCERY • Phone .144 The an Who- Knows- good nows good clothes when he sees them, knows that they were 'inade at this establishment,' If you have , not as yet picked out your Spring Suit.'come to ns, as we have all the latest noveltiea and. designs, and can'makeup a suit which will be up to the minute in every respect. ,COME AND INVESTIGATE, WE INVITE YOUR PATRffNAGE Davis & Heiornati VETERAN, TAILORS PHONE 224-W ibratiMMINIGISSIMASMIZIE 1101S Sitfit US bout our iu!Paiuti1I- Needs We Any, e aname/ Cava your oUtl ottani furniture thbpdt, new style diel el finish We also carry =a complete line of granilram:Henderson Paints and Varnishes Sun Varnish and• San Varnish Stains'' r`• Also a complete line of Brushes, Linseed Oil and Turpentine HARDWARE PI UMl3T,NG BIJEd1RIC 'wI; Of 11 Fair as en the CheapesttAlways 'the: Be; jai shm.al1 w Layer Cakes each: 20c'. u pink, yellow and white<withmarshmallowillii flue 'Bard 1Vlars,h"m.al'lo in 'pkgs- 40c aral`rnallow ,Crei.o for ,cake , f i'lli� 25c' 1 u -,l el l exquis .te flavor 3•• f 25c. Ripe Olivet per tib 40c CrQss Blackwell lit le.chip marmalade 306 10. fibs' Rolled Oats 38e r.9:1; .9 i n tl IQIIIHI IIuu1111U,1a11111,1 Mrs. G. H. Bartlifi is visiting' -Lon- don friends this week. iiir. Walter Jackson of Brantford has. been in town this week. Mr. Gershum Anderson has ban. iting friends in town this: week. Mrs. (Rev Dr.) Medd 'of Wheatley has been visiting Mr. andaMrs, J. G. Medd. Mrs. Wn, Lyon of'Londesbore visit- ed her aunt, Mrs, VlcMath, (hiring the week. Mr. R. J. Gibbings has gone to the west and will probably .be absent for some time. Rev. and Mrs. C. -L. Bilkey and Miss Charlotte left this "week on a mo- tor trip to Kansas. , Mrs. A. Weatherwax of Orillia is visiting at the hone of her par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cantelon. Misses Bessie and Ruby Irwin motor.. ed -to Ipperwash Beach this, week to spend a few, -days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ISloman.o`f Kvu- .gerdorf are spending a few Meeks of the vacation with relatives in town. - Misses Fruth and Winnie IVIcMath spent a few clays ,at the home of Mr. Win. Lyon, Londesboro, last Week: - Mrs. J. W. Treleaven and Miss Nor•• eta are now visiting relatives at Lucknow and will conte to Clinton -later. - Mrs, Charles McKinnon and • Miss Kathleen of Dunnsvilie are here vis- iting the lady's mother, Mrs. John Jbhiiston. ' Mrs. J. L. Kerr and Miss Mary are spending the month with relatives in Toronto and at 4yasaga Beach; Georgian Bay, • Rev. J. H. Colclough' of Creemore has been in town this week. He also spent a few days in Dutton, a former parish. Mrs. Harold Zeats and 'babe of Tor- onto are expected on Saturday to Visit the lady's parents; Mr. and MTs. It. Mennell. Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Routley and ,children of Bright have been visit= ing the lady's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Cook: Dr. and Mrs. Kay'. and family of La- peer. Mich., have taken a cottage at Bayfield and are expected in town in a day or so. Mrs. Angus -McKelvie of New Lis- keard and Mrs. Fred Downer of ,South• Porcupine are visiting their sister, Mrs. Nelson Balls Mrs. W. Doherty left last week to visit her daughter, M'rs. Kenip- khdrnof Whitby, and may also visit the west for a time. Miss Emma Higgins of Toronto spent the week -end at her hone in town, motoring up from Stratford. Miss Ruth .returned with her on Mon- day. 1Vfas.L. S. Scott 'of Toronto has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H. J. Hibbs, Yrs. Hibbs, we regret to report, has not been so well for a trine.' • Mr. and Mas. Murray, Mrs. (Tiles and Mr. `and "Mrs. Desmond and child/of Riiigctown spent' the week- end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. If. Mair. Dr. and Mrs. P. Hearn and children have .been spending the patt'week visiting their parents in Toronto and .Iiamilton. They will return tomorrow. Dr. E. K, 'Lyon of Scranton, Pa., who paid a flying visit to his hone 'at;Londesboro,last•week, also called• ,on Clinton friends. • Re will be in Scrantonfor some time yet. Mr.- Wm. Mustard of Kansas' City is visiting his cousin, Mrs. A,. Cantelon, and d otherfriends here. abouts. ' It is thirty-five years since Mr, Mustard left here. Capt, Clarke Of the .'Salvatitn Army leaves tomorrow for London , on a .three -weeks'- )furlough. Lieut. Bradly will have -;charge of - the . local corps.: during his absence,.. Miss Viola iyise of Goderich has been visiting in town this week, coming down to he present at the wedding of''liercousin, Miss Grace •Storig, aviip was' yesterday:auorniiig mar - fried to Mr, Gordod Lawson. ,Mr, and Mrs. •Tierney, of .Toronto, the latter a cousin of Mrs. Conte - Ion were -guests over the week=end :at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon: •> Mr.. Tierney is a vet- s eran'.of the- great war and spent four years in France. Mi, John Stephenson of Port Arth- -er' is "in town this `"week shaking 'hands :with ;old' friends, He has been visiting in London and Wing - ham and will also visit in Spring. - `field; Maas,ibefore retimning home 1VTr. Stephenson ntay return to Clinton, as ;the winters are pretty, severe et the head of -the Iakee, but he has (been, very Tansy ;getting a mouse built and fittedup for cine* . daughter in ;Port-Arthur,',He as ''looking *enrarkably , GROCETERIA SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK .3 for 25c *Spaghetti pier tin -' per tin 15c lb 58c Spaghetti.large ''1b . 65c Sardines Kipper snacks. Canned .Corn Tea, Hursley O'Neil's special 20c 2tins 25c - Large Sealer Marmalade, .each 65c Fresh from the :lake, Salmon Trout per lb 20c Cucumbers' Beets New Cabbages " Tomatoes Buy a photo card and get, your photo for 25c 1 Seeded and Seedless Raisinslbs 25c Cash• {&• Carrg• '� 2 Deliveries . 141. Pr I.IItomiowoorommumatiommtiowwwwwititi—lowtsoomovi—o-43-0 :> . Phone 48 People, °Yoti Know Miss Kate Parke of New York is vis iting her sister, Mrs. John Cluff. Miss McGill of Toronto is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. A. F. Axon. Mrs. Muir of Montreal is a guest at the home of her brother, Dr. J. W. Shaw. Mr, J. Ferguson McRae of Toronto has been visiting Dr. Shaw this weekgait, Miss Ratuth JI3aydackeld.son has been the guest of Miss Katharine McTag- Mr, and Mrs. George, Sutherland of St, Marys are visiting Mr. and. ,Mrs, - J. Wiseman. Mr. A..0. Pattison has returned home frong a trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N. -Y. Rev. and Mrs. Sutcliffe and Mrs. W. Jenkins visited with friends at Hohnesville and Goderich on Tuea- day of this week. Mrs. , G. M. Elliott and Miss Mar- garet and Master Jacky of Tor- onto have been visiting relatives 'in Clinton and vicinity. Mrs. Laura Gleason, who has been visiting Mas, A. J. McMurray for the past couple of months, has gone to ,Staffa to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Huller and two children of Fort William have been visiting the fortner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Huller of town, Mr. George Irving, Canadian repre- sentative'of the National Meter Co., Winnipeg, is this week visit= ing his brother, Mr. Welt. Irving of .town: Mr. and Mrs.' Laurie Greig and son, George, of London -left for hone on Tuesday after spending a pleasant holiday with friends in Clinton and at Bayfield. ' Mrs.., Those Archer and her sister, Mrs, S. G. Birtch, of San Francis- co, Gal., are visiting the, former's daughter, Mrs. . Rath and other 'friends ' id town. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andrews and two daughters, Eloise land Ruth, and Mr. • " Arnholt of ' Coshocton, .Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. S. J. Andrews. ` Mr. and. Mrs.. R. R. Brnegeman and 'Mrs. `Fred .Bruegeman and fa- mily of Hanover were, the giiests,of the f oraner's daughter, -Mrs . "E. Wended, over the week -end: Mr. D. S. Cluff, whose residence was burned' some little time ago, is this week. moving his family to , Toronto. 'Some members' go this afternoon, thewill nest go Satur- day. Rev. A. B. and Mrs. Sutcliffe of 'Utica, 'Mich., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs:: Will Jen- kins this week, and `attend going to Walkerton, 'Ohesley . andother' pointy north for a further holiday. Lonlldesisoro ` Miss -t awday Young ' of Re ina accompanied by her little lIiece Regina,' Brantford, are Spending' the ;slimmer with Mrs. (Dr,) Volum. Mrs, M. Ross is ill Tonal) for a couple of weeks holidays; Dr. Charles Gravy of .Windsor spent the week -end -at the: -manse,, ' Miss. Army McBrian of Seb£orth spent Tuesday with cher cousin, Miss: Mabel Harvey. - Misses Esther and:: Mary Jamieson are hoine front—Toronto for the sum- mer vacation. • ` Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Headman of Clinton spent Sunday, at 3dr Will Misses, ll2arion •and Helen Gray of:, 'Hamilton are''spending a few da's with Miss Anne Abery Argc, clperiaia-Rolierton apd' h3tc' Rede itobertori.spent Stihdtiy 44Rzp>, ley. w Mac. ;Fred Johnston and Miss Helen visited last week with relatives in Goderich, The -funeral of the late John Allen, who' died at 'his home 484 Talbot street, London, Ont:, took, place on Monday noon from the,,C.N.R. eta- tion to Burns church cemetery, and was largely attended. by many friends ansi relatives in the community, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Satiipson_and Miss Edith and Fred left on July 2nd dor a trip to the coast. Atpresent they are visiting friends in Regina.`, Brucefield. Mr, Hugh Cameron of -Clinton vis. ited friends in Brucefield on . Satur- day. - • M•r•. and Mads Wm. 'Wilson and little son, Jack,. and Miss Ida Wilson of Toronto are guests at the home of Mr. George Swan, C.N.R. agent here, ., Mrs. Wm. Scott visited her bro- ther, Mr, John Beattie of Seaforth; Monday. Mrs'. C. H, 11ani and Miss Mamie Swan were visitors at the home of Mrs. W. E. Wright of Seaforth this week, Mr, Andrew Beattie and family ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Tillson of London, motored up and were visitors at the home- of Mrs. Wm. Scott and other friends in the village Sunday. I =Il Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and daughter Pearl, of Toronto' are visiting at the home of Mr. John Grainger. STRAVVBERRIBS Order your berries -:early "this year and not -,be disappointed. Owing to . a shortage of some other small fruits the demand for strawberries for can- ning will greatly exceed the supply. I will have an excellent quality of fruit for sale this year and the prices will be right: I cali do with a number of good strawberry pickers. FRANK W. ANDREWS,- CLINTON. Phone 33-W. 60-tf 'WHEN IN NEED OF'PLUMBING, TINSMITHING OR GENERAL HARDWARE. I am installing•;:, a complete line of the celebrated Martin-Senour paints. Every can guaranteed. Will also carry oils of, all kinds. :.Give" us a call and let tis serve your needs, Prompt. Delivery, t Courteous Treatment' to ali. oi1aS. Pi Phone ,24 a hat About Your Yeralldah This summer weather it will pay you to live outdoors all you can, and we have the goods to utake'you comfortable while enjoying the verandah. Our stock consists of Sun -stop Awnings, Hammocks, Stretchers, Mattresses, -Verandah Chairs and Rockers, Hannno-Couches, etc. Reed Furniture of all kinds in fact everything you may want in furniture. , In Our Hardware Department We are also well prepared to supply seasonable requirements i*h. Hardware including: Preserving Kettles in Granite or Aluminum, A few Electric Plates; and Toasters at Bargains. Hay Fork Rope and Pulleys of the very .best. quality and all kinds of Harvest Tools. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES W1'ilf A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 CURRELL & SHIPLEY We have now opened our. Branch Store en Victoria Street and are prepared to give our patrons service and satisfaction. Delivery from both stores to alfparts of -the town -Order's sent with children and telephone orders are given special 'attention. - We have no old stock. Every article new and of the Best QuaIity..• We guarantee sixteen ounces to the pound. Our prices are worthy of 'investigatipn. THE 'C, .& S. GROCERS Main Store, phone 125 Brandh Store, phone 24Z $RANTON COAL( "' After several years of interrupted service our Old Litre oal cCom anies the D. L. & W, and D.'� H ar p ,e mot, shipping t in s a pp g u coal regularly, an coal y, d oaI of superior quality to anything that has been, 're- ceived in .Ontario for years. - f SUMMER PRICES are now on, and while it is warm these days.,let it remind you that when Summer comes Winter is sure • to foIiow., LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER t Place your order with the firm that has always made a special,. effort to supply what you *ant when you want it, whether Winter or Summer, inttch or little, Egg or Stove,, We can give you service on any of the following: Grate ' Coke, Egg . Pocahontas Stove 1Dontestlo L Chestnut Cannel'. Pea Coal , Saalthing' We also have on hand a: fresh, carload of CANADA CEM°.ETV ' - and a variety ofr choice WOOD At r.BRIJOEFIELD 4ARD we 11a/0 in, stock ,Chestnut, Stowe, Coke, Cement, Lumber' and Shingles, 1l1's1[ar at �e '�dorw.